
1 Interview with Andrew Simms broadcast on BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight, 1 January 2010.

2 Woodward D, Simms A (2006) Growth isn’t working (London: nef).

3 Daly H (1996) Beyond growth: the economics of sustainable development (Boston: Beacon Press).

4 Interview with Andrew Simms broadcast on BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight, 1 January 2010.

5 Mill J (1848) ‘Of the Stationary State’. In Principles of political economy Book IV: Influence of the progress of society (London: Longmans, Green & Co.).

6 A male hamster roughly doubles its weight each week until it reaches puberty at 6–8 weeks old. Assuming a birth weight of 2 grams (g), after 6 weeks the hamster reaches 128g (within the range of the average hamster weight of 85–140g). If, however, this rate of growth continued for an additional 46 weeks – the hamster would reach a weight of 9,007,199,255 tonnes. Given that a hamster consumes roughly 1g of food for every 10g of body weight, based on this ratio the daily food requirement at one year would be 900,719,925 tonnes. According to the International Grains Council in 2007/2008 global maize production was just over 795,000,000 tonnes.

7 Daly H (1991) Steady-state economics (Washington DC: Island Press).

8 See for example: Patterson M (2006) ‘Selecting headline indicators for tracking progress to sustainability in a nation state’. In Lawn P (ed.) Sustainable development indicators in ecological economics (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).

9 Woodward D and Simms A (2006) op cit.

10 Daly (1996) op. cit.

11 Global Footprint Network (2009) Global Footprint Accounts 2009 edition.

12 Challen C (2006) ‘We must think the unthinkable, and take voters with us’ The Independent, 28 March 2006.

13 Quoted on the front cover of Meadows D, Randers J and Meadows D (2004) Limits to growth: the 30-year update (London: Earthscan).

14 Turner G (2008) ‘A comparison of “The Limits to Growth” with 30 years of reality’ Global Environmental Change 18: 397–411.

15 Mishan E (1967) The costs of economic growth (London: Staples Press).

16 Mishan E (1977) The economic growth debate: An assessment (London: Allen and Unwin).

17 Illich I (1974) Energy and equity (New York: Harper and Row).

18 Smith R (2007) Carpe diem: the dangers of risk aversion, The 2007 Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust Lecture, 29 May 2007 (London: The Royal Academy of Engineering, Imperial College).

19 Mill (1848) op. cit.

20 Ibid.

21 Ibid.

22 See for example: Abdallah S, Thompson S, Michaelson J, Marks N and Steuer N (2009) The (un) happy planet index 2.0: Why good lives don’t have to cost the Earth (London: nef).

23 See for example: Stephens L, Ryan-Collins J and Boyle D (2008) Co-production: A manifesto for growing the core economy (London: nef).

24 Kennedy J (1968) Address at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas on 18 March 1968.

25 Global Footprint Network. See http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ [December 12, 2009].

26 Rockström J, Steffem W, Noone K, Persson Å, Chapin S, Lambin E, Lenton T, Scheffer M, Folke C, Schellnhuber H, Nykvist B, de Wit C, Hughes T, van der Leeuw S, Rodhe H, Sörlin S, Snyder P, Costanza R, Svedin U, Falkenmark M, Karlberg L, Corell R, Fabry V, Hansen J, Walker B, Liverman D, Richardson K, Crutzen P and Foley J (2009) ‘A safe operating space for humanity’ Nature 461: 472–475.

27 Hamilton C (2004) Growth Fetish (London: Pluto Press).

28 Snow C (1961) The two cultures and the scientific revolution: The Rede Lecture, 1959 (New York: Cambridge University Press).

29 Hammond G (2004) ‘Towards sustainability: energy efficiency, thermodynamics analysis, and the “two cultures” ’ Energy Policy 32: 1789–1798.

30 While the First Law of Thermodynamics had been formulated before 1850, Rudolf Clausius made the first explicit statement of the First Law in his memoir On the Moving Force of Heat and the Laws of Heat Which May be Deduced Therefrom published in 1850. See: FitzGerald G (1888) ‘Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius’ Obituary Notices of the Royal Society, London 48.

31 Huesemann M (2003) ‘The limits of technological solutions to sustainable development’ Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 5: 21–24.

32 Huesemann M (2004) ‘The failure of eco-efficiency to guarantee sustainability: Future challenges for industrial ecology Environmental Progress 23(4): 264–270.

33 See: Daly H (1995) ‘On Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen’s contributions to Economics: an obituary essay’ Ecological Economics 13: 149–154.

34 Georgescu-Roegen N (1971) The entropy law and the economic process (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).

35 Huber J (1982) Die verlorene unschuld der okologie (The lost innocence of ecology: New technologies and super-industrialised development) (Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag).

36 van der Heijden (1999) ‘Environmental movements, ecological modernisation and political opportunity structures’. In Rootes C (ed.) Environmental movements: Local, national and global (Oxford: Routledge).

37 Maniates M (2002) ‘Individualisation: plant a tree, buy a bike, save the world?’ In Princen T, Maniates M, Konca K (eds.) Confronting consumption (London: MIT Press).

38 Woodward and Simms (2006) op. cit.

39 So engrained is the unequal distribution of benefits in this system that in a country like the UK, as the impact of the recession deepened, with increasing numbers of people losing their jobs and homes, many of the country’s richest (in this case those with an average wealth of £1.2 million) not only didn’t lose out, but 40 per cent of them grew richer still. See: Warwick-Ching L (2009) ’Rich increase wealth in spite of crisis’ Financial Times, 23 September.

40 Daly H (1973) Towards a steady-state economy (San Francisco: WH Freeman & Co.).

41 Daly H (1993) ‘From adjustment to sustainable development: the obstacle of free trade’. In Nader R (ed.) The case against free trade: GATT, NAFTA, and the globalization of corporate power (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books).

42 Adapted from: Jacobs M (1995) ‘Sustainable development: Assumptions, contradictions, progress’. In Lovenduski J, Stanyer J (eds.) Contemporary political studies: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (London: PSA).

43 Dobson A (1995) Green political thought (London: Routledge).

44 Woodward and Simms (2006) op. cit.

45 Abdallah et al. (2009) op. cit.

46 Ibid.

47 Easterlin R (1974) ‘Does economic growth improve the human lot?’ In David P, Reder M (eds.) Nations and households in economic growth: essays in honour of Moses Abramovitz (New York: Academic Press).

48 Lyubormirsky S, Sheldon K, Schkade D (2005) ‘Pursuing happiness: the architecture of sustainable change’ Review of General Psychology 9: 111–131.

49 Thompson S, Abdallah S, Marks N, Simms A, Johnson V (2007) The European Happy Planet Index: An index of carbon efficiency and well-being in the EU (London: nef).

50 Layard R (2005) ‘The national income: as sorry tale’. In Easterlin R (ed.) Growth Triumphant: the 21st century in historical perspective (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan).

51 Ekersley R (2005) Well and Good: Mortality, meaning and happiness (Melbourne: Text Publishing).

52 Ibid.

53 For example, the strong relationship with life expectancy breaks down at per capita income of around US$5,000, and with life satisfaction at around US$10,000.

54 Ekersley (2005) op. cit.

55 Wilkinson R (2005) Impact of inequality: how to make sick societies healthier (London: Routledge).

56 Wilkinson R and Pickett K (2008) The spirit level: Why equal societies almost always do better (London: Allen Lane).

57 Georgescu-Roegen (1971) op. cit.

58 Smil V (2003) Energy at the crossroads (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press).

59 Marmot M, Stansfeld S, Patel C, North F, Head J, White I, Brunner E, Feeney A, Davey Smith G (1991) ‘Health inequalities among British civil servants: the Whitehall II study’ Lancet 337(8754): 1387–1393.

60 Singh-Manoux A, Marmot M, Adler N (2005) ‘ Does subjective social status predict health and change in health status better than objective status’ Psychosomatic Medicine 67: 855–861.

61 Le Quéré C, Raupach M, Canadell J, Marland G, Bopp L, Ciais P, Conway T, Doney S, Feely R, Foster P, Friedlingstein P, Gurney K, Houghton R, House J, Huntingford C, Levy P, Lomas M, Majkut J, Metzl N, Ometto J-P, Peters P, Prentice C, Randerson J, Running S, Sarmiento J, Schuster U, Sitch S, Takahashi T, Viovy N, van der Werf G and Woodward F (2009) ‘Trends in the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide’ Nature Geosciences 2: 831–836.

62 Breecker D, Sharp Z, McFadden L (2010) ‘Atmospheric CO2 concentrations during ancient greenhouse climates were similar to those predicted for A.D. 2100’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 576–580.

63 Solomon S, Qin D, Manning M, Marquis M, Averyt K, Tignor M, Miller H, Chen Z (2007) Climate change 2007: The physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Four Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

64 Where kilo (k) = 103, mega (M) = 106, giga (G) = 109, tera (T) = 1012 and peta (P) = 1015.

65 ppm (parts per million) is the ratio of the number of greenhouse gas molecules to the total number of molecules of dry air. For example 300 ppm means 300 molecules of a greenhouse gas per million molecules of dry air. IPCC (2007) op. cit.

66 Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (USA) Atmospheric CO2 reached 390.18 ppm in May 2009, according to data by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States.

67 Solomon et al (2007) op. cit.

68 Annual EU-27 CO2 only emissions are currently 4.114 billion tonnes. European Environment Agency (2009) ‘Greenhouse gas CO2’ Total GHG emissions in EU, 1990-2007. See: dataservice.eea.europa.eu/PivotApp/pivot.aspx?pivotid=475 [January 15, 2009].

69 IPCC (2007) Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Group I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC).

70 Ramanathan V and Feng Y (2008) ‘On avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system: Formidable challenges ahead’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 14245–14250.

71 Peterson T and Baringer M (2009) ‘State of the Climate in 2008’ Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90: S1–S196.

72 See for example: Swanson K and Tsonis A (2009) ‘ Has the climate recently shifted?’ Geophysical Research Letters 36: L06711.

73 Knight J, Kennedy J, Folland C, Harris G, Jones G, Palmer M, Parker D, Scaife A and Stott P (2009) ‘Do global temperature trends over the last decade falsify climate predictions?’ Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90: S22–S23.

74 Swanson and Tsonis (2009) op. cit.

75 Richardson K, Steffen W, Schellnhuber H, Alcamo J, Barker T, Kammen D, Leemans R, Liverman D, Munasinghe M, Osman-Elasha B, Stern N and Wæver O (2009) Synthesis report from ‘Climate change: Global risks, challenges and decisions’ (Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen).

76 Rosenzweig C, Karoly D, Vicarelli M, Neofotis P, Casassa Q, Menzel A, Root T, Estrella N, Seguin B, Tryjanowski P, Liu C, Rawlins S, Imeson A (2008) ‘Attributing physical and biological impacts to anthropogenic climate change’ Nature 453: 353–357.

77 Quoted in Engelhaupt E (2007) ‘Models underestimate global warming impacts’ Environmental Science and Technology 41: 4488.

78 Quoted in: Heffernan O (2009) ‘Copenhagen summit urges immediate action on climate change’ Nature News (March 12).

79 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992). See: www.unfccc.int

80 McCarthy J, Canziana O, Leary N, Dokken D, White K (2001) Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (Cambridge University Press, New York).

81 The carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) level of greenhouse gases expresses the total radiative forcing (the net effect of greenhouse gases and aerosols on incoming short-wave radiation and outgoing long-wave radiation, measured in Wm-2) from all anthropogenic greenhouse gases in terms of the equivalent concentration of CO2. By this definition, the current level of CO2e (Kyoto gases only) is ~430ppm. While expressing greenhouse gas levels in just CO2 excludes the radiative forcing of other greenhouse gases such as Methane, in this report we focus on levels of CO2 only. This is because over 60 per cent of the anthropogenic radiative forcing is caused by CO2 and has a much longer atmospheric-life time than other greenhouse gases.

82 Smith J, Schneider S, Oppenheimer M, Yohe G, Hare W, Mastrandrea M, Patwardham A, Burton I, Corfee-Morlot J, Magadza C, Füssel H-M, Pittock A, Rahman A, Suarez A, van Ypersele J-P (2009) ‘Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “reasons for concern”’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 7063–7066.

83 Adapted from Figure SPM-2 in Smith et al. (2001) op. cit. by Stern N (2006) The economics of climate change: The Stern Review (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, UK).

84 Murphy J, Sexton D, Barnett D, Jones G, Weeb M, Collins M, Stainfort D (2004) ‘Quantification of modelling uncertainties in a large ensemble of climate change simulations’ Nature 430: 768–772.

85 Meinshausen M (2006) ‘What does a 2°C target mean for greenhouse gas concentrations? A brief analysis based on multi-gas emission pathways and several climate sensitivity uncertainty estimates’ In Schellnhuber HJ et al. (eds) Avoiding dangerous climate change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

86 Nicholls R, Tol R, Vafeidis A (2005) Global estimates of the impact of a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: An application of FUND (Hamburg: Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University ad Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science).

87 Solomon et al. (2007) op. cit.

88 Rahmstorf S, Cazenave A, Church J, Hansen J, Keeling R, Parker D, Somerville R (2007) ‘Recent climate observations compared to projections’ Science 316: 709.

89 Rahmstorf S (2007) ‘A semi-empirical approach to projecting future sea-level rise’ Science 315: 368–370.

90 Grinstead A, Moore J and Jevrejeva S (2009) ‘Reconstructing sea level from paleo and projected temepatures 200 to 2100 AD’ Climate Dynamics doi: 10.1007/s00382-008-0507-2.

91 Pfeffer W, Harper J, O’Neel S (2008) ‘Kinematic constraints on glacier contributions to 21st-century sea-level rise’ Science 321: 1340–1343.

92 Hansen J, Sato M, Rudey R, Lo K, Lea D, Medina-Elizade M (2006) ‘Global temperature change’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103: 14288–14293.

93 Hansen J, Sato M, Ruedy R, Kharecha P, Lacis A, Miller R, Nazarenko L, Lo K, Schmidt G, Russell G, Aleinov I, Bauer S, Baum E, Cairns B, Canuto V, Chandler M, Cheng Y, Cohen A, Del Genio A, Faluvegi G, Fleming E, Friend A, Hall T, Jackman C, Jonas J, Kelley M, Kiang N, Koch D, Labow G, Lerner J, Menon S, Novakov T, Oinas V, Perlwitz Ja, Perlwitz Ju, Rind D, Romanou A, Schmuch R, Shindell D, Stone P, S Sun, Street D, Tausnec N, Thresher D, Unger N, Yao M, Zhang S (2007) ‘Dangerous human-made interference with climate: a GISS model study’ Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7: 2287–2312.

94 Hansen J, Sato M, Kharecha P, Russell G, Lea D, Siddall M (2007) ‘Climate change and trace gases’ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 365: 1925–1954.

95 Based on 1995 data, see: Nicholls R, Tol R, Vafeidis A (2008) ‘Global estimates of the impact of a collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet: an application of FUND’ Climatic Change 91: 171–191.

96 Hansen J (2005) A slippery slope: how much global warming constitutes ‘dangerous anthropogenic interference’? Climatic Change 68: 269–279.

97 Huybrechts P, Letréguilly A, Reeh N (1991) ‘The Greenland ice-sheet and greenhouse warming’ Global and Planetary Change 89: 399–412.

98 Gregory J, Huybrechts P and Raper S (2004) ‘Climatology: Threatened loss of the Greenland ice-sheet’ Nature 428: 616.

99 Parry M, Canziani O, Palutikof J, van der Linden P and Hanson C (2007) Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press).

100 Rogelj J, Hare B, Nabel J, Macey K, Scheffer M, Markmann M, Meinshausen M(2009) ‘Halfway to Copenhagen, no way to 2 °C’ Nature Reports Climate Change doi: 10.1038/climate.2009.57].

101 Meinshausen M, Meinshausen N, Hare W, Raper S, Frieler K, Knutti R, Frame D and Allen M (2009) ‘Greenhouse gas emission targets for limiting global warming to 2°C’ Nature 458: 1158–1162.

102 Allen M, Frame D, Huntingford C, Jones C, Lowe J, Meinshausen M and Meinshausen N (2009) ‘Warming caused by cumulative carbon emissions towards the trillionth tonne’ Nature 458: 1163–1166.

103 www.tearfund.org/webdocs/website/Campaigning/Policy%20and%20research/Two_degrees_One_ chance_final.pdf [18 September 2009].

104 Lenton T, Held H, Krieglar E, Hall J, Lucht W, Rahmstorf S, Schellnhuber HJ (2008) ‘Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 1786–1793.

105 Ibid.

106 See also: Scheffer M (2009) Critical transitions in nature and society (New Jersey: Princeton University Press); Gladwell M (2000) The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference (New York: Little Brown).

107 Johnson V and Simms A (2008) 100 months: a technical note (London: nef).

See: www.onehundredmonths.org

108 www.carbonequity.info/PDFs/Avoidingcatastrophe.pdf

109 Baer P (2008) Exploring the 2020 global emissions mitigation gap: analysis for the Global Climate Network (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press).

110 Bows A, Mander S, Starkey R, Blea M, Anderson K (2006) Living within a carbon budget. Report for Friends of the Earth and The Co-operative Bank. See: www.cispressoffice.co.uk/images/pdf/Living_with_a_Carbon_Budget.pdf [January 12, 2009].

111 Meinhausen (2006) op. cit.

112 Baer P and Mastrandrea M (2006) High stakes: Designing emissions pathways to reduce the risk of dangerous climate change (London: ippr).

113 Meinhausen (2006) op. cit.

114 ‘Likely’ in this context refers to the definition of risk used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to mean that there is only a 66–90 per cent likelihood of an outcome. ‘Very likely’ refers to a risk of 90–99 per cent likelihood.

115 Hansen J, Sato M, Kharecha P, Beerling D, Berner R, Masson-Delmotte V, Pagani M, Raymo M, Royer D and Zachos J (2009) ‘Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim?’ The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2: 271-231.

116 Ibid. pg 217.

117 Webb R (2004) ‘Does sustainability smother Innovation’ Green Futures 44: 2830.

118 The EC recently shelved legislation that would have provided absolute restrictions on private vehicle emissions.

119 Rudin A (1999) How improved efficiency harms the environment. See: http://home.earthlink.net/~andrewrudin/article.html; cited in Herring H (2006) ‘Energy efficiency – a critical view’ Energy 31: 10–20.

120 Based on calculations by Huesemann (2004) op. cit.

121 Below the 3.1 per cent level suggested by IEA (2009) World Energy Outlook 2009 (Paris: International Energy Agency).

122 A number of authors suggest that 50 per cent improvements in energy efficiency may be just about achievable e.g. Reijnders L (1998) ‘The factor X debate: Setting targets for eco-efficiency’ Journal of Industrial Ecology 2: 13–21; Jochem E (1991) ‘Long-term potentials of rational energy use – the unknown possibilities of reducing greenhouse gas emissions’ Energy and Environment 2: 31-44; Carlsmith R, Chandler W, McMahon J, Santini D (1990) Energy efficiency: How far can we go? Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL/TM- 11441 (Oak Ridge: US Department of Energy); Williams R (1987) ‘Exploring the global potential for more efficient use of energy’ in McLaren D and Skinner B (Eds.) Resources and world development (New York: Wiley).

123 Jevons W (1865) The coal question: An inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines (London: Macmillan).

124 Brookes L (1990) ‘The Greenhouse effect: the fallacies in the energy efficiency solution’ Energy Policy 18: 199–201.

125 Jevons (1865) op. cit.

126 Institute for Environment and Sustainability (2007) Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the Enlarged European Union-Status report 2006 (Luxembourg: European Commission Joint Research Centre).

127 Jevons (1865) op. cit.

128 Henderson G, Staniaszek D, Anderson B, Phillipson M (2003) Energy savings from insulation improvements in electrically heated dwellings in the UK, ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings.

129 Gilbertson J, Stevens M, Stiell B and Thorogood N (2006) ‘Home is where the hearth is: Grant recipients’ views of England’s Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (Warm Front)’ Social Science and Medicine 63: 946–956.

130 Shortt N, Rugkasa J (2003) ‘The walls were so damp and cold’ fuel poverty and ill health in Northern Ireland: results from housing intervention Health and Place 13(1): 99–110.

131 Sorrell S (2007) The rebound effect: an assessment of the evidence for economy-wide energy savings from improved energy efficiency (London: UKERC).

132 Binswanger M (2001) ‘Technological progress and sustainable development: what about the rebound effect?’ Ecological Economics 36: 119–132.

133 Schipper L and Grubb M (2000) ‘On the rebound? Feedback between energy intensities and energy uses in IEA countries’ Energy Policy 28: 367–388.

134 Brookes (1990) op. cit.

135 Saunders HD (1992) ‘The Khazzoom-Brookes Postulate and Neoclassical Growth’ The Energy Journal 13: 131.

136 Greening L, Greene D, Difiglio C (2000) ‘Energy efficiency and consumption – the rebound effect – a survey’ Energy Policy 28: 389–401.

137 Adapted from Greening et al. (2000) op. cit.

138 Ibid.

139 Washida T (2004) ‘Economy-wide model of rebound effect for environmental efficiency’. In: International Workshop on Sustainable Consumption, University of Leeds.

140 Madlener R, Alcott B (2009) ‘Energy rebound and economic growth: a review of the main issues and research needs’ Energy 34: 370–376.

141 Sorrell (2007) op. cit.

142 Throne-Holst H (2003) The fallacies of energy efficiency: the rebound effect? Paper presented at the Strategies for sustainable energy technology workshop in Trondheim, Arranged by the SAMSTEMT programme of the Norwegian Research Council, 20/21November 2003.

143 The University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM) is an intermediate complexity global model with explicit representations of ocean circulation and heat uptake, sea–ice dynamics, atmospheric energy and moisture balances, and terrestrial vegetation distributions. See: Weaver A, Eby M, Wiebe E, Bitz C, Duffy P, Ewen T, Fanning A, Holland M, MacFadyen A, Matthews H Meissner K, Saenko O, Schmittner A, Wang H and Yoshimori H. (2001) ‘The UVic Earth System Climate Model: Model description, climatology, and applications to past, present and future climates’ Atmosphere-Ocean 39: 361–428.

144 Matthews H (2006) ‘Emission targets for CO2 stabilisation as modified by carbon-cycle feedbacks’ Tellus 58B: 591–602.

145 Bows et al. (2006) op. cit.;

146 Meinshausen et al. (2009) op. cit.

147 Allen et al. (2009) op. cit.

148 Meinshausen et al. (2009) op. cit.

149 Prentice C Farquhar G, Fasham M, Goulden M, Heimann M, Jaramillo V, Kheshgi H, Le Quéré C, Scholes R, Wallace D (2001) ‘The carbon-cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide’. In Houghton J et al (eds.) Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, UK) pp183–237.

150 Raupach M, Marland G, Cias P, Le Quéré C, Canadell J, Klepper G, Field C (2007) ‘Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104: 10289–10293.

151 From the Woods Hole Research Institute.

152 Le Quéré C, Rödenbeck C, Buitenhuis E, Conway T, Langenfelds R, Gomez A, Labuschagne C, Ramonet M, Nakazawa T, Metzl N, Gillett N, Heimann M (2007) ‘Saturation of the Southern ocean CO2 sink due to recent climate change’ Science 316: 1735 – 1738.

153 Ibid.

154 Friedlingstein P, Cox P, Betts R, Boff L, von Bloh W, Brovkin V, Cadule P, Doney S, Eby M, Fung I, Bala G, John J, Jones C, Joos F, Kato T, Kawamiya M, Knorr W, Lindsay K, Matthews HD, Raddatz T, Raynor P, Reick C, Roeckner E, Schnitzler KG, Schnur R, Strassman K, Weaver AJ, Yoshikawa C, Zeng N (2006) ‘Climate-carbon feedback analysis: Results from the C4MIP Model Intercomparison’ Journal of Climate 19: 3337–3353.

155 Solomon et al. (2007) op. cit.

156 Kuznets S (1955) ‘Economic growth and income inequality’ American Economic Review 45: 1–28.

157 Grossman G, Krueger A (1995) ‘Economic growth and the environment’ The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110: 353–377.

158 Müller-Fürstenberger G, Wagner M, Müller B (2004) Exploring the Carbon Kuznets. Hypothesis (Oxford: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies).

159 Grossman and Krueger (1995) op. cit.

160 Selden T and Song D (1994) ‘Environmental quality and development: is there a Kuznets curve for air pollution?’ Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 27: 147–162.

161 Kolstad C (2006) ‘Interpreting estimated Kuznets Curves for greenhouse gases’ The Journal of Environment and Development 15: 42–49.

162 Raupach M, Marland G, Ciais P, Le Quere C, Canadell J, Klepper G and Field C (2007) ‘Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 10288–10293.

163 The length of time greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere.

164 On performing an analysis of fuel mix and level of development, Richmond and Kaufmann (2006) estimate the turning point in the relationship between income and per capita energy use and/or carbon emissions. The authors found that for OECD nations, there is limited support for a turning point, whilst non-OECD nations show no turning point in the relationship. Instead, the relationship is positive – as incomes increase, so do emissions. See: Richmond A and Kaufman R (2006) ‘Is there a turning point in the relationship between income and energy use and/or carbon emissions?’ Ecological Economics 56: 176–189.

165 Peters G, Hertwich E (2008) ‘CO2 embodied in international trade with implications for global climate policy’ Environmental Science and Technology 42: 1401–1407.

166 European Environment Agency (2009) Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2007 and inventory report 2009 (Copenhagen: EEA).

167 Henderson Global Investors (2005) The carbon 100: Quantifying the carbon emissions, intensities, and exposures of the FTSE 100 report (London: Henderson Global Investors).

168 Li Y and Hewitt C (2008) ‘The effect of trade between China and the UK on national and global carbon dioxide emissions’ Energy Policy 36: 1907–1914.

169 Simms A, Johnson V, Smith J (2007) Chinadependence: The second UK Interdependence Day report (London: nef).

170 Kaya Y (1990) Impact of carbon dioxide control on GNP growth: interpretation of proposed scenarios (Paris: IPCC Response Strategies Working Group)

171 Nakiçenovic N and Swart R (2000) Special report on emissions scenarios (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

172 Canadell J, Le Quéré C, Raupach M, Field C, Buitenhuis E, Ciais P, Conway T, Gillett N, Houghton R, Marland G (2007) ‘Contributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 18866-18870.

173 See for example: Vos A (2009) Falling fertility rates: new challenges to the European welfare state Socio-Economic Review doi:10.1093/ser/mwp007.

174 For a more detailed discussion on population growth see: Simms A, Johnson V, Smith J and Mitchell S (2009) Consumption explosion: The third UK Interdependence Day report (London: nef); and Pearce F (2010) PeopleQuake (Bodelva: Eden Project Books).

175 Canadell et al. (2007) op. cit.

176 Hoffman D, Butler J, Dlugokencky E, Elkins J, Masarie K, Montzka S and Tans P (2006) ‘The role of carbon dioxide in climate forcing from 1979 to 2004: introduction of the Annual Greenhouse Gas Index’ Tellus 58B: 614–619.

177 IEA (2009) ‘World energy model – methodology and assumptions’ in World Energy Outlook 2009 (Paris: International Energy Agency).

178 Nakicenovic N (1996) ‘Freeing energy from carbon’ Daedalus 125: 95–112.

179 Sheehan P (2008) ‘The new global growth path: implications for climate change analysis and policy’ Climatic Change 91: 211–231; BP (2007) Statistical review of world energy 2007 (London: British Petroleum).

180 IEA (2009) CO2 emissions from fuel combustion (Paris: International Energy Agency).

181 Royal Commission for Environmental Pollution (2000) Energy: The changing climate, 22nd report, Cm 4794 (London: The Stationery Office).

182 SDC (2003) UK Climate Change Programme: A Policy Audit (London: Sustainable Development Commission).

183 Simms et al. (2007) op. cit.

184 Maslin M, Austin P, Dickson A, Murlis J, Owen M, Panizzo V (2007) Audit of UK Greenhouse Gas emissions to 2020: will current Government policies achieve significant reductions? (London: Environment Institute, University College London).

185 Pacala S and Socolow R (2004) ‘Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies’ Science 305: 968–972.

186 EIA (2003) Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2003 (Washington DC: Energy Information Administration). Available at: www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/archive/gg04rpt/trends.html [2 December 2009].

187 Le Quéré et al. (2009) op. cit.

188 Hansen et al. (2008) op. cit.

189 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (1990) ‘Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center – Conversion Tables’, contents taken from Glossary: Carbon Dioxide and Climate. ORNL/CDIAC-39. O’Hara F (ed.). 3rd edn. (Oak Ridge, TN: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). See: cdiac.ornl.gov/pns/convert.html [December 12, 2009].

190 Marland G, Boden TA, Andres RJ (2006) ‘Global, regional, and national CO2 emissions’. In Trends: A compendium of data on global change. (Oak Ridge, TN: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). See: cdiac.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_glob.htm [December 12, 2009].

191 Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) (2005) Excel, version 3.0. (Washington DC: World Resources Institute). See: cait.wri.org [December 12, 2009].

192 Nakiçenovic and Swart (2000) op. cit.

193 Lowe J, Huntingford C, Raper S, Jones C, Liddicoat S, Gohar L (2009) ‘How difficult is it to recover from dangerous levels of global warming?’ Environmental Research Letters 4: 014012.

194 IEA (2008) op. cit. pg 414.

195 Wigley T, Richels R and Edmonds J (2007) ‘Overshoot pathways to CO2 stabilisation in a multi-gas context’. In Schlesinger M, Kheshgi H, Smith J, Chesnaye F, Reilly J, Wilson R and Kolstad C (eds.) Human induced climate change: An interdisciplinary assessment (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press).

196 Pielke R, Wigley T and Green C (2008) ‘Dangerous assumptions’ Nature 452: 531–532.

197 IEA (2006) World Energy Outlook 2006 (Paris: OECD/International Energy Agency).

198 toe = tonnes of oil equivalent or 42 GJ.

199 Nuclear power plant emissions include those due to uranium mining, enrichment, and transport and waste disposal as well as those due to construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear reactors. This means that the lifecycle carbon emissions associated with nuclear are at least 20 times greater than a renewable energy source such as wind. See: Jacobson M (2009) ‘Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security’ Energy and Environmental Science 2: 148 – 173.

200 Ibid.

201 See: Schimel D, Alves D, Enting I, Heimann M, Joos F, Raynaud D and Wigley T (1996) ‘ CO2 and the carbon-cycle’ in Houghton et al. (eds.) Climate change 1995: The science of climate change: contribution of WGI to the Second Assessmet Report of the IPCC (New York: Cambridge University Press); Archer D (ND) ISAM Carbon-cycle Model. See: geoflop.uchicago.edu/forecast/docs/Projects/isam.html [December 12, 2009].

202 Jain A, Kheshgi H and Wuebbles D (1995) Integrated science model for assessment of climate change, UCRL-JC-116526 (Livermore: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).

203 This is the default scenario for use with the online version of the ISAM Carbon-cycle Model previously cited.

204 See for example: Meinshausen (2006) op. cit.

205 Unless otherwise noted the model was tuned to IPCC Third Assessment Report parameters for the climate sensitivity. The model is available from www.simcap.org and the model and method are described in Meinshausen M, Hare W, Wigley TML, van Vuuren D, den Elzen M, Swart R (2005) ‘Multi-gas emissions pathways to meet arbitrary climate targets’ Climatic Change 44: 45–47.

206 The EQW estimates multi-gas emissions pathways by assuming that emissions of each gas in each region and year correspond to the same quantile of the respective distribution of emissions in a pool of 54 scenarios (40 non-intervention SRES scenarios and 14 post-SRES stabilisation scenarios, with fossil fuel CO2 emissions in the OECD region as the driver path. Emissions follow the median of the 54 scenario set until the departure year (2010 for Annex 1 countries and 2015 for other countries), after which year they are assumed to decline at a constant per centage rate, which is allowed to change at one point in the future. See: Meinshausen M, Hare B, Wigley T, van Vuuren D, den Elzen M and Swart R (2006) ‘Multi-gas emission pathways to meet climate targets’ Climatic Change 75: 151–194.

207 Monbiot G (2008) ‘At last, a date’ The Guardian, December 15.

208 Campbell C (2006) Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) Newsletter, No. 72 www.energiekrise. de/e/aspo_news/aspo/Newsletter072.pdf [December 12 2009].

209 For example: Le Quéré et al. (2009) op. cit.; Sheehan (2008) op. cit.

210 See for example: Editorial (2009) ‘Saved by sequestration?’ Nature Geoscience 2: 809.

211 Leggett J (2005) Half gone: oil, gas, hot air and the global energy crisis (London: Portobello).

212 Data from the C4MIP Model Intercomparison. See: Friedlingstein et al (2006) op. cit.

213 Anderson and Bows (2008) op. cit.

214 Anderson K, Bows A, Mander S (2008) ‘From long-term targets to cumulative emissions pathways: reframing UK climate policy’ Energy Policy 36: 3714–3722.

215 Stern N (2006) The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pg. 231.

216 Ministry of Economic Affairs (2002) Investeren in energie, keuzes voor de toekomst – Energierapport [Invest in Energy, Choices for the Future – Energy Report 2002] (The Hague: Ministry of Economics Affairs).

217 Anderson K (2009) Is avoiding dangerous climate change compatible with economic growth? Presentation at the Tyndall Assembly 2009, Manchester, UK.

218 Ibid.

219 Cited in Leggett (2005) op. cit.

220 Heinberg R (2003) The party’s over: Oil, war and the fate of industrial societies (Gabriola Island, Canada: New Society) pg. 81.

221 Sorrell S, Speirs J, Bentley R, Brandt A, Miller R (2009) An assessment of the evidence for a near-term peak in global oil production (London: UKERC).

222 Pimentel D and Pimentel M (1996) Food, energy and society (Niwot: Colorado University Press).

223 Pimentel D and Pimentel M (2003) ‘Sustainability of meat-based and plant-based diets and the environment’ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78: 660S–663S.

224 Heinberg R (2007) Burning the furniture. See: globalpublicmedia.com/richard_heinbergs_ museletter_179_burning_the_furniture [October 3, 2008].

225 Ibid.

226 Leggett (2005) op. cit.

227 Kasparian J (2009) Contribution of crude oil price to households’ budget: the weight of indirect energy use Energy Policy 37: 111–114.

228 Besson D (2008) Consommation d’ énergie: autant de dépenses en carburants qu’en énergie domestique INSEE Premié re 1176, 1–4 (in French). See: www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/ipweb/ip1176/ ip1176.pdf [September 20, 2008].

229 Brand C and Boardman B (2008) ‘Taming of the few- unequal distribution of greenhouse gases and the effects on income distribution’ Energy Policy 36: 224–238.

230 Dodson J and Sipe N (2006) ‘Shocking the suburbs: urban locations, housing debt and oil vulnerability in the Australian city’ Urban Research Program Research Paper 8 (Brisbane: Urban Research Program, Griffith University).

231 Kasparian (2009) op. cit.

232 Woodward D (2001) The next crisis? Direct and equity investment in developing countries (London: Zed Books).

233 IEA (2004) IEA expresses concern about high oil prices as it celebrates its 30th anniversary (IEA, Paris).

234 IMF (2000) The impact of higher oil prices on the global economy (Washington DC: IMF) www. imf.org/external/pubs/ft/oil/2000/#III_B [18 March 2008].

235 Ibid.

236 Witze A (2007) ‘Energy: That’s oil, folks…’ Nature 445: 14–17.

237 Sorrell et al. (2009) op. cit.

238 See: http:// www.sec.gov/

239 Witze (2007) op. cit.

240 Colin Campbell speaking to the Guardian on 21 April 2005.

241 Monbiot G (2007) ‘Our blind faith in oil growth could bring the economy crashing down’ Guardian, May 20.

242 Hirsch R, Bezdek R, Wendling R (2005) Peaking of world oil production: impacts, mitigation, and risk management, report to US Department of Energy (Washington DC, Department of Energy).

243 Klare M (2004) Blood and oil: The dangers and consequences of America’s growing dependency on imported petroleum (New York: Metropolitan Books).

244 Campbell C (2006) Newsletter No. 72 (Co Cork: The Association for the Study of Peak Oil). See: www.aspo-germany.org/e/aspo_news/aspo/Newsletter072.pdf [12 December 2009].

245 David Milliband speaking at Cambridge University, March 5, 2007.

246 IEA (2008) Medium term oil report, ‘Despite slowing oil demand, IEA sees continued market tightness over the medium term (Madrid: International Energy Agency).

247 Ibid.

248 Porter A (7 June 2004) ‘Is the world’s oil running out fast?’ See: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/ business/3777413.stm [6 November 2009]

249 King Jr, N (12 December 2007) ‘Saudi industrial drive strains oil export role’ Wall Street Journal.

250 Robertson D (2008) ‘Oil chief warns of $200 a barrel oil price’ Times Online, April 23. See: business. timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/industrials/article3830383.ece [September 8, 2008].

251 Ferris-Lay C (2008) ‘Oil could reach $300 says expert’ ArabianBusiness.com, February 28.See: www.arabianbusiness.com/512436-oil-could-reach-us300-claims-expert [10 September 2008].

252 Klare (2004) op. cit.

253 Simmons M (2007) Is the world’s supply of oil and gas peaking? International Petroleum Week, London, February 13. www.simmonsco-intl.com/files/IP%20week%20talk.pdf [10 September 2008].

254 Cleveland C (2005) ‘Net energy from oil and gas extraction in the United States, 1954-1977’ Energy 30: 769-782.

255 Gagnon et al. (in preparation), cited in Hall C, Balogh S and Murphy D (2009) ‘What is the minimum EROI that a sustainable society must have?’ Energies 2: 25-47.

256 Rogner H (1996) An assessment of world hydrocarbon resources (Laxenberg, Austria: International Institute for Applied System Analysis).

257 Mut S (2005) Statement to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Washington, DC:United States Senate).

258 For example: Strahan D (2007). The last oil shock: A survival guide to the imminent extinction of petroleum man (London: John Murray); Heinberg (2003) op. cit.; Leggett (2005) op. cit.

259 Farrell A and Brandt A (2006) ‘Risks of the oil transition’ Environmental Research Letters 1: 014004.

260 Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a way of converting solid (e.g. oil shale, coal) or natural gas into liquid fuel. The process involves the shattering of long chained hydrocarbons into a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide using high temperatures and intense pressure. This is also the first step of integrated gasification combined cycle plants (IGCC). However, instead of the gas being burned it is channelled to a reactor where a catalyst reunites the carbon and hydrogen to form hydrocarbon chains of varying lengths, including diesel and petrol. During both phases – gasification and liquefaction – some carbon is given off as CO2.

261 Strahan D (2007). The last oil shock: A survival guide to the imminent extinction of petroleum man (London: John Murray).

262 This figure allows for CO2 leakage at the production phase and the fact that CO2 emitted at the point of use (e.g. exhaust pipe) cannot be captured. See: Wang M, Wu M, Huo H (2007) Life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas results of Fischer-Tropsch diesel produced from natural gas, coal, and biomass (Washington, DC: Centre for Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory).

263 Farrell and Brandt (2006) op. cit.

264 McKillop A (2006) ‘Peak Oil to Peak Gas is a short ride’ Energy Bulletin, December 12. Available at: www.energybulletin.net/23462.html [12 December 2009].

265 DBERR (2007) Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics 2007 (London: Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform – now Department for Business, Innovation and Skills).

266 Defra (2008) 2006 UK results for EU Emissions Trading Scheme (London: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs). See www.defra.gov.uk/news/2008/080205a.htm [February 10, 2008].

267 DECC (2009) Digest of UK Energy Statistics 2009 (London: Department of Energy and Climate Change).

268 Simms et al (2009) op. cit.

269 John Mills, Shell vice president addressing the ADIPEC conference, 5 November 2008.

270 DECC (2009) op. cit.

271 Nakicenovic N, Gritsevskyi A, Grübler A, Riahi K (2000) Global Natural Gas Perspectives (Oslo: International Gas Union/ International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis).

272 IEA (2006) op. cit.

273 BP (2006) Statistical Review of World Energy 2006 (London: BP).

274 Heinberg (2007) op. cit.

275 See: www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climatechange/trading/eu/results/index.htm [29 May 2007].

276 Daley J (2004) High Noon for Gas: The new energy crisis (Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing).

277 Ibid.

278 IGU (1997) World Gas Prospects, Strategies and Economics: 20th World Gas Conference Proceedings (Copenhagen: International Gas Union).

279 BP (2008) Statistical Review of World Energy 2008 (London: BP).

280 Energy Watch Group (2007) Coal: Resources and Future Production (Berlin: Energy Watch Group).

281 Ibid.

282 Heinberg (2007) op. cit.

283 Schiermerier Q (2006) ‘Putting the carbon back’ Nature 442: 620–623.

284 Heinberg R (2008) ‘The great coal rush (and why it will fail)’ Energy Bulletin, February 4. See: www.energybulletin.net/node/39861 [12 December 2009].

285 Vitello P (2008) ‘Gore’s call to action’ thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/24/gores-call-to-action/ [12 December 2009].

286 SIOCST(2009) The passing of FutureGen: How the Word’s premier clean coal technology project came to be abandoned by the Department of Energy (Washington DC: Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Science and Technology). See: http://democrats. science.house.gov/Media/file/Commdocs/hearings/2009/Energy/11mar/StaffReport_FutureGen_ CleanCoal.pdf [January 12, 2010].

287 Smil V (2008) ‘Long-range energy forecasts are no more than fairytales’ Nature 453: 154.

288 See for example: Page S, Williamson A and Mason I (2009) ‘Carbon capture and storage: fundamental thermodynamics and current technology’ Energy Policy 37: 3314–3324.

289 Nature Geoscience Editorial (2009) ‘Saved by sequestration?’ Nature Geoscience 2: 809.

290 http://sequestration.mit.edu/tools/projects/index.html [December 12, 2009].

291 SIOCST (2009) op. cit.

292 Geman B (2009) ‘DOE revives FutureGen, reversing Bush-era decision’ New York Times, 12 June.

293 Scottish and Southern Energy Spokesman.

294 Statoil have been reinjecting CO2 from natural gas produced in the Sleipner West gas field since 1996. Every day, approximately 2800 tonnes of CO2 are removed from the natural gas, re-injected and then stored in the sandstone formation Utsira, instead of being emitted into the atmosphere.

295 Myers M (2007) Testimony before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate. Hearing on S. 731 and S. 962: Carbon capture and sequestration, 19 April.

296 Hawkins D (2007) Testimony before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate. Hearing on S. 731 and S. 962: Carbon capture and sequestration, 19 April.

297 Lacker K (2003) ‘A guide to CO2 sequestration’ Science 300: 968–972.

298 Huesemann (2006) op. cit.

299 Sally Benson, Executive Director of the Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) and Professor of Energy Resources Engineering. See: www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-06/su-rec061107.php

300 Goodell J (2006) Big Coal: the dirty secret behind America’s energy future (New York: Houghton Miffin Company).

301 Bruant RG (2002) ‘Safe storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers’ Environmental Science and Technology 36: 240A–245A.

302 Lelieveld J, Lechtenböhmer S, Assonov S, Brenninkmeijer C, Dienst C, Fischedick M, Hanke T (2005) ‘Low methane leakage from gas pipelines’ Nature 434: 841–842.

303 Husesmann (2006) op. cit.

304 Fischedick M, Esken A, Schüwer D, Supersberger D, Nitsch J, Veibahn P, Bandi A, Zuberbühler U (2008) RECCS: Ecological, economic and structural comparison of renewable energy technologies (RE) with carbon capture and storage (CCS) – An integrated approach (Berlin: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety).

305 Stone E, Lowe J and Shine K (2009) ‘The impact of carbon capture and storage on climate’ Energy and Environmental Science 2: 81–91.

306 Brumfiel G (2005) ‘Fusion energy: Just around the corner’ Nature 436: 318–320.

307 Quoted in WADE (2006) World Survey of Decentralised Energy 2006 (Washington DC: World Alliance for Decentralised Energy). See: http://www.localpower.org/documents_pub/report_worldsurvey06.pdf [12 December 2009].

308 Simms A, Kjell P and Woodward D (2005) Mirage and oasis (London: nef).

309 Fleming D (2007) The lean guide to nuclear energy: a life-cycle in trouble (London: The Lean Economy Connection).

310 National Renewable Energy Laboratory. See: www.nrel.gov/docs/fy01osti/27637.pdf

311 In terms of work generation from a heat engine (heat is converted to work), the Carnot efficiency, named after the French Physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, determines the maximum efficiency in which this can be achieved.

312 Strahan (2007) op. cit.

313 Ibid.

314 See for example: Yacobucci B and Schnepf R (2007) Ethanol and biofuels (Washington DC, US: US Congressional Research Service).

315 Tenenbaum D (2008) Food vs. Fuel: Diversion of crops could cause more hunger Environmental Health Perspectives 116: A254–A257.

316 The World Bank (2007) World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development (Washington DC, US: The World Bank).

317 Searchinger T, Heimlich R, Houghton R, Dong F, A Elobeid, Fabiosa J, Tokgoz S, Hayes D, Yu T-H (2008) Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land-Use Change Science 319: 1238–240.

318 See for example: Hall C, Balogh S and Murphy D (2009) ‘What is the minimum EROI that a sustainable society must have?’ Energies 2: 25–47; O’Hare M, Plevin R, Martin J, Jones A, Kendall A and Hopson E (2009) ‘Proper accounting for time increases crop-based biofuels greenhouse gas deficit versus petroleum’ Environmental Research Letters 4: 024001.

319 Wetlands International (2006) Assessment of CO2 emissions from drained peatlands in South-east Asia (Horapark, Netherlands:Wetlands International); Fargione J, Hill J, Tilman D, Polasky S, Hawthorne P (2007) ‘Land clearing and the biofuel carbon debt’ Science 319: 1235–1238.

320 Wetlands International (2006) op. cit.

321 Gallagher E (2008) Review of the indirect effects of biofuels (London: Department for Transport).

322 Yacobucci B, Schnepf R (2007) Ethanol and biofuels: agriculture, infrastructure, and market constraints related to expanded production (Washington D.C.: Congressional Research Service).

323 Pacala and Socolow (2004) op. cit.

324 Burkeman O (2008) ‘Science chief: Greens hurting climate change fight’ The Guardian, 12 January.

325 Weather modification, or ‘cloud seeding’ research by the United States and USSR began in the 1930s. This is the earliest form of ‘geoengineering’. A negative public reaction to the use of environmental modification as a tool of warfare that led to the United Nations ‘Convention on the Prohibition of Military of any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques’ (1977).

326 See for example: The Royal Society (2009) Geoengineering the Climate: Science, governance and uncertainty (London: The Royal Society); Blackstock J, Battisti D, Caldeira K, Eardley D, Katz J, Keith D, Patrinos A, Schrag D, Socolow R, Koonin S (2009) Climate engineering responses to climate emergencies (Santa Barbara: Novim); Allen et al (2009) ‘The case for mandatory sequestration’ Nature Geoscience 2: 813–814; Robock A (2008) ‘Whither geoengineering’ Science 320: 1166–1162; Cicerone R (2006) ‘Geoengineering: Encouraging research and overseeing implementation’ Climatic Change 77: 221–226.

327 Victor D (2008) ‘On the regulation of geoengineering’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy 24: 322–336.

328 Connor S and Green C (2009) ‘Climate scientists: it’s time for Plan B’ The Independent, January 2; Allen et al (2009) op. cit.

329 The Royal Society (2009) op. cit.

330 Royal Society (2009) op cit.; Boyd P (2008) ‘Ranking geo-engineering schemes’ Nature Geoscience 1: 722–734.

331 For a review see: Rasch P, Tilmes S, Turco R, Robock A, Oman L, Chen C, Stenchikov G and Garcia R (2008) ‘An overview of geoengineering of climate using stratospheric sulphate aerosols’ Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A 366: 4007-4037.

332 Matthews D and Calderia K (2007) ‘Transient climate-carbon simulations of planetary geoengineering’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 9949–9954.

333 Robock (2008) op. cit.; Robock et al (2008) ‘Regional climate responses to geoengineering with tropical and Arctic SO2 injections’ Journal of Geophysical Research-D 112: D16101.

334 Blackstock et al (2009) op. cit.

335 Matthews and Calderia (2007) op. cit.

336 EPICA Community Members (2006) ‘One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica’ Nature 444: 195–198.

337 The Royal Society (2009) op. cit.; Boyd P (2008) op. cit.

338 Matthews and Calderia (2007) op. cit.

339 The Royal Society (2005) Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide: Policy document 12/05 (London: Royal Society).

340 Ibid.

341 Caldeira K, Wickett M (003) ‘Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH’ Nature 425: 365.

342 Blackstock et al (2009) op. cit.

343 Jamieson D (2009) The Ethics of Geoengineering. Available at: www.peopleandplace.net/perspectives/2009/5/13/the_ethics_of_geoengineering [12 December 2009].

344 We note there are some processes, such as combined cycle gas turbines that have achieved energy efficiencies in the order of 50 per cent.

345 Ausubel J and Marchetti C (1996) ‘Electrical systems in retrospect and prospect’ Daedalus 125: 139–169.

346 Hoffert M, Caldeira K, Benford G, Criswell D, Green C, Herzog H, Jain A, Khesghi H, Lackner K, Lewis J, Lightfoot H, Manheimer W, Mankins J, Mauel M, Perkins L, Schlesinger M, Volk T, Wigley T (2002) ‘Advanced technology paths to global climate stability: Energy for a greenhouse planet’ Science 298: 981–987.

347 Ibid.

348 Philibert C and Pershing J (2002) Beyond Kyoto – Energy Dynamics and Climate Stabilisation (Paris: OECD/IEA).

349 Much of this section has drawn on the work of Lightfoot H and Green C (2002) Energy intensity decline implications for stabilisation of atmospheric CO2 content (Montreal: McGill Centre for Climate and Global Change Research).

350 Ibid.

351 Ibid.

352 If you utilise 100 per cent of wind energy, you effectively stop the wind. The Betz limit refers to the best compromise between stopping the airflow and forcing it around a turbine.

353 Lightfoot and Green (2002) op. cit.

354 ATAC (2005) Air transport industry calls for collaborative environmental action Press Release. (Geneva: Air Transport Action Group).

355 Airbus (2004) The Airbus way – Environment: Environment, health and safety report (Blagnac: Airbus Environmental Affairs).

356 We quote efficiency improvements of 1.3 per cent yr -1 between 2000 and 2010, 1 per cent yr -1 between 2010 and 2020 and 0.5 per cent yr -1. Source: Owen B, Lee D (2006) Allocation of International Aviation Emissions from Scheduled Air Traffic – Future Cases, 2005 to 2020 (Report 3 of 3) Manchester: Centre for Air Transport and Environment (CATE), Manchester Metropolitan University.

357 Gossling S, Peeters P (2005) ‘It does not harm the environment!’ – An analysis of discourse on tourism, air travel and the environment 4th International Symposium on Aspects of Tourism. The end of Tourism? Mobility and local-global connections, Eastbourne.

358 ACARE (2002) Strategic research agenda volume 2: The challenge of the environment (Brussels: Advisory Council for Aeronautics Reseach in Europe).

359 Peeters PM, Middel J, Hoolhorst A (2005) Fuel efficiency of commercial aircraft. An overview of historical and future trends. NLR-CR-2005-669. (Amsterdam: Peeters Advies/ National Aerospace Laboratory NLR).

360 Williams V (2007) ‘The engineering options for mitigating the climate impacts of aviation’ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 365: 3047–3059.

361 Peeters et al (2005) op. cit.

362 Ibid.

363 Kubiszewski I, Cleveland C and Endres P (2008) EROI for wind energy. Available at www.eoearth.org/ article/Energy_return_on_investment_(EROI)_for_wind_energy [12 December 2009].

364 Hall C, Balogh S and Murphy D (2009) ‘What is the minimum EROI that a sustainable society must have?’ Energies 2: 25–47.

365 Sachs W (1999) Planet dialectics: explorations in environment and development (New York: St Martin’s Press).

366 Ausubel and Marchetti (1996) op. cit.

367 Metz B, Davidson O, Swart R and Pan J (2001) Climate change 2001: Mitigation – Contribution of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

368 Ofgem (2003) Electricity distribution losses: a consultation document (London: Ofgem).

369 WADE is a non-profit research and promotion organisation whose mission is to accelerate the worldwide development of high efficiency cogeneration (CHP) and decentralized renewable energy systems that deliver substantial economic and environmental benefits.

370 WADE (2005) Modeling carbon emission reductions in China (Edinburgh: World Alliance for Decentralised Energy). See: www.localpower.org/documents/w_model_chinashort.pdf [12 December 2009].

371 Ofgem (2003) op. cit.

372 Lightfoot and Green (2002) op. cit.

373 Ibid.

374 Jochem E (1991) ‘Long-term potentials of rational energy use – the unknown possibilities of reducing greenhouse gas emissions’ Energy and Environment 2: 31–44.

375 For example: Droege P (2009) 100 per cent renewable: energy autonomy in action (London: Earthscan); Ho M-W, Cherry B, Burcher S and Saunders P (2009) Green energies: 100 % renewables by 2050 (London: Institute of Science in Society/ Third World Network ); Jacobson M, Delucchi M (2008) ‘A path to sustainable energy by 2030’, Scientific American, November; Simms et al. (2006) op. cit.

376 Jacobson MZ, Delucchi MA (2008) ‘A path to sustainable energy by 2030’, Scientific American (November 2008).

377 Hansen et al. (2009) op. cit.

378 Bows A, Calverley D, Broderick J and Anderson K (2009) Making a Climate Commitment: Analysis of the first Report (2008) of the UK Committee on Climate Change (Manchester: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research/ Friends of the Earth).

379 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Labour Organisation (ILO), International Organisation of Employers (IOE), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) (2008): Green Jobs: Towards Decent work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World, Washington DC: Worldwatch Institute.

380 Holdren J, Morris H and Mintzer I (1980) ‘Enviromental aspects of renewable energy sources’ Annual Review of Energy 5: 241–291.

381 Huesemann (2004) op .cit.

382 Jacobsen and Delucchi (2008) op. cit.

383 Farrell A, Plevin R, Turner B, Jones A, O’Hare M, Kammen D (2006) ‘Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals’ Science 311: 506–508.

384 Kleiner K (2008) ‘The backlash against biofuels’ Nature Climate Change Reports 2: 9–11.

385 Ibid.

386 Eliasson Baldur (1998) Renewable Energy, status and prospects, Energy and Global Change (Baden, Switzerland: ABB Corporate Research Ltd).

387 Lightfoot and Green (2002) op. cit.

388 Jacobsen and Delucchi (2008) op. cit.

389 Carlsmith R, Chandler W, McMahon J, Santino D (1990) Energy efficiency: how far can we go? Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1990. IECEC-90. Proceedings of the 25th Intersociety.

390 Block K (2005) ‘Improving energy efficiency by five per cent and more per year?’ Journal of Industrial Ecology 8: 87–99.

391 Ibid.

392 Huesemann (2006) op. cit.

393 Ibid.

394 Weber L (1997) ‘Some reflections on barriers to the efficient use of energy Energy Policy 25: 833-835.

395 IEA (1987) Energy Conservation in IEA Countries 1987 Review (Paris: IEA).

396 Nakicenovic and Gruebler (1993) ‘Energy conversion, conservation and efficiency’ Energy 18: 421-435.

397 Lightfood and Green (2002) op. cit.

398 Wilhite H and Norgard J (2004) ‘Equating efficiency with reduction: a self-deception in energy policy’ Energy and Environment 15: 991-1009.

399 IEA (2005) Oil crises and climate challenges: 30 years of energy use in IEA countries (Paris: IEA/ OECD).

400 Hoffert et al. (1998).

401 Lenton et al (2008) op. cit.

402 Huesemann (2006) op. cit.

403 Ecofys, Lund, Wuppertal, Politecnico (2007). From theory based policy evaluation to SMART policy design. Summary report of the AID-EE project. Ecofys, Utrecht, 2007. www.aid-ee.org.

404 Hirsch et al. (2005) op. cit.

405 For a discussion of pro-poor growth and the need for distribution of economics, see Woodward and Simms (2006) op. cit.

406 Kropotkin P (1902) Mutual Aid: A factor of evolution (London: Heinemann).

407 See for example: Lloyd C (2009) What on earth evolved?: 100 species that changed the world (London: Bloomsbury).

408 Daly (1996) op. cit.

409 Ibid.

410 Thompson S, Abdallah S, Marks N, Simms A (2006) The Happy Planet Index (London: nef).

411 Johnson and Simms (2008) op. cit.

412 Daly (1993) op. cit.

413 Daly (1973) op. cit.

414 Juniper T, Murphy R, Elliott L, Leggett J, Hines C, Secrett C, Lucas C, Pettifor A, Simms A (2008) A green new deal (London: nef).

415 Stephens L, Ryan-Collins J, Boyle D, Coote A (2008) The new wealth of time (London: nef).