by Steve Hammons
March 3, 2006
AmericanChronicle Website
does the discussion about an alleged U.S. Government operation
called “Project SERPO” mean to us in our everyday lives and
for our future, as individuals, nationally and globally?
The claims that a U.S. joint-service military team of 12 personnel
were specially trained to accompany friendly visitors from another
planet back to their home planet in the ‘60s and ‘70s spark our
imagination and skepticism. Both reactions seem normal and healthy.
There are many covert, clandestine, “black” programs
conducted by elements of the U.S. Government and military, and by
other governments and militaries internationally. Many of
these operations undoubtedly would be surprising, shocking or
Over the years, many such activities have been revealed. The
disclosure is sometimes by insiders, sometimes by outside
researchers and investigators and often by both. People involved in
keeping secret or disclosing information of this kind may have
different motives and methods.
Legitimate secrecy to ensure national security is certainly valid.
Yet, secrecy obviously can sometimes be used as a smokescreen to
unnecessarily hide questionable activities or information the
American public probably should know about. “Disinformation”
and psychological operations (PSYOP) can cleverly use
information that is partially true and partially false to accomplish
certain goals.
In the case of “Project SERPO” and alleged related programs “Project
CRYSTAL KNIGHT” and “Project BISHOP,” secrecy and
security of information could be absolutely necessary and valid. Or,
secrecy could be unnecessary and questionable.
Still another probable complexity is that some information might be
reasonable to gradually release about UFOs, yet other
information needs to be held back. And, these conditions change as
Americans and people internationally become more mature thinkers
about the kinds of situations being explored and discussed.
These stories could be a disinformation PSYOP to mask
sensitive information and operations or for some other legitimate or
illegitimate purposes.
Most of us have heard the phrase used in the military and
intelligence circles, “need to know.” It defines what
information should be shared or passed on. Do we have a need to know
about something? Does the next person have the same need to know, or
is it different for that person? Using this concept helps keep
people aware of information security, which can be very important.
There are probably many things that we don’t have a need to know.
Things that we might not want to know. Things that for one reason or
another are outside of our areas of interest. Things too unpleasant.
Things too complex to grasp. Or, things that are difficult to
understand and that might result in misunderstanding or negative
outcomes for us.
These are all judgment calls, of course, and there can be many
different views about different situations, different groups of
people and different individuals.
We don’t tell a small child things we would tell an adult. We don’t
tell our grandmother what we might tell a trusted mate or lover. Or,
maybe we might explain things differently in these cases.
In situations such as claims that there have been diplomatic
relations established with extraterrestrial visitors and various
kinds of exchanges, there would obviously be a complex situation in
evaluating the application of need to know.
In discussing what kind of information should be made known about
sensitive matters, we probably should take into account all the
possible factors.
What is the “worst-case
What is the “best-case
What are the pros and cons of a
certain course of action or results of and reactions to
certain information.?
What “blowback,” negative
boomeranging consequences, if any, might occur?
One recent example of a sensitive military and intelligence program
that was top secret, then became open, is the phenomena often called
For many years, programs coordinated by Army intelligence,
the DIA and CIA kept developments, research and
operations about remote viewing quite secret.
But, eventually, because of various factors, these remote viewing
programs became public and we learned about this interesting aspect
of human development, human psychology and physics.
For those unfamiliar with it, “RV” is a technique that uses
the unconscious mind to tap into apparent lines of information for
information-gathering in ways that are similar to our intuition
and inner instincts. Over the years, personnel in these
covert programs refined these skills and understanding of the
underlying science. It’s not so different from the idea that we can
learn from our dreams, from our gut feelings, from meditation and
from prayer.
Now, anyone can take a remote viewing course or read a book on it
written by the Army intel guys and scientists who worked on the
secret projects. The sky didn’t fall. Society didn’t collapse
because remote viewing programs became public. In fact, when you
learn about what these people accomplished, it can make us respect
their willingness to “think outside the box.” They took bold and
creative steps to discover important kinds of knowledge that is
still developing.
The disclosure of secret remote viewing programs probably didn’t
hurt our national security. It probably did help Americans and
people worldwide gain a new understanding of this important aspect
of ongoing human development and the role of Americans in it.
It has sometimes been said about U.S. military technology
such as aircraft and other developments that whatever you can
imagine about the state of technological knowledge, the scientists
and engineers actually working it are probably 20 years in advance
of your imagination.
And, as we often remind ourselves, being technologically advanced
does not always mean that we are advanced in our human development
and our spiritual development. Instead of using our scientific and
other knowledge to heal and uplift the human race, we often use our
expertise to kill and destroy. Kill and destroy not only other human
beings, but also the quality of life on Earth, wildlife, oceans,
rivers, forests and now, Earth’s global climate.
When we apply this scenario of a sometimes unwise human race and
unwise national governments to questions such as alleged contact
with extraterrestrial beings, it seems fairly easy to see that
certain sensitive projects of a scientific and military nature would
need to be handled very carefully and could easily take a wrong
Just as there are unwise among us and in military and government
circles, there are also good and intelligent people who we hope will
help steer American society and other societies on Earth in a good
direction. A direction that will improve human development in many
If the stories about “Project SERPO,” “Project CRYSTAL
KNIGHT” and “Project BISHOP” have any truth to them, it’s probably
the case that some of these good and intelligent insiders are trying
to move things forward in this direction.