by Gerry Zeitlin
OpenSeti Website
The term SETI Incrementalism (see
below insert) was introduced on the New
Search Strategies page to describe a very powerful determinant
of conventional SETI strategy - powerful yet astonishingly unseen
and unrecognized.
As explained, SETI Incrementalism is the process whereby
incremental advances in human society's technology are said to
justify models of ET societies' capabilities, which then reflects on
proposed new SETI methodologies.
This is done unabashedly,
unselfconsciously, and with no small degree of smugness by those
presenting their latest brilliant proposals at the SETI meetings and
colloquia and in the journals.
SETI Incrementalism
Here, as an example, is Harvard University Professor
Paul Horowitz, speaking at an Optical SETI
Conference, providing the justification for a new
telescope that will scan for rapid light pulses:
"Using only Earth 2001
technology, we could now generate a beamed laser
pulse that appears 5,000 times brighter than our
sun, as seen by a distant civilization in the
direction of its slender beam.
"In other words, interstellar laser communication is
altogether practicable.
"The new Optical SETI Telescope will allow us to
search the entire northern sky for such signs of
intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy."
I call this SETI
incrementalism - tuning the SETI search strategy to
match our present capabilities or those envisioned in
the relatively near future.
Dr. Raghir Bhathal of the University of Western
Sydney provides another example of the use of SETI
incrementalism in making a case for optical SETI (Bhathal,
He points out that,
"a Moore’s Law
doubling of laser technology over the last 40 years
has seen laser power rise exponentially from the
milliWatt lasers used in undergraduate laboratories
to megaWatt lasers in industry.... [For instance]
the National Ignition Facility in the US has
produced laser powers in the teraWatt range (1012
Watts), albeit for short periods. These developments
give tremendous credence to the search for ETI
signals in the form of nanosecond laser pulses...."
Note the application of
"Moore's Law" to laser technology only up to the present
moment, with not a thought of the future.
In defining and calling attention to this process of
building out search strategies to look for targets
suggested by our developments at home, I don't wish to
detract from the validity of performing the new
searches. Prospective search targets should at least
reflect our own present or projected technologies.
But using this rationale
leaves us open to its converse, the fatal flaw in
conventional SETI:
If we don't (yet) know
how we would do it, then we doubt that anyone else
would be able to do it, we shouldn't look, and we
should probably dismiss evidence of it if we do find
Seen from a different perspective, these proposed advances in search
methodologies are a succession of confessions that SETI has up to
now gotten it wrong. Should we hope that it will now get it right?
A new, dark side of the process is SETI Decrementalism that
projects human society's pathologies onto the ETs, making it
necessary to build defensive measures into our search methodologies
so that our search systems themselves will not be blown up by those
for whom we search.
These dynamics illustrate that, in SETI, we search for ourselves.
Put another way, since we cannot face the truth of an ET presence
with whom we are already in contact, we resort to interacting with
our alter egos.
It would be much more useful to realize that the true dynamic has
always been what we shall call Reverse Incrementalism. Can
you think what that might mean? Please pause and try to guess.
Open SETI accepts, as part of its paradigm, that the most
intimate contact between human and "ET" exists and has existed from
the very beginning. Though sometimes overt and sometimes covert,
this connection is a powerful determinant of human development -
meaning development of the human form and human society, which
includes technologies, institutions, psychology, religions - at
least in their major aspects if not down to the detail level.
Reverse Incrementalism is the term used to describe the
dynamic, at least on these pages. It may not be very useful outside
of our context, but together with the other "-crementalisms" it
assists in studying the dynamics we are discussing.
To illustrate, I would like to draw on a very important example that
is competently expounded in the book
Sight Unseen: Science, UFO
Invisibility and Transgenic Beings by Budd Hopkins and
Carol Rainey (2003).
Sight Unseen presents a number of high-strangeness UFO contact
episodes, well documented, taken from Hopkins' caselog. Each
selection suggests the use of a technology verging on what we would
call magical - at least at first blush. The book's plan and method
is for Hopkins to present the case, and then Rainey - a writer and
filmmaker who produces documentaries on medical and scientific
subjects - dissects the most puzzling aspects, looking for possible
explanations in terms of our latest technological development.
The formula works well only part of the time. Rainey frequently
draws on very simple explanations of science and engineering
developments intended for the lowest-level audience and at times
fails to make proper use of even this basic information. As a
result, the explanations of the phenomena described fall far short
of plausibility. This is not a surprising result, given that the
phenomena are usually considered unbelievable by scientists in the
very fields Rainey cites.
Rainey might have done better to seek farther afield. For example,
Don Hotson in the
Hotson Physics Forum (Topic: Timestorms) on this
website suggests a mechanism for time displacement that would
support effects described by Jenny Randles in her book
Time Storms
(2002) as well as cases in Sight Unseen.
That said, in the area of bioengineering, genetics, and particularly
transgenics and cloning, Rainey shines: she not only provides for
some of us (myself included) a much-needed review of current
developments in these fields, but through showing strong parallels
with elements of abductee reports taken from earlier years before we
had gained our present understanding, she uses current knowledge to
verify those cases. And in so doing she sheds much light on the
possible programs of the abductors.
It should be clear, incidentally, that rather than ET technology
incrementally developing in lock step with ours, as unconsciously
implied by SETI proposals, it is we who incrementally develop what
ET has already had. Doesn't that make much more sense?
Rainey devotes a good deal of space to the subject of transgenics:
the process of transferring genes across species.
Recall that the
process of gene transfer between species is an important element of
strong panspermia, an evolutionary theory that is increasingly
discussed and accepted in SETI circles. Rainey shows us that gene
transfer not only occurs in nature, and in our laboratories (and
industry!) but also in those "laboratories in the sky" known only
too well by abductees.
Hopkins and Rainey feel they have enough material on the subject to
justify a certain amount of speculation as to the nature of the aims
and programs of the abducting entities. One gains some insight into
how our own evolution and genetics, and theirs, may have long been
intimately intertwined. This is not a pleasant subject to read
about, but it does seem worthy of our attention.
Note: The issue of genetic manipulation by aliens is taken under
question on the page
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller
Agenda. That page discusses the work of John Lash, who develops the
concept that the Gnostics knew our Greys as "Archons", and were
fully aware of their wish to genetically change us. However,
according to the Gnostics (according to Lash), the Archons could not
do it so used deception to cause us to believe that they had.
The question of precisely who has and who does not have the ability
to clone is at the core of an extraordinary new work by French
author Anton Parks: a set of three books of which the first,
Secret des Etoiles Sombres, was published in 2005. The second title,
Ádam Genisiš, is in final preparation for publication.
Our extensive
analysis of Parks' work is online at
The Chronicles of the Gírků /
Notes. Note there, section
Who Clones.
According to Parks, most of the beings described as
Archons by the
Gnostics are indeed incapable of cloning, but they are associated
with others who most assuredly are capable, and this has tremendous
significance in terms of the history and identity of the human race.
Finally, it needs to be mentioned that there has been information
circulating on the Internet concerning putative genetic studies and
experiments on captured ETs by our own people. To gain an
up-to-the-minute view of this would-be deep black area suggestive of
genetic warfare, see
Dan Burisch.
But Buyer Beware! Information on that
subject would not be accessible via a simple Internet search except
through a managed or controlled leak. Your mission, if you should
accept it, is to read it and to try to guess what truly lies behind