by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
"Race" distinguishes various Star
Visitors of decidedly different appearances.
More research into exo-biology,
(the science of Star Visitor life's physical structure and
processes), will help us understand better how many races of
intelligent species we are dealing.
So would the declassifying of
the Government's already considerable covert research on Star
Visitor ("exo-")biology, (such as is going on at NASA's Ames
Research Center, Sunnyvale, CA, and at Los Alamos National
Laboratories, NM.)
For convenience I shall use the term "race" to distinguish
Visitors of significantly different anatomical features.
The most common Star Visitor race
encountered, the Zetas, has a number of variants. These
variations in size and details of appearance may represent
origins on different planets. This Zeta race is popularly, and
rather imprecisely, called the "Greys".
The Zetas are stereotyped, by
uninformed or careless writers, as: short, upright, two-legged
beings, three-and-a-half feet tall, with grayish- white skin,
large, hairless, fetal-shaped heads, with huge, all-black,
sloping, almond-shaped eyes without pupils or eyelids, whose
eyes wrap around partially towards the temple-area sides of the
head, a narrow jaw tapering to almost a V, small nostril holes
but no nose, a small, thin, lip-less, horizontal slit for a
mouth, thin torsos with no ribs and no genitals evident, long,
spindly, but surprisingly strong arms reaching to the knees,
similarly long, very thin legs, and hands with three long,
non-tapering, joint-less fingers, which end in claws instead of
fingernails, but no thumb.
To be sure, there is such a race of
beings; or at least a race, of which this is one variant.
However, there are also:
five-foot tall Zetas
seven-foot tall Zetas
Zetas with mushroom-white
Zetas with brown skin
Zetas with black skin
Zetas whose large eyes have
a thin nictitating membrane which can extend across the
Zetas with midnight-blue
Zetas with wispy fine small
amounts of hair on their heads
Zetas with four fingers
Zetas with three or four
fingers plus another finger positioned where the human
thumb would be
Zetas whose fingers end with
suction-cup-like tips
Councillor Meata of the
Star Nations High Council says that the Tall Zetas,
distinguished in size from the Short (3-1/2-foot-tall) Zetas,
are very gifted with teaching skills.
Indeed, noted author
Whitley Streiber describes in his book
The Secret School:
Preparation For Contact, it is a female Tall Zeta who taught him
as a child, along with selected other San Antonio, Texas small
children, at night in a wooded grove as a kind of educational
group close encounter.
There have also been Star Visitors
reported who have a large process of folds along the back of
their heads, a series of deep creases or crevices along the top
of the head, sloping down forward towards the front, and with a
strongly-pronounced brow-ridge above the eyes.
Are these twelve different races
or variants based on evolving in different climactic zones
on one planet?
Does this represent racial
variation within inhabited planets in one star system?
Or are these variations which
occur within one cluster of star systems?
Or does the Zeta genotype tend
to appear in many different star systems, on some planets,
along with other races, on other planets, within those same
star systems?
The truth is, we do not know. Or at
least that information has not been released to the public.
Thus, we are still at the stage of gathering information on the
various different types of intelligent lifeforms visiting our
Another source of variation even
within what is apparently one race is clothing. Many
experiencers report that their Zeta visitors wore no clothes.
Others have seen Zetas wearing long robes and hoods over their
heads. Others have seen crews where both versions of attire, as
well as close-fitting jumpsuits, were in evidence. Yet Zetas are
not the only ones wearing robes.
Councillor Meata of the
Star Nations’ High Council
says that the Zeta are renown for their working with energy
of various forms. They also excel at gathering information, and
the Star Nations rely on their reports in addition to those
gathered from
the Watchers, (Star Visitors human and Walk-In
volunteers on Earth who compile information about what is going
on with the planet and with human society.)
Another race of Star Visitors is the
4-to-5 1/2-foot tall Being, with a somewhat large head
(by comparison with the human head) but not as proportionally
large as the Zetas, and who has somewhat large (but smaller than
the Zetas) dark oval eyes, spindly frame and limbs, and a hand
with three long, cartilaginous, bone-less fingers, which end
with neither claw nor suction-cup, but rather "ordinary"
fingertip shape, except that their fingers do not taper.
A more distinctive kind of Star
Visitor is the "Praying Mantis type" race. These Beings
have long, narrow faces, with long, narrow, large eyes, sharply
slanted upward and outward in an almost narrow-V position, given
an almost insect-like appearance. This comparison is heightened
by the Praying-Mantis types' extremely thin, long torsos, long,
extremely-thin arms which are usually crooked into a sharp bend
at the mid-joint, with the hand and fingers/mitten sloping
almost vertically downward from the "wrist", and legs also bent
at an almost right-angle at the mid-joint, creating a crouched
The overall effect is the
characteristic "Praying Mantis" look. It should be noted that
experiencers feel that this type is no insect, but rather an
intelligent, gentle-spirited, but somewhat "hyper" and
jerky-moving, human-like lifeform. There are both males and
females. Star Nations Councillor Meata says that the Praying
Mantis beings are gifted with the Spiritual Teachings, and visit
Humans particularly when this kind of help is needed to be
shared. These beings often are called Angels by people because
they wear garments that are very shiny.
Another race is the so-called "Reptilians",
or "Reptoids", although I note again that there is no
implication in these descriptors of anything other than of
intelligent, communicative persons. What distinguishes these
"Reptilian" Star Visitors is their skin, which has small, fine
scales, rather than smooth, their face, which has larger-than-human yellowish-green eyes with a "starburst"-shaped pupil, the
eyes often oval, and an almost snout-like blunt process in the
area of the nose and mouth, giving this type an almost
dragon-like humanoid appearance.
The Reptoids have very powerful emotional energy, sometimes so
strong that, as one experiencer described it, “it can almost
floor you. But they are so sensitive and kind. And they have
hearts the size of Texas.”
Another group of Star Visitors for
convenience, I call the "Jawas", after their resemblance
to the creatures in the film, Star Wars. This group is
distinguished by their clothing. They wear hoods and robes, are
generally short (three to four-and-a-half feet tall), and their
faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their hoods.
Sometimes there is a much taller hooded and robed one on board
the UFO, who often stands to the Experiencer's left as s/he lies
on the Visitor medical examining table.
This Tall One appears to direct the
procedures, and often is the one who telepathically communicates
with the Experiencer. A few Experiencers have noted glowing eyes
under the "Jawas'" hoods. Other Experiencers have reported that
when they got a glimpse of the being whose face was shadowed by
the hood, it was a type of Zeta. Still others saw neither
glowing eyes nor Zetas under the hoods, but rather never could
distinguish the features in the shadows of the hoods. Councillor Meata of the
Star Nations High Council says that the “Jawas”
often serve as the “mechanics”, and are noted for their
expertise with technology.
There are often mixed-race crews on
the UFO's. In such cases there could be "Jawas" or "Praying
Mantis" types or "Reptoids" or Zetas, joining in a coordinated
effort in carrying out scientific or medical tasks.
A few Experiencers have noted robot-like figures, whose movements and "vibes" (or rather
lack thereof) strongly suggest that these are robots sent
remotely by the Star Visitors to observe, reconnoiter, and
possibly retrieve objects. However, I have not encountered any
reports of robots actually interfacing with humans to accomplish
communication, or to remove the human to their craft for
scientific examination. The robot-like figures appear to be
relegated to the more impersonal tasks of information-gathering
and stealthy surveillance, without the risk to the Star Visitors
that they would otherwise run of possibly encountering responses
from hostile humans.
My research has also come up with a
goodly number of reports of "Humanoids", "Blondes",
"Nordics", or "Pleideans" Star Visitors almost
indistinguishable from humans. Indeed, Native American and other
indigenous people's traditions point to their origin from the
worlds of these human-looking Visitors in the Pleiades,
Orion and other star systems. If you were to place a pair of
sunglasses on one of these "Nordic" Visitors, they would be
indistinguishable from a Scandinavian-American citizen.
Councillor Meata of the Star Nations High Council says that the
Pleiadeans are especially gifted in medicine. When people are
brought onto "ships" for physical body work, healers like the Pleiadeans work with them.
Former USAF Airman
Charles Hall
describes an extraterrestrial race he calls
the Tall Whites.
This race originates from a location near the star Arcturus.
These Tall Whites are in adulthood around six feet in height and
have generally humanoid features. They have blond hair,
generally worn short, and the women tend to wear their hair in a
feminine form of short cut. They are blue-eyed, and have
larger-than-human eyes which wrap part-way around the side of
their head. The Tall Whites otherwise look quite human, except
that their skin is a chalky-white in color. They have hands with
four fingers, the tips of which do not end in finger nails but
rather in harder, two-inch-long claw-like appendages.
The typical clothing of the
Tall Whites is an aluminized,
chalk-white jump suit of canvas-looking fabric. They also wear
gloves of the same material, and an open, white, motorcycle-like
helmet. Both the suit and the helmet emit a three-inch-out field
of soft-white fluorescent light. The intensity of this emitted
light can be varied from soft to too bright to look at without
These Tall Whites have very high intelligence and an
information-processing speed which Mr. Hall estimates at 3-1/2
times faster than bright humans. The Tall Whites's technology is
equally advanced. One element of their technology is a
transporter suit which they put on which provides personal
antigravity levitation and above-ground movement, as well as
force-field protection against attacks, e.g., would slow a
bullet to where it would fall to the ground.
Another element of their technology is their spacecraft. They
operate smaller scout ships which can transport a limited number
of individuals. And then they have deep-space vessels than can
travel between star systems. Their scout craft are white in
color, ellipsoidal or egg-shaped, with a molded flat bottom. It
has a row of large windows on each side, sort of like an
airplane. Its size is comparable to that of a passenger train's
diesel engine, and has two windows in front much like a train
diesel engine. The range of these scout craft permit travel as
far as the Moon or even Mars. But not deep space.
Their deep-space vessels are very large, sleek, black
antigravity craft, 70 feet high, 300 feet wide, and 500 feet
long. These vessels also have pilot windows, as well as have
regularly-spaced running lights along their edges. Their range
extends out many light years into space. Their top speed exceeds
the speed of light by a considerable margin.
Airman Hall also reported a
human-like race,
the Saami, that migrated from
Star are are resident in the Saami (Lapland) region above the
Arctic Circle in Scandinavia.
These Hall dubbed the
“Norwegians”. They are distinguished from regular humans by
their having only 24 teeth, instead of the normal-human 32
teeth. Also, these Saami people can regrow a tooth to replace
adult tooth which has been removed.
Otherwise they are indistinguishable
from humans. Some of these Saami migrated to the U.S. and live
in northern-tier states such as Wisconsin.
Zulu history also tells a story of a white-skinned man and a
woman coming down from the sky on a cloud and alighting upon a
hilltop. These people were white and shiny with hair of gold and
wearing shiny clothes. Their huts are thatched with shining
grass. Their village was said to be lit by a mightier light than
any on this world.
Former National Security Council
consultant-scientist Dr.
Michael Wolf has described
people from the Altair Aquila star system who are virtually
indistinguishable from humans. He worked with one, Anon Sa Ra, a
Star visitor consultant scientist.
Wolf also described a race
dubbed the "Semitics", of average height and a generally
human-like appearance, except for their very large hooked nose.
"This was the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base, [New
Mexico, in the Sixties], and conversed with some generals
Dr. Wolf called the
human-like race he worked with the “Nordics”, and these
are different from Airman Hall’s Tall Whites. Wolf said, "The
Semitics and Nordics come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the
Pleiades." Whereas, Hall identifies the home world of the Tall
Whites as near the Arcturus star system.
I have also encountered reports
where the Experiencer believed that the Star Visitor s/he was
dealing with appeared to be a human.
However, in some cases,
this turned out to be an Star Visitor-imposed mental
visualization in the mind of the experiencer, the so-called
"screen memory". Upon closer looking, the experiencer was able
to see the actual nonhuman face of the Star Visitor behind the
mentally-imposed "human" mask.
My favorite variation of this mental cloaking experience
occurred to one experiencer who believed she was encountering a
human "spaceman". I invited the Experiencer to look closely and
carefully at the face of the "human spaceman". When she did so,
she suddenly was startled. "Oh, my", she said, "It's not a human
after all. It's one of those Grays."
Other details made me
suspect we were still not done. I suggested she study closely
the face of her Zeta visitor. Startled, she could see that it
was a "Reptoid" who had previously cloaked himself mentally as a
Another Star Visitor racial type
described are the short, chubby "Dwarf" Star Visitors,
with round pudgy faces. They seem to be relegated to doing the
menial chores during a contact.
Dr. Michael Wolf also shared
the information that the cetaceans (dolphins and whales)
were seeded here long ago, are highly intelligent, telepathic,
and social, and have their origin as a star species.
Another race here which has its
origin in the stars is the group variously called the Bigfoot,
Yeti, Sasquatch, and the “Abominable Snowman”.
Jack “Kewaunee” Lapsertios, M.S., author of “The
Psychic Sasquatch”, told me that these beings are very hairy
and muscular yet intelligent humanoids, telepathic, social, but
very avoidant of humans, unless they gradually learn there is
one they can trust not to harm them.
Yet another race is what could be
dubbed the Bird People. This group’s most pronounced
feature is a broad, downward-sloping proboscis, somewhat like an
oversize broad bird beak or flexible dolphin beak, with the
mouth underneath the beak. These Visitors have graceful ovoid
heads, and long thin necks. They have thin, horizontal,
slit-like eyes with dark pupils. They are telepathic, kind-hearted, and powerful healers and teachers.
Then there are the light beings, the
energy beings, and the pure, disembodied consciousness beings.
The light and energy beings do not have a solid,
three-dimensional body, but rather there presence is marked by
the presence of an ill-defined mass of light or other energy. In
the case of the pure consciousness beings, the only signal of
their presence is the onset of telepathic contact, and,
occasionally, their influence on something in the local
Undoubtedly, many more races could
be described. We as humans are challenged by intelligent life
that looks so different from us, a challenge which can be
disturbing. But it can also remind us that the Source of All is
myriad in its expression of lifeforms, including intelligent
lifeforms, across the vast Universe. Only the most
anthropocentric would be offended by the Supreme Source's
creation of intelligence in other anatomical packages.
indeed, Star Visitor messages tell us that we are that special
variant mix of intelligent life: part-Earth primate, part-Star
Visitor intelligent lifeform.
Thus, when any of us has an encounter with a
Star Visitor, we
truly are meeting our "distant cousins".
Addendum - My Research
Findings About the Star Visitors
My research findings are that the universe is an extremely broad
place, harboring countless myriad of intelligent life forms at
various stages of evolution, intellectual and moral development.
is obvious that in such a universe there would be and are
intelligent beings at levels of development as primitive as we are,
and even lesser developed. To cut to the chase, it does not matter
how many civilizations are ahead of us in development, at roughly
equal level, or behind us in development. As a practical matter,
what counts is the societies which are in contact with Earth.
Fortunately for Earth, we have been contacted by member societies of
the Star Nations, a broad coalition all of whose members subscribe
to the metaphysical, spiritual and moral principles of the 11
Universal Laws and the 11 Spiritual Laws of the cosmos. (See:
Because these societies adhere to this set of principles, their
interaction with Earth is careful, moral and just, and has as its
objective the fostering of our development past the crucial
faltering stage we are in.
So, to review the obvious corollaries: Are there civilizations out
in space less developed, as aggressive, as territorial, as
overreaching, as some on Earth? Yes, there are. Luckily for us, the
Star Nations provide a cordon of protection for Earth, so that we do
not have to deal with such societies.
One cannot arrive at a correct understanding of the civilizations of
space by extrapolating from Earth experience. In Anthropology this
is called the anthropomorphic fallacy: imputing to others thoughts
and behaviors based on our own cultural set.
"As above, so below"
doesn't work. We are not the universal template for the cosmos.
Rather, the proper approach is the scientific approach is based on
dispassionate and careful evaluation of genuine evidence. The
evidence amassed by the community of behavioral scientists
specializing in this area is that we are in contact with more
developed benign races.
The basic course in Logic teaches to reject the
Reduction-To-Absurdity Fallacy. So, to posit that if Star Visitors
are not as underdeveloped as we are, "the rest of the universe must
be inhabited only by saints and angels" is such a
reductio ad
The clear evidence from those who have had actual, genuine
contact and communication with the Star Visitors indicates that they
also face challenges, sometimes have divergent points of view that
they must then discuss and endeavor to resolve.
The members of the
Star Nations have feelings, hopes, aspirations, feel pain, mourn
loss, suffer disappointment.
No life is immune from struggle and
The search for evidence in an arena such as Star Visitors
contact with humans is complicated, laced as it is by deliberately
planted disinformation, human deceit and treachery,
attention-seeking pseudo-victims and "channelers", planted "ufologists"
actually working for the UFO Cover-Up organization, and deliberately
deceptive stealth kidnappings by rogue units who then abuse, drug
and hypnotically reprogram their victims to either misremember their
ordeal as an "alien abduction", or not remember it at all but
instead carry around in their mind false information and programming
to be assumed as their own thinking. In such a deliberately
confusing smoke-and-mirrors environment it is easy to become misled.
And many do...
Cabal operatives plant stories and
supposed "government leaks" about ill-intentioned "aliens" seducing
the government with offers of advanced weapons technology in
exchange for government permission for experimentation on humans,
such lurid tales betray their origin as the projections of rogue
military intelligence.
The above propaganda story is a complete
distortion of the facts.
The actual facts are that Star Visitors of the Star Nations have
made contact with certain governmental officials, as well as
millions of ordinary citizens.
As documented by Dr. Michael Wolf of
the NSC, USAF Colonel
Steve Wilson and others, Star Visitors have
both requested Earth governments to prepare and then inform their
people about Star Nations contact and communication; and have
meanwhile offered assistance to Human scientists in advancing Human
understanding in astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, electronics,
philosophy, cosmology, spirituality, etc.
This assistance is benign, and intended
as a sign of good faith and intentions. Over the decades Humans have
made spectacular advances in medicine, communications, science and
engineering as a result of this information sharing.
The Star
Visitors are not to blame if certain rogue military and Cabal
operatives steal and misapply some of these benign technologies to
weapons purposes.
The visits some Star Visitors make which involve scientific and
medical procedures have various purposes. In some cases Humans are
being upgraded to operate at a higher level physiologically,
mentally, and psychically. In other instances the reproductive
material of a given person is genetically upgraded so that when that
person later goes on to have a child, that child will operate at a
much higher level in terms of physical, emotional, mental and
psychic development, a Star Kid.
In yet other occasions the Star
Visitor examine samples of the population to learn about such things
as how fast and how far pollution is affecting our bodies and the
food we eat.
They also check on samples of mental
development, attunement to spiritual realities, and current level of
moral reasoning. Other visits serve as educational seminars, either
individually or in group learning settings.
During these educational
sessions various things are taught and shown, including scenes of
probable futures if Humans continue on their current course, or, in
some instances, Star Seed adults and Star Kids are shown important
missions which they can decide about taking on.
Why do the Star Visitors intervene?
Because they see that Earth is
on an extremely dangerous course, facing collapse of ecosystems,
nuclear war, biological warfare, continued concentration of power
for total domination of fellow humans by
the geoplutocratic cartel known as the Cabal,
and potential failure to reach our potential as a mature species,
constructing and living in a society of high social, moral and
spiritual development.
Their response is akin to that of
fireman paramedics responding to a 911 call about persons
unconscious on the floor of a burning house.
If the Star Nations act
with a sense of urgency, and don't wait for cowardly governments to
eventually get around to informing their citizens about official
contact, their sense of urgency seems eminently appropriate.
Additional information on the Star Nations from Star Visitor Neuman
Then there is the matter of societal organization among the Star
Is each culture operating in a freelance way? Or are there
overarching organizational structures coordinating the efforts of
each with Earth?
An answer comes from one Star Visitor, (Arthur)
Neuman, who answers
three questions about Star Visitor organization in a dialogue with
Marian MacNeil, who in turn provided this transcription.
“Question 1: What is the purpose
of the Councils and Federations?”
Federations and the Councils within are important
frameworks of the advanced Star Visitors. These enable us to
have an organized plan as we go about observing and assisting
groups of evolving Beings, such as yourselves . . . Terra
humans. As species develop into viable Universal beings, we
invite groups to join one or more of the Federations.
We have
more than one Federation. Their representatives are then chosen
to maintain the Main overseeing group for Star Visitors. The
individual Federations have full control over their group
"You might picture the Main Federation like your UN Security
Council, which keeps abreast of the activities of main body of
the U.N.. Most Federations have representatives from other
Federations. This large network works very well for and in the
various dimensions, including the third dimension.
"Before a young species group is admitted into a Federation, the
core representatives must approve them. Much research goes into
the acceptance of these new species. This observing takes 'time'
as you know it, watching many thousands of years for development
in physical, mental and very importantly, the Spiritual growth
of any species. This facet includes the emotional balance of
individuals and as a whole .
"Federations operate in 'sectors' although there is an overlap
of sectors. It depends on the 'interests' of each Federation
group. Many different species groups are aware of the activities
going on, on your Earth planet, not only you humans but all life
and the planet itself. We observe and enhance all living
creatures from time to time. This takes many, many years of your
time awareness.
"Since your humanity's era of the industrial Revolution, your
species has changed the aura, should we say, the makeup, of
earth energies and other life forms on your planet. The
extinction of many species shows that the changes disrupted the
energies so those species could no longer survive on the planet.
Not good.
"Your most recent times have been devastating to al life forms.
Earth is in a crisis! This shows us that Earth humanity is not
progressing in the proper way as a whole. Those you title light
workers, and others who are developing positive awareness, are
observed, assisted and adjusted for future work among the
Earth, herself, is transforming and becoming
lighter on many levels. This process releases unwanted 'times',
toxins, and negative energies she has been forced to endure over
the past several hundreds of years."
"Question 2: What does it mean to be presented before the
"As you have stated, My Little One, having the opportunity to be
with a Council is an honor for terra humans. It is an honor for
the Star Visitor research group monitoring your Spirit Energies.
A host of humanity has been presented before a Council. The
Council views the truth of one's Spirit, the balancing of
actions with missions, the Intention created by the Core of the
Spirit evolving while on your planet.
As a Being evolves on your
planet, we find the original Intention sometimes gets dislodged
as the energy forces of the life take over for a time. The key
is the budding awareness or awakening.
This is what we look for during
these individual and group reviews. We view the various energy
levels, impart energy to each, give messages and make
adjustments by thought transference during those meetings. Even
when one is unaware, conscious-wise, a meeting is very valuable
to that being.
The awakening of consciousness often starts with
a review or some other type of experience with the Star
Visitors. Councils help Star Visitor 'Guides' in determining
when the time is right for individual awakening experiences.
Various Councils across the span of the dimensional Universe
review many, many groups of young species."
"Question 3: Is humanity a representative of the Star
"As these reviews take place over the thousands of years, the
various Councils report to the Federations the basic 'Missions'
of the individual groups of beings, whether it is technical or
more Spiritual, and the progress made, or not made.
observations show which Federation will benefit by the inclusion
of that specific species into that specific Federation.
It is not until the young group has
found the positive, peaceful balance between technology and 'Spiritology
is that group able to join any Federation. Until inclusion, we
allow only observation of the younger groups.
Adjustments, total
awareness (disclosure) and acceptance of total reality is
available to these young groups as they evolve. The reviews
include still unaware individuals which are basic
'representatives' of your humanity.
Until they include the group
in a Federation, individuals of a group do not represent the
“I remain,