by Edith Kermit Roosevelt
The New Hampshire Sunday Times News -
April 1, 1962
March 08, 2008
ConspiracyArchive Website
- A temple will be erected in
Washington, D. C., for "the citizen of the world" to develop
"universal understanding" in place of his "national limitations."
[...] Meetings, film showings and courses of study in the world's
great religions will be held in the "Hall of Illumination."
Robert Keith Spenser
The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye
pp. 43-46. |
Temple of Understanding
A temple will be erected in Washington, D. C., for
"the citizen of the world" to develop "universal understanding" in place of
his "national limitations."
Planners for this $5 million edifice, called "The Temple of Understanding,"
say endorsers include:
...and others.
The futuristic building, characterized as a "spiritual UN" will be a "symbol
of the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind," according to the brochure
issued from Temple headquarters, Greenwich, Conn.
A wing of this modern-day
Tower of Babel will be accorded to each of the six international faiths:
hinduism, judaism, buddhism, confucianism, christianity and islam.
AMONG OTHER endorsers listed are
Jack Benny
Douglas MacArthur II,
ambassador to Japan
Max Lerner of the New York Post
J. B. Rhine of
Duke University
Roland Gammon of the
Laymen's Movement and
World Parliament
of Religions
Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, president of Guatemala
Roy Welensky, prime minister, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Jordan, president, International Spiritualists, Norfolk, Va.
Philip S. Linnik, director Universal Brotherhood Center, Glen Cove, Long Island, N.
James A. Linen, president Time-Life Inc.
S. A. Mohamed, cultural attaché of the United Arab Republic, Washington, D.C.
A "world publicity campaign" for donations is being launched. The names of
the donors are to be inscribed on the stone walks of the temple.
THE SYMBOLISM planned for the building dates back to the black magic
practiced by the high priests of ancient Egypt. The building will contain a
giant eye -- a circular pool of water which reflects light beamed onto it by
a dome faceted to resemble a many-colored diamond.
Temple brochure
“The dome will be illuminated all night in order to indicate, symbolically,
that even while the world sleeps, the light of understanding continues to
WHILE TEMPLE publicists proclaim the idea for the temple arose quite
spontaneously out of a talk between two woman friends, shrines for "the
brotherhood of man" have been systematically used throughout history to
create a mystique of collectivity.
Money was raised to build a similar shrine in London by the occultist, the
late Mrs.
Annie Besant. A sort of Eleanor Roosevelt of her day, Mrs. Besant
worked closely with [Jawaharlal] Nehru and Krishna Menon and was a founder
of the
Fabian Parliamentary League, a British socialist group in which
Sidney Webb, Hubert Land, H. H. Champion and Bernard Shaw were active.
MRS. BESANT'S temple featured six symbolic presentations of the six great
international faiths in the lecture hall. Visiting "adepts" contemplated a
mural of a six-pointed Theosophical star made of two interlocking triangles
connected by a serpent.
This theme is repeated in the "Temple of Understanding."
The brochure
informs us that the temple's six wings,
"will contain the cultural facets of
the 'diamond of truth.'"
IN NEW YORK the "Friends of the Meditation Room" have long met regularly in
the United Nations' Meditation Room. In the center of this shrine a beam of
light plays of polished ore.
On April 24, 1957, when the Meditation Room was
reopened, the late Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary General, described this
pagan stone as an altar to universal religion.
"The altar is the symbol of the God of all," he said.
The Temple of Understanding also will have its meditation room, to be known
as the "Hall of Illumination." There, it is planned that the Illuminati,
Masters of Wisdom, Our Leaders of the Temple of Understanding, will train
the public in the new humanistic cult.
Meetings, film showings and courses of study in the world's great religions
will be held in the "Hall of Illumination."
IT IS INTERESTING to note that for some time now a group who call themselves
"the New Group of World Servers" have been holding "full moon meditation
meetings" at the Carnegie Endowment International Centre in New York. On
Dec. 21, 1961, this writer attended one of these meetings where pamphlets
were distributed describing "the New World Religion."
One "World Goodwill"
booklet described what some of the backers of "The Temple of Understanding"
may have in mind.
“A new type of mystic is coming to be recognized . . . he distinguished by
his lack of interest in his own brand of religious beliefs.”
WHERE THE internationalist would-be elite gather to plan and plot world
government I heard a determined group of "World Servers" led by Foster
Bailey chant in unison their eerie Great Invocation.
“Let purpose guide the little wills of
men -
“The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”
Is the real purpose of the world-minded Masters of Unism to guide and
control us by pagan rites?
The Temple of Understanding
- Edith Kermit Roosevelt, The New Hampshire Sunday Times News, October 21,
(© Edith Kermit Roosevelt Syndicate)
Unwrapping her gauzy veils a "White Madonna" danced on the podium.
symbolized "christianity" or the "Mother of the World encompassing forms of
the creative feminine spirit which has unfolded over the centuries from
Egypt, Babylonia, China and Europe," said a program distribute at the Temple
of Understanding's benefit dinner.
The dinner, held Oct. 12 at
the Waldorf Astoria, featured this dramatic skit
on "christianity" and five other skits on the major faiths to commemorative
$5,000,000 Temple to be built on 50 acres by the Potomac River, Washington,
D. C.
The Temple brochure describes the edifice as a "Spiritual United Nations"
designed to
fulfill the rituals of the six major faiths and replace
"nationalist limitations" with "universal understanding" for "citizens of
the world!"
PUBLICISTS for this tax-exempt "Project Understanding" claim support from
the "pennies donated by hairdressers, taxicab drivers and workers all over
the world." But judging from the Temple's printed list of sponsors it can
count on more influential backing.
For instance:
John D. Rockefeller IV
Socialist leader Norman Thomas
Rt. Rev. James A.
Pike of San Francisco
Cary Grant
Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara, a
founding member of the Fund for the Republic's Center for Democratic
militant pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize and Nobel Peace Prize
winner Philip Noel Baker
Holland D. Roberts of the Academic Freedom
Committee, a former head of the Communist party's California Labor School
who was identified as a "party member" at a Jan. 22, 1956 hearing of the
Subversive Activities Control Board
U. Alexis Johnson, depute
undersecretary of state for political affairs
Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R-N.Y.),
Prof. Pitirim A. Sorokin, director of Harvard University's Research Center
for Creative Altruism and Brooks Hays, special assistant to President
AT THE WALDORF'S Starlight Roof I heard Mrs. Dickerman Hollister, president
of the Temple of Understanding (P.O. Box 191, Greenwich, Conn.), address
some 500 UN delegates and socialites.
In a voice choked with fervor, she
“We are sending an idea to create a global symbol of the world.”
Then she struck with a wand an egg held aloft by a child. Out popped a
"magic" golden tree with six branches on either side.
THE SYMBOLISM is not surprising in view of the mystic appeal of the
internationalist dream. For example, one of the Temple sponsors is Roland
Gammond, former director of the Laymen's Movement, World Parliament of
Religions. This international, non-sectarian group of big businessmen,
psychiatrists and other professional men meet in the seclusion of
House, Milton Point, Rye, N. Y., to study scientific mind control.
I secured the texts of some of the Wainwright House seminars which treat of
such topics as "clairvoyance," "automatic writing," "hallucinations,"
"religion as part of an enlarged science" and "the psychic content of the
alchemical symbols."
According to this year's Sept.-Oct. issue of the Laymen's Review published
at Wainwright House, the Movement "spearheaded" the establishment of the UN
Meditations Room which happens to contain some of those "alchemical
THE UN MEDITATION Room mural is divided into 72 separate sections - the tetragrammaton or
Divine Name of 72 words. It depicts triangles and pyramids
representing "the deity" in accordance with the ancient Babylonian symbols.
Also a part of this mural is a spiral figure intertwined with a diagonal
line which may represent Hermes' wand, the Cadeuces, traditional symbol of
the sex forces or Kundalini.
The mural's center sphere and outer circle roughly form an eye. The "all
seeing eye" of the deity theme is to be repeated in the Temple building by a
glass eye faceted like a diamond to reflect the rays of the sun through the
six wings.
IT IS INTERESTING to note that the Interparliamentary Union - Temple of
Understanding sponsor Sen. Keating is IPU secretary - adopted a few weeks ago
as its emblem:
"A Temple of Law with six columns for the six continents to
show the Universality of the Union."
The IPU, which has been financed in
part by the tax-exempt Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, consists
of a training corps of legislators who meet regularly with their Communist
"counterparts" to set up a world parliamentary government.
WHILE SOME PEOPLE may dismiss these humanistic temples as another example of
"goofy" internationalism, apologists for Moscow view them as a serious
component in their drive to promote the "Social Gospel."
TWO TEMPLE sponsors are included in the Senate Internal Security's "list of
the most typical sponsors of front organizations" published April 23, 1956.
They are:
Jerome Davis, New Haven, Conn., educator who heads Promoting Enduring
Peace, a group whose literature whose literature is distributed by the
Arcane School (operated by the tax-exempt "non-political" Lucis Trust on the
32nd and 33rd floors of 11 W. 42nd St., N. Y.) The
International Lucis Trust
Network, which has substantial financial backing, regularly holds "Full Moon
Meditation Meetings" at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to
promote UNESCO and the "New World Religion."
Prof. Kirtley Mather of the Geologic Museum, Cambridge, Mass., who has
served on a four-man panel evaluating "physical research" at Wainwright
ANOTHER TEMPLE backer is Rev.
Lee H. Ball, executive secretary of the
Methodist Federation for Social Action, an organization cited as a front by
the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on April 23, 1956.
On July 7,
1953, Ben Gitlow, former secretary of the Communist party, testified under
oath that Ball was one of,
"the principle individuals involved in the
Communist conspiracy to subvert the church for Communist purposes."
Shouldn't they add the hammer and sickle symbol to the second "Meditation
Room" slated for the new Washington Temple?