Number 9 February-March
Published by Stargate International
by Robert O. Dean

Photo Of Small
Gray Alien
In the late summer of 1994, I
attended an international UFO conference in Mexico City.
As always when attending such gatherings, I was delighted to
network, investigate, and visit with old friends and fellow
researchers. I am always pleased to discover what I consider to
be new and legitimate bits and pieces of evidence.
The above photo was given to me by a trusted and respected UFO
investigator whom I have always found to be honest and straight
forward. And I submit it here to our readers for consideration
and comment.
As always with disinformation and purposeful
misinformation flooding the field, I tread cautiously.
However, considering my source as well as authentic photographs
I have previously examined while in the military, I believe this
photo to be a legitimate picture of an ET. Comments from the our
readers will be appreciated.
I will continue to present photos or images to you that I
consider to be reliable and authentic. I believe that the time
has come to become familiar with what some of our "visitors"
look like.