June 2013 from Ancient-Origins Website Also from HERE...
June 06, 2013
This universe is composed of an infinite number of LOKAs, worlds that have emerged over the cycles of time within the Manvantara.
As projections of our consciousness, they are our own creation and we have all spent time in many of these myriad realms, in accordance with our correlative consciousness at the time of our death.
According to the Bhagavad Gita no creature in this universe is free of the three qualities that bind us in the temporal illusory hologram, which in Sanskrit are termed the GUNAS.
These Loka-world realms are temporal and many are destroyed at the time of the Dissolution.
In life we accrue what is termed 'merit' in the Sanskrit texts.
This merit determines the length of our stay in any realm, heaven or hell. Once that 'merit' is finished, we are compelled to reincarnate back into a human body, back here on earth.
This means that everyone must eventually leave
the pleasures of the heavenly realms - and more happily, escape the
less than pleasant lower realms.
The human body contains a system of seven chakras (wheels of energy) that correlate with the seven higher and seven lower Loka-worlds.
Perhaps in the golden Satya Yuga these realms were originally emitted from these chakras.
Even if some may have forgotten due to their own guna-maya delusion, the inhabitants of these heavens and hells know that sooner or later,
Therefore it would be quite natural for them to
take an interest in the human experience.
Perhaps these beings never incarnated into human bodies on third dimensional planet Earth and chose to create their own Loka-worlds in the Satya Yuga - the Golden Age, before the Fall, when we all still remembered that we are pieces of God - and simply remain there.
An occult technique for prolonging time in these realms, according to an old book on the Tarot (by Mouni Sadhu), was to preserve the physical human body on earth.
According to this text as long as the body
remained intact, one did not have to reincarnate - and thus the
Egyptians and others who knew this secret went to extremes to keep
their discarded physical shell from decay.
This surprising conclusion is based on the metaphysical reality that we have all spent time in many of these worlds and thus have memories of our experiences.
Many of us now remember past lives on other planetary systems.
Perhaps this is all quite natural and would be
known to us in any other cycle of time - other than the Kali Yuga
where we are deluded and engulfed in confusion.
The entities in these realms do not have dense physical bodies, although some are seemingly 'more dense' than others.
All these worlds are lit from within, meaning
they do not have reflected light as we do here.
(This is a particularly intriguing verse because it suggests the idea of planets as space ships or a giant space station-mother ship that might not require an orbit.)
(There are myriad demon worlds as well, perhaps Reptilian or Borg-like.)
These Loka worlds are all contained within this universe - the Cosmic Golden Egg known as Hiranya-garbha.
The Puranas say that there are seven higher worlds and seven lower, but within these divisions are contained,
All of these temporal illusory realities would correlate to some frequency of consciousness that was once emitted here on third dimensional planet Earth.
These worlds all seem to have their own code of life that they adhere to, their own dharma, and the gods are often fond of the demons and have respect for them - when they are not at war with them, which happens repeatedly.
Thus the primordial idea of The War in the Heavens is a frequent subject in the Sanskrit texts.
The Puranas also say that there are thousands of crores (millions) of these Cosmic Eggs...!
Part II
If over time you have ever watched the Moon move across the sky, you will have noticed that every night its path changes considerably.
The region of the sky that has been displaced by the moon's eastward movement in one day is called a Nakshatra (Sanskrit). The moon passes through these Nakshatras, which are all constellations.
For example,
...and these constellations that might be
identified as the source of the interfering
ET races that are carrying on their
interactions with humanity in terms of influencing our
consciousness, offering technology in exchange for DNA, and engaging
in the ongoing hybridization programs based on countless
abduction reports.
Let's imagine that our Moon is in fact an artificial satellite designed as a sort of command center for the ETs to emit specific waveforms onto our planet, for a variety of reasons, and also to observe.
The satellite could be programmed to have an orbit that would pass through the various constellations involved in order to allow their individual frequency waveforms to permeate the planet through the Moon, which as a giant emitter transmits these selected frequencies down onto our planet and us.
In other words,
Others have suggested this idea that the Moon is a transmitter of frequencies.
However it may be likely that during the Kali
Yuga, command and control of the emitters on the Moon were lost to
the Darkside - an unintended consequence and side effect of the
Wars in the Heavens.
And if Ingo Swan's report is accurate, this unfriendly attitude is confirmed. Ingo Swann is the original remote viewer and worked with The Stanford Research Institute, SRI, and many government agencies for years.
In his book Penetration - A Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, Swann tells of his involvement with a very secret government agency that asked him,
On reflection this does not indicate that if there are in fact aliens living on our Moon, they are necessarily evil.
Would you want any of the earth-side military in your house or backyard?
Even if the beings are very highly evolved, say
Etherians or other enlightened entities - it is
realistic to imagine that they might prefer their privacy.
No one has ever shown us the credible physical remains of an extraterrestrial.
Yes, I have seen that film of the alien operation. But let us agree that we have been inundated with so much disinformation on all aspects of the subject of the ETs that there is very little we can believe with any confidence.
If we no longer trust our governments, the blame
sits directly on their shoulders for lying to us for over 50 years,
when half of us have
seen UFOs with our own eyes.
All of the 'beings' I have ever seen or been in
communication with, were experienced through the Eye of my Mind,
and/or were of translucent and transparent light, never solid flesh
& blood beings.
I doubt that any threat-assessment-minded secret
government agency would have the slightest clue about metaphysical
Swann's friends warn him:
The metaphysical reality seems to be that they can and do incarnate into human bodies, but that they are not successful at transplanting the human experience and our genome in their bodies.
This universe just isn't designed that way. We
are All ETs...!
This idea that there are many groupings of extraterrestrial beings all incarnating over and over here on third dimensional planet earth opens up a new perspective on the ET phenomena and can explain many mysteries.
Consider how different we all are.
Perhaps the racial diversity around our planet reflects these various myriad Loka-worlds, meaning the extraterrestrials on millions of other planets.
This could also explain the vast complex differences in belief systems, and why so many of us sadly misunderstand and hate each other.
It also might explain why there is such a rush for entrainment as the various ETs groups must be calling their own to return to them when the final dissolution of this world occurs.
Those entities that are more
conscious of
their origins could be anywhere, in any institution acting
upon their point of view, their agenda - seeking to gather their own
in what may be termed a 'harvesting of souls'...!
To each his own...!