July 09, 2008
I've been sitting on this interview for a while,
but after viewing the latest BBC piece on WTC7, I feel the time has come to
release it in its entirety.
After locating Barry Jennings in mid 2007, Jason and I visited him and he graciously
granted us an interview during a lunch break. He had agreed to grant us an
interview under the conditions that we, at no time, associate his interview
with his place of employment.
Jason and I were so thrilled with the content interview that we decided to
release a few bits and pieces of it on both our show and Alex's.
A few months later, as the film was nearing completion, I called Barry again
to touch base and see how things were going. It took him a bit to remember
who I was, but as soon as he did, he began complaining about phone calls to
his place of employment and that he was in danger of losing his job.
requested to have his interview pulled from
Loose Change, and I honored his
Fast forward to February, 2008, where I'm doing an interview with the BBC,
and I'm informed by their crew that Barry told them the reason he asked for
it to be pulled was because of the article on Prisonplanet claiming he was
stepping over dead bodies, which he denies saying.
I call Barry to attempt
to rectify the situation, and he is adamant that he did not use the phrase
"we were stepping over people".
Fast forward one more time to two days ago, when the BBC piece finally
aired. I now feel an obligation to release his interview, in its entirety,
into the public where it belongs for three reasons:
To see the difference between the
interview he gave us, and the interview he gave the BBC
To establish Barry's timeline in his own
To preserve his testimony, in his own
words, for the historical record
I have remained true to my word and kept his
interview out of the film, however, I can no longer keep it from the
public. They deserve to hear Barry's story, out of his own mouth.
As I say in the end of the video, I would appreciate it if Barry could enjoy
his privacy and live his life in peace. My intention with releasing this is
so his story can be told, not to cause him any further grief or suffering.
Note: read too "September
16, 2008 - Barry Jennings, Key Witness to WTC7 Explosions, Dead at 53