French Intelligence Fingers Israeli Planned FALSE FLAG
Attack on American Soil
Emergency Report on G7 Meeting
Story developing…
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
October 11, 2008
TomHeneghanIntelligence Website

George W. Bush (center),
France's Finance Minister Christine LaGarde (R)
and US Treasury Secretary
Henry Paulson (L) Reuters
United States of America – It can now be
reported that after the G7's conference today in Washington, D.C., a private
meeting took place between U.S. White House occupant George W. Bushfraud
and French Finance Minister Christine LaGarde.
French Finance Minister Christine LaGarde showed the alleged pResident
George W. Bush "smoking gun" evidence detailing Israeli MOSSAD infiltration
of major Al Qaeda cells in Yemen, which were used to attack the U.S. Embassy
in Sana'a last month on September 17th.

Smoke rising following an attack on the US
embassy in Sanaa on September 17, 2008. Islamist militants attacked the
US embassy in Sanaa with a car bomb and rockets today, leaving 16 people
dead, in the second strike on the high-security compound in six months.
The dead were six Yemeni soldiers, four civilians including an Indian
and six attackers -- one wearing an explosives belt, the interior
ministry said.
A group calling itself Islamic Jihad in
Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement received by
AFP and threatened similar strikes against the British, Saudi and
Emirati missions in the Yemeni capital.
AFP/Getty Images

French Finance Minister Christine LaGarde
also showed Bush evidence uncovered by French Intelligence detailing the
ISRAELI MOSSAD's plan to use private mercenaries and compromised Israeli
Mossad-Al Qaeda cells on U.S. soil to launch a major terrorist attack on the
United States a week before the upcoming November presidential election.
This attack will coincide with a major worldwide "financial" terrorist
attack on all U.S. equities and bonds as to finish off the United States of
America as a Republic and reduce it to a third world nation and plunge the
United States into poverty and anarchy.
A new alliance has developed involving Israel, the United Kingdom, the
Russian Federation, China and the German Federal Republic.
This alliance believes the United States is finished as it no longer has any
financial foundation and, accordingly, is no longer useful given the fact
that the U. S. Treasury has been completely looted.
Accordingly, the new alliance figures it is time to finish off the United
States and scrape up the left over remains of what was once a great nation.
It is FRANCE, our oldest ally and our only REAL friend, that has not
participated in this rape of the United States and had to endure the
humiliation of Bushfraud's dishonor of the American-French blood alliance
during the Iraq War controversy, that has come to our aid in our most dire
That is why I say folks, know who your REAL friends are and who your real
friends aren't.
Vive la France!
Vive the United States!
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U.S. on the Brink
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
October 11, 2008
TomHeneghanIntelligence Website

United States of America – It can now be
reported that National Guard Units from ALL fifty states of the United
States have been placed on major alert to prepare for a forthcoming "Bank
Holiday" that will be declared by the U.S. Treasury sometime early next
week, on Tuesday or Wednesday.
This "Bank Holiday" will coincide with the closing of the U.S. Stock Market
as the worldwide financial crisis deepens.
The likelihood of the November 2008 election taking place as scheduled is
now a 1 in 10 possibility.

HIGH TREASON Against the
American People
TRAITORS: Bushfraud and Pelosi
UN-elected occupant Bushfraud, who
remains under house arrest in the District of Columbia, is now planning to
implement the
MARTIAL LAW decree that he and TREASONOUS
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi secretly mapped out in the secret
session of Congress two weeks ago that gave us the alleged "bailout plan".
The Bushfraud Administration is clearly fearing insurrection and civil
unrest with an enraged American People ready to proceed with Revolutionary
As promised in the previous briefings, we will now point out where the
private foreign mercenary teams are located on American soil:

Israeli Mossad, British MI6,
Blackwater, RED Chinese, East German DVD foreign troops and
mercenaries have been conducting exercises in:

We urge PATRIOTIC members of the U. S. Military
to immediately take them out.
P.S. The Virginia National Security Court, which Bushfraud wants to
close down, has compiled evidence showing the UN-elected punk Bushfraud has
paid MILLIONS of dollars of BRIBES to German Prime Minister Angela Merkel
in exchange for keeping secret the $BILLIONS of STOLEN U. S. Treasury funds
kept at the Deutsche Bank.

German Chancellor Angela
Merkel (L) BRIBED to keep secret
George Herbert Walker Bush's STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds
hidden in secret accounts at the Deutsche Bank AFP/Getty
Merkel is keeping secret the Deutsche Bank
account numbers of Bushfraud's sociopath father, East German DVD agent,
former president
George Herbert Walker Bush.
It can be reported that daddy Bush has BILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U. S.
Treasury funds parked in his secret private accounts at the Deutsche Bank.
P.P.S. At least ten (10) assassinations of bank officials in Germany and
World Bank employees have taken place in
the last two weeks. All of the assassinations are linked to elements of the
East German DVD and the rogue Bush-Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE
COLORS" assassination teams.
These murdered bank officers had a long-standing relationship with former
[privately owned] U. S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate conspirators
SEC Chairman Christopher Cox and Bushfraud and Tony Blair
P.P.P.S. As the SEC continues to obstruct
justice in a widening criminal probe of the bankrupt Bear Stearns hedge
fund, we can now divulge that criminal SEC Chairman Christopher Cox
is covering up a massive money laundry and ILLEGAL trading ponzi scheme tied
to Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, former British Prime Minister
Tony Blair, and the use of banks in the nation of Iceland as a piggy
As of this hour, the nation of Iceland has declared bankruptcy.
Iceland, in Financial Collapse, Is Likely to
I.M.F. Help
Reference: As reported in our previous intelligence briefing, Cox is
also sitting on a major insider trading scam, which is linked to the
collapse of the U.S. stock market last Thursday involving both Bill and
Hillary Clinton, a British-owned hedge fund in the Cayman Islands, Alex
Brown Securities of New York (a division of Deutsche Bank).

Conspiratorial Clintons:
Chelsea, Bill and Hillary
AP by Elise Amendola
The individual who manages the hedge fund at
Alex Brown
Securities is none other than the daughter of Bill and Hillary, Chelsea

Hillary Clinton and Henry Paulson, Bill Clinton
Both daddy Bush's little bitch, SERIAL RAPIST
and AIDS positive, Bill Clinton, and his unelectable LOSER wife, lesbian
in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, made BILLIONS of dollars in
ILLEGAL trading profits by short selling U.S. stocks in coordination with
U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and the conspiratorial
[privately owned] Federal Reserve on Thursday of this week.

Criminal SEC Chairman
Christopher Cox Getty Images
What makes this so outlandish is that a
computer-based trading platform, located in the Cayman Islands, utilizes
sophisticated, upgraded PROMIS software technology, which allows the hedge
fund to get a 3-second lead time on stock quotes.
What they call that, folks, is electronic front running, which by the way,
the Bear Stearns hedge fund was guilty of but has been covered up by current
criminal SEC Chairman Christopher Cox.
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