
When Karla Turner asked me to write a foreword to her new book, TAKEN, she knew that in my own work as a documentary filmmaker, television producer and author I have been struggling to see a bigger picture behind many anomalous phenomena that affect our planet. My own investigations have included mysterious worldwide crop formations, animal mutilations, and the human abduction syndrome. I am convinced that humanity is moving from the paradigm that we are alone in the universe to a new one in which we are not alone and something out there is interacting with us, our animals, and our plant life, forcing glimpses of other realities upon us.

The true nature and purpose of the intelligence, or intelligences, remains an enigma. The eight women in this book report communications ranging from telepathic thoughts to virtual reality dreams, but there is no coherent single truth that emerges from their experiences, nor from the hundreds of others in the abduction syndrome since the 1960s. The sheer number of different messages, often contradictory, produces confusion, mistrust and a sense of manipulation, even if that manipulation inspires positively or disturbs negatively.

“Perfectly real aliens exist out there,” says one of the women in TAKEN, “and it seems one kind wants to help us and another kind wants to deceive us.”

As each voice is offered for public consideration, there are themes that repeat. One of the most prominent is genetic harvesting from earth life to create a hybrid species. TAKEN suggests the possibility that an alien intelligence has been using genetic manipulation to create evolving species on our planet over eons and that Homo sapiens sapiens might be one such genetically engineered species.


If so, we on the Petri dish might paradoxically be trying to study whatever watches and studies us. Consciousness of this Other without running from it or getting down on our knees to it could be a significant, perhaps unexpected, step in human evolution and survival.

Linda Moulton Howe

Creator and Supervising TV Producer,

UFO Report: Sightings and author of

'An Alien Harvest' and 'Glimpses of Other Realities'


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Indiana, 1954...

"They came in our house and set up equipment in the living room,” Pat said. ‘The Army men wanted to talk to me the most. Me, an eleven-year-old girl with secrets in my head. But the aliens told me I couldn’t tell because ‘there will be those who will tamper with your mind.’ And here they were, the tamperers, the Army men.”

Two female doctors set up their gear in the bedroom, where Pat was given an injection.

“It made me sleepy,” she said, “and I lay on my mom’s bed on some towels and told them my story. I even told them, ‘You’re in my mom’s room where the White, glowing ones were. You don’t belong here, but they do’.”

Puerto Rico, 1978...

Two aliens took Beth down a curved hall and through a door, into a different area. It looked like “a surgery room,” and she became afraid they were going to kill her there. A third entity, holding a black box, moved to a position behind Beth. She could not see what he did, but she felt as if her head was being opened and her brain removed, all without any sensation of pain. After she was “all put back together again,” a cold liquid was poured over her head.

When this procedure was finished, the aliens stood in front of her, and Beth realized that mentally she was different. Her thoughts about everything were changed, and she was filled with new ideas about God and the unity of all life within that supreme source.

This very spiritual moment was followed by a quite physical exam, as the aliens took samples from her skin and hair. A human-looking man with a widow’s-peak hairline entered and made a full examination of her body, including a gynecological procedure. Then he explained many things, telling her that she and other humans had been “chosen” to carry out certain “jobs” in the future.

Texas, 1992...

“The masked alien explained that her race had been doing things to humans that they should not be doing,” Amy said. “She and several groups of her race, and others, wanted to stop the ‘abuse’ of the humans by her race. They were working with certain people on Earth to stop the process. The other humans in the room were ex-pilots, military officials, and other professionals. They were all working together to stop the alien intrusions.

“She showed me the thing she had pulled out of my neck and said, ‘This is embedded deep in the spinal cord.’ The thing controlled the muscles of the body when activated. It blocked the brain and became the ‘central command’ of the body. I don’t want to remember how or why this thing functioned.”

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I - Redefinition

Like Pat, Beth, and Amy, I am an abductee. I have been forcibly taken and controlled by non-human entities. When I told my story of alien encounters in INTO THE FRINGE, I was contacted by these women and many other people with similar experiences, in need of support and assistance.

I am also a researcher of abduction reports, and from these contacts emerged a number of accounts that shed important light on the alien agenda of human interaction. This book is the result of lengthy investigations into the abduction experiences of eight women from various parts of the country. The correlation of evidence from their accounts greatly widens the parameters of the abduction scenario and points to certain aspects, previously disregarded or avoided, in need of serious exploration.

This is also a personal book, a collation of unique, intimate accounts of alien-human interactions. The people who share their experiences here are courageous representatives of the many others in this country and elsewhere whose lives partake of parallel realities. They function successfully in a world shared by everyone else, as housewives, mothers, grandmothers, artists, nurses, counselors, teachers, computer engineers, and blue-collar workers.

But in the blink of an eye - or the flash of multicolored lights strobing in the hall late at night - their normal lives can disappear, and they find themselves taken into the time and space of an alien world. It is difficult for most abduction memories to be investigated in a purely scientific manner, especially since they are often suppressed, surfacing only as vague flashbacks and dreamlike episodes. In this field there has been strong objection to anecdotal information.


But the scientific approach to the study of the UFO phenomenon as a whole has proven less than successful. In spite of half a century of many intelligent people researching the UFO and alien presence with scientific methods, reliable answers to the primary questions have not been found.


Investigations of sightings reports, landing traces, photos and video tapes, alleged implants, and related government documents have amassed a mountain of data and a number of theories-but nothing indisputably true about the nature of UFOs and their non-human occupants, their origin, or the reason for their presence here among us now.

Great gains have been made in the area of abduction therapy, providing help and support for those who are living with the phenomenon and working to resolve their emotional trauma, to keep the disruption of their everyday lives to a minimum, and to transform or assimilate these experiences in a positive way. And while is this laudable, it is not necessarily research.


Therapy’s goal is one of personal balance, but the goal of research is a larger, clearer understanding of the phenomenon. The point is not so much learning to live with abductions as it is finding out why they happen, what they mean, and whether and how the situation can be altered.

The need for reliable answers is nowhere greater than in the abduction phenomenon.

It intimately affects people of all ages and backgrounds, irrevocably altering their personal lives and their perceptions of reality, and it raises immense questions about our past, present, and future as a species. But in spite of the best scientific approaches to the question, all that ufological research has brought to most people is a realization that UFOs exist-and perhaps a few cute, harmless aliens-but no confrontation with what this means.

Science has been trying to measure a dream, it seems, using traditional ideas and practices, and it has proved elusive. The UFO phenomenon is not confined to our current scientific understanding of perceived reality. We do not yet have the technology or natural perceptive abilities to capture and assess it. That is why the scientific approach to photographic evidence, landing traces, implants, and document analyses has so little in the way of hard evidence to show for its work. Instead, its best results offer only circumstantial data, carrying very little more weight than the anecdotal data of abduction research in the scales of traditional science.

It is in the abduction phenomenon that we come most urgently face to face with the alien presence and thus have our best opportunity to observe the activity and assess its purpose or agenda. All of the UFO photos in the world tell us nothing compared to the words of those who have encountered the alien force in their lives and those of their families.

And there are many, like Pat and Amy and the others presented here. From the response to INTO THE FRINGE, it sometimes seemed that abduction experiences were becoming virtually epidemic. Yet studies by mental health professionals show that the people who make these reports are eminently sane, that the aftermath of these events is real, and that they do not spring from any mass psychosis but from experienced anomalous trauma.

I also found that many of the reports contained details very similar to certain things my family and I had experienced. Still, in every case there was always present the “unique factor” within the situations, providing highly individualized episodes for each abductee. I often wondered if these unique events, these “one-time shots,” might not prove to have some unperceived correlations, to form a pattern as yet out of focus, and give us more information than the now-recognized patterns of certain exams, baby presentations, and the like. Far from being a neat, limited phenomenon, alien interaction with humans is still very much a riddle, mystery, enigma, and more.

Abduction research has not yet produced answers, but there are certainly different theories to be had-an embarrassment of riches, really. Unfortunately, these theories rest on a very partial, highly selective use of the data, rather than dealing with the complexities of the entire, life-long and minute-by-minute, reality of the abduction scenario.

It is more than the sum of its parts. The intermittent UFO sightings, missing-time episodes, conscious encounters, and virtual-reality scenarios are like blank milestones on a journey which, for the abductee, is continuous and headed in an unknown direction.

More accurately, they are like lights that suddenly appear in the dark, which we hope will shed illumination and lead to understanding. Instead, however, these startling lights either blind us with their intensity, so that we cannot see their source, or they cast strange shadows, whose false appearances and misleading movements can easily confuse and disorient us.

No one knows this better than an abductee. Investigators who have not had personal experiences with the phenomenon can listen to abduction accounts and then ponder the possibilities.

  • Was the person lying?

  • Was it a real event, or did it occur on a mental level?

  • What parts of the recollection are real, and which are illusionary?

But the abductee understands that it may very well be both possibilities at once, both real and mental, real and illusionary. The aliens, whether by intellectual, psychic, or technological means, are able to create any perception, and therefore any illusion, for the person in their hands.

The implications are explosive. Perhaps that is why the logical conclusions of these implications are so rarely taken into account. If we credit the idea of illusionary mastery with serious validity, then we must either come up with a reliable acid test to discern illusion and actuality in abduction events, or we may have to admit that the truth behind these events is unknowable in current scientific terms. Dealing with the aliens’ deceptive abilities may be the most crucial problem facing abduction research today.

Once the illusionary capability has been demonstrated and experienced, new perceptions and insights often emerge. The witness usually has no trouble recognizing the non-human nature of the force behind the events. The manipulation of time and space by these beings, the way they play with our psychology and our perceptions, all bespeak a technology far beyond the human.


Or certainly, if any human agency did have this sort of capability, it would have plenty of applications far better than pulling hundreds of 3 a.m. raids on bedrooms around the globe every night, decade after decade, in which thousands of humans pretend to be aliens.

The abductee also learns from experience that the aliens induce an altered perceptive state in humans during every encounter. Employed for control, it can be used to prevent any undesired responses from the abductee. And the altered state prevents any objective assessment of the situation by the witness.


This means that the witness can only report what was seen, felt, and heard-which is not necessarily a reflection of what actually occurred. By inducing and manipulating altered consciousness in the abductee, the aliens assume full control of the situation and thus exert great control over the data reported by the witness.

Abductees report alien-controlled information. This is a fact abduction researchers must face. Then, perhaps, work can begin on solving this problem, on finding ways around the memory blocks and screen illusions, in order to discover the real events and the agenda behind them. Until the day we can unmask the alien illusions, however, we can at least study the entire body of reported data, controlled though it may be, trying to learn more about why certain images and events are employed and what they can tell us about the covert directors of these scenarios. Many of the people who contacted me after reading INTO THE FRINGE are looking for answers, just as I am compelled to do.

This present work is an attempt to aid in the search, making a number of representative cases available for public scrutiny and assessment. Too often, reports on abduction activity are presented entirely in second-hand form by investigators, and too often these reports are incomplete, focusing only on some parts of an event and discarding or ignoring others.

Such omissions are clearly a hindrance to research, for the censored reports cannot present a total picture of the abduction phenomenon. It must include a real feeling for what it is like to live with such events. Abductees operate in parallel realities, searching for the strength to cope with the real and the unreal at the same time because, as they have learned, one can never be sure which is which in this phenomenon.

The number of abduction reports around the country shows just how widespread the phenomenon may be, and the numbers continue to increase. Eight different abductees, all women, from various parts of the country have volunteered to share their experiences here. Born between 1943 and 1966, they live in five different states and Puerto Rico. They were unacquainted with one another at the time of their contacts with me. Their backgrounds are as varied as their occupations, and so are their ideas about the abduction phenomenon.

Like most of us who’ve had alien encounters, these women are uncertain about the nature of the events they’ve reported. They have many questions and very few answers. Four of the women have never undergone regressive hypnosis and thus are only reporting events they consciously recalled. The other four women have used hypnosis, although very minimally as will be noted in their accounts, and almost everything in their reports also comes from conscious, pre-hypnosis, recollections.


I point this out because there are some who have raised doubts and questions about the use of regressive hypnosis in abduction research. Some feel that hypnotically retrieved information is no more reliable than conscious recollections; some believe that the use of hypnosis can contaminate and damage an investigation; and some have said they believe hypnotically retrieved information is far more reliable in abduction situations than the witness’s conscious memories. The presentation here provides access to both types of data, but the majority comes from conscious recollections.

Although I believe it is extremely useful to employ regressive hypnosis in the retrieval of this information, I also think it is important to present accounts from women whose knowledge and understanding of their situations is gleaned only from the incomplete, ambiguous memories of events they have consciously retained. Their stories and their lives are much more representative of a “typical” abductee’s situation than are the accounts of those who have benefited from hypnosis, simply because most abductees have no access to this tool.

The women are not seeking notoriety, and in order to protect them from public harassment, pseudonyms have been used. But all of the details are accurate, and as bizarre as they may seem, it is important to remember that they are very real to the people involved, that in many instances there have been more than one witness to the events, as well as other corroborative evidence, and that they are highly consistent with numerous abduction reports. These women have shared their stories because they understand the gravity of the phenomenon and hope to contribute their information to its research.


They also understand the need for support which many silent abductees are experiencing. The self-doubt, isolation, even fear that result from living with alien encounters can sometimes be severe, and the need to forge bonds of mutual understanding and support is vital. These, then, are the motivations of the eight women. My own purpose is similar, which is why an update of the experiences my husband and I have witnessed is also included.

An overview of all our experiences, as well as reports of other abductees, shows a much more complex program of activity in the phenomenon than is usually acknowledged. To begin with, the abduction scenario comprises a number of different types of events. On the most immediate level are the physical abductions, in which a person is forcibly removed from the normal environment by ‘alien’ (in the most generic sense) entities, the person’s awareness is altered, and some interaction occurs.


Subsequent conscious memories of the event are usually quite incomplete. Only when the event is witnessed by more than one person, or when there are physical marks on the abductee’s body-punctures, scoops, patterns of bruises, artificial designs-does the witness usually feel safe in asserting the ‘reality’ of the encounter.

To complicate matters, many reports show that some interactions occur on a mental rather than a physical level. One type is an artificially induced virtual-reality scenario (VRS), an externally introduced event, that to the witness is practically indistinguishable from objective reality. The person may experience a situation with full sensory input and react with genuine physical and emotional responses, although in ‘reality’ the person may be lying immobile on an exam table, or sitting attached to some alien apparatus, or even asleep in bed with no outward sign of disturbance.

While the VRS may have been a matter of theory in the past, a possible explanation for some of the more “unacceptable” abduction accounts, it has now been confirmed in a three-witness, conscious event. It came to light when I was investigating the abduction experiences of Ted Rice, a psychic of excellent reputation throughout the southern states.

Ted witnessed a virtual-reality scenario when he was in Florida visiting a friend, Marie, along with another house guest, Amelia. The two women occupied twin beds in one room, and Ted slept down the hall in another. Not long after going to bed one night during his visit, he was awakened by Marie shouting for him to “come quickly!”

Heading down the hall, Ted saw a pervasive blue glow emanating from the other bedroom doorway. Entering, he found Marie pressed against the far wall, staring at the twin beds in shock.

And he saw where the blue light was coming from. Amelia lay immobile in one bed, surrounded by a huge, blue, glowing, “electrical” sphere of light. Her eyes were open, and she didn’t seem to be in any distress as she carried on a conversation with someone Ted and Marie couldn’t see. Terrified, they tried to talk to her, but they could hardly hear one another even when shouting. Amelia continued to speak within the sphere for several minutes, until the blue light suddenly disappeared, at which point she was finally free of the paralysis that had kept her in the bed.

Amelia told Ted and Marie that the experience started with the loud sound of a helicopter low over the house. When she opened her eyes she could see through the ceiling and roof, as if they’d disappeared, to where the helicopter was hovering just above the house. She described two entities in the craft, whom she said also appeared at the foot of the bed before the blue light vanished. One being was tall, with greenish skin, an egg-shaped head, and slanted eyes as the only visible facial features. The other, shorter, entity, Amelia said, was blue-black in color.

Ted and Marie had seen absolutely nothing of these creatures, nor had they heard a helicopter at any time. But they had seen the sphere of light, with brighter, darting lights shooting through it, and Amelia frozen in a slightly raised position inside it, for she had been starting to sit up when the light coalesced and paralyzed her.

Amelia’s perception of the experience was completely “real” for her. She was conscious when it began and throughout the entire event, as Ted and Marie attested. From everything her sensory input told her, Amelia had experienced an actual event with the craft and entities. Virtual reality. And the conscious and unaffected witnesses, Ted and Marie, observed objectively real effects of the mechanism which manipulated the event, verifying its external origin.


VRS technology exists and is in use, this much is clear. And unless there are outside witnesses, such as in this rare instance, the experiencer cannot personally discern between a VRS and an actual event. The virtual-reality scenario may occur while the person is conscious, as in Amelia’s case, or it may be introduced into the person’s dream state.


According to those who’ve experienced the VRS dream -and I am one of those, as will be discussed later- it is an intrusive event that suddenly interrupts a normal dream. The experiencer is aware of a total, abrupt change in consciousness and finds himself in an event altogether different from his dream.

What follows may be a perceived event, with action, location, and personnel, or it may be a communication or even a vision. At its conclusion, the experiencer normally awakens, and, finding himself in his own bed, he rationalizes the whole thing as an extraordinary dream, in spite of the event’s decidedly non-dreamlike qualities. Without physical proof of the event’s reality, or even a name for this altered perceptive experiential event, he is left to call it a dream.

In addition to the abductions and virtual-reality scenarios, abductees also report telepathic contacts from entities who are not physically or perceivably present. These contacts include messages about spiritual matters, warnings of future disasters, “teaching” sessions, displays of symbols, and information on mathematics, physics, religion, politics, and the nature of the human species.

On a secondary level, there are events that occur, not during encounters, but subsequent to them, affecting things in the abductee’s normal environment. Lights and electronic equipment malfunction; voices and unexplained sounds are heard; animals are physiologically affected; lights appear both inside and outside the house; there are odd and disturbing phone calls; and sometimes traces of a UFO’s presence or landing on the property.

And finally there are the internal changes that take place with most abductees, reshaping their attitudes, belief structures, and perceptions of reality. Thus, the externally induced, temporary, altered awareness which occurs during abductions is paralleled by a permanent, internal alteration, and the abductee’s life is forever changed.

There is much more to the abduction phenomenon than the public has been told, and this book is in part an attempt to correct that situation and expand our definition of the abduction scenario. Its primary purpose is not to offer scientific data or to convince a disbelieving audience that UFOs and aliens exist. People are coming to this awareness on their own, one by one, as the phenomenon intrudes into their lives and shatters their old reality in a way that cannot be imagined until it is experienced.

The following accounts from Pat, Polly, Lisa, Anita, Beth, Jane, Angie, and Amy show what it is like to live with this awareness far more thoroughly than any scientific analysis can hope to do. By allowing entrance into their lives, they permit others to witness the events from the inside rather than from a distance. Their experiences, while individually unique, taken together make a choir of voices expressing the range and intensity of life in the altered world of the alien abduction agenda.

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II - Pat

My investigation with Pat began when a mutual acquaintance heard her story of an unusual UFO event and suggested she contact me. A fifty-year-old divorced mother of grown children, Pat lives in Florida, but the story she related concerned an event that occurred in 1954 when she lived in Floyd’s Knob, Indiana.

Pat’s memory of this event, as in the case of so many people who have had UFO experiences, was totally suppressed after the occurrence. It all came flooding back into her consciousness in 1986 - scenes of a brilliant orange ball of light, little gray entities both inside and outside the farmhouse, and, most disturbing of all, military personnel on the property.

“I thought I must be crazy when these memories came back,” Pat said. “But they were so strong and real, I finally got in touch with my brother and sister and asked if they recalled anything similar. My sister Rose said she recalled the aliens and the military people, too. But although my brother didn’t remember the orange ball of light, he clearly remembered the military personnel and some of his interactions with them.”

Through extensive conversations, letters, and drawings from Pat and her siblings, the following extraordinary scenario emerged, raising serious questions not only about the nature of the alien abduction agenda but also about the involvement of our military with citizens who have been the target of such interactions.

The setting was a sixteen-acre farm near Floyd’s Knob, Indiana, in the summer of 1954. Eleven-year-old Pat lived there with her mother, step-father, grandmother, a nine-year-old brother and six-year-old sister. One night several family members saw a large orange ball of light appear outside the farmhouse. Pat had already gone to bed but was awakened by either her grandmother or her sister to look out the window.


In the sky she saw the orange light sitting motionless at first, then moving rapidly out of sight around the back of the house.

“I remember vaguely thinking, J will go back to bed to wait. It seems to me that I knew ‘they’ were coming,” Pat said. “I saw my mother running to the kitchen door to make sure it was locked and to see the ball come over the yard. I remember thinking, It won’t do any good to lock the door, they can come in anyway. It was as if I ‘knew’ what to expect.”

Pat suddenly felt sleepy but didn’t remember going back to bed. Her next memory was of a multicolored light slowly spinning around the room in total silence, emitting blue, purple, and violet hues. She got out of bed and went to the window where she saw a Gray floating just outside, hook at those eyes she thought. They can film us!. The gaze of the Gray seemed to penetrate her entire being, and she sensed a familiarity with him.

Do not be afraid, it communicated to Pat. You are the chosen child. We will not harm you.

Pat turned around and saw several taller white entities coming into the bedroom. As they began to float her grandmother out of the door, Pat sensed the older woman’s terror, and she, too, was feeling fearful. When the room was filled with the strange beings, a sparkling shaft of light came down through the ceiling. As it coalesced, Pat saw in the midst of the light a figure which she perceived as a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus, in a resplendent robe. He took Pat’s right hand and said, Do not be afraid, my child. These are mine, gesturing to the beings who were standing all around the room.

The Jesus figure looked at Pat and said, I am the light of the world. Then he was again surrounded by the sparkling shaft of light, which ascended back into the ceiling and took him with it.

She and her grandmother were floated out of the room by the entities. Passing by her mother’s bedroom, Pat saw a brilliant white light coming out of the room. Five of the taller Whites were around her step-father’s bed, and they seemed to be examining one of his atrophied legs, the result of polio. A glowing green bar of light, about five inches long, floated over him. Continuing on through the house and out into the yard, Pat saw a bright crystalline flying craft hovering low to the ground.


A beam of light came out of the bottom of the craft and engulfed her.

“I remember my sister’s blonde curly head next to mine as we went up inside the craft,” Pat said. “We were looking down at the ground and saw my mom and grandmother there looking up, like zombies.” She could also see that the entire yard was swarming with Grays hurrying about the area.


Although neither she nor Rose is certain of the exact sequence of events, they recalled a group of the smaller gray beings near a ditch beside the cellar door. Rose saw the beings in a line, walking across a board spanning the ditch. But Pat’s memory included a line or wall of fire in the ditch and a row of “small, gray, skinny” aliens wearing “Chinese rice-paddy hats with big brims.”

“I was on one side of the long ditch, and they were on the other. They were mentally telling me Pass through the light, it will not burn you - which I was thinking at that time, that I would get burned. The fire was not hot, and it was supposed to cleanse me. I did go through it to the other side, but I do not remember doing it or what happened after that.”

After the light transported her and Rose up into the craft, Pat recalled sitting on a table in a room with Grays present. A taller White came over with a file-type instrument and scraped skin from her inner forearm and the bottoms of her feet, clipped some of her hair, and then peeled away samples of her fingernails.

“What do you need all those pieces of me for?” she asked.

We are making a new you, the entity replied.

“Are you an angel?” Pat inquired.

Yes, the entity told her, but not like you have been taught.

Pat was taken into another room where she lay on a table, above which was a dark instrument. One of the Grays came in and pulled down a tube from this device which had a thin needle on the end. Pat became afraid, but the Gray told her, This is the part you don’t have to remember. Pat knew that the needle was about to be inserted up into her right nostril, but before it happened she passed out.

Pat recalled another event during the physical exam, being “fused” with a silver light.

“It was done from something over my body,” she said, “up high in the room. He [alien] ‘fused me’ into my head with the silver light; it will keep me from violent harm; it let me be perfect in human form for a few seconds; it was a protective light. I get the idea that when this silver light goes into my ‘other body’ I will be made into the ‘new me.’ In other words, the ‘new me’ will come to life with my soul in it.”

Pat came back to consciousness after the episode with the needle and found herself back in the first room on the table. She was crying because she couldn’t stay with the Grays. When they told her, It isn’t time yet, she asked for a souvenir as proof that the experience had really occurred: the green “healer” rock she’d seen above her step-father’s body. Although the aliens apparently gave her this device, they told her that it would not “work” properly for her, only for them.


She was also told,

"You are going to have to forget this."

“Why?” Pat asked.

"Because there are those who will tamper with your mind," the Gray replied.

Pat was returned to the house, where she saw all of her family sitting in the living room in a daze. "They looked like zombies,” Pat said. Even her step-father was propped up on the floor leaning against a sofa. She was placed in her bed and saw one of the Grays outside her window gesturing a farewell. She responded with a wave and was immediately asleep again.

The next day, there doesn’t seem to have been any discussion about the previous night’s extraordinary events. But Pat’s brother recalls that it was that day when the military personnel arrived. A white staff car, a green car, a jeep, and several white vans came onto the property carrying instruments and equipment. There was also a troop carrier with soldiers who proceeded to comb over the entire sixteen acres of the farm. The large truck was hidden in the barn, and Pat’s brother said that he had to move the animal feed to the smokehouse because the soldiers wouldn’t let him into the barn once their equipment was stored there.

“They came in our house and set up equipment in the living room,” Pat recalled. “The army men wanted to talk to me the most, me, an eleven-year-old girl with secrets in my head. But the beings told me I couldn’t tell because ‘there will be those who will tamper with your mind.’ And here they were, the tamperers, the army men.”

Everyone except her brother-who was allowed to go out in order to take care of the farm animals-was kept inside the house for the four days in which the military personnel were present. Only her brother saw what was going on outside the house. He remembers more than twenty soldiers brought in the big truck and told to man their stations on the farm. Two of the men stayed at the end of the driveway, and the others performed various duties on the grounds.

When he was allowed outside to take care of the chores, Pat’s brother remembers being questioned by a man dressed in a white lab coat, who asked about the chickens and pigs.

“Are your pigs out there?” the man asked, gesturing, and the boy nodded affirmatively.

“Have the pigs been acting funny?”

“No,” the boy said, “why?”

The man said something about the minerals in the soil making the animals act strangely. Pat’s brother said he felt comfortable with this man and wasn’t afraid to answer his questions or to ask some of his own. He even asked if the man wanted some fresh mint, a favorite treat, from a patch near the cellar.

But the man refused.

“They’re taking samples there and we’ll be in the way,” he explained. “When they’re done, we’ll go get some.”

Pat said she was “mad” about being restricted.

“I felt scared like they would take away my family and put me somewhere like in a jail or something. But I also felt protected by the being who was my friend. I was calling him a little boy then, but I knew the being wasn’t a real little boy.”

Two female doctors set up their gear in the parents’ bedroom, where Pat was given an injection. “It made me sleepy,” she said, “and I lay on my mom’s bed on some towels and told them my story. I even told them,

"You’re in my mom’s room where the white glowing ones were. You don’t belong here, but they do’.”

I asked Pat to start back at the beginning and tell me everything she could remember about this event. She put herself back into an eleven-year-old frame of mind and began to relive the situation.

“I see this man dressed up in a uniform of some kind, a full-dress uniform, but it is brown,” she said. “He has on a coat jacket and pants that match and what I call a captain’s hat. He is talking to my mother and grandmother, holding a file envelope in his hands. He has thick silver-gray hair. There is another man in a dress uniform, and he took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. His name is Mr. Donaldson. He’s an army man, too,” she explained, “but the other people are setting up a ‘three-TV-screen’ thing in our living room. It’s a little taller than I was.”

Mr. Donaldson then opened out “arms” on the machine and told Pat that the device looked like a robot.

“See, Pat,” he said, “if we open the panels out, they look like arms, so maybe you saw a robot like this?”

“No,” Pat told him adamantly, “I didn’t see a robot. I saw a real little boy.”

She recalled the “lady doctors” clearly.

“One lady had on a white coat,” she described.


“One was named Dr. Susan, and she had on a light orange coat. Dr. Susan seemed to have brown-blonde hair with bangs over her forehead, and the rest of her hair was pulled back away from her face.


She had what looked like stuff from a dentist’s office set up in my mom’s room. It had instruments of some kind on it, but it is not clear what they were. The really clear picture is of the shot thing. It was wrapped in cellophane or plastic, and there was this little hose that went with it. Both the shot thing and the hose were in the same clear plastic bag. Dr. Susan began to open the shot bag, and I got scared and asked her if I had to get a shot with that thing.”

Dr. Susan then directed Pat to Mr. Donaldson, who was in the living room, speaking angrily to some men dressed in what she described as “white moon suits” holding “white metal boxes without handles.”


He was saying, “I told you to use the ones with the handles.”

Pat said the shot made her feel “dreamy” and willing to talk about her “secret” memories.” She was upset that Mr. Donaldson didn’t believe her.

“I always told the truth,” Pat said, “because my mom hated a liar, so in my wide-eyed innocence I told the army men about my visit with the beings. And I cried when they told me I didn’t see what I thought I saw. They treated me like I was lying about it. After I cried, I guess Mr. Donaldson felt sorry for me because everyone started being ‘sugar’ nice. But I didn’t like that at all because I knew it was fake. Why did they say I didn’t see the little boy? Why did such a wonderful thing as this visit get everyone so upset and mad? And why did I have to get a shot?”

Someone asked about the glowing white beings and Pat said they were angels.

“How do you know they are angels?” her interrogator asked.

“Because they told me so,” Pat replied.

“And what else did they tell you, Pat? Did they tell you anything else?”

“Yes,” Pat answered, “they told me a lot of things, but I can’t remember now. Someday I will remember, but not now.”

“Why can’t you remember now?” she was asked.

“Because ,” Pat replied, “they said it’s not time to remember, and besides, you were coming here, and I can’t tell you because it’s a special thing. When I’m a lot older I’ll remember what they said and what’s going to happen.”

“Did they tell you what’s going to happen?”

“Yes, they did, they told me about the ‘bad time on earth.’ I’m not supposed to tell about that. I can’t remember now. Well,” she admitted, “some of it I remember, like the crystalline ship they were in. It was full of lights, and I called it the crystalline ship because it wasn’t metal like a plane. The lights made everything work by itself, and they move things without touching them, and even me, they moved me without touching me. They moved me up and down, and they are full of love, and they protected me with a silver light in me, and I love them.”

One of the army men then asked her to describe the little boy’s hair and clothes. Pat said she felt as if the army man was dumb, asking such a question. “Don’t you know,” she told him, “that the beings don’t have hair and they don’t wear clothes? The little boy has real big, slanty eyes that can film everything inside me, in my head and my soul. He talks to me in my head and doesn’t use his mouth because he only has a line there.


He’s really skinny, but he doesn’t have to eat because he’s an angel.

“I thought angels had wings, and I laughed because he laughed with his eyes because he knew what I was thinking about the wings. I got kind of scared because I knew he was really an angel then. He knew what I thought, and only angels can tell what you think all the time, except so can Jesus. So I thought in my head, Do you know Jesus? and the beings and I filled up with a ‘love’ feeling that kind of made me cry and ‘know’ something special. And the being said, Yes in my head. I said, Are you like the angels? And the being said, Yes, but not as you have been taught. I wanted to stay with them and go back with them.”

“Pat, stop for a minute,” the interrogator interrupted, “and let us ask you a question. You said you wanted to go back with them? Where did you want to go back to?”

“I can’t tell you that,” Pat replied, “I’m not supposed to tell that part. But the angel said when it was time to go they would come back, they promised me. I made them promise me. I made them promise not to forget me and I begged them to take me, but he said it wasn’t time yet. I begged and cried and felt real sad. Mr. Donaldson asked me why I was crying, and I told him, ‘Because you’re making me cry and you’re making me tell, and I’m not supposed to tell, and you think I’m lying, but I’m not.”

“Okay, stop crying, Pat,” Mr. Donaldson told her. “Calm down and listen to my voice. I don’t think you’re lying, and we won’t ask you any more questions if you tell us about your souvenirs. Where are they, Pat? Do you have souvenirs?”

Pat began to feel very stressful and mistrustful of the army men. She tried not to say anything more, but Mr. Donaldson kept badgering her,

“Where are your souvenirs?”

“I cried,” Pat said, “and told him they were mine and why did he want them? I said they were in my cigar box under my bed. I wouldn’t give them the box, but my sister went and got it for them.”

When they took the cigar box, which contained Pat’s “green healer rock,” it was put into one of the metal boxes by the men dressed in the white protective suits.

“I saw my grandmother sitting on my bed with the little kids, and she was crying,” Pat recalled. “I asked her if the army men were going to hurt the little boy.”

“Oh, Patty,” the grandmother said, “there is no little boy.”

“I told her there was, too, because I sat with him and did things. She just cried some more. And then Mr. Donaldson showed me the triple-TV thing and tried to convince me that I had seen something like it, a robot, and not a little boy. I got real mad and told him, ‘I saw a real little boy and not a robot.”

“Well, Pat,” he said then, maybe you just had a dream about the little boy. Was he in your dream?”

“I didn’t dream him,” Pat insisted, “he was real.”

“Pat,” the man continued, “it was a dream, a kind of dream that just seems real. You did not see a real little boy because there are no such things.”

“Yes, I did,” Pat said, “and he came in the orange ball and looked in my window and filmed me with his eyes.”

“Did the dream frighten you?” Mr. Donaldson asked.

“It wasn’t a dream,” Pat said stubbornly, “and I was only scared a little bit because he looked so different from me, because he was skinny and gray, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.”

Pat remembered almost nothing else after the interrogation, although the military people were present for several days.

“After the army men left,” she recalled, “my whole family seemed sad, kind of in a daze, and I had no memory of anything after that. We moved to town before my twelfth birthday in August 1955.”

It wasn’t until 1986 that the memories of the aliens and the military came back. Pat does not want any personal publicity because of these events, but she has asked me to include the actual location and date of this event-Floyd’s Knob, Indiana, in 1954 - in the hope that there may be readers from that area who remember seeing the military vehicles that came into the town and who can thus provide some outside verification of the things she and her brother and sister have recalled.

I asked if any other unusual events had occurred since then, knowing from my research that most abductees have reported multiple experiences in their lives. Pat, it turns out, was no exception.

In the fall of 1962, making a trip to Kentucky with a friend, Pat got lost for a while before spotting a sign for Ft. Knox. Laughing about the confusion, they retraced the route in search of their destination. But instead, they ended up in a deserted train yard, sitting in the car with the engine off. Pat said they felt as if they’d just “come out” of some unremembered experience, with no idea why the car was stopped. They never found their destination and finally gave up, returning home at dark.

But later in a dream Pat recalled being out of the car with her friend beside her. She saw a ripple of golden light like an “elevator” moving up at an angle and “angels” on each side. She said they were “respectful” of a blond man who seemed to her like Jesus. Her friend was screaming hysterically, “They want you!”

Pat replied, “Don’t be afraid, it’s okay.” She went up to the blond man who was surrounded by a beautiful light. He talked to her about becoming a mother and about a “seed of life.” He said he had the power of all seed in his hand. At the end of the experience, he held out his hand to her and showed her a seed, telling her it was for her benefit and to have no fear.

A few months later, Pat, who was now pregnant, moved to Florida. She remembers telling her husband that the baby would be a boy, but that it wouldn’t be viable.


“I’m going to have it but not keep it,” she told him, unable to explain how she knew this. For the next several months she and her two children lived in a garage apartment. One night, Pat came to consciousness just as she was walking into the apartment as if she had been outside, although she didn’t recall being there. She felt an odd, pleasant vibratory sensation and remembered thinking, "They came and got me."

Nothing more seems to have happened at this time, and Pat continued to have her prenatal checkups which showed that everything was progressing fine with the baby. But then in the eighth month, the doctor could not find a fetal heartbeat. And when she delivered at full-term in May, the baby boy was stillborn. The foreknowledge proved true.

Later that same year, Pat remembers finding herself in a quiet room, surrounded by Grays and waiting for something. The Gray she thought of as her “friend” appeared in the doorway, showing her a baby. He told her that she had a choice to see the baby.

“No,” Pat replied, “it’s okay, it’s fine. You’ll take better care of it than I could.”

But in that brief glimpse, she saw a tiny, skinny baby with blue, slanted eyes. She felt that somehow this baby was a repository for the soul of the child who had died at birth, and she said she felt trusting and thankful toward her friend for showing her that the little boy had, in a sense, survived.

Of the memories which have surfaced in the past several years, none raises more questions than the “cocoon people.”

“I can’t remember when the actual event might have occurred,” Pat told me. “All I recall is being in a large room with soft white lighting, and one of the Grays was there. I vaguely recall seeing a human male there, but not what he was doing.”

Part of the large room was filled with what looked to be sarcophagus-like boxes, and in these boxes were human forms.

“They were alive,” Pat recalled, “but not animated. There was white misty stuff all over them, and I knew the misty stuff kept them alive. I knew they were waiting to come to life in the future.”

The being asked Pat, Do you want to see yours?

Pat said,

“Yes,” and was shown a human female body in one of the containers. “Don’t ask how I knew it was female,” she continued, “I just felt it. I saw a little bit of human face through the mist, like a nose mouth, eyes, definitely human. I knew this was connected with the 1954 visit, because I remembered they told me they were making a ‘new me.’ I felt this cocoon was the new me. I felt that they are waiting for the resurrection,” she said, “or reanimation, and we will all be able to see and talk with them here on earth. If I were to die now, I believe that my ‘other body’ will house my soul when Jesus says it is time, and I, too, will come back. If I live through all the destruction (to come) into the new world, I will still need my other body, as this one I have will die anyway.”

In her mid-forties, Pat had another experience with the beings, and this time she recalled being in a room lit with a golden glow. She was taken to a desk-sized device in the top of which were circular openings. In each opening was a different colored vibrating light, and she was told to put her hands in the lights. As she did, she heard the most beautiful sounds she had ever heard. Each light made a different sound.

That is the sound of your soul, the Gray told her.

Pat understood that this had something to do with the inanimate human bodies she had been shown, bodies which didn’t have a “soul power” activating them.

In 1987, Pat had another possible experience - much more typical of the usual abduction reports - which included her young grandson.

“Was this a dream?” she mused when relating it to me. “I have no proof. I was in my daughter’s house, and it was nighttime. I seemed to be floating to my grandson’s room. I took his hand, and we floated together, upright, about six inches off the floor. We floated out the front door, out to the driveway, and stopped while the gate swung open to the road. There were about ten or fifteen beings across the road in the woods. They all rose up out of the woods at the same time. I could hear my grandson think, Mamaw, can I play with those kids?

“I thought back to him, No, honey, these are special kids, they don’t play like regular kids. We floated down the road to the cul-de-sac. There in the dead-end circle was a ship with red ‘blips’ that went around it, a saucer. There was a ‘door’ with light. We floated up a ramp, and I saw my ‘being friend’ and then I don’t remember any more. Anyway, my grandson and I went together on this trip. Or I’d rather call it a dream-I’m not sure.”

Pat had a number of intensely affecting experiences that occurred while she was in a meditative or dream state, and so she has been unable to feel confident that they were “real.” In some of these dream-events she has seen a variety of flying craft; she has had apparent out-of-body experiences; and she has received telepathic communications.

One such event in October 1992 seemed related to some of her previous experiences.

“I dreamed someone was talking to me mentally,” she said, “telling me things. I couldn’t grasp the exact words, but I heard one sentence like this: The destruction comes in four quariens. ‘Quarien’ is not a word we know, but I took it to mean four parts of some kind. Then I saw what I call a graph. I felt as though I was getting a gentle warning of the ‘bad time on earth’ like it is very near to happening now.”

Such warnings had not only been given to Pat at various times in her life, but they have been part of many abductees’ experiences and are indeed one of the most commonly reported events in this phenomenon.

So are unexplained physical marks on abductees’ bodies, and here again Pat fits the pattern. In the summer of 1993, Pat discovered an unusual design on her inner wrist, a circle of six dots with a seventh dot in the center. This design, incidentally, was reported in a handful of cases in 1991 and 1992, and it may not be a coincidence that these cases have mostly come from Florida, where Pat lives.

A couple of months after the design appeared, Pat had an experience relating to this circular pattern.

“I had a dream August 7, in the middle of the afternoon,” she explained. “It was one of those ‘naps’ that [makes you] ‘hit the bed and you’re out like a light.'"

There were voices in my dream that sounded like soft whispers, and I began to listen more closely.

"There was something said about ‘being innocent like a child,’ and this feeling flooded my whole body and soul. It felt like being in the state of pure innocence without knowing anything about fear, hate, prejudice...a pure, wonderful state of being in love, secure, protected, and ‘without sin’ as we call it. I saw a scene from my childhood of the town I lived in. It looked like it did way back then. I saw myself, about eleven years old.


My feeling in the dream was of great ‘Then a voice said to me, Get up, child, and look to the Nebulous. It can take you there. And in my dream I got up and unlocked my back door and looked up in a daytime sky and saw a most beautiful circle of lights with one light in the middle, spinning around like marquee lights on a movie house, all spinning in golden color. It was beautiful, and the voice said I could not go now, because in that dream I was pleading to go to the Nebulous now.


When he said I couldn’t go now, I begged him to let me see it when I was in my conscious mind. He said he would, but I haven’t seen it yet. It was like a wondrous thing for another time in my life. But my overall feeling was that I would have died to go to this Nebulous.

“I woke up very groggy, like I was on drugs, and hurried to write it down before I could forget. The nebulous design was the same as the design on my wrist.”

Pat felt she understood what “Nebulous” meant, associating it with the lighted circular object she first saw. But “nebulous” is an adjective rather than a noun-“ nebula” is the proper form-and thus there is no specific definition for reference other than “cloudy,” “lacking form,” and “unidentified,” according to the dictionary.

Exactly two months later, on October 7, Pat received a related communication while in a conscious state of mind, explaining the “Nebulous.” A voice said, The Nebulous is a code; the code has been broken. Pat saw a whole Nebulous followed by a broken one.

“I could see a jellylike stuff that connected the dots,” she described. “I knew that the Nebulous was then something that was in our bodies when we were created. When we were created, we were supposed to have a perfect Nebulous. This gave us personal contact with our Creator. When the Nebulous was broken, by disobedience, we no longer had personal contact with the Creator. We had to adapt to living on our own, thus losing our innocence and pure state of being in human form.”

This image reinforces Pat’s altered understanding of God and a spiritual plan. Overall, her experiences with the alien entities have, to the best of her conscious recollection, felt very positive. With a strong religious faith, she has accepted them as angels.

“In my abductions,” she has said, “I have never gotten a feeling of evil. In fact, I felt most protected while in the presence of the beings. Some people may say that the beings have the power to control what you feel and think at the time of the abduction, which they most certainly do. But I am hanging on to the childlike faith that Jesus tried to teach us and believe that what I felt was true and good. Why would an all-loving God allow little children to be abducted if the beings were evil and meant to do us harm? I don’t believe God would allow it. Even so,” Pat conceded, “there are things which the beings do that seem wrong to us and seem violent.”

There has been one very disturbing experience, however, which occurred on July 24, 1993. It involved not only an alien entity but also what clearly appeared to be two human men and a human environment. In the early morning hours, Pat awoke in a very groggy condition, feeling as if she’d been drugged, and hearing a strange noise very near her, making staccato psss, pssss, psss, psss sounds.

Then she remembered. Two men had come into her bedroom, carried her outside and into a waiting vehicle, a large “military-type” truck. She was in a drugged state, merging in and out of consciousness as the truck took off and rode smoothly for forty-five minutes to an hour. In her brief lucid moments, Pat heard the men engaged in low conversation that she couldn’t understand. She tried to speak up, but her tongue was thick and unwieldy. When the truck turned left onto a rough surface, Pat came awake again and in the dark night caught only a glimpse of the countryside out of the large, square front windshield.

The truck slowed down and finally stopped with the engine running. Through the window Pat saw they were parked next to a large mound or hillside. Incredibly, she saw a large doorway open outward, and the truck pulled inside, into the hill. The interior was very dimly lit, but as the vehicle stopped inside, Pat saw a strange being standing as if waiting for their arrival. The being was no more than three feet tall, dressed in a black hooded cape.

Looking at the being groggily, Pat thought, What is an oriental girl doing here?

And immediately a telepathic message came back from the being, / know you don’t like me.

No, Pat thought, no, I don’t. I don’t want to do this again. But they can’t break me, because they couldn’t do it before.

When the truck parked and she was assisted out, stepping a long way down from the high passenger compartment, Pat saw that the area was crowded and “dirty” feeling, with boxes and “junk” stacked along one wall. In the middle of the large room was a stainless steel table, more human-looking than the tables she remembered from alien encounters, and she felt very uneasy.

“They wanted me to get on it,” she said, “but I didn’t want to. Not that table.”

But she did get on it, although she didn’t remember much about what may have happened. The “oriental girl” hovered around her, moving close and poking at her with some object Pat couldn’t see. But she did see the entity’s face close to hers, its skin a greenish-gray color. When the creature’s eyes blinked and its lids met in the middle, Pat said the effect was repugnant, reminding her of a lizard.

Her next recollection was of getting down from the table and trying to see what the “oriental girl” was doing to her. The entity kept moving around Pat, much to her irritation, making an erratic psss, pssss, psss sound. Trying to support herself by holding to the table, she moved away from the entity, but it continued to poke at her. Pat was more alert but still unsteady, and as she circled the table she stubbed her toe painfully against it. Looking down at her foot, she noticed in surprise that the floor was covered with sawdust. God, she thought, this isn’t even a real floor!

With a bit more awareness, Pat avoided the being as much as she could, feeling that whatever it was doing was a sort of “torment.” Suddenly she blacked out, and when she came back to consciousness, in her bed, the psss, pssss was audible there beside her briefly.

Two days later, Pat noticed a slight bruise on her wrist, with a red dot or puncture inside it. And she also saw that one of her toenails was badly chipped, almost into the quick, as if it had forcefully struck something hard.

“I didn’t like that situation at all,” Pat told me, “and I knew that it wasn’t the first time I had seen that ‘oriental girl.’ I’ve been on that table before, too,” she added, remembering how uneasy it made her feel.

She knew that the greenish-skinned, lizard-eyed being was not human, even though the men, the truck, the travel, and the underground facility all certainly seemed to be.

“What kind of aliens,” she wondered, “are involved with the government or military?”

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