Cambodian gold

More 12.5kg bars

Close up of 12.5kg bar

Dore bars 1994

Part of 100 tons 

More from same stash 

More of same 

Concealed entrance 

Click images to enlarge


The Secret Gold Treaty

PART 4.2



Exciting as Tom's revelations were, I still needed to make sense of the underlying structure that appeared to govern this mountain of gold still hidden in Southeast Asia.

The answer to this enigma appears to reside in a secret meeting held in 1972 in which 48 nations (or representatives from 48 nations) participated that formalised an earlier informal agreement (dare I say a "Secret Treaty?") to control and "use" the metal plundered during World War II. By all accounts, bullion banks, central banks, and also refineries have since joined in this arrangement and have formed an unofficial "club" to police and control the black gold that they henceforward designated as being on "vacation." This appears to imply that gold plundered during World War II, whether it is kept in bank vaults beneath Zurich Airport or concealed in burial sites in the Philippines or Indonesia makes little real difference to those who are pulling the strings. In any event this ratification remains "unofficial."

The secret 1972 meeting occurred just one year after President Nixon closed the gold window and one year before the Trilateral Commission was founded -- an event that resulted in the integration of Japan into the Western fold. As we have seen from previous pages, a number of reports indicate that the Trilateral Commission is a large mover and shaker in the world of black gold.

According to information I have received, almost all of the gold plundered by Japan's Golden Lily came from official state reserves (see images on this page) and thus the exact amounts plundered were obviously known and clearly hallmarked -- one reason Ferdinand Marcos hired Bob Curtis to alter the metal’s "fingerprint" of the gold Marcos had recovered and Marcos insisted that "his" metal should not be offered for sale on any of the world’s seven official bullion markets.

Yet one has to ask why these gold reserves -- which have been known about by senior officials and bankers in the US and in Europe, at least since 1945 -- have been allowed to remain in situ rather than being returned to the dozen or so Southeast Asian nations to which they rightfully belong. In keeping the existence of this plunder a secret and not permitting its integration in the official global banking and financial system appears, on the face of it, to be little more than a contravention of international law, somewhat akin to piracy, doesn’t it?

But that is not all. Those individuals and groups that today are legitimately working to privately recover (under existing laws governing "treasure troves") gold and other treasure stashed in the Philippines and elsewhere by the Golden Lily cannot dispose of the assets they have recovered without going through the banking system; apart, that is, from comparatively small deals that occasionally take place between private parties.

Moreover, it has been suggested by one knowledgeable source that the money earned by private treasure hunters who are directed through this labyrinth is a fraction of the current value of the metal they recover -- a fact that is corroborated by Sukarno's trustee. The powers that be have decreed that the found metal is nevertheless not theirs to dispose of as they please -- despite the fact that they have legally recovered it and legitimately own it.  Instead it "belongs" to an unofficial and immensely powerful "club" the members of which rigorously control distribution for their own ends -- whatever they may be. Clearly, this is a case of the arrogance of might and muscle stamping international law to a pulp.

It also seems that a mechanism is in place governing the movement of this metal. The gold and platinum that are permitted to enter the banking system are indirectly and unobtrusively "vectored" through cut-outs until they reach -- so I am informed -- an arm's-length associate firm of the Union Bank of Switzerland. This firm, in turn, is said to operate on behalf of an un-named American entity that is believed to be the Federal Reserve. This arrangement and line of access exactly parallels the transactional guidelines given to Peter Johnston by Dr. Damanik.

When I say "enter the banking system," this does not necessarily mean physical movement. Indeed, as we have seen with the Sukarno revelations, large quantities of bullion remain immobile in the jungles of Indonesia. A great deal also remains untouched and still buried in the Philippines.

Physical accessibility is not necessary or, perhaps, even desirable for the powers that be. If the gold cannot be moved except with their express permission, it is for all intents and purposes little different from bullion that is locked and guarded in a bank vault -- where change of ownership is customarily effected by book transfer and/or the exchange of paper certificates denoting ownership.

We have also seen from some accounts that this metal can be utilised -- perhaps hypothecated -- as an asset to generate funding for a variety of purposes, including, it appears, America's NASA projects and certain projects on behalf of the British crown. Another source has indicated the involvement of this gold in the construction of sophisticated weapon systems, including ICBMs during the Cold War. It is impossible to corroborate these claims but, if true, such usage would certainly have been protected by state secrecy, I imagine. Moreover, according to documents Peter Johnston provided, some metal has been leased to sovereign nations on a long-term basis -- even though the borrower must have known that the gold was both legally and technically "stolen." Meanwhile, there are almost certainly numerous other projects for which this plunder has acted as collateral.

That these arrangements (the Secret Treaty) remain secret and unofficial means they are unaccountable and are thus absent of any scrutiny by democratically elected officials and, more worrying, the public at large. It is not even known for certain that those who act on behalf of sovereign nations in this respect have done so with the consent of their own democratic institutions. One cannot help but ask if each and every president since 1945 was made aware of this deepest secret. We do know as a matter of historical fact that Allen Dulles did not shirk from betraying his president and country. His loyalties lay first and foremost with an international group of powerful businessmen.

That being the case, is it not possible to suggest that this is a secret kept by a fairly small and tight club for their own ends -- and if you're not one of them (to use Margaret Thatcher's terminology "is he one of us?") you are kept out of the charmed circle? And if these are valid questions to ask, then is it possible to identify who "they" might be?

As we have already seen two elite and interlocked groups -- the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group -- have their fingerprints all over this story. Might their aim be to slowly and stealthily engineer the world into whatever image and shape they wish?  Colonel Fletcher Prouty, in his excellent book, JFK, chills his readers with what he believes the scenario of this elite is: war for profit, genocide to depopulate the world to what are regarded as manageable levels and, ultimately, the introduction of mechanisms aimed at social control. If democratically elected leaders such as JFK get in the way of the elite’s plans, they are terminated. In outlining this frightening scene, Prouty also argues that the Cold War was, to some extent anyway, a charade, since members of Russia’s own elite had gone along with this programme since at least 1972. Clearly, having access to almost unimaginable sums of money confers a degree of power that is almost beyond dream. One knowledgeable former Swiss banker says that the members of the "club" who control access to these assets already have plans to go "global."

Even today, secrecy remains at the heart of this decades old intrigue and I do not think it an over-statement to regard this story as the biggest secret of them all. What little I truly know of the dispensation of power and the perennial behind-the-scenes scheming by unelected, unaccountable members of a shadowy cabal fills me with no confidence that they will, or plan, to, do the right thing for the majority of us. What is known of their modus operandi points to a creed of self-righteous greed and an appalling absence of morality that to most of us would chill the marrow. One can easily imagine they see themselves as the modern gods of Olympus cruelly toying with mankind even as they lazily drop a grape into their mouths or sip a goblet of wine.

If I had not had the assistance of Peter Johnston in providing me with his bulging files four and half years ago, this story would not have been told. It is fitting, therefore, that the last words of this Dossier call for Peter's besmirched name to be cleared. Peter, at all times, WAS empowered with legally binding authority to dispose of the assets legally controlled by Dr. Damanik. Peter had no way of knowing that a secret cabal with immense power would be threatened by his efforts to dispose of these assets. His arrest, trial and imprisonment constitute a blatant miscarriage of justice that, at the very least, emanated from the Union Bank of Switzerland, which, in turn, was aided and abetted by the Bank of England. Others stood idly by, thus compounding his wrongful imprisonment.


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