Return to The Bushes and The New
World Order

InfoWars Website
October 25, 2004
They’re both members of the Skull and Bones and, as
shown in their family tree, they’re cousins
below report). Now
Ancestry.com reveals that Bush and
Kerry are not only related to
Prince Charles, but to their common ancestor, Vlad the Impaler, the
real Count Dracula.
All family trees take surprising twists and turns. But for sheer
irony, nothing can match the paradox linking Dracula to Bush and
Kerry. As illustrated above, the common link is the Royal House of
Windsor – an ancient line that descends from princes and spawned
generations of American elite.

from London Telegraph
Revelations that leading candidates for the US presidency were
"Skull and Bones" members have provoked claims of elitism.
Laurence reports from New York
The "tomb" stands dark and hulking at the heart of the Yale
University campus, almost windowless, and shuttered and padlocked in
the thick snow of winter storms.

Yale’s candidates for the White House pictured in their student days
and the ’Skull and Bones’ mascot
Built to mimic a Greco-Egyptian temple, it is the headquarters of
Order of the Skull and Bones, America’s most elite and elusive
secret society - and it has become the unlikely focus of this year’s
presidential election. It turns out that four leading contestants
for the White House in November’s election were 1960s undergraduates
at Yale: President Bush and Democratic rivals Governor Howard Dean, Sen John Kerry
and Sen Joseph Lieberman.
What is more, two are "Bonesmen". Both
Sen Kerry, now the Democrat
front runner, and President Bush belong to the 172-year-old society,
which aims to get its members into positions of power. This
presidential election seems destined to become the first in history
to pit one Skull and Bones member against another.
The phenomenon of the "Yalies", as Yale alumni are known, has
provoked an intense debate over apparent elitism among Americans
amazed that - in a democracy of almost 300 million people - the
battle for power should be waged among candidates drawn from the
4,000 who graduated from Yale in four different years of the 1960s.
"To today’s Yale undergraduates it seems quite extraordinary," said
Jacob Leibenluft, a student and a reporter on the Yale Daily News,
the campus newspaper. "For some it’s a source of pride, to others
it’s a source of shame."
In fact Yale, with annual tuition fees of $28,400 (£16,000), has
long sent graduates to the top of all professions from the campus in
New Haven, Connecticut, where it was founded in 1731.
Skull and Bones is the most exclusive organization on campus.
Members have ranged from President William Taft to Henry Luce, the
founder of the Time-Life magazine empire, and from Averill Harriman,
the businessman and diplomat, to the first President George Bush.
Alexandra Robbins, a Yale graduate and author of a book on the
and Bones, Secrets of the Tomb, said:
"It is staggering that so many
of the candidates are from Yale, and even more so that we are
looking at a presidential face-off between two members of the Skull
and Bones. It is a tiny club with only 800 living members and 15 new
members a year.
"But there has always been a sentiment at
Yale to push students into
public service, an ethos of the elite making their way through the
corridors of power - and the sole purpose of the Bones is power."
The four candidates’ time at Yale spans the period from 1960, when
Sen Lieberman began his studies, through Sen Kerry’s arrival in 1962
and Mr Bush’s two years later, to 1971, when Mr Dean graduated - a
period that swung through the bright hopes of the Kennedy presidency
to tumult and bitterness over Vietnam.
Mr Lieberman and
Mr Kerry served on the same committee to oppose
resistance to the Vietnam war draft, but otherwise the four appear
not to have known each other at the time. They all studied history
and political science, however, and had some of the same professors
and academic mentors.
Robert Dahl, the then head of the political science department,
"Many of us had the sense we were preparing future leaders,
but I don’t think any of us had any idea we were teaching so many
presidential candidates."
While at Yale all four showed hints of the varying character traits
that would eventually propel them, on different paths, towards the
top of American politics.
Mr Lieberman, the grandson of immigrants, arrived from a state
school, probably a beneficiary of an unofficial 10 per cent quota of
places for Jews that Yale then operated. Politically ambitious, he
chaired the Yale Daily News, the most sought-after student position
on campus.
Sen Kerry is remembered as "running for president since freshman
year". One of his contemporaries said:
"He was obsessed by politics
to the exclusion of all else. At that age, it’s a bit creepy."
dated Janet Auchincloss, the half-sister of Jackie Kennedy, the
First Lady, won the presidency of the Yale Political Union, and was
initiated into the Skull and Bones before joining the United States
Navy for service in Vietnam.
In laid-back contrast, Mr Bush
achieved only a "C" grade
academically and took little interest in politics. He joined a
"sports jock" fraternity and followed his father into the
Skull and
By the time Mr Dean arrived in 1967,
Yale was admitting women and
setting more store by applicants’ academic merit than their social
background. The future Vermont governor showed a disdain for Yale
politics and resigned from a fraternity order in a dispute over a
coffee bar.
Whether the four men’s Yale backgrounds is a plus with voters is
uncertain. Mr Dean seems embarrassed, once saying he studied "in New
Haven, Connecticut" to avoid mentioning Yale by name. Mr Bush makes
light of his student years, apparently revelling in his reputation
for socializing, not studying.
The Skull and Bones connection is more troublesome.
Mr Kerry laughed
nervously when questioned about his and Mr Bush’s membership on
"You both were members of the
Skull and Bones; what does
that tell us?" he was asked. "Yup. Not much," he replied.
Not surprisingly, the club’s rituals fascinate many Americans.
Robbins’s book describes a social club with arcane rules, a hoard of
relics ranging from Hitler’s silver collection to the skull of the
Indian chief Geronimo - plus a resident prostitute.
She says initiation rites include a mud-wrestling bout, receiving a
beating and the recitation by a new member of his sexual history -
delivered while he lies naked in a coffin. Elevation of a Bonesman
creates opportunities for his fellows, and Robbins says that
President Bush has appointed 10 members to his administration,
including the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
She recently surveyed 100 of the estimated 800 living
Bonesmen on
their preferred election winner - Sen Kerry or President Bush.
Perhaps not surprisingly, given that both are pledged to advance the
interests of fellow Bonesmen,
"They answered that they didn’t care.
Whichever way it went, it was a win-win for them."

by Jim Moore
EtherZone Website
If skull and bones were no more than the remains of a human body, or
the scare heavy in a Halloween movie, there would be little reason
to give it further thought. But it is much more than that.
Order of the Skull and Bones is far from the fratty,
fun-and-games milieu that uninformed people think it is. The fact
is, Skull and Bones may be the world’s most bizarre, and exclusive,
secret society.
Therefore, if both the President of the United States and the top
Democratic contender for the job are devoted members of this Order,
and they are, the American public ought to know more about it before
November rolls around. Not that we can do much more than dissect it
at this time. Nevertheless, the dedicated mission of Skull and
Bones, though not obvious, should be at least somewhat understood
before we elect a member of this mysterious enclave to lead our
nation any further.
Before we proceed, it should be stated that the history, background,
member roster, and political "connections" of the Order of Skull and
Bones is far too complicated and extensive to include in this
article, but all the information herein is fully documented and
readily available for interested readers.
Let us proceed with its most important tenets.
More than a century ago, Skull and Bones was a
secret society in
Germany , where it was also known, not always in jest, as the
"Brotherhood of Death."
The American chapter of the Society was founded at
Yale University in 1833, and its members are known as
Bonesmen. Today, Bonesmen
number less than 1,000, which is quite fantastic when one considers
how effectively they manipulate and influence world affairs.
So, Skull and Bones is not just a bunch of "Yalies" getting their
kicks with unique handshakes and secret code words. Bones is a
unique group of young men from affluent, well-established,
Northeastern families; literally a chosen elite of intellectually
superior Yale students, who are educated and prepared for positions
of influence and power, particularly in politics and government.
Each year at Yale, 15 juniors are chosen by seniors for
Skull and
Bones initiation, which is performed in occult surroundings with
bizarre rituals, where the initiates are indoctrinated and sworn to
absolute and binding secrecy. This illustrates the exclusivity and
esoteric, cult-like qualities of this strange order.
As the country’s leaders, many Bonesmen have held, and still hold,
positions of prestige and influence. These include presidents,
cabinet members, congressmen, senators, governors, and other
positions of the highest political authority.
Why is it vital that Americans know that both
George W. Bush and
John Kerry are Yale alumni and Bonesmen? For many compelling
reasons. Here are a few.
Since both Bush and Kerry, as sworn
Bonesmen, are privy to its
rituals, inner workings, and secret objective, it would seem to make
little difference in both domestic and foreign policies of the
United States which man wins the November 2004 election. This gives
us little choice.
Bonesmen believe that the United States should be the first among
the "equals" in the
New World Order. To achieve this, the
believes in "constructive chaos." And what is constructive chaos? It
is simply keeping true intentions secret by constantly sending out
mixed signals on all critical policy issues, and keeping sacrosanct
their self-created vision of New World warriors. Both Bush and
appear to be victims of this self-aggrandized thinking.
Bonesmen have an affinity for the Heglian theory. This is a precept
in which the State is absolute and individuals are granted their
freedom based on their obedience to the State, i.e. the
New World
Does that have the smell of tyranny or not?
This pretentious elitism and dangerous arrogance is rare in most
men. But it is all the more troubling when found in two men who are
both vying for the most powerful leadership position in the world
Bonesmen are mostly born to privilege, bred on visions of
intellectual superiority, educated in worldly matters, and trained
to give orders, not take them. It follows, then, that these men
should be the epitome of nationalistic pride. Unless, of course,
they have other ideas. Such as keeping their actions secret, using
power to achieve ulterior ends, and putting the Skull and Bones
above allegiance to their country.
And most disturbing of all, the sole purpose of the Skull and Bones
Order is to perpetuate power. To maintain and increase this power,
politically ambitious Bonesmen strive to put fellow Bonesmen in key
positions of influence, to help build the New World organization
that is their primary goal.
Recent actions and decisions of President Bush, if carefully
scrutinized, tend to bear this out. And there is little reason to
believe that John Kerry, as president, would not follow the same
detrimental path.
Like all of us, George W. Bush and John Kerry have skeletons in
their closet. But unlike ours, their skeletons have the power to
undermine the sovereignty of a nation.
Don ’t let it undermine ours.

Genealogy buffs claim political rivals are linked
by Matt Sedensky
Associated Press
MSNBC News Website
Feb 17, 2004
HONOLULU - Democratic presidential candidates are constantly being
compared to the current commander in chief. Now, two genealogy buffs
say they have proof President Bush and the current Democratic
front-runner share similarities thicker than water.
Bruce and Kristine Harrison, Hawaii-based publishers of historical
databases, traced back the family histories of Bush and Democratic
Sen. John Kerry.
The result? They’re cousins.
Well, 16th cousins, three times removed, to be exact. But cousins,
Truth be told, one might find such distant family ties between Bush
and any of the four other major Democratic candidates.
The link between the president and the Rev. Al Sharpton might date
back a bit further,
Bruce Harrison said, but tracing ancestries
helps illuminate a greater message on human interconnectedness.
"I believe everybody on the planet is related if you go back far
enough," said Harrison, 51, whose Millisecond Publishing in Kamuela
puts out a line of ancestral history CDs. He and his wife have spent
the last eight years compiling information from hundreds of
genealogical books and periodicals. "We’re setting the stage for
others to explore their curiosity," he said.
Other big-name ancestors
Bruce Harrison says the search through family trees also turned up other
big-name ancestors of Kerry and Bush. Playboy founder
Hugh Hefner is
the president’s ninth cousin, twice removed, while Kerry can count
Johnny Appleseed as his sixth cousin, six times removed. Both the
president and the Massachusetts senator can claim ties to figures
ranging from Charlemagne to Walt Disney to Marilyn Monroe,
For an average user of the Family Forest software, it could be more
difficult to find such well-known links, but Harrison says he
believes everyone can find some ancestral information in the
As for the political adversaries’ kinship, the only reunion in store
seems to be a debate, should Kerry win his party’s nomination. A
Bush campaign spokeswoman said she had no comment on the issue. A
message left with Kerry’s spokesman was not returned.
’Just bragging rights’
The Honolulu County Genealogical Society’s Mary Ann Bolton said she
wasn’t too impressed with those who troll family trees looking for
star-studded connections.
"I don’t really put too much into that," she said. "That’s just
bragging rights."
Harrison said his motivation in finding the link wasn’t political,
nor was it purely curiosity. Since publicizing the Bush-Kerry
relation, the number of daily visits to
his Web site has more than

American Aristocracy: The George Bush/John Kerry Family Tree