From: National Security Council
Codename: Falcon |
There are many hazards involved with exposing information regarding UFOs. It
has not been until quite recently that any degree of safety at all has been
available for people releasing such information. Were it not for the fact
that Cooper released his information so far and Wide and it filtered to so
many people at once—newspapers, legislators, heads of state, people in
important positions all over the world—he would have suffered severely. But
because it was scattered so quickly, it would have been fruitless to silence
him after the information had been released. It would only have added to the
credibility of the information.
At the beginning of 1990, there was still an active debate in certain
circles about what to do about Cooper—whether to deal with him in a
threatening manner or to simply discredit him. A campaign planned to use
approximately one million dollars worth of effort to discredit him. The money
was to be used to imply that Cooper made up or gathered information from
various sources and threw it together for a personal financial motive. It
was not to come through normal media channels, but through UFO magazines and
newsletters in the form of articles and exposes and through UFO groups, most
of which are controlled. Alternate UFO scenarios were also to be released so
that by the time 1990 ended, many different scenarios would be floating
around. People would be unable to decipher which one was true and which one
As long as interest was shown in the Cooper material by only a small group
of people who happened to be curious about UFOs, there was to be no action
taken. But if Cooper’s material was taken seriously by
credible people, these would be the target for the efforts to discredit him.
Enormous amounts of previously highly classified information have been
brought out into the open. We now have a situation where, individuals,
instead of being forced to remain silent for fear of assassination are not
afraid to tell what they know. Too many have seen. Too many have witnessed.
They cannot all be silenced. This is the beginning of the end of the
security surrounding this situation. Therefore, the following information
shall be released.
The present number of alien types having contact with the earth right now is
nine, with seven being relatively permanent and five being influential.
Contrary to the information that the government might release, not all
inhabitants are friendly representatives from the Galactic Space
Zeta Reticuli Greys come from Zeta Reticulan, near
Barnard’s Star, which is
a neighboring star system to Orion. They are very short (about 3 ½ to 4 feet
tall), grayish silver in color and have no sexual or digestive parts to
their bodies. They are created through a cloning process of alien genetic
engineering. They are an ancient race and have reproduced themselves for
thousands of years. They have very limited facial features. They have large
eyes, a very small slit for a mouth and no nose to speak of. The eyes are
large almond-shaped and black.
They have evolved beyond the sexual reproduction process so that all sexual
organs and their digestive tracts have totally atrophied. They are no longer
capable of eating or indulging in sexual activities. They are a close
relative to the insect family.
The Zetas are the ones involved in the cattle mutilations. They absorb
certain substances from parts of the cattle that stabilize them during the
cloning process. This can be placed under the tongue to give sustenance and
stability for some time. It is a substance that comes from certain mucus
membranes: the lips, nose, genitals and rectum, and also from certain organs.
These glandular substances serve as nutrients in lieu of eating.
Resting the substances under the tongue is not the only way they get
nutrition. You may have noticed that the cattle mutilations generally result
in all the blood being drained from the body. The Zetas have in their bases
canisters and vats in which animal and human organs float along with a
purple liquid to hold these parts in suspension. The Zetas swim in the
mixture and absorb the nutrients through their skin. They use hydrogen
peroxide in both the absorption and elimination process. The hydrogen
peroxide also helps to preserve the liquid and organ mixture to keep it from
They have no digestive tract and eliminate through the skin. To eliminate,
they need to pass the substance through some part of their body, much the
same way plants eliminate through their skin or outer shells. They use
hydrogen peroxide for helping with that elimination as well.
The Zetas have also been referred to as the
Little Green Men because they
tend to turn a shade of green when they have not received sufficient food.
When they are in this state, they are very vicious. The cloning of these
aliens can be done quite quickly, reproducing synthetic replicas. They have
a technology that is much beyond that of humans and that has led to the
agreements with the United States government whereby exchanges of these
techniques could occur.
The Zeta Reticuli Greys are not masters of their own
fate. They are, rather, subservient to a reptilian race of people from their
home planet. The Zetas seek, but are fearful of, freedom from their masters.
They seem to have some desire to work closely with humans in an effort to
retain the freedom they have on earth, which they have never experienced
before. In their desire to retain that freedom from their reptilian masters,
they would hope to play the role of being masters here on earth, or at least
having enough control so as to be safe from slavery by any other species.
The Zetas are of two social classes:
one being hawkish
the other more dove-like
The more dove-like Zetas are more refined and capable of more business-like
behavior toward humans, while the other type is more abrupt, blunt and crude
in their directness. The Zetas desire the help of humans in an expected
future confrontation with the reptilian masters who are expected to follow
soon, within the next 20 years. This refers to the so-called asteroid that
is on its way toward earth. It is housing approximately 30 million reptilian
aliens. It has, however, temporarily diverted its path as it moves into the
constellation of Draco.
short Grey, which is shorter than the Zeta Reticuli, is from a star
system near the Orion constellation, near the shoulder of the figure in a
star system called Belletrax. They are shorter, much like dwarves (about 1 ½
feet tall). They are more indirect, but just as vicious towards humans as
the Zetas.
Both the Bellatrax Grays and the
Zeta Reticuli Greys are related genetically
from the same root race and look very much alike except for size.
The other type of Grey is the
tall, big-nosed Grey. They have large noses
and stand about 7 or 8 feet tall. They are based in the Aleutian Islands and
recently were witnessed in a park in the Eastern part of Russia. These
creatures are hostile, but less vicious toward humans. They tend to try to
influence through the use of political controls. They have certain powers
and technologies that allow them to perform actions that appear miraculous.
In the Russian incident, a woman whose leg was deformed was picked up by
these Orion Greys and was released thousands of miles away. Her leg was
healed. The aliens did not heal her leg. They transplanted a new leg onto
her body. The Orion Grays give the impression that they are benevolent
towards humans, but they are heavily into genetic engineering. They use
humans as guinea pigs to conduct various experiments. They have grown arms
and legs and other body parts in a formless matrix made from human flesh. A
leg may grow out of a torso, hands might grow from the middle of the torso’s
stomach. All this is done through the injecting of certain genomes into
flesh and the application of electromagnetic charges. In this way they can
grow human body parts to help deformed or injured humans—or for their own
purposes of food and sustenance. They are interested in controlling the
masses of the earth through certain negotiated agreements with those in
The Greys are all, to some degree, influencing human history at this time.
The nature of the Greys, especially the Zeta Reticuli and the short Greys,
is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are
very calculating, cold intellectuals and see humans as being inferior. They
look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows. They understand
the passions and compassion of humans to the degree it is observable by them.
But they do not have feelings. These aliens are on the equivalent human level of cannibals. They see humans
being an inferior species. They are carnivorous. The Zeta Reticuli Greys
feed upon glandular secretions of humans and are quite capable of killing
people for that secretion, or abducting humans and extracting the secretions
for themselves. The genetic manipulation is one way that the aliens see as
evolving and saving their dying race. In a sense, humans are suddenly the
saviors of the souls of the aliens. But at least it is a way that humans may
have an influence on the aliens. This is not the first time that a
civilization has attempted to absorb an enemy rather than defeating it.
While the enemy invader may assume that they are taking over, they are in
fact being absorbed. The Tartars invaded Russia and within a hundred years
were absorbed into Russian society.
Of the five, those from
the Pleiades are entities who are
distant relatives
of humankind. They are related to and are the forefather race of the genetic
creation of humankind. They are of a higher spiritual development than most
people on earth at this time. They have a kinship towards humans, and are
essentially the only aliens who can to be trusted by humans. They have
blonde hair and fair skin. They are allied with the Intergalactic Space
Confederation. That doesn’t mean that all entities of human appearance in
space craft can or should be trusted, for there are humans from this planet
from various governments who are working for the Zeta Reticuli Grays.
from the Pleiades are subordinates to the Grays, having been abducted as
children or offspring of the abductees. They have been raised and trained by
the Grays as servants. The humans from the Pleiades have made several earth
contacts, but in recent times have suspended visitations to earth.
The government was told that this was because of a space law that states
that the destiny of a people shall not be interfered with unless it
threatens themselves or others in the galaxy. If the threat of nuclear war
became strong enough, these entities indicated that they might interfere,
but only to the degree of reducing that threat. That could also set up a conflict between
the Pleiadeans and the Zeta Grays, to
whom a limited nuclear war is seen as beneficial.
Since the humans have made an
agreement and pact with the Zeta Greys, even
though there were warnings by the Pleiadeans against this, there is now a
“hands off” policy. The Pleiadeans feel that the humans have made their bed and now they must lie in it. It is not likely that humans
will be rescued from planned events simply to make things easier for humans
to overcome the masters they have agreed to work with.
In the constellation of Draco, there is another race of entities which has
in the past visited Earth. They are 8-foot-tall, dark, nocturnal aliens who
appeared around graveyards and parks. They have red eyes that glow in the
dark and wings to fly. They are referred to by us as Mothmen. They are also
the source of legends of the past relating to gargoyles and
Valkeries. Even
some qualities of vampires have been taken from the qualities of this
creature—the ability to fly and nocturnal habits. The Mothmen have no particular influence on earth at this time other than as
causing panic and a cause for curiosity. They are mostly hidden underground
and do not wish to attract attention.
There are also underground civilizations of non-humans that have been
referred to as Deros and Teros. The Teros are more friendly and help keep
the Deros, who are more demented, from having excessive power. They live
underground in tunnels, cities and sometimes under the sea. Most of the
legends of the past of leprechauns and trolls refer to these non-humans from
the inner earth. The Deros are competitors with
the Greys, but they have
similar qualities and cannot be trusted.
Crisis management is a term used by the government to describe the scenario
where a crisis situation is created and then the people are presented with
solutions, usually three, which they would be reluctant to accept prior to
the crisis. The solutions always involve the shoring up of security, which
necessarily means the loss of some freedoms. When the situation has reached
the crisis stage, it appears as if there is no other alternative. It appears
as if the crisis just happened rather than being carefully planned. Crisis
management is a way to create the illness for which the pill has already
been invented. By creating a problem in order to supply a cure that would
not have been acceptable without the problem, the government is able to
manipulate the people, making it look as though it is benevolent in handing
the situation on behalf of the people, when in fact, it is directing the
movement of the people along a specific path that has already been chosen.
The current drug crisis is a case in point, although there is a connection
to alien base funding that makes it a very special scenario. A tremendous
amount of information has linked the United States government with the
trade since at least the 1960s. The Christic Institute filed suit, but was
successfully neutralized. The government information that is being released
is a subtle form of convincing the public,
that the military must be used to
do what is really the job of the local police
for the military to shoot
down airplanes suspected of carrying drugs
for the military to be used in
foreign countries
The coming currency call-in is related to drug money laundering. There is a
continuing call for the banning of all firearms because of their use in
criminal activity, particularly drug-related crimes. The ban on assault
weapons will soon be extended to every gun. A declaration of martial law,
with the resulting major security upgrade to deal with the alien crisis,
will be much easier when these things occur.
The drug situation started out as a social experiment back in the 1800s.
There was a question of whether people could be controlled by the use of
drugs and to what extent. There was at one time a belief that by getting the
population hooked on drugs, they would work at a cheap wage, with only the
reward of food, shelter and drugs to keep them satisfied. The experiment,
however, resulted in the realization that those on drugs are not satisfied
with working. They want to steal from others and are willing to become
violent to do so. The experiment also revealed that while crime increases in
the United States would justify creating a national police force, the
economic structure at that time was not sound enough to pay for such a
police state. The entire concept became less appealing and more hazardous to
the government.
The experiment ran its course, and yielded little in terms of the
controlling effects that were desired. The side benefit, however, was
billions of dollars in profits from the selling of drugs. The drug situation
has assisted the funding of the aliens in building their underground
civilization. Much of this money has gone into helping
them in their efforts to establish bases underground. In exchange, the
United States got technology a promise that the aliens would not go to war
with the United States or other countries of the world.
The aliens gave the United States and the Soviet Union,
particle beam weapons
laser technology
Stealth technology
some supercomputer technology
information on cloning and synthetic genetic duplication of humans
medical breakthroughs
technology associated with frequencies,
vibrations and the electromagnetic spectrum such as ELF waves and rail gun
The techniques of interdimensional travel have still been kept secret from
humans. About 15 percent of human genetic coding has been researched by
universities in the United States. It has allowed them to splice, remove,
delete and add to the genetic code in order to change it. It can be used for
destroying or creating diseases, destroying or creating plants, animals and
other life forms— anything that may be tampered with genetically. This
effort to map out and decode all of the DNA available is one of the reasons
that many of the creatures on
Level 6 of the Dulce Base
were created or
altered genetically.
There has recently been a breakthrough in the need for blood by these aliens,
in that cattle blood has been altered so that it suits their needs. It is a
side-effect from the experimentation that involved the cattle mutilations.
Much of the blood and tissues that they need could be supplied from
slaughterhouses and there would be no more mutilations.
There has been a continuing massive effort to fund the aliens through
various means—not only drugs, but manipulated oil prices and other methods—to
keep them pacified long enough to determine how best to deal with them. The
choice was to co-exist with them while secretly expanding the country’s
technologies in order to deal with them in the event of a conflict. This has
given greater time for the technology of humans to close the gap with the
technology of the aliens.
It has been assessed that in recent years that the aliens have not been
honoring the treaties and agreements and therefore, are not to be trusted.
The effort to cut off their funding has begun, and one of the routes for
cutting off funding is to shut down the drug traffic and the influx of money
from the drug cartel. Noriega was one of those involved in helping set up
the money chain that assisted the aliens. His arrest is a strong signal that
the pipeline of money to the aliens will no longer be open.
The Colombian Cartel is also ceasing operations. The shutting down of the
drug cartel is a first step in removing the power of the aliens and pulling
back from the agreements. Government projections indicate that pulling
support from the clandestine drug trade will curtail the United States drug
problem by 1993, unless it is artificially stimulated again as a pretext to
martial law. It may not be necessary however, if the release of certain
information makes national security paramount. It must be understood that
there was an enormous problem for the government when it discovered that the
earth was actually being held hostage to an alien influence and that there
was no reasonable technology for dealing with this alien influence.
President Truman made a considerable effort to engage in combat with these
aliens, but the technology of the United States at the time was not advanced
enough to even begin to have an effect. Therefore, the only option—short of
total obliteration of the human race in an all-out war—was to form
agreements for building, expanding and funding these bases.
Americans may judge harshly the government for its action, but it was put in
a very difficult and desperate situation in regard to national security. One
choice was to inform the people. Projections were that they would become
outraged, perhaps destroying the very fabric of society. Mobs were projected
to demand military action against a force which the government knew would be
far superior. Projections also indicated people would demand the resignation
of persons in office. They would be perceived as having been making deals
with an alien enemy without the people knowing of this. Under normal
circumstances and under the Constitution, that could be classed as treason.
The government has functioned in a manner it perceived to be in the best
interest of humankind. Yet it has also been put in a predicament whereby it
could be misjudged as having worked in collaboration with a foreign invading
army. Had the government opposed the invaders, however, it would have lead
to mass destruction of humanity. Even nuclear weapons had little usefulness
in dealing with foreign invaders on our own soil.
The public cannot begin to understand what these people have gone through in
terms of soul-searching and trying to find the best way to deal with the
crisis which they were forced to manage. The option of informing the people
appeared less viable and workable than to silently make negotiated deals
with the aliens to keep them pacified over a period of time in an attempt to
find a peaceful way of coexistence.
MJ-12 and those who have been
subordinate feel they have done everything possible and appropriate for the
intense situation of hosting aliens with much greater technology on the
earth. It has done all it felt was proper to preserve peace and to gain
information from the aliens in order to develop higher technology. It has
also hidden vital information and shielded certain knowledge when necessary
from the aliens in order to create weaponry that may be used against them in
the event of conflict.
There is now some division and debate between those in the upper echelons as
to whether they should simply inform the people of the problem or continue
to keep it quiet. Until this debate swings one way or the other, it is
relatively hazardous to release too much information on this. If it is
decided that this information must be kept quiet, many of the sources that
are releasing this information will become targets for harassment or
assassination. But the scenario now reveals that unless information is
released by the authorities and is accepted by the vast majority of people,
most Americans will not accept the information from an individual that
claims to have inner knowledge of the government’s cover-up.
There was an attempt to test whether the public would panic at the thought
of invasion from aliens. It was the radio broadcast of Orson Welles in 1938.
The public reacted with panic and many committed suicide.
There is an effort now to condition the people to be more willing to accept
an alien presence as a possibility using movies and television -- Star Wars,
ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Aliens, V, Alien Nation and War of
the Worlds. All of these are presenting various images and scenarios to
condition the human mind to be open to what may soon be reality. The
government does not direct a studio to make these movies or TV shows, but
scripts are submitted to certain people who are silent partners with certain
agencies to encourage the script to be used and help find funding sources to
keep the script alive.
The alien Nation scenario conditions the human mind to accept the presence
of aliens who are relatively friendly and who can coexist with humans. War
of the Worlds, which contains a scenario of humanoid replicas and aliens
living underground, shows the conflict between the aliens and humans. ET
allows people not to be paranoid or fearful when thinking of aliens,
as they
may in fact be friendly. It gave people the capacity to deal with
frightening information that may otherwise cause serious insecurity. Right
now there are so many different types of aliens being offered to the human
mind that people can accept or reject any or all of them. People are
gradually being conditioned to the possibility of being informed officially.
If that time comes, there will not be a great shock. In 1938, people did not
have the preparation, and even though aliens on earth were already a reality,
they were not even prepared for a fictional representation.
Only now are people being told about the plan to set up a moon base that
would later lead to a Mars landing and a Mars base. There has been a moon
base for quite some time, in the crater Copernicus.
The United States officially controlled the base until 1969, when it was
learned that the aliens were working with both the Soviets and the Americans.
The Soviets gained the advantage at that time and took over the base.
But even though there are competitions here and there, much of the cold war
was actually a facade in order to extract huge sums of money for other
purposes. Much of it was being diverted to developing technologies that have
yet to be brought out and that may be needed in the event of conflict.
The Tesla approach has for many decades been ignored by the United States.
But it has been developed and used in the Soviet Union. It is now being used
in the United States as a part of the Star Wars program to enhance and move
further into the higher technologies. The Star Wars technology is
essentially designed to assist in dealing with the alien factor and the
potential conflict. The Soviets already have laser cannons, beam weapons,
certain types of shielding fields, anti-detection fields that can be used to
meet with other humans and speak about plans without being monitored by the
Much of the apparent corruption of the government is actually based on this
dilemma of how to deal with this alien situation. There were certain
benefits derived from agreements with the aliens as indicated in the works
of Cooper, especially in regards to
the Trilateralists and those who were
involved in direct relationships with the aliens.
But this government was not alone in dealing with the alien situation.
aliens were also connected with the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union and also
the Nazis. Much of the technology that the Nazis were developing during the
war was actually given them by the aliens, who were in part behind the Nazi
rise to power and the influences associated with some of the hidden
philosophies of Hitler and those of the inner group.
During the time immediately following World War II, the sightings of UFOs
various parts of the world were quite frequent, with an aura of mystery and
much government scrambling to discover what the purpose of the aliens were.
The government was aware of their presence and had agreements that reached
back to 1933, although they were not always sure what the aliens were up to
during all of this time. Later, the technology exchange between the United
States and these aliens began to have its greater influence and the funding
action began. It was in the 1930s that the Nazis had closer ties with the
Zeta Reticuli Greys. More on that in another upload.
There are alien bases in,
There have
been a number of bases within the United States. Some of these were closed by
secret raids of government teams that were especially established to defuse
the influence and presence of these bases, particularly during the 1960s and
early 1970s. These DELTA teams would go down into various caves to shut down
certain computers and in the event they ran into any aliens inhabiting the
caves, there would be an engagement. They were successful in some areas and
failed in others.
This occurred in many more areas than just the
Dulce Base. Later these teams
were stopped by
and a cooperative effort was made to work with the
aliens until it was again discovered that the aliens were not honoring their
agreements and were not to be trusted. Most who were involved with such
teams have since died for one reason or another, often under mysterious
circumstances. Many of those who were working to hinder the aliens were
covertly killed, especially those who had special skills in raiding these
Most caves in the United States in general are usually safe unless there are
straight, carved walls and smooth floors. Those are generally artificially
entrances to an underground base. They should be avoided unless you
would like to end your existence. Likewise, those who see a spacecraft would
be foolish to walk up to it or approach it. Those who have been abductees do
not usually report great benefits from the experience.
Generally, abductees have been used as guinea pigs for experimentation and
have disappeared permanently. Many of the missing children have, in fact,
been taken by aliens.
About one in every hundred people has been abducted by a UFO whether they
know it or not. There is a blue ray which they use during the abductions
that captures people and beams them up into the ship. The action of being
beamed into the ship with a blue ray actually suffocates the person, causing
all oxygen to be sucked from the person’s cells, so that they hover near
death for a moment. Upon arrival in the ship, they are revived by another
ray that restores oxygen into the cells.
Many abductions are of a quite cruel nature. Humans would not want to
remember what happened in some of the clinical experimentation or
examinations that occurred. The aliens have a vacuum tube that follows up
through the rectum and around into the intestines, sucking out fecal matter,
which they examine for purposes of their own research. They are looking at
the kinds of food that was eaten and examining the effects on the person’s
They implant chips through the nose, the back of the neck and the back of
the head near the right ear during times when the subject is conscious, but
in a state of mental and physical paralysis. The subject is not unconscious
as if they were sedated. The aliens have the ability to block the memory of
the experience through the use of certain injections and drugs into specific
areas of the brain.
Zeta Greys abduct humans and use them for
experiments. They take the souls from those humans and put them in replicas
and release them after having altered them to some degree. They may appear
to be the same person—and the soul is in fact the same, the body is new—and
certain aspects of the memory and personality have been altered slightly.
The aliens create replica bodies into which souls are transplanted from one
body into another. This has been portrayed on the television series War of
the Worlds. This is a means by which these aliens snatch bodies and control
people to make them their own.
Much of this occurs in underground caverns. When people who have disappeared
for some time and then are released, there is a possibility that this has
occurred to them. The aliens do not see this as cruel. It is simply their
unusual culture.
They have been abducting humans for centuries. They see the earth as a big
farm and have been raising humans for their harvest. They often abduct them
and take them back to their home planet to raise there as a form of animal
Their main problem is with their cloning process. In the recloning, each
copy of each copy of each copy weakens repeatedly so that they are, in
effect, a dying race. This has stimulated their interest in creating a new
being through genetic engineering, using human or some other source as a new
genetic substance to reenergize the cloning process, or to create a merging
of their own race with another.
There is much that has not been released in the Cooper information, which is
generally very accurate as far as it goes. Much more will surface in the
coming decade, eventually being given by people within the government.
There is now a conflict between two factions within the government agencies.
One faction sees the necessity of working with the aliens to set up a One
World government in which it sees itself as being the power behind the
throne. The other faction sees the aliens as a threat to humanity and wishes
to expose the information, let the public know and prevent the aliens from
gaining control of the planet.
Those who are collaborators with the aliens do not want the information
released. They are continuing the cover-up out of fear that the people would
blame them, consider them traitors and hold them responsible for for all
that is due to an alien presence. There was a time when these leaders
realized that many humans were being sacrificed to feed the alien appetites.
They had a choice of making a clean break with the aliens or at least of
telling the people or of continuing the cover-up. They chose not to.
The alien threat is the single major factor in the attempt to unify and
harmonize nations of the earth. The threat is not only from those who are
already present on the earth in their bases, but also from craft that have
been recognized as being on their way to earth.
To stop this cooperative effort, there are certain elements attempting to
stir up heavy conflicts in certain areas, particularly to bring down Gorbachev and his reforms. These are being influenced by
the aliens, through
their agents. There are many people who have been implanted with chips over
the years and they are being activated now. It doesn’t appear there is
sufficient energy behind the the alien endeavor at this time, however. The
money supply for the aliens which has been extorted from governments and
government agencies is gradually diminishing. It’s being cut off and is
hindering the construction and development of many of their projects and
plans. This has weakened them.
There is a hidden war in progress, but one that is not highly charged. It is
on a level of quiet competition between the aliens and the governments of
the world. But there are certain elements of humans that are working hand in
hand with the aliens trying to help regain control of the governments which
the aliens once controlled. Within Cooper’s material, there is a reference
to the Fatima prophecy, being that which aliens pulled out of the future.
The aliens claim to have the ability see into the future and have helped
bring about this apparition. Before the aliens revealed it, a longstanding
theory by this government was that the unreleased
third Fatima prophecy
dealt with a nuclear war and its aftermath. This prophecy was kept hidden
from the people.
What was not revealed, however, was that the alien situation was directly
linked to this nuclear war prophecy. In truth, the aliens were hoping to
contribute to instability on this earth so that nuclear war would come. It
was their intention to bring about enough devastation on the earth so as to
make the planet easily conquerable, while still retaining some degree of
human life to serve them as slaves.
With their technologies, they can eliminate radioactive contamination. They
planned to inhabit the remains of the earth without any threat of human
domination. But the scenario of the Fatima prophecies is in no way
preordained. Rather, it was a timetable of the alien plans to conquer the
earth. It was scheduled to begin in February 1990, but it was not written in
stone. It was simply the intention of the aliens to begin then.
At that time, it was intended by the aliens that the information about them
be released by the government so that humans would be prepared to accept the
inevitable outcome. They had hopes of triggering the exchange of nuclear
weapons—preferably in the Middle East where people are expecting Armageddon
to begin—and then suddenly stop the escalation with their own technology.
They would then pass themselves off as divine beings and bring forth the
Millennium. There are certain efforts which are being attempted at present
to use the Book of Revelation to create the appearance of a
coming Messiah.
This timetable for the Armageddon/Second Coming scenario has been dashed
recently by the lessening of the threat of nuclear war. It was at a fever
pitch in the early and mid-1980s, but has since died down. The aliens have,
in effect, missed that window of opportunity. The people are not now
expecting a nuclear war and the Fatima timetable is of little use to
aliens. But they have not abandoned it. It has simply been shifted to begin
around 1992.
The government believes, however, that the people will not accept this
scenario as being true. Many have been conditioned by the Book of Revelation
into believing that they will be rescued, but for the most part people will
not believe it and will assume it is in fact, one of the false prophet
Biblical scenarios predicted before the actual Second Coming.
There is a strong potential that during this decade the aliens and humans
will clash in combat over domination of the earth. There is a potential that
this could be covert, but it may become overt. The possibility of
reconciliation is growing more remote as the aliens seem less ready to
negotiate a situation in which coexistence can occur. It should not be ruled
out, however. Pressures are now being put on the aliens which may lead to a
more conciliatory stand. This following information been deemed unsuitable
for the public at this time and there have been and will be more killings to
keep such information secret.
There is a threat of an invasion of 30 million or more reptilian aliens
which control the Greys. There are smaller numbers of smaller ships heading
this way, but nothing compared in size to the small planetoid that is
heading toward this planet, which is approximately the size of the state of
Pennsylvania. It does not travel at above light speed as do other craft
because it is so enormous and holds so many aliens. It passed near the
planet in 1989, dropped off some reptilian aliens and headed out to the
Draco constellation in early summer of 1989. The timetable for the arrival
back to earth is approximately 2020, depending on what may happen near
The Hubble Telescope has as its primary mission the task of tracking the
return of the craft.
The base in Dulce, New Mexico now has 100,000 aliens living within it at
this time. Another 100,000 more have moved through the Dulce Base to other
bases. The aliens continue to enter the earth at a rate of
20,000 per month. The base at Ada, Oklahoma is still very active. The recent
floods artificially created and allowed there were an attempt to slow and
hinder activities there.
The aliens are attempting to move their entire planetary population from
their dying planet as quickly as possible, prior to the arrival of the Draco
reptilians. Presently, the assessment of those in the inner circles who are
dealing with the alien invasion threat is that the Reptilians have every
intention of ruling this planet. There are many who feel that the aliens
have such a high technology that they cannot be defeated.
The next potential scenario in relation to the expected invasion is the
release by the government of the information relating to the Grays and their
earth bases, but releasing it in such a way that is favorable to the
government. Claims will be made that any other version is but that of
If the release of information comes before 1996, and especially if it occurs
prior to 1995, you can be correct in assuming it is staged by the government
to set up the atmosphere for a One World government. If it is held off until
1996 or thereafter, you can assume the information released is real and that
the Reptilian ship is heading this way and poses a real threat.
The Draco
Reptilians do not really need the earth. They have more room than they need
to grow and thrive. They simply want the earth as a kind of strategic point
in their battle to conquer the entire galaxy.
The Pleiadeans may return by 1993, and you would know them by their ships,
which have the symbol of a serpent climbing a vine.
The symbol for the
Reptilians is a dragon.
The Grey’s symbol is
a cobra.
There is
also a potential for martial law occurring in this country, in which many of
those troublemakers, who hold to the story that the government was involved
with the aliens in the abduction of humans, would be rounded up and
imprisoned along with many who have been implanted because of potential
threats to this country’s security. People who are releasing this
information are not fully out of danger just because many people know about
it. You may recall that in China, just about everyone knew what occurred in
Tiananmen Square, and yet today, you will not find anyone in China who will
talk about it. There is now an open window in which people can talk, spread
the word, discuss it, show the videos and photographs. The more that occurs
now, before a martial law crackdown, the more chance there is of having the
truth come out.
Once that window is closed, if enough people are not already informed, the
information could still be curtailed and hidden. At present, only 2 to 3
percent of the United States population has half of the story and only one
half percent has the full story.
From Systems 304-744-2253