
symbol on the right, from the seal of the United States on a $1
bill, is that of the Bavarian Illuminati, one of several Rothschild
political vehicles.
The inscription below translates to "NEW
WORLD ORDER". Historically,
the Illuminati was
responsible for instigating the French Revolution
after infiltrating the French Freemasons. Since then,
the Illuminati is usually disregarded by the media as a delusional
fantasy. Now why would they do that?
If this breakdown sounds Orwellian, it
should, because all of my research on this points to an organization
which is attempting to impose an Orwellian system of government, not
just on the U.S., but on the whole world, and they are succeeding.
The Rothschilds, along with some of their associated banking
families, have long been involved in the creation and/or development
of such movements as the Bavarian Illuminati, the Zionist movement, International Communism,
the Bolshievik Revolution, and the German
National Socialist party (Nazis). Their
biggest customers for loans are governments.
To secure those loans,
as with any other, they need security. They acquire that security
two ways: By lending to competing countries to maintain a military
balance, and by setting up national banks under their control.
"New World Order" (also translated as "New Order of
the Centuries") was by no means new with the creation of the
Great Seal of the United States. It is an old Illuminati
slogan, used by Adolph Hitler, and later, by
George Bush, the son of a Hitler supporter, Prescott
Bush. Perhaps this is mere coincidence, but is that really likely?
Particularly in light of the fact that George is a member of
the same
Skull and Bones Society that his father used
as a cover for transferring funds to Hitler?
The Illuminati was founded in Bavaria in 1792, by a
Freemason grandmaster named Adam Weishaupt.
Adam received
backing from the Rothschild family to build the
Illuminati. He even converted to the Rothschild religion.
He had been a Jesuit, but became a Jew. His
followers were drawn, primarily, from Bavarian Freemason
masters, who then attempted to use the Bavarian Freemasons to
overthrow the Bavarian government. They were found out, and fled to
Paris, where they infiltrated the French Freemasons.
revolutionary cry of "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality"
was taken right out of the principles of Freemasonry.
The same principles influenced the American Revolution and the
Constitutional Conventions, as most of the instigators in those
events were Freemasons.
"Liberty, Fraternaty, Equality",
however, was not what the French got. Something went seriously
The Freemasons are an ancient society that long
operated under cover of a mason’s guild. Throughout the Dark Ages,
they preserved the ideals of freedom and equality for all men, while
such things were persecuted relentlessly by the Catholic
The Black Plague left Europe with little need for
masons, so they had to expand their range of applicants, to include
other professions, including doctors and lawyers. With the decline
of the papacy, the freemasons got a whole new playing field, with
new opportunities. Somebody grabbed the freemasons by their
leadership. That somebody was Adam Wieshaupt, an agent of
the Rothschilds.
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"
outlines a devious plan for world domination.
Widely dismissed
as a forgery created with anti-semitic intentions, I have yet to see
any critics deal with the question Henry Ford once raised:
"...why is it so damned prophetic?"
This document claims to be a record
of the proceedings of the First Zionist Congress,
held in 1870.
As such, it likely is a forgery, but it closely
resembles an older document, found on the body of an
Illuminati courier who had been struck by lightning en route
from Bavaria to Paris. It was the discovery of this document which
tipped off Bavarian police to the plans of the Illuminati.
Forgery it may be, but it is far too elaborate, detailed and
well-thought-out to be just fiction. Perhaps someone noted patterns
in events and pieced the plan together, ascribing cause to a people
he detested. Perhaps this someone was both sufficiently educated,
and sufficiently paranoid schizophrenic, to interpret the pattern in
such bizarre fashion.
Hitler saw it, and he ascribed the
cause to Jews, because he read the "Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion" and took it at face value. Or perhaps that’s
just what he wanted people to believe, because Hitler
accepted backing from the same Jewish bankers that he railed against
in his "Mein Kampf". Even the Protocols,
however, cautions against letting the average Jew in on the plan.
The Plan
To destroy or take away the power of all the
royal families of Europe.
Monarchy is to be replaced with democratic
republics, temporarily. Democracy is to be undermined with economic
wars, writing bad laws, twisting good laws, take over education,
invention of crises, swamping governments with lobbyists, lawyers,
licensing laws and regulations.
It has been over two centuries since the Illuminati was founded, over a century since the Protocols were written; we are there.
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Ministry of "Prosperity" - The Federal Reserve Board
Federal Reserve Bank was
created by associates of the Rothschilds with the enactment
of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
The chief architect was Paul
Moritz Warburg, with help from the Loeb, Schiff, and
Morgan banking families. The Federal Reserve was ostensibly
created to stabilize the economy, but between 1923 and 1929, the Fed printed up a whopping 62% inflation rate, then
suddenly stopped, throwing the country into the crash of 1929,
followed by a numbing depression.
The Federal Reserve had a predecessor in the
Second Bank of the United States, which had been dismantled
at the order of President Andrew Jackson, putting an end to a
major depression in his time. The Great Depression of
the thirties, however, had a Rothschild lacky in F.D.R., who
prolonged the agony, so as to maximize property foreclosures,
allowing bankers to make a killing when the economy bounced back.
This also put the bankers in the position of being landlords of
properties once owned, with allodial title, by sovereign citizens.
The primary intentions of the Fed, however, was to
usurp the power of Congress and the U.S. Treasury over our
government’s, and our country’s, finances. It’s chairman, appointed
by Congress, has only nominal power.
The Fed is NOT
a government agency, but a totally private corporation owned by about twelve banking families, including the
Rothschilds, and those mentioned above.
I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service)
The enforcement arm of the Fed, is the
Internal Revenue Service, established by the
Rothschilds in 1933 as a "soak the rich" scam. It is also a
private corporation. It serves to collect tribute from the American
public, which is then channeled through the Fed, into
Rothschild pet projects.
"Internal" means that
it was set up to collect money "internal" to the federal government,
NOT from private citizens, who are actually paying the bulk of the
tribute. Our money supply is loaned into circulation by the
Fed, charging interest which cannot be paid until taken out
of the next year’s principle. Money collected by the IRS is sent to the Fed (NOT the Treasury). It is then credited
towards the principle on the money supply (the interest does not
exist yet), with the actual funds send to the Soviet Union, Red
China and other Rothschild projects.
Federal Reserve notes not only violate a
Constitutional prohibition against paper money (Article 1, Section
10), but are also in violation of 12 USC 411, which restricts them
to transfers between member banks of the Federal Reserve Board,
and 18 USC 334, which makes it a felony to release them into general
circulation, except in accordance with law. Now, title 18 is law,
but title 12 is not.
Does that mean that they may be circulated
anywhere? Or doesn’t it really mean they may not be circulated at
It is even worse. Federal Reserve notes are insurance
script; anything purchased with them belongs, not to the purchaser,
but to that party whose name is on the script: Federal Reserve.
What does it all mean? Our leaders have sold out our country for
some gold beads and an illusion of power. They have betrayed us;
they have betrayed their office, they have committed treason against
the people and Constitution of the United States of America.
such, they have shown themselves unfit for anything but
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Ministry of "Justice" - American Bar Association
The American Bar Association was founded by the
Rothschild banking family in 1870, in Indiana. All members of
the Judiciary and 71% of all legislatures, federal, state and local,
are Bar Association members.
This places at least two
branches of our government under their control. This is a conflict
of interest. Lawyers have a stake in writing bad laws, because good
laws don’t make them much money, for the simple reason that good
laws tend to be obeyed. Bad laws are not.
Where lawyers go, crime follows
The very first law passed by the Indiana legislature, after its
takeover by the Bar Association, was to prohibit
private citizens (laymen) from practicing law. This was an
unconstitutional ruling designed to create a monopoly over the
interpretation of law and the manner of its practice.
Even before the founding of the American Bar Association,
lawyers were granted a title of nobility, "Esquire",
by the Rothschild family. This was so scandalous in the early
1800’s that an amendment was ratified to make it a felony for anyone
in government to hold a title of nobility. Efforts were promptly
made, however, to bury the new amendment and destroy all traces of
it from the law books and history books.
Evidence has since surfaced
on this, but lawyers continue to deny its existence. Proof
that this amendment had, in fact been ratified, have surfaced in a
sufficient number of states, but lawyers continue to deny it, for
the reason that it threatens to expose every single lawyer in the
United States, as a traitor to the United States.
Every lawyer bears
a title of nobility. Every lawyer is party to imposing a foreign
jurisdiction in almost every courtroom in the country, making the
United States Constitution unavailable, and our Constitutional
Rights inaccessible to Americans.
This is treason against the people
and Constitution of the United States.
There is no longer any room
for doubt:
All Lawyers are beholden to, and are licensed to operate under,
the same jurisdiction complained about in the Declaration of
Independence, that King George was imposing a
"jurisdiction foreign to our soil".
All Lawyers are in the business of taking away Constitutional
Rights from sovereign citizens and giving their power to a
foreign banking family.
Now, before you think to go out and shoot lawyers, realize that the
vast majority of them wear heavy blinders. They have been
brainwashed in law school to think they are performing a public
They no more think themselves traitors than do
Fundamentalists think themselves un-Christian when they justify
violations of Christ’s commandments on quotes from the Old Testament
or Paul’s Epistles. Both groups are unconscious of their crimes.
Persecuting either misses the point and would only create worse
What is needed is to expose these blinders and the hidden
agendas of those who seek to impose them.
only begets violence
Ends cannot justify Means, because Ends always reflect
their Means |
Terms and examples:
Interpretation of law means many
real laws, like 18 USC 241-242, which are supposed to protect us
from violations of our Constitutional Rights, are
made unenforceable. You can’t find lawyers who will prosecute
such cases, even though they pay well, IF you can fight it to a
high enough court where the Constitution actually means
At the local and state level, civil rights cases are
usually thrown out as "frivolous". Usually, that’s because the
state’s case is frivolous, but they can’t afford to let anyone
know that. At the Supreme Court level, you are lucky if it gets
heard. The Supreme Court can chose not to look at
Consequently, even in areas where the state or local
governments have already been shown to be in violation, as with
professional licensing, and with licensing and registration for
passenger cars and drivers, no charges get enforced and the
responsible agencies continue violating the law with impunity.
The manner of practice, means that we no longer have access to
true Common-law trials. The Bill-of-Rights was not
new; it largely codified rights traditionally covered under
Common Law. Common Law also included an approach to court
procedure which put the jury, and not the judge, in charge.
jury could ask the questions.
The jury could decide what
evidence was admissible. The jury was supposed to judge BOTH the
law and the defendant. The judge was merely a referee and legal
consultant. This had the advantage that the first priority in
the proceedings was to find the truth. No longer. The Bar
Association has corrupted it, substituting more and more
elements of Law in Equity, Merchantile Law, Admiralty, Maritime
Law, Law Merchant, Military Law, but usually known as Civil Law.
This system places the judge in the position of being a dictator
in the court. The judge is still technically bound by the
decision of the jury, if you can get one, but they can now
dictate what evidence may or may not be admissible, and may even
lie to jurors about their responsibilities.
The result is an
adversarial system, a gladiatorial contest in which champions of
the two sides fight with words, writs, and procedures. The
defendants are completely at the mercy of lawyers whose
competence they are allowed little or no foreknowledge of. In
most types of cases, like traffic courts, the jurisdiction and
manner of practice are wholly Civil/Equity/Maritime. As
such, you do not have any rights; you have no power over
your circumstances; you are reduced to a mere pawn in the hand
of petty tyrants.
Driver’s licensing and
Auto registration
Marriage Licensing and
Children’s Services
Gun Licensing and
Then there is the non-laws. Many which admit not having been
passed, like Aliens and Nationality (title 8), Internal Revenue
Code (title 26), Food and Drugs (title 21), and more, are
enforced at the point of a gun. Less than half of the titles of
United States Code have been passed into positive law.
Many are
enforced anyway. Others, which have been enacted (like parts of
title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure), are only enforced when
it is convenient, if at all.
In addition to the laws never passed into positive law, there
are also innumerable agencies writing codes and regulations for
every imaginable aspect of our lives.
Few, if any, of these
agencies submit their regulations to proper legislative
procedure (Voting-in and enactment by voters or the proper
elected officials). Instead, they are simply written by
committees of appointed bureaucrats, who then proceed to enforce
them, like petty dictators, often with criminal penalties.
these are not usually subject to enactment by proper legislative
procedure, they are, by the Bar Association’s own
definitions, non-laws and enforcement of them is a crime.
Lawyers, however, having conspired to create these non-laws and
the incomes they generate, likewise also conspire to prevent
enforcement against them.
In every instance, when the enforcement of non-law involves the
collection of money, involuntarily, such enforcement fits
precisely the definition of extortion, as given by federal law.
The Bar Association is also charged with
generating laws and codes which serve Rothschild
interests, which include a number of large corporations and
whole industries, in which the Rothschilds and their
associate bankers have invested. These include drug companies,
oil companies, insurance companies, auto and munitions
manufacturers, and the mass media.
Professional Licensing
Many of the laws they create set up licensing systems,
ostensibly to protect the public, but in practice only protect
the licensed professionals, reducing their liability, making
them less accountable in case of misconduct.
Such accountability
is usually better served by Common Law torts, than by a system
that places it primarily in the hands of peers who stand to lose
if misdeeds are publicized. Licensing can also make it harder to
get into a field you feel qualified for, in violation of the Constitutional protection of Right to Work
It also places whole professions under foreign jurisdiction,
allowing lawyers to impose regulations prohibited under the
Constitution, reducing our Rights to privileges. Privileges are
easily revocable.
Regulatory Agencies
Still other laws, and non-laws, create regulatory agencies,
ostensibly to protect the public, but in practice only protect
the industries they are supposed to regulate.
These agencies
tend to get staffed by lawyers who know little about the
industry they are charged with regulating, so they go to the
very industry which they have been charged with. The
industrialists tell the regulators what they want to hear, and
hold out prospects of juicy retirement positions for regulators
who serve their profits.
If a regulatory director does not
cow-tow to the suggestions of industry, then the industry can
lobby to Congress to have him replaced. Hence, congressmen, to
maximize campaign contributions, place directors who cheerfully
sell out every principle the agency was ostensibly built on.
Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)
Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA)
City Planning
Government Employment
Com’on, how many do you need? If you
are in denial, no number of examples will be enough.
Lawyers have subsequently taken every measure to obfuscate the
law, creating a whole new language, which although it sounds,
superficially, like english, the definitions of words may differ
tremendously. They have created non-laws outside the scope of
the Constitution, and often enforced with more vigor and stiffer
penalties than legitimate law.
They have even conspired to
change laws by changing existing legal definitions, without
legislation. For this reason, old editions of Black’s Law
Dictionary from prior to 1930, have become extremely
valuable. Words like "income", which previously excluded
wages ("compensation") now include wages,
thereby expanding the scope of tax codes without benefit of
We are left with a real dilemma. Because the Bar
Association has established a total monopoly over the
interpretation and manner of practice of law, they can, as an
organization, commit any crimes, perpetuate any scams, upon
the american public with total impunity.
They need only put
a plausible face on it. If anyone sees through it, they are
impotent to act, as all avenues of redress and correction are
sealed or removed. Is this not high treason against the people
and Constitution of the United States? Can It possibly be
anything but?
ref: Murdock vs. Pennsylvania, 1943
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Ministry of "Truth" - Central Intelligence Agency
The Central Intelligence Agency was created by the
Rothschilds, not to discover facts of importance to national
security, but to manufacture and disseminate ideologies and
disinformation which serve Rothschild interests, and to
create evidence to support that ideology, such as by planting Soviet
weapons caches, or coercing newspapers into covering up damaging
information, or even manufacture stories to support the
Rothschild ideology.
The Patty Hearst kidnapping was engineered by the CIA,
because Randolf Hearst threatened to expose sensitive
An LA Times reporter uncovered considerable
evidence in this regard, including the fact that Donald DeFreez,
the ringleader, had been arrested two weeks prior to the kidnapping.
He had been wandering around in the middle of the night, with a
tommygun, in the neighborhood where the kidnapping was to later take
The police let him go when they learned he was a CIA
operative, and the gun a CIA issue. The aforementioned
reporter had been unable to publish her report in any major daily,
finally turning to the "Berkeley Barb". The article was
totally atypical of Barb articles, in language, length, attention to
detail, and style. It was also the very last issue of the Barb I
would ever see.
The VietNam War was created by the CIA. Ho
Chi Mhin had been a US ally during World War II.
After the War,
the French attempted to retake VietNam, but Ho Chi Mhin
forced them out. The Red Chinese invaded VietNam from the north, but Ho Chi Mhin forced them out too. This threatened
Rothschild interests in the development of Red China. The
return of Ho Chi Mhin to south VietNam also threatened a
sweet deal the CIA had with Diem for heroin, which the
CIA smuggled into the U.S. at enormous profit.
The CIA planted weapons caches and spread the fiction
that Ho Chi Mhin was a Red. Bobby Kennedy got wise to
the scam, and shared his suspicions with Robert, who then
refused to send arms. The CIA plotted to have him
assassinated, so they could install a Rothschild patsy,
Lyndon Johnson, in his place, who subsequently pulled us into a
full-scale war, after promising not to. When Robert Kennedy
ran for president, they had him killed too, so he couldn’t
straighten things out.
The DEA was set up partly to protect the CIA
drug monopoly, partly because drugs have a way of jogging
people’s minds, facilitating paradigm shifts, waking them up to what
is going on around them. Some, like marijuana and LSD, are very good
at this. I think it was Jerry Rubin who once called marijuana
a "truth serum".
DEA funds have even been used to turn a trail in
VietNam, where drugs were once carried on mule back, into a major
superhighway, so drugs can now be carried out by truckload.
The DEA has also repeatedly undermined efforts of
their own agents, frequently endangering them, to protect sources of
cocaine in Colombia and Bolivia, and to
protect the biggest dealer around, their boss, the CIA.
The War on Drugs was instigated, not to
curtail drug use and traffic, but as a cover for gradually taking
away our Constitutional Rights. A seizure rule intended to be used
against racketeers has been turned into the incentive of The
Inquisition: The Grand Inquisitors kept half of all the
worldly goods of those accused of witchcraft.
The other half
went to the papacy. Police departments may take ALL of
the goods of those accused of drug traffic, before due process,
leaving their victims destitute and without resources to fight back.
This makes it particularly easy for police to get away with planting
You didn’t really think they would only do that to O.J.,
did you?
Even Mark Furmann’s confession has not rendered
police less than blameless before the courts, allowing them to plant
anything with impunity, under the noses of their victims.
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CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency