by Ed Komarek
August 14, 2006
ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website
I think that those who have become well
informed now realize that the idea of achieving technological and
cultural parity with most ET's in the foreseeable future is a pipe
Most ETs are just too advanced. That's
the bad news. The good news is that we are not in the near future to
be conquered or assimilated by any ET race or group of ET races
against our will because of the existence of a guardian group.
Notice I said against our will.
If we insist through our foolish actions
to pursue a path that leads to enslavement or destruction then we
will be allowed to do that. If on the other hand we choose wisely, a
constructive evolutionary path, we can rapidly accelerate our
collective and personal evolution through major artificial
modifications to our genome and our technological environment.
we can do with the assistance of other ET races under the careful
supervision of the guardian group.
It is becoming obvious to me that the reason we are not already
conquered or assimilated into any particular ET group is because
universe society has appointed a guardian group, cosmic ombudsmen if
you will, to negotiate with various ET groups in our interest for
the foreseeable future. This could be conceived of a sort of
planetary park service where advanced intelligent interactions are
strictly controlled, monitored and enforced.
This group would not be
the Anunnaki races who have been as much a problem as a solution.
It would seem that the existence of a guardian group is a rather
recent development historically speaking because the historical
literature seems to indicate that our race was born of a time of
chaos and lawlessness in the earth environs. This lawlessness seems
to have come about by the unrestricted activities of competing
technologically superior ET races that had a devastating impact on
emerging civilizations such as ours.
I think this would be similar to what
has happened to indigenous peoples around the world during the
European expansion and conquest. Today indigenous peoples are only
now trying to reclaim their history and their respective cultures
after a devastating loss of both.
I believe humanity on earth is now entering a time of transition
into more direct interaction with ET groups and I believe that the
Earth Park Service is here to insure that mistakes as happened in
the past won't be repeated again. The guardian group is here to
insure a smooth more orderly transition and assimilation into
universe society rather than a chaotic, destructive transition and
Until we have the ability to look after our own interests we must
realize and accept the need for a group acting in our behalf.
Right now I see our negotiating position
with other ET races as somewhere between that of a pet and a small
child. I see this guardian group as acting as a buffer between
ourselves and a large number of technologically advanced races. The
reason a buffer is needed is so that our emerging civilization will
not become overwhelmed by the much superior technological races who
would wish to interact with us for a variety of reasons that would
not be in our self interest.
I have noticed that all forms of life from single celled organisms
to complex organisms exist within semipermeable membranes.
membrane acts as a buffer between the fragile inner environment and
the external environment. It would seem the same forces are at play
for groups of individual organisms, emerging civilizations and
cultures. The membrane must be just right for survival. It it is too
thin in will rupture and the organism dies or if too thick the
organism suffocates.
With such a guardian group acting as a buffer we can look forward to
a promising future within universe society if we individually and
collectively choose of our own free will, a constructive path.
group is not our savior and will not violate our free will to
destroy ourselves if that is what we really insist upon doing.
What they can do is cushion the
transition into universe society and into a greater reality, but the
rest is up to us.
Can We Achieve Parity With
- Well, Maybe -
by Ed Komarek
August 21, 2006
ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website
In a prior above article I
made the statement that achieving parity with ET anytime soon was a
pipe dream.
My confidential sources say not so fast!
They believe that humanity has the
chance to make a giant evolutionary leap that could put us in the
exopolitical big league. This possibility seems to revolve around
the radical idea that we have very advanced old technology in our
genome, a sort of very advanced Internet. My contacts say that such
technology if accessed can radically change us from a pawn on the
chessboard of exopolitical superpowers to a queen of players if we
can survive the trip across the board to the far side.
Up to this time, sporadically and on a individual basis, people
throughout history have been able to do some very radical and
fantastic things that have not been very well understood.
There are now small groups of
individuals around the globe who may have found the key to the
unlocking of fantastic abilities through a initial preliminary
understanding of the physics of DNA. This understanding when linked
up with today's technology promises a grand future for humanity that
is simply almost unimaginable at this time.
I have also been led to believe that certain groups of ET's are
assisting us for various reasons, of which I am unaware, to
accelerate our evolution by helping us
access the old technology
locked up in our DNA. The race seems to be on, to try to keep this
revolutionary knowledge for the common good of humanity, rather than
allow it to be exploited by self serving interests to the detriment
of humanity.
The primary source material of this radical new way of viewing
ourselves is the book,
Quantum Physics in for Radical Revision -
DNA, written by two Russian authors. The book has not yet been
translated into English as far as I know, but there is a important
You can find clues in this article as to
how Blonds can travel using their DNA as referred to in the new book
The Greys. This fantastic idea is strongly supported by my
confidential contacts.
This review or article sets the stage for another very important
article written by a confidential contact whose identity I am not
free to disclose. This article was called brilliant when reviewed by
another completely different confidential source with advanced
degrees who I am also not allowed to name.
While the article above
can be understood by the layman, the following article by my contact
is very sophisticated and academic and written, by and for, those
with advanced degrees.
Together both articles should provide
foundational material for exciting new avenues toward accelerating
humanities evolutionary development now and in the future.
(Update 11/26/07: I have reason to doubt this source after he was
caught lifting a NSA non-disclosure document off the Internet in
order to form a secret group. He did not write the following but
'lifted it' from someplace off the Internet. Whoever wrote the
following was very good.)
Science is a communal endeavor, no matter how nontraditional the
data gathering means and verification methods may be.
As a communal activity, traditions rule
the means and methods of scientific truth-seeking. In neoclassical
physics - the post-Einstein physics ruled by the Standard Model - the means are theory and model-making, and the method is an empiric
one: experimentation. In the "soft" sciences such as the social
sciences (as opposed to the "hardest" of sciences - physics), the
method is an experimental nomothetic empiricism.
The key to science done within the
Standard Model in physics seems to lie in what is admitted in as
data: it must be "physical" and be propelled by theoretical
requirements prompted by the Standard Model.
Even strings and superstrings, highly
mathematical entities, must induce integration of natural physical
forces - the strong, the weak, electromagnetism and gravity. And
when strings are given sensorial conformations, they are visualized
as vibrating single strand, corkscrew-like and closed loop in shape.
The substance of physics then begins at the Planck limit and extends
all the way to the upper limits of the EM range.
In the world, this is operationalized as
the domain between infinity and the infinitesimal.
And then there is a physics of life,
driven by a pursuit of ultimate causation and the theoretical model
and principles by which
David Bohm's enfolded "orders" unfold upward
and downward causality chains. This is not a theistic pursuit to
prove God exists - though an emerging Working Model hints at a vast
and elegant super-intelligence as prime source.
Life physics' unwitting pursuit has
turned out to be ultimate causation (or the decipherment of what
happened before the Big Bang in "negative" time and "negative"
space), the formulation of superdomains which stemmed in sui-genesis
from a T-boundary (which an emergent Working Model predicts they
exist outside the limits of 4-spacetime), and the accessing of a supercontinuous plenum by a geometry of interconnectivity through a
growing understanding of discernible rules (which means levels of
manifestation by which causality vectors move "up" or "down" strong
negentropic orders of symmetry [utmost near the T-boundary, and
relatively least in 4-spacetime]).
Physical science today is dominated by a
Platonic material realism, in which cause (as upward causation)
stems from the interaction and movement of elementary particles,
thus making this movement of particles the ultimate causal agency of
everything in 4-spacetime.
"Consciousness" and "mind" in material
realism is but a mere epiphenomenon, totally secondary to the causal
power of matter. At the opposite end of the paradigmatic spectrum,
we find monistic idealism, in which "mind" and "spirit" and
"consciousness" reign supreme. In this paradigm, causation runs in a
downward direction - from mind and spirit to matter.
A complex oscillating biological entity
(such as a human being) acting in the world then behaves with causal
power in this paradigm. And then, here comes a physics of life
prompted by an initial pursuit of "principles" and "rules" and
"logic" that could operationalize Bohm's enfolded orders of the
implicate, but which ended up connecting the dots of a model of
ultimate causation and causality.
In doing so, those of us who engaged in
extension neurosensing (or ENS) (a form of clairvoyance-on-demand
prompted and assisted by technological means which used a
physics-of-life model applicable to life on Earth known from the
Working Model as biogeosystemics) connected (or interfaced) with
information of such "size" and "density" that surpassed all previous
"takes" as to constitute a veritable cumulus.
From this gargantuan cumulus of
information, the six extension
neurosensors began the arduous, often
daunting task of decoding (or translating interfaced cumulus
information into sensorially meaningful information) and deciphering
(interpreting and assigning meaning to decoded accumulated)
It is this process that A. R. Bordon led over the last
eight years, deciphering all sensorially meaningful accumulations
into an emergent picture.
And it is this "picture" that has become
our Working Model.
What kind of picture does Nature paint of itself as this Working
Well, to use philosophy as the canvas
and philosophical paradigms as the broadbrush with which the
"picture" can be deciphered, we can say that Nature paints itself as
monist-idealist and material-realistic.
The Working Model paints her as
idiomaterial (comprising of Bohmian relatively independent
subtotalities) manifested in all of the Model's superdomains as
monistic idiomorphs which undergo a transformative process with
definite protocolar "stages" of transformation - from thought-matrix
transforms early on, to more condensate-transforms, culminating in a templaic conformation (or quantum potential) which the working Model
says to work in tandem with 4-spacetime EM templates in a continuous
mirrored "dance."
Along the way, traditional terms (e.g.,
consciousness, spirit, matter, mind, reality, and particle) ceased
to have any meaning at all to the seven of us.
The explanatory demands made by
deciphered information almost immediately required a new "languaging
system" that could allow the preservation of integrity and accuracy
of the deciphered information.
To wit, languaging system (in the
sense used here) is much more than mere spoken or written language.
It must also take into consideration the method used (extension
neurosensing or ENS), the modalities of information acquired and
their innate characteristics, and the sensorial translations that
must be made to make the information intelligible and accessible to
human intellectual demand characteristics.
A neurosensor interfaces with an
information cumulus capable of containing an information density and
bandwidths that far surpass any form of accessing by mere
intellectual means. The kind of information accessed can best be
described as vitalizing, or vitalized. It would come at, often, many
different gradient of enfoldments, will contain visions and emotions
and sounds of strange characteristics - often coming from levels of
manifestation in which four or more spatial dimensions expressed the
percepts in the neurosensor's holonomic experience.
Another parallel and correlative
gradient may express emotive information of such depth and
overwhelming power that would require a neurosensor to decode and
decipher this aspect in bite-size fashion, using "filters" which
allowed him or her to experience the emotional bandwidth often
accompanying other information modality streams with a modicum of
comfort. Information also manifested in sound forms, which initially
would have little or no meaning to inexperienced neurosensors.
All in all, the effort has not been to
develop abstractions of sensorial transforms, but to learn to think
and experience in a holonomic fashion. In fact, holonomic
experiencing is the desired medium of decoding all detected "raw"
Holonomy - a holophrastic term that
captures an entire aspect of the neurosensing methodology - is the
means by, and through, which a neurosensor "fleshes out" the
detected information from a cumulus into a 4-dimensional perceptual
gestalt. It is such gestalten then that serve as the perceptual
"platform" from which meaning could be carefully and systematically
derived - although not necessarily in discrete languaging ( i.e.,
standard spoken and written language, in Eastern/Western language
meaning sets).
Neurosensors learned to treat "knowings" as "working
hypotheses" of what is understood as "first passage" through the
cumul (or information aspect of the cumulus being deciphered).
They are also encouraged to revisit any
given cumulus as many times as necessary to develop increasingly
more global grasps of the content information, or of any one aspect
thereof. Thus, it is not uncommon for aspects of a gestalt to be
revisited often, for in doing so, a neurosensor peels more of the
embedded meanings of the gestalt, and therefore, he or she may
modify internal knowledge with more accurate intellectual grasps of
the relevant information under consideration.
How many times is this required?
As many as required to have a working
understanding of the aspect of a given cumulus of interest to any
one of us.
New Advanced Physics is quite different from that propounded by
the Standard Model.
It is also new in the sense that much of
it is far more advanced than our ability to yet develop the
necessary languaging systems to grasp and understand process models
arising from the overall Working Model emerging from this work. It
is also a physics that, while accessed by gnosive means by human
neurosensors, it is also not entirely a product of human
Eureka moments abound, and the
mathematics necessary to work up formalisms that will suit processes
we can observe gnosively (with the largest, most complex and most
advanced tuning antenna on earth - the human living matrix) and with
the aid of nonnative technologies are requiring extensions of
Riemann's hypothesis well beyond the Mobius and Merten functions,
hypercomplex numbers, hypergraphics ("We are no longer in Flatlands,
Toto."), and David Hilbert's Hilbert space, co-homologies and
mathematics we yet don't have human proponents and exponents of
them. One thing we have come to understand in our bones: the
observer figures prominently in this New Advanced Physics, and
causation is upside down.
The human, tech-1 type and tech-2 type
applications of all of this are beyond anyone's imagination to
behold, sometimes including our own. Its commercial applications
abound, and the use for and on behalf of humankind quite possible,
and cheap, to boot. And the observer must also undergo a kind of
necessary makeover: we can no longer blame our presumed limitations
and supposed proclivities on our ephemeral "human nature."
The human body is quite more advanced in
construction and functions than heretofore considered possible and
feasible. The work done by our extension neurosensors is proving
this new awareness not only as a 4-spacetime reality, but also as a
broad consideration for how a single human being is actually part of
a far broader overfunction inclusive of an interconnectivity yet
beyond current human conception.
Pity the independence-minded cowboys of
the 21st century who prize an impossible separation from another
human being, who think such a thing as individuality supreme is
desirable and hierarchical systems that perpetuate inequities and
dislocations independent of interconnective awareness is the way of
the one and future world. Most of all the prizing of fear - the
government, the ETs, the Middle East, the Iranians and the Chinese,
Osama bin Laden and dirty bombs, and materialism run amock. Fear of
thy neighbor as fear of your own instincts.
How disconnected can we get - from each
other and from ourselves! Shame on us! Shame on us! Yet, we are
observer of what we see and believe possible - or not.
Manifest Production Observership
- this
is the tongue-in-cheek technical term we bandy about when referring
to the process and the product of being observers that do a lot more
than see the world, for we create what we are and where we live in a
subtle quantum dance many will find elegant when they learn to see
with vision not meant to behold this world.
And "they" knew this
long before we did, way before
Roswell and long before the
cigar-shaped ones at the turn of last century all over Texas.
The sum total of everything created - let's call that the
Unum - which includes our neck of the woods we
know as our 4-spacetime universe is neither a material realist
aggregate of space/time ratios, anymore than it is a monist idealist
thought concoction of a T-boundary (or Thought-boundary)
creationists would latch onto as God, snidely reminding Darwinians
that evolution is not godly - and yet neither have a corner on what
is, anymore than the universe is a thought or a material substance.
Actually, the Unum and our universe are
an idiomaterial phenomenon which has led to the appearance of some
amazing things: a perfect DNA based on 24 base aminoacids, longevity
of body in the half million earth years range, the capacity of
decoupling an information cloud (or spirit-essence) from one body
and coupling it to another, and much more. We live on a planet of
such wondrous diversity.
There are coteries of complex
oscillating biological entities on and around our earth, all with
their own imperatives, some of which are less then well intended and
more than misguided to our collective sensibilities. Others exercise
their observation in fulfillment of their own imperatives as well,
and we wonder if they care about what we see to be our plight. A
number have extorted their way into our centers of industry and our
scientific laboratories.
One biokind we hold in godspell, to
Neil Freer's term.
And a host of others appear in resonant
benevolence to our consonant human view of ourselves as proverbial
underdogs. Some of these pity us that we have not yet come to
realize just what we are, while others patiently await our
adolescent evolution. There are a handful, however, that do
represent challenges to us - some severe enough to collectively need
to address the specific challenge represented by the given source.
One such challenge is the one we have
undertaken, as the challenger does not measure life in the same way
we do, and we (ALL of us) are responsible for our own biology.
And as it if this were not enough, the
same challenge is faced by those others who are around earth, and
who know about this particular challenging situation. In a matter of
speaking, this effort herein represents a kind of "fifth element"
solution to a problem that cannot be solved by standard physics
means, and the weaponries derived from such a paradigm.
Such then is
a capsule of what we know to be life on earth at the turn of the new