January 25th, 1997
Freddie, Laura, Terry and Jan, Alice, guest Terry A.
Q: (Laura) Hello. A:
Q: And who do we have with us this evening, what name shall we use?
A: Torra
Q: (Laura) OK, and where are you transmitting from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (Laura) Ok. We have a guest with us this evening; Terry, our
therapist. He has some questions he would like to ask, if that is
all right. A: Well, of course, when would you expect us to say “no?”
Q: (Terry A.) I just want to know what the pressure is that I feel
whenever feel energy in someone. What is that I’m feeling? A:
Terry must be indoctrinated into the art of precise questioning.
forthright my boy, shyness simply will not do!
Q: (Laura) Ok, ask direct, precise questions.
A: In detail!
Q: (Terry A) Does the pressure I feel in my head have any
significance? A: Yes.
Q: (Terry A.) Am I picking up on the other person’s energy? In a
meridian type of way? A: Well yes, but meridian??
Q: (Laura) Well, the first answer to your compound question was yes,
but the
other part was not meridian. A: What do you know about electromagnetism?
Q: (Terry A. ) Just the basics, you know, with energy fields, with
the globe. A: How does this relate to humans?
(Terry A.) Well, the human body is made up of an energy flow,
every living thing has its own energy flow... (Laura) I have a way
that I think might get at what you’re after. Terry is aware, that
yes, he’s picking up on the other person’s energy. I think what
he’s... A: Please let Terry ask, this is important! Thank you!
Q: (Terry A.) Does it have anything to do with a past life, me
picking up, being able to pick up anything from my past life?
A: One step at a time...
Q: (Laura) Back up to electromagnetism.
A: The field you speak of is not possessed, it is “borrowed.”
Q: (Laura) Is he borrowing the other person’s field?
A: No.
Q: (Terry A.) Going back to creation, is this energy field, is the
electromagnetic field passed on from one generation of beings...
A: No.
Q: (Terry A.) ... to the next generation...? (Laura) No... (Jan) Is
it a continuous field? (Terry R) We’re getting off the topic now.
It’s about the interrelation of Terry’s field and his patient’s
field, that’s what we got to, it’s electromagnetic interaction...
A: Terry made reference to this field in such a way as to suggest
that it is
indigenous to human beings, it is not. It is borrowed.
Q: (Laura)
Ok, so he made reference to this field as though each individual had
one; the field is borrowed. Where is the field borrowed from?
A: Density number 7.
Q: (Laura) Ok, that’s the highest density, number 7. That’s “God.”
(Terry R) The “Creator.” A: No, it is “union with the one.”
Q: (Terry A.) Does it represent itself being manifested just in
life? Does it stand for life? Is it an example of the life? Of
living? Something that’s living? A: Not well put, but, what it is is the animation force of
consciousness at all
levels and in all representations.
Q: (Laura) Ok...
A: Closer.
Q: (Terry R) What I’m getting is that as Terry is doing his work, he
is able to tap the universal life force, the energy field, the
universal energy frequencies...that he’s tapping into these. A:
Not germaine. All “tap” in this way, but how many “feel” it in
some way?!?
Q: (Terry A.) Why do I feel it, and other people don’t?
A: Closer to the transformation for 4th density.
Q: (Terry A.) Can I utilize this feeling to help those that I come
in contact with, that I really feel the strong inclination, or feel
the strong force, to be able to help them to balance their bodies?
A: Whoa! Wait a minute! Can an infant utilize a “747?”
Q: (Terry R) Well, in a way, he is utilizing it... (Jan) You’re
here... being aware of it... A: No.
Q: (Laura) No, he’s not utilizing it? (Terry A.) When I use the
acupuncture, I’m just releasing energy blockages within the person?
A: No. Terry. You are sensing what all experience when in contact
with others.
You see in the history of your life are rather drastic changes in
mental , emotional and psychic awareness, to say nothing of attitude
and awareness. This is symptomatic of the change in frequency
resonance vibration. The things that used to interest you do not
anymore, and vice versa. One way this is manifested is a decrease in
interests of a material or physical nature. One’s libido tends to
decrease, for but one example.
Q: (Laura) Will his awareness of this contact continue to increase?
A: Yes.
Q: (Terry A. ) At times, I have even not only sensed with the
feeling in my head, but I have also seen colors... Is there a
relation of the colors that I have seen to the electromagnetic
field? A: Yes, but seeing auras is mainly a sign of approaching wave, i.e.
change over.
Q: (Laura) Well, that’s good, because that means you’re in tune with
what’s happening! (Terry A.) Is there any past-life connection with
this, this being able to sense this? A: Not really.
Q: (Laura) Terry seems to have an instinctive knowledge of how to do
the acupuncture, and the... A: This was result of change during this lifetime. Do you wish to
share with the
group what you were like as an adolescent and as a young adult...
and the drastic changes between then and now? We think they might
find this interesting!
Q: (Terry A.) My awareness of this, does it
have anything to do with when I had polio when I was three years
old? A: No, but that opened a channel during the periods of high fever
and pain.
Q: (Laura) Did you have high fever and pain? (Terry A.) Yes, it was
like 106-7 temperature, and paralyzed both legs and my right side.
(Laura) So Terry’s had some real bodacious experiences! A:
We told you! There’s more, but let him tell as he feels
Q: (Terry R) The change didn’t have to be all at once; it could have
been gradual after all of that... (Jan) Well, it’s all a series of
events... (Terry A.) And after all of the stress and the nervous
breakdowns, the three hospital visits... (Laura) You were just
trying to, I guess... well, it sounds like all of us, we’ve all been
there! Trying to be normal in a world...we just don’t fit! (Terry
A.) No. Is it that we don’t fit, or the rest of the world don’t fit? (Laura) Well, it’s their world... well, we chose to come here, but
... (Terry R) Sure we belong here, it’s our world too! (Terry A.) Is
the path, jobwise, that I’m on now, is it one that I should
continue? A: Leads to interesting things, prepare for some unusual
experiences, dreams,
visions and greater consciousness and awareness.
Q: (Terry A.) The phone call that I received last night from SV,
should that position there be avoided? The contact with her? A:
Q: (Laura) That’s up to you, you’ve got to make the decision. I
would say that, taking an example from our experiences... It’s funny
that she would suddenly call you up, out of the blue... (Jan) If
that is the S I think you’re referring to? Steer clear, that’s my
advice. (Laura) They won’t tell you that one; you’ve got to make
your own mind up! (Jan) Yes, but we can tell you! (Terry A.) I’ll
just go by what I feel... (Jan) Which is? (Terry R) How well do you
know S? (Terry A.) There was always something there, whenever I
worked on her, kind of like, almost like a sucking, you know. It
felt like she was sucking the energy out of me. (Jan) Very astute of
you, yes. Too bad we didn’t sense that. (Fred) We did. (Laura) Let
me ask real quick, is there anything... Terry worked on me the other
day, and is there anything further that he can do to repair whatever
I did in that fall? (Long pause before response) A: Wait and see.
Q: (Terry R) They thought about it before they answered that one!
Stinkers! They won’t tell me! (Jan) I’ve got a question. Are we
through with... (Laura) I don’t know, Terry A., are you more feeling
more puzzled than before, or are you feeling... (Terry A.) No. I’m
kind of cleared up a little bit, like what you and I talked about
before, about having to go through a bunch, and I was wondering if
there was any correlation with the phone call and all... (Laura)
Yes, I would say so, one way or another. (Jan) I want to ask about
the experiences that I’ve been having the past week or so, in the
fact that I’ve not been as emotional as I have been in the past...
(Terry R) Like the week before! (Jan)...like the week before, right!
Does it have anything to do with the nutritional supplements that I
have been taking, the vitamins and such? A: Some, but remember, all things physical and ethereal are
Q: (Laura) Well, if all things physical and ethereal are
interconnected, what ethereal effect has she experienced that
reduced the physical/emotional experience? (Jan) Yes, I haven’t been
having the crying jags for about two weeks now. (Laura) What has
changed ethereally? A: Too complex.
Q: (Laura) But something has changed, apparently. Ok, is this
something she has to find out on her own, by self-analysis, or
observing the signs? A: You got it!
Q: (Jan) Does it have anything to do with being in a pre-menopausal
situation? A: More than likely.
Q: (Jan) Ok, thank you very much, I appreciate that.
A: You’re welcome.
Q: (Alice) What did they say about him being able to help you? (Laura) They said “Wait and see.” They weren’t going to tell me
anything. A: Wrong. We were not going to tell you that.
Q: (Laura) “That,” not “anything.” Picky, ain’t they? (Terry A.)
Will the acupuncture help Jan with the emotional problems that she’s
having? The ups and downs? A: Learning is fun!
Q: (Laura) Try it and see! (Jan) Sometimes I feel like they drop
into a Mr.
Roger’s Neighborhood kind of thing! (Terry R) “Will you be my
friend...?!?” A: Sure we will. After all, we are you in the “future.”
Q: (Jan) I’d like to ask about the feeling I had coming over the
Courtney Campbell Bridge on Thursday afternoon. What was the reason
for the feeling of dread that I had? A: Fear strikes when one has momentary realizations of the trapping
of physicality.
Q: (Jan) I haven’t felt that way on a road since I had to drive on
Rte. 10 up in NJ. It was a concrete-divided highway, and I had to
speed because I was late. White knuckled fear, with the divider
right outside the window! (Laura) I had that feeling once; I looked
in my rear view and saw nothing but grille. We were coming through
malfunction Junction in Tampa, and I was going fast, but he was
going faster! (Jan) Yes! (Laura) Did her feeling have anything to do
with this conjunction that apparently occurred on Thursday? A:
Q: (Laura) Was there anything further to her feeling, to her
sensation? A: No.
Q: (Laura) Was there any significance to this astrological
conjunction that occurred on Thursday? I mean aside from normal
conjunctive significances. A: No.
Q: (Laura) OK, then all of the hoopla about that on the net and in
the metaphysical world is basically more of the same “bored, let’s
start a rumor,” routine. A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) Ok, so then I read that one right. No big deal on that
one. Ok, Ark has mentioned that this conference he is attending is
at a University that is founded and funded by America, in Hungary,
and the primary recipients of the invitations, and I mean the
primary ones; he was an exception, are Russian. And here are all
these Russians running around, as he put it, being exposed
extensively to the virtues of the American way of life. I would like
to know, the one thing that occurred to me was that institutes of
higher learning, places where the propaganda is being
disseminated... well, can you make any comment on this particular
situation? A: Specifics.
Q: (Laura) OK, why was Ark invited, along with all these Russians?
A: His standing.
Q: Why are all the Russians invited?
A: Their value.
Q: (Laura) Their value as what, or in what?
A: Exactly.
Q: (Laura) All right, clarify! (Terry R) We’re buying them to keep
other countries from buying them! (Laura) Is that it? (Terry R) It’s
political. (Laura) We’re buying them to keep other countries from
buying them? (Terry R) If we don’t... A: More like “they are being bought to make sure that they are not
not bought.”
Q: (Terry) All these Russians are now out of work, and they don’t
want them going to China, they don’t want them going to who knows
where... A: No, Terry. There are no countries, only souls.
Q: (Laura) OK. I get it. They are being bought to make sure that
they are bought so that they won’t think or do anything on their
own, or individually. In other words... (Jan) They are being shut
up... A: That is the goal, though not always realized.
Q: (Laura) OK, so it’s “Buy ‘em and tell ‘em what to think!” (Terry
R) Yes, that’s it. They don’t want them freelancing. There’s too
many of them out there already. (Laura) Ok. Now, I was a little
curious as to this rumor that was being spread about Ark, that he
was a member of the Church of Scientology. (Jan) What? Oh, because
they know he’s coming here to Florida. (Laura) Yes, she must know
about this, because the University bought his tickets and
everything. Is she the source of this rumor? A: Lawyers investigate.
Q: (Laura) Did she have lawyers investigate what he was doing? And
where he was going and who he was in touch with? A: Close.
Q: (Laura) So she knows he’s coming here? A:
Q: (Laura) Does she know about me?
A: No.
Q: (Laura) Ok, will there be more problems from that source?
A: What would you anticipate?
Q: (Laura) Well, you told us not to anticipate, to deal with things
as they come. (Jan) Yes, but you have a pretty good idea.... (Terry)
Laura, here’s a thought for you. She took his money. Now she’s got
lawyers. That’s where his money’s going. When he finally gets his
money back, it’s going to be minus the lawyer fees. Which will be
most of his money. (Laura) Oh, if she keeps doing what she’s doing,
she won’t have any money left, and then she’ll really be in the
soup. She’ll be cutting off her nose to spite her face! OK, about
how much of his money has she spent so far on lawyers and private
detectives and so forth? A: Open.
Q: (Terry) She’s going to spend it all. (Laura) Ok, since you did
predict this, since it did come true, is there anything else further
that you can volunteer at this time? A: Ark needs to be more on guard than he is. He does not even yet
comprehend how much fury hell hath. He would not be “in for more” to
as great as an extent if only he would be more vigilant. But we fear
that his Achilles heel is that he underestimates too much, even when
he says that he doesn’t.
Q: (Laura) What could he do, in terms of
actual concrete action, at this point... A: Actual concrete actions fall into place naturally if one has
adequate knowledge and/or awareness.
Q: (Laura) What knowledge or awareness does he need to have
emphasized in order to have the proper concrete action? A:
See last three responses.
Q: (Laura) So, in other words, he needs to realize that this
woman... (Fred) Well, wait a minute now, what are they saying? (Terry) That’s going to be hard for him to be aware of what’s going
on around him; he’s a scientist. He gets focused. A: But he is not your “typical” scientist in that and many other
Q: (Laura) Is there anything I can say to him that will help this
situation? A: What we have just said to you.
(Laura) Anything else on this? A: If you ask...
Q: (Laura) Well, can anybody think of anything else? (Terry) Is the
government watching him? A: Yes.
Q: (Terry) Is he aware of it?
A: No.
Q: (Laura) Are they reading our e-mails?
A: Open.
Q: (Terry) Well, if they’re not, NSA is! (Alice) Ask if there’s
anything that he has omitted that is important in this case. (Laura)
In the sense of filing suit against her, which would be the most
effective, civil or criminal, in terms of halting her actions?
A: This too, is a learning experience.
Q: (Laura) Is what he is learning just how dark the darkness can be?
A: Partly.
Q: (Laura) And what is the other part of it?
A: Many other parts.
Q: (Laura) Is anything going to prevent him from arriving on the
11th? A: Maybe.
Q: (Terry) Is the US government watching him? Or at least have taken
note of his actions? Think about it; he was invited to the
conference. A: That may be true long before any of this!
Q: (Terry) They’re watching him because he’s a top rated European
scientist; they watch everybody. But, just think; he was invited to
the conference, and you asked why was he invited to the conference,
besides for his expertise? A: If you beg for advice in this matter, we will say only this:
perhaps best to
concentrate all, and we do mean all, energies upon this matter and
the seriousness therein during communications. There will be “time”
for matters more akin to the “future,” and of the heart, at a later
juncture. Needs to understand the dangers that lurk, and that are
potentially extreme, once and for all!!!!!
Q: (Laura) If we
concentrate all energies on this matter, which matter in specific...
(Terry) Ark getting here... (Laura) I know, but of the..
A: And of the divorce and of attack in general. What have we told
you about who is subject to the greatest attack and why?
Q: (Laura) Those that are on the path are subject to the greatest
attack, and that’s why; they’re on the path to find out how to
overcome all this stuff. Is that it? A: No.
(Terry) The Feds, and the scientific community want to make sure
that Ark’s not doing something behind their back that they should be
aware of at this point. Are we right about the papers, and the
passport and the credit card? A: Partially.
(Laura) What happened to the passport and the credit card?
A: Examination, encoding, and alteration for purposes of monitoring.
Q: (Laura) Where did the remove them? Where were they taken? Where
was he when they were taken? A: Seated in crowded setting.
Q: (Jan) When were they replaced? (Laura) They weren’t replaced,
they were given back to him at the desk. (Jan) Oh, that’s right!
(Laura) Who took them? (Jan) Who returned them? A: Agent from Alpha 1
Q: (Terry) Probably a government program. (Jan) Theirs, or ours? (Laura) They’re all the same. A: Both.
Q: (Laura) Ok, would it be advisable for him to try and have these
cards replaced? A: No!!!
Q: (Terry) It won’t matter. Besides, if he does that, then they’ll
know he knows! Then, they’ll just give him another set that’s
marked! A: Knowledge protects and... ignorance endangers!
Q: (Laura) And what else was it about that whole situation that we
wanted to know? Was Ark trying to communicate to me that he was in
danger when he was telling me about the cards and paperwork, or that
he was aware of the situation? A: Sensed something awry, but misdiagnosed, partially.
Q: (Jan) Why was the phone call to him in his room so interrogatory?
A: To gauge awareness.
Q: (Laura) Are they monitoring my phone calls to him there, every
day? A: Yes.
Q: (Terry) They even monitor phone calls to Canada and back, and
we’re buddies.
We’re all the same country, it’s a cross-border, and they monitor
them. (Jan)
Are they monitoring all your phone calls? (Laura) Probably.
A: Sometimes “they” even monitor these communications. Long ago, we
told you how
technology now existant makes such things as phone taps, for but one
example, totally, completely, and ridiculously obsolete.
(Laura) Should I try to tell him anything, either by the phone,
or by e-mail, about this? A: Pointless.
Q: (Terry) You don’t have to. He has to be aware of it on his own,
and from what you’ve already told us, he’s aware. The scientology
thing has to have really blown him away... where would that come
from? A: Assumptions. Awareness needs to be increased. And, we must tell
you that
“secret world government” technologies are approximately 150 years
in advance of anything that you have access to.
Q: (Laura) Why is it pointless for me to try to communicate any of
this to him? Why did you reply ‘pointless’ to that? A:
Not what we said. It is not pointless to warn him to smarten up
on the
vigilance and caution scales. Just pointless to try to direct him
with details, or practice “subterfuge.” After all, when your mind
can be read like the morning newspaper, what is the point?
Q: (Laura) Have the lawyers or investigators that A has hired
monitored our Internet communications? Or our phone calls? Do they
have access to those? A: Not the lawyers, but maybe things “get around.”
Q: (Jan) It’s like the old “telephone game”... (Laura) How would
they get around? He’s the only one that knows about me, except his
lawyer, and his mother, and his sister. (Terry) There’s about 500
spooks between here and there! (Laura) Things get around...
A: Is that not enough to enlighten you?
Q: (Terry) Things get around... The lawyers and the wife are not the
big point, they’re just part of it. (Jan) Well, it’s kind of like
starting a rumor, somebody overheard something, and... (Laura) Are
the spooks loosely, or not so loosely, using A? (Jan) Oh, good
thought! A: Maybe, but the sister and/or the mother tells the daughter who
tells the
wife who tells the lawyers who tell the investigators who tell...
Q: (Jan) ...and so on, and so on, and so on.... (Terry) And hey, he’s
coming to the Clearwater area. (Laura) Where is the Scientology bit
coming from? A: Lawyers via investigators... was it misdiagnosis, or convenient
plan to be utilized later?
Q: (Laura) Can he trust his own attorney?
A: Can you trust yours?
Q: (Laura) Only because they want to make money.
A: OK.
Q: (Terry) Remember what the character in ‘Primal Fear’ said: “I
don’t care, I can’t care, if you’re innocent or guilty; whether you
did it or not, I’m your mother, your father, your sister, your
brother, you talk to no one else but me, I’m your lawyer...” (Laura)
Is there any action that he can take that will put a stop to this
Scientology rumor, and will... A: See previous answer to similar questions.
Q: (Laura) Ok, they said that he will see any concrete actions that
need to be taken once his awareness is pumped up, right? A:
Q: (Laura) Is there any more information you can give us tonight,
for Ark, for ourselves? A: No
Q: Then goodnight and thank you.
A: Goodbye.
End of Session
Back to Contents
February 1, 1997
Present: Laura, Freddie, Terry, Jan, V
Q: Hello. A: Hello.
Q: And what name shall we use this evening?
A: Wonnapa.
Q: And where are you transmitting from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: Have you been listening to our discussion?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have any commentary you would like to make on the subject?
A: Well, more specific than that, please!
Well, I’m not going to ask any questions about munitions. I don’t
know anything about munitions, and I couldn’t ask any intelligent
questions... A: Your conversation covered a whole lot more than just munitions.
Q: Yes, it did. Now... (T) What did they ask? What did the
discussion cover? (J) ... our conversation ‘covered a whole lot more
than munitions.’ (T) Yup, it did! (L) OK, well, if we’ve got
these... these... well, I don’t even want to get on the subject,
because I just... it... (T) Then, well, let’s talk about something
else. A: Yes, we do suggest you do get on to the subject.
Q: (L) All right, then, you guys go ahead and ask your questions,
because you know what to ask... They want you to get on to the
subject... A: No, Laura, you do too!
Q: (L) Well, I don’t...
A: You don’t know anything about Illuminati? Or secret government?
Or future plans to institute changes?
Q: (T) Yep, that’s what we were talking about...
A: Oh, how this may, let us make that, will, affect you?!? It would
be wise
to learn, discuss, and network quite a bit about this, for your own
good!! Especially since we have noticed a distinct change in your
“tone” since Arkadiusz came into your life... you have become
somewhat “euphoric” about this turn of events, and your perspective
on the prospects for your future. But it would be most decidedly
unwise to let your temporary feelings obstruct the bigger picture,
especially since the addition of Arkadiusz will have a stunningly
profound effect on the course of events and all that implies with
regards to the coming of the wave and the turmoil that will precede
it!!! [The group stops to network on the message]
Q: (T)... and it’s not that we’re anchoring it in New Port Richey...
(L) It’s the planet... (T) ...we’re anchoring it to the planet. And,
there are other groups, anchoring frequencies. Maybe different
frequencies, maybe the same frequency. They alluded to that, too,
they said that there were other groups... (V) Yes, that’s something
I was wondering about, for the last month, was one of the first
times that I sat with you and Fred, they had said, what, that there
were about ten people on the planet, that they were... (L) They said about 100. And they said that 10 were getting
similar... (V) I
was wondering whether that’s grown in the last two or three years...
(J) Good
question! (T) Well, I think the Gulf Breeze Six people were hooked
into it
and they didn’t make it. A lot of the groups are not going to make
it. (V) Well, a good way to gauge is to the interaction... (T) They
can’t depend on just one group to do it. They’ve got to have a whole
bunch of different groups trying to do it. That way, at least one
will make a connection. The more the merrier. The more groups, the
stronger it becomes. (L) The whole thing is, is to survive. I mean,
after we’ve had some of the bizarre things... A: Start the flow again, Laura.
Q: (L) Which flow? A: You don’t know ?!? They said, incredulously...
Q: (T) The frequency, the flow, what we’ve just been talking about.
(L) OK... (T) Start the flow again. Is that what you’re talking about?
A: Yes.
Q: When Ark gets here, this particular group is going to increase...
A: We meant to restart questions...
Q: (L) OK, start the flow...
A: ... regarding the subjects at hand.
(L) OK, they want me to start the flow again... (T) Start the
questions... (L) All right. To start the flow of the energy, let me
ask this: You have said, on a number of occasions, that somehow,
some way, what we are doing is going to play some role in these
upcoming changes, turmoil, etc. And then, you’ve also, on other
occasions, made allusions to secret government, and to the
Illuminati, and so on and so forth. And you have also said that our
knowledge is going to increase to, I think it was 30 to 35% of what
the Illuminati possesses, but that would be like individually, each
of us individually, so added together, it would be a lot more than
that. Can we think, or ask, if there’s going to be a general
tendency for our activities to be more closely scrutinized in the
not too distant future? A: What do you think?
(L & T) Of course! (L) Let me ask; is there going to be any
attempt to further attack or harm us in any way? A: Well, let us put it this way: the future is fluid, as you know.
protects you. But, it would be wise to picture these letters
appearing on a screen somewhere, at the same moment that they are
Q: (L) Is it the uttering that... (T) Uttering, or spelled
on the board? (L)
...’the moment they are uttered’... is it the uttering that is the
key. A: Does not matter, in all reality. The key is what the expectation
is as to
how they are intended to be put to use.
[Discussion about outside monitoring possibilities.]
Q: (T) Remind
me; I’ve got another observation to make about the people on the
other end... (L) Is there an internal configuration or frequency
level that makes it so that the persons who are selected to do this
monitoring, or to be involved in any of this kind of activity, such
as you have described, as in the words appearing on the screen,
etc., so that they are definitely selected because of their STS
orientation? A: This process takes place naturally. Now, a warning for you.
resonance modulations of vibration rate can be altered or modified
from outside if one is not cautious and/or aware enough, and thus
takes necessary precautions.
Q: (L) Well, OK, we know that. So, in other words, not only the
information channel... A: Yours can, ours cannot!
[Tape off]
Q: ...and they’re letting them go and do it, because they figure
it’s going
to be great, because everybody’ll think it’s just TV, it’s just
phony. And they are hoping it won’t go. The whole thing all goes
together. It’s all linked together. Somebody’s watching this stuff,
it’s disseminated through their organization, too. (L) I want to ask
a question... A: Now, remember technology can be used to “zap” you in a number of
ways. For
example... beware of any episodes of sudden storminess that may
occur between you and Ark.
[Tape off.]
Q: (J) ... arguments that just jump up out of nowhere... (L) We’re
aware of that... (T) That’s something to keep in mind. (L) What...? (J) It’s been happening to us... (T) How many attacks have been
generated to stop us? Lots! How many attacks have not happened,
simply because this information is being disseminated amongst them?
How many allies do we have there? (L) Probably a few. (T) It’s
growing... (L) I mean, Terry and... A: Maybe, but alliances that develop within the confines of certain
“agencies” may be treated rather harshly.
Q: (L) Let me ask this quick, before anything else happens, just
hold everything. I want to get it in. I have had, in the last couple
of weeks, three very difficult falls, almost as if something was
done. Now, Ark and TA perceive this as a deliberate attack on me
physically. Is it, in fact, an attack on me physically? A:
Q: (L) What is the purpose of these... well, it’s pretty obvious.
It’s to put me out of commission. Is this the chief way that I
generally get attacked? A: Yes. And we are warning you now !!! Do not get distracted any
further by
worrying over details of preparations to this house for Arkadiusz’s
arrival. This is ridiculously unnecessary, and furthermore, diverts
your energy and awareness to such an extent that it can leave you
open to even the ultimate “hit” !!!!
[Tape was turned off. Never turned back on.]
Q: A: OK.
Q: A: Goodbye.
End of Session
Back to Contents
February 12, 1997
Freddie, Laura, Ark, Alice
Q: Hello. A: Hello.
Q: And what name shall we use this evening?
A: Wardleh.
Q: And where are you transmitting from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Alright, questions...
A: You are the one has the questions!!
(L) Me? A: Did we mean singular? Or plural?
Q: (L) Ask a question. (A) Me? I didn’t think about a question... I
can’t think of one... A: Arkadiusz, you have racing thoughts, thus making you tired and
wide awake at the same “time.”
Q: (A) Yes...
A: We see those thoughts... Be not reluctant to seek relief. A
question not
asked leads to a problem unresolved, as all your many years of
education, research, and networking have taught you.
Q: (A) My first
question is: I want to understand what is this “predestined
mission,” what it consists of? A: It consists of following the path that has confronted you.
Q: (A) Okay... A: We do not tell you of your predestined mission, because then it
is no longer
“predestined.” You learn by experience, and as you sense, you are on
the threshold of a rather profound experience.
Q: (L) What kind of experience? (A) Yes! What kind?
A: We could well ask you the same!
Q: (A) So, we don’t know what kind of experience...
A: Yes we do!!
Q: (L) We who? We here or we/you on 6th density?
A: What do you think?
Q: (L) Quit teasing me! (A) What do I think? Okay... (L) Is this
experience going to be something that involves interacting with
external sources, an internal experience, a learning experience, can
you give me a hint here? (A) Yes... A: We would prefer Arkadiusz ask these questions... We were always
impressed with his skills in this area. Do you remember being caught
in a cold rain on the “long walk,” and how through your upset, you
had an insight that “opened a new door?” We remember 1966 as a
turning point. Well, this is another, Arkadiusz, and the emotions
feel strangely familiar, but this time you have the aid of others on
3rd density.
Q: (A) Umhm. I would like to know if physics is of any use, or if
this is something completely different. I am supposed to concentrate
upon what WE are supposed to concentrat on, and does this require
abilities in physics or some completely different abilities? A:
Can you not combine?
Q: (A) Okay. I could combine. But what are the other abilities? I
have no idea. A: Not so, my Arkadiusz. You have reluctance, much like a small
child learning
to walk. But no lack of ideas. Before, when fear crept into the
picture, you had the wisdom not to “look back,” even though you had
the temptation to do this. Look what has happened!
Q: (A) Okay, I don’t believe there are any dangers because I think I
know how to avoid danger; I think they are illusions. I don’t want
to be... I just... I don’t believe them. I’m safe. I don’t believe
that there are dangers which I do not see. Now, are there any
dangers that I am not aware of? Something new? A: It would be nice if those on third density could always be aware
of all
dangers which exist, but, then again, the learning would be
hindered, would it not?
Q: (A) Okay. It is nothing. Essentially nothing. They are just
avoiding answering questions. This much I could explain myself. I
asked if there was anything new, anything that I am NOT aware of!
A: You are presently in less danger because of your physical
Q: (A) Okay, so that’s new. Why? A:
Why, you ask? Well, because the grooved vectors of attack for you
lie in the
locators where you have established your principle connections.
Q: (A) I want to know if they can tell me what I should really do
during these two months that I am supposed to be here? That I should
work on this problem of phase of the wave... of whatever wave...
electromagnetic or gravity or whatever... phase... phase... A:
The answers for this connection will come to you with surprising
clarity, and will “unfold in front” of you with greater and greater intensity
with each passing day.
Q: (A) Okay. Very good. This is something that will be going on. (L)
Then why did you ask? (A) Because I thought that there would be....
(L) Because you thought they were going to just hand it to you on a
little silver tray... (A) No, no, no! I wanted a hint! But there is
no hint! (L) Well, they did say “unfold” and “in front of you.” (A)
Sure! In front of me and not behind me! (L)
Well, let me ask: is there a hidden meaning in those terms? Unfold
in front? A: Maybe.
Q: (A) There are clues in front of me. Waiting for me. Very good.
Perhaps I should not ask any more. Okay, I pass. Because there is
nothing complete... I mean this was a complete question. I thought
that there would be a complete answer. A: You hold back questions which you would love to have answered.
The clarity
of the response is based upon the level of specificity of the
Q: (A) So, they are asking me what are these questions.
Genes, unified field theory, relativity and time. Okay, those are
the questions. What else. On the one hand, it looks like that what
one needs is to do something clearly spiritual. To be spiritual and
one doesn’t do this by equations and mathematics. And the suggestion
was, and what I understood was, that there is no use for physics or
mathematics... (L) Who said that? Not the C’s! They have said that
mathematics is VERY important! (A) Yessss... okay. This is what they
said. But when I asked them what kind of mathematics... they said
something which... I mean, the technical answer to this question...
(F) Well, maybe if they gave you answers that did not make sense at
first, you ought to examine it further and you may discover
important lying under there. It’s like a treasure hunt. Buried
treasure. We don’t learn if they just give us answers. Yes, they may
be very specific, and maybe more specific than we think. But, the
answers in and of themselves have to be examined very closely. (A)
Ummhmm. (L) Let me ask a question. Earlier they said something
about being on the threshold of an experience. And now they say
something is going to unfold in front of you. Are the two response
“threshold” and “unfold in front of you,” connected? A: Of course!!!
Q: (L) Okay, he is on the threshold of some kind of experience. Is
there some way that we might identify this experience? Is it going
to be so outstanding that you can’t miss it? Or, is it going to be
something that you have to pay attention to or you might miss it?
A: What does “threshold” imply?
Q: (L) Well, a door. It’s a door. Does this mean he is going to go
through a door, psychically, spiritually, physically? Going to
someone’s house? A: It does not just imply a “door,” but also one’s positioning, and
a sense of
Q: (L) Is there something I can do to help?
A: Have you not helped already?
Q: (L) But, I mean specifically in this “threshold” and “unfolding”
experience? A: Yes! And, by the way, Arkadiusz, science is most spiritual
Q: (L) Well, considering certain other elements, I was just
wondering if our pathways are supposed to now be parallel or
diverge... how they relate from this point... A: Seems to us that your pathways are intertwining!
Q: (L) The use of the word “intertwining” is curious. You used that
in regard to the relationship between EM and gravity. Is there a
parallel? A: If you wish.
Q: (L) Well, I am tired, Ark is tired, so is there anything further
you would like to tell us this evening? A: Combine energies in pursuit of answers, and the rest falls into
Q: (L) One last question: you say “combine energies.” Is there any
reason why this will facilitate the pursuit of answers? A:
Complementary souls.
Q: (L) Okay. Thank you and good night.
A: Good night.
End of Session
Back to Contents
February 22, 1997
Freddie, Ark, Laura, Terry, Jan, Violette.
Q: Hello, and who do we have, what name shall we use this evening?
A: Opponoa.
Q: (Laura) And where are you transmitting from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (Laura) Ok, we have several things that we discussed earlier, is
there anything you wish to say before we launch into questions?
A: Underground bases see dramatic budget increase.
Q: (Laura) Ok, why do they have a budget increase?
A: Because there is much more activity to come.
Q: (Laura) Ok, what kind of activity? A: Broad range.
Q: (Laura) Can you list, say, the top three?
A: Experimentation, utilization and implementation.
Q: (Laura & Terry) Of what? A: Human “resources.” Plan falling into place for “harvest.”
Q: (Terry) The new underground bases, along with all the old ones
are for the coming harvest? A: And other purposes of STS forces’ plans.
Q: (Terry) And other STS plans... (Laura) What is this thing called
‘The Harvest’? A: What do you think?
Q: (Laura) Well, is that harvest in a negative event, or harvest in
a positive one? I mean, as in the harvesting of the wheats and the
tares... A: Either/or.
Q: (Laura) Ok, now you say the plans are falling into place. What
specific events of the past, say, several weeks, or months, whatever
period of time set aside, are these plans that are falling into
place? I mean, what’s the key in the lock? A: Have you been paying attention, as we have always suggested you
Q: (Laura) Of course! I just asked you because I wanted you to
enumerate! Of course I’m paying attention! A: Lately, there has been diversion for you.
Q: (Laura) Well, it doesn’t mean I’m asleep! (Violette) Can I ask a
question? If this is because there’s much more activity, and things
are dramatically increasing, what has come to them, or whatever...
A: Violette mentioned the weather. Was that a bit “nippy” for you in
Europe in December and January, Arkadiusz?
Q: (Terry) Violette mentioned the weather, and the changes in it.
What was the name of that movie we watched up in Tallahassee, I
forgot the name of it...
[Terry then spoke about a science fiction
movie we saw. Aliens were here among us, and were plotting to affect
the weather in such a way as to make the planet uninhabitable for
us, but perfect for them. Naturally, there was secrecy and coverups.
Then the subject moved to the cell phone towers that were noted in
rural areas of North Florida. This then lead to a question about the
cell phone towers. First part of question lost.]
Q: (Terry)...transmit to us and back... what can be transmitted? Can
the negative energy be focused through these microwave towers? (Violette) And what was the correlation between the strange weather
and the harvesting? (Laura) Because we were told that the weather
changes were due to the energy buildup of the wave. That was two
years ago. And it had nothing to do with the ‘harvest.’ (Terry) But
it could also be that HAARP adds to it. (Jan) Ok, well, let’s ask...
(Laura) Well, they would love for us to think that HAARP has
something to do
with weather. ‘Yes, we’re having bizzare weather. Let’s blame it on
because we’re going to think about HAARP... What a perfect...
(Terry) Well,
HAARP has a lot more to do than just the weather. They can put all
the energy-based stuff that they’ve been experimenting on in one place, because
they can do
whatever they want, just by changing the frequencies... (Jan) Or,
even just continue to mess the weather up, to continue to create
negative vibrations, worry and uncertainty... (Violette) I guess the
point I’m trying to get at is, are these weather changes promoting
some changes in the physical body, that’s making the physical body
more ‘harvestable?’ (Terry) Could very well be. (Laura) Well, it’s
all interconnected, but I wouldn’t say that one is the cause of the
other, just to say that they occur... (Terry) But why, as we were
talking about earlier, is all this weird stuff going on all through
the media? A: We told you that “HAARP” was being designated for capturing and
electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave
patterns in order to establish a system of complete “order on the
surface of the planet” in either 3rd or 4th density.
(Laura) Is HAARP in operation at the present time? A:
Yes, in its early stages.
Q: (Terry) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out
across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a
continental scale? A: Back up system.
Q: (Laura) So, they don’t need the towers to operate the HAARP
system, but they are there as the backup? A: Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.
Q: (Terry) Local and regional authorities can use the towers to
track people, amongst other things. (Laura) Is the weather being
controlled or changed or in any way affected by HAARP? A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.
Q: (Laura) All right, I’ll take the bait; give me the three factors,
and also the fourth!. A: 1) Wave approach. 2) Chloroflorocarbon increase in atmosphere,
thus affecting
ozone layer. 3) Change in the planet’s axis rotation orientation. 4)
Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density STS forces in a number
of different ways. Be vigilant. Be observant. Be cautious in your
planning and be aware. Do not let emotional anomalies cloud your
knowledge base. This is not a “time” to let one’s guard down. Be
especially careful of travel to unfamiliar locators, as well as
sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings!!! You are being watched. Or, at
least, it is best to assume you are, and act, think, and prepare
accordingly. Remember what you have been warned about concerning
attack. As you learn more and know more, you become more
interesting... and, when your ranks swell, you are more vulnerable
unless you are more aware!!
Q: (Laura) All right, were those given in the order in which they
are occurring?
The fourth being the one that’s coming later? A: Maybe, but remember this: a change in the speed of the rotation
may not be
reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation.
Equator is slightly “wider” than the polar zones. But, this
discrepancy is decreasing slowly currently. One change to occur in
21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then
North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than
thought. [Discussion of new scientific theory recently presented
that the earth is expanding.]
Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That’s just putting it bluntly,
but, is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that’s
the theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the
Earth is expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than
geologists were thinking. A: Continental “drift” is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of
gases from the interior to the surface, mainly at points of magnetic
Q: (Jan) What causes the change in the axis?
A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools
down in
Q: (Laura) Why does it do that? What’s the cause of this?
A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by the
resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.
(Terry) Now we took it off on a tangent. (Laura) Well, we need to
wrap it up
soon here. Is there anything further on this harvest, or on the
changes that we need to get to at this point? A: Ask.
Q: (Terry) Ok, let’s go back to the beginning of the session, when
we were talking about the acceleration/expansion on underground
bases in preparation for the harvest. Is that world-wide, we’re
talking here? A: Yes, but United States is focus, due to tparticularly cooperative
power structure profile.
Q: (Terry) Do we want to ask about the power structure profile? (Laura) No, we know what that is; they agreed to work with them.
But, what I would like to know is what particular steps are being
taken, what particular activities are being stepped up? A:
Acquisition, staging, testing of planned activity.
Q: (Laura) And what is the planned activity? A:
Control of absolutely everything.
Q: (Laura) Well, swell! (Terry) That’s the one world government!
That’s what they want! (Laura) OK, is there anything in particular
that we can do to... A: Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. Awareness makes you less
both directly and indirectly. Heard anything about synthetic blood,
and blood and plasma alteration lately?
Q: (Laura) There’s a can of worms for you! All right, I’ll bite! Go
ahead, tell us about the synthetic blood and the blood plasma.
(Terry) There’s probably been a lot of research into that... A:
Less “mutes” needed.
Q: (Laura) Cattle Mutilations. They don’t need as many cattle
mutilations. (Terry) It’s the same idea as when they grew all the
crystals for the stealth technology. Before they grew enough
crystals to do what they had to do, you couldn’t get any of the
beryl, the aquamarine gemstones. They disappeared from the market.
That’s why aqua shot up in price. Several years ago, it used to cost
$50 to $100 for a nice piece of aqua; it shot up to several hundred
dollars... (Laura) Well, look what happened to topaz, same thing;
the price was unbelievable. (Alice) But why? What are they using it
for? (Terry) The beryl was being used, they have a certain crystal
structure, that is reflective to light and electromagnetics. Heat is
dispersed very evenly through them, that’s why stonecutters like to
cut those stones so much, because they disperse the heat and don’t
shatter as often while being cut. It’s because of the composite
material that they use to build the frames of the Stealth fighters
and who knows what else. When they first began experimenting and
working with it, they couldn’t grow artificial beryl fast enough for
what they needed, so they took as much as they could get of the
natural stone. We discovered this because we were talking to someone
at one of the gem and lapidary shows here locally, and they told us
why there wasn’t any aquamarine out anywhere. They said the
government had gone out and bought up tons and tons of this stuff
all over the world. They were crushing it up and mixing it with the
composite materials used on the skins of the Stealth planes. A:
Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially
in general
population. You may have already encountered one or two during the
past 10 days.
Q: (Laura) You, who? You, as in me, you as in Freddy, who?
A: Reflect upon activities, and power and influence centers for
Q: (Laura) Well, we will reflect on that over the next week, but
we’re going to have to say goodnight for now. A: If you wish. Goodbye.
Laura’s Note:
During the specified 10 day period, there had been a LOT of activity
relating to finances, insurance, driver’s license bureau, the
purchase of an automobile; Ark attended a conference at UFL,
interacted with numerous Uni officials... so, there is such a lot of
ground covered that it is hard to think which it might be. However,
one of my guesses would be the attorney who handled the paperwork
for the loan for the car. His name is “Chip.” Other than that funny
connection, nothing else comes to mind.
End of Session
Back to Contents
March 1, 1997
Present: Laura, Freddie, Arkadiusz, Terry, Jan and Alice
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And what name shall we use this evening?
A: Honaza.
Q: And where are you transmitting from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (T) You had a question about transmitting from Cassiopaea,
Arkadiusz. What was the question? (A) I think the question was, why
do they need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?
A: We transmit “through” the opening that is presented in the
locator you
represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses align from
Cassiopaea, due to pulsar from neutron star 300 light years behind
it, as seen from your locator. [Planchette spirals briefly] This
facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd
Q: (A) I would like to know how long it takes for the transmission
to come from Cassiopaea to Earth. A: “Zero” time.
Q: (A) ‘Zero time...’ They transmit, using what? Electromagnetics,
gravity, or what? A: Both. They are interconnected, or you could say “unified”.
Q: (A) Zero time? Because of what? Because of... structure of
space/time? Of warp? A: Space and time are selective and flexible.
Q: (A) What is behind that? What is... what is the medium behind
which the transmission goes? A: If there were a medium, your puzzlement would be justified, but,
there is
not. You see, when one utilizes zero time, there is zero space as
Q: (J) If there is zero space, and zero time, why does it need
to be fixed at a specific location here in 3rd density. A:
It does not, for “transmission purposes.” The need for a specific
locator, as
expressed previously, as you perceive it, was due to vibrational
frequencies helpful to your psychic awareness profile. What causes
pulsars, Arkadiusz?
Q: (A) What causes pulsars? A good question...
(L) Do you know? (A) Some nuclear reactions... A: Neutron “stars.”
Q: (A) A neutron star is a pulsar. The question is, what is so
particular about neutron stars, because anything which is not
understood... A: Quantum physics...
Q: (T) The answer to what causes neutron stars is in quantum
physics? Or, is to be found in quantum physics? Is that what they’re
saying? (A) Or it is known... A: Yes.
(L) OK, so, if you look up pulsars, it will tell you, I guess...
(A) OK... A: What was the key premise to your “Noah Syndrome”
Q: (L) The key premise? Transformation... A:
By what means, what causative factor.
Q: (L) Well, the causative factor was bodies of the solar system
interacting and exchanging energies. The energies exchanged by the
bodies of the solar system having a profound effect upon the life on
any of those bodies, such as people on the planet Earth. The
emanations of the sun, if the sun were to increase its vibration or
its surface, a teeny tiny little bit, the Earth would be so charged
with electricity, that... I mean, one solar flare, and everything
goes haywire.
If the sun oscillates inside, they measure oscillations in it; they
have all
different periods; what if it has a really major oscillation, like
every 3,600
years or so? Because they’ve measured them in terms of minutes,
days, months,
years. You have the 11 year cycle, there’s the 22 year cycle.
There’s a whole
bunch of different cycles of oscillations in the sun, what if it has
a really big one? And what if, when it does that, it pulses? And
when it pulses, it, it so charges the solar system with electricity
that all the bodies in the solar system just go haywire! (T) Is that
the base premise of... (L) That’s the base premise of ‘The Noah
(T) OK, folks, there you have it, the base premise of the
‘Noah Syndrome’ is that the sun pulses regularly. A: A pulsar pulses at an extremely rapid rate.
Q: (T) It creates a frequency... (L) Well, everything’s frequency...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Well, this was a specific frequency they were looking for.
The rate of vibration is the rate of frequency. And it creates a
frequency that they said was something that would be beneficial
to... (L) No, this location is the beneficial thing, right here,
this house. A: No.
Q: (A) But, I do not understand. The frequency...
A: Your planetary realm.
Q: (L) OK, your planetary realm is what they were referring to. (A)
OK, there is something about pulsar, because it brings these pulses
with a certain frequency. But, of course, it is not these pulses
that are important for transmission, because the pulses take
hundreds of years to get here. This we know. (L) But, the pulsar is
the window... (A) It’s a window... (L) The window between densities.
(A) Yes, but what is the pulsar that is so specific that it makes a
window? Is it this frequency? Or, is it something else? Which
physical phenomenon is responsible for making this window? Can we
specify, something more exactly than saying that it’s just quantum
physics? A: What is the nature of neutron stars, super novas, “black holes,”
et cetera?
Q: (L) You go in a black hole, and you come out a pulsar?!
A: All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline
between realities
as you know them... material realms/etheric realms, density level
junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease;
remember, the stars and planets are windows too.
Q: (L) And stars and planets were described as being giant atoms. Is
an atom a window? A: Yes.
Q: (A) Is a proton a window?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) OK, so it is. And it’s massive, so let me ask. Is photon a
window, too? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is gravity something from the center of the window to a
reflective opposite in the ethereal realm, rather than the
attraction between objects in this material realm? A: Gravity is the “binder” common to all imaginable existence. That
is all you
really need to know.
Q: (L) Okay, binder. Does gravity bind in the same way that weak
hydrogen bonds bind the DNA strands? A: No.
OK, then, does gravity bind the way the phosphate bond binds the
carbon atom? A: These are material. The missing link for all you folks is that
gravity is as
much antimatter as matter!!
Q: (A) I would like to ask, not now, but maybe later, about the, is
this the concept that our space/time is the boundary of a domain? Is
that correct picture? A: Yes.
Q: (A) All right, Then, concerning this gravity, and the antimatter,
is it a correct picture that there are two such domains; positive
and negative one, and the gravity has something to do with the
exchange between the positive and negative? A: Gravity is the “fuel,” or “life blood” of absolutely everything
Q: (A) What is the mathematical description, the correct
mathematical description of that? (L) You want the formula? (A)
Yes!! I want the formula!!!! [General laughter] No! I want the concept!
A: That is why you were placed where you were placed!
Q: (A) What does that mean? I’m placed here... for me, or for us? (T) Could you be more specific about that? [General laughter] Heck
of a time to get cryptic here! I mean, we’re rolling, now! A:
Would you not like to discover this formula?
(L) Well, yes, we’d like to discover this formula; it would be a
lot of fun. (A) Of course! Sure! (L) We could even break out a
bottle of wine! (T) But, if they’d like to spell it out, that’d be
OK, too!! [Laughter] I think that what they said is because what’s
going to happen is, you’re going to get the formula. Wasn’t the
question about the formula just prior to that? That’s why you were
placed where you were placed... A: Ark wanted the first step, or guidance to a possible formula. It
is a shame,
but others in your “density” have already discovered this, but it is
a deadly secret!!
Q: (A) I need to review this unified field theory? (T) What is the
deadly secret? That others have discovered this? A: No.
Q: (T) OK, that’s good! A: The possible methods of utilization of technology springing forth
from the
Q: (T) Can we possibly ask what this technology is? (L) Is this
right, what we’ve recorded here? A: Yes, of course!
Q: (A) OK, now, I don’t understand something. Because at some point
they wanted me, more or less, to look into this unified field
theory, and to rediscover what Einstein or whoever did. So, they
want us to discover, the secret, yes? A: We want you to discover it for your own benefit.
Q: (T) The learning is in the discovery. A:
Not necessary to telegraph the “discovery”.
(L) Don’t tell anybody about the discovery. (A) Sure, yes. (L)
So, we’re supposed to use it... time travel, anyone? I think you’re
getting close to it, anyway... (A) I want something more specific...
A: Yes.
Q: OK, now, there are several unified field theories. One, that is
by [name]. One, by [name], a unified field theory by [name], theory
on time and space and the fine connections... I mean, there are many
of them. Any clue? A: No clue.
Q: (T) ‘No clue.’ Nicely worded, though! (A) OK. Let’s ask about
these ‘twisters’. Do they have anything to do with that? A:
[Planchette spirals] Maybe.
Q: (L) Now, remember. Whenever I asked them about you, they said
they weren’t going to tell me anything. They’re not going to tell
you... (A) What! They will not?! (L) No, they will not. You’re doing
it already. You’re doing it! A: When you learn, you grow. When you grow, you progress. When you
progress, you
Q: (L) GIVE ME THE FORMULA!!! [Laughter] (A) No, no, no. Let me try.
Because, okay... the unified field theory is a classical theory. And
now, there’s this quantum business which is so important now. Is it
true that this classical, unified field theory will explain quantum
theory? Is this true? Is this correct, what Einstein had dreamed,
once? A: What do your instincts tell you?
(A) Okay, my instincts tell me that I should sit down at a desk
and compute, rather than sitting here... [laughs] (A) Yes, yes, that
is clear. OK. Sure, do it yourself. A: Sorry, but we want to see you discover.
Q: (L) They want to see you at that desk, computing. That’s what
they want to see. (A) OK, now, I want to change a little bit the
topic. Because I have this seminar next week, Wednesday the fifth.
Something has to be prepared for this is there any particular advice
for me? How to... A: Specifically...?
Q: (A) A specific question, do I have? (L) Do you already know what
you want to talk about? (A) I know what I will talk about, but...
it’s a question of how to present it, so that it makes just the
right... (L) What are the options? (A) I can present it as something
revolutionary, or as something simple. So, these are the options.
A: Revolutionary.
Q: (A) OK. (L) Ask a specific question, get a specific answer.
Except about formulas...! (A) OK, it would not be fun at all if I
would be taught a formula... Anyhow, I would not believe... (L)
Exactly, so you’d still have to prove it yourself, anyway... (A)
Right! (L) So, what would be the point?!? (J) Where’s the fun in
that? A: Exactly.
Q: (L) Now, A got an email from some organization called The
Institute of New Physics, informing him they were financiers, and
was he interested in joining? Could you tell us who or what is
behind this Institute of New Physics? A: Well, perhaps it would be better to help you to tell yourselves.
Where did the message come from?
Q: (L) We don’t know... (A) No, there is something, because there
is, sone info - GAIN - and I looked on the Web, and there are many
institutions which have “Gain,” you know, in their name. And I don’t
know if this is just one... (L) Well, don’t you think it’s kind of
funny that it has “gain” in the name, and you’re in Gainesville? (J)
Yes, that’s what I thought, too... (T) ‘WWW dot... well, no it’s
email, so it would be... (J) Oh, ‘gain’, and they’re financiers...
A: What do financiers do?
Q: (L) What do financiers do? They give you money. They finance
you... (J) They help you ‘gain’... (L) Yes. A: Do they do this for no reason...?
Q: (L) Of course they don’t do this for no reason! They have an
ulterior motive. They want something. A: AHAHAH!
Q: (L) Ahah!? (T) Yes, they’re the money store! (L) Well, all right.
We’ll play it by ear, and see what they want... A: Do they have an agenda?
Q: (L) Of course! No doubt, they have an agenda. Everybody that’s
been writing to us lately has an agenda! You know, we’ve been
getting these... A: What may this be?
Q: (L) Well, their agenda... (J) They want something from him,
obviously. (A) When I get back to Poland, they said that they will
have some printed material on this New Institute ready, that we
could read, that they will send it to me... (T) Where is the New
Institute located? They didn’t say? (A) No, they didn’t say. (J)
Oohh, I think you have a right to know that! (L) Well, I’d say, just
let it float, and see what they say... (J) They had to wait until
you were back in Poland before they’d send you anything? (A) Well,
if this is just in the stage of organization, so perhaps, it’s a big
something, which until now, was working in a certain field, getting
money from, I don’t know, from something, and now, they want to
expand and to invest in nanotechnology, or whatever. A: When you are getting close to something, there are always those
who wish to
distract, disrupt and track for later plans... Anything worth
getting must be sought.
Q: (L) Yes. Anything worth getting must be sought. ‘Sought’; it’s a
funny word. It is; s-o-u-g-h-t? I mean, is it ‘seek, sack, sought?’
(Alice) Something like that. (L) As in ‘think, thank, thunk’? Or
‘drink, drank, drunk’? (J) Or ‘fink, fank, funk’? (L) How about
‘wink, wank, wunk’? [laughter] A: “Jump, Jamp, Jimp.”
Q: (L) Dmitri, the Bulgarian guy from Sophia, who claims to be
practiced in the art of PK, and... (T) This is another email? (L) Yes. (T) Oh, my
lord, they’re
coming out now! [Laughter] (A) Yes, yes, yes. (T) Have you ever
heard of this
gentleman? (L) Well, he’s just an ordinary bloke, the man on the
street kind of
guy. But he just has this unusual interest, he claims to have had...
(A) He’s
got this story... (L) ... he claims to have had a near-death
experience, after
which, I’m not entirely sure what... (A) Yes, he started to see
coming to him in advance. (L) Yes, that’s right, he had like a three
minute... (T) OK, that’s the same story, one of the effects that
Brinkley was experiencing.... (L) Yes, that’s right. Dannion
Brinkley... (T) With his near-death experience, was that he was, he
knew, he was seeing things and hearing things happen before they
happened. He was answering the questions that hadn’t been asked yet.
A: A shame it was not two hours in advance.
Q: (T) As opposed to seeing the future only two minutes in advance.
(L) Yes, damned inconvenient! Two minutes just doesn’t give you
enough time to prepare for anything! A: Or play the “lotto.”
Q: (L) Right! Two or three minutes doesn’t give you time to get down
there to play! (T) You have to stand outside the Circle K and hope
they don’t arrest you for loitering! Football teams can stretch two
minutes to a couple of hours! (L) Right! So, in other words, it’s...
well, they didn’t give us an answer about this guy in Sophia. (T)
Well, we didn’t get to asking the question about him yet... (L) Well
I mean, you know these are what I would call semi-sarcastic remarks!
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, are we to take it that just let Dmitri float along also,
along with the Institute? (L) Well, we don’t have to let all of them
float, you know! A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Well, of course we know it’s up to us! But, I would say that
their remarks on that subject, you know, it’s like I said. The guy
is... if he had something that was so wonderful, why isn’t he out
there, doing something? Why does he want you to make him a machine
that’s going to turn him into a... (A) This is true, because he said
he went for two years to the States, looking for asylum, and then
after that, he went back. (L) And it was a disaster. (A) Yes, it was
a disaster, so probably he confessed that he has liabilities, so
probably he was investigated... A: No; this is Bulgaria, so it was a disasterovicho!
Q: (L) So, there you are! And he said he never finished school, and
he never really said why. (A) But, what is strange is that he writes
perfect English. (L) It is bizzarre, isn’t it? (A) Yes, it is. (T)
He writes perfect English? (L) Yes, and for me it was like reading
in English... (A) And everything makes sense, yes, you see... (L)
But, I’m reading it in English , like reading it in American
English. A: So, what does that tell you?
(L) It tells me that he’s maybe not being completely up front
about everything. In fact, he’s maybe not being... OK, right there,
you said that he duplicated the Dannion Brinkley story. Well, I
haven’t read that book, so I don’t know that. A: Always be on the look out for deception.
Q: (L) Well, we’re always on the lookout for it. We don’t want to,
you know, assume it, but we look for it. Yes, I guess when things
don’t fit... I want to ask... OK, we’ve got a whole bunch of DNA, in
these funny- looking double strands. And, according to the book,
only 2% is actually used, and the other 98% of it is what these
‘experts’ are pleased to call ‘junk.’ They call it junk. Now, I
would like to know, is there any way to activate this other DNA?
A: Won’t it be activated on its own?
Q: (L) ‘Won’t it be activated on its own’? Will it? (J) I think
that’s what they’ve said... I think the question is what it does...
what it codes... (J) Ask if there’s a way to activate it? A:
4th density.
Q: (L) On 4th density. OK. You asked one time for me to comment upon
the connection of phosphorus to the body, so I discovered that
phosphorus plays an important part or role in the DNA, and also the
3 - 5 code, so, I would like to know if the addition of phosphorus
to the diet would enhance some of the DNA to the point where... (T)
...it would activate... A: Maybe it would “enhance” SHC.
Q: (L) What did it say? SHC? (T) What is SHC?
A: Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Q: (J) OK, well, maybe that’s not such a good idea... (L) Well, that
would make sense... phosphorus... (J) Yes, it would! [Laughter]
If you really want to make a show, take a little magnesium with
it... ! Whoah! (J) Then you’d have a ‘Highlander’ quickening! (F) I
just had this image of Laura deciding she’s going to answer ‘Not
really! I’ll have you know, my diet now includes 90% more phosphorus
than it did any time previously!’ And all of a sudden, flames start
shooting out... [laughter]
(T) Now that your finger can hold flame,
it’s a bad time to quit smoking, you know! No lighters anymore!
[Laughter] And you’ll never be lost in a cave! (F) Between that and
Carlos Castanedas snapping back from... it could be dangerous.
Experiment not when you don’t know what you’re doing! (L) OK, no
phosphorous. (T) Anything interesting going to happen in Gulf
Breeze? Of course, that depends on what I define as interesting. (L)
Yes, Terry, you have to be more specific than that... A: We see distinct possibility of major nuclear accident at Oak
Q: (T) What’s that got to do with Gulf Breeze? (J) I don’t know. (L)
They weren’t talking about Gulf Breeze... (T) I guess not! Thanks, I
feel really wanted now! (L) OK a major nuclear accident in
Tennessee. I know that this is a really, really unacceptable
question, but do we have a, in terms of ‘photon belts’ being fields
of probability, do we have a time frame for this? Somewhere in
there? A: Near.
Q: (T) About the same time as the Gulf Breeze conference, this
month? (L) Maybe that’s what triggered it... A: Possibly.
Q: (L) Anybody know anybody in Oak Ridge? I don’t.
A: Radioactive fallout over East Tennessee and Western North
Carolina and
Q: (T) Yes, we know people in Western North Carolina... (L) Yes, we
do. (L) In Murpysboro {?} (L) Where is Oak Ridge? (T) Near
Knoxville, close to the Tennessee/North Carolina border, probably
not more than 50 miles from the border. By Knoxville. (F) There is a
breeder reactor right there... (J) That’s where the whole dang thing
started. (T) What kind of accident is this going to be? Is this
going to be a big explosion, a fire? Is it going to be like
Chernobyl, or is somebody going to accidentally release radiation
into the air? A: First of all, it is possible, not definite. Second, if it
happens, it will be
Q: (T) Is Crystal River in operation? A:
Q: (T) Well, that’s the story, that it’s not been in operation. It’s
been down for a year, and they’re going to be down for another year.
I was reading in the paper, who knows how true this all is, that the
US Energy Department is using the private reactors for breeding
tritium. They’re on a big rush to get as much tritium as they can.
(F) For what? (T) Nuclear weapons, or something with nuclear
weapons, something to do with nukes. Or as a byproduct for something
else that they’re using it for. It said that they were using a
private power company reactor up in West Virginia, I think, and one
other one out west, along with their labs. (L) Let’s say good night
here. Anything we need to ask or ought to know, that we haven’t
asked at this point? Aside from this? A: Maybe, but good-bye.
End of Session
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March 15, 1997
Freddie, Violette, Alice, Ark, Laura
Q: Hello. A: Hello.
Q: And what name shall we use this evening?
A: Torra.
Q: And where do you transmit from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an
interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron.
In the natural state, do electrons come from photons? A: No.
Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?
A: Aether boundary with material continuum.
Q: Where does the proton come from? A: 7th density.
Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does
not. A: Not mutually exclusive.
Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, say an electrical wire,
you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons get passed from
atom to atom along this pathway. And, yet, they don’t run out, and
they don’t really get used, it is only the resistance that causes
heat that causes the incandescence... A: Gravity center of planet is also “window” to all other density
levels and
dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged
atoms “ground” in order to pass on to other planes through gravity
Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons
along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one
electron to another atom that manifests as electricity? A:
Electrical energy is merely “tapped,” collected, trapped, then
Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?
A: Collecting electrons.
Q: What is a collecting electron?
A: Not “a” collecting electron. It is collecting them.
Q: What is collecting the electrons? A:
The utilizers. Electrons are “free” energy.
Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit,
the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started with,
the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there
when the circuit is broken and the passing of electrons stops. Am I
wrong? A: Yes.
Q: Okay... then... A:
There is no beginning or end.
Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?
A: Yes.
Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the
source of these free electrons? A: All materials. All matter. All aether.
Q: The electrons of the conductor itself are being passed along, and
this is the manifestation of the flow of electricity? A: Maybe.
Q: In what sense am I not correct? A: Limiting concept to “conductor.”
Q: Electrical energy will be present in everything. But in some
particular substances, such as those things we call conductors, the
electrical energy is, as you said, collected, trapped and channeled,
which then is a useful activity because it creates light and runs
machines and so forth... A: Primitive.
Q: Okay. It is primitive. We understand that. When electricity moves
in what would be considered a superconductor, how is it different
from an ordinary conductor, such as a copper wire? A: Accelerates flow, thus separating electrons, thus “exciting”
Q: What qualities does the superconductor have that contributes to
this accelerating of flow? A: Cycling magnetic pulse.
Q: What creates a cycling magnetic pulse? A:
Matter within gravity vacuum.
Q: How do you create a gravity vacuum?
A: In this case, it is created unintentionally as a byproduct of
Q: You said that a superconductor separates the electrons, thus
exciting the flow. What do you mean by separating? A: From each other.
Q: How is that different from a normal electric flow?
A: Not as widely separated.
Q: Is this separation of electrons a key to this process?
A: Yes.
Q: What additional conditions or qualities contribute to the
separating of electrons? A: Ask yourself now, what conditions define a superconductor?
Q: (L) What defines a superconductor? (A) Zero resistance. (V) Is
that without gravity? (A) No heat. (L) How does one achieve zero
resistance? A: Artificial construct.
Q: Do you mean that it is an artificial idea, or that the only thing
that would have zero resistance would be something that is
artificially constructed. A: Both.
Q: So, there is no actual possibility for a true superconductor with
absolutely zero resistance? But that the resistance can be reduced
to a very low level. A: Close.
Q: Does cold necessarily have something to do with
superconductivity? A: What conditions exist in outer space?
Q: Well it is VERY cold... (A) It is almost a vacuum. (L) No
gravity. (A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we
must ask is what is the relation between superconductivity and
gravity. There was something mentioned... what was that about
aether? A: Nonmaterial realm of existence.
(L) In other words, consciousness. Okay, you mentioned a cycling
magnetic pulse that was an unintentional byproduct of
superconductivity, and something about matter within a gravity
vacuum... Could you define a cycling magnetic pulse? A: Self explanatory.
Q: You said it was derived from matter within a gravity vacuum. Does
that mean that superconductivity creates a gravity vacuum? A:
Q: (A) Where? Within the superconductor or outside?
A: Within.
Q: (A) According to what we know, it also creates an electromagnetic
vacuum. Is it correct that there is no magnetic field within the
superconductor? A: We have stated before that these two properties are interwoven.
Q: (L) Electromagnetism and gravity. So, if there is no gravity,
there is no electromagnetism. But then where is the magnetic pulse?
A: Pulse exists outside of gravity vacuum, but within
superconductor. Picture a
tube structure.
Q: Is the superconducting state within the gravity vacuum or within
the EM pulse? A: All inclusive. Normal structure for channeling electron flow
within a
conductor is a solid “tube,” within superconductor, it is a “hollow”
tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum.
Q: Does this hollow tube structure have any bearing on what you
described as the separating of electrons? A: It is a manifestation of same.
Q: So, in order to have a superconductor, one ought to have a
temperature similar to the temperature in space, as well as possibly
a chemical construction that is similar to the ambient properties of
space, only greatly condensed, would that be it? A: Close.
Q: (A) Do they mean there is zero gravity without superconductor?
They say a
vacuum which means what? No gravity? A: Within.
Q: (A) No gravity within. A: Not “no,” just far less, and fragmented in nature.
Q: (A) But, on the other hand they say vacuum... (L) But Honey,
there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum! (A) Yes. You are right.
Okay. (A) I want to understand this 7th density. The protons come
from 7th density? Or they are windows to 7th density or... what? (L)
You said that protons come from seventh density. In exactly what
sense did you mean that? A: In the ultimate sense.
Q: So, a proton is a little manifestation of the consciousness of
God? A: No.
Q: Well, that would be what I would understand as the ultimate
sense. Correct me please. A: Too complex.
(L) Okay. (F)Spider! (A) Indeed! A spider! [It seems that at this
precise moment, a spider descended from the ceiling on a thread.]
(L) Teensy weensy spider....(A) It’s a spy! (F) Yes, but a second
density one. (A) But it has a lot of protons! (F) That’s its
connection with 7th density. [The spider is rescued and put
elsewhere.] (L) Now, back to the questions. Could you just give me a
clue on this proton business? A: Ask.
Q: Okay, a proton is matched by an electron... (V) Does 7th density
delegate how many protons come down or are available at any given
time? (L) I think that would be a question that would take us way
beyond where we are now... A: Yes it would.
(L) Just calm down V. I have a spider web on my hand. Okay. The
protons. (V) Aren’t protons just smaller bits of energy. (L) A proton is a
fermion. (A) Yes. A proton is a fermion. Okay, there is a question
with this proton. Is it something eternal, or is it something that
decays? If it is seventh density... How long does a proton live?
A: Atomic explosion blends density window.
(A) What do they mean blend? It explodes! Blend with what?
A: Where do protons fit into the atomic chain reaction equation?
Q: (L) What happens to protons in an atomic chain reaction? (A)
Okay. I will have to check. I will have to take a look. But what
does it have to do with this? (L) Well, if a proton is from 7th
density, it is obviously a window. (A) Yes, a window. A very small
window. (V) I have to leave. (L) Okay, we will stop for now and come
back to the atomic chain reaction after we know how to ask the
questions. Let me ask very quickly what made me so violently sick
last night? A: Ptomaine, bad gravy or sauce.
(L) The last few nights I have been having very strange things
happening to me while I sleep. Waking startled or fighting or
feeling something touching me... What is going on? A: Burial ground.
Q: You mean the place we are staying used to be a burial ground?
A: 400 years ago.
Q: Swell! Just what I needed to hear! Is there anything I can do to
limit this activity? A: No,
Q: Is it particularly harmful or just annoying?
A: More the latter.
Q: (L) How come it bothers me and not Ark?
A: Sensitivity profile.
Q: Any general advice? (A) Let’s ask if there is anything we should
do before going to this Gulf Breeze? A: Get plenty of rest.
Q: Get plenty of rest?! We know that. Is it advisable to go to this
particular conference? A: Yes.
Q: Anything else?
A: Up to you.
Q: Then we thank you and say good night.
A: Good night.
End of Session
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