
by Tom Burghardt
November 6, 2011
GlobalResearch Website
Tom Burghardt is a researcher
and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In addition to
publishing in Covert Action Quarterly and Global Research, , he is a
Contributing Editor with Cyrano's Journal Today.
His articles can be
read on Dissident Voice, The Intelligence Daily, Pacific Free Press,
Uncommon Thought Journal, and the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.
He is the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military "Civil
Disturbance" Planning, distributed by AK Press and has contributed
to the new book from Global Research, The Global Economic Crisis:
The Great Depression of the XXI Century. |
As evidence mounts that the U.S. secret state is launching cyber weapons
against official enemies, while carrying out wide-ranging spy ops against
their "friends," Gen. Keith Alexander, the dual-hatted overlord of
the National Security Agency and
U.S. Cyber Command, says that the Obama
administration is "working on a system" that will "help" ISPs thwart
malicious attacks.
Speaking at the Security Innovation Network (SINET) "Showcase 2011" shindig
at the National Press Club in Washington, Alexander told security grifters
eager to gouge taxpayers for another piece of lucrative "cybersecurity" pie:
"What I'm concerned about are the
destructive attacks. Those are the things yet to come that cause us a
lot of concern."
That's rather rich coming from the head of a
secretive Pentagon satrapy suspected of designing and launching the
destructive Stuxnet virus which targeted Iran's civilian nuclear program.
According to fresh evidence provided by IT security experts it now appears
that the same constellation of shadowy forces which unleashed Stuxnet are at
it again with the newly discovered
Duqu spy Trojan.
In a follow-up analysis, Kaspersky Lab researcher Alex Gostev
wrote that,
"the highest number of Duqu incidents have
been recorded in Iran. This fact brings us back to the Stuxnet story and
raises a number of issues."
Not least of which is the continuing
demonization of the Islamic Republic by an unholy alliance of U.S.
militarists, their Israeli pit bulls and congressional shills hyping the
"Iran threat."
War Drums
With the United States and the other capitalist powers incapable of digging
the world economy out from under the slow-motion meltdown sparked by 2008's
market collapse, and with tens of millions of enraged citizens rejecting
austerity measures that will further enrich financial elites at their
Will the Obama administration "go for broke"
and set-off a new conflagration in the Middle East?
Ratcheting up bellicose rhetoric, John Keane,
a retired four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army now
currently perched on the board of General Dynamics, a major purveyor of
cyber attack tools for the government,
told the House Homeland Security
Committee October 26,
"We've got to put our hand around their
throat now. Why don't we kill them? We kill other people who are running
terrorist operations against the United States."
AFP reported that "Iran made a formal protest"
over Keane's remarks which urged,
"the targeted assassination of members of
its elite Quds Force military special operations unit,"
...over a fairy-tale plot allegedly cooked-up by
Tehran, which employed a failed used-car salesman, a DEA snitch and members
of the Zetas drug gang in a scheme to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in
While the plot lines are as preposterous as allegations prior to the 2003
Iraq invasion that Saddam Hussein's regime was involved in
the 9/11 attacks,
one cannot so easily dismiss the propaganda value of such reports by
administration "information warriors."
The same can be said of the series of controlled
leaks emanating from London, Tel Aviv and Washington urging immediate air
strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
The Guardian
reported that,
"Britain's armed forces are stepping up their
contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid
mounting concern about Tehran's nuclear enrichment program."
"the Ministry of Defence believes the US may
decide to fast-forward plans for targeted missile strikes at some key
Iranian facilities. British officials say that if Washington presses
ahead it will seek, and receive, UK military help for any mission,
despite some deep reservations within the coalition government."
On the same day that MoD's sanctioned leak
appeared in the British press, Haaretz
disclosed that,
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Defense Minister Ehud Barak are trying to muster a majority in the
cabinet in favor of military action against Iran, a senior Israeli
official has said. According to the official, there is a 'small
advantage' in the cabinet for the opponents of such an attack."
"Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon said he preferred an American
military attack on Iran to an Israeli one. 'A military move is the last
resort,' he said."
The Associated Press
reported that as Netanyahu
moved to persuade his cabinet to,
"authorize a military strike against Iran's
suspected nuclear weapons program," Israel successfully test-fired "a
missile believed capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to Iran."
Adding to the disinformational witch's brew, The
Washington Post
reported that,
"a new spike in anti-Iran rhetoric and
military threats by Western powers is being fueled by fears that Iran is
edging closer to the nuclear 'breakout' point, when it acquires all the
skills and parts needed to quickly build an atomic bomb if it chooses
to," anonymous "Western diplomats and nuclear experts said Friday."
Post stenographer Joby Warrick informed us that
"Western diplomat who had seen drafts of the
report" told him "it will elaborate on secret intelligence collected
since 2004 showing Iranian scientists struggling to overcome technical
hurdles in designing and building nuclear warheads."
And late last week Reuters
disclosed that,
"A senior U.S. military official said on
Friday Iran had become the biggest threat to the United States and
Israel's president said the military option to stop the Islamic republic
from obtaining nuclear weapons was nearer."
"'The biggest threat to the United States and to our interests and to
our friends... has come into focus and it's Iran,' said the U.S.
military official, addressing a forum in Washington."
"reporters were allowed to cover the event
on condition the official not be identified."
While some critics argue that Israel does not
presently have the capacity to launch such an attack, and that,
"the volume of the war hysteria is being
turned up with one purpose in mind: the Israelis want the US to do their
dirty work for them," such reasoning is hardly reassuring.
Indeed, as the World Socialist Web Site
"the Israeli government has already made
advanced preparations for an attack on Iran."
"On the military front," analyst Peter Symonds warned that "Israeli
warplanes last week conducted a long-range exercise - of the type
required to reach Iran - using a NATO airbase on the Italian island of
In other words, the IDF drill was not a "rogue"
exercise unilaterally conducted by Israel, but further evidence of
"desperate bid to offset
its economic
decline by securing its hegemony over the energy-rich regions of the
Middle East and Central Asia."
In the context of escalating tensions over
Iran's nuclear enrichment program, seeded by manufactured "terror" plots,
the imperialist powers may choose the "cyber" route prior to launching
devastating missile and bomber strikes against Iranian military
installations and civilian infrastructure.
Pentagon planners now believe that attack tools have reached the point where
blinding Iran's air defenses while sowing chaos across population centers
with power outages and the shutdown of financial services may now be a
viable option.
This is not idle speculation.
During the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion,
the National Journal
disclosed that Central Command,
"considered a computerized attack to disable
the networks that controlled Iraq's banking system, but they backed off
when they realized that those networks were global and connected to
banks in France."
Facing growing opposition at home and abroad to
endless wars and imperial adventures, would
the Obama
administration have
such qualms today?
Attack Tools Already
in Play
As Antifascist Calling
previously reported, when the Duqu virus was
discovered last month,
analysts at Symantec believed that the remote access
Trojan (RAT),
"is essentially the precursor to a future
Stuxnet-like attack."
"The threat was written by the same authors (or those who have access to
the Stuxnet source code) and appears to have been created since the last
Stuxnet file was recovered," researchers averred.
Since their initial reporting, Symantec, drawing
on research from
CrySyS lab at the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics in Hungary, the organization which discovered the malware,
reported they located an installer file in the form of a Microsoft Word
document which exploits a previously unknown zero-day vulnerability.
Like Stuxnet, Duqu's stealthiness is directly proportional to its uncanny
ability to capitalize on what are called zero-day exploits hardwired into
it's digital DNA; security holes that are unknown to everyone until the
instant they're used in an attack.
Similar to other dubious commodities traded on our dystopian "free markets,"
zero-days are bits of tainted code sought by criminal hackers, financial and
industrial spies and enterprising security agencies that can sell for up to
$250,000 a pop on the black market.
When Stuxnet appeared in dozens of countries last year, targeting what are
called programmable logic controllers (PLCs) on industrial computers
manufactured by Siemens that control everything from water purification and
food processing to oil refining and potentially deadly chemical processes,
researchers found it was designed to harm only one specific target:
PLCs processing uranium fuel at a nuclear
facility in Iran.
As Wired Magazine
reported, when Symantec
analysts who had been picking Stuxnet apart convinced internet service
providers who controlled "servers in Malaysia and Denmark" where the virus
"phoned home" each time it infected a new machine, to reroute the virus to a
secure "sinkhole," they were in for a shock.
"Out of the initial 38,000 infections,"
journalist Kim Zetter wrote, "about 22,000 were in Iran. Indonesia was a
distant second, with about 6,700 infections, followed by India with
about 3,700 infections. The United States had fewer than 400. Only a
small number of machines had Siemens Step 7 software installed - just
217 machines reporting in from Iran and 16 in the United States."
"The sophistication of the code," Wired averred, "plus the fraudulent
certificates, and now Iran at the center of the fallout made it look
like Stuxnet could be the work of a government cyberarmy - maybe even a
United States cyberarmy.
"This made Symantec's sinkhole an audacious move," Zetter wrote. "In
intercepting data the attackers were expecting to receive, the
researchers risked tampering with a covert U.S. government operation."
Writing in the Journal of Strategic Studies,
Thomas Rid, a former RAND Corporation employee and "Reader in War Studies at
Kings College in London," who has close ties to the Western military
establishment, observed in relation to Stuxnet that network,
"sabotage, first, is a deliberate attempt to
weaken or destroy an economic or military system. All sabotage is
predominantly technical in nature, but of course may use social
"The resources and investment that went into Stuxnet could only be
mustered by a 'cyber superpower', argued Ralph Langner, a German control
system security consultant who first extracted and decompiled the attack
an interview with National Public Radio,
Langer said that the "level of expertise" behind Stuxnet,
"seemed almost alien. But that would be
science fiction, and Stuxnet was a reality."
"Thinking about it for another minute, if it's not aliens, it's got to
be the United States."
"For the time being it remains unclear how successful the Stuxnet attack
against Iran's nuclear program actually was" Rid noted. "But it is clear
that the operation has taken computer sabotage to an entirely new
Researcher Vikram Thakur, commenting on the
latest Duqu discoveries reported:
"The Word document was crafted in such a way
as to definitively target the intended receiving organization."
And whom, pray tell, was being targeted by Duqu?
Why Iran, of course.
"Once Duqu is able to get a foothold in an
organization through the zero-day exploit, the attackers can command it
to spread to other computers."
Thakur wrote,
"the Duqu configuration files on these
computers," which did not have the ability to connect to the internet
and the author's command and control (C&C) server, "were instead
configured not to communicate directly with the C&C server, but to use a
file-sharing C&C protocol with another compromised computer that had the
ability to connect to the C&C server."
"Consequently," Thakur concluded, "Duqu creates a bridge between the
network's internal servers and the C&C server. This allowed the
attackers to access Duqu infections in secure zones with the help of
computers outside the secure zone being used as proxies."
As Kaspersky Lab researchers
pointed out,
"in each of the four instances of Duqu
infection a unique modification of the driver necessary for infection
was used."
"More importantly," analysts averred, "regarding one of the Iranian
infections there were also found to have been two network attack
attempts exploiting the MS08-067 [MS Word] vulnerability. This
vulnerability was used by Stuxnet too."
"If there had been just one such attempt, it could have been written off
as typical Kido activity - but there were two consecutive attack
attempts: this detail would suggest a targeted attack on an object in
Simply put, before the Pentagon decides to "kill
them" as Gen. Keane indelicately put it, battlefield preparations via
directed cyber attacks and other forms of sabotage may be part of a
preemptive strategy to decapitate Iranian defenses prior to more "kinetic"
'Boutique Arms
Despite media hype about future cuts in the so-called "defense" budget,
Defense Industry Daily
disclosed that,
"the US military has announced plans
to spend billions on technology to secure its networks."
According to the Defense Department's FY 2012 budget proposal,
"the Pentagon said it plans to spend $2.3
billion on cybersecurity capabilities."
However, when
"questioned why the Air Force's $4.6 billion
2012 budget request for cybersecurity was $2.3 billion more than
Defense's servicewide spending proposal, Pentagon officials upped their
total figure from $2.3 billion to $3.2 billion."
Why the discrepancy?
A "Pentagon spokesperson explained that the
service's estimate differed dramatically because the Air Force included
'things' that are not typically considered information assurance or
What kind of "things" are we talking about here?
As BusinessWeek
reported in July, firms such as Northrop Grumman, Raytheon,
and General Dynamics,
"the stalwarts of the traditional defense
industry," are "helping the U.S. government develop a capacity to snoop
on or disable other countries' computer networks."
Capitalizing on the Defense Department's desire
to develop,
"hacker tools specifically as a means of
conducting warfare," this "shift in defense policy gave rise to a flood
of boutique arms dealers that trade in offensive cyber weapons."
Investigative journalists Mike Riley and
Vance averred that,
"most of these are 'black' companies that
camouflage their government funding and work on classified projects."
As last winter's hack of HBGary Federal by
Anonymous revealed, "black" firms, including those like
Palantir which
received millions of dollars in start-up funding from the CIA's venture
capital arm
In-Q-Tel, hacker tools, such as sophisticated Trojans and
stealthy rootkits, believed to be the route used to introduce the Stuxnet
virus, have also been used to target political activists and journalists in
the United States at the behest of financial institutions such as the Bank
of America and the right-wing U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
As researcher Barrett Brown
"Team Themis was a consortium made up of
HBGary, Palantir, and Berico (with
Endgame Systems serving as a 'silent
partner' and providing assistance from the sidelines) that was set up in
order to provide offensive intelligence capabilities to private
Although Endgame Systems "went dark" after
Anonymous released thousands of HBGary files, The Register
disclosed that
the firm,
"helps US intelligence identify and hack
into vulnerable networks, and is targeting a similar role in Britain's
nascent national cyber security operations."
The Register noted that the,
"limited publicly information currently
available on the firm hints at its further role assisting clandestine
government cyber operations by identifying targets and developing
As BusinessWeek revealed, the firm is,
"a major supplier of digital weaponry for
the Pentagon. It offers a smorgasbord of wares, from vulnerability
assessments to customized attack technology, for a dizzying array of
targets in any region of the world."
Unsurprisingly, this was a major draw for
venture capital firms,
"Bessemer Venture Partners and Kleiner
Perkins Caufield & Byers," who collectively fronted Endgame some $30
According to Riley and Vance,
"what really whet the VCs' appetites,
though, according to people close to the investors, is Endgame's shot at
becoming the premier cyber-arms dealer."
While a client list has yet to emerge, it's safe
to assume that secret state agencies on both sides of the Atlantic are
lining up to purchase Endgame's toxic products.
Although no definitive answer has emerged as to whom might targeting Iran
with Duqu, as BusinessWeek revealed Endgame,
"deals in zero-day exploits. Some of
Endgame’s technology is developed in-house; some of it is acquired from
the hacker underground. Either way, these zero days are militarized -
they've undergone extensive testing and are nearly fail-safe."
"People who have seen the company pitch its
technology - and who asked not to be named because the presentations
were private - say Endgame executives will bring up maps of airports,
parliament buildings, and corporate offices."
According to Riley and Vance,
"the executives then create a list of the
computers running inside the facilities, including what software the
computers run, and a menu of attacks that could work against those
particular systems."
Indeed, "Endgame weaponry comes customized by region - the Middle East,
Russia, Latin America, and China - with manuals, testing software, and
'demo instructions.' There are even target packs for democratic
countries in Europe and other U.S. allies."
"The quest in Washington, Silicon Valley, and around the globe is to
develop digital tools both for spying and destroying," BusinessWeek
observed. "The most enticing targets in this war are civilian -
electrical grids, food distribution systems, any essential
infrastructure that runs on computers."
"This stuff is more kinetic than nuclear weapons," Dave Aitel, the
founder of a computer security company in Miami Beach called
told Riley and Vance. "Nothing says you've lost like a starving city."
While Aitel and a host of other "little
Eichmanns" who enrich themselves servicing the American secret state refused
to discuss his firm's work for the government, a source told the publication
that Immunity,
"makes weaponized 'rootkits': military-grade
hacking systems used to bore into other countries' networks," and that
Aitel's clients "include the U.S. military and intelligence agencies."
We do not know if, or when, the United States,
NATO and Israel will opt for a military "solution" to the so-called "Iranian
We do know however, as the World Socialist Web Site warned,
"as global capitalism lurches from one
economic and political crisis to the next, rivalry between the major
powers for markets, resources and strategic advantage is plunging
humanity towards a catastrophic conflict that would devastate the