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Betty Andreasson's alien
abduction and NDE
NearDeath Website
One of the most documented and
believable cases in UFOlogy is the experience of one woman's
abduction aboard a UFO.

name is
Betty Andreasson Luca who is a
devout Christian. During her abduction, she was taken before a being
of intense light and love called "the One."
This description
of this being is remarkably similar to descriptions of the so-called
"Being of Light" encountered in near-death experiences.
Her first abduction occurred during her childhood and culminated
with an abduction experience that involved her whole family.
Led by
a number of teams of highly-credentialed investigators, her
experience is one of the most thoroughly investigated cases ever
reported in the annals of hypnotherapy.
This page is mainly focused on her
experience as a child with
the Being of Light she calls "the One."
The following are excerpts from
Raymond Fowler's book,
The Andreasson Affair - The Documented
Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a UFO.
Raymond Fowler is also the author of the book The Watchers
and his excellent follow-up book The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs
and the Near Death Experience (more about
The Watchers).
For even more information about the
connection between the NDE and UFO phenomenon, read
the article by Dr. Kenneth Ring entitled
Near-death and UFO Encounters as Shamanic
Initiations - Some Conceptual and Evolutionary Implications.
Abduction of Betty Andreasson Luca
On the evening of January 25, 1967, Betty Andreasson was in
her kitchen at South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Her seven children,
mother, and father were in the living room.
At about 6:35 p.m., the
house lights suddenly blinked out for a moment. Then, a pulsating
reddish-orange light shined in the kitchen window. Betty
calmed the frightened children while her father rushed to look out
the kitchen window. He saw a group of strange-looking small
creatures approaching with a hopping motion.
Five small humanoid
creatures entered the house, passing right through the wooden door.
Betty's family was immediately placed into suspended animation.
One creature went over to her father. The leader of the other four
established telepathic communication with Betty.

The leader was about five feet tall.
others were about four feet tall. All had large pear-shaped heads,
wide catlike wraparound eyes, and diminutive ears and noses. Their
mouths were immobile slits that reminded Betty of scar lines. Each
wore a coverall blue uniform adorned with a Sam Browne-type belt.
An insignia of a bird was affixed to their sleeves. Their hands
had three digits. (Later, on the craft, they were gloved.) They wore
boot-like attire on their feet. They floated rather than walked.
Betty's initial fright was immediately calmed by an overpowering
sense of friendship. When she displayed concern for her family's
welfare, the creatures temporarily released her eleven-year-old
daughter, Becky, from this strange state of unawareness to assure
Betty that she was all right.
Then Betty was taken outside and brought on board a small
craft resting on the side of a hill that sloped into the back yard.
The machine was about twenty feet in diameter. It looked like two
saucers, one inverted upon the other, with a small superstructure on
The small craft accelerated and apparently merged with a larger
parent craft, in which Betty was subjected to the effects of strange
equipment and a physical examination. Then she was taken to an alien
place and given a bizarre object lesson that caused her to undergo a
painful yet ecstatic religious-like experience.
Later that night, a 10:40 p.m., Betty was returned home by two of
her alien captors. At home, she found her family still in a state of
suspended animation. One being had stayed behind to watch over them
during her absence. Then the beings put the family - still under
some type of mind control - to bed, and the aliens left.
Several times, the aliens had told Betty that certain
things had been locked in her mind. She was instructed to forget
her UFO experience until the appointed time. She consciously
remembered only a fraction of the strange encounter; the power
failure, the colored light flashing through the window, and the
aliens entering the house.
Betty, a devout Christian, interpreted the creatures as
religious or angelic in nature. The subject of UFOs was largely
unknown to her. Her education had been limited to ten years of
schooling, her basic interests included family, church, and
community-related activities. Not until much later did she think of
her experience as a possible UFO encounter.
In 1975, Betty responded to a local newspaper story about UFO
J. Allen Hynek, who was
soliciting personal UFO experience information from the public.
Betty's letter contained such few data, however, that it was filed
and forgotten until an investigation in January 1977.
investigating team consisted of:
They employed the services of a
professional hypnotist and a medical doctor trained in psychiatry.
During a twelve-month investigation, they conducted an
extensive character-reference check, two lie-detector tests, a
psychiatric interview, and fourteen lengthy hypnotic regression
sessions. Under hypnosis, Betty and her daughter relived a
consistent, detailed UFO experience with genuine physiological
Their three-volume, 528-page report led to the conclusion
that the witnesses were reliable and sane individuals who sincerely
believed the experience had really occurred.
Experience With the Being of Light
The following are the exact transcripts from her hypnotic
regression when Betty was regressed to her childhood during
one of her first abduction experiences and her encounter with the
Betty's words are in
blue. The hypnotherapist's words are in
coming up to this wall of glass and a big, big, big, big,
big door. It's made out of glass.
Does it have hinges?
No. It is so big and there is - I
can't explain it. It is door after door after door after
door. He (the alien leading her) is stopping there and
telling me to stop. I'm just stopping there. He says: "Now
you shall enter the door to see the One." And he says, "Fear
[Then Betty appeared to undergo an
out-of-body experience!]
And I'm
standing there and I'm coming out of myself! There's two of
me! There's two of me there!
Are you looking at yourself?
Uh, huh.
Okay. Do you see the One yet?
The One? No.
Okay, go on.
I'm coming up to the door, and the
little person is saying: "Now you shall enter the Great Door
and see the glory of the One." And I'm standing face to face
with that door.
[Betty now stood before the strange
door. Again she described its appearance and her out-of-body
There's a
big door there, and it is big, but it is strange. It is like
deeper and deeper and deeper. And it's bright, really
bright. And I have to stand before the door. But, before
that, I came out of myself. I was just standing over there,
and I was standing over here.
There were two of me, but that
one over there was stiff.
Have you tried to talk to your other self?
That won't work, because I'm over
here, and that one is over there.
She looks exactly like you? Is she making motions to
show you she is alive, like breathing, moving her arms?
Would you say she looks like a wax museum piece or
No, it looks just like me.
All right, go on.
I was told to come forward. I went in
the door, and it's very bright. I can't take you any
What do you mean, because?
I can't take you past this door.
Okay, I'll tell you what. You go past that door alone
then for a few minutes, okay?
[Time and again, the hypnotist tried
in different ways to induce Betty to tell him what was
behind the door - all in vain.]
Sometime maybe, if you change
your mind, would you tell me?
I can't change my mind. It is set.
What would happen to you if you did tell me?
I can't tell you. I'm sorry.
Okay, let's proceed to the first thing you can tell
me. Fair enough?
[Betty's face glows with joy]
What's happening now?
I'm coming out of that door, and it
was wonderful!
Did the One say something exciting?
I can't tell you. I'm sorry.
Would you say that the One was God?
Do you really know what God is?
I don't know. I was hoping that you had seen him and
could therefore tell me.
I can't tell you about that.
Okay, let's proceed. What's happening now? You just
came out of the room, and you feel great.
I come out of the door, and there is a
tall white-haired man standing there and he's got on a long
[The next session took place on May
15, 1980. Determined to find out what lay behind the Great
Door, the hypnotist again brought Betty back in time
to where she was standing before it.]
Where are you?
I'm before this huge great big door.
It's glass. Layers and layers of glass.
What are you standing on?
Let me ask you now: You're going to see the One now,
Why are you going to see the One?
Because it is time for me, they said,
for me to go home to see the One.
All right, in other words, does this imply that the
One is someone that you have seen before?
I don't remember.
Okay. Do you know why it is time to see the One? Why
haven't you asked questions?
They haven't been there very often.
Those little people haven't been there very much for me to
Yeah, but they are asking you to do a lot of things,
shall we say.
I know. But, I'm in their place. I
can't do anything.
Okay. In a moment you're going to see the One, right?
We don't want to waste the experience. We want to get the
most out of it. So when you see the One, I want you to ask
yourself: "What am I getting out of this? Why am I here?
And, what will this mean to me later on in my life?" It's
like any big experience a person is allowed to have. Okay? I
want you to progress to where the door is open and you are
seeing the One.
[At that very moment, an
indescribable smile came over Betty's face. The only
adjective that the investigators could think of to describe it
is rapturous. This expression of pure, unrestricted
happiness remained on Betty's face as the hypnotist continued to
question her.]
You seem happy. Why are you so
It's just - ah, I just, I can't tell
you about it.
All right. I know you can't tell me, but I want you
to do a few things. I want you to ask yourself why you are
being shown that which you are being shown. In other words,
you weren't given this trip just for a free ride, so to
speak. They want you to see what you are seeing. Does that
make sense?
All right. Now that you're there, ask yourself: "What
am I getting out of this? Why am I here? What am I supposed
to think about after I leave here?"
Oh, it matters not what I get from it.
What do you mean?
It's - words cannot explain it. It's
wonderful. It's for everybody. I just can't tell you this.
You can't? Okay, why can't you?
For one thing, it's too overwhelming
and it is - it is indescribable. I just can't tell you.
Besides it's just impossible for me to tell you.
All right. Are you capable, when looking around you,
to tell yourself?
I see it.
Right. That which you can see, you have a grasp of
even if you don't understand it.
I understand it. I'm sorry. I'm just
sorry. I wish I could share it with you.
Were you told not to share it with me?
It is like even if I was able to speak
it, I wouldn't be able to speak it. I can't. I'm sorry.
Were you specifically told not to speak it?
Partly, yeah.
How was it expressed to you?
I can't tell you those things. I'm
All right. Can we let the beings speak through you?
Suppose you just relax, and I'll put my hand on your
shoulder and with each number you will go deeper and deeper.
When I reach three, you will just relax and allow the beings
to speak through you. One, two, three.
[Betty began speaking in a strange
Okay, Betty, can you explain to
me so that I could understand what you have just said?
[Betty begins crying]
loves the world so very much.
And so many reject him.
Uh huh, okay. You said a lot of words. Can you
explain more of what you said?
They will be felt by those who believe
and have faith. They will feel the love radiating from them.
Okay, where are you now?
I'm where there is light.
And what do you see?
I cannot tell you this.
Okay, that's all right. Let me ask you. Do you feel
much love, the same love, or any different degree of love
now than you have before?
It's a greater love.
Okay. When will I understand all of the words that
the being said through you?
When you allow the Spirit to come upon
you and you are filled with that love.
Do you understand all the words that you have said?
I understand them, but they will not
come forth.
Okay, I'm trying to understand. I'm not trying to ask
you to divulge anything, all right? You understand them, but
you can't express them?
They're in my heart.
More like a feeling than a concept?
They're in my heart, in my mind, in my
Okay, could you explain this to your children?
What children?
[During this hypnotic session, Betty was regressed to a childhood experience when she was
single with no children.]
If you have children someday.
The words that you spoke, while they had a message of love
in them, did they also have a warning?
Yes. Those that do not have love have
nothing. Love is the answer.
[Again the hypnotist failed to
elicit the information that he sought regarding what Betty had
experienced while behind the Great Door. With endless patience,
he tried yet again.]
Okay. You've seen the One. Do
you feel different about anything now than you did before?
Everything is so wonderful!
Is there anybody that you don't like?
There are some people, shall we say, that aren't as
nice as other people, right?
No, everybody is nice. They are just
growing, that's all. If one doesn't understand another one,
they are just growing, that's all.
Okay, just relax. You've been to see the One and now
everything is a little nicer, right?
I understand that everything is one.
What do you mean?
Everything fits together. Everything
is one. It's beautiful! No matter what it is!
[Betty's experience with the One
ends here.]
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UFOs and
NearDeath Website
Betty Luca's description under
hypnosis of her experience of the One in the preceding page
is instantly recognizable as the same type of experience reported by
many experiencers, and even in many cases the same IDENTICAL
It is a
basic kind of spiritual experience, which has also been consistently
reported throughout history by saints, mystics, and various types of
The similarities between UFO abduction and NDEs
have been explored by a number of writers and researchers, the most
famous and credentialed of which is undoubtedly Dr. Ken Ring.
Dr. Ring did an extensive series of clinical studies on the NDE
and published his results in Life at Death and Heading
Toward Omega.
Then he did a follow-up project in which he
studied UFO experiencers (primarily "abductees"), and specifically
compared this phenomenon to that of near-death.
His full report can
be found in
The Omega Project; he found strong
similarities between the two types of experience, and hypothesized
that they may actually be two variants of a more basic underlying
Ring also quotes other commentators, who make the following
According to polls, we live in an
age where now most people believe that UFOs are real and
that 'people like us live on other planets.'
In that context,
since angels and demons are out of style, they now dress in the
costume of our own epoch's archetypal figure - the
extraterrestrial alien - whom we can see precisely because we
can now CONCEIVE of him; he conforms to and expresses our
current ideas of possibility.
Abductions may represent a
contemporary form of shamanic journey - one that fits and is
phrased in terms of a highly technological society which has
already turned its imaginative attention to star flight ...
Perhaps the (ancient) otherworld journey motif is 'camouflaged'
in the modern lore of space travel which, like the fantastic
voyage legends of the past, exemplifies what might be called the
lure of the edge.
These ecological and millennial themes have been part of the
canon of the UFO world and its literature for a long
time, and many persons have already commented on their
quasi-religious character.
Indeed, in an age where secular
thinking has come to be the standard but from which the
religious impulse has never
it is psychologically very understandable why traditional
religious images of salvation have come to be projected onto
the screen of a universe where, for some, it is easier to
believe in ETs than in God.
Betty Luca does believe in God very strongly,
being a devout Christian; yet a striking difference between her
experience and that of near-death experiencers is that
she was escorted to it not by dead relatives nor Christian
spiritual figures, but by small gray bug-eyed space aliens.
at the end of this first event, which occurred when she was only
13 years old, there appeared figures of a different type: a
number of entities who were human-looking except for their size,
being about seven feet tall; they were dressed in long white
robes, had pale-colored skin, and hair that was blond to white.
In a word, they looked exactly like the Christian image of
angels, except that they had no wings.
called these beings "the Elders," after the Christian
term used especially in the Book of Revelation, denoting
the angelic beings surrounding the throne of God.
(Note: Experiencers have also
reported being brought before a Council of Elders to have
a life review).
After some three decades of further
experiences, reported in a total of four books by researcher
Raymond Fowler, there came a point when the Elders seemed
to completely take over Betty's encounters.
All the earlier events, including her first experience of the One,
took place in mysterious locations which seemed to be underground,
or else on or near the surface of the earth.
But now, as reported in
the last of Fowler's books, The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and
the Near Death Experience, the small Grays came again for
Betty in a saucer, and for the first time took her into outer
space, where the small craft docked with a huge cylindrical
This was the domain of the Elders, who
apparently commanded the Grays in a symbiotic relationship.
This journey climaxed for Betty in another ecstatic
experience of the One, though this time the events leading up
to it were very different.
Betty asked why she was here with the Elders, and they said:
"Don't you remember your blessing?"
She didn't know what they were talking
about, and in response they used a machine to show her a scene from
earlier in her life.
It was at a church service, and what happened
was this:
Betty stood up and gave
testimony and pledged to use her talents for the glory of God.
This was probably not unusual for this type of service. But then
the minister suddenly began speaking in tongues.
His wife jumped
up, ran down the aisle to Betty, put her hands on Betty's head,
and began speaking in tongues herself. Then the minister
interpreted his wife's tongues; it was a message for Betty:
"You have given all that you have ... thou shalt be blessed
above women ... "
This was evidently the scene as Betty
remembered it from when she was younger.
But now in the strange
replay on the
she noticed some differences. Some of the people had a light around
them - these included Betty, the minister, and his wife. And two
Elders were present in the room, unseen by the congregation.
of the Elders stood behind the minister and put his hand on the
man's shoulder - and this is when he began speaking in tongues. Then
the Elder whispered in the ear of the minister's wife, and
this is when she jumped up and administered "the blessing" to
Betty. Evidently the whole scenario had been orchestrated by
the Elders.
After being shown this scene from the past, Betty witnessed
live what clearly seems to have been an act of ritual magic
performed by the Elders. Three of them stepped into a circle
drawn on the floor, subdivided by straight lines into six equal
They touched their hands together, and then, as they concentrated,
beams of light came out of their foreheads, and formed a triangle.
At length, in the center of this triangle, there appeared a ring of
light, floating in the air.
Three more Elders stepped into the circle, and they all began
chanting "Oh." Three more beams of light appeared, forming a perfect
hexagram. A larger circle of light formed around the heads of the
Then this light-ring moved upwards, shrank to the same
size as the ring in the center, and floated down and interconnected
with it, forming a revolving spherical object which finally
condensed into a beach ball-sized orb of lavender-purple light.
was then taken and placed in a four-pronged stand which had
obviously been designed specifically to hold such spheres.
The term "Elders" is Betty's name for these beings. When on
an earlier occasion she had asked them who they were, they had
answered that they are "the ambassadors of Oh, masters of rings,
cycles, and orbs."
Now, after witnessing the creation of this
magical orb, Betty asked an Elder:
"Who is Oh?"
He replied that Oh is "the internal, external,
eternal presence."
The next thing that happened, to Betty's
extreme startlement, was that the Elders induced an
out-of-body experience in her.
This is similar to what happened in
her experience at age 13, before she entered the Great Door and
saw the One. Now, on the mother-ship, as soon as she emerged in
her subtle body, one of the Elders handed her the orb of purple
light, and another led her through a portal made of rippling waves
of energy.
On the other side of the portal, Betty and the Elder
seemed to be on earth, in a woods at night.
Some hobos were
sleeping on the ground. One of them awakened and approached the two
visitors; he glowed with light. The Elder wore little rings of light
on his fingers. He allowed the hobo to take some of them, and
they turned into a single tiny ball of light, which the man kept.
Meanwhile, the larger orb in Betty's hands changed color
momentarily, evidently in resonance with the transaction.
Every once
in awhile, Betty's attention was drawn into the ball:
"Oh," she said, "it's just so
beautiful! Something in it keeps on moving ... "
Now the Elder touched Betty's
There was a little explosion of white light, and then they
were in a different place: a
room, where a very old man lay in a bed, with a nurse keeping vigil
beside him. And there was more: two small entities which seemed to
be made of darkness where tugging at the man, as if trying to pull
his soul out of his body - this was Betty's impression.
But there
was also present a light-being; this was a type of entity Betty
had encountered before in her experiences - it had no visible human
features, but appeared as a bodily form made of white light.
being was also tugging at the dying man; it was clearly a battle for
his soul between these opposing entities. The Elder resolved
the conflict: he threw two tiny balls of light at the black
entities, and they flew away.
The Elder and Betty next transported to a woods again,
where a small saucer and two of the Grays awaited them. They
went on board, and evidently flew up into the sky. Betty asked where
they were going now, and the Elder replied that they were going to
see the One.
Betty had to give the purple orb to one of the Grays; she was
very reluctant and sorrowful to give it up. The craft came to a
stop, and they emerged into a place filled with bright light. Above
them was the Great Door, which was the source of the light.
The Elder touched one of the Grays on the shoulder and spoke
to him, and he came along with the Elder and Betty as they walked
toward the Light.
Their walk turned into a run, as they moved
swiftly into the pure radiance.
Betty was overwhelmed with
the ecstasy of the One, which she re-experienced on the
hypnotist's couch, and the several people in attendance were all
profoundly moved by the visible effects of her transformation.
Betty, the Elder, and
the Gray all turned into light-beings as they went into
the One. Each was a different hue: the Elder's light-body
was pure white, the Gray alien's was light blue, and Betty's was
Betty said: "Oh, there is such love ... Oh, there is such peace
... I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light. Oh!
... Oh, this is everything, everything, everything ... I cannot
explain the wonder and beauty and love and peace."
And then came a heartbroken cry as Betty realized that
she would have to leave this beatific state of Oneness:
"Oh, I'm going to have to go back. I have to go back for others
so that they too will see, will understand and
And Betty, the Elder, and the Gray emerged
back out of the Light, turning back into their normal forms in
the process.
The Elder gave three of the tiny balls of light to
Betty; then she was escorted into the saucer and taken home
by the Grays.
She found her physical body sitting up on
the side of her bed next to her sleeping husband, and re-entered
it. The experience had ended.
Raymond Fowler's follow-up book
is entitled
The Andreasson Affair Phase Two - The
Continuing Investigation of a Woman's Abduction by Alien Beings.
He is also author of the books The Allagash Abductions:
Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention and UFO Testament :
Anatomy of an Abductee.
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An Interview
(Andreasson) Luca
by Brent Raynes
Alternate Perceptions Magazine
Issue # 86 - December 2004
MysteriousAmerica Website
Highly respected and one of the better known UFO “abductees,” the
subject of five books by the distinguished Raymond E. Fowler,
Betty Ann (Andreasson) Luca answers our questions.
Furthermore, I suspect we'll be hearing much more about Betty in the
near future.
She mentioned that the situation for her and her
husband Bob is still ongoing, and that much of the
information she received and collected from the Beings over
the years has been given careful study, and that two researchers in
particular have recently managed to “decipher part of the work, and
uncover some very profound and important revelations.”
In addition,
in early December 2005 Betty will speak at the
ARE's first annual UFO Conference in Virginia
Beach, VA.
Editor: Initially, back in
1967, you and members of your family suffered a very
disturbing series of memories revolving around a certain
experience that happened at your home in South Ashburnham,
For a good number of years afterwards you tried
to interest someone in the UFO community to look into what had
occurred, but it wasn't until a team of investigators headed by
Raymond E. Fowler that your situation got serious attention,
Can you describe what those early years was like, and
the effect that it had on you and your family?
Betty Ann Luca: When my 1967 UFO encounter
happened, only a small portion of memory was attained at the
time by me, even though other members of my family were present
such as my father, mother and seven children. However, three
days after the experience, my eleven year old daughter Becky
came to me concerning short dreams she was having of the unusual
Beings in our house.
Many years later my father had recall of
the initial visit from the Beings, but had not wanted to
get involved and was concerned for my welfare over me telling
others about it. He was on Disability and feared the government
would hurt him somehow through his Social Security.
This is how my UFO experience actually came to be public.
There was a Von Daniken article in the rag- tag paper called
The Enquirer. In it he was reporting about ancient crafts. I
was moved to write a letter to the newspaper about Von Daniken's
story, and the Enquirer sent my letter back and stamped it in
red, UFO!
Which surprised me for I knew nothing about UFOs.
Then a few years later an article appeared in a local newspaper
asking anyone that had a sighting to contact a
Dr. Hynek
of CUFOS, Center
for UFO Studies.
I remembered the red stamped ufo on my return
letter from the Enquirer and thought to send him everything I
had remembered of my odd experience. So I sent the information I
remembered of the silence, the blinking orange red lights
outside the pantry window, and description of the Beings coming
into my kitchen.
Dr. Hynek filed my letter
away for two years until a Massachusetts volunteer group of
researchers wanting to study any humanoid UFO case in their
area, contacted CUFOS and requested if there were any
such cases. That's when he sent my letter and address to them.
was contacted by Jules Vailencourt by telephone, and he
later visited us to see if we were willing to find out what
And that's how it all began. Jules would drive us to
Beverly, to the hypnotist's office. We were questioned
concerning what we remembered, then Dr. Edlestien
hypnotized us, and after each session we were questioned some
more. Each session was about an hour or more and by the time we
returned home we were exhausted and at times had to take a nap
from the long day.
At times I was left in subliminal
hypnosis and through the week began to have very strong flash
backs occur. Which scared me! I wanted to quit and expressed it
over the phone to Jules.
He pleaded with me to please
continue. That others had experienced things that I had happen.
Because the memories I was remembering seemed like science
fiction, I asked if there was any way it could be checked or
verified, to see if I was imagining, lying, or going insane from
the detailed experience flooding my mind. If so I would need
This opened the door for lie detector tests to be used on
both my daughter and I, and spontaneous psychiatric checks to
take place. Which made the investigators happy, for they wanted
to do this, but did not know how to approach the issue without
adding more stress to the situation of what happened to us.
Later when the Andreasson Affair was published there was
a whirlwind of media coverage! It was exceptionally frantic when
Raymond Fowler, my new husband Bob, and I had to promote
the A.A. book on radio and television, and newspaper/magazine
interviews across the country. All the attention was scary.
was somewhat shy, and didn't like to be known as the lady who
had a weird thing happen to her! In the earlier years after I
had sent the letter to Dr. Hynek I felt relieved and
everything returned to normal family life.
We had a mini farm
with Molly our cow, calves, pigs and chickens and large garden
to care for, besides seven children and my first husband's
father who'd had a stroke and was living with us. And then after
an anniversary party, my now ex-husband had too much to drink,
was incarcerated over night and disappeared the next day for
many months.
That was when the investigation of my case began,
and some months later my two sons died in an automobile
Editor: As the hypnotic exploration continued, repressed
memories that extended back to childhood events were also
recovered. There were certainly many startling revelations.
Ray Fowler even began to recognize symptoms of the UFO
abduction experience within himself and his own family.
did this evolving situation change things for you?
Betty Ann Luca: Yes, Dr. Edelstien tried to take
me back to a childhood experience.
And did break through to an
area that was dark. It was silent and three gray forms stood
motionless in a misty darkness. I became extremely fearful over
what I saw. Dr. Edelstein quickly pulled me out of
hypnosis, and did not want to pursue the experience any further
than what had been recalled, due to such a strong emotional
response from me at the time.
It would be many years later that
hypnotist Fred Max would manage to take me safely back to
my childhood encounters with
the grey Beings.
As Ray
Fowler began to recall his and his families own UFO
experiences, he wanted to delve deeper into the repressed
memories, however his wife was not comfortable with it. For she
also had witnessed disturbing and unusual things take place with
Ray. Ray tried to comfort her misgivings concerning the
possibility of family involvement with the phenomena.
knowing she was fearful for her families safety, I felt
uncomfortable each time I had to call Ray and report another
unusual experience happening to us.
Editor: Now, all of these years later, where have the
memories and revelations taken you?
Betty Ann Luca: After all the experiences, exposure, and
integration of this other dimension of reality, I feel more
aware of life, its complexities, and how like a river it flows
calmly onward to awaken the human race toward spiritual harmony.
Editor: What do you possibly foresee as the future for
humankind with regards to the ongoing UFO contact phenomenon?
Betty Ann Luca: The more we learn of the unknown the
greater understanding of who we are emerges. Facing new and
unusual experiences enhances our spiritual development. Why, and
what for, such contact takes place, may open a door to greater
knowledge of the hidden world that surrounds us.
Man is
resilient and can survive as long as he recognizes there are
certain forces that exist, that may or may not be controlled,
whether physical or spiritual, good or bad. They rest in God's
hands, whose Will is greater than ours.
Editor: What role do you feel that your Christian faith
has played in your rising above the initial trauma of the 1967
“abduction” and the positive spiritual level which you've
arrived at since?
Betty Ann Luca: My Christian belief is and has been the
most important thing in my life, since I was sixteen, when I
accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I
believed the Beings I experienced to be angelic.
Although the 1967 encounter was strange, and the grey Beings
were not as I envisioned an angel to look like. It did not
frighten me when they entered my home.
For I knew and know I am
in the Lord's care. I was at a positive level back
then, and it has been enhanced now for many years. First,
through belief in the word of God. Second from all the
visitations. And third seeing most all the information the
Beings have related to me has been coming to pass.
Editor: Do you think that the UFO phenomenon can
be adequately addressed as a physical hard “nuts and bolts”
science alone, or do you feel that spirituality must also be
included in this quest?
Betty Ann Luca: No, I don't think the UFO phenomenon
can be adequately addressed alone as physical hard “nuts and
bolts” science. When God made heaven and earth it was
first spiritually made.
Heaven and earth was spirit. But it was
without a form and was void. There was actually no visible form
and it was empty. It was only after the spiritual image was
created that a physical form followed which was filled with
substance to complete the work. When we see the “nuts and
bolts,” we are looking at the forms without realizing it exists
because of Spirit. Nothing can exist until it is spirit.
The spiritual part of the UFO
phenomena is not considered because we look at the material
form only.
The spirit rests within the finished product. Faith
is spiritual. As the scripture says, faith is the substance
hoped for, the evidence not seen. Faith is the power of spirit
that creates form and substance into existence. Anything that
has become was first spirit, thought, word, or idea.
definitely, in order to understand the UFO phenomenon,
spirituality must be present.
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