The fact remains that there is no documentary proof that the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion are what they say they are.
Allegations of forgery and fraud have dogged their public history.
However, despite many opinions to the contrary, the documents have
never been proved to be fraudulent.
I have provided here some tiny amount of the vast amount of
circumstantial evidence which indicates that the Protocols are
simply one of many documents to betray an agenda of world domination
which remains unchanged, stretching back through time to its first
incarnation as the Book of Deuteronomy - the Second Law as given to
Moses by
Yahweh. The fact that the Protocols are demonstrably the
agenda to which the world’s politicians have orchestrated public and
secretive maneuvers to bring the world to the brink of a
New World
Order under a One World Government, is almost impossible to refute.
That such a proven agenda could have arisen in the 19th century,
contemporary with the unfolding political events therein - the
Bolshevik Revolution, two World Wars and
Zionism - is possible, but
extremely unlikely. Because it also fits very well many of the
events which unfolded in the previous centuries too. In fact, the
very centuries considered - stretching all the way back to the 7th
Century BC, where I have shown, a remarkably similar document was
written by the Levitical priests who ruled the people of
And no conspiratorial document of its type has ever been found to
pre-date this period.
As we have seen, to declare the Protocols a ’Catholic’ conspiracy
blamed upon Jews would be tantamount to calling Deuteronomy one too,
and many other biblical books which predate the formation of the
Roman Church by many centuries. Nevertheless, there is ample proof
to show that the Catholic Church has played an enormously useful
role in the implementation of the ancient conspiracy by acting as a
carrier for Judaic ideas, and as a vehicle for infiltration by Marranos,
Jewish popes and Illumined Freemasons (such as the
It is my belief that the Protocols are what they say they are.
However, to believe that this conspiracy against mankind is
orchestrated and executed by Jews would be nonsensical. Even the
most cursory glance through the pages of history proves the fact
that Gentiles of all denominations have played major roles in the
implementation of this plan - never more so than under the banner of
’Christianity’ - knowingly or unknowingly; whilst the majority of
the world’s Jews have had no knowledge of, or have given no support
to, the plan to which they have signed their name by declaring
themselves to be ’Jewish’. In fact, the largest opposition to
Zionism in the formative years of this century (XX
Century) came from Western
Jews and native Palestinian Jews. However, since the Second World
War and the Holocaust, it has even become somewhat of a faux pas and
considered anti-Semitic for even Jews to declare opposition to
Zionism and Talmudic extremism.
This is a great testament to the truth that history is written by
the winners. And the winners always use history to programme the
next generation to accept their own agenda unquestioningly. As the
following Protocols will so ably demonstrate.
The Publisher’s (Flanders Hall Publishing Company, New Orleans)
Foreword to the revised edition of ’Waters Flowing Eastward’
mentions the following:
Several arguments against the authenticity of
the Protocols are
examined in the book. It may be well to mention here a completely
new argument, for their authenticity. In 1937, a Russian ex-officer
of the Czarist Intelligence Service asked to see a friend of ours.
The Russian ex-officer was accompanied, on the occasion of the
meeting, by a man well and favorably known to our friend. The
ex-officer informed our friend and his wife that, in 1897, he had
been called from Washington, where he was working for the Czarist
government, and sent to Basle, Switzerland, where the first Zionist
Congress was being held that year. He was given a small detachment
of picked secret service men. While the Jews were in secret
conclave, his men staged a sham fire and dashed into the room
shouting Fire! Fire! In the ensuing confusion he made his way
quickly to the President’s or Lecturer’s table and took possession
of all the papers that were on it. These papers contained the
originals of the Protocols.
This Russian officer escaped out of Russia in 1917 and lived mostly
in Paris. He was an old man in 1937. Needless to say our friend’s
veracity and reliability are unquestioned.
Critics of the Protocols’ genuineness have claimed that they were a
forgery, derived from earlier documents and used as propaganda
against the Jews by their opponents. As I hope I have shown here,
the documents most certainly do derive from an earlier common
source, but that does not make them forgeries, any more than latest
encyclopedia can be condemned as a deliberate forgery because
previous works of an almost identical nature already exist.
This argument also falls down on another point, which actually
operates in favor of the theory of the Jewish origin, rather than
against it. It has often been argued that the Protocols bear
remarkable likeness to a book called ’Dialogues aux Enfers entre
Machiavelli et Montesquieu’ (also known as the ’Geneva Dialogues’),
published anonymously in Brussels in 1865. However, the passages
quoted as being plagiarized from the Geneva Dialogues for
Protocols are remarkably similar to those in a book published in
1850, called, similarly, ’Machiavelli, Montesquieu and Rousseau’ by
Jacob Venedy. And Venedy was a Jew and a Freemason! He was a
revolutionary and also a close associate of the Jew Karl Marx (real
name Mordecai,) and Maurice Joly, the true author of the
Dialogues! ’Marx’s father Heinrich, whose original name was
ha-Levi, was the son of a rabbi and the descendant of talmudic
scholars for many generations.’ (Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1997).
Marx’s Communist Manifesto is clearly
Illuminist, and very much in
parallel with the Protocols.
One can’t have one’s cake and eat it on this line of enquiry, I am
afraid. All roads lead to Zion!
"...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself. In the fact that
so many Jews are Bolsheviks. In the fact that the
ideals of
Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." (The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1918)
’Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism.’ (The American Bulletin,
Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935)
The Protocols were initially published in the Russian newspaper
Snamia in 1903 and are believed to have been also published in
1902/1903 in the newspaper Moskowskija Wiedomosti. Despite a copy of
the book written by Professor Sergyei Nilus (an official at the
Department of Foreign Relations at Moscow) being registered in the
British Museum on August 10th, 1906, they were otherwise unknown
outside of Russia until after the Bolshevik Revolution when Russian
emigrants took copies to North America and Germany. In Bolshevik
Russia, they carried the death sentence for anyone found to be in
possession of them. (As far as I am aware, the entire document
deposited in the British Museum has never been fully translated into
The Protocols gained widespread recognition upon their translation
into English, in 1920. They soon became notorious. Esteemed
newspapers such as The Times and The Morning Post (whose Moscow
correspondent Victor E Marsden was responsible in 1921 for the
translation used in this document) covered the story in numerous
articles, much to the chagrin of world Jewry, who immediately began
the propaganda bandwagon rolling. They not only denied that the
Protocols were a Jewish plot, but also that there was any plot
whatsoever. The latter was quite clearly false to all educated men
and women of the time.
’Probably so much money and energy were never before in history
expended on the effort to suppress a single document.’ The period of
1920 ’marks the end of the time when the Jewish question could be
impartially openly discussed in public.’ (Reed - ’The Controversy of Zion
The Press was firmly under the thumb of the vested interests. Those
that went against the grain and published information on the
Protocols were soon brought into line or brought down by financial
and political pressure. As an example, in 1920, Lord Northcliffe,
the owner of several newspapers, as well as being joint proprietor
of The Times, caused to be published in The Times an article called
’The Jewish Peril, a Disturbing Pamphlet, Call for Enquiry’. This
article on the Protocols called for a proper investigation into the
documents. In February 1922, he set about a fervently anti-Zionist
mission, a series of articles about what was really going on in
Palestine. On August 14, 1922 Northcliffe died of ulcerative
endocarditis. He had been confronted on a train to Evian-les-Bains
in June by the editor of The Times, Mr Wickham Steed, with a doctor
who had certified Northcliffe ’insane’. On the strength of this he
was barred from entering the offices of The Times by a police guard,
and his communications were ordered to be ignored by the staff. All
of this despite showing no outward signs of madness to those who
later commented on his appearance or state of mind. However, he had
stated that he believed his life was in danger and that he was being
poisoned. This whole story was suppressed until the publication of ’The Official History of the Times’, thirty years later in 1952!
Thus, one man who had enough power and will to challenge the
Protocols and Zionism on an international stage to an audience of
millions, who was committed to illuminating the world as to the true
agenda, had been removed.
The often cited ’fact’ that the Protocols are a ’proven fraud’, is
easily dismissed, as it is actually entirely untrue and based upon a
very specific court case. Numerous unsuccessful attempts had been
made by world Jewry to have the Protocols
denounced as a forgery.
But it was not until 1933 that any legal action was taken in this
On 26th June, 1933, the Federation of Jewish Communities of
Switzerland and the Berne Jewish Community brought an action against
five members of the Swiss National Front, seeking a judgment that
the Protocols were a forgery and a prohibition of their publication.
The procedure of the Court was astounding, the provisions of the
Swiss Civil Code being deliberately set aside. Sixteen witnesses
called by the plaintiffs were heard, but only one of the forty
witnesses called by the defendants was allowed a hearing. The judge
allowed the plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep
the register of proceedings during the hearing of their witnesses,
instead of entrusting the task to a Court official.
In view of these and similar irregularities, it was not surprising
that, after the case had lasted just on two years, the Court
pronounced the Protocols to be a forgery and
literature. The decision was given on 14th May, 1935, but it was
announced in the Jewish Press before it was delivered by the Court?
On 1st November, 1937, the Swiss Court of Criminal Appeal quashed
this judgment in its entirety. Jewish propagandists, however, still
declare that the Protocols have been "proved" to be a forgery.
It was natural that the Jews should try to discredit
the Protocols,
for their growing fame was focusing more public attention on other
revealing utterances. (Waters Flowing Eastward - revised and updated by
Rev. Denis Fahey)
The second trial found in favor of the Jewish lobby and fined the
defendants 100 francs costs. But this had nothing to do with the
Protocols. It was due to another article which was included in the
prosecution, entitled Schweizermädchen hüte dich vor schändenen
Juden (Swiss Girls Beware of Dishonourable Jews). The court had
stated that this was ’Jew-baiting’ and an ’attempt to defame the
Jews as a body’. The Jewish lobby, who had written in their journals
that the Protocols were a proven forgery later were forced to change
their stance to that their authenticity had not been furnished. But
a popular myth survives of the former stance.
The fact remains, that the Protocols are NOT a proven forgery.
The fact also remains that since their publication, world events
have unfolded exactly according to their description. We are
gradually being mobilized into a New World Order. The
One World
Government is being facilitated by the gradual movement of nation
states into larger power blocks such as the European Union and
The United Nations has come into power as a global police force
under the excuse of being a protector and benefactor of the world,
exactly as outlined in the Protocols. The Jews have symbolically
’returned to Palestine’, as the State of Israel now exists as the
official universal ’homeland’ of all Jews, despite the vast majority
of Jews having no racial connection with Israel whatsoever.
I sincerely hope that the Protocols are a fraud and that there is no
conspiracy. But I believe that the information here presented, which
is but the tiny tip of an enormous iceberg, constitutes ample
evidence of an ancient conspiracy orchestrated by a self-appointed
elite, who are at least intimately associated with the core elect of
international Judaism and have been for a very long time.
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