Assassination Bureau - Permindex
Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas
on November 22, 1963, New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison
launched an investigation that led him to the doorsteps of an
obscure Montreal-based corporation called Permindex, headed by the
Bronfman family's attorney, Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. One of
the directors of Bloomfield's ostensibly small international trading
company, Col. Clay Shaw
of New Orleans, was Garrison's chief suspect in the Kennedy murder.
Shaw ran the World Trade Mart in New Orleans, a subsidiary of Permindex that was described by a former Shaw associate (1) as a
front for Mafia drug-running and organized crime activity centered
in the Caribbean. Shaw was the financial backer and controller of
Lee Harvey Oswald during his lengthy stays in New Orleans, Garrison
had established, and the District Attorney also had evidence that
Shaw had been the safe house channel out of the country (into Italy)
for several unidentified persons believed to have been the real
"triggers" in the Kennedy assassination. (2)
James Earl Ray, the "patsy" in the 1968 assassination of Martin
Luther King in Memphis, was also a frequent visitor to Shaw's New
Orleans' World Trade Mart during the month before King's murder. Ray
escaped via Canada to London where he was traced and captured a
month after King died. (3)
After more than a half dozen mysterious deaths of key witnesses
against Permindex and a national smear campaign against Garrison run
by Kennedy Justice Department troubleshooter Walter Sheridan, the
New Orleans investigation into Permindex was terminated, and the
entire affair quickly faded into obscurity.
After an estimated 30 to 40 aborted assassination attempts against
French President General Charles de Gaulle during the 1960s, the
French intelligence bureau, SDECE, exposed the same Permindex as the
financier and controller of the OAS (Secret Army Organization) death
squads. (4) SDECE gathered reams of evidence showing that Permindex
had been the recipient of funds laundered into Geneva and Basel
through Zionist "charitable organizations" and Israeli intelligence
fronts such as the Bank Hapoalim of Histadrut, the Israeli trade
union movement and Socialist International affiliate. These funds
had been channeled into the OAS as well as into the neo-Nazi
terrorist groups in West Germany and Italy.
De Gaulle issued vociferous personal protests to the Swiss and
Italian governments. As a result, Permindex was forced to shut
down its offices in those countries and move to a more friendly
location, Johannesburg, South Africa. (5) The Paris-based
Western European branch headquarters of Israel's foreign
intelligence service, the Mossad, was kicked out of France and
reestablished its operations in Belgium and the Netherlands.
In 1970, the prestigious Italian newsweekly Panorama published an
account of the mysterious death of Italian Oil Minister Enrico
Mattei in an October 1962 plane crash on his was to a historic
economic summit in Africa. (6) Mattel's plane was sabotaged during a
contrived unscheduled stopover at an obscure airport in Sicily.
Forty-eight hours before the crash, New Orleans
mobster and Permindex associate Carlos Marcello had been identified
by local police in Sicily as the mysterious American who showed up
at the airport while a four-man team was tampering with Mattel's
Marcello owned a private fleet of chartered jets called the
United Air Taxi Service, which shared its staff of pilots and
mechanics with Permindex. One such "shared employee," David Ferrie,
was also a pilot for Marcello and Clay Shaw. Ferrie was found
murdered days after he was
subpoenaed to testify before Garrison's grand jury on the Kennedy
killing. (7) Within months of the April 1978 kidnapping and murder
of former Italian President Aldo Moro, the Italian Carabinieri were
in hot pursuit of evidence firmly implicating Italian Jewish banker
George Mantello (aka George Mandel) in the affair. (8)
It was
believed that Mantello's Rome villa had been the first safehouse
where Moro was brought after his abduction by the Red Brigades.
Weapons found in a Carabinieri raid of Mantello's villa turned out
to match the weapon used to kill Moro as well as that used in the
1977 Baader-Meinhof gang kidnapping-murder of West German
industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer.
An agent of the Black Guelph
House of Savoy (the pretenders to the throne of Italy), Mantello is
a board member of a Permindex subsidiary, Centro Mondiale
Commerciale (CMC). Mantello's Swiss holding company, Capocetto, was
exposed by de Gaulle's SDECE as a conduit for Histadrut funds into
Permindex. (9)
Who runs Permindex?
Sixteen years have passed since Permindex conducted its first known
assassination deployment. Despite all the accumulated evidence, none
of the principals has been brought to justice; Permindex today is
one of the best kept secrets in the world. What is Permindex? Who
are the powerful forces protecting his nest of assassins from
prosecution for crimes of high treason against no fewer than three
sovereign states?
As we shall soon learn, Permindex is a top-secret
branch of one of the most
sophisticated and well-financed intelligence agencies in the
world and a convergence point for every filthy network that we
have met so far — from the British Far East banking and
shipping magnates who run the dope trade at the top to the
gutters where Mafiosi, neo-Nazis, and the Order of Zion function
as retailers for Dope, Incorporated.
The starting point to unravel the story behind this International
Assassination Bureau is the office of the chairman of its board.
The founder, president, and majority (50 percent) shareholder
in Permindex since its incorporation in Montreal in 1958-59 is
Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield.
Bloomfield is a man of many hats. He was a founding partner of the
prestigious Hofjuden law firm of Phillips, Vineberg, Bloomfield and
Goodman, the firm that represents and controls the Bronfman family
holdings. Bloomfield's name was formally removed from the firm's
letterhead in 1968 after the de Gaulle exposures of his Permindex
assassination bureau threatened to create an embarrassment. Such
cosmetic gestures, however, have little significance in the murky
world of Canadian politics where the most prestigious names all
appear on the board of directors of Dope, Incorporated.
Among his business holdings, Major Bloomfield controls the
Israeli Continental Corporation, the Canadian subsidiary of the
Dutch Heinekens Breweries, and Credit Suisse of Canada, a
correspondent bank to the Credit Suisse of Geneva that was
among the holding agencies exposed by SDECE for laundering
"hit money" to the OAS. (10) All these corporations are listed
among the investors in Permindex.
Like his law partner, Lazarus Phillips, and his clients, the Bronfmans, Major L. M. Bloomfield is an outstanding Zionist
philanthropist. Among his numerous honorary positions,
Bloomfield is the annual chairman of the Histadrut Campaign of
Canada, which collects "charitable contributions" and passes
them on to the Israeli labor movement. Curiously, these funds
have been discovered on several occasions to have found their
way back to Permindex after recycling through the Histadrut's
Bank Hapoalim. (11)
Bloomfield's charitable activities extend into his chairmanship of
the Canadian Red Cross ambulance service, a position traditionally
held by a top-ranking Knight in the Queen's official chivalric
order, the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. As an
operating arm of the Sovereign Order, the Red Cross ambulance
service has been a frequently called upon front for terrorism. (12)
Bloomfield's business interests extend into the field of
transoceanic shipping. A former head of the Israeli Maritime League
of Canada, Bloomfield has been the Consul-General in charge of the
Western Hemisphere of the Liberian government since World War II.
Liberia is notorious as both a tax shelter and smugglers'
port-of-call. With no shipping regulations to speak of, Liberia is
the flag of convenience under which the majority of ships bearing
bulk shipments of Far East narcotics are registered, and also serves
as one of the secondary ($7 billion in average daily transfers)
offshore banking centers through which British drug revenues are
The only other foreign-stationed Consul-General for
Liberia is Bloomfield-Permindex associate and Israeli Mossad
official (ret.) Tibor Rosenbaum, whom we shall meet shortly. Beneath
his various hats as banker, philanthropist, prominent attorney, and Permindex director, Bloomfield is first and foremost an agent of the
most secretive branch of Her Majesty's Intelligence service, the
Special Operations Executive (SOE). Bloomfield was recruited to the
SOE by its director, Sir
William Stephenson, in 1938. (13)
Stephenson, a Canadian-born protégé of
Round Table founder Lord Beaverbrook, appointed
Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and "agent handler" for the
newly created counterespionage and espionage branch of the
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five.
(14) Agents of Division Five, in turn, have been among the points of
the New Orleans grand jury investigation into the Kennedy
assassination. Guy Bannister, the head of the southeast regional
office of Division Five (located in New Orleans) at the time of the
Kennedy murder, died under mysterious circumstances shortly after
the events in Dallas. (15)
Bannister was the owner of a New Orleans
office building that housed a number of Division Five
fronts and groups under close D-5 surveillance. These included the
left-radical Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the violently
anti-Castro Free Cuba Committee. Lee Harvey Oswald was alternatively
a member of both these groups during various stages of his
"laundering." (16) According to one source, in 1962 Bannister was
also the personal conduit of at least one $100,000 payoff to the OAS
for an assassination attempt against de Gaulle. One of his agents
flew directly from New Orleans to Paris to deliver the funds. In
1966, that courier, who operated a Permindex front, the Caribbean
Anti-Communist League, died when he was thrown out of a sixth floor
window in a San Juan Puerto Rico, hotel. (17)
How did Louis M. Bloomfield, a Canadian citizen, manage to assume a
highly secretive top post within the Hoover FBI? And what's more,
how did he manage to retain that post for over 30 years — even after
his name had been raised in conjunction with assassinations against
officials of three governments? Stephenson, using the "special
relationship" that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had
cultivated with Franklin Roosevelt, arranged Bloomfield's commission
as an officer in the
U.S. Army (hence the rank of major) assigned to the Office of
Strategic Services, the wartime predecessor of the Central
Intelligence Agency. Bloomfield was only one of many Canadians
brought into the U.S. military under Stephenson's auspices. (18)
Stephenson was creating an SOE in-depth penetration into the
American services that could run clandestine operations under an
American cover. This became a particularly important feature of SOE
postwar activities in locations like Italy where Churchill's open
role in installing Mussolini in power had engendered a profound
hatred of the British.
Unfortunately, very little of the publicly accessible information
about the SOE is reliable. It is known that the SOE was created at
the personal initiative of Sir Winston Churchill as an expansion of
Section D (for "Destruction") of the British Secret Intelligence
Service, the branch responsible for "aggressive espionage and
sabotage" against enemies of the British Empire. (19) Evidently,
after World War II, the United States, in Churchill's eyes, fit the
definition of "enemy."
As the top secret action branch of British intelligence, the SOE
operated through "cutouts," especially commercial and philanthropic
fronts. Stephenson set up SOE headquarters in New York City's
Rockefeller Center under the name of an importing-exporting company
and established its communications and clandestine center at a
resort complex at Montego Bay, Jamaica. (20) Under Major Bloomfield,
Division Five's spies operated as a Christian missionary group,
sending its devotees to every corner of the United States and Latin
America. (21)
It should be noted that all the SOE's activities were conducted
under the protective umbrella of Her Majesty's Official Secrets Act.
Any British Commonwealth citizen releasing information about the SOE
without the advance permission of the monarchy is liable to
prosecution on charges of high treason, punishable by execution. No
wonder that the reliable sources of information on the SOE are
French, Italian, and West German intelligence agencies. A relevant
feature of the wartime Stephenson-Bloomfield team was its use of
Mafiosi as "intelligence agents" for the U.S. OSS and FBI Division
Charles "Lucky" Luciano is the
best-known case of a convicted
drug-runner, pimp, and suspected murderer who was "rehabilitated"
under OSS-SOE sponsorship. (22) Luciano was dispatched to Sicily
to reconstitute old networks that had been dispersed or expatriated
during the Mussolini period. Our point here is not to provide a
biography of Luciano, but to show that Permindex's Major Bloomfield
came into active collusion with Meyer Lansky's narcotics syndicate
by no later than the close of World War II—when he was more openly
under the official auspices of the British monarchy.
According to a
four-part series of articles published in October 1978 in the Soviet
youth magazine Ogonyok by Julian Semyonov,
the Bloomfield-Luciano collaboration was still operational in 1962
when Luciano was the case officer on the scene in Sicily for the
Mattei assassination. The decision to go with a plane crash was made
by Luciano only after the options of hiring an OAS team or an
American "leftist" controlled by a Texas oil company (invested in
Permindex) were determined to be too politically explosive. (23)
Based on this profile of the many-sided Major Bloomfield, the first
pieces of the Permindex puzzle fall into place. Far from being a
small international trading company, Permindex is revealed to be a
subsidiary branch of the most powerful, well financed, and
well-protected intelligence agency in the world — a subsidiary
branch responsible for carrying out the most important political
assassinations of the century. The next step in completing the
Permindex puzzle is untangling the complex web of holding companies,
dummy corporations, and offshore sealed bank accounts through which
the Permindex Assassination Bureau works.
The Bloomfield, Lansky,
Rosenbaum circuit
Sufficient evidence has surfaced in the public record to show
that Permindex is the courier channel through which the retail
revenues of Dope, Incorporated are shuttled from the regional
syndicates into designated secret bank accounts in Geneva,
Basel, Liechtenstein, and the Caribbean.
Even in its official records, Permindex cites among its
investors the regional crime czars of North America and the
Caribbean, the lieutenants of Meyer Lansky. (24)
From 1928,
when he inherited the bootleg booze and narcotics trade from the
deceased Arnold Rothstein, Lansky has been the undisputed
"chairman of the board" of organized crime and the pusher
behind the move into bigtime narcotics, offshore banking, and
the Caribbean casino circuit. Lansky's biographer, Hank
Messick, estimates that Lansky's personal fortune exceeds
$300,000,000. Messick describes the weekly ritual in which the
regional syndicate couriers converge on the Singapore Hotel in
Miami to deliver 60 percent of their take to the "financial
wizard." From there money travels the route of Dope,
Incorporated. Reports Messick:
The scope of Lansky's interests is illustrated by a trip his
international courier, John Pullman, made in 1965. His first
stop was Bogota, Colombia. The Eden Roc in Miami was his next
destination. In February he went to the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas,
where Lansky's old bootlegging chum from Boston, Hy Abrams, was
boss. In March he was conferring in Los Angeles with Mike Singer, an
ex-Teamster official who had helped put together the Bank of World
Commerce (a part of the Permindex infrastructure of offshore banks —
ed.) with Alvin Malnik.
Later in March he was in Honolulu, where the
syndicate was attempting to get control of Ewa Plantation and hoped,
eventually to legalize gambling. In April he was at the Peninsular
Hotel in Hong Kong, where the syndicate had casinos and obtained
much of its narcotics. Lebanon and its casinos were visited next. By
June, Pullman was back in Switzerland where he conferred with
Lansky in person. Together they visited the French Riviera to study
plans for the ultimate takeover of the casinos there. (25)
The money is placed in initial deposits in any one of a number of
Geneva, Basel, Liechtenstein, or Caribbean banks affiliated with
Major Bloomfield's little "trading company." Several of these banks,
like the Astaldo Vaduz of Miami, De Famaco Vaduz of Liechtenstein,
and De Famaco Astaldo Vaduz of Geneva, are post office box fronts.
These three, for example, are all listed as wholly owned
subsidiaries of Permindex. As noted above, Credit Suisse, one of the
more formidable laundering holes, maintains a Canadian subsidiary,
also run by Major Bloomfield. (26)
The Bank of World Commerce Ltd.
of Nassau, Grand Bahamas, was a personal creation of Lansky's. The
largest and most important banking entity in the Permindex-Lansky
family was the Banque de Credit Internationale (BCI) of Basel, which
was bankrupted in 1974 as part of a London upset of world financial
markets. (27) BCI was itself almost indistinguishable from the
infamous Investors Overseas Services (IOS), an international "mutual
fund" which garnered an excess of $2 billion in investment capital
on behalf of "unnamed subscribers." (28)
According to Messick, there
are strong indications that the majority of those unnamed
subscribers were named Meyer Lansky. IOS gained
international notoriety for its army of salesmen who crisscrossed
the globe carrying satchels of cash earmarked for sealed bank
accounts in every unregulated banking port in Western Europe,
Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle and Far East.
Any sleuth attempting to trace out the originating source for
the IOS funds would do well to dig out the October 8,1967, issue of
Life magazine, which detailed the following interesting
triangular business relationship. (29) Sylvain Ferdman, an
officer of BCI, was the business agent for the Investors Overseas
Service. U.S. law enforcement officials in turn identified
Ferdman as the chief bagman for the Lansky syndicate.
Ferdman, a Swiss citizen, and John Pullman, an American who
transferred his citizenship to Canada after a 1950s federal
conviction, carried money from the Caribbean to Lansky, and
then on to the BCI and Bloomfield's Credit Suisse. Pullman, in
addition to his global travels, was the president and director of
the Bank of World Commerce Ltd. of Nassau. So far the picture is
very neat. BCI-IOS was the Swiss side of a triangle composed of a
dirty money professional hit bureau, and Meyer Lansky's retail drug
business in North America and the Caribbean.
Major Bloomfield's
trading company in Montreal, with branch offices in Geneva and Rome
(through its subsidiary Centro Mondiale Commerciale), ran the
protection side of the courier operation and was on the receiving
end of those funds earmarked for terrorism and political
assassinations. (An assassination such as the John F. Kennedy hit or
any one of the 30 plus tries on the life of de Gaulle would cost
upwards of $10 million between the preparatory work, the hit, and
the cover-up, which have often involved further murders.)
remainder of the dirty money either went to the Far East to cover
production costs, to maintain the internal machinery of organized
crime, N.A., or to investment in "legitimate" business, and so
forth. The picture takes on additional political implications as we
probe further into the Banque de Credit Internationale. BCI was
originally established in 1959, at the same time Major Bloomfield
founded Permindex as an intelligence and financial front for the
Israeli Mossad. BCI's founder and president was Tibor Rosenbaum, a
associate of Bloomfield from at least the end of World War II when
both smuggled weapons, money, and mercenaries into the Haganah. (30)
Rosenbaum was subsequently appointed the first Director-General for
Finance and Supply of the Mossad (1948). An Austrian Jew who
graduated from the economics department of the University of Vienna
(31), Rosenbaum, in addition to his Mossad affiliation, was a
cofounder of the World Zionist Congress and a director of the Jewish
Agency. The Jewish Agency in turn created the Bank Hapoalim as the
official agent for the Israeli labor movement, Histadrut.
With the
exception of Major Bloomfield, Rosenbaum is the only foreign
representative of the African smugglers' paradise, Liberia. The BCI
was ostensibly founded as a vehicle for financing illegal Israeli
trade with Africa and the Third World; however, this half-truth
served merely to justify its location in the world capital of secret
banking, Switzerland, and its relationship to the
The picture emerges in full upon discovery of another member of the
BCI board of directors: Ernst Israel Japhet. Japhet brings us
straight back to the London banking circuit that runs Dope,
Incorporated. Who is Ernst Israel Japhet in addition to his
membership on the board of the bank that serviced Meyer Lansky's
retail revenues from narcotics, gambling, prostitution? Japhet is
the chairman of the Bank Leumi, the largest bank in Israel, which we
have already identified as a link in the diamonds-for-dope trade
into Hong Kong.
The latest heir of a German Hofjuden banking family
that traces its roots back centuries, Japhet was bought up by the
Quaker Barclays Bank of London, that created the wholly owned
subsidiary Charterhouse Japhet. The Japhet family's more recent
roots go back to Hong Kong's opium trade, into which the family
moved 150 years ago and never left (see Part II). The Japhet bank
was the granddaddy of the Palestine-to-Hong-Kong dope-for-diamonds
trade, now run by Bank Leumi under Mr. Japhet, now on behalf of his
100 percent owners in London at the staid offices of Barclays.
Joining Japhet on the board of Leumi is Baron Stormont
Bancroft, a member of the Hofjuden Samuel family, a former
Lord-in-Waiting to the Queen and a director and deputy chairman of
Cunard Lines, a shipping company heavily involved in the drug
traffic over Middle East, India, and Far East routes. (32)
Bank Leumi keeps its hand in the drug trade through its 100 percent
owned subsidiary, Union Bank, of which Ernst Israel Japhet is also
chairman. Union Bank deals over one-third of the world's diamonds.
Under Japhet, Bank Leumi bought into international terrorism in 1976
when it took over the American and Argentinian subsidiaries of the
Banque pour le Commerce Continentale following its bankruptcy. The
BBC's branch in Montevideo. Uruguay was the investment vehicle for
the Israeli-Argentinian financier David Graiver, who was the
financial advisor for the Argentine Montaneros. Graiver disappeared
under strange circumstances in 1976. It was publicly reported that
he died in a plane crash; however, subsequent reports speculated
that he had clandestinely moved to Israel. (33)
Bank Leumi was not the only Israeli bank to heavily invest in the
Banque de Credit Internationale. Even more heavily involved is the
Bank Hapoalim. As chairman of the Canadian
Histadrut Campaign, Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Permindex maintained direct cash flow relations to
Hapoalim. (34)
The Bank Hapoalim, the third largest bank in Israel, was
founded by the Jewish Agency, which runs the bank today. Its
founder and present board member, British High Commissioner Viscount
Erwin Herbert Samuel, belongs to the same Samuel family that retains
interests in Bank Leumi and Cunard Shipping Lines. Viscount Samuel
presides as head of the Israeli Red Cross, an official branch of the
Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (35)
Bank Hapoalim has been widely exposed in the Western European press
as a dirty-money channel into Swiss and Liechtenstein banks. (36)
The charge is corroborated by the presence of Bank Hapoalim director
Zwi Recheter on the board of Rosenbaum's BCI.
Another channel of Bank Hapoalim's complicity is the
Permindex family of dope traders and assassins is the Israeli
Continental Bank Ltd., a 50-50 joint venture between Bank Hapoalim
and its West German Socialist International counterpart, Bank fur
Gemeinwirtschaft. The German bank is chaired by Walter Hesselbach, a
member of the West German branch of the Jerusalem Foundation, the
Zionist branch of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (37)
back for a moment, what have we now pieced together? Within the
sealed accounts and well-guarded board room of the Banque de Credit
Internationale we have uncovered yet another point of convergence of
the three divisions of Dope, Incorporated: the
production-distribution wholesaling division represented by Bank
Leumi director Ernst Israel Japhet, the criminally syndicated retail
division represented by the Lansky bagmen Pullman and Ferdman, and
the murder division represented by the cash flow into Permindex.
have now established that Israeli banking and the Israeli Mossad are
cutouts — like their Hofjuden sponsors — of the British monarchy,
which runs the whole show through its merchant banks and its Knights
of St. John.
The Nazi connection
Having set all the pieces in their appropriate places, we have
sketched the outlines of both an operational flow chart for Dope,
Incorporated (See Figure 1) and a global network of professional
murderers, narcotics traffickers, secret intelligence officers, and
portly London bankers and aristocrats. Now let's return to the
original question: what is Permindex?
Working under SOE "case
officer-in-charge" Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, at the executive
offices of Permindex and its subsidiaries — the Centro Mondiale
Commerciale, the Italo-American Hotel Corporation and Capocetto — is
a rogue's gallery of Nazis and Fascists, underworld bosses, and
feudal throwbacks
the sort of cast one would expect to encounter at the seat of
International Murder, Inc. Begin with Prince Gutierez de Spadafora,
the former
Undersecretary of Agriculture for Benito Mussolini. Spadafora is a
director of Centro Mondiale Commerciale and the president of the
Sicilian Compagnia Amatrice Industriale Petrolifera Armatoviole, a
front for illegal arms smuggling. (38)

The prince's son married the
daughter of former Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht, the
architect of the Nazi economic policy that led to the extermination
of millions of Jews. Schacht's other son-in-law was Nazi SS Colonel
Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's Special Operations executive. After
receiving a slap on the wrist for his wartime crimes against
humanity, Skorzeny established the Spanish-based ADSAP Corporation,
which hired out former Nazi SS paramilitary and intelligence
specialists for projects arranged through Schacht. (39)
George Mantello (a.k.a. Mandel), the Romanian Jewish émigré whom we
already encountered as a chief suspect in the Aldo Moro
kidnapping-murder and who was under investigation by both the French
SDECE and Garrison, is at once a board member of CMC and the owner
of Permindex's Capocetto subsidiary. Capocetto was revealed by
several Italian journalists (40) to be the liaison between the B'nai
B'rith International and such terrorist gangs as the Red Brigades
and the Baader-Meinhof, as well as a string of neo-Nazi groups in
West Germany and Italy.
Implicated B'nai B'rith officials included
B'nai B'rith International Director Schlumberger, B'nai B'rith
Continental (the West European branch housed in Basel) chief Erlich,
B'nai B'rith France (also known as Ligue Internationale contre
l'Anti-Semitisme, or LICA) head Jean Pierre-Bloch, and B'nai B'rith
Austria director George Bloch.
Mantello is the financial advisor and investment banker for the
House of Savoy, the pretenders to the nonexistent throne of unified
Italy and the black nobility sponsors of Mussolini. (41)
The administrative officer of Permindex is Max Hagerman, the editor
of the West German right-wing newspaper NationalZeitung, Israeli
media have denounced National Zeitung as a "neo-Nazi" publication.
Ferenc Nagy was the President of Hungary during the Nazi occupation.
Nagy tendered his resignation as President in 1946
via an infamous telephone call placed from a bank lobby in Geneva. A
member of the Eastern European branch (founded by the Radziwill
family) of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Nagy relocated to the
United States during the 1950s. Here he became the titular head of a
number of White Russian-Eastern European groups which performed
covert services for Allen Dulles and Division Five of the FBI in
Eastern Europe, employing former members of the Hungarian fascist
movement, Arrow Cross. (42)
According to one source, Nagy came under
the close scrutiny of New Orleans District Attorney Garrison for
possible involvement in the John Kennedy assassination. (43) Nagy
was in Dallas for the four-week period leading up to November 22,
1963, as case officer for Permindex and Division Five. Along with
Nagy, Garrison was investigating the simultaneous surfacing of
George Mantello in Los Angeles. Garrison established that Nagy and
Mantello were both business and personal associates of Carlos
Marcello, the New Orleans lieutenant of Meyer Lansky who carried out
the assassination of Enrico Mattei.
Giuseppe Zigiotto, on the board
of CMC, is the head of the House of Savoy Italian neofascist
movement called the Fascist National Association for the Militia
Arms. Carlo D'Amelio, another Permindex-CMC board member, is an
agent for the Italian black nobility houses of Savoy and
Pallavicino. From the Mussolini period, d'Amelio was the attorney
representing the grouping of oligarchical families that imposed the
fascist dictator in collaboration with Sir Winston Churchill.
grouping was known as Circo Rex ("Royal Circle") and is believed to
exist today as the control point for the Red Brigades, the
neofascist cells, and the Autonomi (a mass-based anarchist
counterculture movement parallel to the youth movements out of which
Mussolini recruited his Black Shirts.) The Pallavicini family, in
addition to its sponsorship of terrorism and destabilization against
the Italian government, is deeply involved in the Lebanese fascist
movement, the Falange, through blood ties into the Coptic Christian
families of Lebanon.
On November 11, 1978, the Italian government's
antiterrorist director, General Delia Chiesa, delivered a
significant setback to
this oligarchical network by arresting Paolo Sebregondi on charges
of conspiring with the Red Brigades in the assassination of Aldo
Moro. Sebregondi is the son of Countess Viondi and grandson of
Princess Resta-Pallavicino, the former maid-inwaiting to the Queen
of Italy. Paolo's brother, Stefano Sebregondi, known to be presently
hiding in Mexico, is also being sought by Delia Chiesa in the same
The exposure of this long-concealed link between the
ostensibly gutter-level left radical Red Brigades and the Houses of
Savoy and Pallavicini — the employers of d'Amelio and George and
Enrico Mantello — establishes the chain of court admissible evidence
for the Permindex role in carrying out the murder of Aldo Moro at
the behest of the Black Nobility centered in London.
One of the principal channels of laundered money for Permindex-CMC's
assassination teams is in the Seligman Bank of Zurich, a bank
represented directly on the board of International Assassination
Bureau by Hans Seligman, the director of the bank.
Although not an officially cited board member of any of the
Permindex fronts, John De Menil bears special note as an
indispensable business partner of Major Bloomfield. DeMenil is the
president of the Schlumberger Corporation of Houston and southern
Florida. The firm was implicated by Jim Garrison along with
Permindex in smuggling guns and explosives to anti-Castro Cuban
exiles who also came under investigation for the Kennedy
assassination. DeMenil worked with a CIA Miamibased front called
"Double-Chek," which in turn was a contact point for Major
Bloomfield's FBI Division Five. (44)
DeMenil is a White Russian emigre who fled to France,
married into the wealthy Schlumberger family, and eventually
settled in Houston to open a U.S. branch of the family's heavy)
machinery firm. DeMenil was a close associate and contact man
for Permindex case officer Nagy during the preparation period
for the Kennedy assassination. (45)
One of DeMenil's closest associates is Col. Clay Shaw, a
member of the Permindex-CMC board. Shaw was Garrison's
chief suspect in the Kennedy killing and is the business partner of
Carlos Marcello. Shaw's circle of former associates who mysteriously died before they could testify before D.A. Garrison included:
David Ferrie, Shaw's former pilot and employee at the World Trade
Mart; Guy Bannister, the southeast regional chief of Major
Bloomfield's Division Five of the FBI; and George de Mohrenschildt,
a White Russian leader who allegedly committed suicide on the eve of
his scheduled appearance before the House Assassination Panel. The
day of his death he was interviewed by journalist Edward Jay
Epstein, a self-admitted ghost writer and stringer for former
Central Intelligence Agency counterintelligence director James Jesus
Angleton. (46)
No discussion of Permindex, Division Five, or Major L.M. Bloomfield
would be complete without a note on the controversial Mr. Angleton.
This is not the time to reach any verdict on Angleton's place in the
international hall of fame of assassins, dope pushers, and spies. We
merely note a fantastic coincidence of facts. As head of
counterintelligence for the CIA for nearly 30 years, Angleton was
the official in charge of all activities relating to terrorism,
assassinations, and international narcotics traffic.
As the head of
the Israeli Desk, he was also the liaison chief to the Mossad. Among
his other responsibilities at the CIA, Angleton ran the Vatican
desk, a position that placed him equally in touch with the House of
Savoy. This last connection would have been solidified way back in
the 1940s when Angleton was the OSS station chief for Italy, and
therefore the officer in charge of OSS special agent Charles "Lucky"
In short, Permindex's roster of directors and associates makes a
mockery of everything the Zionist Lobby professes to stand for. The
Montefiores, the de Hirschs, the Rothschilds, and their Bronfman
and Bloomfield retainers are at once the most zealous leaders of the
Zionist Lobby and the sponsors and controllers of a criminal network
that extends to self-professed Nazis. It is time to bring before the
courts the persons of Louis Bloomfield, Tibor Rosenbaum, the
directors of Bank Leumi, of Bank Hapoalim, of B'nai B'rith
International, of the Histradrut.
Among the long list of
indictments, one of the charges would be violation of the
Nuremberg statutes for crimes against humanity — for deploying
drug-runners and convicted Nazis for assassinations of world
shaking importance. Before the Zionist Lobby shouts "anti-Semitism," it must explain the composition and directorate of Permindex,
which exposes once and for all the real controllers of the Nazi
"Black" International.
Back to Contents
Unveiled: Resorts International Intertel
In September, 1974 less than four weeks after President Richard
Nixon was driven out of office, Evelyn de Rothschild, Walter
Hesselbach, and a handful of others conspired to bring down the
Banque de Credit Internationale (1). The collapse caused a momentary
panic on the international financial markets and more long-term
financial problems for such people as Nixon and Michele Sindona, the
Italian banker, whose poor judgment led them to place their money in
the hands of IOS. Did this financial catastrophe spell the end of
Permindex? After all, BCI had been one of the centerpieces of the
dirty money side of Major Bloomfield's assassination bureau.
Not only did the International Assassination Bureau survive the
September 1974 events, and the earlier shunting of Permindex to
South Africa. Pulling the plug on the BCI appears to have been a
loud diversionary maneuver to obscure the fact that quietly,
systematically, over a period of years, the Permindex capability was
upgraded, expanded, and relocated to a spot only miles off the coast
of the United States: Paradise Island in the Grand Bahamas. Here
stands the corporate headquarters of
Resorts International and its wholly owned subsidiary "security
division, International Intelligence ("Intertel").
Forget about the pictures of Resorts International in glossy travel
brochures or the advertisements in the Travel Section of the Sunday
New York Times. Scarcely concealed among the palm trees, the
swimming pools, and the all-night casinos and nightclubs is Major
Bloomfield's Royal Commission of High Executioners — and billions of
dollars in dope. Barely hidden behind the Resorts International
letterhead is the eminence grise of organized crime, Meyer Lansky.
Beginning no later than 1960, Lansky hatched a grand scheme to
create a "Hong Kong West" (2) in the Caribbean: an offshore center
that would bring together gambling, narcotics, dirty money, and
Murder Inc. under one unregulated and "highly respectable" roof.
First, Lansky picked the Grand Bahamas Island as the site for a
plush casino-resort. Operating through a Canadian "cutout," longtime
business associate Louis Chesler, Lansky negotiated a purchase of a
large tract of land on the island and oversaw the construction of a
grand hotel, the Lucayan Beach Hotel, which was completed and opened
for business before the end of 1963. (3) At the time the venture
began, casino gambling was illegal in the Grand Bahamas — except for
those hotels that received a Certificate of Exemption from the
Bahamian government.
The most powerful political figure on the
island, chief of the so-called "Bay Street Boys," was Sir Stafford
Sands. Several meetings between Sands and Chesler and $1,800,000 in
bribery later, Lansky received his Certificate of Exemption on March
27, 1963. On January 22,1964, the casino at Lucayan Beach was opened
under festive circumstances that Hank Messick described as follows:
The international jet set was on hand to give the event some class,
but Meyer Lansky's veterans were in complete control. Red Ritter was
general manager; Max Courtney was credit manager; Charley Brudner
was his assistant; Dino Cellini was supervisor, and so on. As a
matter of fact, Dino had operated a school in London to train the
dealers and stick men who came originally from Sicily by way of the
syndicate casino on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. (4)
Phase One of Lansky's "Operation Respectable" completed, the old
wizard proceeded with the next steps. First, he cleared the way for
a consortium of "legitimate" investors headed by the Miami-based
Mary Carter Paint Company to buy into Hog Island (renamed Paradise
Island by its owner Huntington Hartford, the multimillionaire
magnate of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company) and to
receive a Certificate of Exemption for the construction of a
hotel-gambling casino. Sir Stafford Sands, now in Lansky's hip
pocket, saw these measures through and simultaneously announced that
the Bahamian government was undertaking the construction of a bridge
connecting Grand Bahamas to Hog Island, to be completed by December
31,1967. (5)
What sort of weird entity was Mary Carter Paints and why had Meyer
Lansky gone out of his way to open all the doors on Bay Street to
To begin with the obvious, Mary Carter Paint Company was involved in
more than wall coverings. In 1958, it was effectively taken over by
merger with the Crosby-Miller Co. — a Florida company about which
little is known except that former New York Governor and two-time
Republican presidential candidate Thomas Dewey was one of its
biggest investors. (6) Dewey's "Mr. Clean" crime buster reputation,
dating back to his days as special prosecutor during the 1940s, was
a perfect cover for Lansky's move to Paradise Island.
Via the 1958 merger, the president of Mary Carter Paint Company was
James M. Crosby. Crosby's brother, Peter Crosby, was a convicted
stock swindler and a close business associate of Dino Cellini.
Cellini was the first lieutenant to Meyer Lansky and was known as
Florida's "connection" to Canadian heroin trafficker Guiseppi
Cotroni. So even with Gov. Thomas Dewey's Anglophile profile on the
label of every can of Mary Carter Paint, the product was severely
tarnished by big-time crime.
Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba in 1959 had been a bitter pill for
the Lansky syndicate to swallow; however, it taught the old wizard a
valuable lesson: don't take politics for granted. Before he socked
tens of millions of dollars into his Grand Bahamas dreamland, Lansky
would make absolutely certain that he was treading on solid
political ground.
So, in 1964, Lansky arranged a small scandal centered around
the sudden "revelation" that Lucayan Beach promoter Lou
Chesler had connections to organized crime boss Meyer Lansky!
Chesler left the island no doubt laughing all the way to the bank,
and Lansky became invisible.
Next, Lansky moved to overthrow the deeply entrenched and corrupted
Bay Street Boys (the "Batistas of the Bahamas") and impose a new
government committed to the public welfare of the Bahamian
population — as long as the welfare was provided by revenues from
lucrative gambling takes. Covertly, Lansky political operatives —
often men like Big Mike McLaney, who had been Lansky's bagman for
payoffs to Cuban dictator Batista — began to heavily bankroll the
Progressive Liberal Party representing the islands' black majority.
At the same time, Lansky began releasing blackmail dossiers on the
Bay Street Boys. First, James Crosby went to the Justice Department
to meet with Robert Peloquin of the Organized Crime Strike Force.
Crosby clinched a deal with Peloquin (representing Robert Kennedy's
"secret team"). Shortly thereafter Peloquin launched a full-scale
investigation into "corruption in the Grand Bahamas" — using the
evidence provided through Lansky. Another Lansky front man, Tex
McCrary, began leaking material to the press. McCrary's leaks
enabled the Wall Street Journal to win the 1966 Pulitzer Prize for a
lengthy series of articles exposing the connections between
organized crime and the ruling political elite of the island — the
Bay Streeters. (8)
Following the Crosby-Peloquin meeting, in 1965 the Internal Revenue
Service — in conjunction with the Organized Crime section of the
Justice Department — embarked on "Operation Tradewinds," ostensibly
an investigation into "hot money" operations in the Bahamas.
Heading the IRS side of the investigation was William Koler. Running
the effort from the Justice Department was Robert Peloquin,
working in close contact with Organized Crime and Racketeering
section head Henry Peterson and Criminal Division head William
By Christmas, 1966, growing scandals had presented the Bay Street
Boys with a fait accompli. They called for elections and, on January
10, 1967, were driven out of office by the Progressive Liberal
Party. Progressive chairman Lynden O. Pindling
became Premier, and he petitioned for the convening of a Royal
Commission of Inquiry to handle the organized crime penetration and
control over Bay Street. The commission was convened in February
1967 under the chairmanship of Sir Ranulph Bacon, former head of
Scotland Yard. Its investigation was based almost exclusively on the
Lansky dossiers, which were passed on to Sir Ranulph by the
Operation Tradewinds crew. (9)
By March 1967, all competitors with Mary Carter Paint Company had
withdrawn their bids on the Hog Island land in fear that they would
be exposed for their corrupt ties to Bay Street. Before the end of
the month, Sir Stafford Sands packed his bags and retired to a
castle in Spain.
Lansky, as the business agent for Dope, Incorporated, had completed
a most silent coup d'etat. In rapid succession, all the rats
surfaced to claim their just rewards.
Peloquin and Hundley "retired" from the Justice Department, opened
up a law firm, and within a month were retained to manage the legal
affairs of "Resorts International" — the new name adopted by Mary
Carter Paints in 1966 when it made the bid for Hog Island. Both men
became vice presidents of Paradise Enterprise, Inc., the Resorts
International subsidiary that owns the island.
By 1970, Resorts had
created a wholly owned subsidiary private security army, Intertel.
Its cofounders (who started off with a $2,000,000 commission from
Resorts) were Peloquin, who became president, and Hundley, who
became the secretary and the general counsel. Their initial recruits
were drawn principally from the Operation Tradewinds taskforce,
beginning with former IRS Intelligence Division head Koler. What
Permindex had previously done under a shroud of secrecy and multiple
layers of cover, Intertel was set up to do on a grand scale — before
the public eye under the cover of crime control!
Before we look at Intertel and its personnel, more closely, it is
important to set a few things straight about the investment
capital that went into the construction of Resorts International.
Resorts International was financed largely with a transfer of
funds from the Banque de Credit Internationale of Tibor Rosenbaum and Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, and the Investors
Overseas Service of Bernie Cornfeld and the Rothschild family.
An estimated $14 million in transferred monies traveling through
Meyer Lansky's World Trade Bank and the Fiduciary Trust Company of
Nassau, a wholly owned subsidiary of IOS, found their way into
Resorts during its half-dozen formative years. (10)
Furthermore, by the agreement that first cleared the way for the
granting of the property title, the construction rights, and the
vital Certificate of Exemption, 44 cents on every dollar of profit
taken in at the Paradise Island casino goes to the Lucayan Beach
Hotel and Casino Corporation — still largely owned by Meyer Lansky
through his Canadian business partner Lou Chesler.
From its investors' side then, Resorts International is indistinguishable from the previously Geneva and Basel-headquartered Permindex-BCI-IOS — a nexus that we have shown to
be founded on the revenues of Dope, Incorporated. Resorts International equals
big-time drug trafficking: cocaine and marijuana
from the Caribbean and South America, LSD and hashish produced in factories in the Bahamas, Costa Rica, etc., with venture
capital provided through IOS.
Resorts International's stationing
on Paradise Island created the "Silver Triangle" — a dope route
up through the Caribbean that the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration estimates to be the source of over $7 billion a year
alone in narcotics passed through the southernmost tip of
Perm index moves to Bay Street
As the guts of BCI moved to Paradise Island, so the Permindex murder
ring moved to Intertel. No longer was the Special Oper-ations
Executive to house its secret assassination teams in trading
companies, Christian missionary schools, and commercial executive
airline services. Murder, Inc. was to become part of the
respectable, Kennedy "liberal establishment," flaunting itself as a
private intelligence army for hire.
Of course, occasionally old methods of cover were demanded when
inquiring reporters, grand juries, or congressional committees
threatened to come a bit too close to the truth. Thus, when Intertel
was brought before the Senate Watergate Committee for possible
investigation, it was officially described as a
"commercial firm that specialized in the identification of type
writers." (11)
What is International Intelligence? A "Who's Who" listing of its
board and senior staff reads like a printout of British intelligence, the Mafia, and Mossad.
Intertel President Robert Peloquin was a troubleshooter on the
Kennedy Justice "secret team" under Walter Sheridan. A World War II
naval intelligence officer assigned to the Office of Naval
Intelligence, Peloquin was transferred to the National Security
Agency where he remained until moving to the criminal division of
the Justice Department. In 1966, Peloquin was sent to Buffalo to
head up the first official Organized Crime Strike Force in the
country. Peloquin's "no crime here" coverup of the Jacobs family
syndicate (see Section 5) was so well received that his boss, Henry
Peterson, was gratefully hired as general counsel for the Jacobs'
Sportsystems Corporation and let loose with a $1 million annual
budget. Hundley and Peloquin run Intertel; Peterson runs
Sportsystems; all three have been partners in the same law firm
since 1976.
Hundley, the secretary and general counsel for Intertel, spent the
1951-57 years in the Internal Security section of the Justice
Department. In that capacity, Hundley would have liaised with the
Division Five of the FBI headed by Permindex's Major Louis Mortimer
Bloomfield. From Internal Security, Hundley moved onto the Kennedy
Justice "secret team" and participated in the prosecution of
Teamster President James Hoffa.
Sir Ranulph Bacon, the former head of Scotland Yard who conducted
the Royal Commission inquiry that cleaned out the Bay Street Boys
for Lansky, cashed in his chips by moving on to the Intertel board.
John D. O'Connell is the executive vice-president of Intertel in
charge of its New York City operations. A 24-year veteran of the
FBI, O'Connell was the supervisor of all FBI intelligence activi
ties related to organized crime. Thomas J. McKeon, vice-president
and assistant general counsel, was a supervisor with Major
Bloomfield's FBI Division Five before he went to Detroit to head up
the Organized Crime Strike Force. David Belisle, a member of the
board, was the Deputy Director
for Security at the State Department and subsequently the head of
the Security section of the National Security Agency.
Edward M. Mullin, presently Intertel's director of intelligence
operations, was with Division Five of the FBI and later with the
CIA as an assistant deputy director in charge of clandestine services. Mullin's private security front in Washington, D.C., was in
famous as the base of operations for E. Howard Hunt during the
time of the Watergate break-in. Mullin is also directly tied into the
Miami Double-Chek outfit that is implicated in several Permindex-run assassinations, including the JFK killing.
Among the other board members and ranking staff of Intertel
are: a retired director of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; a
president of the Bronfman family's Royal Bank of Canada Trust
Company; a president of the Dreyfus Corporation, an investment
fund owned by the Hofjuden de Gunzberg family, into which the
Bronfmans are intermarried.
What do we have here? First we have Resorts International,
financed through the Geneva-Basel retail revenues of Dope, Inc.
The manager of Paradise Island for its first half decade of operation (1968-73) was Eddie Cellini, the brother of Dino Cellini and
another well-known lieutenant of Meyer Lansky. (When Cellini's
criminal record became a potential sore spot for Resorts, he was
discreetly shipped off to Miami where he now handles "charter
flights" between Florida and Paradise Island — flights that may
shuttle more than paying customers.) In 1972, Robert Vesco
came a hairsbreadth away from buying majority holdings in
Resorts International for $60 million — a transaction that was
heartily endorsed by the "super-sleuths" at Intertel. (12)
If Resorts International is a glossy front for Meyer Lansky's
retail end of the biggest business in the world then what does that
say for its wholly owned subsidiary, Intertel? Is it conceivable
that this collection of senior officials from the most prestigious
and sophisticated intelligence services of the United States,
Canada, and Britain could be oblivious to the fact that they are
"riding shotgun" for one of the biggest channels of narcotics and
hot money in the Western Hemisphere?
Intertel stands exposed as the successor to Major Bloomfield's
Permindex, drawing on the same SOE-Division Five capabilities,
the same "direct line" interface into the official intelligence
branches of half the countries in the world, the same allegiance to
the British oligarchy behind the $200 billion a year Dope, Inc.
While the motives may vary case by case, it is sufficient to say
that anyone on the inside of Intertel attempting to break from its
service and spill the beans would have about the same chance for
survival as a Royal Hong Kong police officer who decided to turn
down his weekly bribery envelope.
With the consolidation of Resorts International, we once again swing
full circle. From a Prohibition-era jumping-off point of syndicated
organized crime in the United States — fostered by the same British
families that had ordered the Shanghai massacre to safeguard the
rule of Dope, Inc. in China — we now find ourselves 50 years later
confronted by a criminal infrastructure lobbying for the
decriminalization of crime itself! The Kennedy Justice, Scotland
Yard, and RCMP boys at Intertel sell their services as "experts in
cleaning out undesirable criminal elements from your corporation."
Through this ruse they captured the Howard Hughes fortunes and
are at present taking over "security services" for all the big Las
Vegas casinos. (14) They moved into New Jersey and imposed gambling,
horse racing, and numbers as the three "growth industries"; they are
now posing New Jersey as the model to be followed by Florida,
Arizona, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.
After World War II, one of the economic warfare specialists in Sir
William Stephenson's SOE, a fellow named Ian Fleming, wrote a series
of coded novels describing the efforts at world conquest of a "third
force" — an ultramodern international crime syndicate housed in the
resort islands of the Caribbean. The weapons of "third force"
conquest were drugs, political assassinations, grand-scale
blackmail, and economic war against the nations of the world.
Resorts International-Intertel, Fleming's "third force" — the
British oligarchy's Dope, Inc. — put itself up for trade on the
stock markets of the world.
Back to Contents
The Jacobs Family's Emprise: Sports and Crime
On June 2, 1976, moments after a bomb exploded in his car and
inflicted fatal injuries, dying Arizona investigative reporter Don
Bolles whispered three words to the rescue team that pulled him from
the wreckage: "Mafia . . . Emprise . . . Adamson."
Bolles was on the verge of completing a seven-year investigation
of laundered drug traffic money in the state of Arizona, including
organized crime takeovers of dog tracks and horse racing—areas the
Buffalo-based Jacobs family began moving into in 1959. A Phoenix
resident, John Adamson, pleaded guilty to the murder in January
1977, naming a local real estate developer, Max Dunlop, as the man
who hired him to murder Bolles. Mysteriously, no investigation ever
took place of Emprise, the leading vehicle since 1916 of the Jacobs
family, which had been the primary target of Bolles's investigation
and the subject of his last words.
Emprise was one of the largest nonpublic, family-owned corporations
in the world, a conglomerate with control or partial control over
450 separate companies. Its stated annual profit is $350 million,
from holdings in North American and British
sports complexes, race tracks, and food consortia. It is probably
the biggest quasi-legitimate cover for organized crime's money
laundering in the United States. Were it a public company, it would
rank about 150 in the Fortune 500.
The Jacobs family's only concession to the numerous attempts by law
enforcement agencies to shut them down was to change Emprise's name
to Sportsystems in 1972.
The vast extent of the present Jacobs empire is approximated by
Sportsystems' 1977 declared holdings. The pattern that emerges
conforms to the requisites of an international laundering racket for
narcotics, prostitution, and gambling receipts.
Sportsystems Corporation maintains:
majority interest or
significant minority interests in over 20 horse racing tracks in the
United States and Canada
food concessions at over 40 horse racing tracks in the United
States and Canada plus another 15 in England. Those in Great Britain
are maintained in the name of Sportsystems' wholly owned subsidiary, Letheby and Christopher Ltd., chaired by a retired British Army
colonel, Livingstone Learmouth
over ten greyhound racing tracks in
the United States and Canada, including majority holdings in
nearly every track in the heavily drug-trafficked state of
24 concession contracts with major-league baseball teams in the
United States, including Chicago's Comiskey Park and Detroit's Tiger
ownership of the Boston Garden indoor professional sports complex
and the Boston Bruins professional ice hockey team; *ownership of
Professional Sports Publications, Inc., the largest U.S. publisher
of sports events programs
161 concessions at theaters and
bowling alleys in the United States
15 airport concessions, including
in-flight and ground-level concessions at Washington, D.C.
airports and Palm Springs, Florida
two jai alai stadiums (legal gambling facilities) in Florida;
*industrial food catering services at such locations as the Gulf of
Mexico oil drilling platforms
one Alaska-to-Seattle cargo
fleet comprised of six ships. This
route curiously parallels the prime entry point to the U.S. of
Chinese heroin.
Within this maze of operations, each characterized by a high volume
of cash turnover, the $350 million figure is a fraud, published
for tax purposes. Law enforcement sources estimate the annual
flow through of tainted cash in the range of several billions of
That is not conjecture. Emprise and its incarnation, Sport-systems,
left a broad trail of investigations, indictments, and convictions, occurring mainly during the years of Nixon's War on
Drugs—a trail that ended with the Bolles murder. In 1972, the family
firm was convicted of conspiracy to take over a gambling casino in
Las Vegas by illegal means.
That incident, among other things,
provoked the change of the Emprise name. Indicted along with the
Jacobs brothers were some of the best-known faces in the mug files
of the Justice Department's Organized Crime Strike Force. Among the
co-conspirators were top racketeers, drug traffickers, and the
entire leadership of the Detroit mob, including:
Anthony Zerilli, son of Joseph Zerilli,
Detroit's mob boss and an official of the Emprise subsidiary,
Hazel Park Racing Association
Michael B. Polizzi of Grosse Point,
Michigan, an owner of the Valley Die Cast Association,
identified as a Detroit mob lieu-tenant in police files
Anthony Giordano of the "St. Louis Banana Distributing Company,"
the kingpin of St. Louis drug traffic
Peter J. Bellanca, also a
director of the Emprise-owned Hazel Park Racing Association
Jacob Shapiro, a Detroit-Miami mobster, with interests in Las
Vegas' Silver Slipper casino.
Conviction in the same dock with known mobsters
did not deter the Jacobs family. Since 1972, they have continued to act as money-movers and bagmen for a whole list of
organized crime figures. Several large loans to crime syndicates
are on the record, including a $2 million 1972 loan to the Montreal
Expos—owned by their old sponsors and counterparts across the
Canadian border, the Bronfman family of Montreal. An earlier recipient was convicted murderer Raymond Patriarcha, the crime
boss of Rhode Island.
Louis Jacobs, one of the three brothers,
brought Patriarcha into a partnership in the Chicago Lion
Manufacturing Company, since renamed the Bally Manufacturing
company, the largest American producer of pinball and slot machines
and the source of supply for the mob's pinball distribution. Also on
the list of the Jacobs' "loan" recipients are a number of associates
of syndicate financier Meyer Lansky, including Morris Dalitz,
according to testimony introduced into the Congressional Record (1).
A Michigan grand jury is currently hearing a case implicating the
Jacobs' Sportsystems and the Jacobs brothers personally in an
attempt to tamper with Michigan state criminal records involving
members of the Zerilli mob and St. Louis crime figure Morris
Despite a record of criminal activity stretching back to the
1910s—and never interrupted—the Jacobs family remains one of the
open, "legitimate" fronts for Dope, Incorporated. Not only is the
Jacobs family protected, but, as we will document below, it retains
a group of veterans of the Kennedy Administration's Organized Crime
Strike Force as its legal department.
Emprise appeared in 1916, the year that the Bronfmans and the
Hudson's Bay Company began bootlegging through the "Pure Drug
Distribution Company," using the three Jacobs brothers as contacts
right across the border in Buffalo. The original Jacobs brothers,
Louis, Marvin, and Charles, used the old smugglers' cover of "food
concessions" for a chain of vaudeville theaters on the Canadian
border crossing points at Buffalo and Cleveland. (2) The modus
operandi is pretty much the one Mitchell Bronfman used during the
early 1970s for smuggling heroin into the United States. Once
established, the Jacobs machine became a leading distributor for
Bronfman liquor as the United States went dry.
Functionally, Emprise represented the "throttle" through which
shipments of liquor could be turned on or off to the American mob.
The Jacobs family, enduring a half-dozen criminal indictments
through the 1920s, controlled the supply and financing of illegal
booze for most of American organized crime.
Their dependents included the Purple Gang of Detroit, the gang
convicted with the Jacobs brothers in the 1972 Las Vegas incident;
the Morris Dalitz Cleveland-Las Vegas crime syndicate: and the
Crown-Lundheimer mob in Chicago, the Zionist controllers of the
colorful "cutout" Al Capone. (3) Not only are these ties still in
place; every man who tried to do something about them is either
dead, like reporter Don Bolles, or broken, like former Arizona
Congressman Sam Steiger.
The Steiger investigation
Beginning in 1970, five-term Arizona conservative Congressman Sam Steiger began an investigation into Emprise's activities in his home state. Working closely with Bolles, Steiger
prepared a series of reports for the House Select Committee on
Crime, of which he was a member. Steiger placed two damning
reports on Emprise in the Congressional Record in 1970 and
1972 (4).
He also widely publicized the finding of an Arizona State
Auditor General report charging Emprise with falsifying figures
to get a tax-break bill through the State Legislature. By 1972, in
conjunction with the Nixon Justice Department, he succeeded in
getting grand jury charges and federal court convictions against
Emprise and the six Detroit area mobsters already cited. On
May 24, 1972, pressure on Emprise had reached such a public
crescendo that even Sports Illustrated ran a lengthy expose titled
"Jacobs — Godfather of Sports"; the magazine was promptly
sued for $20 million and settled out of court.
At that point, Democratic Party politicians and prominent
figures in the Zionist Lobby went into action on Emprise's behalf.
Not coincidentally, the same forces that came forward for
Emprise were also preparing the Watergate scandal to bring
down President Richard Nixon. (5)
Democratic members of the House Select Panel on Crime
denounced the majority report prepared by Steiger exposing
Emprise's ties to organized crime. As admitted by Max and
Jeremy Jacobs in congressional testimony, Emprise hired New
York public relations man Hal Antin to defeat Steiger in his 1976
re-election bid. A Phoenix underworld figure, George H. Johnson, was
paid to wiretap and survey Steiger and manufacture scandals
against him. Arnold Weiss, a Buffalo attorney on the Emprise
payroll, was sent to meet with Steiger and deliver a series of
ultimatums. Weiss reportedly threatened to ruin Steiger by planting
rumors that his marriage had broken up after his wife caught him in
illicit relations with their three-year-old daughter. Such rumors,
in fact, did appear in various Arizona media. (6)
In 1972, Senator Robert Dole, a Kansas Republican, publicly
protested the House Select Panel's decision to terminate the
hearings on Emprise. Dole revealed that the decision had followed a
private meeting between Jeremy Jacobs and Democratic National
Committee Chairman Larry O'Brien. O'Brien subsequently left his
Democratic Party post and assumed a lucrative job as president of
the National Basketball Association—an organization with heavy
representation by the Jacobs family.
As the Watergate campaign broke down Nixon's resistance and
dismantled the core of his efforts to suppress organized crime, the
attack against Emprise faded. By June 1976, Don Bolles was dead. On
November 3, 1976, in an election heavily shaped by nationwide vote
fraud (7), Rep. Steiger lost his bid for a sixth term in Congress.
By this time a broken man fearing for his life, Steiger met with
Jeremy Jacobs to "apologize" for his accusations against Emprise.
At this time Emprise-Sportsystems had three pending civil suits
against Steiger. In a last act of humiliation, Steiger wrote to
Attorney General Edward Levi as a spokesman for Emprise on behalf of
a presidential pardon for the 1972 federal racketeering conviction.
Incoming Attorney General Griffin Bell turned down the request as
"not deserving." (8)
Jacobs and Royal Crown
The second generation of Jacobs brothers, Max, Jeremy, and Lawrence,
underwent the same "washing" into respectable society as their old
Prohibition business partners, the Bronfmans. Ironically, the Jacobs
brothers used their longstanding association with the Bronfmans, since married into the upper
reaches of the European Hofjuden, to lend them an air of respect
ability somewhat above that of the outright thugs with whom they
still do most of their business.
For example, a third-generation
Jacobs, Jeremy, took his "higher education" not at a university, but
at the Toronto Jockey Club, after his 1960 high school graduation.
The Bronfman-run Toronto Jockey Club, like its counterpart in Hong
Kong, is not only one of Canada's best protected dirty
money-gathering outfits, but a place where Hofjuden and gangsters
can amiably mix in safety. Regular denizens of the Toronto Club
include Viscount Hardinge and Canadian organized-crime figure Murray
Koffler's role as a retail outlet for Bronfman dope-running
came into the public domain in 1976, when an associate's chain of
retail drug stores was indicted for maintaining an amphetamine
factory and a national army of pill-pushers. That distinction did
not prevent Koffler from attending the wedding of Britain's Princess
Anne, or from maintaining his close friendship with Anne's husband.
Captain Mark Phillips. (9)
So far the Jacobs have been barred from marriage into the
leading Hofjuden circles. However, the Jacobs have been
awarded a respectable role in the train of the British monarchy,
in a service capacity. The "crown jewel" of the Jacobs' operations is the British firm, Letheby and Christopher Ltd.—the
caterers, by Her Majesty's appointment, to "all events with a
royal presence." (10) Their concessions through Letheby and
Christopher include the Tate Gallery, the Ascot Races, and other
gathering places of the Royal Family and the British aristocracy.
L & C, as it is affectionately known in Britain, was awarded the
management of Ascot through the Bank of Norfolk, whose
trustees include the Marquis of Abergavemy and Lord
Tyron—the Keeper of the Queen's Privy Purse, third in aristocratic rank to the Keeper of the Queen's Horse, and the Keeper of
the Queen's Bedchamber.
Apart from its royal honors, the Jacobs subsidiary manages 12
other racetracks in Great Britain including the national track at
Liverpool, the site of the Grand National, and Wembly Stadium,
Britain's equivalent of Madison Square Garden.
More than their retailing services for British dope-peddlers,
however, accounts for the Jacobs family's honored position at the
British court. They have conducted crucial—and dangerous—political
errands for the British oligarchy over a period of years. One such
mission involved the successful sabotage of Richard Nixon's 1972
plan for detente with the Soviet Union. Their instrument for the act
of sabotage—the man whose presidential campaign they funded
lavishly—was Senator Scoop Jackson.
"Scoopsie," Max Jacobs once said, "is the best friend Israel has in
the Congress." Max and brother Jeremy were funders of their
torpedo's run for the White House. (11)
Jackson authored the "Jackson-Vanik" Amendment to destroy the
effectiveness of Nixon's 1972 treaty for expanded trade and
scientific cooperation, which rested, among other things, on
American credits for Siberian development. Jackson's operation
prevented the United States from extending any credits to the Soviet
Union until the Soviets "liberalized" their Jewish emigration
policy. (Under the Nixon Administration, such emigration had already
increased fourfold.)
The Jacobs brothers had hamstrung a treaty the British Crown viewed
as a mortal enemy, one the Rothschild-owned London Economist
denounced as a "waltz of the elephants." Jackson has continued to
work as a pawn of the Jacobs crime family, advocating, among other
projects, a military alliance with and weapons sales to China,
Britain's partner in world dope traffic.
In the Jacobs group, America has its homegrown version of the
Green Gangs, the fifth column Britain used to destroy China.
Working for the HongShang
From available evidence, the British oligarchy rates the Jacobs
group's political usefulness as an intermediary for control over
organized crime sufficiently important to make major efforts to
rebuild the Jacobs' tarnished image. The prize that motivates
Britain in this regard is the Buffalo-based Marine
Midland Bank, which the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank now wants to buy
From the American side the most important "inside agents" pushing
the HongShang takeover are Leonard Rochwarger and Paul Schoelkopf,
since 1973 the closest business associates of Max and Jermy Jacobs.
(12) Rochwarger is president of Firstmark Corporation, a heavy
equipment leasing company and the American leg of an international
conglomerate controlled by Britain's most important Hofjuden, the
Rothschilds and Sebag-Montefiores.
Rochwarger was brought into the deal at a Paris meeting in 1971 with
Edmond de Rothschild and Robin Sebag-Montefiore, who represented,
respectively, the Isrop S.A. of Luxembourg and the Gilsyd
Corporation of Liechtenstein. Under an intricate merger arrangement,
Rochwarger emerged from the meeting as president of a new
international subsidiary of the Rothschild and Montefiore companies,
Israel-American Leasing of Tel Aviv, now the largest firm of its
type in Israel.
Rochwarger is an old associate of Max Jacobs; both sit on the
board of the Joint Distribution Committee, the funding center for
American Zionist organizations. In addition, Rochwarger is the
director of the National Jewish Centers and Youth Programs
both in the United States and Canada, a regional board member
of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and fundraising
chairman of the United Jewish Appeal.
Paul Schoelkopf, another Buffalo-based Zionist, is leading the
local campaign in support of HongShang's bid for Marine
Midland. Schoelkopf is chairman of Buffalo's Niagara Share
Corporation, an investment company that pools the resources of
wealthy local investors for large investments. Among Niagara's
holdings is 246,000 shares in HongShang stock. Its other holdings
include investments in the Swire family's Pacific A Corporation,
and 400,000 shares in two Hong Kong holding companies, Cheung
Kong Holdings Ltd., and the trading company Hutchinson
Whampoa, also linked to HongShang.
Another Schoelkopf investment vehicle is the $250 million per
year food wholesaling-retailing group, Niagara Frontier
Services, whose chairman is Armand Castellani, a member of
Marine Midland's board of directors. A merger is currently in
process between Niagara Frontier Services and Sportsystems, which
would double the stated "legitimate" revenue base of the Jacobs
family empire.
If HongShang receives the Marine Midland Bank from the hands of Max
Jacobs, the link between the retail cash laundering facilities of
the American mob and the wholesale financing of the international
dope traffic will be complete. As noted in Part II, Section 1, it
will also complete the British oligarchy's takeover of the last
remaining offshore center not wholly in its possession, Panama.
Jacobs joins Intertel
In the aftermath of Congressman Steiger's investigation,
Sportsystems underwent a corporate personnel reorganization. The
result was that Sportsystems established an interface with the
center of the crime syndicates and the reincarnated Assassination
Bureau—Resorts International and its subsidiary, Intertel.
The entire executive team and legal staff brought into Sport
systems in 1975 was made up exclusively of veterans of the Kennedy
Justice Department—the same Kennedy Justice Department that sent the
man who is now president of Intertel, Robert Peloquin, to Buffalo,
to "investigate" the Emprise crime syndicate!
In early 1975, Donald Carmichael, a Kennedy Democrat who had served
as a delegate both at the 1964 and 1968 Democratic conventions, as
well as on the President's War on Poverty panel, became the
president of Sportsystems. Carmichael ushered in a dozen Kennedy
Justice Department hands over the next two years.
In 1976, Max and Jeremy Jacobs' close friend and "business
associate" Max Fisher released the general counsel of his own
corporation, United Brands (formerly United Fruit), so that he
could accept Jacobs' offer of the post of general counsel to Sport
systems. Before his employment at United Brands, Stanley Mills
had been a Justice Department aide to Attorney General Robert
Kennedy. (13)
In 1977, when the Bolles murder temporarily threatened to
bring Emprise-Sportsystems under criminal investigation, Horace S.
Webb joined the firm as public relations director. Webb, who
assisted the Watergating of Richard Nixon on behalf of the Kennedy
machine, had previously been Deputy Public Information Director for
the Justice Department and later press secretary for Attorney
General Elliot Richardson.
By the time the facelift of Sportsystems was finished, four other
Kennedy Administration officials—each a member of Robert Kennedy's
"secret team"—were brought into the firm's legal division.
Half the Kennedy "old boys" had moved into Resorts International and
Intertel; the other half went over to the Jacobs group, for the same
type of assignment.
Heading the "Intertel Team" at Sportsystems is Henry Peterson, the
former chief of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Division of the
Kennedy Justice Department. At Camelot, Peterson was the superior of
Robert Peloquin, now president of Intertel.
Peterson's entire staff from the old Robert Kennedy days came with
him. At Sportsystems, his chief aides are William Bittman, Daniel
Hollman, and Thomas Kennedy. Kennedy worked for Peterson in the
Organized Crime Division of the Department of Justice. Their big
assignment in the old days came when Peterson sent them to New York
State—to investigate the mob connections of Emprise!
"Bagman" Max Fisher
Max Fisher, today the chairman of United Brands, is the acknowledged
"kingmaker" in the Michigan Republican Party, and a political power
nationally. As president of the United Jewish Appeal, president of
the Jewish Welfare Fund, and honorary chairman of the American
Jewish Committee, Fisher holds rank next to his close friends Max
and Jeremy Jacobs and the Bronfman brothers as one of the leading
lights of the Zionist Lobby in North America. Fisher is also Henry
Kissinger's contact man in the Michigan-Ohio area, and until
recently was national fundraising chairman for the Republican Party.
Those are impressive credentials for a man who got his start as
"bagman" for Prohibition's "Purple Gang." Max's job was to run
advance payments for Bronfman liquor across the Canadian border and
secure advance deliveries of Bronfman "rotgut" to the speakeasies
that dotted Michigan's auto towns. Today, Max's headquarters, the
Fisher Building, is owned by the Bronfmans.
Today Midwest law enforcement officials name Max Fisher as the prime
candidate for arrest and conviction as the kingpin of the vast
narcotics trade in the Midwest—including the tons of drugs that pour
into the auto belt. Yet no indictments have been forthcoming.
Freuhauf Trucking Company, based in both Canada and the United
States, provides one channel for large-scale drug smuggling, these
officials report.
Max Fisher is a Freuhauf board member and large
shareholder. Knowledge of Fisher's drug connection even includes the
various parking lot "truck stops" — adjacent to Fisher's Detroit
suburban headquarters — that are believed to serve as
transshipment points for heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Fisher's
privately owned Marathon Oil Company, barging crude oil into the
Midwest from ports of call in South America, is also suspected of
joining Fisher's United Brands in running the "Silver Triangle" drug
Since its founding by the New Orleans Macheca mob and
Montefiore-sponsored Jewish immigrant Zemurray, United Fruit-United
Brands has dominated both licit and illicit trade in the Central and
Latin American countries that produce cocaine and marijuana for the
American market. In those same countries, the Israeli financial
and intelligence networks identified earlier with the narcotics
traffic have become the principal supplier of weapons. In Central
America and in Chile, Israel has replaced the U.S. as the leading
arms merchant for United Brands' "banana republic" governments. (14)
That none of the evidence has brought action against Fisher raises
some interesting questions about who controls Michigan politics.
Fisher, as noted, is not only the powerbroker for the Republican
Party, but along with the Socialist International affiliate, the
United Auto Workers (UAW), is on top of the ghetto and in-plant
crime machine and Maoist-environmentalist gangs that push drugs and
terrorism. This was the conclusion drawn
from an investigation involving federal law enforcement officials
after a July 1978 attempted assassination of U.S. Labor Party
Chairman Lyndon LaRouche in Detroit.
The "political cover" under which drugs and terror find their way
into the floors of the auto plants is the Communist Labor Party of
Michigan. This avowedly Maoist grouplet is an outgrowth of the
nest of agents provocateurs who incited the late 1960s riots that
left large sections of Detroit's working class districts in ruins.
After the riots, Max Fisher and then-UAW President Leonard Woodcock
(now U.S. Emissary to the People's Republic of China) stepped in to
found the New Detroit Corporation as the "reforming" de facto
ruling body over the region. New Detroit outflanked the constituency
political machine in the city administration and police department,
removing the chief impediment to the "liberal" proliferation of
drugs, vote fraud, and fingertip-controlled political violence. The
Communist Labor Party of Michigan provides the footsoldiers for all
According to records on file with Detroit City Clerk, the Communist
Labor Party is financed by Max Fisher's Zionist Lobby. Among the
campaign contributors to its 1976 and 1978 "electoral campaigns" are
Avern Cohen, Fisher's personal attorney and his political
lieutenant, and Richard Lobenthal, the head of the Michigan
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.
The Communist Labor Party
also gets money from a group called the Anti-Nazi Coalition, in
which it joins the B'nai B'rith, and a Zionist umbrella group called
the Jewish Community Council. The latter is financed by numerous
Zionist philanthropies including the Jewish Welfare Fund, and by
thousands of dollars in UAW membership dues. (15)
The Anti-Nazi
Coalition services a string of storefronts, bookstores, and other
commercial enterprises that dish out dope to the auto plants and
Dope, Inc. goes "legit"
The Jacobs family, Max Fisher, the Bronfman brothers: these figures
stand behind organized crime, the drug traffic, and the systematic
corruption of the political process in nearly every
precinct of the United States. A precise estimate cannot be given of
the percentage of the $200 billion of narcotics revenues diverted
into political corruption and disruption.
But the nearly $1 billion
the Jacobs family put up to oust Congressman Sam Steiger, the
Bronfmans' multimillion dollar expenditure for political and
economic warfare against the U.S. Labor Party, and the $1 million
"war chest" that Resorts International assembled to put across
legalized casino gambling in New Jersey by legislative fiat,
provide sufficient warning that the sums spent on illegitimate
political activities exceed those spent under the Federal Election
Corruption of politicians is more flagrant, more public, than
street corner soliciting by prostitutes. Take the case of St. Louis
Representative William Clay, now treasurer of the Black Caucus in
Congress. Clay was selected for his job by Morris Shenker, the owner
of the Dunes and Sands casinos in Las Vegas and the attorney for
Anthony Giordano in the 1972 federal case against Emprise. (16)
Clay's Black Caucus colleague Parren Mitchell of Baltimore, who has
emerged as a leading spokesman for drug decriminalization, is
The roster of Britain's Green Gang thugs in the United States,
stretching down to every populated center, is too extensive to bear
further detail. The Jacobs, Bronfmans, Fishers have the same modus
operandi: understand it, and nothing about organized crime
elsewhere will be difficult to understand. Once this operation is
cracked, drug traffic and corruption in cities across the country
can be broken, assembly-line fashion.
Britain's agents of corruption are now beginning the final phase of
opium warfare against the United States, as the dope runners and
money-launderers press for legalization of gambling and drug
addiction. Under the transparent lie that legalization means the
destruction of organized crime—rather than its en-thronement in the
state capital—gambling has opened up in New Jersey, under the aegis
of Meyer Lansky's Resorts International and Intertel. Dope,
Incorporated is preparing, in effect, to take its "rightful place"
at the top of the Fortune 500.
The American Green Gangs are
preparing the final "Shanghai Massacre" of the American people.
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