June 7, 1997

Freddie, Laura, Alice

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have this evening?
A: Uthurrah.

And where do you transmit from?
A: Cassiopaea.

Okay, I have a whole lot of questions, but is there anything you would like to address before I get started?
A: Better to just ask away.

Alright. I want to clear up some quick ones before I get into the more complicated subjects. Left from last week: We talked about the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria, and the mode of its appearance. But, I want to know what year it arrived on the Canaries?
A: No year was measured then.

Well, I know the Guanches did not, but related to the Spaniards who arrived later and who learned about it, when was it?
A: Maybe 1198 would be good.

Now, I notice that the Celtic name for the town of St. Albans is Verulamium, and that is where Henry Percy, son of Hotspur, was killed in battle. I also notice that Sir Francis Bacon was Lord Verulam, and he was thought to be not only a Rosicrucian, but also the author of the Shakespearean plays, as well as some of the Rosicrucian manifestos...
A: Check out Alton Towers, for clues.

Okay, I will do that. Thank you. Okay. Now, there is a thing called the GONG project on Tenerife. My feeling is that it is a mask for something else.
A: Close.

What, precisely, is the GONG project doing?
A: Magnetic frequency. Measurements for possible future use.

Future use for what purpose?
A: Discovery. Oh, you are so “brilliant.”

Is brilliant the code word for the discovery here?
A: You will see.

You guys are so funny! Next: Is there any relation between the dietary restrictions of the Jews and the instructions for animal sacrifice on the alter as delivered in the book of Leviticus, and the present day cattle mutilations and possible use of humans for food?
A: Disconnected variables.

Okay, let’s back up: is there any relationship between the instructions for animal sacrifice and the cattle mutes?
A: Only in the general sense of enzyme actions upon leukocytes.

Does that mean that the instructions for preparation of sacrificial animals were designed to prepare them for alien ‘food?’
A: More for energy transfer.

Do you mean energy transfer in the a) sense of the transfer of the energy of the animal through the sacrifice, or b) the transfer of the energy of the human performing the sacrifice into the animal, and then through the animal to the alien (and I am using the term alien in its broadest sense) ?
A: Why not both?

The next thing is the dietary restrictions. Many cultures eat rabbits and pigs, in specific, those of Aryan extraction. The rabbit was sacred to Athena, and the Celts at a LOT of pork. Yet, here these items are restricted from the diet of the Jews. Is there any relation between the diet as outlined here, and the Aryan genetic tendencies to conquest and domination?
A: Trichinosis used to be nonexistent in Aryan types... But, mixing of genetic factors eliminated this.

So, the Jews were susceptible to trichonosis, and the Aryans were not?
A: Originally.

So, it was necessary for the Jews not to eat the pork, but not for the Aryans, and the mixing caused susceptibility. In a general sense, are strong Aryan genetics indicative of the necessity for the consumption of meat?
A: In a sense, but pescadorial features substitute semi- adequately.

Pescadorial. Semi-adequately. What needed to be added so that the substitution would be not just semi-adequate, but totally adequate?
A: Iron/protein levels.

So, it is the iron that the Celts need? Well, that brings me to the next question: In all the Celtic folklore when they talk about ‘fairies,’ which are obviously other density beings very similar to our modern ‘Gray alien,’ these fairy/slash aliens insist that no iron come near them in any way. It was also said that bringing iron into contact with someone thought to be a ‘changeling’ would prove whether or not they were because if they were, they would disappear instantly. Also, the instructions for the building of the Temple of Solomon included restrictions on the use of iron in either the preparation of the materials or the putting together of the building itself, even down to the rejection of the use of iron nails in any part. What is the significance of this restriction on the use of iron by these other density beings, whoever they are?
A: Bloodline trails.

Are you saying that... I don’t understand... not even well enough to frame another question...
A: You will, my dear, oh will you!

If it was necessary for the Aryans to have iron... okay, maybe the iron is something that interacts...
A: What about iron as an element?

Q: Okay, let’s see: Iron - derived from early Celt ‘iserno,’ via Illyrian ‘eisarno’ from the IndoEuropean base ‘eis,’ which means to ‘move vigorously; strong, holy.’ It is a white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element that can be readily magnetized, rusts rapidly in moist or salty air, and is vital to plant and animal life; it is the most common and important of all metals, and its alloys, as steel, are extensively used. Symbol: Fe; atomic weight:55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity: 7.86; melting point: 1535 degrees Centigrade; boiling point 3,000 degrees C. The electron shells are thus: 2,14,8,2. Iron is an element of blood, hemoglobin, and is easily magnetized... there is some new work about iron and magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have ‘abduction’ experiences... is it the magnetism?
A: Yes....

Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...
A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the “smoke screen” really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance at all! Is that it?
A: You are getting “warmer.”

Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?
A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance?

Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct?
A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts.

Were these other efforts involved with sexual function?
A: More like the results of same.

Okay, they were concentrating on...
A: Today’s version of the deception could be your favorite and mine, “monoatomic gold.”

Oh, the David Hudson fiasco...
A: There too, one is lead astray by substance... Remember our little dissertation about all the really big bangs?

Yes.... I remember... and I got a lot of flack from that... The three days of darkness, et cetera... the implications... let’s back up...
A: Oh my, oh my, we can turn this powder into gold!! And if you eat enough of it, you will have orgasms forever as a light being... Oh my, oh my!!

Good point! Getting people addicted to the substance by these claims...
A: How addicted is Marti?

Yes. She is the one who is really promoting the David Hudson thing...
A: Did she want to have orgasms in heaven, or what?!?

That’s true! That was her idea of heaven - the Hindu lingam and yoni in perpetual motion! Is there something else on this now, or can we move on?
A: Up to you.

Well, my night would not have been complete unless you said that! Now, Johan wanted to know the connection between himself and the group here?
A: Wait and see.

Well, I can assure you that he would be very happy to hear something a little more verbose than that!! Is there going to be more interaction?
A: See last response.

Q: Well, is there anything you can SAY to Johann? Like acknowledge his existence?
A: Okay! Acknowledged! Now, wait and see!

You guys are TOO MUCH! Next: Cayce remarked in one of his vague dissertations - and for those who accuse the C’s of being vague, they ought to read Cayce, since he was a MASTER of vague! He could talk for pages and say NOTHING! - anyway he said that there were a lot of Atlanteans incarnating between the years 1909 and 1930. He described them as having strong minds and emotions as well as an ‘engorgement’ of carnal influences, self-indulgence and high technical ability. He also warned that there was the possibility repeating the errors of the past. Now, these are the people who have set up the world as we have it today. My question is: are we facing a replay of the Atlantean situation, in karmic terms?
A: Well, these cycles do replay from an energy standpoint, but there is always the opportunity to learn and thusly, to advance. Was not his proclamation for those born between 1909 and 1930?? And, if so, what is the significance of when it was delivered, if the orientation was one of the “present” tense?

Q: So, it was possible that he was referring to the Hitler, WWII situation.
A: Or just not referring to those of a later “date” because it was not germaine?

Okay. Who are the ‘philosophers of Dancar?’
A: Philosophers who ride around in Dan’s car.

That was a serious question! Where and what is Dancar?
A: Why do you suppose the response was light hearted?

Well, come on! What is Dan’s car?
A: We ask you to define as best you can.

A ‘car’ belonging to Dan. The subject was talked about in the 18th century.
A: Yes.

To what place were they referring when they talked about Dancar?
A: British.

Why would they call it Dancar?
A: Locator.

There is no place called Dancar.
A: No?

Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the ‘philosophers of Dancar.’ I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: ‘God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.’ What do they mean by a ‘great council of the elect?’
A: Pyrenees.

Okay, the purported enclave of the alchemists... Why was it signified by new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus? What do they represent?
A: Novae.

Okay, what is the role of Nitric Oxide in the human body?
A: Incomplete request.

Okay, in the neurological system?
A: Opens up the pleasure center.

Are you talking about the amygdala?
A: Maybe.

The neocortex?
A: No.

The reptilian brain?
A: Maybe.

Okay, the family name you gave me for the immediate past life in Germany was ‘Gerspringer.’ I have been searching through the geneologies, and am wondering if the ‘ger’ here was not a prefix sort of like ‘von?’
A: Prefixes are added and dropped at will in monikers.

So, I might be looking for ‘Springer,’ in fact, rather than ‘ger’ or ‘von’ Springer? What was the nationality of Gerhard?
A: Deautschlander.

In a previous session where you introduced the concept of perpendicular realities, you stated that (T) was connected to a particular reality called ‘Neormm.’ You also designated the ‘thought center’ of STS as Ormethion. I noticed the similarity of the names. Is there a relationship?
A: The orm is close to orimulsion. Look it up.

Well, what I am asking is about the possible relationship between Neormm and Ormethion...
A: Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!

Alright. That reminds me. There are a lot of people teaching that there are divisions of being as spirit, soul, consciousness, et cetera. What is the difference between the spirit and the soul?
A: Semantics.

In reading the Celtic legends, I discovered that Cassiopaea was equated with Danu, or Don, as in Tuatha de Danaan, or the court of the goddess Danu. So, in other words, the supreme goddess of the Aryans was Cassiopaea. And, Cassiopaea is found in the zodiacal area of Aries, the ‘lamb,’ where Cephus the ‘rock’ and ‘king’ is also found, as well as Perseus, ‘he who breaks’ and serpentarius. The image is of Perseus overcoming the serpent, and the ancient Celtic engravings of the horned god show him gripping two serpents by the throat. I would like to understand the symbology here...
A: You are on the right track.

What is the symbology of the ‘breaking of rocks,’ as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as ‘he who breaks?’
A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

Before we take our break, can you say any more about this ubiquitous ‘she’ of the Celts, Cassiopaea, and the relationship to the Aryans?
A: Better continue your search, as this is how you learn and build power!

When you said I needed to find a ‘superhypnotist’ to break the locks on the knowledge placed in my superconsciousness, and then you suggested a ‘spin’ doctor, and now Ark’s actions while I was sleeping brought out some of the keys to large pieces of the puzzle and the connections, am I on the right track when I think that the actions we are taking in searching out these pieces of the puzzle, putting them together, and the amazing discoveries that have taken place as we go along, is the action of the ‘breaking’ of these locks?
A: Likely.

[ Break ]

Q: Okay, now that we have read the letter from Colin Andrews, I would like to say that I had a very funny feeling about this as I was going to sleep last night. Is there anything you can tell me about this. I know I am asking for something that you are not going to tell me!
A: Expect to see Andrews in your house, if that is your pursuit, in “future.”

Well, is there going to be any chance of checking out any crop circles in person?
A: If you wish, but not necessary, and may hinder purpose.

Okay, I will drop it. No crop circles for me!
A: If you want to, then by all means, do it! But, let not your focus be exclusive.

Alright. I need to work on the transcripts and editing and so forth.
A: We meant that if you travel to Angle Terra, open your eyes, ears, and mind.

Today, the exchange was as follows: Ark wrote: C’s once said that EM was an expression of gravitational energy. I said: they said that light is an energy expression of gravity, that EM was the same as gravity, or, more precisely, intertwined. And, this would incline me to believe that the total spectrum of EM is the ‘stuff’ of the ‘balloon,’ that is the balance to the ‘non-balloon,’ of gravity, being that which emerges out of non-being, and that the various separations of EM into waves such as light, radio, and other frequencies are energy expressions. In other words, EM IS the unstable gravity wave, so to speak. Was this correct?
A: Close.

Q: Is ethereal existence the ‘non-balloon.’
A: Closer.

And EM is intertwined. That is, EM is ‘being’ and ethereal existence is non-being?
A: No. EM is being and ethereal existence is thinking...

Absolute non-being is the origin of gravity. It emerges out of the absoluteness of non-being, and what emerges out of gravity is EM?
A: Where did you get this “absoluteness of non-being?”

Well, non-being that is so ‘non’ that is is NON!
A: That is ALL, maybe?

I guess so.
A: Is non really nano?

I don’t know. Is that a clue?
A: ?

Well, then I said: If the varieties of waves of the EM spectrum are unstable gravity waves, then they could be added together which could arrive at some total factor of electromagnetism, which then, if reversed, would express the existence of gravity?
A: On the right track, or “rail” as in “railgun.”

Well, I can’t go any further with that because I know nothing about railguns, not even what they are. Now, let me read this text: “I have recently come into possession of a paper on magneto-gravitics and field resonance systems, presented by A.C. Holt from NASA Johnson Space Center to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ 16th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 30-July 2, 1980. Holt presents a project using an already existing system known as the Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System (CoFERS) [probably located at Los Alamos Labs’ High Magnetic Field Research Laboratory]. CoFERS utilizes a toroidal-shaped energy guide with megagauss magnetic field sources located along radius vectors equally spaced around the toroid. CoFERS is shaped like a thick flying disc.


Holt goes on to say:

“By converying an object’s normal space-time energy pattern to an energy pattern which differs substantially from the normal pattern, the gravitational forces acting on the object are changed. The object’s new pattern interacts with the surrounding space-time and virtual energy patterns, such that the interactive forces are substantially altered. The alteration of the characteristics of the continuous field of force results in the apparent motion of the object *through space-time*.” [...]


“Since the gravitational forces acting on the propulsion system can be quickly altered to achieve the desired motion, the spacecraft can make right-angle turns at very-high velocities without adversely affecting the crew or system elements. The effective gravitational field the *spacecraft/ aircraft* experiences can be nearly simultaneously reoriented at a 90-degree angle, resulting in a smooth continuous motion as far as the occupants are concerned.” [ ... ]


“The gravimagnetic system is perhaps best suited for use in and around ... a large mass such as the Earth.” “While the gravimagnetic system is likely to be the first field-dependent propulsion system developed, the field resonance system will **bring stellar and galactic travel out of the realm of science fiction**. The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine- tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist. ...this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant space-time point. [ ... ]


“A space-time ‘jump’ already appears to be supported by astrophysical research.”

Having read this text, my thought is that it is very similar to what I was talking about earlier today, and which was explicated by Karl von Eckertshausen in regards to the ‘violin allegory.’ That is, that a violin string tuned to a particular pitch, if plucked, will cause the identical string on another violin across the room tuned to the same pitch to sound also. However, it seems that what they are doing here is setting up a ‘pitch’ in this object which actually exists somewhere else.


And, by creating this resonance, it ‘becomes’ or disappears from this point in space/time where its resonance is no longer appropriate, and reappears at the point in space/time where the ‘tuned resonance’ actually exists. It is both virtual and real. Is this text on the right track, and am I understanding it correctly?
A: Propulsion system for 3rd and 4th density Alien spacecraft.

That is the propulsion system?
A: Very close, yes.

Is my understanding close to correct?
A: Well, that is a clever anecdotal parallel as it matches conceptually, which is really the point, isn’t it?

The point? Are you saying that the anecdote is more to the point than what this paper is saying?
A: In terms of consciousness, which is why everything exists ultimately, and with gravity as the “glue” that holds all on physical and ethereal planes together!

Is the object to ‘dematerialize’ or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person ‘dematerializes’ or ‘disappears’ from this point...
A: Break the veil of “time,” and dematerialzation is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose.

Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state?
A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non- physical “state.” And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!!

Q: If one were to travel in this manner, would it not be a temptation to not return to the physical reality?
A: If one goes bowling, is it a temptation to not return to the parking lot?

I guess if your only choice was the parking lot, I guess you would want to stay, but if going to the parking lot meant getting in your car and going home, then no. Now, glue. The thing is that one has to ‘unglue’ oneself? Is that the point?
A: No.

Well, if gravity is what holds material and ethereal existence together, and you are going from material into ethereal states...
A: By your definition, you would be unglued, since you perceive the physical, and thus are not completely stuck.

So, you still have the ability to perceive the physical reality and the physical world when you are traveling this way, therefore you are not completely ‘stuck.’ However, we have talked about people who do get completely ‘stuck,’ is this correct?
A: Close.

Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza’s presentation. What struck me was the word ‘cylinder’ which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said ‘yes,’ and that it was in Antarctica, and that ‘they’ were ‘exploring the loop of the cylinder.’ You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein?
A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

Is it true that Kaluza had the theory and Einstein didn’t?
A: Maybe it is that Einstein first hypothesized, and others were then commissioned for the purpose of completion in order to lead to application.

Q: Ark says: When I asked the question ‘how many dimensions has the real world,’ the C’s answer was ‘the correct question is how many worlds has the true dimension.’ And they never answered if the Kaluza Klein ideas are right or wrong. And, I wrote a book on that kind of geometry. We need to know it. It is essential for progress.
A: If one needs to find a house, is it not necessary to know the path to get there?

So, what’s your point?
A: See Ark’s question and declaration for the point!

Oh, so that is it. Ark writes: Gravity is a bond of everything. In mathematics there is a concept of a connection that translates as ‘cohesion.’ Connection is the fundamental of Eddington’s 1920 UFT, and later the UFT of Einstein and Schrodinger is based exclusively on this mathematical object, ‘connection.’ The idea of the connection is simple: it allows for the connecting of distant things. It allows us to keep track of the direction while traveling from one point to another point. Could you comment on the Einstein-Schrodinger theory?
A: Need more specific demand.

I don’t know how to ask it. Is this mathematical idea of ‘connection’ the same as the mathematical expression of gravity?
A: It does not quite fit, because of a failure in the formula which involved a simple juxtaposition of characters, thus easily overlooked in final result.

Q: Well, I can’t even ask the next question on this because I don’t know what we are talking about. In my limited understanding of the 7 density levels, 3 and 3 with the blending density in the middle, is there a relationship between 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 5 in terms of balancing in some sense?
A: Nature presents polarization, because of the balance of cyclical balance evident.

Can I try to make some conjectures and maybe understand this better? Let’s start with the relationship between 1st and 7th... if 7th is where the light emanates from, and 1st is where it congeals as matter, then...
A: You are drifting a bit. There need not be a relationship when all is relative.

That is what Ark said, essentially, I think. Okay. There are two more things I want to cover tonight. The first is my map here of Tenerife. See the map? What does it make you think of? After all this time of discussing the Canaries, I have this detailed map here. And, apparently somewhere along here is where the statue was found. Here is the cave where it was kept. And along here the processions...
A: It?? How about they? And, we feel you might now be best served by researching a “modern day” connection for these things, such as UFOs, Roswell, and the underground zones, and what purpose they serve.

Q: Okay. Leave off the Canary Islands. But, one more little thing here... This is the inscription on the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria. Can you offer any suggestions for decoding this?
A: Try the “3/5 principle”... Let your search be joyous as always... We must depart for now, Good Night.

End of Session


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June 14, 1997

Freddie, Laura, Alice.

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Nimommarah.

And where do transmit from?
A: Cassiopaea.

Ark says: Please ask: last time the C’s made a remark about ‘juxtaposition’ and ‘failure in the formula.’ Can they let me know which formula, and can they let me know through a code that will precisely address my knowledge and experience. Okay, which formula did you mean?
A: Formula revealed by obvious juxtaposition, when one observes again using knowledge recently gained and compares with that known then!

Are you talking about the juxtaposition of Einstein to Kaluza?
A: Learning is accomplished through discovery.

Anything else you can give that will address Ark’s knowledge and experience, concerning the failure in the formula?
A: The failure is deceptively simple... “Old makes new again.” Equilateral versus hypotenuse.

Anything else?
A: See what comes of this.

Did something unusual happen to Chloe and I when we were riding back from North Carolina and the window in the car exploded?
A: Was the window exploding not unusual?

Well, of course it was. But, what I am trying to get at is, was this evidence of some activity of which we were unconscious at the time?
A: How does that which you have learned about electromagnetism tell you what you seek?

It tells me that there was, undoubtedly, a breaking of the realm curtain, and that something unusual did take place. But, at the time, you said that I should talk to Chloe and that she should probe into her own experiences. We talked about it, and she remembered a number of unusual incidents from her childhood. Could you comment on your remark of the time that she would make some extraordinary discoveries by probing?
A: Have her probe.

Well, we talked about it, she probed...
A: Have her do the probing, please!

(Chloe) [via telephone] Something happened at that time, out of the ordinary. Were we taken out of the time sequence?
A: How do you define “time sequence?”

(Chloe) A time sequence is how we have agreed to define a measurement of time on this earth. A consecutive order of events that we call time...
A: Not true!

(Chloe) Then, did some event occur that we are unaware of in our conscious mind?
A: What do you think?

(Chloe) At the time she didn’t think about it at all, but now she doesn’t know.
A: You mean to say that you actually have no opinion?!?

(Chloe) [speaking to Freddie...]
A: Not so!

(Freddie) They answered you before you finished saying that you have no opinion. Before you say anything, stop and think. Do you really have no opinion? You are being challenged on that.
(Chloe) I find it hard to believe ...
A: Who are “they?”

(Chloe) I find it hard to believe because I do not know what the purpose would be... what they would want us for... I don’t know...
A: Really?

(Chloe) I read some of the transcripts about good guys and bad guys, and there are a lot of different players, and you don’t know which are involved, if any.
A: But what do you feel?

(Chloe) I don’t feel afraid. I want to know if there is a plan that I am involved in with Laura...
A: Again, what do your instincts tell you? You have always been one who was powerfully in touch with your feelings, your insights and your sense of “right and wrong.”

(Chloe) I have noticed that when Laura and I discuss a subject, we both seem to grasp ideas more quickly...
A: And...

(Chloe) And that seems like a valuable thing.
A: But we are drifting away from the matter at hand. We ask you again to please reveal your deeply held feelings with regard to the question of that which caused the window to explode. What do you think it was?

Q: (Chloe) Originally I thought it was malfunction of the window defroster which I had just turned on. Since that time, and since I have read some of the transcripts, I am open to considering the fact that there could have been another cause.
A: So, what other cause could there have been?

(Chloe) I guess I would... suppose we could have been taken out of our time sequence, given a task to perform, given information, been encoded in some way, been directed in some way, and then returned.
A: My, my! That is quite a lot to ponder. But, is that what your instincts tell you? Please reveal your inner thoughts, as you almost did earlier. You see, Chloe, we can help you to be able to discover amazing truths about the vast continuum of all creation, which is actually locked up within your own mind, if only we can first get on the right “track.”

(Chloe) I feel that it WAS significant, if nothing other than to get our attention.
A: Interesting... Now then... what amazing progress can be made when one merely expresses themselves!! You see, by simply stating your feelings, you have opened the door to the mosaic reality. Others have taken considerably longer to get to that point.

(Chloe) By mosaic reality I assume that you are saying there are many levels to this situation?
A: Yes, but to every situation!

(Chloe) When Laura and I discuss a situation together, we seem to create and reach new pathways that may take either one of us longer to reach on our own. I feel this comes from many lifetimes of working together.
A: Whoa... Wait a minute, Chloe! One at a time, as you have expressed three profound thought patterns there. First, why do you suppose you and Laura are able to reach conclusions so much better “as a team,” rather than separately?

Q: (Chloe) That isn’t exactly what I said, and that isn’t exactly what I meant. I meant that we are better able to do this as... we seem to lead each other into new thought patterns... perhaps our thinking complements each other. Let me think another minute. I haven’t thought so hard in a while...
A: Thinking is not so “hard” as you “think!”

(Chloe) Why are we able to reach conclusions? Do you think of us as a team?
A: We ask you.

(Laura) It seems to have something to do with WHY we can reach conclusions as a team...
A: Cat got your tongue?

(Chloe) I had never considered why we thought well together...
A: When was “never?”

(Laura) If you think about it now, it’s as good as ever.
(Chloe) Boy, Laura, what do you think?
(Laura) You are asking me?
A: Boy, Chloe, what do YOU “think.”

(Freddie) That’s the second time they have put ‘think’ in quotes. (Chloe) I am questioning assumptions that I had taken for granted.
A: Then you must be “thinking otherwise.” Just let it flow, my dear, there will not be grades given out after this session!

(Chloe) Why do I think that Laura and I reach conclusions better together. Because I get excited about things when I am talking to her, and my mind seems to leap ahead, and I sense the same thing happening with her.
A: But, why is that?

(Laura) They aren’t going to let her go!
(Freddie) We have all been through the same wringer... especially Laura!
(Chloe) Because we have similar interests and backgrounds in areas of our study...
A: Oh, my dear Chloe, you make it sound so elementary, my dear Chloe, elementary!

(Laura) What?!
(Freddie) So, it’s more complicated than that?
A: More complicated? Yes. And simpler, too!

(Laura) Okay, hold everything, earlier Chloe and I were talking on the phone about mythological figures possibly representing group souls. That is, on our level of 3rd density, groups of individuals who are separated by flesh, might be extensions of group souls at a higher level...
A: Who does Zeus represent?

(Laura) Zeus.
(Freddie) The father of the gods?
A: And the implication is...?

(Laura) Who are the gods that he is the father is...
(Freddie) Chloe is glad that you are in the hot seat...
(Laura) Implications? That is too much for me right now!
A: No.

(Laura) Yes it is! It requires thinking! The implication of Zeus representing... does Zeus represent 7th density?
A: Or does Zeus represent the grasping for 7th density?

(Laura) Are we saying grasping in ways that are not suitable?
A: No grasping is “not suitable.”

(Laura) Okay. Are we all pieces of ... are there groups and groups and groups that are pieces of a larger whole, or larger wholes, and they can only graduate when they assemble?
A: More to the point would be that that makes the progress speed up for most of those involved in such a process.

(Laura) Is it necessary to interact with other souls that are resonating...
A: Laura, give Chloe a chance to absorb and respond with her two cents. After all, it is her “nickel.”

(Chloe) Are Laura and I part of a group soul or group entity?
A: What do you think?

(Chloe) Yes.
A: And...

(Chloe) I think that we are part of a group soul... whatever that means, we have a purpose; I think we have a similar interest, and that is to discover the truth. And it is also to advance ourselves.
A: And...

(Chloe) When one group advances, then it filters down to others...
A: How does it “filter down?”

(Chloe) Because I believe that all are connected.
A: How so?

(Laura) I get it! The Zeus thing. The whole Zeus thing, the bearing of children, the moving out in all these various ways, manifestations or patterns as defined by the ‘children’ through all the various levels, so that it eventually all comes back around to 7th density.
A: and what does it mean when it “comes back around?”

(Laura) Union with the One. And it all just keeps going around and around.
A: And Chloe says...

(Chloe) You mean, what happens when we all get back to 7th density?
A: We mean what do you think?

(Chloe) If we are patterned after the myths of Zeus, and we have gone forth, and there are lots of scatterings of fragments upon the earth having many experiences, and as we grow and advance, we come to the truth and the full meaning, we merge back together again with all of the wisdom of all of these experiences.
A: Yes, but is not just the “Earth.”

(Chloe) That’s why I say we go into another level...
A: But, Chloe, what of those not on the Earth?

(Chloe) They are in the same process.
A: Yes.

(Chloe) Do they have different myths?
A: They have different everything... But, in the final analysis, it is really just the same!

(Chloe) Then I would say that when everyone graduates from their finite, physical existences, then they occupy the same space at a different vibration, and go onto other lessons and experiences and advances that I cannot conceive of at the moment.
A: But what is “the moment?”

(Chloe) The moment? I haven’t thought that far ahead yet!
A: Or have you, but you simply do not perceive it as such?

(Chloe) Probably so. How many people are in this particular group that Laura and I are in, for the purpose of this work?
A: Up to you to discover.

(Chloe) Well, I thought I’d give it a shot!
(Laura) Does it have anything to do with the three dominos, the three slices of pizza, the three dominos missing from the set?
A: Not really, but we do understand that Dominos does make good pizza!

(Laura) Why do you keep referring to the pizzas. Is there something in Italy? [pause] You aren’t going to answer me, are you?
A: No.

(Laura) Well, I wasn’t being facetious!
A: But we were! Mirth!

(Chloe) Happy to be of service!
(Laura) Yes! We are going crazy down here trying to figure all this out and you guys are just joking around up there on 6th density!
A: No need to “go crazy.”

(Chloe) Did the window explode just to get our attention?
A: What about the mosaic?

(Laura) Are you saying that she needs to start gathering the pieces and putting the mosaic together?
A: Close. Or memorize concept and actualize.

(Laura) Okay, opening the door to the mosaic, memorizing that concept, and actualizing. Okay, the tape is almost gone. Any further comment before we say good night.
A: Suggest you expand your study of the Canaries to include any possible connections to the “Roswell Incident.”

(Chloe) Thinking is electrical. Does a person leave an electrical echo and can certain combinations produce harmony which is cumulative and exponential, thereby certain groups thinking can produce more than others, or individually?
A: Close. Now, for Chloe. Suggestion: Combine frequencies to witness the development of a directed wave effect; packs a potent “punch.”

(Chloe) And is this related to the group of seven? Seven pieces of pizza?
A: Certainly! See what letting it flow does, Chloe?

[Question as to whether dominos is an acronym for___]
A: Could be... And if so, be on the lookout for others.

(Chloe) Can we make good pizza?
A: If you use the right ingredients.

(Chloe) What does that mean?
A: Recipes.

(Laura) In closing, what to do about the Marcie issue. Is she crazy enough to be dangerous?
A: Dangerous ones best avoided. Knowledge protects.

End of Session


Back to Contents



June 21, 1997

Freddie, Laura, Alice

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Himmani.

And where do you transmit from?
A: Cassiopaea is where we transmit through.

I’m sorry. Through, not from. Okay, well I guess you know that you have been named as a correspondent in a divorce trial! I guess that is one claim to fame that was never expected!
A: Divorce is a concept long since conquered here, as you would measure time, that is.

I was just teasing you! Now, let me get Ark’s questions first so that I am sure that they get done tonight. It seems that SJB has suddenly become willing to finance Crop Circle research after hearing a guy on the Art Bell show say that one was a ‘power plant’ for a UFO.
A: Really?!? Then we suggest he write back and demand in writing that there be no “strings” attached, and gauge the response accordingly.

Q: Okay. Sounds like the right thing to do. If they are sincere, they will accept such a condition. If they are not, then they won’t. Next: I would like for you to diagnose the notebook that is giving him a LOT of trouble...
A: Diagnosis is not necessary... New notebook is.

I guess that means that the problem is so serious that it would be futile to try and fix it. Okay, next question. We have received an acknowledgement of the interest in the “chair” position of the physics department over at UCF. Now, I know that this is more of an administrative position, and not precisely what Ark is looking for, so I was wondering if we should pursue this in some more focused way? Is it desirable, and if so, what additional things could we do to enhance the possible opening of the right place for him?
A: Of course it is desirable... Did we not suggest this as one avenue? Now, contact an immigration attorney, and if first one responds lamely, contact another... Make your clout known.

What do you mean by clout? I have no ‘clout!’
A: Clout is cranial.

Am I supposed to do this or is Ark?
A: Both. If you make the right moves, you will be eminently successful. But be careful not to stumble due to lapses into mental laziness and/or impulsiveness.

You mean patient perseverance?
A: And thorough.

Okay. I think that helps. We will take care of it and see where it goes. Now, I was trying to relate the Canaries to Roswell, and noted the funny numbers of lines of latitude. I really didn’t WANT to read any more about this subject, but I dug out all the stuff sent to me by Stan Friedman. And, while I was reading, I was looking at the map and locating the various sites mentioned by him. It seems that the actual ‘crash’ did not take place AT Roswell. It was nearer to Corona. And, near Corona is a place called ‘Socorro,’ and there is a Socorro on the Canaries, also, which is almost exactly where this statue of the Virgin was found. Chloe and I looked it up and it means ‘succor.’ The inscription on the painting of the Magdalene that is in the church at Rennes le Chateau talks about the ‘tears of the virgin’ washing away sin and is a plea for ‘succor.’ And this painting is modelled on the painting of St. Anthony, the hermit, who is shown being tempted by creatures that only be described as ‘aliens.’ Now, there is also a Magdalena, a St. Anthony, and even a Pearce on the map near this crash site. And when I drew little lines connecting them all, they enclosed this plain of San Augustin....
A: And who was Saint Augustine/San Augustin... Augustus, Augustine Monks, etc?

Oh! Well, I never thought about that! I was going after St. Anthony and the Magdalene... St. Augustine was one of the early church ‘fathers’ who wrote a lot of things that became established church doctrine in general.
A: Or established early church “whitewash.” What was “corona?” Who was “Ranier?” Also, interesting that you should be contacted by Valerian... Has he ever explored Ranier?

Well, I don’t think it is particularly interesting since I sent my little essay on genetics to several people and he was one of them. I don’t think there is anything useful or interesting there at all. He is on a completely different wavelength, I think.
A: Strong minds stimulate discoveries when energies can be merged, and egos can be left “at the door...” Albeit temporarily.

Okay. I will try to leave my ego out of it and share, but I don’t think it was important...
A: Yes it was!

Change of subject: I am tracking the clues through the various languages and alphabets. I would like to know which of these alphabets, Runic, Greek, or Etruscan, preceded the others, and from which the others are derived?
A: Etruscan.

Well, who were the Etruscans?
A: Templar carriers.

What does that mean?
A: Seek and ye shall find.

Well, how am I supposed to do that? I can’t find anything else on the Etruscans!
A: No.

What do you mean ‘no?’ You mean there is more out there on the Etruscans?
A: Yes.

Okay. What are Templar carriers?
A: Penitent Avian Lords.

What does that mean?
A: For your search. All is drawn from some more ancient form.

Okay, let’s leave that for now. I was digging into the Sanskrit alphabet and found that it says that it was essentially ‘invented’ by the great Hindu grammarian, Panani, which means that it may simply be arbitrary. And, for some reason, digging into it further does not seem to interest me...
A: Because you have not yet connected these dots.

Oh, so it will be part of the picture eventually. Well, okay. We will deal with it when it comes up. Next: I notice that Sargon the Great is sort of an unknown person in historical terms. He is the first great ‘Akkadian’ king of Sumeria, but no one knows exactly where the term ‘Akkadian’ came from nor where ‘Akkad’ even was. Who was this Sargon?
A: Deep level punctuator.

What?!? What does THAT mean?
A: What does it imply?

Well, punctuation is a way of dealing with language, grammar...
A: Beginning or end.

You guys are making me completely crazy! I will never figure all of this out!
A: All is within your grasp.

Well, I think that a HUGE key is in the tracking of the languages...
A: The roots of all languages are identical...

What do you mean?
A: Your origin.

You mean Atlantis?
A: Is that your origin?

You mean Orion?
A: Interesting the word root similarity, yes?

Well, the word root similarities of a LOT of things are VERY interesting! It is AMAZING the things I have discovered by tracking word roots...
A: The architects of your languages left clues aplenty. And, you have the rare opportunity to learn far more of this by being taught to speak and understand other languages. WE suggest you work to penetrate the STS implanted resistance in this area.

One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the ‘Shepherd.’ All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the ‘shepherd,’ or the ‘Shepherd King.’
A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus “enlightened,” or “illuminated!!”

Funny spelling! But, what is the contrast between the concept of the shepherd and the agriculturalist? This goes back to the very roots of everything? There is Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael...
A: Are not you “abel” to figure this out?

Well, I have some ideas about it, but some of them seem so bizarre! For example: the first letter of the Greek alphabet is alpha, which has the ‘a’ sound, and the first letter of the Elder Futhark is a rune with an ‘f’ sound. However, they both claim to represent ‘cattle,’ or ‘movable’ goods...
A: Have you not learned to explore your ideas without prejudice?

Yes, to a great extent. But every once in a while I get really stuck because some of the things that are emerging from this are so incredible that I just get stopped and need a kick to get over the block... Chloe and I have talked about creating a database for the ancient things and putting together some clear plastic overlays on which we are going to chart the key elements and try to put a ‘body’ together, so to speak... We want to see what repeats over and over, and how it repeats...
A: Good!

Well, we want to do it, but I don’t know how we are going to do it at a distance... hopefully she will get her computer...
A: Watch for Chloe to soon be “bugged” by “hauntings.”

What kind of hauntings? Does it have to do with her increasing awareness? That she is going to blow open the veil and there will be EM bursts?
A: Maybe, but the Carolina mountains are unforgiving to those lonely and faint of heart!

Why is that?
A: It is complicated, but the root is naturally magnetic influences, which in turn lead to mining activities by those of EBE STS 4th density nature, in turn leading to the development of those proverbial undergound passages, and/or bases.

Q: Well, I’m not going to tell her THAT! Lama Singh told her that this place was a former home of hers during Atlantean times and that is why they bought it and built their house there. He said that the North Carolina mountains are a part of old Atlantis. It was a dream of theirs to retire there!
A: By now, you must have discovered that Singh was not always “singing the right tune.”

Well, yes. He is very good, but a lot of missing pieces and vagueness there. I know this from my own readings from him. Did that property or anything about being in the mountains have anything to do with the development of Tommy’s cancer?
A: If so, only in an offhand way.

Considering that Chloe just told me that he would have probably lost his arm had he lived, that is an interesting way of putting it. I would like to be able to tell her something, but I just don’t think I can. She is still too vulnerable right now.
A: Correct. Watch developments and advise post-development. Chloe is skeptical of our existence. But then again, Arkadiusz once held deeply cloaked reservations of a similar nature, and now look at him... And by the way, this is still in process... See now what happens to Chloe!!

Q: Well, I should admit that I have also held my own reservations... and may still. But, there are just some things that are so obscure that there is no way possible, even with all our reading and experience, that either of us could have all of this stuffed away in our subconscious minds. And the predictions and ‘inside’ information are beyond amazing. I guess that you guys are working at about 100% on the accuracy rating, allowing for translational latitude and prejudice in OUR minds! So, I have fewer reservations than before. Additionally, you seem to be able to predict the actions of others with incredible insight, time after time... And, while on this, any more predictions just now?
A: Not needed... yet...

(A) I want to ask why I broke my shoulder back in 1979?
A: Alice, my dear, we have been patient with all of you. But we think the “time” has now arrived to move beyond using this conduit as a forum for personal STS oriented inquiry. We are talking about matters of importance to the realm of all of creation in its entirety. With all due respect, love and guidance, creation will survive the various vagaries of your shoulder!

Q: (L) Freddie and I spent quite a while explaining how such things can be symbols of spiritual position and attitude. Were we on the right track in our advising on this?
A: Close.

I do have a simple question for her. Is the keeping of notes an exercise that will open certain channels of her mind, that she is currently unable to see?
A: Yes, slowly.

So, it is a matter of perseverance and faith that she will be enabled to see more as time goes on?
A: Yes.

Back in 1995 when we did a session with Roxanne present, I was re-reading this yesterday because Ark is in Dijon where this guy Moshe is, and the night of that session was when I had the vision of his face, and also when I mentioned the dream where I was getting married and this was so bizarre an idea to me at that time. Roxanne was focused on her agenda about female gods and the Elohim, and it seems that she simply shut off any ability for you to communicate to her at all. So, in re-reading this session, it seems that you were talking on a completely different level, to me alone, and that it was almost in code. She wanted to talk about the French Revolution, and you were talking about my past life in Germany... and now Ark is in France... and there was the vision... and that was when you brought up Moshe... and Moshe is in France... is there a connection?
A: Maybe.

Am I correct that you were talking to me on a level that I was not even aware of at the time?
A: Could be!

Can you help me out here? I would like to know about this Moshe thing. You not only brought up the name, but you brought up a lot of other things. And it seems that this was the opening of a door of moving me in a certain direction. I don’t even know how to ask about this because it is so strange...
A: Then it should be shelved.

Is this one of those things you are going to avoid?
A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures.

Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.

Another clue, please?
A: Nope, that is enough for now!!

You guys are going to drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who is to tell?

A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures.

Oh my! You are being VERY obscure tonight! Just the fun things I like, too! Now, I think I will be pretty busy this week on this, but is there anything that can be expanded, or any additional clues for me or Ark?
A: Last clue for tonight: Look for the vibratory frequency light. Good Night.

Good Night.

End of Session


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June 28, 1997

Freddie, Laura, Alice

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Wixxom.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

Alright. I guess you have been listening to our discussion about Mr. Mann. Now, he may be perfectly okay, and we are just discussing it. But, I did send a copy of last week’s transcript to Val, and a nice little note with it, because he was mentioned... and I sent also the note telling him that I had made an error by not emphasizing the spiritual aspect of the DNA alterations... and so on. But, there has been nothing but a resounding silence. We have heard nothing.
A: In this case, the silence is noteworthy. In the case of Valerian, it is those with which he is directly acquainted and/or associated that is of greatest importance!

Do you want to give another clue on that?
A: He is interesting, but those with whom he is acquainted and associated are even more interesting!!

Well, I had the feeling, at one point, that Val was upset because I told him that I thought that the writings of the so-called Michael Telemachus were his own writings - which, of course, I meant as a compliment - but I think he was shaken that I could see through him.
A: Egos are a problem, yes, but suggest we not throw the infant out with the suds.

Okay. Well, I won’t. But, he is completely turned off to us...
A: Then turn him back on! The information in his sphere of influence is of “blockbuster” like significance. We suspect an intellectual intercourse of the kind to which you have become accustomed with some of these beings would boost your knowledge/awareness base atomically!

Well, I have done all I could when I could. I think that his problem is that he knows that we have access to information that makes it hard for him to stay concealed. When he read the session which identified the source of the Krill document and evaluated its accuracy, both of which were correct, he was upset because his secrets were no longer secrets. He doesn’t like it because we know.
A: How do you know that this is what happened?

Because, I had phone conversations with him. He was all defensive on the subject of the Krill papers... I had a very strong impression that he was disturbed and his ego was offended; he had too many secrets. He didn’t like the fact that you could see through his secrets. This concerned him!
A: “Concern” then can easily be turned to “intrigue” with a tad of nurturing.

Well. I will work on it. But, I can’t just bug the guy. If he is not interested, he is NOT interested!
A: Who says it would be “bugging” him. Suggest something simple and non-judgmental like: Dear Val, here are some passages delivered from the Cassiopaeans during one of our sessions. Just wanted to hear what you and/or others you are acquainted with think. Regards, Lark. That outta get the ball “rolling.”

Okay. Back to Mr. Mann. He says that he has found, through applications of “mystery” teachings, and certain personal enlightenments, as well as the application of sacred geometry principles, the exact location on earth where one can transcend space and time, as he puts it. Is there such a place?
A: There are “points” where this process is facilitated more easily, but it is the process which is most key, not the locator. It has to do with magnetic field meridian conjunctions.

Okay, he suggested that I look at Pouisson’s painting ‘Winter,’ for clues.

A: Yes, go see the painting mentioned. There are strong connections between this and both the Denver International Airport Murals, and the suggestions we gave you for your inground pool design!

Well, he described it as a figure of Noah clinging to a horse between two pillars. Other than the alchemical symbols I have discovered through etymology and philology, for the horse, what other implications does this figure suggest?
A: Maybe it is something about either the notation of the “knight,” or the gas nebula in Orion. By the way, Laura, have you contemplated the life of your father and what led him to his drug addiction and destruction? Hmmmm? Big clues to be found there?? And, if so, what? What indeed!!

Q: What are you talking about?! Does this have anything to do with the ‘arm problem’ as described in the Matrix material, his arm, my arm, Tommy’s arm, Mother’s arm?
A: Quest, my dear, quest! Clues, as you know by now, make learning an explosively significant experience!

Okay. Mann says: “May I suggest that you check out the story of the killing of Dagobert II, the last of the Merovingian kings. He died after being pierced through the eye, hence the etymological name, one of the keys of Solomon: ‘Perc(e)y(e). Notice the hidden fifth element, the letter ‘e.’” He is saying that Percy is represented in another context, by Dagobert, the Merovingian king, or vice versa. Is Percy an allegory for “pierced eye?”
A: If one so chooses.

Well, that is ambiguous! But, I have found MANY altogether different meanings that lead back to far more ancient secrets than this silly chasing after an earthly monarch. In one sense, it means horse, or is an allegory of an altogether different sort, relating to the Persian origin of certain gnostic teachings.
A: Then you have answered the question.

What are the origins of the “keys of Solomon?”
A: Did we neglect to cover “keys?”

No, we talked about keys, but I want to get specific here.
A: Did you not do a root search? Keys of Solomon. Keys of Enoch. Florida Keys. So many keys! And why, by the way, is there a “Key” bank?

I don’t know! Are you going to give me a clue?
A: Is that not what we just did?

So, it is another part of the disinformation program of the Consortium/Beast complex to distract and mislead. Okay. Now, I have found this strange connection with Springe, Germany, near Bielefeld, and the strange crop circle that appeared with the buried plates; connected to the actual location of the “Roswell,” UFO crash, the plains of San Augustin, the Order of Preachers, Mary Magdalene, Tenerife, and the Virgin of Candelaria. Is this all related as I am thinking?
A: But of course! But, you are not yet finished. Wait until you get to the point where you can begin to connect what you have learned from all the various clues!

My interpretation of the difference between the Shepherd and the Agriculturalist, the essential conflict of Cain and Abel, is that the Shepherd feeds others, and operates within the natural cycles. He partakes with acceptance and without attempts to control nature. The agriculturalist, on the other hand, seeks to control and extract every last bit of energy from wherever he is operating, and manipulates the environment, usually to its detriment. It is an unnatural cycle. This is the essence of STS vs. STO. Is this the concept I am looking for?
A: Partially. And what kind of ranch did Mac Brazel live on?

Well, a sheep ranch. So, that is another connection to Roswell. And, even the name ‘Brazel,’ is curious. This whole event is an allegory. Getting back to the Shepherd, some of the clues have led me to the 23rd psalm... comment?
A: But of course!

Okay. Now, I have an idea that the allegory of the Grail is that it is related to the “head.” The head is composed of a core group of seven, which then creates the body via exponential increase in knowledge and energy. Is this correct as far as it goes?
A: Semi.

Did Prince Henry Sinclair come to the New World?
A: Maybe those who suggest as much are confusing matters of the soul with matters of the flesh.

So, it, too, is an allegory. Are there living representatives of the Merovingian dynasty?
A: Why not?

Well, they claim that they are the direct descendants of Christ through Mary Magdalene. But, getting back to the subject of Percy and knight. Through Gaelic we relate Percy to Perch, to March, to horse, to Mer, to sea, to “Mary,” and then knight goes back again to juga and yogi, which then comes forward to Jadczyk, and all of them relate to genetics. And then we come back to the issue of my father, as a Knight, and my own ancestors, Henry Percy and Elizabeth Mortimer. The Mortimers were the Earls of March, and the carriers of the only extant line of the Welsh kings. So, back to my father. Realizing of course, that he was a fraternal twin, he had black hair and brown eyes, and his brother was red haired and blue eyed, which makes for an unusual situation to start with. Was there something else unusual about his birth?
A: Yes.

And what was this?
A: It was “conscripted.”

Do you mean that one or the other of the twins was implanted?
A: Well, maybe you should research “conscript.”

I will. Anything else?
A: His life was really unusual. Go ask Alice.

Well, we know he was brilliant, but could not control his addictions. Like he had two personalities.
A: It goes so much, much deeper than that, Laura.

Well, what could be the possible explanation for his reversals in behavior?
A: Examine!

Okay. If the line of the Percys’ comes through my mother, what are we looking for through the Knights? What came together here in my parents? It is beginning to look like something was ‘engineered’ for some definite purpose?
A: Yes. And we suggest you research this!

I was only able to take the Knight line back to Abel Knight who came to America from York, in the mid 1600s. Is there some connection in York?
A: Further research is needed, and it is easier than you think.

Okay, you also suggested that I research Alton Towers. I did. All I could find was that Alton Towers is, for God’s sake, an amusement park! It is the DisneyWorld of England! What am I going to find at Alton Towers?
A: Look into this.

Well, alright. Now, what does my father’s irrational behavior have to do with me?
A: ?!?

You said ‘much, much deeper.’ And ‘why.’ Why he had this problem. We are looking for ‘why.’
A: Partly.

Give me a clues! I have no idea. Is it something in the genetic line or something in him and his life? Does it have something to do with the genetic line?
A: possibly... or bloodline?

Is bloodline something that is distinct or different from genetics or DNA?
A: Symbiotic relationship. Was there a military connection?

Oh, you mean the fact that my father was a chemist and was in the Navy? Does this have anything to do with my 12 day disappearance when I was three?
A: Maybe?

Was something done to him when he was in the Navy?
A: Hmmmmmmmmmm? Now connect “Jack” with “Cecil.”

Well, Cecil was the fellow who kidnapped me. And, when he was arrested, the Navy came and took him away saying he was “incompetent to stand trial” because he had “escaped from a Navy hospital.” And that essentially ended any hope of finding out where I was taken or why. I just don’t see. How does this relate to St. Augustine, the Canaries, to Oak Island - all of this? What are we doing here?
A: St. Albans.

And there is more! My God! We aren’t happy with Mary Magdalene and St. Augustine, and St. Anthony! Now we also have St. Albans! Of course I know that it is the place where there was a battle and one of the Percy’s was killed there. It was also called Verulamian in the Celtic days, and Francis Bacon was Lord Verulam and some suspect that he was the son of Elizabeth I. But, there are only so many hours in the day, guys! I need some help here! I was hoping that I would be getting some help with the research...
A: Remain open to all, and look for others. But, suggest you “pick their brains” more thoroughly before you offer up your own information, thus allowing for less troublesome emotionally oriented rapids crossing. Enough until next time!

End of Session


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July 5, 1997

Freddie, Laura, Alice, Violette

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Woxxom.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

Do you have any opening remarks before we get started?
A: “Shoot.”

Violette wants to start with a couple of health related questions.
A: Go ahead, Violette.

(V) I have been studying the nutrition books and have come to some conclusions. Can you tell me if I am on the right course here?
A: Yes.

(Violette) Can you offer any more insight?
A: Iron bars. Not the metallic kind. Nutrition “bars” as in granola, for example.

(Violette) In my dream last night I had a mouth full of nasty stuff and I was spitting it out. Am I correct in my understanding that I am getting rid of ugly stuff?
A: Guilt purges.

(Violette) I’m getting rid of guilt?
A: Or attempting.

(Laura) Anything else for Violette?
A: More energy?

(Violette) I have felt low on energy. I have been very exhausted. Do you mean put more energy into clearing?
A: Then rearrange food intake schedule. In other words, “flip/flop.”

(Violette) You mean to eat earlier in the day rather than later in the day?
A: Yes!

(Violette) Was the acupuncture Laura did help me to sleep better?
A: The main function of acupuncture, if applied correctly, is to unblock energy pathways through the physical vehicle, albeit temporarily. Needs to be a uniform application. We suggest avoiding a “surgical approach,” as this may merely cause a transference of blockage.

(Laura) What do you mean by ‘surgical approach?’
A: The pinpointing of particular nerve/energy intersectional points, as opposed to a general all around treatment profile. If one receives acupuncture, it should be a complete treatment, not localized only. We were not necessarily referring to your most recent treatment.

(Laura) Did Terry do entire meridians on you?
(Violette) I don’t know. Are you talking about the last time Terry worked on me?
A: More than once.

(Laura) We would like to know if Terry has had our best interests at heart when working on us? Considering the incident that occurred at Violette’s?
A: “Agents wear many hats!”

Q: (Laura) Is that in quotes because we are supposed to figure that one out?
A: Good idea.

(Laura) Well, after that one incident, I don’t think we need to read the whole book! Has he done us harm?
A: Was on the agenda.

(Laura) It was on the agenda to do us harm.
(Alice) That’s hard to believe!
A: But true!

(Laura) Which brings me to the question. What are we going to do about Mother’s manipulated emotional states that eventually, after a time, simply drive me over the brink of rationality? I don’t like this!
A: Allow path to continue.

(Laura) Is there any bit of advice that would help in this situation. She does not seem to hear a word I say.
A: Reading is a good teacher so long as the material is apropos.

(Laura) Well, I have been giving her things to read...
(Alice) Is there anything I can do to help my sleeping problem?
A: See last response.

(Laura) If you are awake, read. When you get sleepy, go to sleep.

(Alice) But then I get waked up.
(Laura) Then read again!
(Alice) Will it work?
A: Yes. Did you suggest that we would recommend something that would not? Skip the novels... now is the “time” for non-fiction.

(Laura) Yesterday we heard from William Mann, and he asked about the Newman machine. Now, this is a very interesting device, Ark says after checking it out.
A: Newman machine is “time machine.”

(Laura) Well, it seems that it could run my house for very little money!
A: But, there are forces that will, and do, block its use.

(Laura) Okay, then we will do it privately and quietly.
A: How do you propose to do it “privately and quietly?”

(Laura) Well, just install it and say nothing!
A: And you expect this to be under the table?

(Laura) Are you discouraging us from any dabbling with the Newman machine?
A: Not discouraging, just giving you “the facts of life.”

(Laura) This couple of weeks that Ark spent in Dijon were miserable. What was the fundamental reason for these conditions and this misery?
A: Near ELF transmitter. Also the water supply is loaded with fluoride.

(Laura) Okay, I did some research on the Emerald Tablets and discovered...
A: Is this all you want to know about this? We suppose if we told you “Laura, a great big rock is about to fall on your head,” then you would say: “okay, now moving right along, about the Emerald tablets...”

(Laura) Well, that was about Dijon. He is gone from Dijon now. Whatever it was in Gottingen, you said he would be gone soon and not to worry. So... he is no longer near the ELF transmitter... he is no longer drinking the water...
A: Fluoride is toxic, and deposits in fatty tissues, and lymph system. Aside from the obvious possible negative consequences, it can make one more susceptible to electromagnetic wave frequencies that are designed to make one open to mind alteration!

(Laura) Okay. You have my undivided attention. How does he get the fluoride out of his system?
A: Recommend daily ingestion of Goldenseal root, as well as vinegar and garlic in moderation, along with up to an hour per every two days of light aerobic exercise.

(Laura) Would half an hour per day be alright?
A: One hour every other day. Light at first.

(Laura) Well, this sounds serious. Anything else that will help?
A: This is a good start.

(Laura) Well, now I am all upset.
A: Arkadiusz, or as we like to call him, Arkady, is the primary target of your
trio, for now. Great potential dangers lurk...

(Laura) So this really is like the grail hunt. He has to go through a magic forest, chop heads off dragons, keep his eyes open and not be lead astray by deceptive images and tricks... the whole thing!
A: Where to get the influence for the inspiration behind that story?

(Laura) Are you asking me?
A: Yes.

(Laura) I don’t know. What do you mean. Talk about confused thought patterns!
A: No, not so confusing.

(Laura) Well, that leads to some of my other questions about what we are doing...
A: Imagine how much your cause would be damaged without him? Where would your ambition for the quest go? You must be extremely vigilant when it comes to him and his safety. He still does not completely fathom the depths of the situation. Until he is here, thus more protected, and it will not be easy to get him here, danger awaits the greeting of each new day. Vigilance! Vigilance! Vigilance!!!!!

(Laura) That is completely depressing. Help me out here!
A: Now... Calm down! No need for depression. Would you rather be left with a lack of knowledge, and in an ever increasing state of false security oriented oblivion, only to be struck by lightning?!? Of course not!!! So remember... Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers!!

(Laura) Well, you said that it was going to be difficult to get him here. The arrangements have already been made. Are you saying difficult in a general sense, or is there going to be some major move made, some plan going on at other levels, or behind the scenes, to prevent him?
A: There always is that. Have you not seen the evidence already? Must be aware. Think of it as a war. Expect every possible move/or occurrence.
Victory comes from being forewarned, and therefore, forearmed.


Q: (Laura) Is that, as Freddie said, the key? To turn up the vigilance volume to maximum?
A: Always. Don’t be like the sentry who fell into a peaceful, pleasure filled, dreamy sleep while on watch! He did not even feel the blade as it pierced his heart!

(Laura) Well, that is NOT friendly. Now I really AM depressed! Tell me: is what we are doing so important that this kind of energy has to be concentrated on us?
A: Yes.

(Laura) Can we quit?
A: No. Too late! Look at it this way: make it your goal to succeed, then you have not to fear.

(Laura) Is there any connection between the dangers of Dijon, the dangers now, and the interaction with Moshe?
A: Connection? Not exactly, except that Arkadiusz must be made aware that dangers lurk everywhere, potentially. He has spent a lifetime building a strong sense of security, based upon his own natural self assured state of being. But now is the “time” to learn that this is not enough.

(Laura) Is there any specific danger in Florence that you can point out, or back in Wroclaw?
A: No specific dangers. Just remember: there are forces “out there” that wish to see your project, and you, fail. You two have both previously felt the sting of these forces acutely. He has not so much, until now.

Q: (Laura) I have the feeling that this has been a recurring drama in other lives, preparing us for this period?
A: Recurrences of this type are usually intermittent in nature.

(Laura) Anything further on this?
A: We could go on and on. The point is: warn Arkadiusz! Knowledge protects...

(Laura) Well, I certainly will. Could this William Mann be part of the attack forces?
A: Anyone and everyone could be. Remember, they work through persons, they are not normally the persons themselves.

(Laura) Well, all my other questions have sort of become entirely insignificant. But, I will try to get a few in before the tape runs out. This William Mann has made some sort of connection to the ruins of a fort, or some megalithic type thing, related to the number 64 - though I had a rather different idea about the number 64 - but he thinks this all relates to a point where one can transcend space and time. Now, let me break it down. What is the ruin? The old fort?
A: Viking oriented.

Can you tell me the approximate year when it was built?
A: 1102.

Does it have any relationship to the Templars?
A: No.

Does this relative he speaks of, who was supposed to be Grand Master of the Templars, is this related to the Templars WE are looking for, or is that the Templar organization that is part of the smokescreen?
A: The main energy here is moniker related.

So, you mean they just formed a group and called themselves Templars?
A: Close.

Can you clarify this?
A: Monikers are designed to deceive or divert those who are deceivable or divertible.

Okay. I am not going to get into all of this, but I would like to know the significance of the Fisher King?
A: Do you mean of the person or of the designation?

The designation, first.
A: The one who resides within a circular continuum.

What about the significance of the person?
A: Transcendental.

What is a circular continuum?
A: Trapped within the grasp of one’s own significance, to the exclusion of the acquisition of a broader knowledge base and understanding.

Q: Another thing: I researched the word Emerald, and that it is derived from the word orient, which is Orion, and that they go back to words from which we also derive Aurora and gold. Is there something about the element gold, such as the atomic number, or anything, that is a specific frequency of light that is important?
A: Gold, when heated to its liquidation temperature, gives off energy waves which, when properly channeled, open the door to higher density experience. Clue to this is in the way that gold can be an effective transceiver of radio waves and transdimensional communications.

Okay. In the original grail stories, St. Anthony was a later insertion to the scenario via Rennes le Chateau. The original hermit was St. Augustine. I find this to be strange, since Jesus was supposed to be born in the reign of Augustus, and many strange things have happened in the month of August to us...
A: Perseid. Connection? What is it?

Are the Perseids part of the remains of Kantek?
A: Refer to data given re: comets, Oort Cloud, and twin/dark star phenomenon. Then interface with legend or legends.

Okay. I will. Is there a significant relationship between the story of Achilles Heel, and Jacob, the Supplanter? Jacob means “he who seizes by the heel.” And, Jacob obtained the birthright by deception. That whole story is strange!
A: This reference merely means heel, as in the last line of defense, last trailing physical part of the subject. Thus, it is seized when one has let their guard down, before being completely departed from the realm of danger.

Q: Okay. Well. I think that this is all for tonight as I have had all I can handle for one night. So, unless you have something urgent...
A: No, it will wait. Good Night.

End of Session


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