The great Russian author Fiodor Dostoyevsky predicted that Communism would
come from Europe and that its introduction would claim tens of millions of
victims and that Communism would be a catastrophe for mankind. In the same
vein, the exiled Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyayev, in his book "The
Meaning of History" (1923), warned about an ever darker anti-humanist period
presaging an apocalyptic horror.
Only now has it become relatively easy to
describe the chain of events, which led the Bolsheviks to the seat of power.
The material, which has so far been made available, is, in itself, very
shocking and it can definitively be shown that there was an international
conspiracy behind the "revolutions" in Russia.
In 1915 Alexander Parvus (Israel Helphand) made plans for the Bolsheviks'
(i.e. the Illuminati's) seizure of power by the aid of the German secret
service. He had written the leading role for Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin. In the
same year, Parvus received 7 million marks from the German Department of
Finance "to develop revolutionary propaganda in Russia". Parvus met Lenin in
Zurich in May 1915 to discuss his plans. Lenin stubbornly preferred
Switzerland as the victim of the conspiracy. According to the American
newspaper The New Federalist (11th of September 1987)
Parvus contributed to
the First World War with his intrigues. In any case, he was extremely well
informed. He predicted in 1904 that the industrial countries would be drawn
into a world war, which would be the bloody dawn of great events.
Meanwhile, Lenin could not believe that the Communists would reach power in
his lifetime. He said this in a lecture in Bern on the 22nd of January 1917,
thus just before the February coup. ("Collected Works", Vol. 19, p. 357.)
Nor did Lenin believe there would be a world war. This, too, shows that he
was just a puppet in the hands of the international financial elite.
The Background of the First World War
Here I should mention something about the background to the First World War.
It was revealed during the trial of Gavrilo Princip and Nedelko Cabrinovic,
the assassins of Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the Austrian throne), that the
French Masonic organization Grand Orient was behind the assassination plans,
and not the Serbian nationalist organization the Black Hand.
This enormous
provocation had been planned in Paris in 1912 at 16 Rue Cadets, the
headquarters of Grand Orient. Nedelko Cabrinovic revealed in court how the
freemasons had sentenced Franz Ferdinand to death. He learned this from the
freemason Ziganovic (it was he who gave the Jewish assassin Princip a
Browning pistol). Princip was also a freemason.
The sentence was executed on
the 28th of June 1914. Everything according to the stenographic report of
the court published in Alfred Mousset's book "L'Attentat de Sarajevo",
Paris, 1930. This information was later hushed up.
It has also been kept secret that an attempt was made to murder Grigori
Rasputin in Pokrovskoye in Siberia at exactly the same time. Rasputin was
the magician of the Tsar's court and the Tsarina's favorite and was
decidedly against Russia being drawn into a major war. (Colin Wilson "The
Occult", London, 1971, p. 500.)
The freemason Prince Felix Yusupov managed
to kill Rasputin on December 29, 1916. The Austrian freemason and Bolshevik
Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobel-sohn) also knew about this. He had always been
well informed. Radek knew Ziganovic personally from his time in Paris. He
tried to reveal the secrets about the war during the trial against him in
Moscow in 1937, but Stalin's lackeys shut him up. He was not given another
chance to speak and carried these secrets with him into the grave (Molodaya
Gvardiya, No.
2, 1991, p. 121).
What were the Grand Orient's motives? I do not need to speculate here. It is
best to cite Zionist sources. The Zionist newspaper Peiewische Vordle wrote
on the 13th of January 1919:
"The international Jewry... believed it
necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin
throughout the world."
The periodical British Israel Truth stated in 1906:
"We must prepare
our-selves for big changes in a Great War which faces the peoples of
The Jewish periodical Hammer was unusually forthright just before the
February coup:
"The fate of the Russian empire has been staked upon one
card... there is no rescue for the Russian government. The Jewry have
decided this and thus it shall be."
Litman Rosenthal explained in the newspaper American Jews' News on the 19th
of September 1919 that the First World War was brought about through the
intrigues of the Jews and that all this was planned in Basel as early as
The rabbi Reichhorn in the periodical Le Contemporain proves that those
plans were far-reaching on the 1st of July 1880:
"We shall force the goyim
into a war by exploiting their pride, arrogance and stupidity. They will
tear each other into pieces. They will force each other out of their
countries, which we shall then be able to give to our people."
At the same time, the plan was that the world war would diminish the success
of the Germans on the international market, according to the historian Gary
Karl Heise published the British freemasons' map of Europe from 1888. The
map presented the new national borders of Europe, which became reality after
the First World War. (Pekka Ervast, "Vapaamuurareiden kadonnut sana" / "The
Freemasons' Lost Word", Helsinki, 1965, p. 78.)
His interesting book
"Entente - Freimaurerei und Weltkrieg", an analysis of the treacherous role
of the freemasons in causing the First World War, was published in Basel in
In the newspaper Truth, December 1890, a map was published that depicted the
borders of Europe, which became reality in 1919. Three empires were gone.
This was published as a satire:
"Look what the opponents of the freemasons
have come up with!"
But in 1919, nobody was laughing any more.
As I have related earlier, Parvus also found the money for the coup attempts
in 1905. Now he took good care of Lenin. He made him editor of the newspaper
Iskra as early as 1901, from his home in a Munich suburb, and also organized
a printing office in Leipzig. Parvus made sure that the newspaper reached
Russia. Parvus even let Lenin live in his flat in Zurich. (Lenin lived in
Switzerland between 1914 and 1917.)
Parvus had explained to Lenin that the organisation of the revolution needed
money and that even more money was needed to stay in power. Parvus knew what
he was talking about, since he acted as a financial adviser to both the Turks and the Bulgarians during the Balkan wars,
1912-13. At the same time he became immensely rich through his own arms
deals. Parvus had worked from Salonica in Greece, where he got into contact
with the powerful local Masonic organization.
The most important force behind him was Prince Volpi di Misurata -perhaps
the most powerful man in Venice - who helped Parvus with finance, deals and
Masonic contacts. It was this Volpi who, in October 1922, brought the
socialist-fascist Benito Mussolini into power, making the King appoint him
prime minister.
He was also behind the founding of Libya in 1934. Mussolini
had been especially pleased with the murder of the Russian Prime Minister Stolypin, whom he called "the tyrant by the Neva" in an article. Volpi
became minister of finance in Mussolini's government. Volpi had been in the
centre of the financial circles that provoked the Balkan War in 1912-13.
(The New Federalist, 11th of September 1987.)
In 1916, Alexander Parvus
suggested that the German government should finance Lenin and his Party
still more intensively. They would be able to make a separate peace with
Germany if they reached power in Petrograd. It was also clear to the Germans
that the Bolsheviks would be able to efficiently weaken Russia.
The Kaiser's Zionist adviser Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), who was a rich
industrialist, also recommended financing the Bolsheviks. Germany's
ambassador in Copenhagen, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, who was a
well-known 33rd degree freemason and Illuminatus, was of the same opinion.
(Nesta Webster and Kurt Kerlen, "Boche and Bolshevik", New York, 1923, pp.
33-34.) Parvus was close to him and had great influence over him. Parvus
himself made 20 million marks from this suggestion.
It was Ulrich Brockdorff-Rantzau's letter on the 14th of August 1915 which
finally decided the question of financial support to the Bolsheviks. This
letter, addressed to the German vice-state secretary, summarized a
discussion between Brockdorff-Rantzau and Helphand-Parvus. The ambassador
strongly recommended employing Helphand to undermine Russia since "he is an
exceedingly important man, whose unusual power we should be able to utilize
during the war".
But the ambassador added a warning:
"It is probably
dangerous to use the forces which are behind Helphand, but if we should
refuse to use their services, since we fear that we may not be able to
control them, it will surely only demonstrate our weakness."
(Professor Z. A. B. Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in
Russia, 1915-1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign
Ministry", London, 1958, p. 4, Document 5.)
Actually, the first transfer of five million marks from the German Foreign
Ministry to the Bolsheviks for "revolutionary propaganda" had already
occurred on the 7th of June 1915. The Germans' Estonian agent Aleksander
Keskula acted as one of the go-betweens in the transfer. His co-operation
with the Germans began on the 12th of September 1914. Keskula met Lenin for
the first time on October 6, 1914. Lenin also had demands to make on the
Germans. He demanded, among other things, the chance to occupy India.
Some powerful American forces had exactly the same interest in using the
It was primarily the American International Corporation,
with John Pierpoint Morgan Jr. (1867-1943) at the head, who tried to gain
control of those international speculants and adventurers, according to
Antony Sutton (doctor in economics). (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the
Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 41.) It was above all Jacob and
Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto H. Kahn, Max Warburg, Jerome J.
Hanauer, Alfred Milner and the copper family Guggenheim who financed the
Bolsheviks, according to the Jewish historian David Shub.
A document (861.00/5339) in the archives of the U.S. State Department
confirms this. Two further names are mentioned in this document: Max Breitung and
Isaac Seligman. All those people were Jews and freemasons.
According to the same document, plans to depose the Tsar were made in
February 1916. There are always some people who make money out of wars and
We must not forget this when we seek to understand history.
The Zionist banker and freemason Max Warburg played an important role in
funding the Communist propaganda in Russia. He saw to it that the
industrialist Hugo Stinnes agreed to give two million rubles to the
Bolsheviks' publishing activity on the 12th of August 1916. (Zeman, "Germany
and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-18. Documents from the Archives of the
German Foreign Ministry", London, 1958, p. 92.)
Thus there are documents
extant which show that Max Warburg and other super-wealthy Jews supported
Communism. These statements are not just made up, as certain know-it-alls
have claimed. Max Warburg was the richest and most powerful banker in Germany. The periodical Hammer
(No. 502, on the 15th of May 1923) called him "the secret emperor".
Warburg's brother, Paul, was married to Nina Loeb, daughter of the Jewish
banker Salomon Loeb. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the most powerful United States
bank syndicate. Another of Max Warburg's brothers, Felix, married Frieda
Schiff, who was the daughter of Jacob Schiff. The latter was one of the most
important men within Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
The Schiff family and the
family owned a twin company in Frankfurt am Main as early as in the 18th
century. Jacob H. Schiff was descended from a distinguished rabbinical
family. He came to New York in the 1860s. It was Rothschild who trained him.
Schiff began buying himself into Kuhn, Loeb & Co. with Rothschild's money.
Both Paul and Felix Warburg became part owners of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Even Alexander Parvus began preparing the Bolsheviks' take-over of power in
1916. He made sure that Lenin had all the money he needed. (Igor Bunich,
"The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 34.) In this way, Lenin and
Parvus received a total of six million dollars in gold. (Karl Steinhauser,
"EG - Die Super UdSSR von Morgen", Vienna, 1992, p.167.)
Meanwhile, as many extremist Jews as possible were recruited into the
"revolutionary" movement. The German Jew Karl Kautsky (1854-1938)
that "the Jews in Russia had only one true friend - the revolutionary
movement". The Jews then comprised 30-55 per cent of the Bolshevik Party.
Dostoyevsky predicted that the Jews would enslave the Russians so that these
would become pack-mules and that the Jews would drink the people's blood.
Where did Russia's Jews Originate?
Most Russian Jews are descendants of
the Khazar Jews.
According to the
Russian historian and ethnologist Leon Gumilev, the Khazar Turks moved to
the Volga delta in the third century A.D. Other related Turkish peoples, who
used Khazaria as a base for their military operations between 558 and 650
A.D., played the most important role in the development of the Khazar Turks.
In the 10th century A.D., the Khazar Turks stubbornly (and successfully) defended themselves against the Arabs, the strongest and
most aggressive military power of the day, as they expanded outward from the
Arabian Peninsula. The rise of the Khazar Turks lasted for about 150 years -
from the middle of the 7th century to the end of the 8th century, at which
point the Jews arrested their development.
The first Jews who arrived in Khazaria were fleeing just persecution for
anti-government activities in Persia. A second large immigration took place
in the 8th century when a large number of Jews left Byzantium to co-operate
with the Arabs, which was caused by economic competition from the Greeks and
the Armenians. In 723, Emperor Leo III of Byzantium attempted to force
Byzantine Jews to adopt Christianity.
The original population of Khazaria remained agricultural, whilst the Jewish
arrivals became commercial. Jewish merchants (known as "Ra-dokhnids") in
Khazaria immediately took control of the caravan routes between Europe and
China. These new merchants were especially interested in the slave trade.
The Kaganate of Khazaria was a powerful kingdom. The King, or Kagan,
received expensive gifts from wealthy Jews and had many Jewish women in his
Many children of mixed race were born in the 8th century. These children,
and the Jewish people themselves, began to call them-selves Khazars in the
10th century. The original populace may be called Khazar Turks, the
newcomers Khazar Jews.
Semender was originally the capital of Khazaria, later being replaced as the
capital by Itil (now Astrakhan) on the Volga. Other important Kha-zarian
cities were Sarkel on the Dona and later Kiev on the Dniepr. There were
about 4000 Jewish families in Itil. The Khazars bought military services
from many contingents of mercenaries, of which there were up to 7000 in
Itil. The Jews of Itil plundered the Khazar Turks unceasingly.
At the
beginning of the 9th century, a Jewish prophet by the name of Obadiah seized
power in Khazaria and introduced a strict theocratic regime. The Kagan was
not murdered, but was placed under effective house arrest. Once a year he
appeared in public to make it seem as if he still wielded some power. This
apparent sharing of power was just a sham. Obadiah turned the Kagan (Khan)
of the Asina dynasty into his marionette and made the Mosaic faith the
official state religion. This coup benefited only the Jews.
The Jewish rabbis did not intend to convert the Khazars to Judaism, but kept
the faith exclusively for the people who had come into power. The Khazar
Turks remained heathens. The coup triggered a civil war in which Obadiah
exploited the tactics of total war, which had been used so successfully
during the occupation of Canaan, when the Jewish nation tried to annihilate
each and every enemy. By 820 A.D., the new regime was in place.
Khazaria became an unnatural union, where the suppressed were constantly
confronted by a foreign ruling class. The Khazar Jews were not brave
warriors, and instead began terrorizing the original population and other
neighboring peoples with the help of Polovtsy (Kipchaks), Peche-negs,
Russian and even Islamic mercenaries. They constantly sought to expand their
territories and managed to conquer the Crimea for the purpose of trading
with the Mediterranean nations.
The Khazar Jews attempted to bring about a coup in France in the middle of
the 10th century with the help of their own brethren and Berber mercenaries,
but before they succeeded, the slavs managed to seize power and crush the
state of Khazaria.
In the middle of the 9th century, Khazar Jews made an agreement with the
Varangians (Vikings) to split Eastern Europe between them, but in the 10th
century, the Jews took control in most areas. The Bulgars, the Mord-vins and
other races came under their dominion. The Khazar Jews were at their most
powerful at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 1 Oth centuries.
They threatened to bring a catastrophe upon the inhabitants of Eastern
Europe. Their opponents had to choose between slavery and annihilation.
Eventually, rebellions broke out. In 922, the Bulgars succeeded in freeing
themselves from the oppression introduced by the Jewish. Khazaria, which
originally lay in the Volga delta, later extended between the Black Sea and
the Caspian Sea, and even reached all the way to Volga-Bulgaria and Kiev.
Khazaria existed between the 7th century and 965 A.D. when the Prince of
Kiev, Sviatoslav, crushed the Jewish reign of terror. The Khazarian
potentates fled and the oppressed Khazar Turks and other peoples were freed.
The surviving Khazar Jews founded the Ashkenazi tribes. Their main centres
were later in the Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania. The Khazar Turks mixed
with other races.
Most of the Khazar Turks later became known as
Astrakhan Tartars. Large areas of Khazaria later subsided into
the Caspian Sea, where the traces of the great empire were discovered only
in the 1960s. (Leon Gumilev, "The Ethnosphere - The History of Man and
Nature", Moscow, 1993; Gumilev, "The Discovery of Khazaria", Moscow,
The Jews did not change their habits. In 1113, the Prince of Kiev, Vladimir
Monomakh, believed it necessary to curb the Jew's usury
("Nordisk Familjebok", Stockholm, 1946, Vol. 20, p. 690).
The Khazar Jews repeated this tried and tested method once more when they
founded the Soviet Union, which many of them regarded as a kind of twisted
revenge against the Russian people.
Gumilev's view is echoed by an earlier scholar, Isaac Baer Levinsohn
(1788-1860), who was also certain that Russia's Jews did not come from
Germany, but from the banks of the Volga. ("The Haskalah Movement in Russia"
by Jacob Raisin, Philadelphia, 1913-1914, p. 17.)
The Coup in February 1917
As early as in April 1916, the Russian freemasons had a plan ready,
according to which the Tsar would be deposed and replaced by a liberal
socialist Masonic government.
Pavel Milyukov revealed in his memoirs how a
preliminary list of the people who were to make up the Provisional
Government was drawn up in P. Ryabushinsky's flat on the 13th of August
1915. The only person missing from that list was the Jewish lawyer Alexander
Kerensky (actually Aaron Kiirbis).
The writer and freemason Mark Aldanov (actually Landau) explained that the
final list was finished in 1916 at the hotel Frantsiya. (Boris Nikolayevsky,
"The Russian Freemasons and the Russian Revolution", Moscow, 1990, p. 164.)
The list was again re-worked on the 6th of April 1916 at the house of the
publicist and freemason Yekaterina Kuskova, a fact evident from a letter
written by her on that day. This information, which points to the fact that
there was a conspiracy behind the events in Russia in 1917, was published in
the exiled Russian historian Sergei Melgunov's book "The Preparations for
the Palace Coup" and in Grigori Aronson's book "Russia at the Dawn of the
Revolution" (New York, 1962, p. 126).
In 1912, Zionists and Masonic circles had helped the freemason Thomas
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) to power in the United States. As president he
began working diligently to depose the Tsar of Russia. A campaign of slander
was started. An agitatory campaign in 1912 led to a bloodbath by the river
Lena. There were no widespread troubles, however. Russia had borrowed large
amounts of money to be able to go to war. This meant that the country was
especially vulnerable.
According to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the
international Jewish finance world handed an ultimatum to the Russian
government - the Jews in the Russian society must be allowed to act as Jews.
All credit was immediately suspended. Without this credit, Russia could no
longer wage war. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sergei Sazonov, confirmed
that the Allies could not help Russia either, since they too relied upon the
Jewish financial elite.
Shcherbatov said during a meeting of the government
(according to the minutes):
"We have fallen into the witches' ring. We are
powerless: the money is in the hands of the Jews and without them we cannot
get a single kopek..."
(A. Solzhenitsyn, "Collected Works", Paris, 1984,
Vol. 13, pp. 263-267.)
Thomas Jefferson once wrote to John Adams and said
that the banking establishments were more dangerous than standing armies.
("The Writings of Thomas Jefferson", New York, 1899, Vol. X, p. 31.)
Meanwhile, the freemasons within the Allied Forces demanded that Russia
should continue the war against Germany. That led the nation towards a
catastrophe. B'nai B'rith and the Illuminati wanted to achieve an even
greater chaos in Europe and they succeeded with this. At the international
congress of Masonic Grand Masters in Interlaken, in Switzerland, on 25 June
1916 Dr. David planned to annihilate contemporary Europe. (Oleg Platonov,
"The Secret History of freemasonry", Moscow, 1996, pp. 586-589.)
In December
1916, the freemasons began working especially hard in Russia. In January
1917 it was decided that the events should begin on the Jewish Purim day,
the annual celebration of the mass-murder of 75 000 Persians, according to
the book of Esther in the Old Testament (9:16-26). The first shots were to
be fired on the very Purim day - the 23 rd of February (8th of March).
Jewish weekly newspaper Yevreiskaya Nedelya (the Jewish Week) published an
article about the "February revolution" on the 24th of March 1917 (No.
12-13) with an especially revealing title:
"It Happened on Purim Day!"
e. the 23rd of February 1917).
The freemasons began making intense propaganda to have the Tsar deposed.
slogan "For democracy! Against Tsarism!" was used. Of course, all this cost
a lot of money, which mostly came from the United States. Jacob Schiff
declared publicly in April 1917 that it was through his financial support
that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. The freemasons exploited the
food shortage.
The "revolutionaries" provoked people to come out on
political strikes. The freemasons wanted to carry out the Bolshevik
take-over in two steps...
The myth says that the troubles, which brought about a social revolt and
then a revolution, were spontaneous. Professor Richard Pipes at Harvard
University in the United States rejects that description.
He states:
"Historians have claimed that the revolutionaries were carried forward by
the people. But if we go to the sources, it is evident that they are wrong
on all points and build their ideas on myths." He emphasizes: "The February
revolution in Petrograd in 1917 was not, as we have believed, a social
uprising - and this can easily be proved."
According to him, the spark that
set it all off was the mutiny in the overfilled barracks on the 23rd of
February (8th March). It had been necessary to recruit older people, since
many Russian soldiers had been taken prisoner. But the mutineers were not
against the war, as was later believed. The Bolsheviks knew that peace was
an unpopular demand. The peasants wanted land and they got it. (Dagens
Nyheter, 6th May 1992.)
The agitators transformed this insignificant uprising into a revolution on
the 27th of February (12th of March) 1917, and three days later, on the 2nd
(15th) of March, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. He was then
staying in Pskov.
Nicholas II left his crown to his youngest brother Mikhail, but the
freemasons were furious over the fact that they had not quite succeeded in
abolishing the imperial regime in three days flat and on the following day
they forced Mikhail to abdicate too. Their goal was to crush the empire
An Irish member of the British Parliament revealed that
Alfred Milner, Grand
Master of British freemasonry and leader of the secret group
The Round Table
(which was funded by the Rothschild family, according to the historian Gary
Allen), had been sent ahead to Petrograd in order to depose the Tsar.
leaders... sent Lord Milner to Petrograd to prepare the revolution... "
(Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry", London,
1958, p. 92.)
The MP protested over the fact that the British treated their
allies in such a manner. No one denied the statement. ("Parliamentary
Debates, House of Commons." Vol. 91, No. 218, 1917, 22nd of March, col.
Later, the same Milner spent 21 million rubles on the Bolsheviks'
take-over... Gary Allen claimed that The Round Table is also fully
responsible for the Second World War.
The prime mover behind the fall of the
Tsar was the 36-year-old Jewish lawyer Alexander Kerensky who, during the
years preceding the coup had exclusively defended "revolutionary"
terrorists. Alexander Kerensky, according to the historian Sergei Yemelyanov, was a freemason of the 33rd degree. He was even Grand Master in
the Russian branch of Grand Orient in 1916, according to the historian
Sergei Naumov. He had found docu-ments confirming this.
Alexander Kerensky was the son of the Austrian Jewess Adler who married the
Jew Kurbis, according to the historian Sergei Naumov. His real name was
Aaron. His mother later married the teacher Fiodor Kerensky who adopted the
boy Aaron.
Fiodor Kerensky was first a teacher and later headmaster at the
public school in Simbirsk where Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin also studied for a
while. He was eventually named school inspector in Turkistan. In connection
with his adoption, Aaron was given a Christian name - Alexander. Alexander
Kerensky's doctor confirmed that he was circumcised. (F. Winberg, "The
Cross-Roads", Munich, 1922, p.197.)
The Jew Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich (a close collaborator with Lenin) confirmed
that Kerensky was already a freemason when he was a member of the National
Here it should again be pointed out that the terrorist Dmitri (Mordekai)
Bogrov cooperated closely with Kerensky who, after the murder of Prime
Minister Peter Stolypin, fled abroad immediately, according to the historian
O. Soloviev.
One of those behind Kerensky was the American freemason and government
official Richard Crane, according to Antony Sutton. He was primarily
financed by the Jewish banker Grigori Berenson who later moved with his
family to London, where his daughter Flora married Colonel Harold Solomon.
This man was one of the most important Jews in London.
In the 1930s Grigori
Berenson began an active Zionist campaign.

Alexander Kerensky (Aaron Kiirbis) led the plot to depose the Russian Tsar
Nicholas II.
He had 28 lodges of the Grand Orient of Russia at his disposal.
The Austrian political scientist Karl Steinhauser revealed that the British
ambassador, the freemason George Buchanan, was the contact man between
Kerensky and London, Paris and Washington.
Other high-ranking freemasons within the Grand Orient worked together with
Kerensky to have the Tsar deposed:
the lawyer Maxim Vinaver (1866-1940)
lawyer Oskar Grusenberg (1866-1940)
the historian Alexander Braudo
the writer Leonti (Leon) Bramson
the lawyer Joseph Hessen
the lawyer Y. Frumkin
Yoller and M. Herzenstein
The contacts with the Grand Orient in France were
organized by Sergei
Urusov. (Boris Nikolayevsky, "Russian Freemasonry and the Revolution",
Moscow, 1990, pp. 56-57.)
Urusov was a landowner and a freemason who
betrayed the Tsar. In 1917 he became Minister for Internal Affairs in the
Provisional Government. After the Bolsheviks' take-over, he took a high post
in the Central Bank. (The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia, Vol. 56, Moscow,
1936, p. 301.)
The second in command after Kerensky was Nikolai Nekrasov. It should not be
necessary to point out at this stage that the Illuminati controlled the
Grand Orient.
During the new Tsar's coronation a cross of St. Andrew, which had adorned
his ceremonial dress, fell to the floor. A few hours later a terrible panic
broke out among the crowd who had come to Moscow to see the new Tsar.
Through rumors, people imagined that the gifts which used to be handed out
in connection with coronations would not be enough for all the poor this
time. The crowd pressed forward and about two thousand people were
suffocated or trampled to death. Millions of Russians saw this event as a
bad omen.
The Tsar, meanwhile, did not break off his celebration, but
continued on to the ball at the French Embassy. The superstitious were
proved right...
There are historians who still have not understood why so many important
tsarist generals betrayed Nicholas II. The Tsar said repeatedly that he had
been betrayed. But now this riddle has also been solved. The most important
generals, according to the Jewish freemason Manuil Margulies, were Masonic
brothers who obeyed their lodge instead of the Tsar.
Among these generals,
he mentioned Vasili Romeiko-Gurko, Mikhail Alexeyev (1857-1918), who later
founded the White Army, Nikolai Ruzsky, Alexander Krymov, Alexei Manikovsky,
Alexei Poli-vanov, Alexander Myshlayevsky, Teplov, even Lavr Kornilov, who
was ordered to inform the Tsar and his family that they were all under
arrest. Kornilov later broke away from the freemasons. (M. Nazarov, Nash
Sovremennik, No. 12, 1991.)
The Tsar Nicholas II was also betrayed by the right-wing member of the
National Assembly, Alexander Guchkov, who became Minister for War in the
Provisional Government. He later regretted his action and took part in
Kornilov's revolt, but it was already too late. Even members of the Romanov
dynasty betrayed the Tsar.
On the 2nd (15th) of March, the freemasons had, after the American model,
formed a provisional government led by Prince Georgi Lvov (1861-1925). That
was why the Jewish freemasons were so angry with Mikhail II for holding
power simultaneously. This error was corrected one day later. Mikhail II was
ritually murdered in Perm on June 12, 1918. Every one of the eleven
ministers was a freemason.
Of course, all the most important freemasons were
Nikolai Nekrasov (Minister of Communications)
Alexander Kerensky (Minister of Justice)
Pavel Milyukov (the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
professor and leader of the bourgeois Cadet Party)
Mikhail Tereshchenko
(Minister of Finance)
The Zionist and freemason Piotr Rutenberg, also an infamous terrorist, was named
chief of police by Kerensky.
Kerensky and Rutenberg had all the criminals in the prisons released. There
were 183 949 prisoners in Russia in 1912. There were tens of thousands of
criminals just in Petrograd. This took place on the second day of the coup.
The prison gates in other cities were also opened wide. Then the anarchy
began. Criminals raided stores, shops and railway carriages. People were
murdered and robbed. Nothing of the sort had ever been seen before. The
first victims of the February coup were the policemen. The crowds seized
them, beat them to death and dragged their corpses around in the streets.
The police force was nearly liquidated. Then the killing of officers began.
During the first days of the coup, 60 officers were killed in Kronstadt
alone, among others Admiral von Wiren. Both his arms were chopped off, after
which he was led around the streets until the "revolutionaries" were
merciful enough to kill him. In Vyborg, officers were thrown onto rocks from
a bridge. In other areas officers were impaled on bayonets. Everywhere
people mocked them and tore off their shoulder-straps, following which they
were beaten to death, according to Stanislav Govorukhin.
The Masonic government did not wish to use the national anthem "God Save the
Tsar", composed, ironically, by Prince Lvov himself and written by the poet
Zhukovsky by request of Tsar Nicholas I. Instead a Masonic anthem, "The Lord
Glorious in Zion", was used. German military orchestras played most of the
gramophone recordings of this national anthem (from February to October
1917). (Staffan Skott, "Sovjetunionen fran borjan till slutet" / "The Soviet
Union from Beginning to End",
Stockholm, 1993, pp. 23-24.)
It was later asserted that the press and public opinion of the United States
forced the Tsar to abdicate. These claims could not explain the mystery
behind the so-called February revolution. Simon Dubnov (18601940), a known
Zionist, openly admitted that the February revolution took place thanks to
the freemasons' intrigues behind the scenes. (Alexander Braudo, "Notes and
Recollections", Paris, 1937, p. 48.)
The freemasons controlled all the
political parties.
The Soviets (kahals) from the autumn of 1905 were re-established in
connection with this conspiracy. They were supposed to represent the
soldiers and workers. This was also a myth, since the freemason Nikolai
Chkheidze became the chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. Alexander Kerensky
was a member of the Petrograd "Workers' Council", which was a faithful
replica of the kahal organisation in New York.
He was also a member of the
committee of the National Duma.
Similarities to the Deposition of the Shah
A similar Masonic plot with the aid of the Western financial elite led to
the deposition of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, as he himself
revealed on Contadora Island, Panama, in the first television interview with
him after his fall.
The Shah said to the reporter David Frost (of the BBC):
"Do you think that Khomeini, an uneducated person... could have planned all
of this, organized everything? I also know that fantastic sums were staked.
I know that top experts on propaganda were used to depict us as tyrants and
beasts and the others as democratic, liberal revolutionaries who wanted to
save the country. I know that the BBC was also against us. We have all the
information... It occurred like a very well-planned conspiracy... they
staked about 250 million dollars...
Wherever he (Khomeini) had been in Europe, he would probably have had the
same possibilities and the same accomplices. I do not believe that he
himself was in charge of the planning... Yazdi was an American citizen,
Ghotbzadeh was expelled from Georgetown University because he couldn't keep
up with his studies... "
David Frost: "So Khomeini might have received some kind of support
from the West?"
The Shah: "How else could all these factors have been combined at the same
(Translator's note: The above interview is a paraphrase of the original
since it has been re-translated from Swedish.)
When I wrote to Sveriges Television (Sweden's national television) and asked
for a copy of the text of the translation, I was officially told that the
text no longer existed. But I came into personal contact with a member of
the editorial staff. Through this contact I obtained the complete text. An
evident example of how facts are concealed!
I must remark here that the Russian Tsar was deposed after the same pattern
- everything pointed to an international conspiracy.
The American press painted a monstrous picture of the Tsar Nicholas II. That
was why the American public was so happy with his deposition. The unfair
propaganda continues to this day.
The most audacious lies came from the historian Hans Villius on the 1st of
September 1991 in a Swedish television program about the "history" of the
Soviet Union. He claimed that the revolution began as a result of the
tsarist regime's bloody terror against the population. He never mentioned
any numbers.
Every true historian knows that a total of 467 people (i.e. murderers) were
executed in Russia between 1826 and 1904. (Professor Vittorio Strada's
article "Death Penalties and the Russian Revolutions", Oboz-reniye, No. 14,
p. 25, Paris, 1984.) This comes to 6 death sentences per year. Was this
really terror?
How many were killed during the same period in the United States of America?
How many Indians were eliminated during the same period? Here I shall just
mention the massacre at Wounded Knee where government soldiers murdered
three hundred unarmed Indians, including women and children, on the 29th of
December 1890.
Hans Villius never mentioned the Bolsheviks' cold-blooded mass-murders,
which amounted to 66 million in the beginning and later reached a total of
143 million, according to the English researcher Philipp van der Est. That,
it seems, was not terror according to Villius. Even the Bolsheviks called
their own purge "the Red Terror".
Hans Villius did everything in his power
to twist the truth and thereby uphold the myths.
The Return of Lenin and
The conspiracy continued. Trotsky was sent from New York with an American
passport on March 26, 1917.
Jacob Schiff began financing him in the spring
of 1917. In this way the Bolsheviks received via Trotsky a total of 20
million dollars, according to Hillaire Belloc, Gary Allen and other
historians. John Schiff also admitted in the New York Journal American on
February 3, 1949 that his grandfather "sank about 20 million dollars for the
final triumph of Bolshevism". Thus he spent millions of dollars to depose
the Tsar and then laid out even more money to help the Bolsheviks to
Now it was time for Lenin to return as well. When he first read in the Neue
Zurcher Zeitung that the Tsar had been deposed, he thought it was German
On the 31st of March the German vice-state secretary informed Ambassador
Gisbert von Romberg in Bern with a cipher-telegram:
"The Russian
revolutionaries' journey through Germany should take place as soon as
possible, since the Allies have already begun counter-actions in
Switzerland. If possible, the negotiations should be speeded up!"
Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau (1869-1928) sent a strictly secret telegram
from Copenhagen to the Ministry of the Interior in Berlin on April 2, 1917:
"We must immediately try to bring about as wide-spread chaos as possible in
Russia. At the same time, we must avoid visibly involving ourselves in the
course of the Russian revolution. But in secret we should do everything to
increase the antagonism between the moderate and extreme parties, since we
are quite interested in the victory of the latter because the coup d'etat
would then be unavoidable."
Brockdorff-Rantzau was foreign minister during the Weimar Republic and
ambassador in Moscow from 1922.
Lenin signaled to the German government on the 4th of April that he was
ready to return to Russia. His journey was approved by Chancellor Theobald
von Bethmann-Hollweg, who belonged to the Bethmann banking family in
Frankfurt am Main, and by State Secretary Arthur Zimmermann. Then these men
proceeded to organize the journey together with Count Brockdorff-Rantzau and
Alexander Parvus.
They thought it best if Lenin traveled through Sweden, where he would be
joined by their contact man, Jakub Furstenberg-Hanecki (Ganetsky). (Antony
Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" (Morley, 1981, p. 40).
Ganetsky was called "the hands and feet of the party". On the 9th of April,
Lenin and his group began their journey from Bern to Russia.
Before they had
left Zurich, they heard cries of:
"German spies! Traitors!" from the
The German General Staff could not imagine that the Bolsheviks would ever
turn against Germany and Europe. The German Major General Max Hoffman later
"We neither knew nor foresaw the danger to humanity from the
consequences of this journey of the Bolsheviks to Russia."
(Antony Sutton,
"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 40.)
According to the author Hans Bjorkegren, the carriage in which Lenin and his
32 companions traveled was not sealed, as another myth has it. The German
authorities had asked the "revolutionaries" not to leave the carriage, where
two German officers, who went under the Russian names Rybakov and Yegorov,
accompanied them. (Akim Arutiunov, "The Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin",
Moscow, 1992, p. 61.)
Lenin's company was to join together with Trotsky's in Petrograd and
eventually begin a take-over of power from the Provisional Government
together with other leading forces to introduce the Communist (i.e. Judaist)
The German Kaiser Wilhelm II learned about the operation when Lenin had
already reached Russia. The Germans' motive was to obtain a separate peace
treaty and later advantages in trade with Russia. Lenin only wanted a
Communist dictatorship and the Russians' wealth. German patriots did not
suspect that dark Illuminist forces were only using official Germany to
camouflage their own activities...
Lenin's traveling companions were mostly Jewish extremists. 19 of them were
Here I shall name only the most important among these:
Olga (Sarra) Ravich
Grigori Zinoviev (actually Ovsei Gershen
his wife Slata Radomyslskaya
their eight-year-old son Stefan Radomyslsky
Moisei Kharitonov (Markovich, who became
Petrograd's chief of militia)
Grigori Sokolnikov (actually Brilliant, editor of Pravda and later
People's Commissary for Banking Affairs)
David Rosenblum (whom Stalin
jailed in 1937, in Leningrad)
Alexander Abramovich (who became an important
functionary within Comintern)
Grigori Usiyevich (actually Tinsky)
Yelena Usiyevich-Kon (daughter of a well-known Jewish Bolshevik, Felix Kon, from
Abram Skovno
Simon Scheineson
Georgi Safarov
Zalman Ryvkin
Dunya Pogovskaya (an activist within the Jewish Workers' Union Bund)
four-year-old son Ruvin
Ilya Miringov (Mariengof)
Maria Miringova
Mikhail Goberman (who became a powerful functionary within Comintern)
Meier Kivev
Aizenud (Aizentuch)
Shaya Abra-movich
Fanya Grebelskaya (Bun)
lover Inessa Armand (who was born on the 16th of June, 1875, in Paris)
Lenin's journey was regarded as so important that the Crown Prince's train
had to stop for two hours in Halle until Lenin's train had passed. A stop
was made in Berlin where Lenin received new instructions from the
German Foreign Ministry. The company met Ganetsky in Trelleborg (Sweden).
When the group arrived in Malmo, Brockdorff-Rantzau immediately reported to
Lenin arrived at Stockholm's Central Station just before ten o'clock in the
morning on Friday the 13th of April 1917. Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobel-sohn),
another important freemason and "revolutionary", arrived together with him
but remained in the Swedish capital to help Jakub Hanecki (Ftirstenberg). It
was this same Hanecki (known as Ganetsky) who channeled the German money to
the Bolsheviks in Petrograd via Nya Banken (the New Bank) in Stockholm and
the freemason Olof Aschberg (Obadiah Asch).
Karl Radek, an Austrian citizen, showed his "gratitude" to the Germans by
later taking part in terrorist activities against the German Kaiser and
preparing a plot to depose him. MOPR or the Red Aid later gave Karl Radek
the task of provoking the German workers to a "proletarian revolution". He
was a member of the Central Committee. Stalin had him arrested in 1937.
Radek readily gave evidence against other Bolsheviks but this did not save
Three new conspirators joined Lenin's group in Stockholm: Rakhil Skovno,
Yuri Kos and Alexander Grakas.
The aim of the conspirators was to enforce Illuminist rule in Russia after
the model of Weishaupt-Hess-Marx. There was a reserve plan for a Communist
base in case the take-over failed. The Communists had chosen Sweden for this
purpose, according to Solzhenitsyn's book "Lenin in Zurich" (Paris, 1975, p.
The Swedish Social Democrats helped those Bolshevik criminals by all means
Lenin and his fellow criminals were allowed to use Sweden as their
most important base for the planned state terrorism in Russia, thanks to the
freemason and socialist leader Hjalmar Branting and the helpful attitude of
the Swedish Social Democrats. (Dagens Nyheter, 5th of November 1985, p. 4.)
They also helped to organize the Bolsheviks' Fourth Party Congress in
Folkets Hus (the Social Democrat centre) in Stockholm in April-May 1906.
Branting gave the speech of welcome at the congress. Branting also knew
about the financing of the Bolsheviks' activities ("Vem betalade ryska
revolutionen?" / "Who Paid for the Russian Revolution?", Svenska Dagbladet,
31st October 1985).
Stockholm's socialist mayor Carl Lindhagen met Lenin and his companions on
the platform at Stockholm's Central Station. Parvus had also traveled to
Stockholm to meet Lenin, according to one source. There was one socialist
politician, Erik Palmstierna, who guessed how dangerous Lenin could become
and therefore suggested organizing a police provocation at the station and
have Lenin shot in the resulting tumult. The others just laughed at him
(Svenska Dagbladet, 21st October 1990). Palmstierna became minister for
naval defense on the 19th of
October 1917.
Lenin stayed just over eight hours in Stockholm. He spent most of that time
at the Hotel Regina on Drottninggatan. He continued to Haparanda at 6:37 on
the same evening. Before his departure, the Swedish socialists had time to
buy a suit and the world-famous cap for him at PUB (a department store in
Stockholm). (Aftonbladet, 28th August 1989.) At the same time Lenin met Hans
Steinwachs, a representative of the German Foreign Ministry. Steinwachs was
the chief of German espionage in Scandinavia, according to Hans Bjorkegren's
book "Ryska posten" / "The Russian Post" (Stockholm, 1985, p. 264).
The Polish Jew Moisei (Mieczyslaw) Bronski-Warszawski, who traveled under
a false name, was also among Lenin's companions. He was still in Bern on the
7th of April, but joined Lenin in Stockholm on the 13th April. The Swedish
socialist Fredrik Strim, who was responsible for the reception of the
conspirators, confirmed this.
Steinwachs sent the following telegram to Berlin on the 17th of April:
"Lenin's journey to Russia went well. He will do precisely what we wish from
(Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-18: Documents from
the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry", London,
1958, p. 51.)
It was the minister of justice in the Provisional Government,
Kerensky, who directly invited Lenin and Trotsky to Russia.
He made Prime
Minister Georgi Lvov and the Minister of Foreign affairs Pavel Milyukov send
instructions to that effect, which were revealed in Nesta Webster's book
"Boche and Bolshevik" (New York, 1923, p. 19). Towards the end of April,
Milyukov no longer wanted to be a member of this government and so he
The German government paid for the tickets for Lenin's group's journey from
Bern to Stockholm. The German government, and not the
General Staff, was behind Lenin's journey, as revealed by Nesta Webster and
Kurt Kerlen in "Boche and Bolshevik" (p. 25). The government had been
strongly influenced by the socialists.
The Russian Provisional Government paid for the tickets for the journey from
Stockholm to Haparanda and from there to Petrograd. Lenin later claimed that
he was not welcome in Russia and that he lacked a visa. He even asserted
that the Provisional Government would have imprisoned him, since he
traveled without permission. This is all just Soviet propaganda. The whole
company was given a group visa by the Russian Consulate General in Stockholm
(except for Fritz Platten, since he was not a Russian citizen).
This visa is
still preserved in the Helsinki City Archives, where it can be seen that it
was first issued on the 13th of April 1917. Lenin and his 29 travelling
companions are all on the list. Some (Karl Radek for instance) remained
behind. Three new conspirators joined instead. This was revealed by Hans
Bjorkegren in his book "The Russian Post" (Stockholm, 1985).
Lenin wanted to appear as an exceedingly poor revolutionary. That was why he
began with his beggar antics in Switzerland, which he later continued in
Sweden. Of course, he did not say a word about the fact that he had also
begged for money from the Bolsheviks' secret fund in Stockholm. He received
up to 3000 crowns from this source, according to Hans Bjorkegren. Alexander
Parvus had founded this fund by the aid of the banker Max Warburg.
I telephoned the headquarters of Svenska Handelsbanken (Swedish Bank of
Commerce) on January 24, 1991 and asked how much 3000 crowns were worth in
1917. This money was equivalent to 56 250 crowns (approximately £5000) in
1991. 3000 crowns were nearly equivalent to two years of a worker's wages
(3256 crowns). I must point out here that a worker with an annual income of
1628 crowns in 1917 could support his wife and children.
In 1991, the
workers received an average of 120 000 crowns per year. It is impossible to
support a wife and children with this wage without also relying on the
wife's salary and various benefits (child benefit, housing benefit, etc).
That is to say: 3000 crowns then might actually have been closer in value to
350 000 crowns in 2002.
Lenin was not content with this. In Haparanda he
received a further 300 crowns (more than two months' wages for a worker) as
a contribution from the Russian consul. Lenin confirmed this himself in a
letter to a known Zionist conspirator, Alexander Shlyapnikov. (Hans Bjorkegren,
"Ryska posten" / "The Russian Post", Stockholm, 1985, pp. 264-265.) In 1913
the Swedish worker earned an average of 135 crowns per month (135 x 100 = 13
500 today, 1350 US dollars). Mikhail Goberman had scrounged together another
1000 Swiss francs.
The Swiss socialists had, through Fritz Platten, donated
a further 3000 Swiss francs to Lenin. Platten, by the way, was in charge of
solving all practical problems during the journey. The Bolsheviks of
Petrograd sent another 500 rubles. Lenin sent begging-letters to Swedish
socialists too, who managed to scrape together several hundred crowns. Those
socialists had no idea that Lenin actually had plenty of money.
At the end
of March he had written to Inessa Armand:
"There is even more money than I
expected for the journey."
Lenin could never get enough.
The trade unionist Fabian Mansson organized a collection among the members
of parliament. Even right-wing politicians gave money to Lenin, since
comrade Mansson had pointed out that the Bolsheviks would be in power in
Russia as early as the next day.
The Swedish Foreign Minister Arvid Lindman
gave Lenin 100 crowns (a lot of money then). The Swedish refugee committee
gave Lenin 3000 crowns as well. A second class ticket from Stockholm to
Haparanda only cost 30 crowns in 1917. Besides, the Russian government paid
for all the tickets! In Finland, Lenin continued his journey to Petrograd,
but now traveling third class so that the Russians receiving him would see
how poor he was...
That was the way Lenin's journey to Russia was organized. He arrived at
Petrograd's Finland station at 11:10 in the evening of the 16th of April.
The freemason Nikolai Chkheidze, who was the chairman of the Petrograd
Soviet, came with flowers to meet him.
Chkeidze even gave a speech of
welcome. Stalin was not among those at the reception. Not one photograph
confirms Stalin's presence, despite the fact that he later claimed to have
been there. There was even an armored car waiting there. Lenin jumped up
onto the car and held an agitatory speech at once. Lenin was much worse at
public speaking than Trotsky, according to the Swedish Communist Anton
Lenin was later welcomed at the Winter Palace by a representative of the
Provisional Government, the Minister for Employment Mikhail Skobelev, who
was a Menshevik and a freemason.
In April 1917, there were still many British agents in Petrograd who
provoked the soldiers to mutiny and gave them money. On the 7th of April,
General Yanin received a complete report about the actions and hiding places
of these British agents. This report is still extant. In May, another still
larger group of 200 "revolutionaries", led by the Menshevik L. Martov and
Pavel Axelrod, arrived from Switzerland. Many others followed after.
Some of
those conspirators traveled on credit. The Board of Swedish National
Railways desperately tried to collect the 30 000 crowns owed to them, but
were just laughed at by the "revolutionaries", according to Hans
Bjorkegren. They believed they were exercising their "revolutionary" right
not to pay.
Thousands of Jewish conspirators came also from the United States. A total
of 25 000 international "revolutionaries" arrived in Russia.
Dr George A.
Simons, the priest at the American Embassy, related the following about
these events:
"There were hundreds of agitators who had followed Trotsky
from New York. We were surprised at the fact that the Jewish element
dominated from the very beginning."
Lenin began publishing a large number of newspapers and periodicals, a total
of 41, including 17 daily newspapers. The circulation of Pravda increased
from 3000 copies to 300 000 in May 1917. It was given out free, also among
the soldiers at the German front.
The newspaper, which was financed by the
Germans, propagated a separate peace with Germany.
The German Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Richard von Kiihlmann, wrote to the Kaiser Wilhelm II on
December 3, 1917:
"It was not until the Bolsheviks had received from us a
steady flow of funds through the various channels and under varying labels
that they were in a position to be able to build up their organ Pravda, to
conduct energetic propaganda and appreciably to extend the originally narrow
base of their party."
(Anthony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution," p. 39.)
The Bolsheviks even bought a printing office for 260
000 rubles, according to the findings of the historian Dmitri Volkogonov.
But the Bolsheviks remained unpopular despite their vast propaganda machine.
The United States Congress had declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.
Among the people who had worked hardest to draw America into the world war
were the bankers George Blumenthal and Isaac Seligman, the industrialists
Daniel Guggenheim and Adolf Lewisohn, as well as the rabbis David Philipson
(1862-1949) and Stephen Samuel Wise.
The rabbi Isaac Wise (1819-1900), chairman of the B'nai B'rith lodge in
Cincinnati, has explained:
"Freemasonry is a Jewish institution whose
history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from
beginning to end."
(The Israelite of America, 3rd of August 1866.)
course, billions were made on the First World War. President Wilson
"promised" that this would be the last war in the history of man. The
freemason Winston Churchill emphasized that if the Americans had not entered
the First World War, peace would have been made with Germany and the Russian
Tsar would not have been deposed. Then the Bolsheviks would not have been
able to reach power either. {Social Justice Magazine, No 3, 1st of July
1939, p. 4.)
B'nai B'rith and
the Illuminati wanted to create even greater chaos in
Europe, which they succeeded in doing. At the international conference of
Masonic Grand Masters in Interlaken, Switzerland, on the 25th of June 1916,
Dr David promised that the Jews, after causing great bloodbaths of Aryans,
will take control over the whole world. (Oleg Platonov, "The Secret History
of Freemasonry", Moscow, 1996, p. 589.)
The Bolshevik slogans were: "Peace! Bread! Land!" and "All power to the
The same slogans were used at the Jacobin coup in France in 1789,
since the Jacobin slogan was:
"All power to the bourgeoisie!"
The Bolsheviks
could act freely. Lenin himself admitted after his arrival in Petrograd that
Russia was the freest nation in the world. The Bolsheviks were unsuccessful
at the beginning. The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries, who supported
the Provisional Government, dominated the Soviets.
Despite this, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Richard von Kiihlmann,
reported to his ambassador in Bern:
"Those who support Lenin's peace policy
are growing in number. Pravda's circulation has increased to 300 000."
The Bolsheviks organized several large demonstrations in May and June.
Comrade Alexander Kerensky, meanwhile, wanted to set up a Russian
revolutionary army. Freemasonry was legalized in Russia on the 24th of June
In the beginning of July, Trotsky officially went over to the
Bolshevik Party, where he was immediately made one of the most important
Revelations in the Press
The Bolsheviks of the lower ranks were very eager to seize power as soon as
possible. Trotsky and Lenin believed that the astrological time was not
right yet! Some Bolshevik leaders, however, began acting on the 3rd (16th)
of July. Trotsky agitated to restrain the Red Guards.
He gave a speech
before the Tauridian Palace where he said outright:
"Go home! Calm down!"
The situation exploded anyway on the 4th (17th) of July. Attempts at a coup
d'etat were underway. At the same time, the Germans launched a new offensive
at the front. Prince Lvov and his government were nearly ready to leave
their posts. It was really too early.
The freemasons made a desperate
attempt to halt this development. They had sensitive material delivered to
the Russian authorities. On the 4th (17th) of July, the French attaché
Pierre Laurent had visited Colonel Boris Nikitin, then chief of the Russian
Secret Service. (H. Bjorkegren, "Ryska posten", Stockholm, 1985, p. 262.)
gave Nikitin copies of 29 telegrams from Lenin, Ganetsky, Kollontay,
Sumenson, Kozlovsky and Zinoviev and three letters to Lenin. All that
material was very revealing.
The information was immediately leaked to the newspapers by patriotic
forces. Rumours that the press in Petrograd was going to publish revelatory
articles on Lenin, Zinoviev and Trotsky began circulating on the same
Zinoviev later claimed that Lenin had discussed the question of the
take-over in the Tauridian Palace on the 3rd (16th) of July. This was
incorrect, since Lenin was in Bonch-Bruyevich's villa in Finland then, and
returned only on the 4th (17th) of July. (Mikhail Heller and Alexander
Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 30.)
The Bolshevik leaders were worried and began working more actively. No one
had time for coup plans any longer. Stalin persuaded Nikolai Chekheidze to
telephone the editorial staffs of the newspapers and prohibit the
publication of those sensitive documents. Stalin understood as well as the
other Bolshevik leaders that the disclosure of that information would damage
the Bolsheviks also in the long term.
Even the Provisional Government wanted to sweep the whole business under the
carpet at this point. They did not want to take any measures whatever.
There was one small newspaper, The Living Word, which ignored the
prohibition and published the Social Revolutionaries Grigori Alexinsky's and
Vasili Pankratov's article about the German funding of Lenin's party on the
5 th (18th) of July. That was another reason why Lenin began to hate the
right wing faction of the Social Revolutionaries.
In their article, the authors presented various excerpts from those
documents, which showed that the Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, had been
given money for his agitatory campaign by the Germans through a certain Mr.
Svensson who worked at the German Embassy in Stockholm. Lenin had received
money and instructions from reliable people like Jakub Furstenberg alias
Yakov Ganetsky and Alexander Parvus in Stockholm and Ganetsky's relative,
the Jewess Yevgenia (Dora) Sumenson (actually Simmons) in Petrograd.
worked at the Fabian Klingsland firm in Petrograd and had lived in Sweden
and made business trips to Denmark during the war. She also worked with
speculations on the stock market. The German money was transferred from the
German Imperial Bank in Berlin via Nya Banken in Stockholm to the Bank of
Siberia in Petrograd. All this according to Hans Bjorkegren.
Another who
received this German money was the Jewish Bolshevik lawyer Mieczyslaw
Kozlowski from Poland. He was in constant contact with Alexander Parvus and
Jakub Fiirstenberg.
German Imperial Bank had, according to order 7433 of the 2nd of March,
opened accounts for Lenin, Trotsky, Ganetsky, Kollontay, Koz-lovsky
(Kozlowski), Sumenson and other important Bolsheviks. Not only Lenin was
involved in shady financial transfers, but also Trotsky, Zinoviev, Sverdlov,
Dzerzhinsky, Kollontay, Josef (Isidor) Steinberg, Volodarsky, Ganetsky,
Kozlowski, Radek, Uritsky, Menzhinsky, Yoffe and a few others.
On the same day, the 5th (18th) of July, Pavel Pereverzev, the minister of
justice, was made the official scapegoat for the fact that those secret
documents had leaked to the press, and was forced to resign. It was claimed
that the government first wanted a thorough investigation into the
Bolsheviks' alleged high treason.
The Bolsheviks' premature attempt to take over power ended.
It is explained
in the collection "The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union"
(Moscow, 1959, p. 218) that the workers and soldiers had sufficient strength
to overthrow the Provisional Government and seize power in July but that it was too early.
Why it was too early was not
explained. That was why the students were taught that what happened on the
3-4th (16-17th) of July was just a "peaceful July demonstration". On the 6th
(19th) of July, Lenin published a defensive article in the newspaper Listok
Pravdy, where he angrily repudiated the accusations against him as a "rotten
invention" of the bourgeoisie.
Lenin averred never to have met Sumenson and
to have nothing in common with Kozlowski and Furstenberg. Lenin was not
convincing in his unashamedness, however, and his letters showed the
opposite of what his article said. Nor could he explain where he obtained
the money to give out 17 different daily newspapers, whose total circulation
amounted to 1.4 million copies every week. (Vladimir Lenin, "Collected
Works", Vol. 35, Moscow, p.260.)
Trotsky tried to maintain that the money came from the workers. But could
the workers really collect hundreds of thousands of rubles every week just
to support the Bolsheviks when there were other labour parties, which were
more popular than they were? Trotsky convinced no one with his blatant lies.
On the 6th (19th) of July, other newspapers also began publishing telegrams
reporting transfers of German money to the Bolsheviks in Petrograd under
various innocent pretexts. (David Shub, "Russian Political Heritage", New
York, 1969.)
In Lenin's official biography (p. 177), all these accusations were regarded
as libel on the part of the provocateurs.
On the evening of the 6th (19th)
of July in Margarita Fofanova's flat, Lenin said to Stalin:
"If the least
fact in connection with the money transfers is confirmed, it would be
exceedingly naive to believe that we should be able to avoid death
(Akim Arutiunov, "The Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov /Lenin",
Moscow, 1992, p. 73.)
He might have believed so, but he was wrong.
The government knew that Lenin had sent a letter to Ganetsky and Radek in
Stockholm on the 12th (25th) of April 1917, in which he told them:
"I have
received the money from you!"
That the Provisional Government knew about
these shady affairs and had access to Lenin's secret letters is proved in
the periodical Proletarskaya Revolyutsya (The Proletarian Revolution) which,
in the autumn of 1923, published several of Lenin's strictly secret letters.
He had sent one of those letters from
Petrograd to Ganetsky in Stockholm on April 21st (4th of May).
He wrote:
"The money (two thousand) from Kozlowski got here."
The editorial staff had
obtained the letters from the Archive of the Revolution in Petrograd. The
chief of that archive, N. Sergievsky, related that the letters had been
found in the archives of the Provisional Government's Department of Justice.
Thus the Provisional Government copied all of Lenin's letters, knew about
his illegal activities and were even aware that Lenin had contact with a
German spy, Georg Slarz, but took no measures whatever. On the contrary,
they connived with the Bolsheviks. N. Sergievsky, who sent those copies to
the periodical Proletarskaya Revolyutsya without knowing what the letters
contained, disappeared without trace in 1926. (Akim Arutiunov, "The
Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin", Moscow, 1992,
p. 73.)
The most sensational thing was that the Provisional Government's agent in
Stockholm helped the Bolsheviks smuggle some of the German money into
Petrograd in a courier's bag. (H. Bjorkegren, "Ryska posten", Stockholm,
1985, p. 137.) This was evident from Lenin's correspondence with
Ganetsky-Fiirstenberg. All this was extremely embarrassing for the
Provisional Government.
Ganetsky-Fiirstenberg was on his way to Petrograd from Stockholm with
important party documents just before the revelations. He learned about the
scandal in Haparanda and cancelled his journey. He stayed in Haparanda at
first, then returned to Stockholm to be on the safe side. His
representative, Solomon Chakowicz, a Polish Jew, stayed in Haparanda with
his luggage.
The French military attaché Pierre Laurent sent an agent to
Haparanda to steal Furstenberg's luggage. Whether he was successful has not
yet been revealed.
Parvus rapidly disappeared from Copenhagen and turned up again in
Switzerland in the wake of this scandal. He never answered Radek's and
Furstenberg's telegrams where they asked him to deny the accusations. He
preferred to keep quiet.
Of course, Parvus was scared. Perhaps he feared that information about his
role in the February coup would be revealed in connection with the money
transfers. Later, however, he claimed that he had pulled many of the strings
whilst living at Stureplan in Central Stockholm and that the troubles had
been provoked.
Because of the concrete proof against Lenin, the chief prosecutor had no
other choice but to begin an investigation into his activity. During the
investigation it was revealed that there were 180,000 rubles on Yevgenia
Sumenson's bank account and that a further 750 000 had been successively
transferred during a period of six months from Nya Banken in Stockholm. (A.
Karayev, "Lenin".)
A telegram from Sumenson read:
"Have Nya Banken send a
further 100 000."
She had earlier received a total of just over two million.
A lot more money had been transferred to the lawyer Kozlowski's account -
1.3 million a month.
There was no longer any choice - Lenin was accused of treason to his
fatherland and espionage. On the 7th (20th) of July the Provisional
Government wrote an order of arrest for Lenin, Grigori Zinoviev and Leon
Kamenev (Rosenfeld). The latter was editor-in-chief of Pravda (Truth). A
writ was also issued. The bourgeois as well as the social revolutionary
newspapers demanded that the accusations against Lenin should be tried in
court. At the same time, Alexander Parvus' name also appeared in the press.
There were some Bolsheviks who thought Lenin could clear his name from these
serious accusations before a court and therefore wanted to see him tried.
Stalin and Ordzhonikidze were decidedly against this. The minister for war
and naval affairs, Alexander Kerensky (18811970), stepped forward on the
8th (21st) of July (he had just visited the front) and took over the post of
prime minister to resolve this conflict with "peaceful means", as the phrase
President Thomas Woodrow Wilson (a freemason) immediately began praising
Kerensky as an eminent statesman and a worthy member of the Democratic Union
of Honor. At the same time, Wilson blocked all attempts at peace
negotiations with Germany.
On the 9th (22nd) of July at 11 o'clock in the evening Lenin left Petrograd
together with Zinoviev. He wanted to avoid the risk of being revealed as a
German agent. Lenin had stayed in Maria Sulimova's flat and not with Sergei
Alliluyev, as was officially claimed. Joseph Stalin and Sergei Alliluyev
followed Lenin out of town. At first he stayed in Sestroretsk and later in
Razliv. One month later, he travelled to Jalkala (Finland) and finally ended
up in Helsinki.
The most remarkable and puzzling thing was that no one, despite the order of
arrest, looked for Lenin. No one wanted to arrest him, despite the fact that the Soviet propaganda later claimed the opposite. Alexander Parvus, meanwhile, began publishing spiteful attacks against Alexander
Kerensky in the German press. He also sabotaged any possibility of peace.
Lenin's, Zinoviev's and Kamenev's denials were repeated in Maxim Gorky's
paper Novaya Zhizn on the 11th (24th) of July.
On the 13th (26th) of July, the Petrograd Soviet demanded that Lenin and
Zinoviev should be put on trial. Lenin continued to ignore those demands
since he knew very well what might be revealed during a trial. The Bolshevik
and freemason Nikolai Sukhanov (actually Gimmel) maintained, like many of
his comrades, that Lenin was innocent and had nothing to fear from a
possible trial. Lenin was afraid of such an investigation.
In September 1991, the lawyers' union in St. Petersburg demanded that the
accusations against Lenin should be investigated after the event. They
wanted to put him on trial posthumously.
Pavel Milyukov's bourgeois newspaper Rech (Speech) also accused Leon Trotsky
of having received 10 000 dollars for propaganda. That was why Trotsky
called July 1917 "the month of the greatest libel in the history of the
The pressure of public opinion led to the arrest of Leon Trotsky and Anatoli
Lunacharsky (actually Bailikh-Mandelstam) on August 5th. The authorities
also arrested Alexandra Kollontay (1872-1952).
Finally, even Mieczyslaw
Kozlowski, Leon Kamenev and Yevgenia (Dora) Sumenson were arrested. This was
only done to calm the public. All those people were accused of having
contacts with Alexander Parvus who was regarded as an agent of the German
The man in charge of the investigation, Alexandrov, collected plenty of
material, filling a total of 24 volumes. They were kept in a special archive
and made available to historians only after the fall of Communism. The
authorities never got any further than this, despite having all the evidence
they needed that the accused persons had collaborated with the enemy during
wartime. This evidence would have been enough to execute all those involved.
But the authorities took no further action.
The 6th Bolshevik Congress began on the 26th of July (8th August). Some of
the delegates (Joseph Stalin, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Nikolai Skrypnik, Nikolai
Bukharin) were against Lenin and Zinoviev appearing voluntarily in court.
V. Volodarsky was among those who wanted Lenin
put on trial. Lenin never forgot this and Volodarsky was assassinated on
June 20th, 1918, less than a year later. Lenin decided to revenge himself
upon Volodarsky immediately upon hearing that he had raked together much too
big a fortune, which should have been the property of the Party leadership.
Lenin had himself emphasized that the Bolsheviks must never forget anything.
Kerensky began releasing arrested Bolsheviks as early as the 17th of August.
Kamenev was the first to be set free.
Kornilov's Revolt
The Supreme Commander of the Russian army, General
Lavr Kornilov
(1870-1918), no longer wanted to take part in the shady game of the
revolutionary freemasons.
He broke away from them and began preparations in
Mogilev to overthrow Kerensky's government. Kornilov understood that those
left-wing ministers, who for many years had been shouting that they could do
better than the Tsar's ministers were actually perfectly ignorant people.
According to the prevailing myth, the February revolution was a very
positive event. In reality, this coup d'etat led only to anarchy, as the
writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn emphasized in a BBC interview.
On the 19th of August (1st September), Kornilov ordered his Cossacks to
attack Petrograd.
On the 25th of August (7th September) Kornilov said to his
chief of staff:
"It is time to hang the Germans' supporters and spies led by
Lenin. And we must destroy the Soviets so that they can never assemble
On the same day he sent General Alexander Krymov's troops towards Petrograd
with orders to hang all soviet members. (John Shelton Curtiss, "The Russian
Revolution of 1917", New York, 1957, p. 50.)
In his proclamation on August
26th (September 8th), (Novoye Vremya, 11th of September 1917), Kornilov
accused the Provisional Government of co-operating with the Germans to
undermine the state and army. He wanted to dissolve the Soviets and demanded
that Kerensky should step down and give the power up to him. Kornilov
understood that the Bolsheviks were the greatest danger to Russia. That was
why he wanted them all imprisoned.
Kerensky knew he had been exposed. His game was over. So he continued
releasing imprisoned Bolsheviks. Kozlowski was also set free. He worked as a
Chekist after the Bolsheviks' take-over of power. Kerensky was seized with
panic and declared on the 27th of August (September 9th) that Komilov was a
mutineer and officially deprived him of his command. Kerensky turned to the
Bolsheviks for help against Komilov to salvage whatever he could.
All the
Bolsheviks were, as if by magic, immediately cleared of all charges and
presented as the best possible defenders of democracy. Had not Trotsky said
in the United States that power should be given to whoever was best able to
develop democracy in Russia? The Bolsheviks, however, did everything they
could to keep Kerensky in power. It was still too early for them to take
The Bolsheviks had completely "forgotten" Lenin's slogan:
"No support
for the Provisional Government!"
("The Shorter Biography of Lenin", Moscow,
1955, p. 168.)
The Bolsheviks began organizing political strikes. They encouraged the
workers and soldiers to defend the government. On the 27th of August the
socialists founded a Central Committee against the counter-revolution
together with the Bolsheviks. They ordered thousands of sailors from
Kronstadt to Petrograd. The workers of Petrograd were forcibly mobilized.
The Bolsheviks threatened to kill them if they did not obey. The Red Guards
were immediately given back the weapons, which had been confiscated during
the fierce July days.
The Soviets began arresting people, primarily those who were suspected of
sympathizing with Komilov. Thousands of officers were arrested in this way.
A total of 7000 politically "suspect" people were arrested. (John Shelton
Curtiss, "The Russian Revolution of 1917", New York, 1957, p. 53.) The
railway-men were also mobilized and began sabotaging the railways.
Thus Komilov's elite troops were halted and surrounded. International freemasonry
suddenly began using enormous resources to halt Komilov, since the
appearance of his revolt on the political scene had not been in the
manuscript; he had to be removed by any means possible, including guile and
violence. He was depicted as the worst thing that ever happened to Russia.
Myths about him continue to be spread to this day. It is even claimed that
he was ignorant of politics.
The freemasons began a huge propaganda campaign among Komilov's soldiers who
were thoroughly scared and confused. General Alexander
Krymov (a freemason) was invited to negotiations with Kerensky. I do not
know what they threatened Krymov with, but upon leaving this meeting he shot
himself (if it was really he who held the weapon).
The freemasons succeeded with their combined efforts in stopping Kornilov's
national troops barely a week later, on the 30th of August (12th September).
The left-wing leaders have always regarded right-wing national patriots as
the biggest threat to their socialist world-view. Kornilov was arrested on
the 1st (14th) of September but later managed to escape. The Bolsheviks
immediately took the initiative in the Soviets. On the same day Kornilov was
arrested, they gained a majority in the Petrograd Soviet in the local
elections. They became dominant in Moscow on the 8th (21st) of September.
Trotsky was also released from prison on the 4th (17th) of September. Nobody
wanted to remember anything about the July scandal any longer. Now the time
was ripe to prepare a quiet, peaceful transfer of power.
suitable astrological time for the seizure of power had been calculated in

General Lavr Kornilov tried
to save Russia
from the destruction the
freemasons had planed for it, but he was unsuccessful.
The Take-Over of Power
To confuse and to camouflage their Illuminist order in Russia, the
Bolshevik leadership intended to call the future regime the Soviet (i.e.
Kahal) regime.
On September 21st, 1917, Jakub Furstenberg sent a telegram from Stockholm to
Raphael Scholan (Shaumann) in Haparanda (it is preserved in the American
National Archives):
"Dear comrade! The office of the banking house M.
Warburg has opened in accordance with telegram from president of Rhenish-Westphalian Syndicate an account for the undertaking of Comrade
Trotsky. The attorney (agent), presumably Mr. Kastroff, purchased arms and
has organized their transportation... And a person authorized to receive the
money demanded by Comrade Trotsky. Fiirstenberg."
On the 23rd September (6th of October) Trotsky was elected chairman of the
Petrograd Workers' and Soldiers' Soviet, despite his being neither a soldier
nor a worker.
Everything was possible among the freemasons. Meanwhile, the
United States demanded ever larger contributions to the war from Kerensky.
The Provisional Government reluctantly complied. The minister for war
affairs, Alexander Verkhovsky, resigned in protest. It is interesting to
note that the American demands ceased immediately after the Bolsheviks had
seized power.
I must point out here that, according to Antony Sutton, different documents
in the archives of the American State Department prove that David Francis,
the American ambassador in Moscow, was kept well-informed about the
Bolsheviks' plans.
The White House knew at least six weeks in advance when
the Bolsheviks would take over power. That event had been appointed to take
place on a date, which happened to coincide with Trotsky's birthday. So,
those plans were known in the United States as early as the 13th (26th)
September 1917.
The president of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson knew in advance
that the Bolshevik take-over would prolong the world war. But he did nothing
to stop their plans. On the contrary, he did everything in his power to aid them. The United States of America was the only nation to
make a huge profit on the war. All the other warring powers lost gigantic
sums and came to owe the United States a total of 14 billion dollars. It has
been calculated that the international financial elite made a total of 208
billion dollars on the war.
The British government also knew about the Bolshevik plans, since they also
recommended that their subjects leave Moscow at least six weeks before the
take-over. (Antony C. Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution",
Morley, 1981, p. 45.)
So it appears both London and Washington knew whom
they were dealing with.
The 8th of November came ever closer and the Bolsheviks did everything in
their power to spread apathy among the workers and soldiers, which they
later intended to exploit. They also tried to tempt people with the magic
word: "Peace!", which no longer felt so treasonable. The Bolshevik Party was
not very large at this point. Furthermore, it had an Illuminist core of 4000
members who were most active. Meanwhile, the circulation of Pravda decreased
from 220,000 to 85,000 copies.
According to Margarita Fofanova, Lenin returned to Petrograd on the 5th and
not the 20th of October, as officially claimed. He stayed with Fofanova
until the take-over. The authorities knew perfectly well that Lenin was in
Petrograd. Lenin's sister Maria confirmed this to an official. The
Provisional Government did not in any way try to pursue or arrest Lenin.
The Bolshevik plans to seize power were no secret. The general public was
not ignorant about them and least of all the Provisional Government.
Zinoviev and Kamenev wrote quite openly of their plans in the newspaper
Novaya Zhizn on the 31st of October. Lenin had also spoken publicly of those
plans on a number of occasions. The historian E.M. Halliday admitted in
his book "Russia in Revolution" (Malmo, 1968, p. 114) that the authorities
knew of the Bolshevik plans in detail. So why, unless they were involved in
the conspiracy, did they do nothing about it?
For several historians,
however, the mystery was not so much the fact that the Bolsheviks had
officially discussed their take-over plans in the press, but that the
Provisional Government took no steps to protect itself; in fact it did quite
the opposite. Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky refused to order special
troops to Petrograd, when this was suggested.
(Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p.
It is of course a fabrication that the leading Bolsheviks gathered on the
23rd of October (5th of November) in Nikolai Sukhanov's (Gimmel's) flat and
only then decided to organise the assault on the Winter Palace. Any other
Bolshevik leaders but Lenin and Trotsky would have said that armed action
was completely unnecessary, since they would gain power at the Second Soviet
Congress on the 25th October (7th of November) anyway.
This seems to have
been a later invention since Trotsky had already formed a military
revolutionary committee on the 12th (25th) of October. The power was
transferred to this organ in secret on the 21 st of October (3rd of
November). (Heller and Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 38.) All
the available facts today suggest an organised plot and not any kind of
spontaneous action.
Lenin was not seen between the 2nd and 7th of November. He was not needed.
It was Trotsky who organized everything. Lenin disappeared from Fofanova's
flat in the late evenings. Only Stalin knew anything about Lenin's
mysterious disappearances. Lenin was not at Fofanova's on the evening of the
24th of October (6th of November). Neither was he in the Soviet building in
the Smolny palace.
This was confirmed in the book "About Nadezhda
Krupskaya", published in 1988 in Moscow. Nadezhda had come from Smolny to
Fofanova's flat to look for Lenin. But he was not there. The historians
Heller and Nekrich came to the same conclusion: Lenin was not even in Smolny
in the late evening of the 6th of November. According to other sources, he
turned up only on the 7th of November. He had taken a tram to Smolny.
said to Trotsky in German:
"Es schwin-delt!" (I'm dizzy!).
He was in
Lenin immediately began threatening with executions if he was not completely
obeyed. But it was still Trotsky who led the show. The Soviet Congress,
which had taken up residence in the Smolny Girls' School, was led by Fiodor
Dan (actually Gurvich, 1871-1947), one of the Menshevik leaders.
conspirators announced already at 10:40 in the morning of the 7th of
November that the Provisional Government had been overthrown and the power
seized by the Soviets. The Soviet Congress accepted the motion to form a new
government - the Council of People's Commissaries (Sovnarkom). The
suggestion received 390 votes out of 650. The government was to be
exclusively composed of Bolsheviks with
Lenin at the head. The leader of the Mensheviks, L. Martov, left the
congress together with the other members of his party.
It was actually the military revolutionary committee who had seized the
power. The Bolsheviks modeled it on the revolutionary committees the
Jacobins created during the so-called French Revolution. The committee in
Petrograd consisted of 18 Commissars. Most of them were either Jews or
married to Jewesses. The chairman was Leon Trotsky (Jew).
Other members
Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin (half-Jew)
Adolf Yoffe (Jew)
Josef Unschlicht (Jew)
Gleb Boky (Jew)
Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko (Jew)
Konstantin Mekhonoshin (Jew)
Mikhail Lashevich (Jew)
Felix Dzerzhinsky (Rufin, Jew)
P. Lazimir (Jew)
A. Sadovsky (Jew)
Pavel Dybenko (married to the Jewess
Alexandra Kollontay)
Nikolai Podvoisky
Vyacheslav Molotov (actually
Vladimir Nevsky (Feodosi Krivobokov)
Andrei Bubnov
Nikolai Skrypnik (Jew)
Lenin and his government gained power temporarily. That was
why he also called his government provisional until the Constituent Assembly
was elected on the 17th of November.
Something inexplicable happened at this point: in fact, nothing at all
happened on the afternoon of the 7th of November. The historians cannot
understand why the Winter Palace was not taken at once. The Soviet Congress
also paused a while. Trotsky went into another room to rest. It was
officially claimed that Lenin was in the building too, and went to sleep in
another room in the afternoon.
At this time Lenin seemed to be but Trotsky's bloodhound. At the Soviet
Congress, only Trotsky was seen as he now and then came out to speak with
some members. Lenin was nowhere to be seen. He only sent a few notes to
Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Nikolai Podvoisky and some of the others at the
congress. (Sergei Melgunov, "How the Bolsheviks Seized Power", Paris, 1953.)
According to the myth, about 5000 sailors had already gathered around the
Winter Palace to prepare the storming early in the morning of the 25th
October (7th of November).
In actual fact, this building was taken over by a few hundred
"revolutionaries", including 50 Red Guards, who calmly just marched straight
into the palace.
What happened to all of those tens of thousands of "revolutionary soldiers"
who are so warmly spoken of in the history books? This was just another fabrication, for the Winter Palace was never stormed. It was not
necessary. But to take over the seat of power at a carefully calculated
point in time was a symbolic act with astrological connotations for Lenin
and Trotsky.
That was why Trotsky still wanted to gather as many people as possible. 235
workers were brought from the Baltic Dockyard. Only 80 were fetched from the
Putilov Factory, despite 1500 Red Guards having been officially registered
there. A total of 26 000 worked there. All the important sites in the city
were taken over by a few thousand "revolutionaries"...
The first Red Guards gathered by the Winter Palace only at around 4:30 in
the afternoon, according to the exiled Russian historian Sergei Melgunov.
The chief of the Red Guards, Vladimir Nevsky (who later became people's
commissary for communications), received orders to wait. At around six
o'clock, the principal of the Artillery Academy in Mikhailovsk ordered his
cadets to leave the Winter Palace. The Cossacks also left. (Sergei Melgunov,
"How the Bolsheviks Seized Power", Paris, 1953, p. 119.)
Eventually only two
companies of the women's battalion and 40 disabled soldiers remained. This
cannot be explained in any other way than that the Provisional Government
did everything in its power to hand the Winter Palace over to the Bolsheviks
as peacefully as possible. The Provisional Government no longer held any
power. It was all just a big show for the public.
The theatres held their performances, the restaurants stayed open. Nobody
noticed that anything strange was going on. The bridge watchmen had no idea
about the real situation, either. Lenin and Trotsky, wishing to be on the
safe side by securing all the transport routes between the different areas
of the city, had bribed all the bridge watchmen.
Time passed and still
nothing happened. Everybody waited. According to the myth, the Bolsheviks
had issued an ultimatum to the Provisional Government, which refused to
answer. But how could they issue an ultimatum to a government, which
already on the 3rd of November had voluntarily handed over power to the
military revolutionary committee? Besides, Trotsky had confirmed at 2:35 in
the afternoon of the 7th of November that the Provisional Government no
longer existed.
At 10 o'clock the Soviet Congress had proclaimed:
"Government power lies with the Military Revolutionary Committee!"
Why it was necessary for Trotsky to put up a show will soon be evident to
the observant reader.
Trotsky wanted the whole spectacle to appear more
dramatic than it actually was. For this reason, he had a number of shells
fired from the Peter-Paul Fort while trams continued to roll over the Troitsky Bridge, according to the British ambassador Sir George Buchanan
(who, by the way, was involved in the deposition of the Tsar). The
remarkable thing was that those shells never hit the Winter Palace. The
official explanation was that they were aimed too badly. But why could the
Bolsheviks not find anyone among all those thousands of "revolutionary
soldiers" who could aim properly?
It appears that those who fired the shells suddenly lost their ability to
aim straight. All those explosions only managed to break one single window.
Why were precisely 35 shells fired? Did that number have some Cabbalistic
The Red Guards waited for a while outside the Winter Palace despite the
absence of guards at the side-door, according to Mikhail Heller and
Alexander Nekrich ("Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 41). Neither did the
Petrograd Garrison take any action against the Bolsheviks. They just watched
the show.
The Red Guards walked around in the city and coerced a few sailors into
following them to the Winter Palace, including Indrikis Ruckulis, who was a
27-year-old Latvian officer from Kronstadt and the commander of a group of
sailors. He was threatened with death when he refused to accompany the Red
Guards. He asserted that no single shell was fired from the armored cruiser
Aurora to give the signal for the storming, as was later claimed.
(Expressen, the 17th of October 1984.) This was another myth.
There was no storming of the Winter Palace. Everything proceeded calmly. No
blood was spilled. The Red Guards just waited until it was time to march in.
They waited until 1:30 in the morning, according to Indrikis Ruckulis and
several other sources. They opened fire for fifteen minutes for the sake of
appearances. Nobody was hurt during this "battle", according to a young
Marxist, Uralov, who was there. There was nobody to hurt. The Bolsheviks'
fire was never answered.
The Red Guards and sailors then walked through side doors into the Winter
Palace, according to the historians Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich,
who had found testimonies relating this. The remaining members of the women's battalion made no resistance, but "capitulated
When the Bolsheviks had coolly walked in through the unguarded entrances,
they strolled about in the halls and corridors and greeted the "defenders",
who did not resist, in a friendly manner (E. M. Halliday, "Russia in
Revolution", Malmo, 1968, p. 120). Even E. M. Halliday confirms that there
was never a battle. Only in Moscow was any kind of resistance offered. The
Kremlin was fired upon until three in the morning, despite the fact that the
cadets had left the building by 7 o'clock on the previous evening.
Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko (1883-1937), who was a comrade of Trotsky, had
been given the task of removing the Provisional Government. Here something
extremely puzzling occurred. Radio Russia related this on the 12th of August
1991 at two in the afternoon.
Antonov-Ovseyenko and his Red Guards reached the Malachite Hall just before
two o'clock and waited behind a door leading to the council chamber of the
Provisional Government. The government (without Kerensky) had, against all
reason, gathered there. Why?
Antonov-Ovseyenko just stood looking at the clock. Red Guards and sailors
also stood waiting for Antonov-Ovseyenko's signal. They waited there for
about ten minutes.
He later sent a telegram to Lenin:
"The Winter Palace was
taken over at 2:04."
At 2:10 Antonov-Ovseyenko said:
"It is time!" ("Para!") to the Red Guards.
He opened the door and said something very cryptic:
"Gentlemen! Your time is
We may presume that the Bolsheviks officially took over on the 26th October
(8th of November) 1917 at 2:04 in the morning. A closer astrological
investigation reveals that the sun was just then in the precise centre of
the sign of Scorpio (14°58').
In the horoscope of the Soviet regime, MC (Medium Coeli = the zenith) lay
4°28' in Gemini (which stands for power) - an aspect which was favorable to
the seizure of power.
This horoscope was the worst possible for the subjects
of the Soviet Union. It shows that everything was based upon deceit. Only
technical development was favored, spiritual values were entirely rejected.
Only the terrorist power-mongers were at an advantage. According to its
horoscope, the Soviet regime brought nothing good at all into the world.
People should have been wary of such a deadly power. It brought only enormous problems and catastrophes.
The Swedish
astrologer Anders Ekstrom in Skyttorp confirms this interpretation.
The Horoscope of the Soviet Regime
The 8th of November 1917, 2:04 A.M., Petrograd.

All this goes to show that the Bolshevik freemasons were well-versed in the
secrets of astrology. Their most important astrologer was the Jewish
Bolshevik Lev Karakhan (Karakhanyan), later vice people's commissary for
foreign affairs.
To later exclude others from similar research, the
Bolsheviks immediately declared that astrology was mere bourgeois nonsense
and superstition. A very clever move. Russian and Polish Jews also founded
the state of Israel. If we investigate Israel's horoscope, we see that the
most suitable time had also been calculated there. The result was the best
possible. In this way, they favored their own at 4:37 in the afternoon of
the 14th of May 1948...
The fact that Antonov-Ovseyenko waited until 2:10 favored only the new
regime. 2:10, when the members of the Provisional Government were taken
away, was presumably a key time. (Nicholas Campion, "The Book of World
Horoscopes", Wellingborough, 1988, p. 280.)
Lenin also claimed this. Trotsky had his 38th birthday on the 26th October
(8th of November) 1917, and the whole spectacle became his birthday party as
well as the beginning of a new epoch. (The phases of the moon are repeated
every 19th year.)
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac - the sign of
crime and death.
Certain days had a special significance for the Bolshevik leadership. Why
else conceal Lenin's true date of birth? I should like to point out here
that the Soviet army did everything in its power to take Berlin on May 1st,
1945 so that the red flag of the Illuminati could be hoisted over the city
on that very day.
It is obvious that the official time (8th of November) was extremely
important to the conspirators. Had not Kerensky already relinquished power
to the Bolshevik elite, without the public at large hearing anything about
it, on the 3rd of November (21st of October)? To mislead their subjects, the
Bolsheviks began officially celebrating the revolution on November 7th.
That elite who actually became a secret red transitional government were
responsible for the show. Those ten men, of whom at least half were secret
freemasons, made up the Politburo and the Military Revolutionary Committee,
which had been founded on the 16th (29th) of October - Yahweh's doomsday.
They were:
Was this spectacle then a Russian
Not one single historian has been able to explain logically why the
Bolsheviks waited on the evening of the 7th of November and did not take the
Winter Palace at once. The only reason that any historian has come up with
is that the Bolshevik leadership lacked resolution on that evening. The
reader may decide whether to accept this explanation or not.
The next
question is: why did the Provisional Government give up voluntarily and so
easily? Trotsky tried to explain this by saying that the Provisional
Government wanted to avoid bloodshed. Trotsky was hardly a reliable man. He
simply wanted to conceal that the Masonic brothers had made up certain deals
among themselves.
I must mention here that there was a mysterious figure who represented the
Bolshevik freemasons but took part in the meeting of the Provisional
Government. His name was Yuri Steklov (actually Nakhamkis) and was the agent
of the Bolshevik Central Committee. His behaviour made it seem as if it was
he who decided how long the Provisional Government was allowed to act and
remain in power.
It was as if he alone acknowledged and allowed the very
existence of the Provisional Government. He acted as if he were in charge of
seeing that the government did not overstep its authority and mandate.
(Vladimir Nabokov, "The Provisional Government and the Bolshevik Coup",
London, 1988, p. 116.)
Yuri Steklov was a freemason of the 32nd degree and
Kerensky's son-in-law. The ungrateful Lenin showed appreciation only to his
Masonic masters in Paris, who had helped him into power. In 1919, he sent
enormous amounts of money to the Masonic order Grand Orient de France, to be
used for the renovation of their palatial headquarters in Paris, propaganda
and other purposes. Meanwhile, millions of Russians were starving to death.
(Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The History of the Russian People
in the Twentieth Century", Moscow, 1997, p. 557.)
It became Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko's task to tell the Provisional Government that their time
was up. The mob who, somewhat later than the Red Guards, entered the Winter
Palace, began plundering and destroying the furniture. The eyes of the
portraits were cut out, valuable books and icons were thrown on the floor
and trampled on. They also began to rape women.
According to yet another myth in the huge Bolshevik repertoire, all the
ministers (except Kerensky) were arrested and sentenced to imprisonment, but
there are names among them who later turned up in the Bolshevik
administration. For instance, the freemason and former minister of
communications, Nikolai Nekrasov, became a bureaucrat in the Cooperative
Central Union in 1920. (Professor N. Pervushin's article "The Russian
Freemasons and the Revolution" in the newspaper Novoye Russkoye Slovo, New
York, August 1, 1986, p. 6.)
Even the Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia (Vol. 56, Moscow, 1936, p. 301)
confirmed that Kerensky's minister of the interior, Sergei Urusov, later
worked in the Soviet National Bank. He was still the emissary of the French
The world is truly puzzling and the official history contains so many
incredible fairy tales for adults that "A Thousand and One Nights" pales in
According to the official Bolshevik version, Kerensky managed to escape to
Gachino near Petrograd wearing a woman's clothing, whereupon he went on to
Pskov. Nothing more. Kerensky claimed in his memoirs that he put on a
sailor's uniform and escaped to Gachino where he wanted to organize a
resistance but failed, since the troops went away (!?).
The historians Nesta
Webster and Kurt Kerlen, however, have found some revealing information,
which they published in their book "Boche and Bolshevik" (New York, 1923, p.
19). According to this version, Lenin and Trotsky let Kerensky "disappear"
in recognition of his contributions when he protected them from the public
in July 1917.
It was also Kerensky who saw that the railway tickets for Lenin's and his
group's journey from Stockholm to Petrograd was paid for. And finally, he
left the power in their hands. According to the myth, Kerensky was opposed
to the Communists. He was actually the Grand Secretary of the Grand Orient
in Russia. Lenin and Trotsky supplied him with false documents and a large
amount of money and had him escorted to Murmansk, which had been occupied by
the British.
Kerensky was received as a "White" refugee in Murmansk. He boarded an
Italian steamboat and sailed to England, according to documents, which have
been preserved in London. Kerensky later lived in Berlin, Paris and
California as a wealthy man. He died in New York on the 12th of June
Even the great falsifier of history E.M. Halliday admitted in his book
"Russia in Revolution" (Malmo, 1968, p. 117) that Kerensky left the Winter
Palace and Petrograd on the morning of November 7th in an automobile, which
was placed at his disposal by the American Embassy. The car carried an
American flag.
So now we know how he got to Murmansk and from there to England. This must
have been planned well before the Bolshevik take-over. He had time enough
for this but not enough to call on special troops to defend Petrograd.
this not most peculiar?
All this forces an independently thinking person to wonder whether the
Provisional Government did not actually prepare for the coming terror of the
Bolsheviks. Why else did the United States of America and Great Britain
order their people to leave Russia in good time before the transfer of
power? The Bolsheviks were then officially just as democratic as Kerensky
and his lackeys.
What happened in February (March) 1917 was not a revolution, but a coup
d'etat organized from without. The Bolsheviks themselves, however, did not
carry out a coup d'etat in October (November) 1917, as we have learned in
the West, but simply took over power. It was an internationally controlled
conspiracy. If this was not the case, then a great number of important facts
cannot be explained; instead, everything becomes dim and incomprehensible.
If we assume that it really was a planned conspiracy, then all those strange
events, which I described earlier, immediately have a clear explanation.
The Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia maintained that the very fact that Marxism
was introduced in Russia proves that it is a true ideology. No other
evidence was necessary.
Lenin said after the take-over:
"We shall now build
the socialist order."
Trotsky corrected him:
"We must establish a socialist
The Jewish author Alexander Zinoviev said in an interview in the spring of
1984 that "the Soviet regime is eternal, the Soviet society cannot be
destroyed even in a thousand years". He stressed to the interviewer, George
"The Soviet system will remain until the end of human history."
even Trotsky and Lenin could believe that.
The astrologer E.H. Troinsky calculated in 1956 that the Soviet state would
begin falling apart after 72 years and 7 months, i.e., after July 1990. As
we all know, the Soviet regime was seriously weakened precisely after
June 1990 and finally fell in August 1991.
The Soviet Union was officially
dissolved four months later.
The German Aid
The Masonic Bolsheviks wanted to be certain that they could stay in power.
That was why they asked the Germans for help. German troops were sent to
throw an iron ring around Petrograd so that no oppositional forces,
including General Piotr Krasnov's Cossacks, could threaten the Bolshevik
government (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 24).
It was also the Germans who put down a revolt among the cadets at an army
training school in Petrograd, captured the Kremlin for the Bolsheviks in
Moscow, fought back Krasnov's Cossacks and performed other similar actions
vital to the survival of the Reds.
General Kir-bach promised that Moscow and
Petrograd would be occupied by German troops if the Bolshevik government was
threatened. The weak Soviet regime was protected by up to 280 000
disciplined German soldiers. Part of those German troops was called the
international battalions in the beginning, but in the Soviet history books
they were known as "Latvian riflemen".
There were just 20 Latvians among
these "Internationalists", according to the historian Igor Bunich ("The
Party's Gold", p. 79). In the autumn of 1918 there were 50 000 men in this
international army. That number had increased to 250 000 in the summer of
1920 (M. Heller and A. Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 95).
There were also a considerable number of Chinese soldiers and Polish Jews in
those troops. The latter usually played a leading role.
Colonel Heinrich von Ruppert had traveled with a Swedish passport to
Petrograd as early as April 1917 to give secret instructions to the German
prisoners of war, who later helped the Bolsheviks in every way imaginable,
according to Igor Bunich.
A highly interesting American report, which reached Washington on the 9th of
December 1917, stated, among other things, that General William V. Judson
saw many Germans when he visited Trotsky in Smolny. (Antony C. Sutton, "Wall
Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 45.) The Germans also
supplied the "revolutionaries" with weapons. The ship Yastreb brought
weapons and ammunition from
Friedrichshafen and reached Russia in time for the Bolshevik take-over.
Germans got their longed-for separate peace with Russia on the 3rd of March
1918, though Lenin had proclaimed his decree of peace immediately on the 7th
of November 1917.
A parade of the "internationalists", that is, the Germans, for Lenin and his
Bolshevik government was organized for the 29th of October (11th of
November) 1917.
The Germans had received instructions to shout:
"We greet
you, World Revolution!"
But instead they shouted:
"We greet you, Kaiser
Wilhelm!" Lenin took this as an insult.
(Igor Bunich, "The Party's
Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 24.)
The American president Thomas Woodrow Wilson also gave orders not to
intervene against the Bolshevik revolution, according to Antony Sutton. But
just in case things still went wrong, the leading Bolsheviks had been given
foreign passports so that they could flee abroad just as unexpectedly as
they had turned up. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992,
p. 8.) Nikolai Bukharin (actually Dolgolevsky) had made plans to escape to
Lenin calmed his fellow criminals:
"We have always been lucky and
so it shall remain!"
So, these were actually Jewish criminal groups who had come to power in
order to suck the life from the body of the victim. Other Jews were
immediately given privileged positions.
This is actually confirmed by the rabbi Elmer Berger in his book "The Jewish
Dilemma", published in the United States in 1946. Berger wrote that the
Soviet government privileged the Jews for being Jews, not just through the
fact that Jews dominated the Soviet regime.
By a single stroke of the pen,
every suggestion of anti-Semitism became punishable with death.
The Beginning of the Government Terror
The Jewish gangster groups who called themselves Bolsheviks became
particularly dangerous, since the theory behind their activities attempted
to justify the crimes they committed (in the name of the workers) and to
practice deceit and sabotage against the spiritual culture.
Lenin was well
aware that the Bolsheviks needed all the help they could get to acquire
Russia's wealth. That was why he said that they must make use of common criminals as allies with Communism. (Louis Fischer, "The
Life of Lenin", London, 1970.)
The criminals took Lenin's slogan "Plunder what was plundered!" seriously
and managed to find a large amount of well-hidden valuables. The Bolsheviks
then captured them, confiscated their loot and murdered those rivals on the
spot. The criminals probably realized soon enough that the Bolsheviks
intended to monopolise crime, like they did the truth. In this way gang
after gang of bandits were liquidated.
As I have mentioned previously, the Bolshevik speculators around Lenin found
it hard to believe that all their plans would actually succeed, so they
immediately began to plunder Russia of its wealth. All those riches were
quickly sent abroad, primarily to Berlin.
The international bankers were very happy about this turn of events,
according to Igor Bunich. The Bolsheviks acted with such haste and violence
that it seems they thought the plundering and murdering might have to cease
on the very next day. By the aid of "contracts of sale" written under
threat, many estates and houses were handed over to Jewish "businessmen"
living outside Russia.
The Bolshevik leaders immediately took over stately homes to live in. Lenin
became the "owner" of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov's estate in Gorky near
Moscow. All the villagers were forced to leave their homes to make room for
Lenin's bodyguards. Trotsky got hold of Prince Felix Yusupov's castle. The
Bolsheviks were especially interested in items of gold.
The leading Chekists, for example, used only golden plates for their meals.
The Bolshevik leader had, immediately after the take-over, given orders to
draw up lists of people who absolutely had to be executed. Lenin declared
that an entire social class (the bourgeoisie) would have to be eliminated.
The chief revolutionary believed that the children absolutely had to watch
while their parents were murdered. It was the Bolsheviks who decided who was
bourgeois. In that way many ordinary, simple people were also murdered.
Talented intellectuals quickly perceived the true nature of this crime
syndicate, which called itself the Bolsheviks-Communists. The
intellectuals' name for this extravaganza of murder and robbery was Jewish
They looked on with alarm as the wealth was snatched from the
hands of the Russians. Lenin and his fellow criminals wanted to rid themselves of these clear-sighted intellectuals as quickly as possible.
Only the spiritually blind or those blinded by envy were allowed to live.
This giant robbery was transformed into a kind of malformed business.
New York Herald Tribune wrote:
"It seems as if the Bolshevik revolution in
Russia is actually an enormous financial operation, the goal of which is to
transfer the control of vast sums of money from the Russians to European and
American banks."
At the beginning of April 1919, George Pitter-Wilson confirmed in the Globe
"The aim of Bolshevism is to gain complete power in the non-Jewish
areas, so that no wealth remains in non-Jewish hands. In this way, the Jews
would be able to gain power over everyone, ostensibly in the interest of
Meanwhile, they began spreading the most famous myth, according to which the
Jews had nothing to do with the so-called Russian revolution. It was not in
their interest to allow the truth to come out.
For this very reason Lenin
"The revolution needs no historians!"
The Bolsheviks have to be regarded as the worst mythomaniacs the world has
ever seen, since they and their henchmen immediately began spreading the lie
that these events were solely the holy action of the Russian people.
Unfortunately, most historians took service with untruth. They believed it
necessary to adapt to the situation.
The Bolsheviks began confiscating as much private property as they could.
They also prohibited private commerce. The subjects were regarded as the
property of the state (i.e. the Jewish Bolshevik leadership).
The following
lines could still be read in Nordisk Familjebok (a Swedish encyclopaedia) in
1944 (reprint of the 3rd edition, Vol. 10, col. 1228):
"The strong Jewish
element in the leadership of the Russian Bolshevik regime stirred up
resentment in many places in Russia and led to the spreading of the belief
that Bolshevism was predominantly a Jewish movement."
Communism was simultaneously used as camouflage for international criminal
activity. That was why Communism became a modern form of a collective
slave-state. The Communist Party later became a real Mafia and its general
secretary was just like the Capo di tutti i capi (the boss of all bosses).
The Russian people faced a dreadful time of violent clashes and complete
degradation. The Red Jews' aim was to subdue the Russians as quickly as possible and later expand their power into other countries.
In the beginning these criminals managed, with the help of German troops and
American financial support, to eliminate or force into exile nearly all the
honest and independently thinking people in Russia and transform the nation
into a criminal society.
There were also German and other foreign elite soldiers among the Chekist
Special Forces, according to Igor Bunich.
A total of 280 000 so-called
internationalists protected the Bolshevik regime. The Germans declared that
they would immediately send troops if any threat to the Soviet regime
appeared. Lenin's bodyguards were also primarily Germans; among them was
Friedrich von Platten from Switzerland. The Germans also continued to give
the Bolsheviks financial aid. In November 1917 they received 11.5 million
marks, a sum which was the equivalent of 130 million dollars in 1975.
was forced to keep his promise. On December 15th he made separate peace with
Germany. After the signing of the peace agreement in Brest-Litovsk on the
3rd of March 1918, he received 40 million rubles in gold to fight against
the Whites.
On the 20th of August 1918, Lenin, in return, wrote an open
letter to the American workers and asked them not to fight against Germany.
93.5 tons of gold (245.5 tons, according to Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown
of Thorns: the History of the Russian People in the Twentieth Century",
Moscow, 1997, p. 528) were to be transferred to Germany in connection with
the Brest-Litovsk peace agreement. This "affair" was also concealed from the
The rabbi Judas Magnus from the American Jews' committee in New York,
admitted on the 24th of October 1918 that he also was a Bolshevik and liked
the ideas of the new regime in Russia. The leading Zionist newspapers Jewish
Chronicle (London) and American Hebrew (New York) praised the Bolshevik
regime in Russia as a triumph for the Jewish model of society in their
editorials from December 1918 up to Lenin's death in 1924.
It was certainly a triumph. In fact, the world had never before seen such a
triumph of evil and violence.
American Hebrew wrote on September 8, 1920:
"The Bolshevik Revolution was
largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to
American Hebrew wrote on September 10, 1920:
"What Jewish
idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to produce in Russia, the same historic qualities of the
Jewish mind are tending to promote in other countries."
On the 23rd of July 1919, Scotland Yard wrote a report to the American
secretary of state, wherein it is written, among other things, that they now
had enough evidence to prove that Bolshevism was an international movement
controlled by Jews.
Another report to the American secretary of state in 1918 stated that the
leadership of each city-soviet was comprised of at least 50 per cent Jews,
especially malign Jews "of the worst type", many of whom were anarchists.
("U.S. State Department Report, Foreign Relations 1918,
Russia", Vol. 11, p. 240.)
Professor Israel Shahak put it bluntly:
"An examination of radical,
socialist and communist parties can provide many examples of disguised
Jewish chauvinists and racists, who joined these parties merely for reasons
of 'Jewish interest' and are, in Israel, in favor of 'anti-Gentile'
(Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The
Weight of Three Thousand Years", London, 1994, p. 17.)
The French Jewish newspaper Le Droit de Vivre wrote on May 13, 1933:
"Judaism is the father of Marxism and Communism."
To neutralize the threat
of the anti-Communists in other countries, the Jewish Voice (USA)
launched the following slogan in July 1941 (p. 23):
"Anti-Communism is
The infamous American Zionist organization, the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has been of the same opinion since the
beginning (Executive Intelligence Review, No. 39, 30th September 1988). This
organization has very close connections with B'nai
Did not the Bolshevik, M. Kogan, coolly state in his article "Services of
Jewry to the Working Class":
"Without exaggeration, it may be said that the
Great Socialist October Revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of
the Jews... The symbol of Jewry, which for centuries has struggled against
capitalism, has become also the symbol of the Russian proletariat, which can
be seen even in the fact of the adoption of the Red five-pointed star, which
in former times, as is well-known, was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry."
(Kommunist, Kharkov, 12th April 1919.)
This is confirmed in a leaflet
written by the famous author Maxim Gorky, which praised the enormous
contributions of the Jews to the introduction of socialism. This leaflet
worried Trotsky and Lenin. They thought it was formulated in such an unfortunate way that they feared
enemies of the revolution (i.e. anti-Semites) would be able to use the
information contained therein - so the leaflet was forbidden. Maxim Gorky
had not always been so friendly towards the Jews, however.
Just after the
unsuccessful coup attempts in 1905, he published a violently anti-Semitic
leaflet in which he exhorted:
"Arise, Russian people, against the Jews!"
Later, when he had become the willing tool of the Jewish "revolutionaries",
he wanted to forget all about his earlier
The Bolsheviks concealed as much as they could about themselves. All kinds
of truths immediately became state secrets. Lenin was the master of all
Who were those robbers and bandits who believed violence to be the best way
of controlling a society?
The Bolsheviks' primary and most important
controlling organ after the take-over became the Politburo, which consisted
of the following seven people:
Vladimir Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Leon Kamenev
Grigori Sokolnikov (Brilliant)
Grigori Zinoviev
Joseph Stalin
Andrei Bubnov
Only the last of those named was a Russian.
Those men, together with the Party Central, decided at 2:30 A.M. on November
9th to form a one-party government (Sovnarkom), ignoring the other parties.
Lenin named himself head of government. He wanted to make Trotsky his second
in command - People's Commissary for Internal Affairs. He would thereby also
have become vice-chairman of Sovnarkom.
Lenin wanted Trotsky to crush the
"bourgeoisie" and the aristocracy. Trotsky declined and afterwards
"I said [to Lenin] that it was unnecessary, in my opinion, to
play into the enemy's hands... it would be much better if there were no Jews
at all in the first Soviet revolutionary government."
A Soviet historian,
Viktor Danilov, published this information in the newspaper History
Workshop Journal in 1990. (Svenska Dagbladet, 12th April 1990.) That was why
an alcoholic Russian, Alexei Rykov (1881-1938) was named people's commissary
for internal affairs.
Leon Trotsky was made responsible for foreign affairs
instead. So, Trotsky and other Jews in the Politburo wanted as few Jews as
possible to be visible in the Bolshevik government.
The answer was to employ
a number of Russian puppets:
V. Nogin (1878-1924) who was responsible for
trade and industry
the freemason Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov, who became people's commissary for financial affairs
Nikolai Avilov (Glebov), communications
Vladimir Milyutin, agriculture
Ukrainian Pavel Dybenko (1889-1938) who became people's commissary for naval
The half-Jew Joseph Stalin was also allowed to take responsibility
for questions of nationality, an artificial office. He was hardly ever seen
at the People's Commissariat.
The other members of the first Soviet government were Jews, however:
freemason Anatoli Lunacharsky (actually Bailikh-Mandelstam), who became
people's commissary for educational affairs
the freemason Nikolai Krylenko
(Aaron Bram, 1885-1938), who became People's Commissary for Military
Ivan Teodorovich, who became commissary
for foodstuffs
Lomov (actually Oppokov), who was responsible for justice
Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko (1883-1939)
Alexander Shlyapnikov (actually
Belenin), who was responsible for employment
So, there were 15 members in
the very first Soviet government, according to the Worker and Peasant
Government's Newspaper, No. 1, 10th of November 1917.
It soon became evident that the Russians in the Bolshevik government were
unable to introduce the gangster regime of which the Jewish freemasons
dreamed, despite the fact that all those puppet-Russians were surrounded in
their offices by Jewish aides who, according to several protocols, eagerly
took part in government meetings.
I shall mention a few of those advisers
Abram Slutsky
So Lenin subsequently
exchanged the Russians for Jewish Bolsheviks and also introduced new
commissary posts.
The alcoholic Rykov's post was given to Grigori Petrovsky (1878-1958) just
20 days later. Georgi Lomov had to leave his post as commissary for justice.
This post was instead given to the Jew Josef (Isidor) Steinberg. Vladimir
Milyutin was exchanged for the Jew Alexander Schlichter (1868-1940). Nikolai
Avilov (1868-1940) had to make way for the Jew Vyacheslav Zof. There were
also two new members: the Jew V. Volodarsky (actually Moisei Goldstein)
became people's commissary for propaganda and press and the Jewess Alexandra
Kollontay was named people's commissary for social affairs.
There were a total of 17 government members, of whom 11 were Jews, two
half-Jews and only four were Slavs (three Russians and one Ukrainian). The
Jewish members subsequently became more visible.
The first chairman of the Central Executive Committee was the freemason Leon
Kamenev (Leiba Rosenfeld), in the West flatteringly termed "president". His
assumed name Kamenev means "stony". He was married to Trotsky's youngest
sister, Olga. Kamenev held this high post for only 13 days before he was
replaced by another Jewish freemason, Yakov Sverdlov (Yankel-Aaron
Movshevich Solomon). Kamenev instead became the mayor of Moscow. He was also
the vice-chairman of the Council of People's Commissars for a while. He was
named People's Commissary for Commerce in 1926.
He was executed on the 25th
of August 1936.
The Bolsheviks opened a Pandora's box, drowned Russia, and later inundated
many other countries in terrible sufferings. They introduced a feudal
banditregime they called Bolshevism. Only hope and fear remained. Streets,
squares and even cities were eventually named after the Jews in power:
Volodarsky, Slutsk, Sverdlovsk...
The Social Revolutionaries protested strongly against Lenin's actions. To
keep up appearances, Lenin offered the left wing of the Social
Revolutionaries four posts in the Sovnarkom. In the beginning they declined
the offer, but somewhat later the Social Revolutionaries Josef Steinberg, V.
Trutovsky, Vladimir Karelin and A. Kolegayev wanted to join the Bolshevik
government and thereby support Lenin's terrorism.
This split the left wing
faction of the Social Revolutionaries.
Meanwhile, Lenin officially prohibited freemasonry to camouflage his
designs. The Jacobins had done the same. He was unable to conceal the
predominance of Jews within the government power apparatus. The Jews
dominated everywhere, even from the autumn of 1917 - in the People's
Commissariats and in the leadership of every institution, despite the fact
that they made up only six per cent (6.1 million) of the population of
The mayor of Petrograd was the Jew Schreider. Even the leadership of the
other parties consisted of Jews. But a considerable part of the Jews in the
other parties left to join the Bolsheviks, who began a massive propaganda
campaign to win the parliamentary elections.
The Jews also controlled all
the newspapers. Behind Izvestiya, which was originally a soviet newspaper
and was later transformed into a government organ, were Yuri Steklov
(Nakhamkis), Ziperovich, Goldenberg and other Jews. The periodical Kommunist
was controlled by its Jewish editor-in-chief Vilhelm
Knorin. His successor was another Jew - Stytsky. The editorial staff of
Znamya Truda were Karl Lander, Levin and Noi Davidson. Volja Truda was led
by Sachs, Polyansky and Katz.
The Jew Moisei Kharitonov (Markovich) was named chief of the militia in
Petrograd. He had traveled together with Lenin from Switzerland to
Stockholm. He later became a Trotskyist. Grigori Sokolnikov (Brilliant) was
the editor of Pravda at an earlier stage. After the Bolshevik take-over, he
worked as chief commissar for banking affairs. He was appointed people's
commissary for financial affairs in 1921. Stalin had him arrested in 1937
and he died two years later in the GULAG archipelago.
The Polish Jew Jakub
Hanecki (Furstenberg) became chief of the National Bank. The Bolsheviks
failed to win the elections for the Constituent Assembly on the 25th (12th)
of November 1917. Of 707 seats, the Social Revolutionaries won 410 and
thereby secured a majority, the Bolsheviks won 175, the Liberals 105, the
Mensheviks won only 16, the Bourgeois Cadets 17, the United People's
Movements 86... So the Bolsheviks only got 24.7 per cent of the votes (9 562
358 votes of 40 million), despite the fact that they had manipulated the
electorate as much as they could.
Lenin had even abolished the freedom of
the press by a decree on the 9th of November. Trotsky had ordered a
demonstrative burning of the bourgeois newspaper Rech's entire edition one
day earlier. Lenin banned all bourgeois parties at the end of December.
The Constituent Assembly met on the 5th (18th) of January 1918 and rejected
the Bolshevik government with 237 votes against 136. On the following day,
Lenin had the "Latvian riflemen" (i.e. the German troops) dissolve the
parliament. German soldiers opened fire on the crowd who tried to defend the
Constituent Assembly. This was when the Bolsheviks actually performed their
coup. They had no intention of leaving power at this stage.
There was too much left to plunder. The Bolsheviks plundered riches
amounting to 7.5 billion rubles in gold just from the churches, according
to a conservative estimate by Western experts.
The Bolsheviks had already set up revolutionary tribunals, had begun
"nationalizing" (that is - plundering) private property; they abolished the
military ranks and in all secrecy founded the political police (the Cheka).
There were an incredible number of freemasons among the Bolsheviks.
Here I
can further mention:
Nikolai Bukharin
Grigori Zinoviev, a member of B'nai B'rith and the Grand Orient, according to Valeri Yemelyanov's
book "De-Zionisation", Paris, 1979, p. 14)
Mieczyslaw Kozlowski
Sereda, who later became people's commissary for agriculture
Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov
Mikhail Skobelev
Nikolai Sokolov
Leonid Krasin
Gorky's wife J. Peshkova and her stepson Zinovi Peshkov (Yakov Sverdlov's
There were also a great number of freemasons occupying high posts within the
Soviet administration in the 1950s, according to the freemason and publicist
Yekaterina Kuskova (Novoye Russkoye Slovo, 1st of August 1986, p. 6).
Communist agents who were freemasons in the West received considerable help
in their careers from their lodge brothers. Here I can mention Georges Ebon,
who was arrested in France in the 1950s. (Terry Walton, "KGB in France",
Moscow, 1993, pp. 67-68.)
On the 28th of January 1918, Lenin decided to set up the Red Army and the
Germans and Americans had to give all kinds of support to the Bolsheviks.
The situation was catastrophic, because enemy troops were approaching
Petrograd, and on March 11, 1918, the Bolshevik government fled to Moscow
where it remained.
The flight was organized by Alexander Shlyapnikov.
(Stalin had him executed in 1937.)
Moscow was afterwards made capital. Lenin
also introduced the new (Gregorian) calendar. The Social Democratic
Bolshevik Party was renamed the Communist Party on the 8th of March 1918.
These Communists now formed a new, Jew-dominated government where Leon
Trotsky became people's commissary for military affairs.
Another Jew, Georgi Chicherin (actually Ornatsky) whose Jewish mother was called
Meierdorf, was named people's commissary for foreign affairs. Previously, he
had twice been put in a mental hospital. This must have suited the
Communists perfectly: the crazier, the better.
The evil now broke out over the whole of society. Power became even more
centralized than at the time of the Jacobins' coup in France. Trotsky wanted
to see his subjects as militarized slaves. All forms of begging were
forbidden, just like the Paris Commune had done by a decree on April 16th,
1871. Those breaking this decree were shot.
The bourgeoisie were forced to sweep the streets and shovel snow. Their
children were excluded from higher education. Lenin's instructions that the
universities should welcome, above all, those people who just wanted a
diploma rather than knowledge, were followed later as well.
Even the early Taoists knew that:
"The more knowledge people have, the
harder they are to control."
In 1918 Patriarch Tikhon put the Soviet regime under a ban and proclaimed it
Antichrist incarnate. He protested strongly when the Bolsheviks began
confiscating the property and wealth of the church. The GPU murdered him in
May 1922. The Communist reign of terror knew no limits - all imaginable
atrocities were permitted in the name of power.
Moisei Uritsky (actually
Boretsky) became chief of the Cheka in Petrograd. He worked in an especially
brutal manner and gained the nickname "the butcher of Petrograd".
It was Uritsky who, with the aid of sailors and German soldiers, dissolved the
Parliament in January 1918. Despite the fact that the Jewish
"revolutionaries" and executioners preferred to live under assumed names,
the ordinary people of Russia soon came to realize who ruled their land with
an iron hand. The Jewish parties Bund and Po'alei Zion were still allowed to
remain when the other parties were banned in 1920.
The latter merged with
the Communist Party in December 1928.
Not one single synagogue was destroyed or converted into a public toilet or
storehouse, as happened to the churches. Not a single rabbi was crucified.
Many churches in Moscow were torn down in 1922 and instead a synagogue with
space for two thousand people was built. A total of 60,000 churches were
The Jewish executioners used to shout:
"Long live the red terror! Death to
the bourgeois!"
They soon enforced work duty. Vagabonds were executed on
the spot.
The Times admitted on September 18, 1920:
"The Soviet regime relies on
Jewish brains, Latvian [i.e. German] and Chinese bayonets and the terrible
Russian ignorance."
In 1922, the correspondent for the British newspaper the Morning Post,
Victor Marsden, published the names of all 545 civil servants within the
government administration. 477 of them were Jews and only 30 were Russians
(5.5 per cent).
In 1920, a total of half a million Jews already worked in the Soviet party
and state apparatus, in various institutions, as company leaders and in all
other possible fields of practice within the Soviet regime. Many of those
Jews had moved to Russia, primarily from Poland and Lithuania. ("The Book of
Russian Judaism", New York, 1968, p. 137.)
The Soviet
Union's most important diplomats were also Jews. There were also Jewish
functionaries within the first Soviet representation in Stockholm, for
instance Aaron Zimmermann.
Here follows a list of just a few of the most powerful Jews in the early
Soviet administration.
The prosecutor general was D. Kursky.
The lawyer of
the Council of People's Commissaries was Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich
Yemelyan Yaroslavsky (Minei Gubelman, 1878-1943) became the
Kremlin's Commissar and the secretary of the Central Committee. It was he
who led the take-over of power in Moscow
Other leading Jews:
Moisei Frumkin
(who became people's commissary for finance and foreign affairs)
Adolf Yoffe
Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobel-sohn)
Sara Khavkina (worked in the Central
Alexander Ghe (Goldberg)
Yuri Larin (actually Mikhail Lurye,
Vatslav Vorovsky (Orlovsky)
Mieczyslaw Bronski (actually Moisei
Warszawski, who became deputy commissary for trade and industry)
Abram Skovno (1888-1938)
David Rosenblum
Christian Rakovsky (Bulgarian Jew who
became head of the red government in the Ukraine)
Mikhail Lashevich
David Ryazanov (Goldenbach, 1870-1938, a Jew from Odessa, arrived from Switzerland
with the second train, became director of the Marx Institute)
Aaron Scheinman
Georgi Safarov
Yakov Surits
Aaron Soltz
Nikolai Krestinsky (member of the
Central Committee)
Yevgenia Bosh
Samuel Kaufman (who became a people's
Isidor Gukovsky (people's commissary)
Feningstein (people's commissary)
Olga Ravich (Sarra
Gavvich, worked with people's commissary Feningstein)
Yelena Stasova
(secretary of the Central Committee)
Theodor Rothstein (leading man in the
Foreign Commissariat)
Ivan Maisky (actually Steinman)
Yan-Yakov Gamarnik
Moisei Rukhimovich
Alexander Shotman (1880-1939)
Mikhail Kobetsky
Mikhail Goberman
Nikolai Gordon (Leiba Alie Chael, close
collaborator with Grigori Zinoviev)
Sergei Syrtsov
Mikhail Tomsky
Mikhail (Meier) Trilisser
Joseph Unschlicht
Grigori Chud-novsky
Joseph Pyatnitsky (Tarsis)
Yevgeni Gnedin
(Leon Helphand, son of Alexander Parvus who became head of the Paris Bureau
of the Cheka)
Bor and many, many others...
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which was elected in August of
1917, was comprised of 24 members. Of these, at least 14 were Jews and 2
half-Jews. Even Moisei Uritsky's secretary was a 17-year-old
Jewish girl. (Heinrich Laretei's memoirs "To the Toy of Fate", Lund,
1970, p. 75.)
All kinds of Jewish speculators and anarchists, who were enamoured with
Bolshevism, travelled to Soviet Russia at the very beginning. They came from
many countries (from Turkey, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland,
Bohemia, Slovakia, and the United States of America).
For example, a
Bohemian Zionist communist from Prague, Ernest (Arnost) Kolman, worked in
Moscow as a party functionary between 1918 and 1919 and as a politruk in
Moscow and then in Siberia in the 1920s. He later worked with subversive
activities in Germany where he was arrested and expelled to the Soviet
Union. Most of them came from the United States.
The most famous of these were Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, who were
sent to Petrograd by the American authorities in January 1920. Those
anarchists had praised the Soviet state as paradise on earth around the
United States. Later, they described how the Bolsheviks in Smolny's
restaurant had introduced a system of privileges, where the leading
Communists received better food than the others.
A total of 34 levels of
privileges were established.
Here follows a list of the names of some important American Jews who worked
in the Soviet state apparatus:
Minnor was active as a political
commissar at the Commissariat for Internal Affairs
Kisswalter worked in the Supreme Soviet
as chairman of the economic restructuring committee
Kahan was active in the committee for
the abolition of private banks
Simson coordinated the work of the
Gubelman was political commissar in Moscow's military
Michelson was named adviser to the People's Bank
a high post
was also held by Isaac Don Levine
Of course, the American Jews held high
posts within the Cheka. Meich-man and Meherbey, who proved themselves
especially dangerous, were among the most important Chekists in Petrograd.
(Maurice Pinay, "The Secret Driving Force of Communism", p. 45.)
Trotsky's comrade Clara Sheridan wrote quite openly in the New York World on
December 13, 1923:
"The Communist leaders are Jews and Russia is entirely
dominated by them. They are in every town, in every government bureau, in
the offices and in the editorial staffs of the newspapers. They drive away
the Russians and are responsible for the increasingly anti-Semitic

A typical Communist murderer,
Mikhail Borodin (Jakob Grusenberg).
John Gates (actually Israel Regentreif), one of the Communist leaders in the
United States, has also confirmed in his autobiography that the Jews held an
absolutely dominant position in the Russian and the international Marxist
movement. (John Gates, "The Story of an American Communist",
New York, 1958.)
Here I must point out that the Russian extremist Jews and their fellow
travellers were only tools in the hands of Jewish international bankers, who
wanted to transport as much wealth as possible out of Russia. Everything
that happened during the Jacobin's reign of terror in France was repeated in
The banker Jacob Schiff had given Leon Trotsky 20 million dollars to
organise a Bolshevik take-over. That gamble certainly paid off. 600 million
rubles in gold were transferred to the United States of America between
1918 and 1922, according to the historian Gary Allen.
In the first half of
1921 alone, the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. made a profit of 102,290,000 dollars on the wealth the Bolsheviks had robbed, according to the New
York Times, August 23rd, 1921. Multiply that sum by one hundred and you have
the present-day value of that money.
The Russian historian Dmitri Volkogonov
revealed after findings in the Communist Party archives that "just the
Tsarina's private reserves amounted to 475 million rubles in gold (plus 7
million for the crown jewels)". (Dagens Nyheter, 31st of August 1992.)
Bolshevik financial department Goskhran confiscated all of this. Some Swedish journalists
(including Staffan Skott) have, in accord with the prevailing myth, tried to
explain that most of this wealth was handed over to the Communist parties in
other countries, while millions of Russians died of starvation. That is not
entirely accurate.
According to the historian Igor Bunich, Lenin and Trotsky
took care of this money personally. The gold, meanwhile, was smuggled out of
Russia and deposited into personal bank accounts around the world. (30 tons
of gold per year were produced in the Tsarist era in Russia.)
That was apparently the reason why the British newspaper The Guardian, in
March 1923, called the Bolsheviks the Party of the Yellow Satan. Here
follows an actual case.
The freemason Yuri Lomonosov, who was the right-hand man of the minister of
communications during the time of the Provisional Government, lived in the United States between 1918 and 1919. He returned to
Russia and held a high post in the Bolshevik regime.
In 1920, the Tsar's
gold was exported to the United States of America under the control of
this same professor Lomonosov and by the aid of Jacob Schiff's banking
corporation Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the Jewish banker Olof Aschberg (Nya
Banken) in Sweden.

The banker John Jacob Schiff financed the deposition
of the Russian Tsar and
the build-up of the Soviet regime in Russia.
Three shiploads with a total of 540 packing-cases of gold were sent away
from the harbor of Tallinn in the Republic of Estonia. (U.S. State
Department Decimal File, 861.51/837, 4th of October 1920.)
Professor Lomonosov returned to the United States at the same time, when his mission
had been accomplished. Each case was worth 60 000 rubles in gold. The total
value was thus 32.4 million. The Bolsheviks also used the Harju Bank in
Estonia to transfer money.
Eventually, all of the Bolsheviks' gold reserves ended up in the United
States, according to the Russian historian Igor Bunich.
Over 600 000 miners
died under forced labour in the gold mines of Kolyma alone. To ensure an
even greater success, the banker James Warburg from New York and Frankfurt
am Main also financed Lenin and Trotsky. (Gary Allen, "Say 'NO!' to the New
World Order", California, 1987, p. 22.)
While the murdering and plundering
was going on, over 1.6 million Russians escaped abroad. The Communist
Party's 19 564 leading Jews and the Jewish Communist Parties Bund and Po'alei Zion tried to gain complete control over the Russian society.
Hundreds of thousands of Russians were forced to become Communists.
Meanwhile, these Jewish extremists, who were obsessed by Marxist
hallucinations, transformed Russia into a temple of evil. Soviet Union
became a new perfect temple of Solomon for the Jewish freemasons. Over one
hundred million people were sacrificed there.
In the Soviet Union, Masonic terms typical of the Communist movement were
used constantly. They wanted to "build a new society" and a "better and
brighter future". Or they wanted to rebuild the old (perestroika).
The emotive propaganda apparatus was completely in the hands of
"revolutionary" Jews. They even had their own news agency, YETA, which
diligently reported all manifestations of anti-Semitism. The Jewish
functionaries even began to publish Pravda in Yiddish (Varhait) on the 3rd
of March 1918, and from August 1918, the same newspaper was also published
in Hebrew (Emet). (The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia, Moscow, 1932, Vol. 24,
p. 120.)
Jewish authors produced combat literature. Jewish composers composed all
kinds of marches and myth-songs to inspire ordinary Russians to heroic acts
in the name of Socialism. Much was staked, also abroad, on the songs of
Isaac Dunayevsky and the Pokrass brothers.
Dmitri Pokrass' work included the well-known "Konarmeiskaya", which the
Swedish socialists eagerly sang under the name of "The Song About the
Reaction", and the "Budyonny March". The latter was composed by Dmitri
Pokrass at twenty years of age in Kiev in the summer of 1920. In the same
year, his brother who was two years older, wrote "We Build the Nation",
where it is claimed that the Red Army was the strongest of all.
The Red Army
soldiers hold their weapons firmly in callused fists. This revolutionary
song was taken over by the Swedish socialists who made it their own anthem.
This song was sung at the funeral of Olof Palme (the Swedish Prime Minister,
murdered in 1986) in Stockholm.
Samuil Pokrass was later invited to
Hollywood. Of course, there was nothing to prevent his emigration to the
United States. He died in New York in 1939. His brother, Dmitri Pokrass,
later won the Stalin award for his contribution to the process of
Isaac Dunayevsky's most famous melody was named "The March of the Young
Jewish composers (Leon Knipper, Alexander Tsfasman, Matvei
Blanter, Yan Frenkel, Alexander Kolker, Mark Fradkin, Oskar Feltsman, N.
Brodsky, I. Shvarts, Eduard Kolmanovsky, Venyamin Basner, Alexander
Flyarkovsky, Alexander Bronevitsky, David Tukhma-nov and others) maintained
their control over the Russian musical culture.
The Jews, of course, also
dominated the most important branch of
the media - the film industry.
most important film directors were:
Leo Arnstam
Abram Room
Leonid Trauberg
Friedrich Ermler
Dziga Ver-tov
Josef Heifitz
Mikhail Romm
Mark Donskoy
Sergei Jutkevich
Juli Raizman...
Vsevolod Meyerhold developed the
new theatre.
The Jewish director and freemason Sergei Eisenstein made
several propaganda films ("The Armoured Cruiser Potyomkin", "The Strike",
"October"). The screenplay for his most famous film, "The Armoured Cruiser
Potyomkin", was written by a Jewish publicist, Alexei Kapler. Even the
advertisement poster for this film was drawn by the Jewish Steinberg
brothers from Sweden.
The Jews dominated the Ukrainian cultural life to an even higher degree (76
per cent of those registered in the cultural unions were Jews). Lenin also
took the opportunity to proclaim sexual freedom in December 1917 (even
homosexuality was decriminalized), as happened after the Jacobin coup in
Stalin, however, prohibited homosexuality in 1934, at the same time as
he banned abortion and made the very liberal marriage laws stricter. Lenin made the Soviet organs proclaim: "From the
age of 18, every young woman is the property of the state." Unmarried women
had to register themselves at the Bureau of Free Love. Omission was punished
severely. Each registered woman had to choose a man between 19 and 50 years
of age.
The men also had the right to choose women, but they had to carry
documentation that they belonged to the proletariat. The others were not
allowed to have a sex-life since they were class-enemies (i.e. enemies of
the Jews). In the interest of the state, men had the right to choose women
registered at the Bureau of Free Love, even if the said women did not
comply. The children that were born from these unions became the property of
the republic. (Mikhail and August Stern, "Iron Curtain for Love", Stockholm,
1982, p. 26.)
Jewish Bolsheviks frequently organized naked marches and propagated
group-sexuality. Those new measures caused deep psychological disturbances
in the traditionally family-oriented Russian people. The communist leaders
wanted to eliminate the concept and practice of family life. Abortion,
meanwhile, was legalized. Rape also became far more common.
The communist
poet Vladimir Mayakovsky immediately propagated the new policy in the
following way:
Any girl at all,
young and beautiful
will I rape.
And contemptuously
will I spit on her!
The Soviet functionaries later tried to claim that his poems were ironic.
The moral norms were quickly subverted in Soviet Russia. One person who
became an especially "good example" for this process of dissolution was the
nymphomaniac Alexandra Kollontay. As a people's commissary, she gave orders
for several sailors to come to her every day. Their job was to sleep with
her. She was especially excited by the sailor's uniform. The party
functionary Oleg Agranyants revealed in 1989 that Alexandra Kollontay had
earlier been a brothel-keeper.
As soon as the moral norms had been dissolved, sexuality was prohibited.
The goal had been reached and a new slogan was invented:
"Sexuality is the
enemy of the revolution!"
Women were to become draught-animals instead.
Jewish commissary for education and culture, the freemason Anatoli Lunacharsky declared:
"That little institution of manners which is
the family... that entire curse... shall become a closed chapter."
In this
way, the Russian society had been transformed into a herd of cattle, just as
the freemason Mikhail Bakunin had predicted. "Dictionnaire Universel" (p.
114) confirms that Bakunin really was a freemason. Bakunin maintained that
the red bureaucracy would cramp the morals and ideas of the people.
The Jewish psychologist Alexander Zalkind admitted in his book "The
Revolution and the Youth" (Moscow, 1925), that the Communist Party was to
subject the Russian people to racial manipulation.
He wrote:
"Society has
the total and unconditional right to intervene in the sexual life of the
people and improve the race by introducing an artificial sexual selection."
In other words, the Jewish extremists wanted to make sure that they would
have suitable (not too intelligent) slaves in the future.
Oleg Platonov
writes the following in his book "The History of the Russian People in the
Twentieth Century" (Moscow, 1997, p. 520):
"One of the first symbols of
Bolshevism was the swastika, proposed by Jewish officials as the chief
element of the arms of state. Among other uses, the reversed swastika
appeared on uniform sleeves in the Red Army, and, in 1918, on bank notes in
denominations of five and ten thousand rubles."
He goes on to state:
star of David was used on the first Bolshevik documents and Soviet military
insignia. It was later superseded by the five-pointed Masonic star."
The Jewish Communist leadership introduced a great number of Masonic symbols
and terms - above all the red, five-pointed star (the star of Solomon). The
term of address became tovarishch (comrade).
This is what the freemason of
the second degree is called. The higher Masonic lodges were called councils,
just as in Judaism. There was also a Supreme Council. Those on whom was
later conferred the Order of Lenin were called the Knights of Lenin's
(Masonic) Order.
Every Master Mason uses a ritual hammer. We can find the background of this
tradition in the Old Testament, where it is written that Yahweh has been
like unto a hammer in his destruction of other peoples (Jeremiah 50:23). The
freemason and communist leader Mao Zedong also declared in 1950: "Communism
is a hammer which crushes our enemies." The sickle also comes from
freemasonry. It symbolizes destruction (the gelding of Urano). It is also
mentioned in Jeremiah (50:16).
The Zionist
Socialist Party, which acted most intensively in Russia during the coup
attempts in 1905-06, was called The Sickle.
With the help of Great Britain, America, Germany and other countries, the
Soviet regime was established in Russia. That regime propagated terror,
deceit, plunder and political prostitution. Communism became especially
dangerous because it justified its incredibly evil crimes with an equally
incredible propaganda of lies.
So, Russia became infected with Marxism which, like a cancer, destroyed the
body of society and began to spread the red disease abroad to other
Those Russians who survived were used as cudgels against the other nations,
which were subdued by the Communist masters. The responsibility lies above
all with those who used these cudgels as weapons. One nation after another
was more or less eliminated.
Approximately 800,000 Bashkirians (57 per cent
of their population) were liquidated in the years 1917-1922. (Kaarel Haav,
Rein Ruutsoo, "The Estonian People and Stalinism", Tallinn, 1990, p. 36.)
Lenin stressed that he welcomed the assimilation of different national
groups; everything which led to different peoples becoming a single nation.
(Lenin, "Works", Vol. 20, p. 18.)
The reason for the deportation of the Tartars, Armenians and Greeks from the
Crimea in World War Two has now also been revealed. The Jewish Communists
had suggested the founding of a Jewish republic in the Crimea on the 15th of
February 1944, but the plans were never fully realized (Ogonyok, No. 5,
1990, p. 22).
Lenin's crime syndicate became more and more powerful, since it was
supported by international bankers and in the beginning also by the German
On the 18th of May 1918, the German Foreign Minister
Richard von Kiihlmann sent a telegram to Ambassador Wilhelm von Mirbach in Moscow:
"Spend large amounts, since it is in our interest that the Bolsheviks remain
in power."
On the 3rd of June 1918, Mirbach reported that he needed 3
million marks for this purpose.
On the 6th of July 1918, the Bolshevik
terror regime was about to collapse in connection with the revolt of the
Social Revolutionaries but was saved by the German troops and not by
"Latvian riflemen" as the official propaganda claimed. (Akim Arutiunov, "The
Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin", Moscow, 1992, p. 13.)

The Jewish Communist leaders from Soviet Russia arranged a May Day
demonstration in 1919 in the capital of Latvia, Riga, where they had erected
several obelisks decorated with Masonic symbols and a pyramid crowned with
the all-seeing eye that contained secret Masonic symbols. These extremely
rare photographs demonstrate the link between the highest-ranking Communists
and the hidden network of the Illuminati.
A few weeks after this
demonstration (May 22) the German Landeswehr (army) crushed the Soviet
occupation in Riga.
The German government spent a total of 50 million marks on the Bolsheviks,
according to the Jewish socialist politician Eduard Bernstein in Germany
(Vorwarts, 14th of January 1921). After World War Two, American soldiers
found the archives of the German Foreign Ministry in the Harz Mountains. The
archive contained documents from the years 1876-1920. Some of these papers
were published in the periodical International Affairs in London in 1957. In
the same year, the collection of documents "Lenin's Return to Russia",
edited by Werner Halweg, was published in Holland.
Communism was an ideology, which depended on violence to survive. The truth
needs no violence. Meanwhile, the Communist system only encouraged the
lowest of all human mentalities. Bandits ruled the good.
This reign brought
about the spiritual death of the Russian society. This was the very aim of
the Illuminati. This time their terror was called revolution, and this time
it was a huge one. The Communists primarily propagated class-war and hatred,
by which means the people were turned into a rabble, a herd. The Czech
author Karel Capek declared that the Soviet system was an attempt to tear
the human world to pieces and achieve total international confusion. Nature
had to be subdued - it was regarded as an enemy.
Their central slogan was:
"We need no alms from nature, we will take from nature!"
In that way the
Bolsheviks began a massive campaign of environmental destruction. It was
Lenin who, on the 21st of December 1920, gave orders to irrigate the area
around the Aral Sea with artificial canals.
Through this decision, he
ordered the destruction of the Aral Sea. This salt-lake has almost dried up
today and the surrounding land is poisoned with high levels of salt and
chemicals. Lenin also wanted other countries under his sway. That was why he
ordered Maxim Litvinov (Hennokh Wallakh) and Theodor Rothstein to begin
preparations for an international infiltration net.
Lenin financed that
operation with diamonds found during the plunder of Russia. Comintern
decided in 1919 that they would convert all the European nations into
Soviets. The Masonic Bolsheviks made attempts in Hungary, Bavaria, Slovakia.
The Jewish Spartacist leadership in Germany also attempted to impose a red
dictatorship. Eventually their powers focused on the underdeveloped China.
Lenin asserted that internationalism meant that one must support the
revolutionary movement in all nations, without exception. (Lenin,
"Collected Works", Vol. 30, p. 170.) This was, of course, true imperialism.
Karl Radek stated in a similar vein that:
"Communists all over the world
must also be Russian patriots, since Russia is the only nation ruled by the
working class."
Pravda wrote on December 25, 1918:
"Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania disturb
our penetration of Western Europe. They cut Soviet-Russia off from
revolutionary Germany. Such an obstruction must be annihilated. The Baltic
ports would give us the opportunity to speed up the revolutionary
development in Scandinavia."
It seems clear that Lenin hoped to introduce the Communist system in Germany
too. Another Jewish "revolutionary" and freemason, Karl Kautsky, was opposed
to this.
The leading German freemasons had entirely different plans for
Germany. Lenin, of course, was extremely angry with Kautsky and called him a
renegade. Lenin, at this point, had to re-draw his plans for world
revolution. He had founded a special organisation for this very purpose -
Comintern (The Third International). Its executive organ became the
International Red Aid.
The best Comintern agent was the Jewish Communist
Jacob Kirchstein, according to the defected GRU general, Valter Krivitsky
(actually Schmelka Ginsberg). Lenin gave 50 million rubles to Comintern in
November 1919 to finance subversive action abroad, according to a secret
report, which has now been released.
The fact that the Bolshevik criminals gained a stable base in Russia meant
bad news for the rest of the world, since it worsened the quality of life
everywhere. The Communists' goal was to use mass terror to scare all their
subjects into total submission.
How the mass terror began is more closely
described in the next chapter.
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