We have all been led to believe that Vladimir Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk
on the 22nd of April 1870. According to the latest enquiries, however, his
date of birth had been changed to that date. (Akim Arutiunov, "The
phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin", Moscow, 1992, p. 126.) An investigation
is currently under way to find out when the man was really born.
Stalin copied his great teacher and, like him, changed his date of birth.
Officially, he was born on the 21st of December 1879, but he was actually
born on the 6th of December 1878. The newspaper Izvestiya revealed this
state secret on the 26th of June 1990. Both Lenin and Stalin wished to
prevent their true natures being revealed by the aid of horoscopes.
also falsified his date of birth for astrological reasons. It was not
suitable for a French emperor to be an Aquarian, so he changed the date to
the 15th of August (1769), in order to officially become a Leo. It is
generally known that Lenin's official biography has been falsified
throughout. Despite this, a decision was made to publish a still more
effective version of the myth. So the libraries were purged of all the Lenin
biographies printed before 1970.
Who was Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin really?
The history of Russia is written by
its murderers, a fact which the director Stanislav Govorukhin stresses in
his documentary "The Russia We Lost" (1992). A heavily censored version of
this film was shown in Sweden.
Lenin's Kalmuck father, Ilya Ulyanov, was a school inspector. Both of his
grandfathers ended up in mental institutions. Lenin's mother Maria (maiden
name Blank) was of a noble family and daughter of a rich landowner. Maria
Blank's father, Israel, was born in 1802 in Staro-konstantinovo in the
province of Volynia.
In 1820 Israel Blank planned to study at the Medical Academy of St.
Petersburg together with his brother Abel, but state universities were
94 closed to Jews so both Israel and Abel were baptized into the Russian
Orthodox Church. Israel was given the new name of Alexander, his brother
Abel became Dmitri. Alexander's patronymic also became Dmitri (it was
actually Moses). In this way, they were both allowed to enter the Medical
Academy. The Blank brothers graduated in 1824. Alexander Blank became a
military staff doctor and a pioneer of balneology (the study of healthy
baths) in Russia.
The writer Marietta Shaginyan, who in the 1930s learned about Lenin's Jewish
roots, was warned not to make this information public, for it was a state
secret. (The periodical Literator, No. 38, 12th of September 1990, St.
Petersburg.) It was possible to publish these facts only in 1990. Until then
the Blank family had been presented as "Germans".
Lenin's mother spoke Yiddish, German and also Swedish, the latter of which
she taught her daughter Olga, who intended to study at the University of
Helsinki. Maria Blank's maternal grandmother was called Anna Beata Ostedt,
born in St. Petersburg in a family of goldsmiths who had immigrated from
Uppsala (Sweden). Maria Blank's maternal grandfather, the notary
Johann-Gottlieb Grosschopf, came from a family of merchants in Germany.
Maria Blank's paternal grandparents were Jews. Lenin's paternal grandfather
was a Chuvashian and his paternal grandmother, Anna Smirnova, was a
This made Maria Blank at least half Jewish, for only her father was a full
Jew. Hans W. Levy, chairman of the Jewish community of Gothenburg, has
declared: "Everyone who was born of a Jewish mother is a Jew." (Svenska
Dagbladet, 22nd of July, 1990.)
Some researchers, however, have intimated
that also the Grosschopf family was Jewish. If so, Lenin must be regarded as
a Jew, for then his mother was a Jewess. In Russia, it was revealed that
Lenin's paternal grandfather Nikolai Ulyanov (Kalmuck) had four children
with his own daughter Alexandra Ulyanova (who was disguised as Anna Smirnova
before the authorities).
Lenin's father Ilya was born as the fourth child
when Nikolai Ulyanov was 67 years old. (Vladimir Istarkhov, "The Battle of
the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 37.)
Ilya Ulyanov married the Jewess
Maria Blank, whose paternal grandfather Moisya Blank had been prosecuted for
several crimes, including fraud and extortion. Inbreeding probably played a
big role in making Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin so perverted: his extreme
aggressiveness was hereditary and he was born with substantial brain damage, he had several nervous breakdowns, three strokes and was
bisexual. He was also a psychopath.
German was spoken in the family, a language Vladimir Ulyanov knew better
than Russian. In every questionnaire, Lenin wrote that he was a writer, yet
his Russian vocabulary was very limited and in his pronunciation he
stressed words inaccurately. He had very little knowledge of Russian
literature, but enough to harbor an intense dislike of Fiodor Dostoyevsky's
It was characteristic of Lenin that he gave different information about the
year of his entrance into the Party in different Party documents. In the
first questionnaires, he claimed to have joined in 1893, but on the 7th of
March 1921, at the Tenth Party Congress, he stated in the delegate's
questionnaire that he had become a Party member in 1894. (Akim Arutiunov,
"The Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin", Moscow, 1992, p. 116.)
In one of
his writings, comrade Ulyanov claimed to have joined
the Party in 1895 ("Collected Works", Vol. 44, p. 284). How could he be a
member of a party, which did not even exist? The Russian Social Democratic
Workers' Party was founded only in March 1898. It seems that anything was
possible for Lenin.
According to the official myth, Lenin had been expelled from the university,
but the special archives of the Central Committee state clearly that
Vladimir Ulyanov himself asked the Principal of the University of Kazan for
permission to leave his studies in 1887.
According to the Bolshevik myth, he was expelled to the village of
Kokushkino in the province of Kazan for taking part in student
revolutionary activities. Actually, he went to live on his maternal
grandfather's estate in Kokushkino after leaving university, an estate which
the Tsar had given Alexander Blank. Lenin's grandfather Blank owned the
whole village. Later, Lenin lived with his aunt in Kazan, a fact which Lenin
himself has written about. Lenin's grandfather also owned another estate (98
hectares) in the village of Alakayevka near Samara.
There is nothing left of the real facts in Lenin's official biography. This
can be ascertained by studying formerly secret documents, which have
recently been released.
The kind-hearted people fell for the myths about Lenin. Marie Laidoner, the
widow of Estonia's former Commander-in-Chief Johan Laidoner, wrote in her
memoirs that if Lenin had lived in 1940, the
Estonians would not have been treated so inhumanely. According to the
central myth, the terror and oppression were started only in the 1930s by
Stalin, This was also claimed by an editorial in the Aftonbladet on the 6th
of June 1989.
The Soviet propaganda mythology claimed that his parents consciously
educated Lenin to be a Messiah who would lead the proletariat from their
captivity in Egypt, as Karl Radek (actually Tobiach Sobelsohn) wrote in
Izvestiya in the spring of 1933. Lenin's mother actually wanted him to be a
The Leninist propaganda had a massive effect on Homo Sovieticus. In an
opinion poll in December 1989, 70 per cent of those asked (2700 took part)
believed Lenin to be the greatest personality in history. (Paevaleht,
January 4, 1991.) Another opinion poll was held in January 1991 where only
10.3 per cent of those asked thought Lenin was a negative person, whilst
over half of them believed the October Coup to have been a historical
This is why nothing upsets orthodox communists so much as revelations about
Lenin. They refuse to abandon their icon-like picture of Lenin, since
Christianity was replaced with Leninism as early as in the 1920s when the
whole doctrine was canonized. In the beginning, the sailors called Lenin
"Little Father".
Lenin used all sorts of tried and tested idiocies. One example: "Work books"
of the kind used with natives in the colonies were used from June
Lenin had few ideas of his own. Even the idea of the land decree was an
inheritance from the left-wing Social Revolutionaries. Among his own
stupidities were the so-called April Theses which do not correspond with
reality since economic independence is impossible without political freedom.
At least Vladimir Ulyanov understood that Marxism lacked all scientific
value. He had whispered to the Jewish businessman Armand Hammer:
Armand - Socialism is never going to work!"
(SvenskaDagbladet, August 30,
According to Engels, Marx had transformed Utopian Socialism into a
scientific doctrine by "discovering" the materialist (i.e. atheist)
worldview (this is how Engels is interpreted in the Soviet-Estonian
Encyclopaedia). As an enlightened Marxist, Lenin knew of Marx's
instructions, according to which the revolutionaries were supposed to be neither "generous" nor
There was no need to be fussy about the aims in order to reach their goals.
Nor was there any need to worry about the danger of civil war. (Marx and
Engels, "Works", Moscow, Vol. 33, p. 172.)
Adam Weishaupt had written that all means were permissible in order to reach
the final goal. Lenin repeated that all means were justifiable when the goal
was the victory of Communism. Lenin's goal was to damage Russia and, if
possible, gain power and become rich.
He was prepared to work with any forces in order to damage Russia, even with
the authorities in Imperial Germany, according to facts that became known
later. Lenin was unable to arouse any interest among naive people for the
"revolutionary activities" of a simply Marxist club - most joined as
cold-blooded conspirators and adventurers.
In 1919 the confidant Lenin said in: "What is Soviet Power?" (contained on
one of his phonograph records) that Soviet power was inevitable and was
victorious everywhere in the world.
"This power is invincible, since it is
the only right one," Lenin finished in his burring un-Russian accent.
Lenin as a Freemason
Whether Lenin was a freemason as early as in the 1890s is not yet possible
to determine but he worked in the same way as subversive groups usually do.
The Illuminati, the Grand Orient,
B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), and
other Masonic lodges were all interested in agitating the workers towards
certain "useful" goals.
It is important to stress that Lenin and his henchmen did not work. They
could still afford to travel around Europe (then relatively more expensive
than now) and live in luxury. These professional revolutionaries had only
one task- to agitate the workers. Lenin's later activity shows clearly how
he followed Adam Weishaupt's line.
Several sources reveal that Lenin became a freemason whilst abroad (in
1908). One of these sources is a thorough investigation: Nikolai Svitkov's
"About Freemasonry in Russian Exile", published in Paris in 1932.
to Svitkov, the most important freemasons from Russia were:
Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin
Leon Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein)
Grigori Zinoviev
(Gerson Radomyslsky)
Leon Kamenev (actually Leiba Rosen-feld)
Karl Radek
(Tobiach Sobelsohn)
Maxim Litvinov (Meyer Hennokh Wallakh)
Yakov Sverdlov
(Yankel-Aaron Solomon)
L. Martov (Yuli Zederbaum)
Maxim Gorky (Alexei Peshkov), among others...
According to the Austrian political scientist Karl Steinhauser's "EG -die Super-UdSSR von morgen" / "EU the New Super USSR"
(Vienna, 1992, p. 192), Lenin belonged to the Masonic lodge Art et Travail
(Art and Work).
The famous British politician Winston Churchill also
confirmed that Lenin and Trotsky belonged to the circle of the Masonic and
Illuminist conspirators {Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8th,
Lenin, Zinoviev, Radek and Sverdlov also belonged to B'nai B'rith.
Researchers who are specialized on the activities of B'nai B'rith, including
Schwartz-Bostunich, confirmed this information. (Viktor Ostretsov,
"Freemasonry, Culture and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, pp, 582-583.)
Lenin was a freemason of the 31st degree (Grand Inspecteur Inquisiteur
Commandeur) and a member of the lodge Art et Travail in Switzerland and
France. (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of
Freemasonry", Moscow, 2000, part II, p. 417.)
When Lenin visited the headquarters of Grand Orient on Rue Cadet in Paris,
he signed the visitors' book. (Viktor Kuznetsov, "The Secret of the October
Coup", St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 42.)
Together with Trotsky, Lenin took part in the International Masonic
Conference in Copenhagen in 1910. (Franz Weissin, "Der Weg zum Sozialismus"
/ "The Way to Socialism", Munich, 1930, p. 9.) The socialisation of Europe
was on the agenda.
Alexander Galpern, then secretary of the Masonic Supreme Council, confirmed
in 1916 that there were Bolsheviks among the freemasons. I can further
mention Nikolai Sukhanov (actually Himmer) and N. Sokolov.
According to Galpern's testimony, the freemasons also gave Lenin financial aid for his
revolutionary activity. This was certified by a known freemason, Grigori
Aronson, in his article "Freemasons in Russian Politics", published in the
Novoye Russkoye Slovo (New York, 8th-12th of October, 1959). The historian
Boris Nikolayevsky also mentioned this in his book "The Russian Freemasons
and the Revolution" (Moscow, 1990).
In 1914, two Bolsheviks, Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov and Grigori Pet-rovsky,
contacted the freemason Alexander Konovalov for economic aid. The latter
became a minister in the Provisional Government.
Radio Russia also spoke of
Lenin's activities as a freemason on the 12th of August 1991.
The First Freemasons in Russia
The first Masonic lodges in Russia were founded in the 1730s. Catherine II
banned all Masonic organizations in Russia April 8, 1782 since they had
secret political ties with leading circles abroad.
Freemasonry was legalized again in 1801 after Alexander I ascended the
throne. He became a freemason himself, despite the fact that his father had
been murdered by freemasons. The leading Decembrists (Pavel Pestel, Sergei
Trubetskoi and Sergei Volkonsky) belonged to the Masonic lodges, The
Reunited Friends (Les Amis Reunis), The Three Virtues, and The Sphinx.
main secret societies of the Decembrists were The United Slavs and The Three
Virtues. Freemasonry was banned again in 1822, when the government
discovered that the Masonic lodges were actually secret societies planning
to transform the state system and infiltrate the government. Tsar Alexander
I had discovered that the freemasons were controlled by an invisible hand.
Naturally he forbade their activities in Russia. This decision was to cost
him his life. Nicholas I, who ruled from 1825 to 1855, became especially
strict regarding freemasonry. All the lodges were forced to operate
The chief enemies of the Russian freemasons were national monarchism and
Christianity. This is why they worked with "enlightenment propaganda". The
Russian freemasons also tended towards cosmopolitanism. Their watchword
demanded: "Be prepared!", and the freemason had to answer: "Always
Motifs from Judaism and Cabbalism dominated the ideology and
political symbolism of freemasonry. To an outsider it might all have seemed
confusing and unreal.
On the 31st of October 1893, Vladimir Ulyanov arrived in the capital, St.
Petersburg, where he began his subversive activity. He called himself a
professional revolutionary. In the autumn of 1895, after a period abroad,
Vladimir Ulyanov, together with other conspirators in St. Petersburg,
founded the Fighting League for the Liberation of the Working Classes, which
developed into a terrorist group.
It was actually Israel Helphand (or
Geldphand) alias Alexander Parvus, a Jewish multi-millionaire from Odessa,
who backed this project. He was a businessman and freemason. According to
the British historian Nesta Webster, Parvus became a member of the German
Social Democratic Party in 1886.
In December 1895, Vladimir Ulyanov was imprisoned for illegal activities.
He spent the years 1898-1900 in exile in Shushenskoye by the Yenisei in
Siberia. He received generous benefits from the state. He lived in a
spacious house and ate well.
In March 1898, the leading Jewish social democrats gathered in Minsk
- those representing the international line (the struggle for power in the
host nation) as well as those representing the nationalist attitude of the
Jewish workers' union Bund, which was founded in Vilno (Vilnius) in
1897, and propagated the founding of a Zionist state.
They decided to unite the subversive Marxist groups and to illegally
form the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party. Only nine delegates
were present at its Constitutional Congress and those elected a central
committee consisting of Aron Kremer, Boris Eidelman and Radshenko.
Other known social democrats were Pavel (Pinchus) Axelrod (Boruch),
Leon Deutsch, Vera Zasulich, Natan Vigdorchik, V. Kosovsky (Levinson),
and the only Russian was Georgi Plekhanov, whose wife Roza was a
In February 1900, Vladimir Ulyanov traveled to Switzerland. Later, he lived
in Munich, Brussels, London, Paris, Krakow, Geneva, Stockholm and Zurich.
To intensify the Marxist propaganda, the red-bearded Lenin, together with
Parvus, founded the subversive newspaper Iskra (The Spark), in Munich in
1900, the first issue of which came out on the 24th of December 1900.
newspaper was smuggled into Russia. For tactical reasons, Lenin made the
famous Russian social democrat Georgi Plekhanov the first editor of the
newspaper. Plekhanov had no wish to remain Lenin's puppet, however, and so
the Jew L. Martov (Yuli Zederbaum) soon replaced him. At the Second Party
Congress in Brussels in 1903, Plekhanov supported Martov's suggestion to
camouflage the introduction of Socialism with democracy. Lenin demanded the
introduction of a hard socialist dictatorship.
In Sweden, the freemasons have successfully used Martov's ideas to build a
socialist "people's home" and to introduce tax slavery.
At this congress,
the Jew Martov suggested that the Party should be subordinate to the Jews -
the chosen people. In contrast, the half-Jew Lenin, wanted the Jews to be
subordinate to the Party. A majority supported Lenin's suggestion and these
were therefore called the Bolsheviks (the majority). The minority
(Mensheviks) supported Martov's suggestion and acted in the classic manner
of social democrats, using demagogy and cunning. The Party was split. The
true reasons have until now been left out of the official Party history.
Leon Trotsky was then among the Mensheviks. He regarded Lenin as a despot
and a terrorist (Louis Fischer, "The Life of Lenin", London, 1970,
p. 68).
Iskra came under the influence of the Mensheviks. Lenin, who disliked
disputes, left the editorial staff and started his own periodical, Vperyod.
A famous Jewish textiles magnate and capitalist from Moscow, Savva Morozov,
financed this. (Louis Fischer, "The Life of Lenin", London, 1970, p. 68.)
The Morozov brothers had given the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky a
two-storeyed house and provided the Bolsheviks with large amounts of money.
Lenin's Nature
Lenin tried to work out his own ism, a doctrine, which differed very little
from the basic teachings of the Illuminati. Leninism became such a terrible
and efficient brake on all areas of social development that the use of that
ideology must be regarded as a crime against humanity. Russia is now
attempting to salvage itself through the process of dismantling Leninism.
This is the only way, since Vladimir Ulyanov, known under the pseudonym of
Lenin, was the root of all the evils of Communism in Russia. His true nature
has only recently been revealed. It is doubtful whether any other leader has
lied to such an amazing extent about himself and everything else. An
incredible amount of myths has been created about him to hide his evil
nature and destructive acts.
He introduced logocracy (power through the use
of barefaced lies), which became a political weapon. Comrade Ulyanov knew
that the lie could be changed into truth if only it was made credible and attractive and then repeated often enough.
He understood that the people would once again become strong and independent
if they were kept well informed about the state of affairs, were to decide
on their own existence and to work with sensible things. ("Works", Vol. 26,
p. 228.)
This is why he introduced a severe censorship and counted on
half-lies to be an even more effective weapon against a sensible
Only in 1991-1992, were researchers given access to 3724 secret documents.
These papers showed clearly what a beast Lenin really was. It was also
revealed that Lenin had been an unsuccessful lawyer, who had only had six
cases in which he defended shoplifters. He lost all six cases. A week later,
he had had enough and gave up the profession. He never had a real job after
According to both older documents and others, which have been made available
more recently, it is clear that Lenin was the worst, most demagogic,
bloodthirsty, merciless and inhuman dictator in the history of the world.
The American socialist John Reed, who met Lenin, described him as a strange
person: colorless and without humor. Despite this, he propagandized for
Communism in the United States since he was well paid to do so.
Once, in
1920, he was paid the giant sum of 1,080,000 rubles for his services.
(Dagens Nyheter, May 30, 1995.)
"Lenin was prepared to annihilate 90 per cent of the population in order
that the remaining 10 per cent might live under Communism," wrote the author
Vladimir Soloukhin in the periodical Ogonyok in December 1990.
This was
published as a big sensation in Dagens Nyheter on the 13th of January 1991.
Lenin expressed himself thus:
"May 90 per cent of the Russian people perish
if 10 per cent will experience the world revolution!"
("Selected Works", Vol. 2, p. 702.)
Lenin emphasized:
"We must utilize all possible cunning and illegal methods,
deny and conceal the truth."
Lenin demanded:
"The people will be taught to hate. We shall begin with the
young. The children will be taught to hate their parents. We can and must
write in a new language which sows hatred, detestation and similar fellings
among the masses against those who do not agree with us."
At the Third Comintern Congress on the 5th of July 1921, Lenin said:
"Dictatorship is a
state of intensive warfare."
In this war he was merciful to the "useful
idiots" (Lenin's term) only at the beginning.
(Rufin), chief of the Cheka (political police) was truthful when he said:
"We need no justice."
Lenin, Trotsky and Zinoviev had declared a holy war in
the name of Communism on the 1st of September 1920. Zinoviev had called
Dzerzhinsky "the saint of the revolution". Stalin regarded him as "the
eternal flame". In reality, he was a sadist and a drug-addict.
"Peace means, quite simply, the dominion of Communism over the
entire world."
(Lenin, "Theses about the Tasks of the Communist Youth".)
Lenin's opponents in this war were all who had differing ideas about life
and spiritual matters, for such people were physically repugnant to him. He
was constantly giving orders for people to be hanged, shot, burned. Thus he
demanded the priests in Shuya to be executed to a man. He ordered the city
of Baku to be burned down, if its resistance could not be crushed in some
other way. At the same time, Lenin was extremely capricious.
Lenin ruled by the aid of decrees. There were no longer any laws in force.
When the first Soviet penal laws were worked out in 1922, Lenin demanded in
his directions that the penal laws should "justify and legalize terror in
principle, clearly, without embellishment".
Hitherto, revelations of this sort have mostly concerned Joseph Stalin,
Lenin's faithful pupil. It is now high time to destroy the last remaining
myths about Lenin.
Lenin became a synonymous for injustice and falsehood. He promised to give
the peasants land, but finally confiscated everything. In 1918 he replaced
the slogan about the nationalization of the land with demands about the
socialization of the land. (Yuri Chernichenko's article "Who Needs the
Farmers' Party and Why?", Literaturnaya Rossiya, 8th March 1991.)
Marx had
written that the land must be confiscated at once. Lenin put off doing that.
Later, he offered 100,000 rubles for every landowning farmer hanged.
Lenin promised to make the worker his own master, but made him a slave
instead. He promised to abolish the bureaucratic apparatus, but even in his
lifetime it grew into a vast army of parasites. There were 231 000
bureaucrats in Russia in August 1918. In 1922 there were already 243,000,
despite Lenin's orders for a lessening of the numbers. In 1988 there were 18
million bureaucrats in the Soviet Empire, 11 per cent of the working
population of 165 million.
Lenin claimed that the Party should keep no secrets from the people. But the
whole apparatus of the Communist Party was surrounded with secrecy. Lenin
promised peace, instead there was civil war. He promised bread but brought
about a catastrophic famine. He promised to make the people happy and
brought terrible calamities down upon them.
It was Lenin who banned the
oppositional newspapers. Two days after seizing power, he issued a decree
abolishing the freedom of the press. During the first week he shut down ten
newspapers and ten more in the following week, until all newspapers he
disliked had ceased to exist. Lenin also disbanded all other political
parties (except Bund and Po'alei Zion).
On the 17th of November 1917,
several commissars protested against Lenin's decision to form a government
consisting of only one party - the Bolsheviks, since there were other
parties represented in the workers' councils. He showed no mercy to his good
friend L. Martov, the Jewish leader of the Mensheviks (one of the few whom
Lenin used the familiar term of address with). In 1920, he exiled Martov
from Soviet Russia, thereby at least sparing his life.
It was Lenin who started the first mock-trials. Thus he put twelve social
revolutionaries on trial in 1922. Lenin himself had come up with all the
trickery necessary to bring about this case. Stalin used similar methods
during the years 1936-37.
It was Lenin who ordered the arrests of foreign socialists and communists in
Russia. The Chekists were given free rein. It was Lenin who came up with the
"Take back what was robbed!"
According to this exhortation, the
Bolsheviks were to plunder all of Russia's riches. On the 22nd of November
1917 he issued a decree in which he demanded that all gold, jewels, furs and
other valuables were to be confiscated during house searches (Lenin,
"Collected Works", Moscow, Vol. 36,p. 269).
The thorough falsification of Lenin's biography concerned even the
smallest, least significant details. However, the big lie begins with the
small ones.
On the 21st of January 1954, Pravda wrote about Lenin's
living conditions on Rue Bonieux in Paris:
"Vladimir Ilyich lived in a
small flat where a tiny room served as his study and where the kitchen was
used as both dining and reception room."
But Lenin himself wrote on the
19th of December 1908 in a letter to his sister:
"We found a very pleasant
flat. Four rooms, a kitchen and pantry, water, gas."
His wife Nadezhda
Krupskaya confirmed in her "Memoirs":
"The flat on Rue Bonieux was large and
bright and there were even mirrors above the heating stoves. We even had a
room for my mother, Maria, there."
Lenin paid 1000 francs a month for the
Lenin also rented an expensive, four-roomed flat at Kaptensgatan 17 in
Ostermalm (east-central Stockholm) in the autumn of 1910. This is where he
met his mother for the last time.
The many stories about "kind-hearted Lenin" played a major part in the
Soviet mythology. The proletarian author Maxim Gorky warned about Lenin with
the following words:
"Anyone who does not wish to spend all his time arguing
should steer clear of Lenin."
It must be stressed that Lenin had very few
friends. He used the familiar term of address only with his relations and
two others, L. Martov and G. Krizhanovsky. He also spoke familiarly with his
two lovers, Inessa Armand and Yelena Stasova. His Party comrades disliked
him. They did not even tell him about the February coup in 1917. He learned
about this when reading Neue Ziircher Zeitung. Even then he had difficulty
believing it was true.
The Sovietologist Mikhail Voslensky emphasized in his book "Mortal Gods"
("Sterbliche Gotter", Dietmar Straube Publishing, Erlan-gen/Bonn/Vienna,
1989) that Lenin was one of those few dictators who left plenty of written
evidence of his crimes against humanity behind him.
Among other things,
Lenin demanded:
"The more representatives of the reactionary priesthood we
manage to shoot, the better."
Before the Bolsheviks seized power there were
360 000 priests in Russia. At the end of 1919 only 40 000 remained alive.
(Vladimir Soloukhin, "In the
Light of Day", Moscow, 1992, p. 59.)
Voslensky claims that Lenin was personally responsible for the murders of 13
million people. He believed that Lenin clearly expressed the true value of
He said:
"What can one extract from poisonous plants except
Voslensky was of the opinion that Lenin had taken over Marx's credo, whereby
he was in the right even when he was wrong. Finally, Voslensky stated that
the communist ideology must be criminal, since it has brought forth so many
terrible tyrants and demagogues.
According to Mikhail Voslensky, Lenin was
one of the worst and most vulgar of them. Cruelty and brutality were coupled
with cowardice in Lenin's nature. This was claimed by a former Party worker,
Oleg Agranyants, in his book "What is to be Done? or Deleninisation of our Society" (London, 1989).
gave the following example of Lenin's cowardice:
T. Alexinskaya wrote in the periodical Rodnaya Zemlya No. 1, 1926: When I
first saw Lenin at a meeting near St. Petersburg in 1906, I was truly
disappointed. It was not so much his superficiality, but rather the fact
that when someone cried "Cossacks!",
Lenin was the first to run away. I looked after him. He jumped over the
barricade. His hat fell off."
Similar notes about Lenin can be found among the papers of the Okhrana (the
secret police), where it is mentioned that the fleeing Lenin fell into a
canal, from which he had to be pulled out. Nobody present at this subversive
meeting was detained.
Despite Lenin's secret and criminal incomes, he constantly demanded money
from his mother until her death in 1916. Stalin brought money to Lenin's
Bolsheviks through bank and train robberies. Maxim Litvinov also committed
bank robberies, giving the money to the Bolsheviks. Oleg Agranyants also
referred to a report in the files of the Okhrana concerning Lenin's visits
to the German embassy in Switzerland.
It was later revealed that Lenin was a
German agent.
Lenin was well aware of the seductive power of money. That was why he
generously dealt out cheques for large amounts to farmers and non-Russian
nationalists in the autumn of 1919. Some of them were taken in by this
swindle and perhaps believed the Bolsheviks to be a party of Santa Clauses.
Nobody could guess that those cheques lacked cover (Paul Johnson, "Modern
Times", Stockholm, 1987, p. 109).
One year earlier (autumn of 1918), Lenin
had sent gangs of armed workers to several places in the countryside with
orders to bring back as much food produce as possible. (Paul Johnson,
"Modern Times", Stockholm, 1987, p. 128.)
Lenin's Terror
Lenin's Jewish wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya wrote about Lenin's bloodlust,
cruelty and greed in her "Memoirs", published in Moscow in 1932. Krupskaya
described how Lenin once rowed a boat out to a little island in the Yenisei
River where many rabbits had migrated during the winter.
Lenin clubbed so
many rabbits to death with the butt of his rifle that the boat sank under the weight of all the dead bodies - an almost symbolic
act. Lenin enjoyed hunting and killing.
Later, after he had seized power, he showed a similarly savage attitude to
those who did not agree with his plans of enslavement. And how many really
supported his barbarous methods?
In 1975, a collection of documents was published in Moscow, "Lenin and the
Cheka", which explains that Lenin had adopted the terror methods of
Maximilien "de" Robespierre. The latter had been merciless, especially to
the spiritual aristocracy. As early as the 24th of January 1918, Lenin said
that the communist terror should have been much more merciless ("There is a
long way to go to the real terror").
On April 28, 1918, Pravda and Izvestiya
published Lenin's article "The Present Tasks of the Soviet Power" where he
wrote, among other things:
"Our regime is too soft."
He thought the Russians
unsuited to implement his terror - they were too well intentioned. That was
why he preferred the Jews. Naturally, not all the Jews joined, only the
worst, most hateful and most fanatical ones.
This fact that Lenin believed
the Jews to be much more efficient in the "revolutionary struggle" was kept
a state secret by order of Joseph Stalin, despite the fact that Maria Ulyanova had wanted to make it public a few years after Vladimir Lenin's
death. Lenin's sister believed that this fact would have been useful in the
struggle against anti-Semitism (Dagens Nyheter, 15th February 1995).
The vice-chairman of the Cheka, Martyn Lacis (actually Janis Sudrabs, a
Latvian Jew) wrote the following in his book "The Cheka's Struggle against
the Counter-Revolution" (Moscow, 1921, p. 8):
"We Israelites must build the
society of the future on the basis of constant fear."
Lenin wrote a letter
in 1918, in which he commented upon the critical nature of the situation. It
is apparent that Lenin managed to mobilize 1,400,000 Jews, the majority of
whom worked for the Cheka. They were given free rein.
Afterwards, Lenin wrote:
"These Jewish elements were mobilized against the
saboteurs. In this way, they succeeded in saving the revolution at this
critical stage."
(Todor Dichev, "The Terrible Conspiracy", Moscow, 1994, pp.
I personally know several anti-Communist Jews who have distanced themselves
from the fanatical Jews' terrible atrocities in the Soviet Union, since
those crimes have discredited all other Jews.
On the 26th of June 1918, Lenin gave orders to "expand the revolutionary
terror". In Lenin's opinion, it was impossible to bring about a revolution
without executions. He especially wanted to shoot all those responsible for
counter-propaganda. According to Leon Trotsky's testimony, Lenin had
shouted: "Is this dictatorship? This is just semolina pudding!" about ten
times a day throughout July 1918.
In the same year he gave orders to execute 200 people in Petrograd for the
sole reason that they had attended church, been working with handicraft or
had sold something.
Here are some examples of Lenin's "mild" telegrams in 1918:
"A troika of
dictators should be established and mass-terror should be begun at once. The
prostitutes who drink with soldiers and former officers should be shot or
deported at once. We must not wait a single minute! Full speed to the mass
arrests! Execute weapons owners! Begin the mass deportation of the
Mensheviks and the other suspects!"
("Collected Works", 3rd edition, Vol.
29, p. 489.)
"In the class struggle, we have always backed the use of
("Collected Works", 4th edition, Vol. 35, p. 275.)
executions should be increased!"
("Collected Works", 5th edition, Vol.
45, p. 189.)
The war historian Dmitri Volgokonov found in the KGB archives a dreadful
decree, which he published in his book. In this decree, Lenin demanded that
all peasants resisting the Bolsheviks should be hanged.
The tyrant
"At least a hundred of them, so that all may see!"
The peasants
in the province of Penza began to resist at the beginning of August 1918.
Lenin at once sent a telegram to the local executive committee with
instructions to start practicing merciless terror against the kulaks
(well-to-do farmers), the priests and the White Guards.
He recommended that
all "suspect people" should be sent to concentration camps. Three days
later, he sent a new message in which he expressed surprise at not having
received any messages in answer to his demands. He hoped that no one was
showing any weakness in dealing with the revolt and wrote that the
possessions of the farmers (especially corn) should be confiscated.
Winston Churchill called the Bolsheviks "angry baboons" on the 26th of
November 1918.
Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka's
weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed
through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters. According to official
Soviet reports from May 1922, 1 695 904 people were executed from January
1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors,
officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists,
writers, artists, nurses, workers and farmers... Their crime was
"anti-social thinking".
Here it must be pointed out that the Cheka was under the control of Jews,
according to documents now available. Much of this was known already in
1925. The researcher Larseh wrote in his book "The Blood-Lust of Bolshevism"
(Wurttemberg, p. 45) that 50 per cent of the Cheka consisted of Jews with
Jewish names, 25 per cent were Jews who had taken Russian names. All the
chiefs were Jews.
Lenin was well informed about all those serious crimes.
All of the documents
were placed on his desk. Lenin answered:
"Put more force into the terror...
shoot every tenth person, place all the suspects in concentration camps!"
The idea of "concentration camps" was not Hitler's invention, as many now
Actually, the first concentration camps were built in 1838 in the
United States for Indians. This method of isolating people appealed also to
other cruel rulers. In 1898 concentration camps were built in Cuba, where
the Spaniards imprisoned all oppositional elements. In 1901, the English
used the same form of collective imprisonment during the Boer war, where the
name "concentration camps" was also used. 26 000 Boer women and children
starved to death in the British camps; 20 000 of them were under 16 years
Lenin incarcerated people without any sentence, despite the establishment of
revolutionary tribunals, as was the case in France under the Jacobins. Lenin
actually claimed that the concentration camps were schools of labour.
(Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich, doctors of history, "Utopia in
Power", London, 1986, p. 67.) Lenin also claimed that the factory was the
workers' only school. They did not need any other education. He emphasized
that anyone who could only do simple arithmetic could run a factory.
Just like the terror of the Jacobins in France, the Jewish Bolshevik
functionaries used barges to drown people in. Bela Kun (actually Aaron Kohn)
and Roza Zemlyachka (actually Rozalia Zalkind) drowned Russian officers in this way in the Crimea in the autumn of 1920. (Igor Bunich,
"The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 73.)
The unusually cruel Jewish Chekist Mikhail Kedrov (actually Zederbaum) drowned 1092 Russian officers in
the White Sea in the spring of 1920. Lenin and his accomplices did not
arrest just anyone. They executed those most active in society, the
independent thinkers.
Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible
in several towns. The Chekists arrested every youth wearing a school cap.
They were liquidated because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals
would be a threat to the Soviet regime. (Vladimir Soloukhin, "In the Light
of Day", Moscow 1992, p. 40.) The role of the Russian intellectuals in
society was taken over by the Jews. Many students (for example in Yaroslavl)
learned quickly and hid their school caps. Afterwards, the Chekists stopped
all suspect youths and searched their hair for the stripe of the school cap.
If the stripe was found, the youth was killed on the spot.
The author Vladimir Soloukhin revealed that the Chekists were especially
interested in handsome boys and pretty girls. These were the first to be
killed. It was believed that there would be more intellectuals among
attractive people. Attractive youths were therefore killed as a danger to
society. No crime as terrible as this has hitherto been described in the
history of the world.
The terror was coordinated by the Chekist functionary Joseph Unsch-licht.
How did they go about the murders? The Jewish Chekists flavored murder with
various torture methods. In his documentary "The Russia We Lost", the
director Stanislav Govorukhin told how the priesthood in Kherson were
crucified. The archbishop Andronnikov in Perm was tortured: his eyes were
poked out, his ears and nose were cut off. In Kharkov the priest Dmitri was
undressed. When he tried to make the sign of the cross, a Chekist cut off
his right hand.
Several sources tell how the Chekists in Kharkov placed the victims in a
row and nailed their hands to a table, cut around their wrists with a knife,
poured boiling water over the hands and pulled the skin off. This was
called "pulling off the glove". In other places, the victim's head was
placed on an anvil and slowly crushed with a steam hammer. Those due to
undergo the same punishment the next day were forced to watch.
The eyes of church dignitaries were poked out, their tongues were cut
off and they were buried alive. There were Chekists who used to cut open
the stomachs of their victims, following which they pulled out a length of
the small intestine and nailed it to a telegraph pole and, with a whip,
forced the unlucky victim to run circles around the pole until the whole
intestine had been unraveled and the victim died.
The bishop of Voronezh
was boiled alive in a big pot, after which the monks, with revolvers aimed
at their heads, were forced to drink this soup.
Other Chekists crushed the heads of their victims with special head-screws,
or drilled them through with dental tools. The upper part of the skull was
sawn off and the nearest in line was forced to eat the brain, following
which the procedure would be repeated to the end of the line. The Chekists
often arrested whole families and tortured the children before the eyes of
their parents, and the wives before their husbands.
Mikhail Voslensky, a
former Soviet functionary, described some of the cruel methods used by the
Chekists in his book "Nomenklatura" / "Nomenclature" (Stockholm, 1982, p.
"In Kharkov, people were scalped. In Voronezh, the torture victims were
placed in barrels into which nails were hammered so that they stuck out on
the inside, upon which the barrels were set rolling. A pentacle (usually a
five-pointed star formerly used in magic) was burned into the foreheads of
the victims.
In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin, the hands of victims were amputated
with a saw. In Poltava and Kremenchug, the victims were impaled. In Odessa,
they were roasted alive in ovens or ripped to pieces. In Kiev, the victims
were placed in coffins with a decomposing body and buried alive, only to be
dug up again after half an hour."
Lenin was dissatisfied with these reports and demanded: "Put more
force into the terror!" All of this happened in the provinces. The reader
can try to imagine how people were executed in Moscow.
The Russian-Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna stated on the 24th
of August 1922 that Lenin had asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with
the particularly cruel executions.
The Ideological Background of the Terror
Compare the crimes mentioned in the previous chapter with the Old Testament
account of King David's massacre of the entire civilian population of an
enemy ("thus did he unto all the cities of the children of
He "cut them with saws and with harrows of iron" and "made them
pass through the brickkiln".
After the Second World War, this text was
changed in most European Bibles. Now, many Bibles state that the people were
put to work with the tools mentioned and were occupied with brick-making -
something the inhabitants had been doing continually for several thousand
years already. (This is found in II Samuel, 12:31, and in I Chronicles
The Jewish extremists' serious crimes in Russia were committed in the true
spirit of the Old Testament (King James' Bible):
The god of the Israelites demands the mass-murder of Gentiles (i.e. goyim
= non-Jews), including women and children. (Deuteronomy, 20:16.)
Yahweh wishes to spread terror among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy,
Yahweh demands the destruction of other religions (Deuteronomy,
The Jews may divide the prey of a great spoil (Isaiah, 33:23).
The Jews may make Gentiles their slaves (Isaiah, 14:2).
Those refusing to serve the Jews shall perish and be utterly wasted
(Isaiah, 60:12).
Gentiles shall be forced to eat their own flesh (Isaiah, 49:26).
to the Bolshevik terror: in order to control the people's hatred of their
Jewish torturers and executioners, people suspected of having an
anti-Semitic attitude were also executed. Those in possession of the book
"Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were executed on the spot.
At the end of
March 1919, Lenin was forced to explain:
"The Jews are not the enemies of
the working classes... they are our friends in the struggle for Socialism."
But the people hated precisely this Socialism and those who
practiced terror
in its name.
Vladimir Ulyanov's passion was to kill as many people as possible without
thinking of the consequences. Of course, he never wondered whether it was
really possible to build a state on violence and evil. Lenin showed the same
kind of thoughtlessness by the Yenisei, where he had loaded his boat with so
many dead rabbits with crushed heads that it sank under the weight.
August 1991 the state-ship Lenin had launched, sank. What else was to be
In the beginning of the 1920s there were already 70 000 prisoners in 300
concentration camps, according to "The Russian Revolution" by
Richard Pipes at Harvard University, though in reality there were probably
many more. It was in this manner that Lenin built his GULAG archipelago.
Lenin often demonstrated short-sightedness or complete stupidity. For
example, he hated railways. According to him, the railways were suitable for
cultured civilization only in the eyes of bourgeois professors. In Lenin's
opinion, railways were a weapon with which to suppress millions of people.
("Collected Works", 2nd edition, Vol. 19, p. 74.) The workers on the
Baikal-Amur railway were not given this quote to read in their barracks.
In 1916, Lenin claimed that capitalism would very soon die out. His
Communism fell first.
Lenin was not in the least interested in the world's cultural heritage. He
never visited the Louvre whilst in Paris. In 1910 he actually called Paris a
despicable hole. The Jewish revolutionary Maria Essen, in her book "Memories
of Lenin" (part 1, p. 244) confirms that Lenin never visited museums or
exhibitions. Gorky, however, forced him to visit the National Museum of
Naples. He avoided the workers' quarters of towns. (Paul Johnson, "Modern
Times", Stockholm, 1987, p. 82.)
Indeed, Marx had said that the workers were
stupid cattle.
Lenin did not like listening to music. Why waste time on such rubbish? In
his opinion, music awakened unnecessarily beautiful thoughts. This was why
he did not want anyone else to listen to music either, least of all to
opera. Stalin's interpreter, Valentin Berezhkov, reveals in his memoranda
that Lenin wanted to shut down the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, since the
working classes had no need of operas. Only when it was explained to Lenin
that opera music was a part of the Russian culture did he grudgingly give
He had visited the Theatre of Arts only a few times, claims Anatoli
Lunacharsky who also confirmed that Lenin was entirely ignorant of art.
Lenin stressed that art must be utilised for the purposes of propaganda. The
purpose of art and culture was, according to Lenin, to serve Socialism,
nothing else. This was why many Jewish abstractionists and other art jokers
were immediately employed, among others Vasili Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich
and Isaac Brodsky, to make all public places shine with communist symbols,
slogans and placards.
Proletkult (the culture of the proletariat =
culturelessness) was founded on Lenin's orders. Later, repressive methods
were used to establish socialist realism - a rape of the arts in public. In this way the aristocratic, noble arts
were destroyed. At the head of the decadent placard painters was the Jew and
freemason Marc Chagall, who for a time acted as Art Commissar in Vitebsk.
Election campaigns were an unscientific method, thought Lenin. At the same
time he gravely misjudged the political situation. Lenin said that "the
world war cannot come" in Krakow in 1912. ("Collected Works", 4th edition,
Vol. 16, p. 278.)
However hard the "great leader" of the proletariat tried, he could never
learn to use a typewriter. (Oleg Agranyants, "What Should Be Done?", London,
1989.) He hated all intellectuals; perhaps this was the result of an
inferiority complex.
Anatoli Lunacharsky (actually Bailikh Mandelstam), People's Commissary for
Educational Affairs 1917-29 and a member of the Grand Orient, remembered how
Gorky had complained to Lenin in 1918 about the imprisonment of the same
intellectuals who had earlier helped Lenin and his companions in Petrograd.
Lenin answered with a cynical smile:
"Their houses must be searched and they
themselves imprisoned precisely because they are good people. They always
show compassion for the oppressed. They are always against persecution. This
is why they can now be suspected of housing cadets and Octobrists."
collection "Lenin and the Cheka", Moscow, 1975.)
According to Lenin, there were no innocents among the intellectuals. All
were the main enemies of Communism. They were either against or neutral.
They always sympathized with those who were persecuted at the time.
In answering a letter to M. Andreyeva on the 19th of September 1919, Lenin
was honest to admit: "Not jailing the intellectuals would be a crime." He
thought that they were in a position to aid the opposition and were
therefore potentially dangerous.
Lenin's primary goal was to exterminate the most intelligent part of the
Russian population. When the giants are gone, the dwarves may revel. The
Chekists usually invented the charges against the intellectuals. Sometimes
Lenin released a scientist he had special need of. Maxim Gorky used to make
enquiries. Lenin skillfully utilized Gorky as a famous and popular author,
since he needed him for reasons of propaganda. That was why he sometimes
released certain intellectuals whom Gorky wanted freed from the Cheka's claws.
Later, Lenin began to systematically utilise the
knowledge of imprisoned scientists for his own purposes. Lenin began the
persecution of intellectuals immediately after his rise to power. He made
them starve to death or forced them to emigrate, or jailed or murdered them.
Thus he gave orders to murder hundreds of thousands of intellectuals. In a
letter to Maxim Gorky on September 15th, 1919, he called the learned
He also called the Russian intellectuals spies who intended to lead
the young students to destruction. On the 21st of February 1922 he demanded
the dismissal of 20-40 professors at the Moscow Technical College, since
they "are making us stupid". On the 10th of May 1922, he issued a decree
demanding that the Russian intellectuals should be systematically expelled
from the country by way of pest control. He wanted this letter kept secret.
On the 16th-18th of September 1922, "160 of the most active bourgeois
ideologues" were expelled by government decree. Among these were Leon
Karsavin, Principal of the University of Petrograd, and Novikov, Principal
of the University of Moscow. He also expelled Staranov, head of the
mathematics department at Moscow University, world famous biologists,
zoologists, philosophers, historians, economists, mathematicians, several
authors and publicists. Philosophers like Nikolai Berdyayev, Sergei Bulgakov
and Ivan Ilyin, as well as Vladimir Zvorykin and the author Ivan Bunin, who
received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1933, can also be mentioned.
There were no important names among these, if the GPU (political police)
were to be believed.
The Bolsheviks kept quiet the fact that nearly all of those expelled
belonged to various secret societies, among others the Light Blue Star.
Trotsky demanded as early as 1918 that the Cheka leave this organization
In this way Lenin drained the country of its finest minds. Eventually, Lenin
managed to purge Russia almost entirely of educated, wise and free-thinking
people. The worst began to rule the best of those who were still left. What
had been regarded as wrong for centuries now became a virtue. In this way,
Lenin introduced the right to dishonesty.
Lenin became completely intoxicated with the possibility of murdering and
plundering with impunity. Instead of the word "plunder", he preferred
"confiscate", "seize", "take and not return", just like a real bandit!
"I do not want to believe that you would show any weakness in confiscating wealth."
(Lenin, "Collected Works", second edition, Vol.
p. 491.)
He lacked mercy also for the common people; he did not give a thought to
their fate. At the same time, he constantly controlled the efficiency of Chekists. On the 2nd of April 1921, he demanded a decrease in the number of
mouths to feed in the factories. He meant that those in excess should be
A true terrorist, Lenin demanded that the Bolsheviks should take hostages,
who were to be mercilessly executed if he did not have his way. He commanded
hostages to be taken in all plundering expeditions. Those hostages were to
be killed if wealth and possessions were not handed over to the Red Guards,
or if an attempt to conceal any part of their wealth was made.
Eventually, all Soviet citizens became hostages anyway, locked into a ghetto
walled in by the iron curtain. Those who might pose a threat to the
Bolsheviks' dominion were isolated within the ghetto in the concentration
The following can be read in "The Decision on the Red Terror",
September 5, 1918:
"The Soviet Republic must rid itself of class enemies by
isolating them in concentration camps..."
("Decrees of the Soviet Power",
Moscow, 1964, p. 295.)
The author Maxim Gorky, who was well aware of Lenin's intolerance,
characterized him in this way:
"Lenin was no all-powerful wizard, but a
cold-blooded bluff who cared nothing for either honor or the life of the
Source: Gorky's article "To Democracy", published in the
newspaper Novaya Zhizn, No. 174, 7th (20th) of November 1917.
When the Jew
Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich, a close associate of Lenin, tried to restrain him
somewhat, believing that the chief revolutionary would bring about the
wholesale destruction of Russia if he was not halted, Lenin answered:
spit on Russia, for I am a Bolshevik."
(Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St.
Petersburg, 1992, p. 17.)
This expression also became a slogan for the other
leading Bolsheviks and Russia was turned into a bandit state.
"Socialism is the ideology of envy," declared the philosopher Nikolai
Berdyayev in 1918.
If he had said this openly, he would have been shot on
the spot. This was true, since Lenin, after exploiting the envy of the
workers and poor peasants, began to mercilessly eliminate those who resisted
him, just like when he clubbed the rabbits. He gave orders to open fire on the workers if necessary, which actually happened when peaceful
demonstrators in Astrakhan were fired upon in March 1919. Two thousand
workers were killed. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992,
pp. 58-59.)
One hundred railway builders in Yekaterinoslavl were shot for
trying to organize a strike. The shooting of workers in this way continued
up to the middle of April 1919.
In the first three months of 1919 alone, 138 000 workers were shot. The
Bolsheviks finally managed to destroy nearly all of the best workers. Labour
activists were also fired upon in the reign of Nikita Khrushchev. Soviet
soldiers shot 80 demonstrators in Novocherkassk by the Black Sea in June
It was Lenin who introduced the method of shooting people on the spot. He
stamped Russian businessmen as enemies of the people and then gave orders
for them to be shot as speculators. The Chekists used certain tricks to lure
their victims to their place of execution. 2000 tsarist officers were called
to a theatre in Kiev for control of identity papers. All were shot without
mercy. Another 2000 were shot on the spot in Stavropol. Lenin encouraged the
soldiers to kill their officers, the workers to kill their engineers and
directors, the peasants to kill their landowners.
Towards the end of 1922
there were virtually no intelligent people left in Russia, and the few left
did not have any possibility of publishing on otherwise giving vent to their
The great author Mikhail Bulgakov was allowed to speak openly after
the death of Lenin but the agitatory clown Vladimir Mayakovsky (of Jewish
extraction) immediately threatened:
"It was by pure chance that we let Bulgakov squeak, which he did, to the delight of the bourgeoisie. But it was
the last time."
Then Jewish bureaucrats harassed Bulgakov to the end of his
"All has been forbidden. I am crushed, persecuted and totally alone,"
he wrote in a letter to Gorky.
13 of Bulgakov's 15 critics were Jews.
(Dagens Nyheter,
August 10, 1988.)
Many poets perished under Lenin. Among those executed was the 35-year-old
poet Nikolai Gumilev, killed on the 21st of August 1921.
It was Grigori
Zinoviev who gave the order to execute Nikolai Gumilev. At the beginning of
the New Economic Policy, Lenin was dissatisfied that the terror had to be
reined in, but he promised to continue even more intensively in the future.
"It is the greatest mistake to believe that NEP means the end of the terror.
We shall continue the terror later, and also the economic terror," wrote Lenin to Leon Kamenev (actually Rosenfeld) on
the 8th of March 1922.
In his childhood, the little Vova Ulyanov liked to order about and terrorize
his youngest sister Olga. He also enjoyed destroying his toys.
Lenin was
extremely displeased with the results of the agitation of the peasants in
"Unfortunately, the peasants destroyed only a fifteenth of the
estates; only a fifteenth of what they should have destroyed."
"Collected Works", second edition, Vol. 19, p. 279.)
In France, the Jacobin
"revolutionaries" had ordered the peasants to destroy castles and manors.
Lenin also ordered churches plundered and destroyed. In this manner he
collected 48 billion rubles in gold. ("In the Light of Day" by Vladimir
Soloukhin, Moscow, 1992, p. 59.) The monastery at Solovetsk was turned into
a concentration camp. In the same way, the museums were looted and the booty
smuggled abroad. The largest Rembrandt collection in the world was kept at
the Hermitage, but this was sold, like art treasures from Russian mansions.
On the 7th of November, Lenin said in a speech to the Russian people: "You
must be prepared to sacrifice everything to conquer the world!" Lenin never
wanted to reach the truth through discussion. He was only interested in
enforcing the will of his criminal organization through deception, plunder
and murder. Since the Russian people refused to accept the Bolsheviks'
insane system, they were forced to liquidate a third of the population,
wrote the author Vladimir Soloukhin in the periodical Ogonyok in December of
Vladimir Lenin took over many of the methods of the anarchist terrorist
Sergei Nechayev (1847-82), who had plans to introduce barracks-Communism
into Russia. Lenin called his own method "war-Communism".
Nechayev had
worked with the Illuminatus Mikhail Bakunin. Due to the influence of
Bakunin, Nechayev came to believe that everything was morally justifiable to
a revolutionary. He even recommended joining robbers, who could also be said
to belong to the true revolutionaries. This idea became the basis of Lenin's
later tactics. Mao Zedong (China) also used these same tactics.
Nechayev had taken part in the student troubles in 1868 and tried to set up
a terrorist organization called The Axe or The People's Settlement in Moscow
the following year. He later founded the terrorist group Hell, in which the Marxist terrorist Nikolai Fedoseyev (1871-1898) eventually
became an important figure. He poisoned his father in order to donate his
inheritance to revolutionary activity. Fedoseyev founded the first Marxist
clubs in Kazan. One of the members of these was Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin),
who joined in 1888. (The collection "Chernyshevsky and Nechayev", Moscow,
Sergei Nechayev wrote "The Catechism of the Revolution" in 1868-69, in which
he asserted:
"There is a need for conspirators with iron-hard discipline for
the revolution to succeed. These must spy even on their comrades and report
every suspicious act."
In this way, Nechayev personally organized the murder
of a critical member. After this, he fled abroad in 1872. The Swiss police
extradited him to Russia in the same year, and he was sentenced to 20 years
of hard labour.
In his "Catechism of the Revolution" Nechayev stressed that a revolutionary
must be merciless against all of society, especially against the
intellectuals. But he must also exploit the fanaticism of the individualist
terrorists. These were later to be forgotten or even destroyed according to
need. As we know, Stalin began to liquidate social revolutionary terrorists
- all in line with Lenin's instructions.
A well-known children's song in praise of Lenin goes like this:
"The great
Lenin was so noble, considerate, wise and good."
But the "good" Lenin did
not care about the living conditions of the people. He hated children. Lenin
was only interested in his own power and well-being. He also saw to it that
his gang of bandits lived well, and also his relatives. Lenin organized
holidays for his relatives to various spas, had this paid for by the state
and gave them state subsidies.
There is written evidence of how Lenin gave Sergo Ordzhonikidze orders to take care of his lover Inessa Armand in the
best possible manner when she arrived in Kislovodsk. The first special
telephone was given to the same "comrade Inessa". It was Lenin who
introduced the privileges of the Nomenclatura, whilst he changed the life of
normal people into a downright nightmare. It can be mentioned here that when
Lenin spent 14 months in a jail in St. Petersburg in 1895-96, he received
meals directly from a restaurant. He also ordered a special mineral water
from a pharmacy.
As a dictator, Lenin's ugly attributes came to the fore. He kept his
personal fortune, which he had gained from plundered art, valuables and gems
he had sold, in a Swiss bank. In 1920 alone, Lenin transferred
120 million Swiss francs into his account. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold",
St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 83.) This was confirmed in The New York Times in
the same year.
The same newspaper wrote on the 23rd of August 1921 that
comrade Leon Trotsky had two personal bank accounts in the United States in
which he had a total of 80 million dollars. Meanwhile, Lenin claimed that
there was no money to help the hungry or to support culture with. According
to the myth, Lenin thought only of others. Lenin had earlier stolen money
from the Party funds, despite the fact he received his wages from the same
source. Once he emptied the whole fund to buy votes from members of the
Central Committee.
One can read the following in "The Memories of the
Russian Socialist" by T. Alexinskaya (Paris, 1923):
"According to Lenin's
instructions, Nikolai Shemashko transferred the entire Party funds to an
account of a fictitious committee... Lenin bribed certain members of the
Central Committee so that they would vote for him."
At a meeting at the International Bureau of Socialism in Brussels on the
20th of June 1914, Georgy Plekhanov said, among other things:
"Ulyanov does
not want to return the Party's money, which he has appropriated like a
(Excerpt from the minutes.)
In England, charges were raised against
Lenin for an unpaid debt. In 1907, he had borrowed money from the
soap-boiler Feltz, which he had promised to repay, but had not. The police
wanted Ulyanov.
The police in France also wanted him in 1907, following which he traveled
to other countries, including Sweden. He owed 10,000 gold rubles to a band
of robbers, who should have received arms for this money through Lenin. The
leader of the gang, Stepan Lbov, was caught and hanged. With this, Lenin
believed the problem was solved. But one of the bandits came to demand the
money. Lenin fled, but was sought after by the police. He had also
appropriated the inheritance of the millionaire Schmidt, amounting to 475
000 Swiss francs. So doing, Lenin acted in accordance with the
Jesuit-Illuminist principle - the ends justify the means.
Independently thinking people will be aware that the immense crimes of the
Soviet Communist Party can never be atoned for. It is equally impossible to
justify the acts of "individual comrades", Lenin among others. In fact Lenin
was fascinated by violence. He spoke of the so-called French Revolution and
above all praised the violence it had involved.
Lenin was entranced by violence - he used to lick his lips when a chance to
use violence presented itself.
Mark Yelizarov, the husband of Lenin's older sister Anna, said to comrade
Georgi Solomon that Lenin was abnormal. (Georgi Solomon, "Lenin and his
Family", Paris, 1931.) Charles Rappoport asserted in 1914 that Lenin was a
swindler of the worst sort. Vyacheslav Menzhinsky called Lenin a political
Jesuit in the Russian exile newspaper Nashe Slovo (Paris, July 1916).
Menzhinsky was named People's Commissary for Financial Affairs after the
Bolshevik seizure of power. In 1918, he was Soviet Russia's consul-general
in Berlin and later, in 1919, he held leading positions within the Cheka. In
1926, he became head of the OGPU (political police), a position he held
until 1934, when Stalin had him executed. In 1916, Menzhinsky had openly
stated that the aim of the Leninists was to suppress the voice of the
workers. He later became an infamous mass-murderer.
Even the merciless sadist Leon Trotsky called Lenin a hooligan at a meeting
of the Politburo, because Lenin, when angry, used to call his fellow
criminals marauders, idiots, mongrels, thieves, carrion, criminals,
parasites, speculants...
On November 7, 1990, Swedish TV showed a program about the October coup
and its consequences. There were interviews with both Leninist-Stalinists
and White Guards. Alexander Kondratyevich, former officer in the tsarist
Russian army, now living in Paris, had personally seen Lenin. He said that
Lenin's eyes were evil and radiated hatred, and he shook with evil and
hatred as he spoke. Kondratyevich got the impression that Lenin somehow
suffered from paranoia.
The Russian author Alexander Kuprin (1870-1938), who emigrated from his
homeland in 1919 to return in 1937 described Lenin in the following manner:
"Short with broad shoulders and skinny." He thought Lenin was shallow.
The author Nikolai Valentinov wrote the book "The Lesser-Known Lenin"
(Paris, 1972). He thought Lenin's ugly little eyes radiated a piercing
contempt, compact coldness and a bottomless wickedness. Valentinov claimed
that Lenin's gaze reminded him of the stare of an angry boar.
The English philosopher Bertrand Russell maintained that Lenin was the worst
person he had ever met. He described in his memoirs how Lenin spoke of peasants he had hanged and began to laugh as if it had been a
It has been made public in the Russian press how, when Felix Dzerzhinsky
(actually Rufin), chief of the Cheka, told Lenin of the execution of five
hundred leading intellectuals in 1918, the great dictator, in his joy, began
to neigh like a horse. He went into ecstasies and cheered out of
In August 1990, the artist Ilya Glazunov was on Leningrad's most
popular TV program, "600 Seconds", where the host asked him:
do you believe to be the greatest criminal of the twentieth century?"
Glazunov answered:
"Isn't it obvious? Everyone realizes who it is."
host was stubborn:
"No, I have no idea whom you mean. Tell me, who are
you thinking of?"
Glazunov said:
"Lenin, of course."
Many people who knew Lenin personally stated that chiefly hatred and
merciless cruelty fueled him. He always received news of executions with
a smile. He wanted house searches and arrests to occur at night. The real
leader of the terrorist organization Cheka was actually Lenin. At the
Seventh Soviet Congress in December of 1919, Lenin stressed that well-organized terror was necessary. He explained that a good communist must
at the same time be a good Chekist.
Another myth claims that Stalin took power from the so-called Workers'
Councils against Lenin's will. But Lenin wrote the following as early as
1918: '
"All power to the Workers' Councils!' was the slogan of the peaceful
revolution. It is no longer applicable."
(Lenin, "Collected Works'', Vol.
25, p. 156.)
According to another myth, Lenin advocated democracy and freedom. If only he
had had a longer time in power, everything would have been different.
Lenin stressed as early as 1917 that the workers needed no liberty,
equality or fraternity. (Lenin, "Collected Works", Vol. 26, p. 249.) He also
said that Marxism lacked ethics. The only ethics of Marxism is the class
struggle. (Lenin, "Collected Works", Vol. 26, p. 378.)
Stalin did not deviate from the path of Leninism, as was later asserted. He
dismantled NEP, which had by then served its purpose. Lenin had given
instructions to that effect. Gorbachev also went by these guidelines.
"If the front-line attack fails, we should go around and continue
more slowly. We must exploit capitalism."
This was in 1921 before the beginning of the New Economic Policy. (Lenin, "Collected
Works", Vol. 32, p. 318.)
Olgerts Eglits, member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, on the 17th of
April 1989, in the newspaper Atmoda (The Awakening), stated that Stalin had
carefully followed Leninist principles. Everybody is likely to remember the
bloody events that took place in Riga and Vilnius in January 1991. They,
too, were a result of Leninist politics. Among other documents discovered in
Trotsky's archives was a letter from Lenin to Yefraim Shklansky, Jewish Vice
People's Commissary for Military Affairs, written in August 1920.
Lenin had
learned how, in Estonia, volunteers were being drafted into the Polish army.
The plan was to send them to Poland via Riga in Latvia. So Lenin decided:
"It is not enough to send a few diplomatic protests... Use military means,
i.e. Latvia and Estonia must be punished militarily (follow, for example, Balakhovich across the border and hang 100-1000 officials and rich people)."
Lenin promised to pay 100 000 rubles for every person hanged. Lenin's
cunning plan was to disguise his terrorists as Stanislav Bulak-Balakhovich's
white guards.
This letter was left out of "Collected Works" and was first published in the
periodical Das Land und die Welt No. 4, in Munich in 1984, and also in
Russia after the fall of Communism.
Wasn't it a typical Leninist trick to make Vytautas Landsbergis responsible
for the Soviet bloodbath in Vilnius in January 1991?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn has emphasized that Lenin had virtually nothing in
common with the Russian culture, since he belonged to the so-called
internationalists. That was why he waged a war against every form of
national culture. His policy in national questions prescribed fusion of
different nationalities and national cultures.
The saint of the Bolsheviks
wrote in 1919:
"The peoples shall be mixed. The national stagnation must
(Lenin, "Collected Works", Vol. 20, p. 55.)
Six years earlier in 1913 he had declared:
"From a social democratic point
of view, the national culture must not be strengthened, since the spiritual
life of all humanity will be internationalized already under capitalism.
Under Socialism it will be internationalized completely."
(Lenin, "Collected
Works", Vol. 19, p. 213.)
Lenin's successors have tried to realize this
thesis in order to change Russia into the ethnic sewer Marx wrote about.
Oleg Agranyants worked as Party secretary in the Soviet commune in Tunisia
in 1985. His book "What is to be Done? Or the Most Important Task of our
Time - Deleninisation of Our Society", was published in London in 1989. It
was actually surprising how vehemently he unmasked Lenin.
Oleg Agranyants claimed, among other things, that Lenin trusted Stalin
completely. Stalin, meanwhile, felt contempt for Nadezhda Krupskaya. Stalin
even threatened her in the following manner:
"If necessary, we will say that
Lenin's real wife was Stasova!"
Stalin presumably had a reason for this
utterance, since the well-known Jewish Bolshevik Yelena Stasova, best known
for her leadership of MOPR or the Red Aid, claimed many times in her 93
years that Lenin had used her name, Lena, as his pseudonym.
The first time
Vladimir Ulyanov called himself Lenin was in December 1901. In his book,
Oleg Agranyants regrets that Lenin's lover's name was Lena and not Varya.
Then, instead of Marxism-Leninism, we would have had Marxism-Varvarism (in
English: Marxism-Barbarism). Krupskaya never called her husband Lenin.
Before the Bolshevik seizure of power she signed all documents Ulyanova.
After the introduction of the red dictatorship she signed as Krupskaya.
Oleg Agranyants explained that Lenin's letter to the Party Congress, which
is better known as his testament wherein Stalin was described with harsh
words and not recommended for leadership, is in fact a banal forgery.
Krupskaya wrote this letter. During this period, Lenin's health was so bad
that he sometimes forgot his own name. The tyrant, suffering from
progressing mental and physical decay, was not capable of dictating a
letter. The Politburo knew this and therefore never took this letter
seriously. Also by its language, it differed from Lenin's other notes and
If Lenin's earlier writings are studied, only two or three documents can be
found which do not praise Stalin while Lenin was extremely severe on his
other collaborators. He always had something unpleasant to say about Trotsky
or Kamenev or Zinoviev or Bukharin.
As the reader will have noticed, he was
not particularly restrained in his mode of expression. Stalin never did
anything, which would have diverged from Lenin's opinions or writings. It
was Lenin, not Stalin, who began deporting the relatives of his political
opponents. It must be pointed out here that the taking of hostages was a
state policy, which had been planned by Lenin and Trotsky, and not simply a result of the cruelty and mercilessness of
individual terrorists. It was Lenin who started the plundering expeditions
and mass murders. Lenin even demanded all homeless people to be executed on
the spot.
Stalin followed the same pattern. He only followed Lenin's decree from
January 1918, which exhorted that Russia be purged of all possible vermin
for the foreseeable future.
I might mention here that Stalin's attitude toward cultural values was
somewhat milder than Lenin's. There was still, of course, no straying from
the true Leninist doctrine. Stalin wanted to seem democratic. That was why
he introduced so-called general elections for demagogic reasons. In
contrast, Lenin had said that the people had nothing to say in the matter,
since he, Lenin, had foreseen everything.
Stalin, too, was of the opinion
that he knew everything better than anyone else did. Stalin re-introduced
the tradition of the new-year's tree and in 1942 allowed the use of the
tsarist army-shirts (gimnastyorka)... Lenin had despised those things.
Stalin did not ascend the throne himself. It was Lenin who made him general
secretary of the Central Committee, since Trotsky did not wish to be seen in
this public position due to his manifestly Jewish origin. Stalin was a
worthy follower of the Leninist inheritance until Lazar Kaganovich had him
poisoned in 1953.
Of course, Stalin was the most bloodstained tyrant in the history of
humanity, but he was just following the Leninist path. Stalin was the
hangman who executed Judge Lenin's sentences and carried out his plans of
Once again, it is possible to cite a corresponding order of
"Begin a merciless campaign of terror and a war against the farmers
and other bourgeois elements who are hiding an excess of grain."
particularly dark secret about Lenin was concealed up to the end of the
1990s. This is evident from his correspondence with his party comrade and
Masonic brother Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky).
Lenin wrote to Zinoviev on 1
July 1917:
"Grigori! Circumstances have forced me to leave Petrograd at
once... The comrades suggested a place. It is so boring to be alone... Come
and join me and we will spend wonderful days together, far away from
everything... "
Zinoviev wrote to Lenin:
"Dear Vova! You have not answered me. You have
probably forgotten your Gershel [Grigori]. I have prepared a nice cubby-hole
for us... It is a wonderful home where we will live well and nothing will disturb our love. Travel here as soon as you can. I am
waiting (or you, my little flower. Your Gershel."
In another letter, Zinoviev wanted to be sure that Lenin was not sleeping
with other men in their home. He ended his letter by sending a Marxist kiss
to his Vova. He suggested that nothing should be hidden from Lenin's wife
Nadezhda Krupskaya and reminded him of the first time she had caught them.
(Vladislav Shumsky, "Hitlerism is Terrible, but Zionism is Worse", Moscow,
1999, p. 47.)
In this way the two Masonic brothers practiced David's love for Jonathan.
Perhaps this makes it easier for us to understand why the freemasons are so
keen on supporting the homosexual "liberation".
Soviet man was not allowed
to be independent of the state, even in foodstuffs. Stalin made sure to
finally end the possibility of this by enforcing mass-collectivization. In
this, he also followed Lenin's orders. Lenin had said that an independent
farmer who had an excess of grain was a danger to the social revolution.
(Lenin, "Collected Works", second edition, Vol. 19, p. 101.) So Stalin, like
a parrot, repeated that measures must be taken against the farmer, like
against the bourgeois, if he had a good harvest, to protect the social
It is understandable, then, why people used to tell this joke: Radio Yerevan
was asked:
"Why is there always a shortage of food in the Soviet Union?"
Radio Yerevan answered:
"Because the Winter Palace was so badly defended."
Lenin knew that the majority of the Russian people were against his
bloodthirsty party. Therefore he waged a terrible war against this people to
enslave it by means of fair but meaningless slogans. His successor continued
this dreadful war, but used different methods. Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin knew
that the untalented Stalin would follow his directions to the letter.
It was also Lenin who created the problems between different nations. In
February 1921 he handed over the Armenian Kars and Ardagan to Turkey in
exchange for the town of Batumi. Stalin could not give Nagorno-Karabakh to
Azerbaijan without Lenin's permission. Lenin did not make a secret of the
fact that he, like leading Turkish Jews, disliked the Armenians.
The ungrateful Lenin even persecuted his allies, especially the Social
Revolutionaries on the left, who were prepared to support him in all kinds of ways and entered his government in December 1917. Lenin ordered their
leader, Maria Spiridonova, imprisoned half a year after his seizure of
power. Stalin had her executed in 1941.
Many of those who helped Lenin came
to very bad ends.
Lenin's Last Days
Lenin's journey through life ended very tragically. The circumstances
surrounding his death have been carefully concealed. It was officially
claimed that he suffered from constant headaches as a result of a bullet
wound, caused by Fanny Kaplan, due to which he could never sleep properly.
This was claimed for the last time by Chazov, the Soviet minister of health,
in the periodical Ogonyok No. 42, 1988. This lie was actually exposed by
Pravda itself, in number 18, 1929, where the Latvian Bolshevik Janis
Berzins-Ziemelis told about his meeting with Lenin in 1906.
He said, among
other things:
"Vladimir Ulyanov suffered from headaches and sleeplessness
even then. That was why he got up late and was nearly always in a bad mood."
So Lenin suffered from headaches even 12 years before the attempt on his
life. It was less known at the time that Lenin also suffered from constant
pain in his eyes which, according to Vladimir Soloukhin, pointed to a
problem with his brain.
On the evening of the 12th of December 1922, Felix Dzerzhinsky told Lenin
that his Jewish representative Theodor Rothstein could no longer take out
the Party's money from the bank account in Switzerland. All of the code
numbers had been changed and the money had been transferred to three new
accounts with new codes.
This money had, in part, been used for the
infiltration of Europe's nations. Lenin had ordered Maxim Litvinov and
Theodor Rothstein to build a net of infiltrators throughout Europe as early
as 1917. That was why "the Party's" diamonds had been sold in England all
the time... Only the money in Lenin's personal accounts remained. Lenin was
extremely upset.
On the following day - the 13th of December - he suffered
from a second, but more intensive, stroke. On December 16th, 1922, when
Lenin had barely recovered, he gave the order to be driven from his villa in
Gorky (near Moscow) to the Kremlin, where he rested. He did not listen to
the protests of doctors and
relatives. In the Kremlin, Lenin discovered that someone had made a thorough
search of his office, had opened his filing cabinet and ransacked it, taking
secret documents, details of code numbers, check books, letters of
authorization, and several foreign passports.
His fit of rage led to another
stroke, lasting about 30 minutes, on the same night. The circumstances of
Lenin's new stroke were kept secret by the Communist Party until the
historian Igor Bunich revealed them in his book "The Party's Gold" (St.
Petersburg, 1992, p. 94).
Lenin eventually broke down both physically and mentally. During the year
preceding his death, he was in a constant state of total decay. The third
and worst stroke leading to a cerebral hemorrhage came on the 9th of March
1923, when he practically lost the power of speech. One may ask: how did he
finish his writing projects? There are historians who plainly say that the
last writings were authored by Leon Trotsky.
I do not wish to think about all the atrocities which the inhuman and
bloodthirsty Lenin might have committed had he been in better health.
Trotsky intimated, in his infamous article of 1939, that Stalin might
have poisoned Lenin. It is true that Lenin asked Stalin for poison
following the first stroke on the 26th of May 1922. Stalin told the
Politburo about this and they postponed the item from the agenda. It is
now clear that Stalin did not poison Lenin.
In 1991 it was still claimed officially that Lenin suffered from blood
clots in hardened brain arteries. These blood clots affected vital areas of
the brain. In June 1992, it was made official in Moscow that Lenin died
from syphilis (Aftonbladet, July 23, 1992).
The Central Institute for
Marxism-Leninism released thorough notes, which Lenin's sister Maria
had kept during the last months of Lenin's life. According to her, Lenin
contracted syphilis in Paris in 1902. Lenin's headaches became especially
severe in 1922. He also suffered from gastric catarrh and fits of
uncontrolled rage. Finally, he was paralyzed. The facts about his syphilis
were classified. Leon Trotsky nevertheless stated that Lenin died of
syphilis. (Leon Trotsky, "Portraits: Political and Personal", New York,
1984, p. 211.)
According to the Soviet mythological propaganda, Lenin
had led a most exemplary family life. At an early stage, Viktor Chernov,
one of the leaders of the Social Revolutionaries, revealed some of the
details about Lenin's intimate life. The myth was crushed completely in
1960 when a sensational book was published in France "Lenin and the
Brothels", in which it was revealed that Lenin was extremely obsessed with
sex. That was why he hated Plato so intensely. Some French journalists had
visited the brothels in Paris which Lenin had frequented. Old prostitutes
were interviewed about Lenin's sexual habits. It was during this period that
Lenin contracted syphilis.
In 1991, it was for the first time revealed in Russia that the leader of the
"world proletariat" frequently visited brothels to satisfy his sexual
appetites when his wife and two lovers weren't enough. Officially, Lenin had
reached the highest stage of human evolution. How does that fit in with his
interest in the lowest level of sexual culture?
The Bolshevik Party called on several famous German doctors and asked them
to examine Lenin. The German doctors all made the same diagnosis - syphilis.
This was not popular with the Party leadership, so the 76-year-old Jewish
professor Salomon Eberhard Henschen, a brain expert from Stockholm, was
invited to Moscow. He traveled together with his son, Folke Henschen who
was a professor in pathology. They both made a satisfactory diagnosis:
arteriosclerosis. (Dagens Nyheter, August 23, 1992.) The authorities dared to
reveal the truth only in July 1992.
In 1923, Lenin could only shout
incoherent words and phrases:
"The revolution... Help me... the people... go
to hell."
He screamed loudly, shook with tears and sighed
desperately. (Dagens Nyheter, August 23, | 1992.) Normally, he could only say:
now... Just now... "
At Christmas 1923, only a few weeks before his death,
Lenin sat on his balcony and howled at the full moon like a wolf (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 95).
Photographs taken in the autumn of 1923 outside Lenin's villa in Gorky were
released in 1992. These show without embellishment what the sick Lenin, his
right side paralyzed, looked like.
On the 21st of January 1924, at around six in the evening, Lenin's
temperature rose to 42.3°C. There was no space left at the top of the
thermometer to show any more. In his final spasms, he drooled in German
"Weiter, weiter!"
He died at six thirty.
All the material about the examination of Lenin's brain was kept secret and
further studies in the matter were stopped. This was revealed by the
journalist Artyom Borovik. (Aftonbladet, September, 1991.)

Lenin with his sister Maria
and his doctor in August 1923.
Only in 1992 was it first revealed in Russia that, according to the
discoveries of the doctors, one hemisphere of Lenin's brain had been
nonfunctional since his birth. The other hemisphere was covered with such
thick calcium deposits that it was perfectly impossible to understand how
Lenin had survived his last years, and the question arose: why had he not
died as a child?
Yuri Annenkov claimed in 1966 in his book "The Diary of My Meetings" (New
York), that he managed to get a glimpse of Lenin's brain - the left
hemisphere was very wrinkly, disfigured and shrunken. The doctors reached a
consensus that it was impossible for a human being to live with such a
brain. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 75.)
was Lenin really a normal human being? In conclusion, it may be said that
Lenin's brain was seriously ill from his birth, but that there occurred,
almost miraculously, a certain compensation for the damage. However, this
allowed very little margin for surviving a progressing syphilitic attack on
the brain. A gruesome idea appears, namely that a certain disease of the
brain might destroy such higher spiritual functions as make us human, but
leave intact the kind of robotic intelligence which is necessary for an
instrument in the service of evil powers.
To make matters worse, Lenin's diet consisted almost exclusively of white
bread. This means that he suffered from a severe deficiency of the minerals
and vitamins needed for his body and mind to function properly.
He knew
nothing about nourishment. (Ogonyok, No. 39, October, 1997.) Even Lenin's
younger brother, Dmitri Ulyanov suffered from a brain disease. He became an
infamous mass-murderer in the Crimea in his struggle for Soviet power during
1917-21. He finally went insane and became totally paralysed. He died on the
17th of July 1943 in Gorky at 68 years of age.
The architect Alexei Shchusev (1873-1949), who designed Lenin's mausoleum,
used the central altar from the Satanist temple in Pergamon as a prototype.
The German national socialists had transferred the original to Berlin in
1944, from where it was transported to Moscow one year later. (Alexei
Shchusev's article "Den oforglomliga kvallen" / "The Unforgettable
Evening", Svenska Dagbladet, January 27, 1948.)
This, too, was a state
secret. The newspaper SN wrote on May 14, 1981, that the Satanists' central
altar was in Lenin's mausoleum.
Finally, the secrets which have lain under the shadow of Pluto, have begun
to come to light. Those who were afraid society would fall apart altogether
if the truth became known, were right. Those who claimed that evil Communism
could not be reformed were also right. This is another reason why Lenin
hated neutral and honest historians.
When Maxim Gorky begged him to spare
the life of Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich, who was an historian, Lenin
"The revolution needs no historians."
(Igor Bunich, "The Party's
Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 47.)
In 1990, the demolition of the Lenin
monuments in Poland, Hungary, Georgia, the Baltic states and other European
countries began. The first and last president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail
Gorbachev, intervened. On the 14th of October 1990, he issued a decree
prohibiting the removal or destruction of Lenin statues and other monuments
to communism.
Gorbachev described overthrowing Lenin monuments as acts,
"incompatible with... respect for the history of the fatherland and
generally acceptable morals".
Gorbachev's decree to protect the Lenin
monuments was to no avail. The destruction continued.
When the Lenin
monument in Lvov (the Ukraine) was removed, the cheers ceased abruptly when
it was discovered that Lenin had stood upon Ukrainian, Jewish and Polish
graves. Quite symbolic, was it not? (Dagens Nyheter, 17th October 1990.)
last Lenin monuments in Estonia were demolished on the 21st of December 1993
in Narva, which had been colonised by Bolshevik-sympathising Russians. They
kept it as a guardian angel for their unjust plans against independent
Still Lenin remains here and there in Russia and Cuba and in Asia,
especially in China, but also in Calcutta. The Communists have been in power
in this Indian city for 22 years. They still believe Marxism-Leninism to be
the only answer to the economic and political problems of the poor. (Dagens
Nyheter, January 26, 1993.)
On the 1st of April 1991, I saw how someone had scrawled a nearly symbolic
text on a wall in Seville in Spain:
"Without Marxism-Leninism, there would
be no Communism in the world today!"
The super-centralized system, which Lenin founded, has now fallen to pieces.
Lenin brought nothing good to Russia. History has already passed judgment
on Vladimir Ulyanov, a grand master in the service of darkness and
When will people understand and accept this
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