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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Process |
This new invocative work will be the keynote of the coming
world religion and will fall into two parts. There will be the invocative work of the
masses of the people, trained by the spiritually minded people of the world (working in
the churches, whenever possible, under an enlightened clergy) to accept the fact of the
approaching spiritual energies, focused through the spiritual Hierarchy, and to voice
their spiritual demand for light, liberation and understanding. There will also be the
trained, scientific work of appeal and invocation as practiced by those who have trained
their minds through right meditation, who know the uses of sound, of formulas and of
invocation, and who can work consciously, focusing the invocative cry of the masses and
at the same time using certain great formulas of words which will later be given to the
race, as The Lord's Prayer was given by the Christ and The Great Invocation has
been given in this day and age. This new religious science (for which prayer, meditation and ritual have laid the foundation) will train its students to present, at certain stated periods throughout the year, the voiced demand of the people of the world for relationship with God and with each other. This work, when rightly carried forward, will evoke response from the waiting Hierarchy; through this response, the belief of the masses will gradually be changed into the conviction of the knowers. In this way humanity will be transformed and spiritualized. [419] Then will begin, as the ages pass away, the regeneration of material nature, with the two spiritual centers - the Hierarchy and Humanity - working together in full consciousness and understanding. The Kingdom of God will be functioning on Earth. It will be apparent to you that I can indicate only the broad general outlines of the new world religion. The expansion of the human consciousness which will take place as a result of the coming great Approach will enable man to grasp not only his relation to the spiritual Life of our planet, the "One in Whom we live and move and have our being," but will also give him a glimpse of the relation of our planet to the circle of planetary lives moving within the orbit of the Sun, and the still greater circle of spiritual Influences which contact our solar system as it pursues its orbit in the Heavens (the twelve constellations of the zodiac). Astronomical and astrological investigation has demonstrated this relationship and the influences exerted, but there is still speculation and much foolish claiming and interpretation. Yet the churches have ever recognized this relationship, and the Bible has testified to it. "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera"; "Who can withstand the sweet influences of the Pleiades?"; and many other passages bear out this contention of the Knowers. Many church festivals are fixed by reference to the moon or a zodiacal constellation. Investigation will prove this to be increasingly the case, and when the ritual of the new world religion is universally established this will be one of the important factors considered. The establishing of certain major festivals in relation to the moon, and in a lesser degree to the zodiac, will bring a strengthening of the spirit of invocation and the resultant inflow of responsive influences. The truth lying behind all invocation is based upon the power of thought, particularly in its telepathic nature, rapport and aspect. The unified invocative thought of the masses and the focused, directed thought of the New Group of World Servers constitute an outgoing stream of energy. This will reach [420] telepathically those spiritual Beings Who are sensitive and responsive to such impacts. Their evoked response, sent out as spiritual energy, will in turn reach humanity, after having been stepped down into thought energy, and in that form will make its due impact upon the minds of men, convincing them and carrying inspiration and revelation. Thus has it ever been in the history of the spiritual unfoldment of the world and in the procedure followed in writing the world Scriptures. Secondly, the establishing of a certain uniformity in the world religious rituals will aid men everywhere to strengthen each other's work and enhance powerfully the thought currents directed to the waiting Spiritual Lives. At present, the Christian religion has its great festivals, the Buddhist keeps his different set of spiritual events, and the Hindu has still another list of holy days. In the future world, when organized, all men of spiritual inclination and intention everywhere will keep the same holy days. This will bring about a pooling of spiritual resources and a united spiritual effort, plus a simultaneous spiritual invocation. The potency of this will be apparent. |
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