July 25, 1998

Freddie, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Waybon.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not “the whole thing.”

(L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.

(L) Replacement of what?
A: You.

(L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?

Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote: ‘Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens’ goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.’ Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to...
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a “trial run,” and by now you see the similarities, do you not?

(L) Yes, I do see...
A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the “Native Americans” vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer “food for thought.” In other words, thou are not so special, despiteth thoust perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you “there.” Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this “veil remains unbroken.”

Q: (L) Now, the big question is: what are we supposed to DO with this information?
A: As with all else, it is not what you should do with it, it is just that you have it.

(L) Is there any possibility of defeating the plans of the 4th density STS in this project?
A: Is there any possibility of defeating the Spanish Conquistadores and the English, French, Dutch and German “colonists?”

(F) Did they say what I think they said?
(L) Yes. That is inexpressibly depressing.
A: And you expected a Rose Garden?

(L) If that’s the way it is, why don’t we all join the Heaven’s Gate cult and commit mass suicide and just not deal with all this stuff?!
A: You chose to “deal with it,” now did you not?

(L) Well, was I in my right mind when I made that choice, or had I been drinking?
A: No drinking on 5th density!

(L) Now, I have been having an exchange with Carla McCarty who was the Ra channel. She says that we are not supposed to DO anything, we are just supposed to BE, and what we are supposed to BE is to just let love flow through us, love the aliens and everybody and just sort of relax in the tulips and, if they take us over, then we should LOVE that, too. Somehow, I don’t find this...
A: All there is is lessons!!

(L) Is the lesson to learn how to give up the ghost with panache? What’s the point?
A: Your experiences never end, only transform. No bodycentrics need apply.

(L) Well, you once said something about the transition to 4th density creating a ‘level playing field.’ Then, the people will wake up and there will be a battle between the humans and aliens...
A: Yes.

(L) And if it is a more level playing field, then the situation would not quite be the same as the Conquistadores against the Aztecs and the Native Americans against the Europeans and...
A: Wrong, all in that drama were at 3rd density. The rabbits, rats, dogs, etc. are not on a level playing field with you!

(L) Do the aliens know about the upcoming comets and all that sort of thing?
A: Yes.

(L) And they have the idea that what they are doing, this race they are creating, is going to survive this cataclysmic activity?
A: Of course.

(L) Is that ‘of course’ as in they ARE going to survive, or that they BELIEVE they are going to survive?
A: Both.

(L) Okay, you once told us that this was like a ‘cosmic battle.’ That the cycle was going to create balance and so on. I am trying to understand this. If that is the case, it seems that there is more to it than the Conquistadores against the Aztecs and the Europeans against the Native Americans; that at some point the story changes - the oppressed fight back - I am trying to get the allegory into a more understandable framework. Do you see what I mean?
A: No.

(L) Well, that is because I am confused. What I am trying to ask without asking it directly is: what chance do we have of doing anything?
A: You are still not seeing the “bigger picture.”

(L) What is the bigger picture?
A: Your souls, your consciousness.

(L) So, in other words, we chose to come in at this particular point in time to experience this mass take over of our planet and the conquest and destruction of the human race, just so we could have this experience, check- out and reincarnate?
A: No.

(L) Well, that is what it sounds like! You say that the only thing that really matters is our souls, our consciousness, so if we tend to our souls and our bodies check out, then obviously the answer is to a) reincarnate, or b) move to the next density and reincarnate. What other option is there?
A: How long did you expect to “live?”

(L) Well, under the normal circumstance, 70 or 80 years, optimistically.
A: And is that long?

(L) No, it is not. By cosmic standards it is a whiff of vapor. What are you getting at here?
A: Think about it. ? Have you had any contemporaries who transited to 5th density?

(L) Yes.
A: How come? How can this be possible?

(L) Because they died. The body died.
A: Why?

(L) Because that is what bodies do.
A: But is it “fair?”

(L) Is it fair?! I guess if that is what they choose.
A: And...

(L) I don’t know where you are going with this!
A: You seem to be under the impression that only “good experiences are acceptable.

(L) No, I am not under the impression that only good experiences are acceptable, but I AM in a little bit of a quandary here because, here we are talking to you guys who are supposed to be ‘us’ in the future. Here we are in this period of time on this planet, where things are in a very strange state. There is some kind of huge transition going on, and I am just wondering what is the whole point. Why are we talking to you? What’s the point?
A: It is the lesson. Do you not understand still? The lesson, the lessons, that is all there is. They are all immeasurably valuable.

(L) Okay, we are having these lessons. You have told us what is going on. We see it going on around us. I am convinced that what you have said is so from a LOT of other circumstantial evidence as well as the research of others who have come to the same conclusion and, DAMN IT, IT’S UGLY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! IT’S UGLY!
A: That is your perspective.

(L) Well, as Chloe said on the phone the other day, what are we supposed to awaken to? Are we supposed to just awaken to the fact that we can SEE all this stuff going on?
A: Yes.

(L) And just waking up and seeing it is the whole thing? Okay, once we wake up and SEE it, why can’t we just check out at that point? If you know what the script is, you don’t have to watch the movie!
A: But then you miss out on the experience.

(L) So, we are all here to experience being munched and crunched...
A: No.

(L) Imprisoned, controlled, being treated like rats in a cage in a laboratory...
A: Ecstasy, remember?

(L) Ecstasy?! WELL SWELL! We can just ALL be BURNED AT THE STAKE! I understand that is QUITE and ECSTATIC experience! I’m sure William Wallace felt perfectly ecstatic when they castrated him and removed his bowels and burned them in a brazier in front of his face!
A: Not so long ago, your face smashed upon the pavement...

(L) Was that an ecstatic experience?
A: Yes.

(L) So, when you say ‘ecstatic’ you could just be talking about jumping out a window and croaking?! You gotta understand here! The perspective here on 3rd density! You don’t have faces to smash on pavements!
A: Neither will/do you/us.

(A) You say knowledge protects. It protects against WHAT?
A: Many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion.

(L) So, knowledge is going to protect us against post transformational trauma and confusion. You are saying that this transition to 4th density is going to be traumatic and confusing. Do you mean transformation from 3rd to 4th density, or 3rd to 5th density, i.e. death?
A: Both.

(L) So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?
A: Yes.

(L) Well, if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 4th density without cycling through 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?
A: Yes.

(L) How does that feel? How is that experience...
A: Alice through the looking glass.

(A) Okay, they say that knowledge is supposed to protect from trauma and confusion. On the other hand, all is lessons, so trauma is a lesson. Why are we supposed to work to avoid a lesson?
A: You are correct, it is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you are learning that lesson early, and in a different way.

(L) So, if you learn the lesson in a different way, does that mitigate the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at the time of transition?
A: Yes. Smoother.

(L) I do have to say that thinking about it all, not being able to do anything about it, not being able to talk to people about it because they don’t believe, is certainly more painful than being hit by the shock of it...
A: No.

(L) Well, you are suggesting that I CAN tell others such things?
A: You can convey, but suggest it be done in a subtle fashion.

(L) Well, how subtle can it be? I mean, ‘hello folks, you know the words munch, crunch, yum yum???’
A: It is not all that way, and you know it! Most are not eaten, just manipulated. Knowledge protects in the most amazing ways. Mathematics are “taught’ in your realm in such a way that only a select few will learn. And mathematics is the language of all creation. For example, advanced math studies, such as algebra, provide the keys to unlocking the doors between the matter and antimatter universes. Suggest those present who still need to, learn algebra.

(L) Okay, you suggest that those present learn algebra...
A: Who need to.

(L) Are you saying that we can unlock doors between matter and anti-matter universes? Is that what you are getting at here?
A: Maybe...

(L) I certainly don’t want to hang out on this planet after it is taken over by aliens and everybody is getting munched!
A: Munched? Please!!

(A) I want to refer to the previous session when we were talking about UFT and you said that I should go back to 1969. I tried to remember what, in particular, in 1969, what was the crossroads? I couldn’t remember anything. Can I have some clue: what was it? Which month?
A: August.

(A) Was it in Wroclaw?
A: Yes. Lodz.

(A) That is the town where my brother is living. Perhaps, yes... I was there in 1969. Yes, that is true. I want to know about the remark saying ‘Russian at heart?’
A: You studied it, you interacted with amazing people... Hamburg...

(A) Yes, that is true, but why is it relevant?
A: The doors are opened to revelation by contemplating the past which is really the present.

(A) Now, is this mention of ‘Russian,’ and going to Hamburg related to research I was doing in Hamburg?
A: Reading Russian books about pertinent theoretical or hypothetical principles? Hamburg? Research? Yes, but that is a clue and all we can give you, lest you miss the opportunity to discover something truly important.

Q: (L) Okay, we’ll work on it.
A: Pathway by the lightpoles, Arkadiusz... Good Night.

End of Session


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August 1, 1998


Freddie, Laura, Ark

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Yortah.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

We have some interesting questions this evening, but before we get started I would like to ask a personal question. Will that be okay?
A: Yes.

The problem is that Arielle has developed some patches on her skin that pretty much look like psoriasis. Is this, in fact, what it is?
A: Is yeast related.

Can you give me some effective therapies that I can implement?
A: Therapies not as important as behaviors.

What behaviors could I implement, or she, or whatever? Behaviors in what sens?
A: Arielle likes close contact with protozoa laden surfaces.

Ah, behaviors. Okay.
A: Animals, dirt, et cetera, you get the picture?

Yes. So, what can I do to get this to clear up in addition to keeping a closer eye on where she goes, sits, plays, and so forth?
A: Exactly.

Just that? I need to do something. Just my ‘yeast attack’ program?
A: Yes and baking soda salves.

Anything else on that?
A: No.

Thank you very much. Now, in a previous session when we were talking about the initial discussion about the brown dwarf, you compared the companion star to an electron. In the discussion of the electron, you said that an electron emits gravity. Recently you said that this companion star does not radiate. But, does it emit gravity?
A: Radiation is at lower end of scale, and gravity is present.

I was reading about the interactions between twin star systems, and it is conjectured that when a companion star approaches its primary, that the primary star ‘robs’ something from it. There are even photographs of gases flowing from the smaller star to the larger. Is this the case with this particular system?
A: Was.

And it is now no longer the case?
A: Barely.

I also read about these WIMPs, or Weakly Interactive Massive Particles, that they say are at the core of the sun, and that somehow they modulate the sun’s internal temperature. Do these WIMPs exist?
A: All exists which is imagined.

Well, that’s not helpful. Also, this stuff in this book says that when the sun shrinks there are fewer, or no, sunspots, and that the shrinking of the sun increases the radiation because it burns hotter, yet the climate on the earth gets cooler...
A: Gravitationally related.

The weather is related to gravity?
A: Earth may not deviate as much annually.

(A) When looking for clues about Lodz, we came upon these pages of the guy from Lodz, whom I know. He speculates about faster than light particles. The main hypothesis is that neutrinos really travel faster than light. Is this the case?
A: This is opening a doorway to hyperspace.

(A) You mean investigating this question?
A: Close.

(A) Or using neutrinos?
A: Combine with those on the pathway of wormholes.

(L) Well, on that subject, when you said ‘pathway by the lightpoles,’ did you mean the poles of the Sun?
A: Investigate.

(L) Well, when you said ‘Russian at heart,’ were you referring to faster than light particles at the heart of the Sun, i.e. neutrinos?
A: If so, look for a Russian scientist.

(A) Is the Russian scientist Sakharov?
A: Sakharov!

(A) Is this related to the research that I was doing...
A: Yes. And Sakharov was censored for reasons other than publicized.

(L) There have been a couple of movies that we have seen lately, ‘The Sphere,’ and ‘Event Horizon,’ about spaceships that go into black holes and then re-emerge with some very strange things going on. The whole idea of a space ship going into a black hole just sort of boggles my mind. I would like to know what would be experienced by a person or space ship that goes into a black hole? What would it be like?
A: Disintegration, followed by conversion to anti-material energy.

(L) So it would not come out on the other side in another universe?
(A) It will.
A: Yes, but not as matter.

(L) After something has gone into a black hole, can it then re-emerge into the material universe intact?
A: No.

(L) So, once it’s gone in the black hole, it’s sayonara, hasta la vista?
A: Stars are also portals of this nature.

(L) So, what we perceive as stars in the anti-matter universe would be black holes?
A: No, windows.

(L) But, if you lived in this other universe on the other side of black holes to us, what would the black holes look like from there?
A: Too complicated to explain.

(L) Well, give me a reference...
A: That is just the point! You have no reference.

(A) You mentioned hyperspace. What is hyperspace?
A: 4th through 7th density, except 4th only perceives it, as “living in the doorway.”

(L) Okay, back to these two movies: ‘The Sphere’ was about this huge UFO found on the bottom of the Pacific. I was just wondering if this book and movie have led to these stories about this huge UFO that is supposed to have gone under the water in the pacific?
A: Maybe.

(L) Is there or is there not any truth to this story?
A: The rumor may be true, but the nature of it may differ.

(L) I was also reading in some of the transcripts as I have been going through them getting them ready to print, that you once said that ‘supremely powerful’ STS forces were responsible for kidnapping and programming me. My question is: if they had me, why did they bring me back?
A: Would you expect otherwise?

(L) Well, you said that they tried to do some programming and that it didn’t work and that STO forces intervened. So, I am just a little confused. If I was such a threat to them, why did they bring me back. Under the circumstances, I could have just disappeared forever and that would be that!
A: No.

(L) What prevented that?
A: Occlusion.

(L) Occlusion of what?
A: Best to research through meditation and hypnosis.

(L) Okay, back to the previous remark. You say that stars are portals. What, specifically, are they portals for, of, from or to?
A: How about other dimension. Remember, density and dimensional concepts intersect. Density level relates more to conscious awareness, but dimensions house consciousness and all other.

(L) So, you can have many ‘houses’ along a row at one level and many at another level, in a vague sort of way?
A: Close.

(A) Is the concept of density related to what Sakharov was doing?
A: Close. Think of hyperspace as 4th dimension.

(L) I would like to ask, off on another subject, since there were so many instances when you promoted the presence of Terry and Jan, even when it was a struggle from several perspectives, I am just wondering what are the implications of this choice they have made to move to Tallahassee?
A: Financial.

(L) Are you saying they are going to make a lot of money or lose their shirts?
A: Open.

(A) I have the impression that when they were present, certain questions that I asked were not answered. Is this correct?
A: Maybe.

(L) Why is that?
A: Energies affected by notions.

(L) Our energies affected by our notions or by their notions?
A: Coincides.

(L) I would like to have a little check on Aletheia. Is she okay?
A: Yes.

(L) Is that it?
A: If that is all you will ask.

(L) Well, is she anywhere to the point that she understands anything from my point of view, realizing that my point of view may not even be the right point of view...
A: No.

(L) She’s not, is that is?
A: Correct.

(L) Is she still angry with me?
A: No.

(L) How does she feel?
A: Busy with others.

(L) I had the thought the other day that AnnaJ was going to arrive here and show up in court. What are the odds of this happening?
A: Unlikely.

(L) Are we going to have any problems with the divorce hearing?
A: Worries are pointless, better to just take one step at a time.

(L) Yes, but you are always telling us to expect the unexpected, and to prepare for things to head them off, and if that is a possibility, I would like to be prepared for it...
A: Are you dissatisfied?

(L) No, I’m not dissatisfied. I just want to be prepared for any unexpected, bizarre things, because all kinds of unexpected bizarre things happen to us. All the time!
A: Then you are prepared.

(L) Speaking of prepared, what happened to the bicycle key we mailed to John?
A: Fell out.

(L) I want to ask about Freddie’s type B-negative blood. Is Freddie an alien hybrid?
A: Open.

(L) Well, that’s real encouraging!
A: Best to discover.

(A) What is the test of being an alien hybrid. One is this blood type, what is another?
A: No criteria, but subjects of this nature seem “off-center” by terrestrial standards. However, the truest nature of this subject is as of yet undiscovered.

(L) Okay, this guy from the schoolboard is coming on Monday. Am I going to have any problems with him?
A: Wait and see.

(L) According to Dr. Jacobs and the stuff you told us last week, we are pretty well fried on this planet.
A: No.

(L) What are our options?
A: Vague.

(L) I know that. But, there does not seem to be any other way to ask this question...
A: Knowledge protects, remember, there are no limits with knowledge.

(L) That’s all fine and dandy, but how are we ever going to learn enough in time? I feel like I am in a race.
A: No.

(A) I want to ask about Lodz. Did we already get the clue and it’s...
A: You are on the right track.

Q: (A) Now, this business about Sakharov, is this related, or better, when I think about Sakharov, I think about his theory that space, time metric can change signature; that space/time geometry builds a kind of singularity, changes the algebraic structure of the metric tensor; and I was trying to relate it to changing of density at some point...
A: Yes. Sakharov knew the answer was in the pentagon.

(L) Do you mean ‘pentagon’ as in the government building, or as in the geometric structure?
A: Why do you suppose they are linked? Why is the “pentagon” a pentagon?

(L) I don’t know. Why is it?
A: Answers are within your grasp.

(L) When you say ‘grasp,’ does it relate to five fingers...
(A) or to the fifth dimension?
A: Yes, and what you possess.

(L) What do you mean ‘what you possess?’
A: The key is in this room and your office. But that is not the only meaning. Suggest you begin your quest by looking for patriots.

(L) Do you mean the mirror?
A: No.

(L) Do you mean the Commander X book?
A: Maybe...

(L) The Matrix books?
A: Maybe...

(L) On the internet?
A: Maybe...

(L) Well...
(A) What was this answer ‘yes’ to the changing of density and how it relates to what Sakharov was working on and how it connects to Kaluza Klein theories?
A: Both.

(L) Well, I guess we are going to have to wait until I type it to make any sense out of it...
A: Geometry... pentagon and hexagon, algebraic equations...

(A) Pentagon and hexagon algebraic equations...
(L) What is the connection between the pentagon and hexagon?
A: Discover.

(A) I physics and mathematics we write a triangle to symbolize certain operations in three-dimensional space. One draws a square to symbolize wave equations in 4 dimensional space. One draws a pentagon to symbolize equations in 5th dimensional space, and a hexagon to symbolize equations in 6 dimensional space.
A: Goodnight.

End of Session


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August 8, 1998

Freddie, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Fimohoh.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

To get us started, I would like to ask about my dream the other night. Do I need to recount the dream or can you just talk about it without me telling it?
A: Can be input related, or vice versa.

Okay, I dreamed that I was in this castle type place with many rooms and many people. In one of these rooms, a sort of main room, there was a ‘Head of the Family.’ I understood that all the people present were ‘members of the family’ with greater or lesser connection to the head. This person was in a large chair and all these people were there and all this activity was taking place, and it was going on around him, but he was not paying too much attention to anything. I couldn’t tell if he was bored, or sick. There seemed to be some sort of plots and sub- plots being whispered all around, and I became aware of a plot to kill this ‘Head of the Family.’ I was horrified and I made a decision that, no matter what, I had to go to him and tell him this and offer my help. When I did, it was almost like it gave him new life. He perked up and became more interested in all his surroundings because of this information I gave him. He invited us to go to a private room to have a meal together. The funny thing about this guy was that he kept alternating between being black and white. One minute he was a pure Aryan type, and the next he looked like an Egyptian. One thing that was outstanding was the clarity of his skin whether black or white. So, we went to this room, a small, intimate room with a pair of windows, and two little twin children, seemed to be girls, came with us. I was aware that they were his children. They too alternated between being black and white. We sat at the table and there were simple plates and simple food. I was surprised that it was so simple and plain and I wondered about it and asked a question. I was told that pomp and circumstance was only for the impression on those who do not know anything, but that it is the responsibility of the ‘Members of the Blood’ to be careful in what they eat and their personal habits. We ate and then I was told that I would be escorted back to our vehicle because I must return for the time being to prepare myself for some task. It was also said that because of my decision to do ‘what was right’ that I had demonstrated that I was the ‘chosen’ one who would become the ‘heir’ in some way. Now, our vehicle had been left at the end of a road... a road that we had traveled and had then run out and we had been ‘taken’ to this castle by some miraculous means so that we had to be taken back to our vehicle. We were warned that there would be dangers in returning. There was some sense of danger in our travels back home, but we made it and then there was the sense of waiting for some sign that would come in the future. The rest was unclear and I woke up. What can you tell me about this dream?
A: Near death experience indicates resolve.

Whose resolve?
A: Try to interpret laterally.

What does ‘laterally’ mean?
A: Patience charts course, not pressure.

Another funny thing is that, a few days later we bought this book about the Holy Grail and it talks about dreams of people switching between being black and white, and about birds that represent this concept such as the magpie, the balance between good and evil and so forth.
A: Theme presents itself in balanced cycle. Search for grey middle ground when tempted to choose either black or white.

Anything else on this?
A: No.

Okay, next item is this photo here, purported to be a spirit photo, or ‘time’ photo. The anonymous woman who took it says that the Pleiadians told her to take a photo of the scenery and that they would give her a gift, and this photo of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus’ brother James and Simon Peter came out on the film. It says: Could this be a picture of one man’s great decision that forever changed the course of history?
A: Photo is of screenplay scene from “Jesus Christ Superstar,” taken from video screen.

Well, that took care of that!
(A) We went today to the MUFON meeting and there was this strange woman who came in late and interrupted. My theory is that she was a kind of spy or an agent. Is that correct?
A: Biggest problem at such gatherings involves emotions, not normally “espionage.” However, key pieces of knowledge can be retrieved from this forum.

(L) Well, it was almost like a repeat of the JW scenario...
A: Remember, as we have told you before, it is not the vehicles themselves that count, but rather the forces that work through them.

Q: (A) Okay. I understand that she was emotional and she wanted very much to say something. She was telling strange stories about photos of the Virgin Mary in Clearwater that she has done with a Polaroid camera. Can you comment on this and the pyramids that she was talking about, and the photos?
A: Only the emotional response.

(L) Would it be worthwhile for us to go down and see if we can get some unusual photos there?
A: Hmmm... Better contact Malcolm for the latest on the “space brothers.”

So, I guess we shouldn’t waste our time?
A: Marie Marshall could lend some assistance...

(A) I want to know about this Bible Code, because one possibility is that all of this is created by just wishful thinking...
A: Any large literary work can be found to have a “code” if one searches...

(L) Well, we don’t really know what the professor wrote because the reporter wrote the book, not the researcher. You also have a couple of problems with the Hebrew language. The accusation was made that when the exact ‘code’ didn’t fit, he would skip some extra letters or words or lines to make it fit. So there is a controversy over this.
A: Hindsight is 20/20.

(L) The woman who was talking about the book said that all of the ‘findings’ were ‘after the fact.’ I don’t think he really made any ‘predictions’ in the book.
(A) Can one predict things in this way?
A: If one chooses.

(L) Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen!
(A) Okay. Now, I want to ask a question about the medium. We have been repeatedly told that we should get a better medium which can convey more information. We were experimenting with psychomantium without success...
A: Because you did not do it correctly.

I thought I was doing everything that had been suggested.
A: Light must be placed properly so as to illuminate black depth sufficiently. Also, chamber must be large enough to stimulate relaxed meditative state. And no seams or ripples must be evident in reflection. Lastly, patience must reign supreme, with as little anticipation as possible.

So, you are saying that the closet we are using is not large enough...
A: We never suggested a closet.

How large should the chamber be?
A: 10 by 10 by 8.

(L) Well, that’s almost a whole room!
A: Yes. One room idly sits...

(A) I have the idea that one should go with a given question and then come out with an answer instead of waiting and waiting...
A: My dear Arkadiusz, by now, you know imagination is the bridge to the Akashic.

(L) So, you are saying that his idea is a bridge to the Akashic, and when he gets such ideas, they are important clues?
A: Good!

(A) Now, we have been reading this Vajra material channeled by Sean David Morton.
(L) Yes, he says that he is channeling himself in the future, that is his future incarnation as his own grandson. He supposedly uses a Tibetan ‘Time Transference’ technique. Instead of a past life regression, it is a post life progression. He talks about the ‘quinta’ of time as opposed to the ‘quanta’ of time. It then describes him going into this state... It describes all kinds of conniptions going on as he supposedly experiences his death and rebirth. Could you comment on this process?
A: Sounds like fun!

(L) Is what he is saying true?
A: “True” and false are one when all is sanctified.

(L) That doesn’t help us a bit!
A: Futures all exist, but are infinite.

(L) Anyway, he describes about the planet being hit by a comet and the birth of the ‘Chosen One’ or the ‘Queen of the Earth,’ Immanuela, who is supposed to be the ‘new Christ’ so to speak. He says that his name is ‘Vajra of the House of Morton.’ This ‘Queen’ was born on the day that all the UFOs appear in the sky. He says that this is after the comet has struck the earth, after nuclear war, and after 7 or 8 years of clouds and darkness with the planet wandering around in its disrupted orbit. He says that these ‘observers’ do not interfere in history, but that they ‘clean’ the environment... the atmosphere... and that they appear en masse for one solar day giving ‘hope’ to mankind. They also stabilize the orbits of Earth and the Moon and bring everything back into harmony - all this without ‘interfering’ in history. This ‘Chosen One’ is born in England, at Stonehenge, and is the ‘White Buffalo Calf Woman’ - talk about mixing your metaphors! Anyway, this woman is the ‘Queen,’ the ‘Leader,’ ‘The Immanuela.’ ‘She had great technology and was able to crack the codes around the rearrangement of matter. Her symbols were the Ankh and the staff of Ra which she used as devices which allowed her to channel energy from the Ark of the Covenant which allowed her to rearrange certain types of matter. She came to the Queenship at a very early age. She was infused with Messianic Consciousness at the age of five and at the age of seven she was recognized and coronated.’ And so on. Now, what did you think of that?
A: Sounds as if this “Vajra Soul” is a charmer, though perhaps a bit “light in the loafers.”

(L) You mean he dances well? He’s dancing around.
A: Yes. We are surprised he did not throw in the Atlantean Crystals on the way to Urantia. Do you get it? The guy is a goofball!

(L) Well, that’s the most definite thing you’ve said so far. Anyway, some people on this mailing list who read his predictions of an economic collapse and asked about it. Also, recently, there was a prediction of economic collapse in one of the tabloids.
(F) Well, one of these days they are going to be right if they keep putting it in there every two weeks!
(L) Good point! So, could you tell us if we are facing an imminent economic collapse?
A: Only if desired by the powers who decide such things.

(L) As the probabilities now stand, what is the percentage of probability that they will decide to engineer a collapse this year?
A: The concept of “economic collapse” is now considered a bit passe. We suggest you be careful to analyze that which appears on your internet before printing it.

(L) Well, the only reason I asked was because I was asked, and I think some of these people have a suspicion that this guy is a looney tune...
A: Suspicion?!?

(L) Next question: we printed some information from Val’s pages that someone said that the Clinton situation would snowball and that there is a possibility of impeachment.
A: Impeachment means to formally accuse of commission of a crime. Much depends on public reaction, which would be highly negative.

(L) Are you saying that the public reaction to the idea of impeaching Clinton for fooling around would be negative?
A: All that happens in the arena of your political undertakings is merely window dressing for purposes of preoccupying the body politic.

Q: (L) The sentiment of the public at the present time is that this Kenneth Starr is on a witch hunt. I don’t think that people really care. HAS Clinton been doodling around as Starr is claiming, and is he as immoral as Starr is claiming? Does he therefore...
A: Yes, but so what?!? None of this has anything to do with the control of your realm. That is all undertaken in hidden circles.

(L) What would be the objective of bringing Clinton down?
A: Decoy.

(L) Decoy for what?
A: All that really matters.

(L) So this is to attract attention away from issues that really matter?
A: Close.

(L) Again, what is the probability that he will leave the office before the term is up?
A: Low, but again, it means nothing.

Q: (L) What is motivating this gal Lewinsky to cooperate in this investigation?
A: Your inquiries are not well-advised.

(L) So, the powers that be behind this are playing this game for their own reasons and I ought to drop it. Okay.
(A) There is a website called ‘In Search Of’ moderated by a fellow named Dan Woolman, ex-physicist, ex-government, ex-NASA, who, at some point after quitting all this, he suffered a stroke at the age of 39, and after this he started this website which collects all the data about UFOs, Crop Circles, and such things. What about this stroke? Is it like Marinov and others? What was behind his stroke?
A: Should look for evidence of verity.

(L) Are you saying that it wasn’t a stroke?
A: What we are saying is, unfortunately, your internet sources are largely unverifiable.

(L) So, we don’t know that he is ANY of the things he claims to be. Anything to add to that?
A: No.

(A) What is the purpose of this site?
A: Ego “stroking.”

(A) I have started to organize questions and subjects from the previous sessions, and I have certain problems with this. I lack an organizing principle: how to do it, how to organize it, which link or clue to follow first. Can I have some help or clue about organizing the next questions? Maybe I am already doing okay, but if there is something I could do better, can I have a clue?
A: Answers come when you back up and worry not.

(A) What do you mean ‘back up?’
A: Go back.

(A) Also, I have decided after going back and worrying not, that it has been a long time since I was working on the crop circles. This has been for many reasons, the most important being the lack of time. Now, there is more and more time... I am supposed to work on this crop circle business; I am supposed to decode them. I started to look at what is known about decoding of crop circles on the internet. On the Art Bell site there is an interview with Hoagland and some guy who claims to have decoded everything, never mind that we don’t know what is the answer. Anyway, they have the idea to three dimensionalize, and this was what you had told us as well. Now, about this three dimensionalizing, then what? You have interpreted some crop circles for us. I have this idea that these crop circles can serve as a kind of alphabet and that other crop circles can be interpreted in terms of already analyzed circles, by making them into certain numbers and combining these numbers and ideas. Also the idea was that the same program we use to analyze gamma spectra in terms of the library of already known spectra can be used in this way. Is it the right idea, or are we missing something very important that will hinder progress?
A: You are not missing something, except perhaps enough faith in your own abilities. Just proceed, fear not stumbling.

(A) So, no more help in this direction.
A: Do you not know that your mind either contains already, or can access all that exists?

(L) Well, there is a position over at St. Leo, and since we don’t know how long this position at Constellation will last, Ark has inquired into this position. Is that a good direction to follow?
A: All directions are.

(L) Wonderful! Like we have time to follow all of them!

A: Have you yet failed to persevere?

(L) Not yet, but we were feeling VERY guilty for all of the money we have spent in the last couple of weeks, and we were really feeling a little on the panicky side.
A: Compare today to that which you perceive as three years ago.

(L) So, I guess that 3 years ago we had no money or anything and now, at least we have something and SOME money. But, at the rate we are going, we WON’T have any money! We’ll be broke again! I mean, we bought a stereo system, a lawn mower, paid for the work on the house, bought beaucoup books, food at Sam’s Club, I mean...
A: Appreciate, or you may indeed stumble.

(L) In other words, be glad and grateful and happy to spend money? Is that what you are saying?
A: And worry not. Remember, we told you would have all you needed. Have ye been wrong yet?!?

(A) I want to ask: I was going back over the session of May ‘95, the session with R. Santilli. We were talking a little bit about him and I was being critical. I didn’t want to meet him or talk to him. (L) I had suggested a meeting, and Ark rejected this idea because his papers are basically unreadable. Is this because he really does NOT need to meet with Santilli?
A: Santilli has much to offer, but will he?

(L) What is behind that? He was here, was very excited and interested, and then turned entirely the other direction. Why was that?
A: Bad publicity.

(L) About what?
A: You.

(L) From whom?
A: Several who felt emotionally spanked.

(L) By me?
A: Yes.

(L) Well, I’m sorry. Will Ark be able to counteract that negative publicity?
A: Certainly is possible, especially if it is Ark who initiates contact.

(L) See! You could save my reputation! Okay. Ark is ready to meet with Santilli and we think we should be able to offer him a few clues derived from the sessions to inspire greater confidence so could you give us said clue.
(A) In this session with Santilli there was repeated at least twice the term ‘matrix.’ Laura made a comment that maybe it was a three dimensional matrix. So I was thinking about this matrix and I have two possibilities. If it is related to the number 3, it can be a matrix that is flat and 3 by 3. Or, it can be any matrix that is three dimensional rather than flat. Which of these, if any, is the concept mentioned in the session?
A: Three dimensional 12 by 12.

(A) 12 by 12 by 12?
A: Yes.

(A) Why number 12? What is so particular about number 12?
A: Try it and see.

(A) Einstein. We were told that Einstein discovered UFT, or the possible consequences, and stopped, that the thing that scared him was variability of physicality. I cannot see a trace in his papers. I can’t see which particular year that he discovered that variability of physicality could follow from UFT. Which year was it?
A: 1936.

(A) Thank you! Now, I know which version of UFT!
(L) That was tricky!
(A) Of course. I was asking before and this question was avoided.
A: No, it is answered after you have done enough “homework” so that the answer
will not abridge your learning matrix.

(A) I haven’t done enough homework to understand how or which way...
A: What does nanosecond have to do with this question?

(L) I don’t have a clue!
(A) Nano second is a measure of time. Time is subjective and is encoded in our DNA...
A: What is the measurement reflected or... represented by nano?

(A) Nano is because it is 10 to -9. Nine zeros, one over 1 billion. It is a very short time.
(L) No kidding!
(A) What does it have to do with... we have been told that time should not be mixed with space in a UFT, and now we have this time again...
A: Do we???

(A) Yes, because we have been told that the Galilei group which treats space different from time is better than the Lorentz group which treats space as equal to time.
A: But, the link, the link is the bridge, not necessarily a sum of the parts, in other words, that link does not need to belong to either to exist.


Q: (A) Okay, I will do my homework. Now, pentagon. There was this pentagon we talked about last time. Pentagon and then hexagon. My guess is that the pentagon is related to the wave equation in 5 dimensions. I want to ask about this...
A: If one seeks to unify, one needs a common source. If “time” really were the 4th dimension, what if it sprang from, or was born of a fifth. Now, how or where does one “plug” gravity into the equation?

(A) Normally gravity is plugged into the equation as part of the geometry of space and time, except if Newton and Galilei, who consider time as different...
A: Ah, now enter those sneaky pentagons and hexagons.

(A) Okay, I have to do my homework...
A: Now, we leave you with this food for thought. Goodbye.

End of Session


Back to Contents



August 15, 1998

Freddie, Ark, Laura

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Hello.

(L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Mahijm.

(L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(L) I want to ask about the board situation. I have been thinking about covering the board with glass or plexiglas. Would it be advisable to cover the board with either of these, or should I make the table the whole board and cover it with glass.
A: Up to you.

(L) I know that, but I am talking about in terms of energy. Which would be better energy wise?
A: You must discover, if you wish.

(L) Okay, now: I would like to know if there was a real historic person behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Close. Sorcerer’s Coven. Secret pact of coven is covenant.

(L) Was this the Nordic Covenant behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Not really.

(L) I think that implies that there might be a connection?
A: Maybe there is something more like an offshoot.

(L) The Nordic Covenant is an offshoot of the Arthurian Covenant or vice versa?
A: King Arthur story based on an offshoot of Nordic Covenant Root.

(L) Okay, now you say that the Nordic Covenant can be positive or negative. Would the Arthurian Cycle be of the Positive Offshoot?
A: Both.

(L) What period of time did this Sorcerer’s Coven...
A: During the “Dark Ages.

(L) Can you get me closer to a year, or period of years?
A: We will let you do that.

(L) The chief thing I noticed about this period of the Dark Ages is that from the time of the ‘birth of Christ,’ for about 1300 years, there is an incredible lack of documentation. Now, there were some manuscripts written by Monks, such as Gregory of Tours and so forth, but in general, the only things that have survived from this period are things put out by Monks under the control of the church. It is as though the whole world became illiterate. Is this, in fact, the case? Was it that nobody was writing anything down during this period?
A: Close.

(L) Was any part of this because of the control of the Catholic Church over writing and education, and that they opposed everything that did not support their views?
A: Close.

(L) So, what we have to work with is what we have to work with. And, I guess that’s as close as we can get. It isn’t a whole heck of a lot. How many people were in this Covenant?
A: Look for answers, trees will lead you to it.

(L) What literary source could I go to to find the least distorted or corrupted information?
A: Trees.

(L) How long has this Nordic Covenant been in existence?
A: Look for it.

(L) You said that you were in regular contact with the Kantekkians on Kantek before they were airlifted to Earth 80 thousand years ago or thereabouts. Now, was the destruction of this planet a result of Orion Manipulations of the people such as is taking place on our planet at the present time?
A: Maybe somewhat, but not all.

(L) I have tried to imagine a plane full of people of pure Aryan types, or purified Celtics, and it is difficult to imagine what such a culture would be like. Is there anything that we can look at, literary or otherwise, that would give me a concept of what this culture or society could have been like?
A: Search Japan and the Bahamas.

(L) What?! What do Japan and the Bahamas have in common?
A: See for yourself. Remember, learning is fun and energizes. Spoonfeeding sessions do little for you.

(L) When you were in regular contact with the Kantekkians, what was the nature of this contact?
A: Educational.

(L) Was it coming through a board, or coming to the head, or through transducing it like through StoneHenge, or something altogether different?
A: Seek those most in tune who ask, then enter data when ready.

(L) Who was the author of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion?”
A: Source is “Aryan” in nature.

(L) Was it written to make the Jews look bad, or to cast blame on them?
A: Some.

(L) Was it also written as a disguised protocol for the Aryan plan to take over the world?
A: No.

(A) I heard that the source was in Russia?
A: No, Turkey.

(L) I would like to ask about J__’s friend C__. He is still suffering some paralysis... is there something more that can be done to help him?
A: Slow mender.

(L) Will he get his function back in a more complete way.
A: More, yes.

(L) Now, you said that I should search for the original zodiacal clues in the Hague. Now, this book I recently got that was written by a guy from The Hague, is THIS the clue I was to look for, or is there still something there in the city itself? Some artifact?
A: Book is the key.

(L) We have been discussing this period of the Brown Star. Is this period 26 or 27 million years?
A: Close.

(L) So, the last time it was here was at the time of the dryings of the dinosaurs?
A: Possible.

(L) What is the period of the orbit of the Brown Star?
(A) Is it periodic?
A: Variably periodic.

(A) This variability is due to perturbations from other stars, correct?
A: And gravitational anomalies from other sources.

(A) Has it already come through the Oort Cloud and is now getting farther and farther away?
A: No.

(L) They said it had already passed through on its way IN.
A: Yes.

(L) There is this internet site in Mexico which puts up this information about the alien bases. [Reads excerpt] It says that in the areas where there are these bases, there is often a lot of strange phenomena. I would like to know if you can identify the source of this information as he does not identify himself or where he is getting this stuff? He does not even have an e-mail option on his page.
A: You can test verity of all such information based upon that which you already know or have “put together.”

(L) Can you give me an approximate number of aliens currently interacting with, or on, or under our planet as a whole?
A: “Aliens?” What constitutes such?

(L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra- terrestrials, Ultra-terrestrials, and so forth.
A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their inherent portals, you know!

Q: (L) This guy thinks that there is a rather limited number of aliens, and that people ought to get together and resist this threat because our numbers are greater. Is that, in fact, correct?
A: Not point. The question of the hour is: what is the motive?

(L) Okay, what is the motive?
A: Build a house step by step, and when it is finished, you can move into the
neighborhood and out of the motel.

(L) Oh jeez. So, these are a bunch of aliens hanging out in ‘motels’ waiting for their house to be built. That does not sound good.
A: Many of you have recently become “bedazzled” by the “information superhighway,” and its accompanying computer hardware. Gee, we wonder why?

Q: (L) Well, you told us to network. We have been networking like crazy, digging up information, reading and comparing. Yes, there is a ton of garbage out there, but if we don’t ask, how will we know?
A: Point was: who is manipulating thee? Not so much you specifically, but the others? So many kids and kids-at- heart are thunderstruck by techno-sensory toys. Those cellular phones, those pagers and the Christmas toy computers... They are like, so cool!

(L) So what are you implying about these techno toys?
A: Ponder.

(L) Give me a clue. A word, something to point me in the right direction.
A: Fuzzy jello-brained kids.

(L) Are you saying that pagers and cell phones, and techno toys that kids get for Christmas can have effects on them that turn their brains to jello?
A: In a figurative sense. All this technology represents a Brave New World. Like Huxley said: Woe is to those who have been led to eat their brains for lunch.

(L) My kids have pagers. Are pagers, in particular...
A: What do you think comprises the signal content?

(L) I don’t know. What does comprise the signal content?
A: Microwaves.

(L) What do these microwaves do to the individual?
A: Contour brain cell structure.

(L) Do they emit a signal continuously, or only when they are being used?
A: Wave cycle low to high.

(L) Well, that’s not good. How close does the pager have to be to you to have this effect?
A: Four meters. Cell phones too and television and computer screens can be transmitted through thusly.

Q: (L) Is there any kind of device that we can build or purchase that can emit a blocking signal?
A: Knowledge protects.

(L) When you say ‘contouring brain cell structure,’ what would be evidence or results of such effects?
A: Increasingly narrow outlooks and being unable to employ discriminatory thinking.

(L) Confusion?
A: No. Just lack of depth and breadth to one’s mental and psychic abilities.

(A) First little question: what happened to my left arrow key on my notebook and can I fix it?
A: Spring. Coil defective.

(A) Can I fix it?
A: Better to get expert, but be careful in choosing.

(A) I want to ask whether this channel is being monitored, and if so, by whom?
A: Only effective monitoring so far is by direct 3rd density observation and enticing some to share data, then “spill their guts” with “shaky” correspondents.

(L) So, it’s only when I get enticed to share what ought not to be shared, or when someone is present who is a monitor, that we have been monitored?
A: Close. It can be monitored in other ways, but so far, these have been only seldom necessary. All STS always seek the path of least resistance first.

(L) You once said when Terry and Jan were here that we should imagine the words appearing on a screen somewhere as they were being delivered on the board. Now you say that this is not necessarily the lengths to which they have gone. Was that because they were present?
A: Seldom does not mean never.

(L) If such a thing was to happen, would it be because of the presence of someone, such as when you said PZ was a monitor?
A: P__ Z__, yes definitely!

(A) Santilli?
A: No.

(A) Okay, now I have a question that goes back to Marinov. When we were asking about him, and what it was that he knew, and the answer was that it was UFT and it was given in quotation marks. All other mentions of UFT were given without quote marks. What was this for? What more can be said about that in this case?
A: Watch, not spell out. [Attempts made to draw something, but unsuccessfully.] Russian letter “b.”

(L) What next? I don’t understand...
A: Cyrillic “S” - P - K - G - Y - S - K - A.

(L) If that was in Cyrillic, what would it say? Were you trying to show us a diagram of something?
A: No. Place is near Urals.

(A) It is a place?
A: Yes. Start at Novosibirtsk, draw a line to Irkutsk.

(L) How does that relate to the question?
A: Site is lab at magnetic meridian.

(L) What does that have to do with what Marinov was working on?
A: Everything.

(L) But telling us where the site is doesn’t tell us anything about it!
A: Presumptious!

(A) There is something at this site?
A: Yes, but your clue begins your discovery. Marinov saw light waves.

(A) What does that mean?
A: Oscilliscope.

(A) Is there anything we can or should do with an oscilliscope?
A: It is a clue.

(A) Okay, we see waves on an oscilliscope...
A: What if it measures magnetic pulse?

Q: (A) Okay, I will follow this clue. Now, I was following another clue, Einstein’s UFT, and I looked at 1936 and he published a paper then describing Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
A: Yes.

(A) This is a bridge between two different realms, so to say.
A: Yes.

(A) But there is nothing in this idea, really, that relates to UFT.
A: That is not true.

(A) There was nothing in this idea which relates to hyperspace in the sense of fifth dimensions, pentagons, hexagons. At least I could not see it.
A: Yes.

(A) So there is another piece of information which has to be put together with this idea to lead to the UFT, yes?
A: Yes.

(A) Another clue that we were following was Von Neumann. We have this info about the Philadelphia Experiment, probably from Bielek. It says that Von Neumann took over the project in March of 1942, after Tesla. Is this correct?
A: Yes.

(A) It says that in 1943, Von Neumann installed a third generator...
A: Yes.

(A) I have trouble with this because Von Neumann was a mathematician, and I can hardly imagine him installing generators which involves knowledge of electronics, physics, and so on. What was the truth?
A: Von Neumann was not unassisted. The mathematics apply to a language which translates quite naturally to EM principles. His involvement on that aspect was coerced.

(A) What kind of mathematics?
A: What is the light one observes in the presence of a charged EM field? Algebra.

(A) Algebras of operators?
A: Calculus.

(A) Now, in this paper they also mention a mathematician by the name of Levinson who wrote the so-called ‘Levinson Time Equation.’ Was there such a mathematician participating in the project?
A: Yes, but only after. Not in ‘43.

(A) There is also mention of Hilbert, another mathematician, and it is said that ‘Hilbert, the mathematician who devised equations for Hilbert space which describe multiple space and multiple realities mathematically. These equations for multiple space became very important in the project.’ Is that correct?
A: Again, this was after the “Experiment.” The “Project” continues.

(A) Who are the scientists known to me who participate in the Project that continues, if any?
A: Not necessarily known to you.

(A) What are their names?
A: The scientists who participate in projects of this nature are now isolated away from the mainstream scientific community, in order to prevent leaks...

(L) So, you are saying that in the beginning they called on the talents of scientists who were known, but since that time...
A: Groomed and trained in a closed system.

(L) So, they have selected, groomed and trained their own scientists... So, if they are in the mainstream scientific community, writing papers and doing ordinary stuff, they can’t be part of the project. And, if they start getting too close, and they can’t be sucked in and controlled, they are done away with. Is that the idea here?
A: Not quite.

(L) Is it close?
A: Fortunately, few have been done away with.

(L) But, they can ridicule them, destroy them professionally, mess with their lives, etc.
A: Maybe.

(A) I want to have one more clue about the relation of quantum theory to all of this. Hilbert dealt with quantum theory. Is it true that, from UFT, like Einstein dreamed it, that one can derive quantum theory?
A: Yes.

(A) What is the relation of this Hilbert Space business to multiple realities. I don’t understand this. Can I have a clue?
A: What do you not understand?

(A) I do not understand what Hilbert’s Mathematics have to do with Multiple Realities. I understand multiple realities can have all kinds of wormholes and bridges...
A: The wormholes are the bridges. His mathematics have to do with how one passes through parallel realms in order to traverse extreme distances within the same originator realm without altering the perceived passage of time.

(A) That’s interesting to think about.
A: In other words, “zero time,” and the folding of space. This is where the complete Unified Field Theory would come into play. You see, the problem needing solution is to demonstrate how space and time are interchangeable, and how gravity and magnetism are born of the same source, with the application of electromagnetic fields as the key to utilizing all realms simultaneously. Goodbye.

End of Session


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August 22, 1998

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Urturra.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(L) I want to ask about Freddie’s gallbladder. Of the many things we have discussed about it this evening, including emotional causes of disease, use of acupuncture, and diet, is there anything that you can add to this at the present, or is there anything that was said in error that you would like to correct?
A: Condition is largely hereditary.

Then, that would be similar to my own which means that a person has to eat a specific way and behave in specific ways to correct for the defective gene. Is that correct?
A: No. Defective gallbladder is hereditary.

Then, is it advisable for him to have the gallbladder removed?
A: Eventually.

Will it help to change his eating habits to the Atkins plan?
A: All is good there with two exceptions: suggest inclusion of bran fiber and liquid dairy, due to blood type, and need for elimination. This is greatly inhibited by “Atkins” plan, which is a fundamental flaw therein. You should consume “Mississippi Mud” for this purpose.

What is THAT?
A: Fibrous porridge.

Oh, I know that stuff!
A: Otherwise there is a risk of serious bound-up syndrome.

I know that too. I am taking teas to counterbalance that.
A: But severe constipation can damage liver.

Anything else on that to make some fine-tuning adjustments?
A: You should investigate blood type diet differentials, there is validity there.

(A) I want to ask why is it so that when I look at Laura in the mirror, as I have several times without glasses at the gym, my vision was a little unsharp, I was seeing a gold glow, a big gold glow in both of her eyes. Why was this?
A: You are developing some DNA change related 4th density “bleedthrough.”

(A) But what was this glow in her eyes?
A: Part of 4th density reality, related to aural frequency.

(L) Now, on to the questions I have prepared: In a previous session you said that the pyramid was built 10,643 years ago. That would be 8,649 BC. Is that a correct figure, or was there any corruption?
A: Yes. Correct.

Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that StoneHenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?
A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.

If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar groups of people?
A: Atlantean descendants.

Obviously the Great Pyramid is a marvel of engineering - and Stonehenge is as well - yet the two structures are so dissimilar. The Pyramid presents such a finished and sharp and elegant appearance, and Stonehenge might give a person - of course that is based on how it appears today - a more primitive presentation.
A: Was not originally.

Did they work in conjunction with one another and did the two groups that built them in communication with one another?
A: No and yes.

Was it two different groups? One with the Stonehenge business and one with the Pyramid business?
A: Offshoots of same group.

Q: Were they antagonistic toward one another or were they friendly toward one another?
A: No, yes.

If the flood of Noah, as you have said before, occurred 10,662 BC, that means that the Pyramid and Stonehenge were built more than 2,000 years after this event.
A: Yes.

Did it take 2,000 years for them to develop or create the technology?
A: No.

What were they doing in those 2,000 years?
A: Reassembling.

In that 2,000 years of reassembling, do you mean reassembling as a group through reincarnative processes...
A: All. Built using sound wave technology.

When you say that it was built using sound wave technology, were these sound waves produced by human voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some sort?
A: Mostly latter.

What kind of a device would this be? What would you call it?
A: Something like tuning fork.

It would be something that could be struck and would produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?
A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser.

Can we build such a thing?
A: Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.

Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?
A: Silicon arterial wand.

(A) Can we see somewhere a picture of this?
A: No pictures exist to where you have access.

Q: (L) Was the pyramid itself ever used as a sounding mechanism, the chambers?
A: Not exactly.

How many chambers or cells are there in the Great Pyramid?
A: 19.

So, there are some that have not been found yet. Now, according to this book, the ‘Message of the Sphinx,’ they are saying that the orientation of the pyramid complex which includes the Sphinx, designates or denotes a time, or replicates on the ground the pattern of Orion related to the constellation of Leo exactly 10,500 years ago. What is the significance of this date 10,500 years ago?
A: Complex, but what about Orion?!?

What about Orion?
A: For you to surmise.

Was this a date when the ships from Orion arrived to go into orbit around the Earth?
A: No. Now you should study all you can about supernovae.

Okay, there was a mention of a supernovae in this book. Was there a supernova at that particular time?
A: Maybe, but the real question should be: Will there be one again, and soon?

They have said that this designates the lowest point of Orion in the precessional cycle, the nadir of the cycle, and that the midheaven would be 2400 AD. If you have the representation of this precessional nadir, what is the next ‘notch’ on the clock? Is it going to be the midheaven of the cycle 400 years or so from now?
A: Best not to assume without adequate date.

Okay. Well, the other thing that they mentioned was that this orientation of the Sphinx and the Pyramids dealt with what is called ‘Zep Tepi.’ It says: ‘In their most profound and beautiful religious texts, the ancient Egyptians spoke of the Time of the Gods, Zep Tepi, or the First Time, with the unshakeable conviction that there had indeed been such an epoch. In other words, they believed that Zep Tepi had been an actual historical event. In line with their prevailing dualism, they also believed that it had been projected and recorded in the catalogue of the starry sky, and it was a story that was reenacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the celestial orbs and the constellations. What they had in mind was a kind of Cosmic Passion Play in which each main character was identified with a specific celestial body. Zep Tepi was regarded as a mysterious and golden age that had immediately followed creation.’ What can you comment about this Zep Tepi? Was Zep Tepi the time of the first civilization that had existed immediately after creation?
A: You are pursuing a “dead end” there.

Okay, then we will forget Zep Tepi. Also, it says here regarding the issue about iron: ‘It is unsettling to discover in the Pyramid Texts, supposedly the work of Neolithic farmers who had hardly begun to master copper, that there were abundant references to iron. The name of it was B’ja, or the ‘Divine Metal.’
We always encounter it in distinctive context to astronomy. For example, B’ja is frequently mentioned in the text in connection to the ‘Four Sons of Horus,’ presumably related in some way to strange beings known as the Shemsu Hor, or the ‘Followers of Horus,’ or the ‘Transfigured Ones.’ At any rate, these very mysterious ‘Sons of Horus’ seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers. [...] It is clear that iron was somehow seen by the composers of the Pyramid Texts as being imperative in the rituals aimed at ensuring new life cosmic and stellar. The verses of the Texts connect the metal and its uses to the ancient prototype of all such rituals by means of which Osiris himself, Egypt’s ‘Once and Future King,’ died and was restored to immortal life as Lord of the Sky Region of Orion. ‘The doors of iron which are in the starry sky are thrown open for me and I go through them.’ It appears to be nothing less than an iron stargate intended to admit Osiris and all the dynasty of dead kings after him into the celestial realms of the belt of Orion. But, if the Pyramid Texts are describing a stargate, they are also describing a timegate for they express no doubt that by passing through the iron portals of the sky, the soul of the deceased will attain a life of millions of years.’ So, they are describing the Pyramid as a stargate, a timegate, a portal. However, they are doing so in figurative terms, that the person could mentally travel, or use this in some way. Could you comment on this bit about the iron stargate?
A: Iron is highly magnetic.

Yes, we know that...
A: Opens doorways or portals.

Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?
A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

They say that there is a subterranean chamber under the sphinx that leads to all the other pyramids. Is this correct?
A: Yes. But more importantly, there is a buried capsule of sorts.

Has this buried capsule been found?
A: Not uncovered, but the evidence exists.

Are those Egyptians over there who are banning all the other people from excavating aware of this?
A: They fear ramifications.

One of the things I noticed in this book was that they said that there was a colony from the city of Harran in what is nowadays Turkey, and that this colony formerly resided on the Giza plateau. Is there any connection between this colony they mention and the fact that you said that the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were composed in Turkey by an ‘Aryan’ source?
A: Yes.

What relationship is there?
A: One and the same.

We watched this television show the other night which talked about the city of Angkor Wat and its orientation to Draco 10,500 BC. You said that Angkor Wat was built 3108 years ago by the Lizzies themselves, and that the city of Mohenjo Daro was also built by the Lizzies 3065 years ago, which is within 30 or 40 years of the same time period. Do you still confirm that the Lizzies themselves built these cities?
A: Reptilian Beings.

And they did this themselves?
A: Yes.

What happened to the inhabitants of these cities?
A: Taken to another planet.

Why was this city built in orientation to the constellation Draco?
A: Was not, was a record: see the texts of Kaballah for details after linkage is established.

After what linkage is established.
A: Between the astronomical data and the sites.

Now, we are in the process of constructing a psychomantium tent, a 10 by 10 by 8 foot tent, to suspend from the ceiling in the bedroom. After what you suggested about the time and mode of meditation, and the fact that ‘one room stands idle,’ I thought that trying to use it in the early evening in the back room would be almost impossible. However, setting it up in the bedroom, it will be better all the way around. Lying on the bed to meditate makes for much more comfortable conditions. I would like to know if this is going to be... I know that you don’t want to tell me, but it just seemed to be the ideal place to put it, in the bedroom - for comfort and quiet and a lot of different reasons. Can you comment?
A: Good.

Well, would it be better in the back room? There are a lot of reasons why that would be unpleasant...
A: Trial leads to realization.

Any further advice about the psychomantium? I am getting kind of excited about trying it this way. It is going to be so much better and more comfortable...
A: Yes.

(A) I have one question about the pyramids. There is a complex of pyramids at Giza, and they are now trying to find out if this complex points to some special place, a vanishing point. Is it really so that the three pyramids point to some important place as a complex?
A: Orion.

(A) Not some place on the earth or under the earth?
A: No, no need.

(A) I want to go back to the previous session when you were trying to point us to a laboratory in Russia and we were unsuccessful in finding the place. First, there was the Russian letter ‘b’ which didn’t fit to anything on the map. My guess was that it could be the initial of a Russian scientist, for instance, Breznev.
A: Clues go step by step.

(A) So I must speak about one letter, that’s one step...
A: Prokov.

(L) Well, he did have the idea of following the magnetic meridian of our present locator over the North Pole and this appeared on the other side of the globe in the exact center of the two cities you named. Was that part of the solution?
A: The solution lies in a mountain pass.

(A) A mountain pass?
A: Yes.

(L) Well, there is that magnetic mountain there. Is that the one you are talking about? But that has nothing to do with the two cities?
A: Good start. Remember, there may be more than one locator involved.

(L) You were trying to draw some letters in the Cyrillic alphabet and I just got completely screwed up. So, is there something that you can add to it to clarify it?
A: Not now.

(L) Okay, we would like to know what was this famous explosion in Tunguska?
A: Comet fragment.

(L) Did that have anything to do with this laboratory or this magnetic meridian business?
A: No.

(A) I was considering writing to the Rockefeller Foundation for support. Is it advisable to write to them for a grant?
A: Be careful, they have an agenda in mind.

(A) Referring back to Von Neumann, you mentioned light and the question was ‘what kind of light is related to electromagnetically charged particles.’ Then you mentioned that Von Neumann was applying algebra. Now, is the answer about what kind of light, if I say infrared, is that the correct answer?
A: Refracted image.

(A) Okay, I was thinking about this...
A: Like an induced mirage.

(A) Now, I want to ask about the software that I am working on. I realized that these people have a spectrometer that produces bad spectra, there is, as far as I can see, the methods that I am using may fail completely with this spectrometer. What should I do to work out an efficient analyzing program that will work so that...
A: Fit a model into your program calculations which is demonstrable. In other words, fit your machine to your program, rather than the other way around.

(L) You are saying that, based on what will work program- wise, that the machine should be re-designed...
A: Yes.

(A) But still I have the feeling that the method I am using is not the optimal one even for this machine, but I don’t know what to do.
A: Adjust machine to method.

(L) Are you saying that his method is the best and the only one that is going to work and that the machine is going to have to be modified?
A: Best of the rest.

(A) That is not much help.
(L) We really need to do something with this project!
A: It will work out!

(L) Well, he really needs this to work out. We don’t want this project to fall flat on its face!
A: Follow instincts.

(L) Is there anything we ought to be doing in terms of employment at the present time? Is there any other direction we should be looking at the present time?
A: Not until you reach the crossroads.

(L) What crossroads? I don’t like that!
A: Wait and see. Now: study supernovae!

Okay, we will study supernovae.
(A) I have a question about UFT. A piece from Einstein’s biography says that in 1931, Einstein and Mayer re-formulated Kaluza five dimensional theory, retaining a four-dimensional space- time. I would like to know if it was a step back or a step forward when they did this?
A: Step back, then forward.

(L) The paper was a step back and then they stepped forward in secret?
A: Close.

(A) Next question: three weeks ago you mentioned in relation to UFT pentagons and hexagons. I have here a pentagon and a mathematical formula under pentagon which for me, relates to a pentagon, and it has x, y, z, three dimension; time, which is one dimension, and perhaps the fifth dimension, which corresponds to the fifth. Is this association of pentagon with this mathematical symbol below correct?
A: Yes.

(L) I want to ask if you ever told us to do something with a Tesla coil which I failed to record or got lost somewhere?
A: Maybe. Gravity waves, pentagon is the foundation; hexagon is the conclusion.

(A) I want to go back to this little mathematical formula here. I have here a plus or minus and I don’t know which sign to take in front of this field variable. Should it be plus like x,y and z, or should it be minus, like with t?
A: Minus.

(A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. When you talk...
A: Cloak for others. Einstein knew differently, but was forced to comply for political and security reasons.

(A) Should gravity be quantized as other fields?
A: It can be.

(A) But, if it is quantized, it will be gravitons, and you said that there are no gravitons...
A: Gravitons are really electrons within a time vacuum.

(A) Physicists today and for the past 5 or 10 years have been trying to build a theory of everything which is built on the idea of strings - that everything is composed of oscillating strings - they call it SuperString Theory. Is the idea of strings any good?
A: No.

(A) Now, about pagers... we were told that pagers emit some radiation which can be detrimental up to a distance of four meters. As far as I understand a pager is a passive device, a receiver. It is not emitting anything. How can a pager be detrimental?
A: Microwave “bounce effect.”

(A) So, they bounce from the receiver... I see.
A: Cell phones too.

(A) Yes, but cell phones have a transmitter. Now, in many of these internet papers on UFT we find the name of Bearden. I have here a page: Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics to Tap Vacuum Energy. [Reads abstract] This guy wrote several books and several papers. Is there any truth in what he is saying?
A: Yes.

(A) Is it worthwhile to study?
A: Yes.

(A) Are there lies there too? Is he lying too?
A: Maybe some mixed in to cloak for safety sake.

(A) Is his idea of scalar electromagnetics sound?
A: Close.

(L) Okay, going back to the pyramid. In the Pyramid Texts, when they talk about the ‘Boat of Millions of Years,’ what are they talking about?
A: Time machine.

(L) Who were the ‘Followers of Horus?’
A: Those who held the 3rd “insight.”

(L) What was the third insight?
A: There are 10. The 3rd involves transcendental existence.

(L) The Pyramid Texts also talk about the ‘Duat.’ What is this?
A: Scene of martyrdom.

(L) They also talk about the ‘Seven Sages.’ You once said that Perceval was ‘knighted in the Court of Seven’ and that the sword’s points signify ‘crystal transmitter of truth beholden.’ Do these seven sages relate to this ‘Court of Seven’ that you mentioned?
A: Close.

(L) When you said ‘swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden,’ could you elaborate on that remark?
A: Has celestial meaning.

(L) Also since the layout of the pyramids and the Sphinx seems to indicate that the constellation of Leo is in some way very significant, does this relate in any way to your remark that your ‘next stop: Leo,’ that we should ‘call Leo?’
A: Getting warmer.

(L) Okay, since you said that the Sphinx symbolized a religion, or worship of a god named Endurra which just ‘fizzled out,’ how can this be reconciled with the obvious celestial relationship to this monument and this whole Giza complex. It seems that there is a far deeper meaning to the Sphinx than just the worship of a feline principle that just ‘fizzled out.’ Comment please?
A: It “fizzled” because the kept secrets faded.

(A) Here is a picture of a pyramid, and they ask what this hieroglyph means.
[Picture of a man pointing to something] What does it mean?
A: Passage to higher levels.

(L) The original ‘Widow’s Son’ seems to have been Horus. Perceval of the Grail Stories was also known as the ‘Widow’s Son’ so we can clearly see the relation between the Egyptian and Celtic ‘Quest.’ You said that the definition of the ‘Widow’s Son’ is ‘he who stalks wisdom incarnate.’ Why is this defined as wisdom incarnate?
A: Wisdom is greatest when not incarnate.

(L) Was it a reverse expression meaning that looking for wisdom that was incarnate was a waste of time?
A: No.

(L) I don't’ understand.
A: Seek that which is elusive... good night.

End of Session


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