January 10, 2002

From Perceval Website



Some background to the January 10, 2002 session

On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, Vincent Bridges wrote a message to a public message board in which he made many absurd and provably false claims that I won't even repeat since they were simply more of the same lies he has repeatedly told and which have repeatedly been shown as lies with hard evidence.

Following all of these libelous claims, he then announced that if,

"Laura and Ark had just taken all mention of me down from the site, as I requested repeatedly, I would have been quite willing to let the whole thing drop."

What Vincent Bridges never seemed to understand was the fact that he had NEVER requested that we take all mention of him down from our site. He had threatened, manipulated, and attempted to intimidate us with lies repeatedly. But never, EVER, once did he "ask." What's more, never, ever, did he apologize for his previous lies and manipulations, including the dozens of lies uncovered in our investigation into his background. Indeed, we did refuse to be manipulated, intimidated, and threatened.


Since Mr. Bridges case was one of the first full investigations conducted by Perseus Foundation, which states on the Mission Page:

Our most immediate and practical goal is to investigate claims of the many Purveyors of Knowledge & Wisdom and "inside info" who flood the worldwide web. We believe that, just as Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, if there are any Medusas out there in cyberspace, we intend to find them out, cutting off their power to deceive and to disinform. We intend to investigate their attempts toward reality control by irresponsible rumors or the terror tactics of millennial doom.

Not only does truth set us free, lies manipulate our emotions and perpetuate illusions. We’ll use every ethical means available to investigate the credentials and claims of the many individuals promoters selling books, tapes, teachings, seminars and other wares. We intend to gather information to reveal the identities and the methods of those who promote rumors and disinformation.

...to have allowed him to intimidate the Foundation into giving in to terror tactics would have effectively destroyed any credibility that we mean business, and that we follow through on what we have set as a goal. In essence, his personal attacks against us, rather than addressing the Foundation that produced the report, researched and put together by a team, amounted to a concerted effort against Freedom of the Press.

Vincent Bridges seems to be unable to comprehend the difference between lies and truth. The Perseus Foundation Report was researched thoroughly, and if he is accusing it of being false, then he is accusing a lot of people of being liars who clearly have no reason to lie. His quadruple-morphed story after the Truth was exposed did nothing to address the fact that his original bio and credentials were ALL LIES.

He has repeatedly accused us of "libel, slander, defamation of character, cyber-stalking," etc, in the true manner of the psychopath who always accuses their target of what they themselves are doing. He began to accuse us of "blackmailing" his former co-author, Jay Weidner which follows the psychological profile exactly and we should have known that he was effectively announcing his next maneuver.

As the latest attempt to stifle truth, Mr. Bridges then declared, that he was going to "publicly address the Cassiopaean Cult issue and tell the real, unedited version of the story." He then announced that he was going into the business of distributing our copyrighted work free to anyone who wanted it. This was accompanied by nonsensical lies that only "he" understood how to interpret it, and the further claim that we were deceptively "altering" the text and had been "from the beginning." Well, since he is not in possession of either the original tapes, or the notes, we wondered on what "facts" he based such claims.

There were other "follow up" posts, but I won't bore the reader with the endless prevarications and nonsense. The bottom line was this: Mr. Bridges illegally, published the complete unedited transcripts without any care or concern for any of the private individuals who had attended sessions, many of whom had specifically requested that, at any point in time when the material was published, their names and identities should be removed or disguised.

As we noted on our own page where the transcripts are available, it was the work of removing names and sensitive items that proper respect and regard for other human beings mandated, that held up the publication, along with the necessity of going back and checking the transcribed material with the notes and tapes to ensure its accuracy. It was and is an enormous job. In some cases, we have done global file replacement, which has resulted in areas of file distortion, but in no case is this an intentional obfuscation.


Little by little, we have been working to correct the errors in the transcripts, and this takes time.

So, the point was not the distribution of the material, which we give away free here on the site ourselves, the point was concern for the privacy of people who had entrusted their privacy into our care, as well as our legal right to ensure that the transcripts are accurate, or to make sure that appropriate notes or comments are appended when we are not sure.

Knowing that it was futile to appeal to Mr. Bridges to have concern for other people's privacy, we directly addressed the owners of the server via email and FAX.

Apparently in response to our request to the server that the transcripts be removed, Mr. Bridges sent the following email which included a startling message from "Frank Scott" - a former member of our group:

Date sent: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:06:34 -0500
Subject: FW: Permission Granted!
From: Vincent Bridges <abooks@ac.net>

Unless you want the entire sordid saga published, you might think of taking my name down.


From: "Frank Scott"
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 04:15:49 EST
To: abooks@ac.net
Subject: Permission Granted!

Hi Vincent:

I will now make the following statement on your behalf:

My name is "Frank Grant Scott". I give full and complete permission to Vincent Bridges to publish in full or in part the Cassiopaean transcripts in the way that he chooses and for whatever purposes that he deems appropriate.

I participated in all of the sessions that took place between July, 1994 and November, 2000. My participation in the channeling sessions was to an extent as great as or greater than that of any and all other participants.

Thank You,

"Frank Grant Scott"

Aside from the fact that Frank's claim that his participation in the channeling sessions was "to an extent as great as or greater than that of any and all other participants," is an outright lie, the legal fact is that the transcripts have been copyrighted by me from the day that I printed out the first copy back in 1994. That is the LEGAL fact.

Any and all witnesses (of which there are MANY), as well as the hard evidence, shows that Frank's "permission to publish" is as valid as permission from Garfield the Cat. He does not, and NEVER DID, have any copyright "rights." All channeling was done in OUR house, on OUR equipment, recorded by us personally, MY voice; we OWN the tapes, we transcribed nearly every word, we burned the CD that Mr. Bridges obtained from us by fraud.

In short, Mr. Scott's presence at the sessions was the ONLY thing he EVER contributed, and there were a lot of other people present at different times. Being a guest in our house does not constitute owning what we produce there!!!!

Even though Mr. Bridges was clearly attempting to blackmail us, and we knew it, we were only concerned about the innocent people who wished to have their identities and personal information removed. What was more, the remark about the "entire sordid saga" didn't make a lot of sense so we dismissed it.

As it happens, the Universe is on the alert. Later that day, I received an email from Jay Weidner who remarked that Mr. Bridges "says that he has 'proof' that you attempted to murder someone." It all became chillingly clear. I instantly understood that it was, indeed true, that Frank had written the above letter (which I had initially doubted because I was quite certain that Frank knew enough about the law to not do something that stupid), and why.

Those readers who have read Amazing Grace will surely recall the chapter where I describe "Frank's" long years of embezzling funds from his former employer which, at the end, caused his father's death, and the part I played in that debacle. For those of you who have not read it, you may wish to have a look at the chapter That's Hollywood!


The chapters subsequent to that explain how I reconciled myself to the event, how I "explained it away," and essentially put full confidence in Frank that he had learned a significant lesson, and that he needed to be trusted in order to be trustworthy. After all, that is what we are taught, isn't it? So, I trusted him.


And I confided in him a number of things, including the story of an event that happened to me when I was 17/18 years old, which Vincent Bridges was now planning to use, according to his friend, Jay Weidner, in an attempt to force us to remove the accurate report about his "career."

When I received the email from the person who remarked that Vincent Bridges "says that he has 'proof' that you attempted to murder someone," along with Mr. Bridges attempt to blackmail us by saying he was going to tell "the entire sordid saga," what I realized was the utter and absolute perfidy of Frank behind it - that he was, effectively, party to yet another criminal act that is almost the same as the embezzling he did from his former employer - because ONLY Frank could have been the one to share this information with Vincent Bridges.


What is more, it was clear that Frank was the source of the libelous claims that we have been "altering the texts" of the transcripts from the beginning. We find this to be more than odd, since one of the early things we noted about Frank was the fact that he never seemed to be aware of what the Cassiopaeans said, and would discourse for hours about issues in which everything he said was in complete contradiction to their messages.


At one point, I provided him with a printed copy of the text so he could read it, but it became apparent that he was either not reading it, or that he could not comprehend it, because he continued to pronounce "knowingly" on many subjects from a totally opposite viewpoint. It was clear that the channeling from the Cassiopaeans was NOT coming from Frank.

Frank claimed to be "the channel," and the "only" channel, and repeatedly wanted us to convert the channeling from using the board to direct trance channeling with HIM as the only source. On the several occasions we tried it, we found that the "personality" and "feeling" of the contact was so distinctly different - and in fact, repellant - that we realized that this suggestion was the maneuver of the STS forces to take over the work completely. (Here is a sample of Frank's "direct channeling on his own.")

So, just as it was with his former employer, Frank did as little work as possible, and thought that he was entitled to a whole lot more than he actually earned, and just decided to write himself a weekly check. Well, Frank is trying to write himself another check on somebody else's account.

Considering the evidential fact that he has now chosen a path of deliberate disregard for the legal rights of others, his participation in an attempt to blackmail, extort, and coerce us, any further statements from "Frank Scott" must be considered to be emanating from the same source as Vincent Bridges .


Vincent Bridges has demonstrated total disregard for the truth, for the Free Will rights of others, and he has clearly established that he believes that the readers are too lazy to check things for themselves. He has also made it evident that his philosophy is the bigger the lie, and the more often it is repeated, the greater the likelihood that the public will believe it. In short: they have nothing but contempt for other human beings.

It is in the context of the above information that the following session was held.



January 10, 2002

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Fiaage.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: As you know, we have become aware this evening of Frank's extraordinary conversion to the dark side. Is that an accurate way of perceiving it?
A: Close enough.
Q: Quite a few years ago, there were several remarks made on two or three occasions regarding Frank's battle with the Dark Forces, and the issue of whether or not he would be able to resist their domination. Was it always known that he would fail?
A: He is not a failure.
Q: What do you mean?
A: From the perspective of STS he is a success.
Q: Why was it that we were able to channel STO material, with Frank being so borderline regarding this ultimate choice between STS and STO?
A: He was programmed for the specific purpose of "downloading" from you secrets coded into you before birth of your present body. He failed because you were incorruptible. He is now charged with the mission, in concert with Vincent Bridges, of destroying your ability to accomplish your mission.
Q: Well, that means that there is a strong possibility that the material that came through while Frank was a participant was very likely corrupted. Is that why you gave the figure of 72 percent purity of the material regarding those sessions?
A: Yes.
Q: So, are you saying that Frank's presence produced that 30 percent corruption?
A: Yes.
Q: What was the form that most of that corruption took? Can we identify it?
A: Predictions and terror tactics.
Q: What is the advisable course of action to take at this point in time? Shall I stop what I am doing and take time to deal with the issues that have come up as a result of this action by Frank and Vincent?
A: Good idea to deal with it A.S.A.P.
Q: Should we also pursue legal action?
A: Yes, in terms of copyright.
Q: What about the stalking, harassment, defamation, blackmail?
A: It will be handled at the proper time by you, and you will know when to do it.
Q: (A) Why isn't ignoring them completely not the answer?
A: Because they are not affected by being ignored. And your reality is such that lies and liars have prevailed in violating Free Will for millennia. They do this most effectively by programs that are designed to perpetuate it, such as "Turn the other cheek," and "If you ignore it, it will go away." Give what is asked for by a lie: Truth.
Q: So, it comes back to balance. In the face of a lie, balance is only restored by Truth. Well, now, let me ask this: did Terry contribute positive energy at the board?
A: Most of the time.
Q: Was that the reason that you encouraged Terry and Jan to be present? To counterbalance Frank's negative energy?
A: Yes. Frank would have killed you with his STS draining rather soon otherwise.
Q: Is that why I (and everyone else) always felt so tired after some sessions and he always felt so energized?
A: Yes.
Q: He was literally sucking my energy out of me?
A: Yes.
Q: Is that why I had so many health problems during that period of time?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, yes, the evidence was all there. The problem was, not being able to interpret it. Of course, one believes the lies, and Frank was very good at it. He was a consummate liar. And I already had the evidence of what a capable deceiver he was from observing his interactions with NE and other people, including his embezzlement of funds. But I chose to ignore it because I thought I could help him. I thought that our mutual interest in this project would help him as much as it would help me. And you are saying that the whole thing was set up, with all the synchronicities at the beginning, just for the purpose of getting me involved in this channeling experiment, to make the channeling experiment 72 percent positive, so that I would be encouraged to continue it, so that Frank could, more or less, vacuum out of me, from some level of consciousness, other information, and kill me. Is that what we are getting at here?
A: Pretty much.
Q: That's depressing. Why do all these people hate Ark so much?
A: Because Ark won't allow them to regard you as an object to use for their own nefarious purposes.
Q: In other words, it looks like Frank dropped out just as the time that Vincent moved in. Vincent was the new "agent." He spent his time getting close so that he could come and attempt to extract the same information that Frank had failed to get, only the new plan was to try to use hypnosis. Is that what the plan was?
A: Yes.
Q: Who is pulling the strings behind this whole thing?
A: It is better not to know specifics. But a clue: STS Consortium.
Q: I would really like to have some knowledge that would protect in this situation. I would like to know what actions to take, some inside information, something that would help us. Here we are, these guys keep us just constantly upset. Is this the way it is going to continue to be from here on out?
A: Not to worry, reinforcements are on the way.
Q: I sure wish they would show up now! We could use the cavalry. I mean, here we are, the wagon train is drawn up in a circle, we are surrounded by Outlaws, we are down to our last few silver bullets; you keep telling us that we aren't supposed to worry, that reinforcements are on the way, and so forth, and we just keep hanging in there, working, working, working, and I don't see anything materializing here. I think we ought to just sell the house and retire.
A: Not yet!
Q: (A) I want to ask about my theory about why walking is so important - that when one thinks while walking, one is able to evade mind control signals which are directed or reinforced when one remains static. Is there anything to this?
A: Close.
Q: (L) I want to know what caused my ear infection?
A: Stress.
Q: Should I continue to keep Frank informed in an effort encourage him to see the hole he is about to fall into? I can't help but feel sorry for him.
A: He is going to fall in the hole anyway. So, why prolong the agony?
Q: What hole do you mean?
A: Suicidal thoughts; since he does not have the STO motivation to help others without an agenda, which gives staying power to those of the STO persuasion to survive great troubles.
Q: Well, then it seems to me that he ought to avoid getting into such troubles.
A: He can't.
Q: Why?
A: Drives.
Q: What kind of drives?
A: Programmed in by parental abuse and neglect.
Q: Well, if you could say anything to Frank just now, would you want to?
A: No.
Q: But ought I not to feel grateful to Frank for his participation, helping me groove the channel?
A: That was not his agenda.
Q: (A) We would like to know if it is recommended that we transcribe and publish the "mirror session" with Vincent Bridges, as part of the Truth that needs to be made known?
A: Yes! All Truth is beneficial and promotes balance in a world dominated and run on lies
Q: (L) Yes, but when you start telling the truth in a world dominated and run by lies, the liars go absolutely crazy in trying to destroy you! That is the plain hard fact that we have been facing. It is unbelievable to strip away the lies; layer after layer of lies, the liars themselves, impossible to conceive how they can lie the way they do; I am just utterly astonished by it.
A: Yes. It is part of your mission.
Q: (A) Well, I am wondering if the way I am managing these attacks is the proper STO approach? For example, I have blocked his access to the website. I have removed his entries to the guestbook. I have removed him from the egroup. I am just simply making his mission of spreading lies difficult. But I am not completely sure if this is an STO approach?
A: It is.
Q: (L) Well, I think he has the perfect right to tell all the lies he wants in the places where lies are wanted and asked for. He does not have the right to trespass on our space and tell lies because we do not ask for lies, we don't want lies, and it violates our Free Will to try to discover truth in our space. He has the Matrioshka list that obviously wants to hear his lies. They make no effort to discern truth in any way, and they certainly got very upset when Ark posted truth on their list, which only gave them a small sample of how it feels to have your free will violated. He can tell all the lies he wants where they are wanted. Any other suggestions?
A: Just persist and be patient.
Q: Is there anything we can do to accelerate the receiving of assistance?
A: It is on the way.
Q: [Laughter.] I know that time does not exist on 6th density. However, all these months dealing with these lunatics seems like six years, or six thousand years. Well, I'm just whining.
A: Either way it will come. "Miles to go before you sleep." Keep on going. Destination will be reached.
Q: (L) Anything else we ought to know that we haven't asked?
A: Not for now. Goodnight.

End of Session


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February 23, 2002

Ark, Laura, BT, RO, VG, J&MN

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Yes. Hello.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Fiilia.
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Yes. Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) They're not use to having so many people. Alright who wants to start off? (group silence) Well then I'll start off! Did you have a question? (B) Is there any correlation to the names ending in "A" or sounding like "A" that has been discussed on the list? (L) Correlation to what? (B) The veracity of the source. (L) Ah!
A: Close, generates frequency.
Q: (B) Is the lack of that an indicator of anything?
A: Can be indicative of fractured energy.
Q: (V) Huh. (B) One of the people on the list had made an indication that the sessions that had seemed most accurate were delivered from a "name" that either end in an "A" or ended in a combination of vowels that had an "A" sound in the English language. At the same time, some of the sessions that seemed a bit off, including a consideration of Frank's involvement didn't have that. (L) Alright, ask your question V. (V) Is the DG that called me Dec.1 in fact my husband/ex-husband that I have not seen for 22 years?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Wow.
A: Check records. Health issue.
Q: (V) He has a health issue?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well why else would he be calling you? (V) Is this a health issue that may have some genetic ramifications for my son?
A: No.
Q: (V) So, he's feeling really crappy about dissin' us for 22 years. I'm not asking, that's just...
A: No.
Q: (V) Why should that surprise me (laughter)! Well, should we...
A: Whiner.
Q: (V) Who's a whiner? I'm a whiner? (L) No. You asked about him. (V) Oh. Health issue...his health issue is whining? I'm still rushing from the fact that it was actually him that called. I'm going to be really honest - and I'm in a room full of strangers here that don't really know me - but my husband left when my son was a few months old and there was no support from that point in time, no financial support whatsoever. I've really wrestled with myself since Dec. 1. I've never called the number back and there was no message. A part of me wants to take him to Civil Court and...
A: Waste of time.
Q: (V) Okay. Is he remarried?
A: No.
Q: (V) He never filed for a divorce?
A: No.
Q: (J) You're still married to him. (V) I never divorced because I figured it was my safety clause--if I was married I couldn't do that again.
A: Fill life with joy at his absence.
Q: (V) Okay. (L) It could've been so much worse. (V) Oh I know, God! Good Lord, it was just a struggle, it wasn't a hammer on the head so...
A: Release and rejoice.
Q: (V) Is he dying?
A: Not yet (burst of laughter in the room).
Q: (J) Can I ask my question? (L) Go ahead. (DN) Are 'The Allies of Humanity' a valuable resource?
A: All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective.
Q: (L) You can get more specific, you know: vague in, vague out. The hardest thing about the process is thinking about the question. (V) Well, just from reading the table of contents of this Allies of Humanity book, it looks like they're trying to define a lot of subject matter, they're trying to define what is God, what is... (DG) Spiritual.
A: Or from their perspective.
Q: (V) Where does the information emanate from?
A: Channeled.
Q: (V) Channeled by who? (JN) Channeled by Marshall Summers. (V) But who is it that is channeling through Marshall Summers? (JN) The Allies of Humanity. (V) You are missing my point. That's a name they give themselves. I want to know: what kind of source are they?
A: 4th density.
Q: (V) STS, STO?
A: STO predominates.
Q: (V) Well that's cool.
A: Keep in mind that the 4th density STO perspective has a tendency to exclude certain factors by virtue of choice of realm frequency. This means that the lesson profile of 4th density STO is to enhance the energy by association in networks that do not include ongoing contact with STS, and so their perspective is on the positive STO experience.
Q: (R) So they can choose realms as frequencies or such where they do not have contact with STS because STS are not of the same frequency. (L) At 4D, those who graduate to STO are working on enhancement of what is already a choice rather than the problem of making the choice. It's there, it's made, it's done. (R) This has to go back to the question that you started with about Allies from 4D because, it's "all is of value if examined with a open mind and proper perspective." From our perspective, any help that we would get from 4D STO includes the fact that we have to keep in mind that they don't have to deal with things that we do. (L) Right. (R) So any help that we get from them, we will have to add the extra context...(L) Of our reality.
A: First awareness of the choice comes. Then making the choice. Then enhancing the energy to graduate. The problem of 3rd density is identifying what to choose, since so much is veiled from you.
Q: (R) This goes right to the discussion we had on the egroup a couple of weeks ago, I think, when we said that there is so much that is possible, but if you don't know about it you won't choose it. How can you choose if you don't know about it? (B) The choice has to be made here before you can glean the benefits of that choice. (L) Right. If you don't know you have a choice you can't make a choice, if everything is...(R) It's like the gold fish in the bad water. (L) Yeah. Yeah, I mean you learn to exist in that environment and you accommodate it and you don't know how to be in any other. Okay, next. (R) Can I do some personal thing? It is about my now ex-girlfriend. I'm a little bit worried about her because she is really afraid of the dark and she doesn't want to talk about it really and I'm just really curious what the cause of it is.
A: When it becomes a sufficiently debilitating issue, she will talk about it.
Q: (JN) Is that a polite way of saying it's none of your business?
A: Perhaps the cause is the concern it engenders.
Q: (V) She's creating her own darkness? She's perpetuating her own...(J) Fear of the unknown. (R) Yes. Oh yes. Absolutely. (V) She's doing it to herself. In other words maybe it wasn't something like she was locked in a dark closet when she was a kid. (R) Actually that's what she says. (V) Oh (laughter)! (R) That's what she said. I just didn't believe her. It just seems so extreme that...(V) Have you met her parents? (R) Sure. (L) Would they do that? (R) No, no her kid brother locked her...(JN) Yeah I was going to say that sounds like something a brother would do. (V) My brother used to do some crappy stuff to me too (giggling). (R) Okay, so he chased her into the bathroom and closed the door and the light switch was on the outside. I was curious if that was really...(V) Yeah but there's more to it than just that. (R) So this seems to say that she perpetuates, she enhances that herself and until it becomes a real problem she'll have it. (L) Well it is a handy thing to have to get sympathy. (J) She's holding onto it for some reason (V) Drama, drama, drama. Very dramatic. It caused you to be dramatic towards her, didn't it? (R) Well, no, it is just, yeah, I always had to...(J) You had to leave the light on. (R) Exactly.
A: Shakespeare said it: Sound and fury signifying nothing.
Q: (L) I think we ought to check the whole quote at some point and see what all he was saying. I'm not a Shakespeare person. (V) From what work is this quote? (L) I just want you all to know I am not a Shakespeare fan so...knock it off (laughter as she speaks this to the board)! (V) Can you tell us what Shakespearean work this is from so it can be further...
A: Tempest.

[It's actually from Macbeth:

Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The Tempest contains the following:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

Which conveys a similar meaning, but in different words. Obviously, the C's are not Shakespeare fans.]

Q: (R) Alright, I think I'm done with this, I'm okay with the answers. (V) I'll ask something unless someone else was ready to go. Twice maybe in the last 3 or 4 years - once at USF and once in my apartment - I was walking along and all of the sudden the environment had totally changed and it was like I was a light person. Can you tell me what that was?
A: 4D bleed through. We mentioned before that you ought to get used to it.
Q: (V) Well, it is not a "getting used to thing." It only happened twice and it was magnificent. I mean it was an experience. I can say now that I am experienced. (laughter) (L) And not Jimmy Hendrix! (V) Is there any way to generate this myself? It was just so spontaneous?
A: STS do that.
Q: (V) Do what? (L) Seek to generate such experiences for the sake of the experience. (R) Bring it on through the matrix, through technology, rituals, drugs, whatever. (JN) What were you smoking at the time (laughter)? (V) Yeah, right. So is there a positive or negative aspect to this?
A: Not unless you are not experienced! [L's laughing hard through the letter calling.]
Q: (L) I felt that coming and it was so funny! (V) While I was in this altered state, did I look the same to other people around me?
A: Yes.
Q: (R) You see it is only a perspective from an individual perspective.
A: Perception is bonded by awareness. Others are bonded to their awareness of you and all else.
Q: (V) Well, while this was happening to me, was this also happening to others in my general area?
A: No. Not likely. You do not yet realize how rare higher awareness is.
Q: (JN) What triggered it?
A: Frequency envelope thinning due to patterning imprint repetition of Violette in her environment.
Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is something like that.
A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.
Q: (R) Okay, that makes sense. (L) It does? (V) Okay then tell me. (R) Okay. It's like resonance. If the environment has a particular frequency...hmm... (V) We were asking about the frequency envelope and what it is. (R) And it's Violette. And violet is high energy, right? The color spectrum right? [The group reviews the previous C's answer...] (R) Exactly, so it's a quantum jump. GROUP: Yeah. (R) Because you're at one level and unless something strange happens that's where you're at. (L) In other words--you emanate energy, the other person emanates energy, and the energy exchange is between you and the environment, and between you and the person and the environment, and your environment is maintained, and the envelope of energy is maintained around you. But if there is...what? Fluctuations? (R) Ah! "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment." Hence, if your environment has a frequency that allows for a higher frequency, I mean, it always has the lower, but in some cases it can allow for higher. (L) They're talking about it being fluctuations in the environment. If somebody or something in you're environment is... (A) But the question is--which properties of environment that we can describe in terms of...(L) Well they're saying that the fluctuations are in Violette. (R) In concert with the environment. (L) And in concert with people who are in the environment. In other words, something is breaking up and you are no longer frequency bonded to the people in the environment in the same way; there is a fluctuation there. What is it called when you add too much energy to something? It becomes unstable. Your reality construct is unstable. That's what I would say. (R) You have a bigger marble that you can fit in a bigger hole if the hole happens to be there. (L) Right.
A: Rejoice! You are growing out of your shoes.
Q: (L) Your feet don't fit anymore! You need new shoes!
A: Basis: shoes.
Q: (V) Okay. Perspective is a word that has been coming up a lot, so I am going to go ahead and ask about this. We all live in the same world, but yet we view our environment, what is going around us differently. One time a few years ago I was with a psychic counselor, so to speak, a woman named P, and she insisted that in her world the Rainforest was not being degraded...
A: STS tend to make such statements because of denial of the very principle just described.
Q: (V) We were sitting there, and I was whining about how bad humans treat the earth, (this was when I was studying Environmental Science), and she was just insisting that, in her world, the Rainforest was just fine. And you know, I was just sitting there looking at her, and I just couldn't believe what she was saying was the truth. And I thought, "okay, is this woman traveling back and forth between realms or realities or what is the deal?"
A: She was abnegating any response... ability.
Q: (V) Well you know I stopped going and seeing those psychic people awhile ago (laughter).
A: Good plan! Hang out your own shingle and let them come to you!
Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke. (V) Ah yeah, because I'm thinking "no way am I doing that!" (R) But the thing is, when that woman said, "in my world the Rainforest is okay," it means she had already made a judgment that...(V) Yeah, that she was somehow in a better place than I was. (L) Well it was also making a judgment against the wisdom of the universe. It avoids the understanding that if the Rainforests are dying maybe there is a reason for it. (R) Exactly. All there is are lessons. (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing recommendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.
A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.
Q: (V) Well I thought that was a pretty tall order for me to be taking care of it all by myself. To get back to the perspective thing, personal perception...
A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members if the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.
Q: (R) Which makes even more sense that in 4D STS and STO don't like to mix because if they do they would play completely out of synch.

(L) Very bad music.

(V) Is it like my frequency envelope is my consciousness, the representation of my consciousness?

(R) No frequency envelopes are realms.

(V) Okay, so I'm a realm unto myself?

(JN) You are Queen of your realm.

(L) But your realm is part of an orchestra which means that it emanates a sound - you are giving off a sound - you are playing your part; and either you play it well or you do not.

(R) But even if you are playing it well...

(L) Those around you may not be.

(R) Exactly. So that's also kind of a reason why 3D is such a low density because there is so much canceling out. I mean if you put a lot of 3D guys that are STS oriented in one place and if you put STO people in another place, physically, then there would not be as much canceling out. So you wouldn't need as much awareness individually to make use of higher frequencies because you could have an orchestra.

(V) Because you would be gathered together harmoniously.

(L) You can have an orchestra. Okay, quick one: Is anything going to happen in 2003 like an appearance of the planet Nibiru or Planet X or anything of any particular interest?
A: Find out!
Q: (L) They're not going to give us a clue. (R) Can I continue on the previous subject? So in relation to frequency envelopes and bonding of awareness to perception, I was wondering if that related to creating the conduit. The C's have said that you were creating conduit here? (L) Umhmm. (R) Okay, could it be the case that frequency resonance of all who are here together with you is because of the resonance makes it easier, it lowers the amount of energy needed from the environment to make...
A: The orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert.
Q: (R) Right. So, is this concept - in this sentence that says "the orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert - is that what is meant by creating a conduit?
A: Close. Frequency envelope has many applications.
Q: (R) Could you outline some of those applications? Is that too vague? (V) It sounds pretty particular to me. (R) Yeah, but it has many applications and such a conduit would have such many applications, one of which I assume we are using now.
A: For but one example: Joshua and the "Walls of Jericho."
Q: (R) Of course. So they used a conduit meaning a resonance of an orchestra of people to bring down the Walls of Jericho.
A: More or less, though it was not Jericho.
Q: (R) Okay, but the principle applies. (V) Since you are using this orchestra metaphor what kind of instrument are each of us?
A: Violette wants to be a flute. RO: French Horn. Laura Harp. BT: Tuba. JN: Piano. MN: Glockenspiel. Ark: Violin.
Q: (V) Thank-you, that was fun. (R) I have a question. If not the walls of Jericho then the walls of what?
A: Seek Atlantean events for the roots of myths.
Q: (R) Okay, I got you. [Laura sings: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho…] (R) Okay, let's ask about the computer program we have been working on. [Ark and RO, a Java expert, had spent the previous week working on creating this program, based on Schrödinger's equation and Ark's Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. The program simulates graphically scattering, interference, and collapse of quantum probability waves.] The graphical artifacts that we are seeing in the program are they actual or are they caused by numerical problems or errors in the program?
A: Numerical serendipity is more like it.
Q: (A): What, what? (L) I think "serendipity" is a pleasant discovery, from a story about the Land of Serendip. (R) Okay so, is it something that we should investigate or should we focus on other things?
A: Absolutely. Remember the Benzene Ring. Idea structure was seen first, then followed explication when application was realized.
Q: (R) If we can see some application of it then it will be such that we can back engineer it and figure out the cause of it. Now we are just looking at it in terms of what is it? What is it doing? What is it? But if we can see some application... (A) Well we see one application, a screen saver (laughter). (R) I think maybe we should find some more interesting application, but it is a good principle to find an application of it because that's what can lead us back to what it is. (A) Yeah, that's true. Well, can you help us with what is the application, give us some direction?
A: Think of the Benzene "Ring."
Q: (R) Is that only used in chemistry? Or is it used in math as well? (L) Do you know the story of the Benzene Ring? (R) No. I only heard about it in chemistry. (M) The story of the Benzene Ring is the guy that came up with and applied to chemistry, dreamed of a snake biting its tail and rolling along, and so he applied that to benzene molecular structure which is double bonds and a single bond sequence. (R) So that seems to mean that we are on the right track by trying to see if there is something there. (L) Maybe the key is the word ring. (A) No you see, what is mysterious, the fact that things are forming, okay it is discrete structure, numerical errors, roundings, you know all kinds of these artifacts. But, the fact that they look like three dimensional spirals - even if they are created in one dimension - I have no explanation. I don't even have an idea how to explain why would they ever create these spirals? Where are these extra dimensions coming from? I have no idea. (MN) Still, there is no application unless you can solve it.
A: Ring.
Q: (R) Yes, because its a cycle. It's what was said before. It's like a loop. (L) Well let me ask this--you've got it moving back and forth between two barriers right? Can you make the ends connect? (R) Yes. But then nothing happens because then it just moves and moves and moves, it is just the initial shape moving out and coming in another. So nothing happens the only thing... (M) The wave doesn't change. (R) Exactly. So it only happens when it has to react with a barrier. (L) Uh huh. (R) That's the only time it happens because that's what's causing... (B) Could the barrier represent a density? (R) It could, yeah, actually.
A: Double loop.
Q: (R) Double loop, yeah, exactly. (MN) Double helix? (R) Yeah, because it's looping...because if you look at the 3D part of it it's not a spiral, it's a cone. (A) Right. (R) Because it is spiraling like that, and if you increase the resolution, then it will be a perfect cone which is moving like that at the same time it is moving like that. (demonstrates with hand gestures) And it is moving like that because of balance - because it has to be from an equal amount [of energy] on either side. (V) It builds it from itself? (R) Yeah the thing is like this, if you have a packet of energy going like this and it meets a boundary, either it can fold up like that - just under its own pressure - and then spring back. Or, it can utilize the extra dimensions and coil. Like if you have a string and you just do like that, it won't be at one point. So I think it's the same thing here. But how to find out? We need to have some algorithm for the 3rd dimension for this folding. (A) Umhmm. (V) What if there is indeed something happening there that you're not seeing? Like we were talking about at the beginning of the session here: that you can't know what you can't know because you can't see it because it's veiled? What are the possibilities that there is something else happening there to be discovered or uncovered? (R) And I think that it seems like the only reason it is manifesting is because the wave is hitting an obstacle. So, the 3rd dimension - it was always there as a possibility - but it didn't manifest until the wave hit an obstacle. So the obstacle, in effect, is creating the additional dimension. It was always there but it didn't manifest until an obstacle was put into the wave's path.
A: Consciousness energy directors.
Q: (R) Exactly. Because if the wave is hitting an obstacle, if it just follows mechanics, it's going fold up because that's the law. But, if you have consciousness interacting with the energy, then it can say "hey look it is more efficient if you don't fold up, it is more efficient if you utilize this extra dimension, because there is then less pressure in the wave if you are using this extra dimension." But you need that consciousness to kind of say: "hey look there is this extra dimension that you can utilize." And it has to say how to utilize it because it has to choose a direction to start folding into. (B) If our consciousness defines the parameters of 3rd density, could the barriers on either side of the wave represent the barriers of the outside parameters of 3rd density which causes this continual looping back and forth? And it may be doing something else in a different density that doesn't have those barriers?
A: Frequency resonance envelope.
Q: (R) Exactly, it makes total sense. So frequency resonance envelopes are realms. And our program shows that the only time interesting things happen to a wave is when it hits an obstacle. And it only manifests the extra dimension if someone helps the wave to choose which way to start folding out into the extra dimension. So if densities in effect are frequency resonance envelopes, which exist as obstacles, that waves of energy can resonate within...yeah exactly...that makes kind of sense. (JN) What if the level of consciousness is the barrier? (R) Yeah exactly. Consciousness energy directors, and the more awareness you have the more possibilities you can see to direct the energy. (JN) The less obstruction. (R) Yeah, or you can choose this... (V) You say you believe something because it's the law, but... (R) Yeah, because those are the parameters that you see, but the more awareness you have, the more you see, the more you can find, then you can know dimensions that you can escape into. You have the box, you say it's closed, we can't get out of it. But if you have more awareness, you can say "well there's some other dimension out of the box that we can use." Do I make sense?
A: You are going in the right direction...
Q: (R) Which is of course, kind of humorous since they just talked about consciousness as energy directors and we are going in the right direction. So we are directing the energy in a conscious way towards the right frequency resonance envelope. (L) I'm glad you know what you're talking about. (JN) Now don't anyone lick that envelope and seal it up! (R) Okay, well this makes sense. So the basic concept to recap is that densities are frequency resonance envelopes in the same way that the barriers in our program are barriers. We have modeled densities on a computer program. Densities are envelopes. Frequency Resonance Envelopes. You have energy bouncing back and forth and without conscious directing of that energy it's not going to utilize anything more than the paths that are kind of obvious - the default. But as soon as you start to direct that energy, you can direct it in such a way that it exceeds the envelope. (J) So think outside the envelope. (R) Exactly because you are redefining the envelope. You are finding bigger and bigger slots.
A: Prime numbers show the door.
Q: (R) It's perfect. So in the simulation, the spirals seem to always be prime numbers. We have 3, 5, 7, 11, 19 - I think we have seen at some point. (A) 2 is also prime number (laughter). (V) But not a 13? (R) I think we have seen 13. It depends on what parameters you set. I think we can find pretty much any prime number depending on the values. (A) I don't believe it. (R) He doesn't believe it. (A) No. It is a hypothesis. (R) Is the number of apparent spirals always a prime number?
A: Ark is not right on the money.
Q: (A) I am. I will show you! (B) Does that mean he's close? (R) You can't be close. Either it's prime numbers or it's not. (A) What did they say that I am not right? Right? (R) Right, exactly. (A) Okay, I will show you guys. (L) How are you going to show them? (A) We will do an experiment and we will show that it's not prime numbers. And the C's will have to recant! [laughter]. But there are many other ways in which prime number can come into this game and probably they are coming into this game and it will be very nice to find this out.
A: Find out, in deed.
Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?
A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.
Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?
A: Ah! There's the rub!
Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.
A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?
Q: (M) That's the second time they said that. (R) Yeah, okay, so in essence, that means what we are doing now is assembling the orchestra before the concert, and tuning the instruments. (L) Have you ever sat in the concert hall when they were getting ready, warming up? (J) It's chaos. (L) It is. (R) But after awhile it starts getting tuned. But that's what this is all about - the whole Cassiopaean Communication. Were not playing yet. We're just tuning. (L) Yeah. (JN) So if our level of consciousness creates the barriers of where this wave can go and how it behaves, can we... (R) No, No. No. Excuse me for interrupting. Our level of consciousness doesn't create the barriers, it's only aware of those barriers. It can see, okay, what are the barriers: "oh these are the barriers. I can see, okay. So here's what I get to play." But if your awareness grows, then you get to see an array of barriers. "Okay I want to play with this bigger one. I can play with the smaller ones if I want to, but I have the awareness to see other barriers that are more extensive." (L) I think that the concept that we have a hard time grasping is that - going with the analogy - the musical selection is made, more or less. We at some level - us in the future - have chosen what instrument to play, what part to play. And so, the options that we really have now are: how well we play, how loud we play, how in tune we play with others; can we practice, can we stay in tune, can we do any numbers of these things? And even if we find ourselves sitting next to some jerk who can't carry a tune, and whose instrument is all screwed up, can we still continue to play true? Because even though the rest of the orchestra, being heard from a distance, may sound quite melodic, because we are sitting next to this guy who can't play, it is possible for us to be distracted - pulled off track - and then to distract the guy on the other side of us, leading to general chaos. (R) It's about focus. (L) Yeah. I'm getting tired. (A) I have still a question, because all the discussion around this computer modeling, whether it can be helpful or should be developed, or can lead to something; and all these spirals and barriers; they are all about, it's a standard, there are no events, there are no detectors yet. My idea was that it is the detectors which make events which make the wave collapse. Until now, in all our simulations, there is no collapse and no jumps. And yet we speak about consciousness, while there is this other concept that it is consciousness that makes the wave collapse. Okay. So I see a contradiction and I don't know how to get out of this contradiction. There is no collapse, and yet there was some encouragement that what we have relates to...
A: The music is on the page long before it is played.
Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it's the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that...
A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The "playing" constitutes "events." Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.
Q: (R) So when you're starting out, you have a small orchestra, you play simple notes. (L) Kinda like 1st density. (R) Exactly. As you get better at playing you get the bigger orchestra, you get more instruments, you have to be more careful about having them in tune because otherwise... (L) And you get more notes. (R) And you get more notes. But the playing constitutes events. It's one thing to have an orchestra, it's another to have it tuned. (L) Alright, let's think about this FRE idea and this application of it and then take it back to Violette's original questions about it. FRE is emanated and maintained in concert with the environment and others... (R) Well, it is also bonded to the perception through awareness, right? (L) Okay. [V reads back from the notes] "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities." (R) So a discontinuity would be a quantum jump, for example, yes or no?
A: Yes.
Q: (R) But this requires that you have an orchestra that is well tuned. Because if you don't have it well tuned, it's not resonating so it doesn't matter if the... (V) So the orchestra's not going to make the music in 4th density. (R) Exactly. So you have the concert hall, the audience is there, you have the notes, but the orchestra is not in tune, so you get bad music. If the orchestra is not in tune, which is why it is important to...
A: Sing "Goodnight Ladies," Yes?
Q: (L) Anybody have any wrap up questions? (R) Yeah. I have one completely unrelated. (L) Go ahead. (R) It relates to this girl I was communicating on the net. I was just wondering if she was just doing all of that [crazy manipulating] on her own or if she was just being helped.
A: FRV robot. You will encounter many more in times to come.
Q: (L) FRV Frequency resonance vibration. (R) The question still is: if she was doing it on her own or if she was being controlled. (L) Well, FRV robots are being controlled. They can download an agent into anybody at any time. (V) Let me ask real quick, what was that man at the grocery store on the 12th of February that I knew was watching and following me?
A: The warning!!!
Q: (J) What did he do? (B) Yeah, what happened? (V) Somebody was following me...but why?
A: Remember discontinuities occur when frequencies are no longer in synch.
Q: (R) So as long as you aren't in synch you cannot stay at the fixed position. (J) You don't go to the grocery store. (R) No. You get out of synch with… what?
A: Who shares your reality?
Q: (V) Are you talking about in my home?
A: Yes!
Q: (V) Wait, wait, wait. Is this like what I was talking to Laura about the movie projector failing and lurching and messing up the sequence and he was like a mess up in the sequence?
A: Let us just say that the slide got stuck.
Q: (L) Alright let's say goodnight. (Everyone says goodnight and thank-you)
A: Goodbye.

End of Session

Back to Contents




February 26, 2002

Ark, Laura, RO

Q: Hello.
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Goorpplo.
Q: (L) Where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) How often should we have sessions?
A: Regularly is best. Two times per week if needed.
Q: (L) Why did TB call?
A: To probe if possible.
Q: (L) Jay Weidner has written a letter in which he says in part:

"I was the one who gave Vincent Bridges 'The Stargate Coinspiracy'. He thought that you were part of it and he wanted into that group. I realize that now. He told me once that you were 'in' with Sarfati, who is very likely a member of the Stargate.

"These are desperate men who have given their souls over to an entity that they have created with their own lies and deciet. They think that every channel is a direct line to the unholy one. [...]

"They think that you are in communication with a spirit that will give them some kind of advantage in this world. As Set is the ruler of this world they think that you are in communication with him. Now they believe that you have wronged Set in some way and that he is no longer talking to you. They also believe that this guy "Frank" is possibly the real channel. They think that you are distancing yourself from the channel and now they are attempting to destroy you. Frankly they would have succeeded until I came into the picture and confused everything.

"He was trying to get into the satanist club. He turned all of the info on Hendaye into a Satanist working. He thought you had a beeline to the gold of Satan. Do you understand what that means? Do you know why he never reveals the secret of Rennes le Chateau even though he keeps promising to deliver? It isn't the light masters who live in the south of France. It is their exact opposite!!!!!!!

"You were leading him, and them, to the place where it is. But the C's never revealed it. I don't know if they really knew and didn't say (it seems that way) or if they never knew it. When VB told me that you had moved to Marseilles I thought that you were in France searching for the gold. Like Otto Rahn, before you, you were (unknowingly) leading the dark masters towards their ultimate goal."

Is Jay Weidner correct that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil? Is he correct in this assessment of the situation?

A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets might be termed as such. Also they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli!
Q: (L) Well it works. Is the place of safety at the end of time to be found in Peru as Jay Weidner thinks?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a physical location on the planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a hyperdimensional state of being?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why does the apparent counterintelligence program seek to convince so many people that Peru is a source of great wisdom, benevolence, spirituality and so forth?
A: Same as usual: diffuse knowledge.


[Background to the next question:


Ark and RO had been working for about a week on the Quantum Fractals programming and the Wave Generating program, based on Schrödinger's equation and Ark's Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. The program simulates graphically scattering, interference, and collapse of quantum probability waves. I had just completed chapter 20 of the Adventures Series.


The following is from an email written at the time:

We decided to take an afternoon off and take a drive up the coast to a beach where there had been a sighting of the black boomerang type UFOs on the same night I did the hypnosis session with the woman whose husband was a retired physicist who had worked for JPL on the Mars observer and pattern recognition for several voyager projects, and had also worked for years at the underground facility at Catoctin.


This was the session viewed on video by Tom French and reported in the Times article. On the same night, the black boomerang UFOs were also seen in my neighborhood by persons unknown to me. (we didn't see it at that time.) So, there we were, up at Bayport, and we stopped at the Bayport Inn for lunch - RO, Ark, me and two of our girls.

We discussed contrails (which we were observing from the outdoor wooden deck where we were seated), as well as the progress of the Adventures series, and plans for same.

As I have been collecting together the "evidence" - or the chronological reminders from emails and such - for the events of the past few years, the one thing that stands out is that a lot of very strange people have been after us for the primary purpose of obtaining "time travel" information. This started not long after we had gotten the C's site up and running. There were emails from "dabbler" types who were just curious, etc, and we didn't think too much about it.

But then, the guy "Greg," who wrote to us, and who began to present a major "case" for why we should work with him on time travel came along. We tracked his visits to an IP in Langley, VA, and just figured he was a minor spook. I wrote replies to his emails, and they became part of the website, on some of the earlier discussion page archives.

Well, no sooner had we dealt with Greg, along came a couple from "South Africa" with a similar story. The whole set-up was designed to push all our sympathy buttons and get us to focus on the time travel issue. As we discussed their issues with them, (I was really sorry for this woman who claimed to have lost her two children in an auto accident), certain glitches in the story popped up and we realized that we were being "toyed" with - that the story was "bait."

Not long after this, Greg had another go at it under a different name, though it was the same IP he was posting from.

Then, along came J** C***, the economist from Ohio State, who came to visit us, and, during the course of two days talks, revealed that his agenda was time travel. He also revealed his connections to Drunvalo... Wright Patterson AFB, gov. economic programs, and so on.

Meanwhile, we had another guy from Europe who was very interested in getting us to start doing seminars and workshops, which we didn't really want to do.

Six days after the economist from Ohio left, Vincent Bridges started cranking up his operation to get control of the material, and most especially to gain control of me.

The funny thing is, I wrote to Vincent Bridges and told him about J** C***'s impending visit and suggested that, since he wanted to attend a session, he might want to come at the same time. Well, he claimed all kinds of difficulties, and couldn't make it. He never mentioned that he knew J** which later proved to be the case.

Along came Jojo, Terri Burns and Olga. And, guess what? Going back to their earliest emails, it seems that time travel was their primary interest.

So, there we are at the Bayport Inn, trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Why are all these people interested in Time Travel? Why are they focusing their attention on us, one way or another? And why does every interaction with such folks lead to some sort of "situation," usually of great unpleasantness?

And what's the deal with the Navy connection that kept popping up in my life from the time I was born?

In the meantime, I had done some searches on the Planet X stuff and found that there was an early and definite connection to the so-called "Incan branch." There was just a whole host of players and activities too numerous to mention. In the middle of this research, a reader sent me the following:

"In general, the present cultual epoch, the 5thPost-Atlantean, is the era of the manifestation of the Consciousness Soul. In this the English-speaking peoples are, 'in a way', the leaders, since they develop the Consciousness Soul instinctively (a paradoxical concept, if you think about it). Also, *in a way*, the Central Europeans, especially the Germans, are leaders, since they develop the "I", the Ego, which comes to fruition in the Consciousness Soul.

The next epoch, the 6th, will be a time of Spirit Self development, though the Spirit Self will not then become Man's own possession, as is the *I* in the Consciousness Soul today - that will happen only in the far future, during the next planetary incarnation, the New Jupiter. In the 6th Epoch the Spirit Self will be an inspiration from above, as it were, from the angels. The East-Slavs, especially the Russians should lead in this development, though in a way the culture will be world-wide.

The above is of course only a very rough sketch; if taken too literally, it might cause some misunderstandings.

The excommunicated Russian Anthroposophist Gennady Bondarev considers the 6th Epoch to be more a "German-Slavic" epoch, since the right development can happen only if the Mid-European cultural tasks of social *I*-development come to fruition and are passed on to the East. [...] It has been the aim, all too successful, of evil occult-political forces in the 20th Century to crush the Germans and the East Slavs, to prevent the right evolution toward the 6th Epoch. If these evil designs succeed, the 6th Epoch will then be centered in South America, but will be maimed and distorted, and the Spirit Self will not descend in the way intended for progressive evolution. Bondarev does not give a citation of Steiner for this last point, but I think Prokofieff does, in his *Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe...[...]

Prokofieff puts forward the idea that the East Slavs took on, as a sacrifice, the world-karma of materialism in the form of the Boshevik oppression, thus enabling Western and Central Europe to develop to a better degree than would have been otherwise possible. [...] "

This was rather startling since I had already realized that the COINTELPRO activities of the evil secret societies and the occultists, were designed to vector the New Age "spirituality" in the direction of South America and its "spirituality." At the same time that the above was sent to me, a book came to hand that pretty clearly describes the pyramidal, chain of command "blood cult" of the Southern hemisphere as opposed to the symbiotic circle peoples of the northern hemisphere where joy and dance and direct interaction with nature as a Star Being was the path. I realized that there was something very significant here to look at.

So, two days ago, I was talking about this to RO, and showed him the Ica skulls and a comparison between them and some of the skull images of Egypt, most recently the family of Nefertiti... (Akhenaton had normal skull representations prior to his marriage to Nefertiti, so it can be assumed that he was represented in the later art as "deformed" only by choice and in "solidarity" with her and their children). This, I believe, demonstrates an obvious link between them and the Ica skulls, as well as the heads on Easter Island... Nephilim hybrids, I would say. We speculated as to what these beings would look like with flesh on their bones, and a lengthy discussion of Forensic Art followed.

Another thing that we discussed was the apparent fact that all these secret societies are LOOKING FOR SOMETHING - rather desperately, in fact.

So, back to our lunch discussion. Why, if they have time travel capabilities, are they looking for something? Did they "lose" something?

The next thing we discussed was the issue of why they were so desperate that they were willing to physically kidnap me when I was four years old? Sure, all kinds of weird stories of "abductions" are out there, but apparently that was not the option here. And apparently, something was so important that they literally risked exposure by doing this. And why, considering this desperate kidnapping, have they not simply put a period to my existence? After all, if we are exposing the lies and manipulations, it ought to be a simple matter to stage an accident, or whatever.

So, we came to the idea that the STS forces, lost in their wishful thinking, had somehow screwed up and lost the "artifact." Something that is crucial to their plans... something that they are desperately trying to retrieve... and maybe something that they are convinced I can "find" for them, or something along that line... What is more, they know that "meddling" with the past in certain ways can be disastrous for themselves.

And that is where the discussion was left when we departed the restaurant.

As soon as we arrived home, I brought in the mail. There were three small packages. One was spy software from Nielsen that they wanted me to install on my computer, offering to pay me to be a "netratings" participant, etc. No biggie.

The next package was from an archaeology publishing company, offering me a book on Forensic Art, showing images of how the face is built up from the skull... also a book on Forensic DNA, and a book on Bioluminescence... All subjects of our recent discussions both here at the house. That gave me a start since the subject of Forensic Art had been so recent.

The final package was a computer camera - a webcam. No one in this house ordered a computer camera. It was shipped from the main offices of our phone company. No invoice, no explanation - just a camera, software, and instructions for installation.

Well, Ark joked that they must be after us because of our expose on Sitchin and the Planet X deal. I laughed and said "sure!"

So, he did a search on "google groups," putting in only qcam and verizon (phone company - to see if they were having some kind of promotion) and guess what? There was only ONE page returned and it said:

Planet X: PROBES Sent to Peek?

This was a post made by Nancy Lieder of Zetatalk to sci.astro.amateur, where she writes:

Per this 1987 statement by JPL's John Anderson, one function of the Voyager's was to search for Planet X. (http//www.ex.ac.uk/Mirrors/nineplanets/hypo.html)


In 1987, John Anderson at JPL examined the motions of the spacecraft Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, to see if any deflection due to unknown gravity forces could be found. None was found - from this Anderson concluded that a tenth planet most likely exists! JPL had excluded observations of Uranus prior to 1910 in their ephemeredes, while Anderson had confidence in the earlier observations as well.


Anderson concluded that the tenth planet must have a highly elliptical orbit, carrying it far away to be undetectable now but periodically bringing it close enough to leave its disturbing signature on the paths of the outer planets. He suggests a mass of five Earth masses, an orbital period of about 700-1000 years, and a highly inclined orbit. Its perturbations on the outer planets won't be detected again until 2600. Anderson hoped that the two Voyagers would help to pin down the location of this planet. ...

Of course, with the webcam and verizon bringing us directly around in a full circle to several related items, we cracked up. It was just TOO perfect!

Nevertheless, now with all the connections that have been made by the research of the group, compiled into the Timeline, we begin to see that something really big is going on.


I have some ideas that this program to divert attention to South America is the major COINTELPRO intent. It's a HUGE cover-up and diversion. And Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner are part of it with their little book "A Monument to the End of Time."]

Q: (L) Who sent us that camera?
Q: (L) Office of Naval Intelligence (laughter). (R) For what purpose?
A: More like a message than anything else.
Q: (L) Like a message? (A) Uh huh. We are watching you guys with our eye! (L) It is driving me nuts! (R) Should we ask about the Cable TV truck that was hanging around all over when the camera arrived? (L) Did the Warner Cable people hanging around have anything to do with that?
A: Not likely. Just working.
Q: [Laura and Ark have a short discussion concerning the coincidences they have been noticing in their environment] (L) Is our assessment of all the many coincidences gathered around in such a short period of time, that it is a changing of the program or a bridging of the realities, is that a correct assessment?
A: Yes, for the better.
Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that VB was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. [See sessions from March and July of 2000.] I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of as we were speculating earlier?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How did they lose it?
A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.
Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?
A: 4th density STO mission.
Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?
A: Both.
Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?
A: It is a trans-density device.
Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?
A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.
Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness? (L)They said tuned not operated. [discussion of this issue.] First of all we want to ask whether you mean tuned as in "tuned when it was created" or as "tuned as in during use?" (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?
A: Creation.
Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our computer simulation, then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?
A: Mostly. They have a general idea.
Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?
A: Occlusion.
Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to...
A: Frequency fence.
Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?
A: More or less. Though not the only one.
Q: (R) Well I guess another major reason is just to disrupt in general. So more or less yes, but there are other reasons. Well Jay Weidner said that they now think that Frank is going to help them find it, that he is a channel for Set. (A) We don't know if this is true. What Jay Weidner says about their hopes about Frank. If that were true, they would already have Frank, they would be busy with Frank, and they would be leaving us alone. So, I don't think it is so important. (L) I don't either. It was just bait tossed out by Jay. (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?
A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.
Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things... (R ) Is this the Merkabah?
A: Mother Stone, yes.
Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?
A: Kantek.
Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?
A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.
Q: (L) Well that puts a different slant on that. Alright, we notice that when we ask details about it - location, etc - the answers come very slow, details about where it is and all those things. Let's move on. (R) I want to ask again about this woman, HR, if she was on auto-pilot and I just happened to be in her way or if someone actually controlled her? (L) In other words sent her your way? (R) Yes.
A: H was both real and manufactured. When your frequency was read, the control program was activated. But be warned that there are many others, and sometimes there is a delay before the program is activated. And often the emotions are by then blinders.
Q: (L) One thing I have noticed is that when you first encounter a person, there are always very small things that give you clues that there is a possibility that they can get activated. And if you're watching for those clues and if you see one or two, then you put your guard up. If you see three or four then it's just better to walk away. But that's hard to do. Sometimes they offer so much fascination. And sometimes we're so needy. We're lonely or we need a friend, or we need someone to talk to. We need to share a particular part of our self that is not normally shared because there is nobody to talk to about it. So many people have aspects of themselves that they close off and don't share because they don't have anyone to share it with. So there are all kinds of reasons we are lured into these friendships. And yet there are these little signs of danger we are given in the beginning. And we tend to ignore them because we need or want something. (A) I would say that one of the good things to observe is not so much others as our own reaction. I would look at myself and try to see if I am trying to hide something, to put something under the rug. Am I trying to suppress some part of myself; suppress some part to please, or not so much to please as to not to enrage. (L) Or not to annoy, or not to turn off. (A) And then when we notice these things about ourselves it needs silence, meditate on it, then we know it's a valid sign that is warning us.
Q: (R) What is the relationship between the platonic solids in our quantum fractal simulations and the fractal patterns? It seems to relate back to the discussions you had about the tetrahedrons and the hexagons? (A) Yeah. So that's a funny thing that I was using, tetrahedrons for this quantum simulation, before knowing much about it. So question is: what they are they good for? Maybe they are important or maybe not. (L) Can you experiment and find out? (A) No because we don't know how to experiment, what to do with them. For instance these people - these sacred geometry people or whoever - they think that these solids - 200 cells or 600 cells - are for some reason important. Right. They have no idea for what reason. They think they know, but I have no idea what is the function of this shape.
A: Such polytopes are end products not initiators.
Q: (R) So something else is initiating it and it results in the polytopes. What do the fractal patterns represent?
A: Events.
Q: (R) Are the detectors that we are using in the EEQT Theory actual? Should they be included? (A) I have a theory that the way we are using these detectors is just temporary, and that they really represent some kind of a moving to a different density or dimension which we have not yet modeled. (R) So they are a temporary simplification. (A) Right.
A: It will unfold!
Q: (A) I have a question because when I was asking about quantum jumps, the answer was, I don't know if I will be able to read because it is in cipher, it's coded. I cannot decode okay. Reads: "With respect to ummm... (Ark and Rickard are reading from a paper) (R) "With room for alterations, the way to quantum jumps the key to quantum jumps is always in discovering new mathematics." My first question is about this 'room for alterations' which sounds very suspicious - like hinting. 'Room' here is a strange word. I suspect that it has hidden meaning like for instance Hilbert space. It is my guess that the room here has a double meaning correct?
A: Di/bi/double.
Q: (L) Di like dipole, bi like a bipole and double, which is triple meaning. (A) Now this new mathematics was the answer I was given when I was asking about the p-adic numbers, which relates to the prime numbers. So I got a book on p-adic numbers. And I am ready to jump into this new mathematics, but I don't want jump into the wrong thing, okay? So the question is: what is this 'new mathematics?' Can it be related to quantum jumps?
A: In this respect you are going to have to put the puzzle together from many pieces.
Q: (L) So there is no one form of mathematics that's going to cover everything. (R) We have fractals, we have p-adic numbers, primes, rings, and groups. Ah! Should we ask if the Benzene Ring was also related to group and ring algebra, not just algebra, is that a good question? (A) Yeah, we know that algebra is important, we know that algebra is the main math, so that if we ask about algebra the answer would certainly be 'yes,' so it is not specific enough. (R) Okay. Should we ask whether it is ring algebra in combination with prime numbers? (A) Yes, certainly the answer is 'yes' because when we study prime numbers it automatically comes with the rings. There's no way to avoid it. (R) I have only one question left on that and that is whether the detectors are consciousness interface points, is that where consciousness is interfacing with reality?
A: Frequency awareness boundaries.
Q: (L) What are frequency awareness boundaries made of? Whose awareness? (R) But it makes sense. (L) Yeah, but whose awareness is it a boundary of? (R) I guess ours. (A) Who is 'ours'? Whose awareness? Universal? (R) General, for any awareness I suppose.
A: 7th density nature/divisions.
Q: (A) Okay, so there is this general -what Gurdjieff calls worlds - he had a very good description. (R) Okay so my question would be if consciousness, for example us three in this room, are we interacting with reality through 7th density which uses these frequency awareness boundaries? Right so it's kind of a middle step. I'm not sure how to phrase it.
A: 7th density interacts with divisions through you.
Q: (R) Ah! So it is not us interacting with reality through 7th density it's the other way around. 7th density is interacting with the concept of divisions through us. (A) That is how it works. (L) We're it. (R) We are the interface. (R) Of course, duh! (L) We could've had a V-8Q! (A) When I was looking for the right keywords for my chapter, I came across this Matti Pitkanen. And I started to read. And he had all the things that were in my mind or were mentioned by the C's or that I was asking C's...(L) So did Dan Winter. (A) Well, Matti is a physicist! (L) So is Dan Winter according to his own claims! (A) Ouch! So Matti had all the right things and he knew math; p-adic numbers I learned from him. Complexification, dimensions, quantum jumps even. Where is he getting all these right keywords? What is his role? Who makes him to resonate to all the right things? I don't understand what such people do, how they come along with all these things.
A: Suffering activates neuro-chemicals which turn on DNA receptors.
Q: (A) I don't want to suffer if so! And to have my receptors... (L) We'll have to invent a special suffering just for that. (A) Okay dear. [laughter (L) Well we must be getting smarter with all the suffering we did back in July through January with this Vincent Bridges business. We must've really gotten smart cause we were really suffering and it culminated in incredible suffering. But I do not want anymore infections. That was not the right kind of suffering. But maybe that was evidence of neuro-chemicals being turned on! When we had our sicknesses in January I was very, very sick first, for about the same exact period of time that Ark was very, very sick. We both had massive infections that were hard to fight. We had to get major antibiotics. The pain was horrible. What was the cause of these infections?
A: Laura, Ark: First opening was stress. Second part was directed wave of negative energy. Third was bacteria activated by this frequency. End result was response from your system which did act beneficially.
Q: (R) What is the cause of the headache above my left ear?
A: Psychic stress.
Q: (R) Thank-you. (L) Psychic stress? (A )Yeah, environment. (R ) It is the same thing the doctor said.

End of Session


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March 30, 2002

Ark, Laura, BT, VG

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Pleased to see you.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Kolonia.
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea
Q: (L) Alright, do any of us have any questions we were planning on asking? VG has her questions. (V) I'll start with the Reiki symbol that we received once at a previous session. (shows symbol drawn on a piece of paper) This was the way it was drawn out and at the time it was drawn, we were told that it was close enough as though maybe it wasn't exactly as it was supposed to be. I am wondering if this is closer than this? (comparing proposed alternatives) In other words if the spiraling inside of the...
A: Match corners to outside spiral, neither inside nor outside.
Q: (V) Okay, I think I understand now. The other question I have about this symbol that I thought was very curious is in this center part there is an L, is there any significance to that?...well, I'm sure there is significance...
A: Crook shape signifies movement into higher dimension.
Q: (V) Next question: Is repeating the names of the symbols, which I guess is like a mantra which is a no-no here, as effective as repeated use of the symbol? Does it go either way?
A: No. Important part is the geometry.
Q: (V) So the use of the symbol is putting a geometric equation into the person's body...
A: Think of it as soldering in a new circuit.
Q: (V) New circuit as in DNA?
A: More like transducer of higher consciousness. If DNA changes result, it depends on the application.
Q: (V) Alright. Now then, this other Reiki symbol you gave us - An-nu-ki (shows symbol). I was wondering if Laura had drawn it correctly as it had been drawn before since she was doing it from her...
A: Close.
Q: (L) I've got it, let me show you. (V) What could make it closer?
A: Close base.
Q: (V) Ahh! Okay. And what does An-nu-ki mean?
A: Already described. Retention of energy.
Q: (V) The next question - and I asked Laura about this - is it possible, in a meaningful way, to send healing energy, Reiki, directly to the subconscious through the ether tube connector symbol?
A: Yes. This has also been discussed. Application increases circuit imprint.
Q: (L) I think the way the question was asked before - does repeated applications of Reiki heal Karma even, and the answer was 'yes'. I think that something that heals Karma just about covers everything...since that is very often our major concern in this reality. (V) Laura and I were looking at these Karuna Reiki symbols earlier and discussing them, can you offer some insight as to their validity?
A: Give them a try and research background of originator. You may discover something very interesting.
Q: (V) Well, I have used them, not to a great extent. The one that I have used the most is the Rama symbol which is used to dispel or expel negative energy. Does this symbol do what they claim it does?
A: Do you think that a symbol can control your consciousness, or the consciousness of another?
Q: (V) I guess I've been thinking it's a tool just as this is a tool (holds up symbol displayed earlier). No I don't think a symbol can control consciousness...when it's put that way. But I want to say that I think they can be used as tools also. Not to be right or anything but this my thinking at this time.
A: What quality of an individual would have to be present to set the effect of a symbol against consciousness?
Q: (V) I don't understand that. (L) I think they are saying that the presence of a negative energy implies the presence of a negative consciousness. It's either the consciousness of the individual who is experiencing it or it is the consciousness being projected from somebody else. And if one or the other of those is the condition - say for example: if you had negative energy that was being sent to you from someone else, and you wanted to set this symbol against that negative energy, what quality would have to be present in you in order to make that work? (V) A lack of negativity. (L) I don't think so. You already have negativity right? So you're going to use the symbol to make it go away assuming it was sent on you. So what do you have to have to make the symbol work? (V) A conscious effort? (L) Faith. You have to believe in the symbol. And if you believe in the symbol then you are putting the power in something outside of you, you don't believe that you have the ability to stand against the negative consciousness. On the other hand, if the consciousness of negativity is your own, and you believe a symbol can stand against your own negativity, you haven't inquired into where the negativity comes from. (A) You see a tool is something which you must know exactly how it operates, because otherwise it's not a tool; you are the tool of something else - the originator of the tool who may not have your best interests at heart. So you must exactly know, and have precise knowledge of, the tool if it is to be a tool. So a tool is a projection - an extension - of what is in you.
A: Otherwise you are the tool of the tool
Q: [laughter]. (L) You are the tool of the tool if you don't have real understanding of what it is and what it is supposed to do. (A) Okay, so if it looks like a nice bomb... (L) Push the button. Don't know what the bomb does, but let me push the button anyway and see what happens! (V) Well, okay. (L) I know, ain't it fun? (V) Well it's stuff I want to ask, and then I have to think about it for awhile. I want to ask about the picture with Easter [V**'s cat who at the time the photo in question was made, was passing on of old age. V** had placed the symbol for Ohm over Easter's head to aid in the transition and directly following the application a Polaroid picture was taken revealing a point of light above V's head]. Was the point of light over my head a fault of the print or of the camera?
A: No. It was the light of consciousness of the companion soul. Given to you as thanks.
Q: [There was further discussion between Laura and Violette with regard to the Karuna Reiki system of healing that led to the following question] (V) From what density do the symbols come from? Are they STS or STO?
A: 3rd money growing density.
Q: (V) So it wasn't even channeled?
A: Most of the symbols can be found in other literature in whole or in part.
Q: (V) I was thinking of a question and I just lost it. Do you know the question I was thinking of? I'm sorry.
A: Do you?
Q: [Laughter] (V) Yeah I do, but it's eluded me for the moment. Dang, alright if it's gone, its gone. Hmmm, 3rd money growing density...what people will say or do, it just amazes me, blows me away. (L) It gets so bad. The more layers you peel away the worse it gets. it's like you just want to run screaming "I want out of this place." (V) I'm going to be brave here and ask if it's possible to get a symbol this evening that may work on viruses? (L) Viruses? (V) I know ...okay I'm back to the same question of consciousness.
A: Viruses make inroads only when there exists gaps in consciousness. A full field of awareness closes the gaps. Heal the soul by means of increased knowledge which leads to DNA modification which closes gaps...To do it otherwise amounts to self violation of lesson profiles elected by the self.
Q: (A) What about the healers? All these healers they go around the world and they heal. Most of the time, their effects are temporary. Will they heal only those people who come and ask? And usually when they come and ask, they are asking in a specific way for them to be healed. I mean I don't know what is so specific but, the question is, of course, they don't close the consciousness gap. Or do they? How do they heal? I mean, they can kill even viruses some way. How do they do that?
A: If the healing is true, it occurs at multiple levels. It is an interaction of prior choice potential.
Q: (V) So it is going to work because it is time, or it is your destiny. I guess. (B) If it works, it must mean that the individual has chosen to allow it to work at that particular time, and the healer is more of a facilitator of the personal choice - at a higher level - of an individual.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) A kind of transaction between the two. (L) It's like the switch, it was ready to happen, and the "healing activity" just flipped the switch. It was ready (B) Healing comes from inside. Whether it is psychic or physical, we may rely on other triggers. (L) Yeah we may use all kinds of symbols in our world the way we use words to convey our ideas. We can use interactions between human beings to convey our readiness and willingness to move into a new way of being. (A) The healers maybe don't know what they do, it's just the right thing, they're there at the moment, they are there, the person is there. (V) As long as they are not doing it from their ego. (L) Right. I think it is as much a matter of "here is a person who needs it" and "there's the person who instinctively knows what to do and how to do it and they do because they can do it." They're the person of the moment - the "man of the hour" - and it is there in front of them. It's like walking down the street and there's a piece of paper: do you walk by it or pick it up? (A) But there may be something more. I'm thinking about this Bulgarian guy D**. He apparently has some psychic abilities and he went into research. So now he was telling me about these bad guys who are using this ability for mind control and such things. But he wrote one thing that was kind of unexpected from him. Maybe he read it from our pages, but probably not. He said that even those people cannot do anything unless the given person is willing to be controlled. (L) But that is true only at a deep level. It's pretty clear that STS can violate the free will of those who are ignorant of their existence and abilities. So D** is just repeating New Age nonsense. That's what the folks doing mind control experiments would like us all to think. Yes, it is true that the person must, of their own free will, choose. A person who has chosen, at a very deep level, to seek truth, to ultimately receive positive energy, will be motivated by negative experiences to increase their knowledge, which then increases their awareness, which then increases their abilities of STO to communicate with and interact with other similar people. People use their free will - at very deep levels - to choose to be duped and manipulated. This is either because STS is their ultimate choice and destination, or it is because they need to learn the lesson about growing their awareness. When they choose to refuse to seek knowledge they have already chosen. When they choose belief over seeking and being open they have already chosen.
A: In all cases freewill is paramount even if it is not apparent at this level.
Q: (L) My son read the last session notes and he wants to ask what kind of instrument he is?
A: Base Viol.
Q: (J) Bass Viola or Violin? (L) Bass Viol. (J) Are you guys being like arbitrary about this? I mean is it just like picking randomly, like random number theory or something? (L) Must be. (J) Okay I'm a bass. I am a bassist I like that. Thank-you guys. (B) Well I've got to have someone to counter rhythm my tuba. (L) What is A**y?
A: French Horn.
Q: (L) What is A**?
A: Piccolo.
Q: (B) Somebody else was a French Horn too. (L) R** was a French horn too. Two French Horns, huh? We have to find somebody whose a Bassoon. (J) I have somebody who's a buffoon. (B) Bassoon, not buffoon. (J) I know somebody who plays all the Bassoons. (L) Alright. I want to know about this incident of a week ago about the dead cat. I went out to water my tree, and when I turned around to come back in the house something caught my eye and there was a dead cat laying there right on the edge of the flower bed right by our bedroom window. It was just stiff so it couldn't have been dead more than 5 or 6 hours and since it was almost noon it must've just died at daybreak. It was a big cat. Didn't look like anything was wrong with it. He didn't look messed up in any way. He looked like he just walked there and laid down and died. And of course he looked a lot like Miko (the family cat). And then I thought my God we've got to do something quick before A__ comes out here because she would just have a fit. She would be so upset it would just be terrible. So we called the city and they came and got it. It was real upsetting. Where did the dead cat come from?
A: It came to die where the energy could best aid advancement.
Q: (L) So it wasn't some weird person doing it was it? Like somebody trying to send voodoo on us?
A: No.
Q: (L) What did the cat die from?
A: Parasites.
Q: (L) (A) So what about the energy? He came here because what? (V) The energy could best aide advancement. Any more questions about the cat? (L) Well no, that takes care of the cat. (V) It's kind of... (L) Creepy, under the circumstances. What with VB and the gang out there doing the hoodoo dance with their magickal mumbo jumbo. (V) But that the animal recognized this as a place to go and advance is interesting... Pet Semetary [laughter]. (B) That's why I'm hanging out so much, just in case! [even more laughter].


Q: (V) This question maybe has been asked in other sessions where I wasn't here, so forgive me if that's the case. What is the difference between creative visualization and imagination?
A: Not much.
Q: (V) Okay. I was going through some of the transcripts and reading, and I found the statement in there that said "consciousness is the half-life of energy" and I thought this was just so interesting. Let me ask this: is that half-life, because with chemistry and chemicals they know exactly what the half-life is of certain, say uranium, that it has so many years until it changes into what ever it changes into...(L) But it is statistical. (V) Statistical. Okay. What is the time span or frame of reference where its energy degenerates, morphs, whatever the word is, into consciousness?
A: You are assuming that physical understanding applies. In this case the better question would be: What is energy?
Q: (L) What is energy? [asking Ark] (A) Don't know. (L) What do you mean, "don't know?" (A) Nobody knows. (L) Oh! I see what they're saying. Energy can't be compared to a physical process such as the half-life of an atomic element or something. (V) Alright, and also maybe this is my assumption as I am relating energy to thought processes.
A: How do you know that "thinking" is energy?
Q: (V) Well, I don't think that I know that it is, I'm just postulating and thinking about it.
A: How about "utilization?"
Q: (V) Okay, what is energy? I know the atom and the nucleus, and I basically understand the physics of energy, but is that what you're talking about?
A: Take an example: Light is an energy expression of gravity. Utilization of gravity "generates" light.
Q: (A) The point is that we can't define concepts. We can show simply how they work in certain, how you say...(B) Framework. (A) Okay: framework, by relating them to other concepts and by pointing out that this is the correct use of this word and this is the incorrect use of this word. And this is not mathematics. In mathematics everything is defined in terms of primitive concepts. Here, we don't know what are the primitive concepts. So we say" now here is light and it's an expression of energy. Now what is so particular about light? You can think about what you learn from physics. From physics you know that light has no mass, it is pure quantum of energy. What it means, we really don't know. We know that when light is absorbed, it has a physical effect, but in the meantime where does it go? It is not mass. It's something that can hit you like energy; but not a piece of a solid something; it is pure energy. And then we know something from the Theory of Relativity, that when light travels a distance from one point to another point in the 4th dimensional Einstein space, the distance measured in this 4th dimension is zero. If you sit on a ray of light you are instantaneously everywhere. Time does not flow for light which travels. That's energy. For a mass, time flows. Mass understands what is time. For light everything is instantaneous. So we learn a little bit of what energy is even if we can't seem to define it, right?
A: And, as you already guess, consciousness "precedes" light as an energy expression. So the question is: How do your quantifications apply?
Q: (A) I have a test question for Cassiopaeans. Which is true of the following two possibilities: a) In certain circumstances energy can create consciousness. b) In certain circumstances consciousness can create energy.
A: B: consciousness can create energy.
Q: (V) And isn't light also information?
A: Light is utilization.
Q: (V) Okay, light is utilization. How is that done? Is this a process? Maybe I would understand it better if it said "the utilization of light."
A: What would you utilize light for?
Q: (V) Well, to raise consciousness. To raise awareness.
A: How would light raise consciousness?
Q: (V) If light is energy, I mean, if light is information...(A) Light is not information. It's not what you learn in physics. You can use light to send information. (V) Why does it have to be about physics? (L) What else can it be about? Physics is concerned with the most fundamental questions of reality. (A) What is light? What do you know about light? What is light for you may be another definition of light. (L) This is what they've said before: They've said that light is produced by utilization of knowledge. That light is an energy expression of gravity. They've also said that light is an expression of the utilization of knowledge. So we come to the idea that knowledge is gravity in a certain sense. In other words knowledge consists of all things that could or could not be in all contexts, in all realms, in all dimensions, in all universes, that the sum total of everything is like this non-existent, non-dimensional point of everything that could ever exist. It's almost like this zero point from which all potential could erupt given the proper circumstances. We're getting into something where there's not many words to describe it. There's a huge limitation here that if you don't know math, your words can only take you so far because as precise as you can get with your words, you can't get as precise as you can get with numbers. Numbers say things that words cannot, and they say it in a way that communicates directly to some part of the mind that bypasses this word processing organ. Well I don't want to say bypasses, I mean it goes to a place that's higher than a word processing organ, so to speak. Another interesting thing is all the knowledge that we can gather is like gravity, and collecting gravity is like becoming heavier. But then when you utilize it, you share it and there is a burst of light and this is the utilization. In other words utilizing your knowledge is doing something with it. And that goes back to that thing that Gurdjieff said that for those in the higher esoteric circles, at that inner level their understanding is immediately expressed as action. Understanding and action are like two sides of the same coin. And then of course there's other levels where they have understanding but they have no action. We've all seen that in the gurus who sit around and contemplate their navels saying they understand everything but they're not doing anything. They just sit there contemplating their navel. Until one can do and act based on their understanding it is not utilized and they then have not produced light unto the world. A simple example is - We can sit here and collect 700 pages of gravity of information, or knowledge and until we utilize it, until we do something with it, until we share it, it's not light... we've just collected it and it's gravity. But the minute we start writing it, the minute we start processing it through us into our reality in some way, we write web pages or we do some activity or we do as the C's say, "You will do what you will do" and that's entirely a function of your understanding. (V) Of light as utilization. (A) Light when it stops it becomes matter. Maybe it is so that, at another level, when consciousness hits something, it becomes light. (V) What is it hitting? (A) For instance a consciousness is hitting another consciousness. So, there is a reaction. And as a result of this reaction, light is created which carries somehow the information, the knowledge of the interaction. (L) So we end up almost coming around in a circle. (V) So what you're saying then is light is not the first. (A) No we know already that consciousness creates light. We've got this answer, consciousness is more primitive. There are these levels of matter/reality I would say, okay? (V) Okay. I had it backwards in my head. I thought light was more primitive than consciousness. (A) Light is very close to matter, you stop light and you get matter. (L) Matter is nothing but congealed light. Another thing: light is an energy expression of gravity. It's an energy expression. That suggests that gravity is energy unexpressed. And when it expresses it's light. And when it expresses here and then it expresses there we have these units of consciousness which are unexpressed energy prior to light. When gravity is expressed it is consciousness - perhaps manifesting as some other range of the EM spectrum - and then the next level of the expression is when one consciousness energy and another consciousness energy interacts with each other and then light is produced. Possibly. (A) Another possibility is that consciousness is the organizing principle. Light is something that is already organized. (L) What if consciousness is an unstable gravity wave. (A) We don't know what that is. We don't even know what are gravity waves. (L) The bottom line is, we're probing into realms that have been probed and probed and probed for ages with no definitive results. (A) Oh, we'll find out. (B) The sad thing about it is this whole process is cluttered with so much misdirection and semantics. (L) Yeah, and the battle factor.

[The next question I asked requires some background information. Earlier in the month, Frank had published, via Vincent Bridges, the following declaration:

Notice from "Frank G. Scott":

Clarification of Copyright Notice

Frank G. Scott does hereby assert his right, morally and legally, to be considered as an author of the material, herein referred to as the Cassiopaean Transcripts: 1994 –2000, consisting of transcripts of channeling sessions conducted jointly and solely by Frank G. Scott and Laura Knight Martin, also known as Laura Knight Jadcyzk.

Ms. Knight Jadcyzk has consistently demonstrated bad faith in the matter of Mr. Scott's copyright to the material - claiming sole copyright to admittedly collaborative material, then using that material for the purpose of individual financial gain, as well as basing a cult around the material - without ever seeking or receiving permission of any kind from Mr. Scott for any of these uses.

Therefore, as of March 1st, 2002, the following copyright notice and stipulation of permission shall be considered the sole legal and valid copyright statement concerning the material referred to herein as the Cassiopaean Transcripts: 1994 –2000:

The ___ Cassiopaea Logs: 1994 –2000

© _____ and Laura Knight Jadcyzk 1994 –2000

(By granting Ms. Knight Jadcyzk co-author status, Mr. "Scott," in light of Ms. Knight Jadcyzk's previous bad faith attempts to use the material without permission, makes the following stipulations:

1) No commercial use of the material whatsoever.
2) The material is to be made freely available in its unedited form, and may be transmitted or used only in that form.
3) No permission is granted or implied for any use of excerpts, beyond the length and for the reasons outlined in the fair use provision of the DMCA, or individual sessions by any person, organization or corporation whatsoever.

(Any further use, after March 1st, 2002, of any material copyrighted as noted above without the express written permission of both authors, or that violates the permission stated in the above copyright notice, will be considered an act of copyright infringement, which, if proven, carries penalties of $20,000 to $100,00 per infraction.

(Please be advised that this warning is an official notice to cease and desist all copyright infringements and any other use of the material which does not have the express written permission of both authors, or which violates the permission granted in the copyright statement.).

As a result of this completely psychopathically outrageous and illegal attempt to destroy our life's work - the Cassiopaean work - we were spending some considerable time and money on attorneys. It was pretty clear that the above notice had been composed by someone other than Frank, and it was my guess that it was a collaboration of Vincent Bridges and Teresa Burns - who claimed to teach "copyright law."


Our rights were well established legally, but the attorneys let us know that the only way to stop this piracy - a civil matter - was to have a court declare that the law had, indeed, been violated. After that, there were severe penalities, up to and including imprisonment. The problem was, taking such a matter to court meant Federal Court. That was extremely costly.


The readers of the Cassiopaea site came through for us, though, and in in just a couple of weeks we had sufficient funds to file suit. There was, however, one thing that preyed on my mind: Frank's elderly mother. I knew that Vincent Bridges had put Frank up to this nonsense, and that Frank was following the carrot on the stick just like a dumb ass.


But he was doing it on his mother's income. It was her money that was paying for his attorney who responded to our cease and desist demand. It was her money that would be used to fund a defense if and when we filed. And file we were certainly going to do. And I already knew what Frank's larcenous behavior had done to his father when he was manipulated to pay many thousands of dollars back to cover the embezzlement Frank had committed in his previous employment.


I didn't want to be responsible for the same type of situation regarding his mother.]

Q: (L) Speaking of battles: I want to know just really what is in Frank's mind, what are his motives? (V) What does he have to gain from all of this?

A: He is a tool of 4d STS. He has chosen.
Q: (V) He has chosen? Okay, if somebody goes to the store and they choose to get rye bread instead of white bread, he chose it like that? Or did he choose it like...
A: He came to this incarnation with a plan remembered as he awoke.
Q: (L) It was already a pre-made choice? (B) The choice was made on a different level and he's just now making that choice manifest? (V) Is this Karmic?
A: Choice. Some love light, and some love darkness.
Q: (L) When did he wake up and have this realization? Was he lying and deceiving all of us, all along from the beginning?
A: He was half awake. But like many he was confused.
Q: (L) Confused in what way?
A: He did not fully understand the symbols of your world.
Q: (L) So at what point did he finally understand that he was different from us and we would never be on the same track?
A: He was awake as early as late 1998 or early 1999.
Q: (V) Did Ark's arrival spur on this awakening?
A: Partly.
Q: (V) I'm also curious, since we're talking about what he is thinking, does he have regrets? Is he regretting what's happened, what's come about?
A: He is only capable of regretting that he did not get what he wanted.
Q: (V) Okay, so he is a tool of 4th density STS...what is the payoff for Frank, what does he think the payoff is?
A: He is lost in the illusion of his own importance. He believes that others agree with his assessment.
Q: (V) You know, that doesn't seem like a real worthwhile payoff to me. I guess that's what separates the wheat from chaff. For self-aggrandizement - getting what you want - to be more important than growing and learning. It seems like a cheap payoff.

(A) Is it not so that 90% of the population thinks that way?

(V) I know but I don't get it; it's so shallow.

(L) I know we don't get it and we can't.

(A) What he thinks is probably: "these stupid people they think they grow, they have their illusions they think of Oz, instead of going after something real like money or being famous. They want to learn. They think there is nothing like truth, all is light. The better your light the higher you would go. They don't understand it, they will fail." That is what he thinks: that we are failures. And he thinks "I was also following this path of failures and I almost failed myself. It is good that I disassociated with them."

(L) Yeah. Sad to say, that's probably what he is thinking.

(V) Its sad, and I don't mean sad like "oh poor Frank," I mean it's pathetic!

(L) Yeah because they always think - in a certain sense it's funny - they think they are going to unify the world and go back into this cosmic sleep. They've got to control everything, absorb everything back into this cosmic sleep...

(V) Why do they want to do that?

(L) Because they're afraid of creation. Creation is uncertain. Creation is free. Creation is not secure. It implies being open; it implies being fearless.

(V) Do they actually think these things between their left and right brain?

(L) No they are probably not aware of it. They rationalize it with high sounding ideas and ideals. They call it Christianity or they call it the Ophanic calls to the Watchtowers or whatever. Or they say that they are going to meditate on peace and save the world or something. They mask it with all kinds of illusions and beliefs, and the masks are several levels deep. It's as hard for us, I think, to understand their point of view as it is for them to understand ours. They think we are fools, I'm sure. Well sometimes I'm not sure of that.

(V) I'm having a hard time conceiving that they're sitting in their little coven group or whatever the heck it is, and saying, "'Look how stupid they are, look how ignorant they are, they are fools." If they are really doing that, then that's projection. They are projecting what is true only about themselves.

(L) Right. And they are doing that. You should read some of the public postings that they have made talking about us. It is such filth. Actually, in an interesting way, this is what clued us in to the whole STS mindset. Because, when we tossed VB out of the group because we found out he was lying and manipulating, we actually set up a little test. We gave him a choice. We let him know why we had to make the decision about his conference, and we told him what it was that he was doing was not acceptable to our work. We could not appear at his conference, we could not have him publishing our books, we could not have him as some kind of a guru in our group if he was going to continue with all of this magical stuff - promoting things that were anti-thetical to what the C's were explicating.

(V) What kind of ritual magic was he into?

(L) Golden Dawn satanic rituals among others. And he had a whole website teaching people how to do them and he wanted to come into our group and teach our group how to do these satanic rituals. I had sent him all the information about what the C's had said about rituals and he kept trying to twist it and interpret it so that it would be okay and he just wasn't getting it. And the thing was, at that particular point in time there was just a whole bunch of weird stuff going on and we just let him know that we can't be associated with this. He had a choice.

(V) Putting the C's aside, it goes against everything that you believe in personally.

(L) Everything we have worked for out entire lives. He was setting us up to get taken down the tubes. Oh but according to Vincent, the real problem was me. According to him, I just didn't understand the C's, the C's were really teaching me how to do these rituals, only I was incapable of grokking it.

(V) Oh BS!

(L) But this is what he was saying to me. I didn't really understand how to interpret the C's and if I allowed him to be my teacher then I would understand what the C's were really saying!

(V) And if you were stupid, ignorant, and a fool you would've believed him.

(L) So you see, we explained it all to the group, which included him. And he had a choice at that moment - how bad did he want to publish our books, how bad did he want to be associated with us, how bad did he want any of those things? Did he want it bad enough to fully align himself with the C's work? No. He was going to have it his way or not at all.

(V) A narcissist.

(B) I think there is a huge, huge tendency to overlook the fact that both VB and you, for example so to speak, are necessary in the scheme of creation, that both are equal, it's not a matter of one being right or one being wrong it's a matter of which one do you choose, period.

(L) Right.

(B) Creation can't be just inhales, there has to be exhales.

(L) Right. But he had the choice to be a part of what we were doing - he worked for a long time to do that - and then he just shot himself in the foot as far as we were concerned. The question was, though it was unspoken and had to be an understanding that would come from within him: are you with us or against us?

(B) On a different level there may be completely different choices that have to be made, but at this level that seems to be the choice period.

(V) Are there other realms where these people such as VB, Frank are making different choices?

(L) In other words is there another reality where they're being the good guys, where they're joining in and helping.

(V) Right. An alternate reality.
A: Frank and Vincent are the other reality!
Q: (V) Wow! Everything happens all at once, huh? They are the other reality in like the antithesis of Laura's work?
A: More or less, yes.
Q: (L) Is this conflict, so to speak, that we are engaging in with this Frank/Vincent Bridges situation - is this one reality that is also represented in another reality as this conflict between say the Jews and Arabs at the present moment?
A: Very close, it is reflected in many ways at present.
Q: (L) Well I just want you to know our side isn't doing too well. (V) Why do you say that? (L) Well I mean if these conflicts are reflected in many levels and many ways all over the planet just the general overview of the planet at the moment, the so-called good guys aren't really doing too well right now. (B) Yeah, this reality is their own truth. (V) I see it a different way, I think we are in this situation because we are not of this reality; we have made a different choice. (L) But there are so few of us.
A: Help is on the way.
Q: (V) What no exclamation point! [laughter] Okay so we get a period tonight. And then in one month we get one exclamation point. Next month we get two, three, and then we know it's really close. I'm such a quantifier. [laughing] Wishful thinking huh? (B) If this is the given status of this environment and this density level, this lesson, anybody that breaks free from that is a plus, because there is undoubtedly a counterbalancing thing. (V) Right. Take your kudos where you can get them.
A: And it will balance in the end.
Q: (L) Well that will be nice. (V) Is this balance necessary for our transition to 4th density?
A: Balance is the result.
Q: (V) Balance is the result of transitioning to 4th density, is that what you're saying?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) If 90% is negative and 10% is positive...
A: But all will not transition.
Q: (V) Balance would mean 50-50...

(B) No because we're not the only ball game in creation. This is not the sum total of creation. This reality is only one aspect of it. There can be other realities where it's as heavily weighted the other direction.

(L) I think another factor is that when people network they share their insights and they share their growth and it becomes more than the sum of its parts. You know when they really open up to their network, that what one learns - if they share it with others - it becomes that other's learning in at least some sort of way. This way, people can learn a lot of things by the experiences of their group if they are connected to that group. So, a group of people who are individually each incapable of making it to 4th density on their own - by virtue of the fact that they have this shared symbiotic group - they kind of go together. On the other hand, the STS alignment, since they don't do anything in terms of groups or sharing, don't have that advantage. It takes more energy for each one to individually advance since, in their chain of command, they are all being constantly drained by sharing and believing lies. So, the advantage seems to be on the side of an STO group even if they seem to be smaller in numbers. The added together energy of a larger group of people who are individually, maybe less ready STO-wise, will graduate anyway, as opposed to the very small group of those who are ready STS-wise. Most of the STS gang will have to just go back and do 3D over again.

(A) You must understand that the very concept of balance depends on what exactly has to be balanced. When you have a scale, and you have a lot of wheat or something on one side, and a small piece of gold on the other, they balance each other even if the quantities are completely different.

(V) Maybe STO candidates carry a larger...

(L) Charge?

(V) Yeah. (L) Something like that, because they share very deeply - at the level of their core being.

(V) So there could be 90% of STS and at 10% STO candidates as they gain knowledge gain more weight.

(L) Could be.
A: Very close. But don't get stuck on numbers in that sense. Help is on the way!
Q: (L) An exclamation! They got a lot closer pretty fast! (V) For what?
A: All of you.
Q: (B) Is it a very generic form of help as opposed to a specific individual form of help?
A: Wait and see!
Q: (L) I do want to ask about BT's health. What does B** need to do or not do to stop this cramping in his legs/
A: Stop being static. Lactic acid granules.
Q: (V) Stand on your head. (B) Oh sure then they'll go to my head and that's the only thing that's functioning properly. [laughing] (L) So when you walk it breaks them loose and it causes you pain. (B) Can I take ____ to help with the lactic acid assimilation.
A: No.
Q: (L) Well unless there is something you need to tell us that we haven't asked we'll say goodnight. It has been a very enlightening little session here.
A: Elev.
Q: (L) Why are they being so coy?...Is that all that there is?
A: Yes. Goodbye.

End of Session

Back to Contents




April 25, 2002


The background to this short session is the following:

Numerous letters had been exchanged between our attorney and "Frank Scott's" attorney. I could see what must have been the manipulations of Vincent Bridges and Teresa Burns behind Frank's claims and demands which were preposterous. I realized that he did NOT understand the danger he was in and there must be others behind him, egging him on to his own destruction.


This appalled me because I still had sympathetic feelings for Frank and I was angry to see him being so shamelessly used. What was worse, I realized that whoever was using him was also using him to take advantage of his mother just as he had taken advantage of his father in his previous embezzling escapade. I knew Frank's mother was in a precarious state regarding her health and that concerned me even if it obviously had not occurred to Frank. He was only interested in keeping things from her so he could continue to manipulate her to pay his lawyer, and it seemed obvious that Vincent Bridges was behind that.


At this point, we had almost agreed to a really stupid settlement just to get past the whole thing, but a letter from Frank's attorney to our attorney put a period to that agreement. He wrote:

"I think you would be well advised to take control over your clients lest this opportunity to amicably resolve this matter be lost. […] My patience and my client's checkbook are exhausted. […] One final note, you should disabuse your client of the notion that they are receiving nothing under the settlement. Rest assured that they are receiving much more than they would ever get if this case were litigated."

Having consulted several of the best copyright attorneys in the country, courtesy of one of our readers, I knew this was either a huge bluff, or that Frank's attorney was being given extremely distorted information. Having dealt with Vincent Bridges and his penchant for lying and covering lies with more lies, I recognized the pattern. I just simply got angry at the endless games Frank and Vincent were playing with other people's lives, including Frank's mother and ourselves. It was about the filthiest, low class behavior I had ever witnessed in my life, and I just could NOT believe that Frank was a participant.


Through the research done to write the Adventures Series, we had already come to the realization that Vincent was a psychopath. This was the explanation that "fit" his behavior, as well as the clues given by the C's. What was distressing was coming to the realization that this was obviously descriptive of Frank as well. But then, I realized that the clues had always been there - that this must be what Frank had always been, and it was only me who had not seen it.

I decided that enough was enough. I sat down and wrote a letter to Frank explaining exactly what he was up against and what was going to happen to him, to his mother, to his entire future, if he did not wake up. I pointed out that, once it was in court, there would be no further lies. It would be all evidence - and Frank simply didn't have any. I was sickened at the thought that his mother's money would be spent to litigate a case that he was doomed to lose. More than that, I felt it would kill her. I included with this letter the only acceptable agreement we would sign. I sent a copy to his mother.


I could not be sure that it would be delivered, because I was aware (from his past behavior and revelations) that it was very likely that he was withholding information from her, even including intercepting her mail. So, that was the situation at the time we had the following session

April 25, 2002

Laura, Ark

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Figliaea.
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Do you have any messages for us tonight before we begin questions?
A: Frank is not going to sign the agreement.
Q: (L) What is he going to do?
A: Pout and wait for destruction.
Q: (L) Well, anything else?
A: Give a lie what it asks for: truth.
Q: (L) Well, in this case which particular truth is being asked for?
A: Open.
Q: (L) I see. In other words file suit?
A: Close. Write.
Q: (L) Write about the failed legal negotiations for the web site?
A: Yes and more. Letters.
Q: (A) What letters?
A: To authorities.
Q: (A) What would it accomplish?
A: You may get action.
Q: (A) An action that will prompt Frank to sign an agreement?
A: Action that may get him in trouble with the law.
Q: (A) Why should it be to our advantage to get Frank in trouble with the law, what should we gain? It looks selfish.
A: Publish the facts.
Q: (A) What would it accomplish, so we have fact, so what.
A: Make people aware he is in the wrong even if he refuses to admit it. He is on self destruct mode now. Nothing can be done now.
Q: (A) I get the impression that in a very clever way they are succeeding by making us not really work on our stuff, all the time to be busy with them and only them. They succeeded 100%.
A: But look how many people are learning from your experiences.
Q: (A) I have a problem seeing how that is relevant to what is coming or how this...
A: Seeing the unseen is being learned by many through practical example.
Q: (A) What about Noah?
A: Work on Noah is almost completed.
Q: (A) But it's not published.
A: It won't take long. You will get help.
Q: (L) Well I am partly of the opinion that a large part of the time we school ourselves because we have a certain idea that this is right or this is wrong or the other thing and sometimes it takes more energy not to do something than to just do it with some reasonable control. Its a lot harder if you're constantly thinking don't do that, don't do that' don't do that, and then finally you just do it, get it out of your system and you don't feel bad, it's over with. Yes?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What do we want to ask now?
A: Get some sleep!

End of Session

As a result of this session, I took steps to make sure that Frank's mother - the REAL "authority" and "law" in his life - received the essential information. Two days later, the agreement - as we stipulated it - was agreed to and signed and the copyright issue was settled.


(According to the agreement, none of its details can be made public.)


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