by James Gilliland and John Novak
Spanish version
ECETI Website
There is ongoing, documented contact
with benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced ultra and
extraterrestrials at the Sattva Sanctuary in Trout Lake, Washington.
This contact is an ongoing controversy that is met with a variety of
responses. Hopefully, the information that follows will clear up
some of the many fears and questions concerning the nature and
purpose of these contacts and what our motives are in presenting it
to you.
These extremely advanced intra, extra and ultraterrestrials
have faced and transcended many of the challenges and fears in their
past that we on Earth now face. The environmental and energy crises
with all the competition, war and greed are all part of their
history. They believe planets and civilizations are terrible things
to waste and warn that continuing with our present course will
result in social, economic and environmental collapse.
These benevolent beings have an omnipresent understanding of God
that transcends the need to separate into structured truths with
names, images and dogma. This is one of the main problems causing
the fear, separation, division and war now plaguing Humanity and the
Earth. They have found it is better to honor diversity and choose
the Universal principles and understandings within each culture that
are necessary for a healthy society and environment. Principles that
support Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom
and Prosperity for all and service to the Creator within all
These understandings, given to our forefather/mothers, were inspired
by great overseers in the past and are the basic foundations for all
religions today. Unfortunately, these basic truths have long since
been altered by kings, governments and religious institutions that
still dominate the social consciousness of Earth today. They do this
by keeping people in fear, ignorance and dependent upon them for the
basic life necessities of food, water, shelter, clothing, medicine
and transportation.
The time has arrived where Humanity must come together as a
collective to agree upon and live by the basic Universal Principles
as the first and foremost priority. When this occurs, Humanity will
have met the protocols necessary for contact and the exchange of
knowledge and information can begin. We are meeting these protocols
which is why we have been highly successful in contact and
telepathic exchange with these benevolent spiritually and
technologically advanced beings.
Rather than being called aliens, it is more appropriate to call them
members of the greater family of man/woman. They are not here to be
worshiped. They are not here to conquer Earth and it's inhabitants.
They are not here to take our natural resources. The simple fact
that they have not done so by now shows that this is not their
They are here to inspire each individual to make their own
personal God connection and live by the Universal Principles
necessary for a healthy society and environment. They are here to
assist Humanity in a birthing process into the Fifth World, or the
'Golden Age of God' spoken of in ancient prophecies in most every
culture on Earth. It is a turbulent, rocky road with many personal
and collective challenges. They are here to alleviate the severity
of some of the events in the days to come.
Some in the past have
referred to them as Gods. Others as angels.
While there is a dark side within the alien agenda, it is a thimble
full compared to the benevolent side. The dark side is being ushered
out, finishing lessons that are now fast coming to a close. The days
of tyranny on Earth and the Universe are ending. It is a cosmic plan
so vast and powerful that those not able to flow with it will be
energetically unable to sustain themselves. It is plan that no man
can stop, implemented by beings with full use of the creational
energies. We need to make way for the Light.
The greater family of man/woman has many forms. There is a
vibrational continuum and they exist in many states of awareness and
forms along this continuum. Some are pure consciousness. Some have
magnetized light bodies, energy bodies and some are physical. There
are also many advanced races with technology as advanced as their
spirituality. What we today in our limited understandings call a
miracle is to them nothing more than the science of using creational
the spiritually corrupt elite on our planet that
we allow to
own and use our advanced technology, these beings are using it for
the betterment of all people and all life. This is why there is so
much confusion concerning contact with angelic guides and ascended
masters or spiritually and technologically advanced beings often
referred to as ETs. At some point, these terms become
There is a saying,
"just because you are dead does not mean you are
This can be expanded to include,
"just because you
have technology and a ship doesn't not mean you are benevolent and
have the highest and best good of Humanity and the Earth in mind".
Every experience and connection needs to be tested according to the
Universal Principles or Laws of Creation. Do they inspire your own
individual God connection, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love,
Individual Freedom and Equality, service to the Creator within all
creation? These are guidelines to use when receiving information,
choosing any teachers or groups and for everyday life situations. If
these Universal Laws are not being applied, it is time to find a new
group, change the source of your information or make the changes
necessary in your life to be in harmony with them.
The presence of UFOs, or IFOs (Identified Flying
Objects), in this part of Washington state stretches back into
ancient history with stories from the indigenous people. Scientific
investigations and reports from noted scientists and researchers
such as Dr. J Allen Hynek, Bill Vogel, David Akers
and Greg Long bring undeniable evidence to the table of the
ongoing IFO activity in this area since at least the late 1940's.
The photos, 11 hours of video, over 700 eyewitnesses including
astrophysicists, scientists, aeronautic engineers, air force,
commercial and private pilots and employees in the aviation
industry, the anomalous leaf growth and the two landings this year
of two off-world craft that we have documented adds to what now can
be only be described as extraordinary evidence.
In the past, the ships played a cat and mouse game with scientists
and investigators. Almost all attempts to document their presence
was evaded. Also during this time, many people living in the area
reported having experiences with these beings, but the contacts
would never progress beyond the person's own uncertainties and fears
of the unknown.
Even many of the Native Americans in the area feared
and avoided contact with the "Stick Indians" that appeared to them.
This, despite their own incredible legends of the "man with red
eyes" with great healing powers who came and lived among their
people until he died and his body was taken away by an object that
descended from the sky and flew off.
Unlike the past, the craft and occupants are now showing a
willingness and desire to be photographed and video taped. Many ask
The reason is simple. We are meeting the protocols for contact
and are rising to the occasion while leaving our fears behind. We do
our best to live according to the Universal principles and are
committed to service in the awakening and healing of Humanity and
the Earth. This is the sole reason we are highly successful where
others have failed. The photos taken by guests and investigators
were taken by people with high integrity and pure intent. Some were
highly educated and some were not.
An open mind and loving heart and
standing with impeccable integrity are the protocols for contact.
There are steps we must take in order to have Galactic Exchange. The
first is documentation of the reality of extra, intra and ultraterrestrial presence and dissemination of the information as to
their true nature and desires concerning Humanity and the Earth.
The second step is creating the foundation and environment necessary
for Galactic Exchange, a Univer-City set up for contact and the
exchange of knowledge and information that will assist in the
awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. The possibility to
heal the past, end disease, clean up the environment and use free,
earth friendly energy technology all exist. It has already been
disseminated to many, yet due to greed and vested interests, these
technologies and therapies are suppressed. There needs to be an end
to suppression and an independent assessment made without vested
There also needs to be a stand down policy with the military
concerning all aggressive action towards these highly evolved
beings. It has been well established that military attempts to
engage them have been primitive and barbaric that usually ends up
with the occupants of these craft taking the high road, jumping into
the next dimension or speeding off at phenomenal rates of speed,
defying all our known laws of physics. There has also been the
reports of the disappearance of military aircraft.
It is nothing to
send a craft back or forward in time to another place or dimension
if you have full use of creational energy. Choosing ambassadors with
pure intentions who have met the necessary protocols we have
mentioned is the only way we will be successful in establishing
international security and contact with these benevolent beings.
This is how a beneficial working relationship with this advanced
Universal Family must begin. Then we can create an ongoing Galactic
exchange center for opening the door to unification with the rest of
the Universe.
ECETI and the
Earth Institute are fully dedicated to these goals.
We are working
towards putting together a consortium of top minds in each field to
embrace this new knowledge and disseminate it to students and the
public at large.
This unification and the other steps have all been
agreed to by our benevolent, spiritually and technologically
advanced brothers and sisters. It is up to us to release our fears,
rise to the occasion and meet these protocols with impeccable
integrity, choosing to live by the universal principles and
understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment.
is an opportunity, a gift.
We are not here to debate, deny or continue living in fear and
ignorance over
the reality of UFOs and their occupants. We are not
here to engage in petty bickering over religious dogma. We are here
to serve those who choose a higher path, a sustainable life in
harmony with Nature and the Universe.
We are here for those who want
to evolve beyond fear, denial and social consciousness and into a
greater understanding of the Universe in which we live and share
with our Greater Family of Mankind.