London Calling
December 08, 2016
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Two organizations emerged losers
after the Scottish 2014
independence referendum.
'YES Scotland' won praise after narrowly
to overturn a thirty point deficit.
The other loser was the
The British State broadcaster sacrificed its reputation
return for a narrow win for the 'No campaign'.
'London Calling' captures
the descent of the BBC
during Scotland's historic referendum period.
A two year orgy of spin, deceit, manipulation and corruption
been packaged into
a powerful seventy minute documentary exposé.
Thought you could trust the BBC?
Prepare to be shocked...
The divide between
hard news and propaganda has become murkier than ever in recent
Audiences from both sides of the aisle have observed an
insidious media bias at play whether they consume their news
online, in the morning papers or on the nightly networks.
presentation of alternative facts has inspired a palpable sense
of disillusionment and mistrust among viewership.
documentary London Calling, based on the popular book of the
same name by author G.A. Ponsonby, recounts one of the egregious
examples of bias as it targets the BBC and their role in
defeating the 2014 referendum for Scotland's independence.
The 'Yes' campaign for independence was rightfully viewed as an
underdog, but public support was growing. In the lead up to the
vote, however, much of the media seemed chilly to their
This was definitely the case with the BBC, a large and
long-respected organization that many credit with propelling the
downfall of the movement.
Key figures within the campaign, media
insiders and ordinary voters give voice to the frustrations of
the 'Yes' campaigners who experienced defeat both in the voting
booth and in the promise of an impartial media.
Do they have a point? The evidence points to much more than just
sour grapes.
The film is littered with instances of bias
committed by the BBC. Opponents cite a series of deceitful
headlines, cheap tactics that provoked fear in the outcome of a
yes vote, and coverage that failed to find a balance between
both sides of the issue.
The organization willfully evaded the
lingering questions, scandals and controversies that marked the
campaign to vote against the independence measure. Meanwhile,
leaders in the 'Yes' campaign were tormented by manufactured
character assassinations and a barrage of exaggerated negative
Pro-union interests who stood against the quest for
independence were given a dominant role in programming while
many Scots with a different point of view were given short
For their part, the BBC claims they adhered to the strictest
ethical standards of impartiality in their reporting. But the
damage seems to have already been done as more viewers consume
their media with increasingly discerning eyes.
'London Calling'
exposes the importance of an impartial press that is truly
representative of the people, and the democratic catastrophes
which can occur in its absence.
It's a scary potential that we
all must struggle against.