III - Polly

Polly first contacted me in late 1992, before she even finished reading INTO THE FRINGE.

“I am on page 176,”’ her letter said, “and I had to stop to write you.”

A passage discussing alien interest in human sexuality had struck a chord that resonated with some of her possible experiences. In the small town where she lived, Polly said, she couldn’t find a good support system because the only UFO study group in the area had no women. She asked if I could put her in touch with other female abductees “for mutually beneficial correspondence.”


What she needed to discuss was too intimate for sharing with anyone other than another woman with similar experiences.

“I have been involved with the UFO phenomenon apparently all my life, and my children also are or have been involved,” she wrote. “My father also has had experiences, but he is very careful whom he talks to about them, as he is respected as a technical person and is active still in [a military organization].”

Polly explained that she needed “a woman abductee buddy” because of the sexual nature of some of the events she had endured. “I have all my life been seriously traumatized, with the symptoms of a victim of long-term incest,” she wrote, noting that her obsession with “fantasies of strange sexual abuse involving [unfamiliar] intrusive instruments” began when she was four years old.

And its consequences had deeply affected her adult life.

“You stopped me short with your discussion of alien-instigated sexual obsessions,” she continued. “I have since my teen years found myself every few years in a totally irrational sexually obsessive relationship, characterized by some intelligence talking to me in my mind, directing my actions, and apparently setting up bizarre coincidences to stage interactions.”

For the most part, Polly noted, her personal relationships had not been obsessive. But having learned from experience that she could be externally manipulated in her sexual activities, she no longer sought out such involvements.

“I now simply stay out of all relationships of a sexual nature,” she told me. “The sexual and ‘psychic’ energy in [the last relationship] was intense to the point of being ridiculous, totally ‘directed’ and involved frequent telepathy and transference of feelings. I am in counseling for childhood incest, but there is only so far I can go with it, because I don’t have a human incest background.”

Polly’s letter listed several UFO sightings and alien-encounter incidents in her family’s experiences, and most of the details were familiar from my research with other abductees.


The list included,

“interactions with ‘Elves’; a creature that seemed to slosh through physical objects as if they were water; the usual zigzagging lights; lights that appeared outside my window every night at about the same time and watched me for several hours; maddening poltergeist activity; and many, many vivid ‘abduction’ dreams.”


“I make no claim for them,” Polly wrote, “but I know how they felt, a sense since young childhood that something was in my head to keep track of me, a squealing sound sort of in my head which seems associated with contact, and bedroom visitors which my dog, my son, and I all saw.”

Polly had merely listed these events, but as a researcher I was interested in the details.

I was also interested in the person who was trying to cope with this phenomenon. Replying to her letter, I asked for more information about her experiences and offered to be a good listener, both as an abductee and a woman. Although I had no recollection of any sexually oriented encounters myself, I had learned much from others who had been through such events.


And my husband Casey, whose full account is related in INTO THE FRINGE, had himself experienced a sexual scenario with what appeared to be a hybrid alien female when he was a very young teen. Such events, I knew, were real in terms of their sensations and aftereffects, and any understanding of these scenarios would shed important light on the overall abduction agenda.

I explained these two concerns when I answered Polly’s letter, and she agreed to share her information with me as part of my ongoing research. Through letters, phone calls, and taped discussions, I learned much about Polly and the things she and her children had experienced. A tall, fair, striking woman in her mid-forties, Polly’s ethnic background is European, primarily Celtic, and Scandinavian. She is an excellent artist, but much of the time in supporting her family she has worked at rather physical jobs. Polly was born in 1946 in New Jersey and grew up in the Southeast. Widowed, she now lives with her children in the Adirondacks.

In addition to the various UFO sightings they had witnessed in this area, it soon became clear that her youngest son, Sam, was also having current alien encounters. In his taped communications and the drawings and reports to Polly which were shared with me, Sam showed unusual maturity and insight for an eleven-year-old.

Everything they told me came strictly from their conscious recollections which, concerning any given event, were very incomplete. Polly relegated some of her experiences to the “vivid dream” category, a common response of many abductees. The statement, “I make no claim for them,” meant that she could not objectively verify these events as part of our “usual” reality.

Some of them are similar to the virtual-reality scenario (VRS) dream discussed earlier, and some seem to have been simply the surfacing memories of actual events. Nonetheless, to Polly they were “experienced” events, and if they occurred strictly within a mental or psychic framework they still gave her every semblance of reality. The nature of that “reality” was often ambiguous, however, but there were some experiences she had verified as “real” because they had been multiply witnessed or perceived while she knew herself to be in a conscious state of mind.

These began very early in Polly’s childhood.

“When I was four years old,” she told me, “I saw the skinny being who appeared in silhouette against my window shade. It was night, but a bright light, perhaps orangish in color, shone from the other side of the shade. The room was dark except for the illumination outside the shaded window. The being turned to approach me. When I get to this point in the memory, I start shaking my head and saying, ‘No, no’ and then the memory stops. I tell myself if the memory comes over me again, I will get beyond this point and find out what happens next, but I never do.”

This was also the age, probably not coincidentally, at which she began having the sexual fantasies of “intrusive unfamiliar instruments” used on her. Additionally she reported,

“About age four, I had a sense of something having been put behind my left ear.”

The next event possibly related to alien activity occurred around the age of fourteen:

the onset of an obsession with understanding “the workings of the universe.”

She explained,

“It was like I awakened to a sense of cosmic mission and to an apocalyptic sort of sense of human destiny. I felt I must understand the universe. It became a constant undercurrent of striving which persists even now.”

Given the reports of other abductees, some of which will be presented later, it was interesting that she related this “job and task on earth” to “Armageddon.”

When she was in her late twenties, living in a different location, the next event took place.

“Outside the cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains,” she said, “very loud stomping, like several men in work boots, suddenly began on our front porch after no sound of approach. We saw shadowy figures accompanying the very loud stomping. But I don’t remember it stopping. I recollect we went to sleep in the midst of all this commotion, which of course makes no sense if we were lying only a few yards from prowlers. We awoke in the morning, remembered the stomping and shadowy figures, and went outside to hunt for footprints but found none.”

In early 1987, however, Polly had a conscious look at her mysterious intruders. While sick in bed, she said,

“I had a couple of bedroom visitations by two black-robed figures. They had large slanted, glowing, lemon-yellow eyes with no pupils, just like lights. The black-robed figures were about four feet tall. They were identical except that one was a little lighter, like charcoal gray instead of black. When they moved they did everything simultaneously to each other. They glided through my son’s toy box when they left-the lower parts of their robes just went right through it.”

Polly noted that this event occurred before she had ever seen the cover of Whitley Strieber’s COMMUNION or any other representation of the typical Gray alien figures.

“Someone asked me if I had asked the figures what they wanted. My response was NO! I didn’t want to give them any openers! My feeling was that they had come to take me permanently, and I devoted all my energy to rebuking them.”

An extremely unusual series of events commenced in late 1987.

“The whole thing started with a dream,” Polly explained. “I dreamed I was flying over the Atlantic toward the Mediterranean. A white plane with red markings shaped like a small Concorde was approaching me from the opposite direction, the east.

“Shortly after this dream,” Polly continued, “I noticed that I was having conversations in my head in French. This was most apt to happen around 4 p.m. My communicator identified himself as a professor in a Russian university. I had a sense of it being near Kiev. At night he would privately beam out psychic messages toward the West in an effort to expose a situation of psychic warfare which he claimed was being waged between political powers worldwide, and in an effort to help bring about peace between the then-USSR and the West.

“One thing I remember him saying very strongly was maintenant c’est la guerre, maintenant c’est la guerre, and he emphasized maintenant, telling me that psychic warfare was now being waged, directed to influence people in high positions and others who could serve the purposes of the perpetrators-perhaps obscure people who could nevertheless influence events and public opinion.”

Her last contact with Evec was in December 1987 as she drove her son, through a snowstorm, to another town. The driving conditions took all her concentration, so she was startled when the French communication began.

“Evec was saying that he wanted me to join with him in prayer for world peace. So I tried praying in French, and that was a total disaster. I don’t remember whose idea it was, but we decided to pray in Latin, and that went much better. I was saying things from the Mass in Latin, clearly seeing the snowy surroundings and driving competently, but just as clearly I began to see, like in some sort of parallel vision, the inside of a (probably Russian Orthodox) cathedral.


There was a priest in a dark red robe with some kind of tall, funny hat. The interior was not ornate, but the ceiling was high and there was a lot of rich, polished wood. There was a choir consisting of both men and women.

“I wish I had had a tape recorder in my head. The choir was singing the most magnificent mass I had ever heard. I could clearly distinguish that it was sometimes in eight-part harmony. It was all in Latin, and it was definitely not any mass that I have sung or heard.

This went on for a long time, the whole rest of the ride. I don’t recollect it ending, but we did arrive at our destination. This was the last time I ever heard from Evec. I had the feeling we had accomplished all we could together. He had not been seek

These two events in 1987, Polly’s visitations by the black-robed beings and the recurrent telepathic conversations with Evec, marked the onset of what would prove to be frequent UFO and alien-related activities in her family’s lives. It seemed to focus on Polly and her youngest child, Sam.

A few months after Evec’s last communication, Sam had an encounter that paralleled Polly’s experience with the black-robed beings. At age six, he saw “black figures flying about the room.” Although they were similar to the beings Polly had witnessed, Sam described these characters as “smoke-like” with red eyes. They told him, Come with us, we’ll take you to a better place.

But Sam wasn’t convinced of their good intentions, and even though he was quite young he refused the offer. “No way,” he replied, “I’m not going anywhere with you guys!”

After this incident both he and Polly had a number of experiences involving UFO sightings, mainly witnessed from a nearby hill, and a series of the “vivid dream” events that indicated repeated alien encounters.

“We’ve seen many UFOs with colored lights around them or shooting out from them,” she said, reporting that it was “common to see white central lights flash amber, red, and blue.”

This was also the onset of several experiences with what Polly and her family referred to as the “Elves.” These beings, she said, “would squeak-talk very loud at night” and were extremely frightening to another of her children who also witnessed some of this activity during the most intense period of activity in 1989 and 1990.

Around this same time, in September 1989, Polly’s family also had an experience with a different sort of creature. They perceived it as “sloshing” through solid matter, moving “through physical objects as if they were water.”


In spite of no clear confrontation with this being, Polly felt that it was,

“reptilian, huge and loud,” making “crashing sounds in the woods like some very large two-legged creature lumbering through the woods in a very wet area. This sound had no approach and no departure,” she said, “but there was the definite sense that the perpetrator of all this noise was approaching us. This occurred on a night which included a lot of UFO activity. We witnessed UFOs apparently pursued by fighter-reconnaissance at the air base.”

Polly, Sam, and others in her family have had a number of UFO sightings, not only from the hill but also from other parts of the area. In June 1993, for instance, while Sam was traveling in a car driven by a family friend, he watched three UFOs cavort in the sky.

“Sam saw three bright UFOs,” Polly related. “A bright light suddenly appeared high above and a little ahead of them. It moved quickly downward, then disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. Then a second appeared suddenly with no gradual approach, to the left of where the first one had, then zoomed across the sky to the right and disappeared.”

Shortly after this, the car turned onto another street, and Sam watched a third light appear suddenly. It flew a short distance and then went out of sight.

Within a matter of a few weeks, Sam had another sighting, this time of three UFOs together. And the following month, after yet another impressive sighting, Sam wrote me himself about what he’d seen on the night of August 19.

“Last night was awesome for UFOs,” his account began. “I saw one triangle-shaped one which made a whooshing sound for a long time. It looked like it might have been similar to the triangular one sighted in Belgium in 1988 or 1989. We saw it on TV. The one I saw was flying low....I had heard a whooshing noise first.”

Another impressive sighting occurred on August 30, in the same area of the previous sighting. Sam said that this one was a large diamond or triangular shape with blinking lights on the front and rear.

“It looked to be really high,” he said, “but I could still see it good. I could see solid matter inside the light pattern” as the UFO arced across the sky.

Alien contacts continued to occur, usually recalled the morning after the event as both dream-like and yet real.

“Sam told me of an abduction dream which he found frightening,” Polly wrote in December 1992, “and this is unusual for him, as he is the only one of my children who seems to seek them and even to miss them. It included some interesting disclaimers to usual UFO accounts, such as ‘there was gravity, I was not floating.’


He said the interior was about ten feet by ten feet, rounded on the outside, but he felt inside there were some corners. He said it was ‘spinning and wobbling’ and throwing him around. He was frightened and recollected not wanting to enter the craft. He also recollected being able to see out a window of the craft part of the time and could see stars. He said he felt it was ‘a blessing’ that he was able, briefly, to see out.”

Sam also said he sensed having had contact at some point with “bad aliens who are red, not gray,” tacitly identifying the ones he had otherwise remembered as Grays, the same sort of figure so many other abductees have reported.


Even more disturbing for Sam, however, was a dream he reported to Polly on the night of March 3, 1993.

“Sam just took me aside,” Polly wrote, “to tell me about a dream he had last night. He said, ‘Can I talk to you in private? It’s personal.’ He has a partial memory of this dream, or else the dream itself was a fragment. He was with some people approaching the entrance to a UFO. He went through an entry way which led to a place that was all white, but he commented, ‘You know how scientists say dogs are colorblind to our colors? I felt like maybe I was colorblind to their (ETs) colors and it wasn’t really all white.’

“He said he was in a line with other people and the person in front of him was older than he. This young man proceeded into the craft and approached a long, white tube. He put his penis into the tube. After a little while he apparently withdrew it and left by some way other than the entrance. Sam was next. He did the same thing with the tube as the man before him had done, but his memory ends at this point. He felt this had something to do with the aliens wanting sperm. He said there was no sound and he did not see any aliens. He kept asking me for reassurance, saying, ‘That was just a dream, right, Mom?’

“He does not read adult level books and I had never mentioned the sexual intrusions to him. It seems that just in the past year his experiences have become less agreeable to him. Previously he was the one of my children who seemed to feel a need and desire for ‘them.’ That is not completely gone, but certainly some intrusive elements have been introduced. Damn it, Karla, something is sexually molesting my eleven-year-old boy!”

After pondering on the situation a while, Polly commented,

“I think the motive is not sperm gathering, but control. What affects the depths of the human psyche more than issues related to our sexuality? It is a perhaps unadmirable fact that sexual identity is probably the deepest, most primitive, most powerful identity concept that a human being has. Violate sexual identity in a situation where the human is made to believe that he/she is totally powerless, and you have gained a measure of control probably unattainable by any other single act.”

Like Polly, I was concerned about Sam’s discomfort with this scenario, and its implications. I was also fascinated by his statement that he had not seen any aliens in the experience. Later, Sam expanded this thought on a taped conversation he and Polly sent me.

“In UFO dreams,” he said, “after I’ve done what they make me do, they don’t let me see them. It’s like they make me want to do it, even though I don’t want to. I see maybe them disguised as humans, or humans hypnotizing me. I’m not sure if they’re humans.”

Polly also had a number of abduction or UFO dream-events which felt extremely real to her and sometimes included human-looking figures. Many of the details, some of which will be described below, are amazingly similar to cases I’ve investigated and which other researchers and abductees have consistently reported. She also occasionally found typical marks on her body, although without any memory of getting them, including “IV-type bruises” on the bend of her arm and “bruises in a triangular pattern” on her upper arm.

Polly’s abduction dreams became so frequent and realistic in their details as well as in their effects upon her that in 1991 she began keeping a journal of the dreams and of actual UFO sightings, from which the following excerpts are taken.

“August 31, 1991. I was with a group of people in a light colored room, and aliens were testing us for AIDS. I was found to have some strain of it, but they seemed to be communicating to me that it would not kill me or even seriously harm me. I don’t know if this was because of something they did. Others had it as well-many of us were in the same situation. I think communication was telepathic.

“One thing that has characterized my UFO dreams has been an intense feeling of Wow, this is really This is the real thing!. This is really happening. Typically I am out of doors and I see a UFO or UFOs in the sky. They land or one hovers above me. When I felt the dizzying sense of spiraling upward [in a previous event she had described], that one was different because I was conscious of being in my bed and being spun and sucked upward into a UFO. I think my mind was sucked out of my body.”

Questioning the ‘reality’ of this dream about AIDS, Polly noted that she had in fact been diagnosed with lupus erythematosis, an auto-immune disorder, during her teen years.

“October 19, 1991. I remember a dream of a week or so ago which involved aliens. I recollect exiting a craft with them. I remember flying before we landed. There were other humans on board. Some of us went up front, but on the lower level the underside was clear-not glass but something thick yet perfectly clear. We could see down to a spread-out village below. It was daylight.


The landscape below was fairly flat, maybe some low hills off to our left beyond the village. We landed, and I remember that I and others exited the craft with the aliens, whose form was like a very simplified human form-no muscle development evident. I think they may have had on form-fitting suits. They had no hair. I recollect something about some covering which had a seam near where an ear would be, but this is a vague memory. They were quite tall, not the four-foot type.”

“October 23,1991. I dreamed I was holding a baby for the purpose of healing it. He was in a room at the end of a building that was like a nursery. None of the babies’ parents were there. I think I dreamed of a lot of stuff happening in this building. I can still mentally see the face of the baby very clearly. I held it on two occasions. It was blond and blue-eyed, a little boy, and could hold himself erect when you picked him up. His eyes were crossed, one worse than the other, and as I held him he started to get a little better. When I held him the second time, he was strong enough that I could prop him on my hip.

“Then when he was wanting to nurse, I had this really weird thought, sort of apart from the dream, like standing off a little watching the dream. I thought, What if he isn’t really a baby? What if he is really some midget pervert? I emphasized this last part because it indicates an awareness that we might be interacting with something less human and less innocent than it seemed.”

“October 26, 1991. I was in some sort of medical situation in which my head was the object of attention. There were doctors around me. Before my head was the object of attention, I remember sitting up - something about my stomach hurting. I was sitting on something flat, and they were somehow making me travel very fast. I was afraid I would slide off the end and expected them to care, but somehow they did not seem to care. I remember when I sat up I said I could breathe better that way.


Then they were going to put long needle-like things in the sides of my head, and I remember thinking in my dream, When the aliens do this it doesn’t hurt; it is just pressure. Then I started saying over and over again, I’m in outer space, I’m in outer space, and they put the long needle things in, and I could sort of hear them going in, like a scraping sound, and feel pressure but no pain.

“The next thing I remember, I was like flying from west to east. I approached a four – corners intersection in the country. I felt like it was just west of [the hill where she and her family often witnessed UFO activity]. It was like they somehow landed me there, at that intersection, and the next thing I remember my eyes opened abruptly and I was in my room. When I woke up I kind of felt different than from a regular dream, like there was something more real about that experience.”


[It became even more realistic when, in the summer of 1993 Polly came upon that very intersection while out driving. It was a remote, unpopulated area west of the hill.]

“November 17,1991. Actual sighting, not a dream. Returning at night from the mountains which lie to the east of us, I saw a distant UFO. It changed color from red to white to red, etc., but was not a plane because it hopped around so much in all directions-quick movements.”

“December 21, 1991. Had dream of sighting and being abducted by UFO. I was with some young man on a roadway on a hillside. I think there were big evergreens around, and down the hill a bit was an open field.... We went down to about the middle of the field and looked back up the hill. Soon the UFO appeared, larger and larger as it approached us. It glided low over the field and landed very close to us. My left arm was linked through the young man’s right arm.


I remember feeling, This is it-like this time it’s really coming close. When it landed right near us, I said to the young man, ‘Well, here we go!’ Three beings came out of the UFO. They were human-looking, dressed in black or very dark colors, male, and surprisingly, taller than we were. I believe they took hold of us and began taking us to the craft, but it didn’t feel real unfriendly. The three were pretty much identical. I don’t remember faces. It was like they had one mind.”

“January 30, 1992. Had a clear and detailed UFO sighting dream. It was daylight and I was looking east. I saw a UFO which was white and pale blue against blue sky. It hovered in one place for a long time while I and others viewed it. I remember looking at the portholes or windows. Then there was a scene where the UFO beings were among us and were taking all those who loved war and aggressive military attitudes and actions. They were taking even children. I was not among those taken. We were made to leave and we knew that the military-minded would suffer, and we felt really bad for them. I think a lot of the aliens were tall and close to human-looking, but also others were sort of like the Grays but I think lighter. I know some had big eyes.”

“February 28, 1992. MAJOR UFO DREAM - felt very real. I was standing with another person or people-may have been first in my car, me driving. I saw them [UFOs] above and got out, pulling over to the left. I think there was one we saw very clearly and two others more distant. There were also planes up there, military looking planes.


I remember feeling, This was so realistic. We waved our arms to draw attention, and the clearest one began coming nearer. I was thinking, They are going to take us; how am I going to deal with this? And then it was like the atmosphere of my mind changed. I was suddenly in a state of mind where I could handle this, not go into some kind of fear-shock at the absolute strangeness of it.

‘The UFO was sort of grayish, not all lit, and some aliens approached us, also grayish. They were not human looking. I think there were three, but I especially focused on one who was either sort of leaning forward so that his head was more noticeable than any other part of him, or else I just noticed his head the most. I said something to the effect that we were really going with them, and in my altered state of mind I felt I could do it, but I knew I would be subjected to them in the craft.


It was like I knew, but in my altered state, well, I can’t turn back now, might as well accept it. After that I don’t remember anything. I think I felt a little responsible, like I had involved the people with me in this and maybe it was not good for them. I had a slight bloody nose when I woke up, but think it was related to a cold.”

“June 23, 1992. [Recounting an actual event that preceded the dream] my son Sam and I felt compelled to go up on the hill at 10:30 p.m. as there was a glow in the sky which we felt must be from the sun, as it is not much after the longest day in this north country. When we got up there we felt intensely peaceful. Everything was very, very still, although there is often a wind up there when there is none anywhere else. There were a few fireflies.


Then I saw a larger, brighter flash of light in the grass across the road from where we sat. I said to Sam, ‘Nothing is really happening, but I feel like if we stay any longer it will.’ I felt that if we continued to sit there with our minds focused, we would interact with some energy there and something would happen. I felt it had already begun to happen, but that we still had the option of breaking it off and leaving.”

They returned home, and that night Polly had a UFO dream.

“I was walking or otherwise traveling along a road at night,” she described. “I first saw lights, then saw UFOs-round, a little bigger than stars, and not as bright as stars. They were up to my right, quite near the tops of the trees. I said, ‘Wow! I’m really seeing them!’ Then I looked up. There was one overhead which descended closer and closer to me. I could clearly see the round bottom part, like an opening. I said, with a little fear, ‘Okay, take me.’

“At this point I felt a feeling of being lifted which was like no feeling I can adequately describe. It was like being sucked by force, a dizzying, blinding, overwhelming force. While it was happening I felt intensely that the experience was absolutely real, and in most dreams it never occurs to me to pass judgment on the reality of anything. I was sort of afraid, totally caught up in it (literally and figuratively), very aware of the sense that it was real, and feeling, Well, I’m in it now, so wherever I am going it is not under my control.’ I couldn’t see much, but I felt such an incredible feeling of being lifted higher and higher, like it took my mind.

“After the lifting I was aware of being in a white place, but it was not the standard ‘round’ white room of many UFO reports. I think it was white like white paint, and I recollect a corner, which is also not typical, and some sort of black or dark object. It was like I was seeing only one little part of this place.

“Another thing I recollect was being in some sort of craft and being behind the pilot, who sat on the left side, and noticing his head. It was hairless, apparently with a skull similar to ours, and the skin was white like putty. He turned toward me and appeared to have on some sort of clown mask, although it did not really look like our typical clowns. It had the color orange on it and was otherwise white like plastic. The feeling I got from this pilot was of a detached sort of kindness, not any malevolence but also nothing that could really be called emotion.

“I have some recollection of coming into a base or land while in this craft. It was light, like daylight (whereas I had been abducted in the dark of night). I could see a building, I think with a flat roof, and an outdoor area to my right of the building. I also vaguely recollect at some point desiring to see more clearly and ‘them’ doing something so that I could, and things came into better focus. In the outdoor area beside the building there were flowers and shrubs and children playing, human children.

‘The pilot was still with me when I found myself inside the building. He said they call us something like ‘the short round ones’ and showed me models of humans between three and four feet tall. These models looked to be made out of hard plastic or something similar and were orange and white. I pointed out to the pilot that I was exactly his height (5’7”). He was thinner built than a human man, maybe a little lighter weight than I, though I am small-boned. A few other aliens were present, also.

“In this building were some human children. Now that I think about it in my waking state, maybe they call us ‘the short round ones’ because they have so many of our children. Our children, when healthy, are rounder than they. They appeared thin and lightweight, but it was hard to judge because they were clothed. I don’t have a clear recollection of their clothing, I think light-colored jumpsuits.

“I felt I was not the only adult human there but that there were more human children present than human adults. Near me was a little blond-headed boy about three years old.

I picked him up and held him, and he really seemed to like that. Then I said, ‘Where is your mommy?’ and he looked sad and didn’t say anything. I got the strong feeling that the pilot who stood to my left and others of his kind very much disapproved of my asking that question.


Then I noticed a little girl, also blonde. I feel she was eleven years old for some reason, though I think she was more the size of an average nine-year-old. I asked her if she was the boy’s sister, and she said no. I had the feeling they had no kin people with them. The little girl also seemed sad, and I remember feeling grateful that ‘they’ hadn’t taken my children from me, but I was sad about these children and the many others.

‘There was a big window arched at the end to my right. Outside the window was a little play yard. A dark-haired human woman was tending a group of human children. I felt she was no kin to them, except that they were all human. I did not see the other adults whom I felt were there somewhere.

“I recollect that there was a process of returning me, but I don’t remember it in any detail now. I felt that the experience within the piloted craft seemed ‘staged’ somehow for the benefit of my belief system, but the intense lifting feeling felt somehow necessary and real.”

“January 24, 1993. Three nights in a row I have had dreams including UFOs, a craft, and beings. The next night in actual awake reality, I watched UFO activity in the sky, two luminous fiery balls a little bigger than basketballs.”

One of Polly’s most vivid and recent dream-events she reported to me at length in a letter, complete with drawings of the creatures she remembered seeing.

“On the night of June 27 (1993),” she wrote, “I had dreams which included vivid visual impressions of aliens and appearances of very bright, very real-feeling lights. The aliens did not look like what I would have depicted if you had said, ‘Draw a typical alien.’ The characteristics were a pronounced brow-ridge, convolutions or folds on the forehead and beside the eyes, eyes back under shelter of the brow-ridge, and gray or gray-green skin.


They were proportionately tall and thin. There were at least three and I am pretty sure more, standing closer together than I have drawn them. I am not sure about my depictions of nose and mouth, but nose and mouth were somehow represented. I’m also not sure about details of the lower body.

“I remember being utterly fascinated with their brow folds and the folds beside their black eyes, but not looking directly into those eyes. Also with the texture of their fairly tough skin, which was sort of like an artist’s kneaded eraser. I have a recollection of having been very close to the one on your left [in drawing], so close that my face was right up by the right-hand side of the face, looking closely at those folds. Then I recollect being back a little further from them seeing the group standing together, but I don’t know what happened first.

“I felt as I awakened that what I retained were two fragments of a much more detailed experience, as if I had sort of mentally photographed those two segments to ‘bring back’ as souvenirs-yes, it was almost as if they posed for these memories! That is why I could get so close to that one without having to become engulfed by his eyes, and it is why they stood so obligingly in that little group!”

Polly and Sam reported these and a number of other experiences for almost a year, many of which seemed to be reflections or memories of fairly current experiences. And once she felt more comfortable with our relationship, she was able to address the sexual issue and share the painful memories from her childhood.

‘The area of my psychology which I feel has been most damaged by ‘them’ or by some very early influence,” she confided, “is the area of my sexual concepts. At approximately age four, I became obsessed with sadomasochistic sexual imagery. The images involved a little girl on a flat table similar to a doctor’s exam table, but I think it may have been metallic looking, silver metallic, a little grayer than actual silver. I remember being obsessed with these images day in and day out, and I would try to detach from them by saying that the little girl was not me, but yet at the same time I knew it was.

“Sometimes there would be one ‘person’ doing things to the little girl and sometimes several. There were generally those who observed. I had the sense of both males and females present. Occasionally a female would do a procedure, but more often a male.”

There were machines involved, as well as probes and needles. ‘The intrusions involved what I now understand to be the genital area, but I did not understand at the time, as well as the rectum. Also, I do recollect needles to the navel, and this now makes sense when I read adult women’s accounts of intrusions through the navel. My sense of the ‘people,’ if it ever was clear, is now indistinct.


My early medical history does not include anything like this.

“One thing I did which could have been a cry for help and an attempt to resolve this situation was that I drew pictures of these events. I remember especially at five and six drawing the little girl on the table and the ‘people’ around her with the intrusive machines. I showed these pictures to my mother, but I have no recollection of her reaction except that I don’t think she shamed me.

“If I had been molested by adult family members I don’t think I would have had images of an exam table and needles associated with machinery, especially at ages three and four. I think these images had to have come from some source outside my own imagination. This early influence imprinted my sexuality with the dynamics of sadomasochism. I feel this imprinting set me up to be victimized and set me up to expect all sexual encounters to involve humiliation by a dominator.”

In fact, she said, whenever she found herself in ‘power-sex’ situations, ‘There was a voice that would talk to me and say, Everything is right on schedule. Everything is going as planned. But the plan did not prove benevolent toward me!”

The overall discernible effects of all their experiences on Polly and Sam, to this point, are several. Sam has an overly mature outlook for his age, evincing an interest in questions of cosmic importance including reincarnation and the history of the human race. And, after the sperm-taking scenario, he is also, according to Polly, very uncomfortable with the idea of alien intrusions upon his developing sexuality.


For Polly, too, the sexual aspects of her life have been altered by these events. She avoids sexual involvements now, in an attempt to regain control over the compulsions that have caused many problems for her in the past.

She has no explanation for the alien intrusions into her family’s life, only a strong sense that this involvement has been with her for a very long time. Most of it has been unseen. In addition, or as part of the UFO events, Polly has experienced internal communications from “spirits,” although she cannot identify them more specifically.

“They so often enter or I enter them in a sense,” she explained, “in a sense in which we each or all allow each other to be there simultaneously. I don’t know if this is a UFO thing, but they are multi-dimensionals.”

Her experiences comprise many elements: UFO sightings, entity encounters, dream-events, physical effects, spiritual teachings, and a sense of an unknown mission she must perform. In their experiences, Polly and Sam have both felt positive and negative presences, fellowship and fright, which makes it hard to place all of the events into a single framework, the acts of a single group. There is also the question of human involvement, since both of them report encounters with humanoid figures that have not yet been clearly discerned or identified.

The amassed data from reports like Polly’s show that the abduction agenda is much too complex for any of the current explanations, both in the events and in their effects on the individuals involved. Certainly on the individual level, the phenomenon is profoundly disturbing and transforming, but it is even more so when the massive numbers of people having abductions is considered.


The agenda, given this level of pervasiveness, must involve much more than the transformation of the individual. The entire society is beginning to feel its effects, and there would seem, from the testimony of witnesses like Polly and the other women in this project, to be much more yet to come.


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IV - Lisa

Whereas the accounts from Polly and Pat contain several elements that may not be familiar to most students of the abduction phenomenon, Lisa’s experiences are much more “typical,” in one sense, comprising many recurrent details-although, as these accounts are meant to show, the accepted definition of the “typical” abduction is woefully inadequate.

A thirty-five-year-old wife and mother of two children, Lisa and her husband Neal have lived in southern Alabama for the past fifteen years. Her medium build and thick brown hair reflect her ancestry of Italian and Scotch-Irish. To all outward appearances, Lisa’s life seems quite normal. While her husband works at a good job in heavy industry, Lisa takes care of her home and children, involved in the usual activities of a family with teenagers, and she enjoys gardening as well as more strenuous outdoor activity.

I met Lisa and Neal while I was in Florida to give a presentation on abduction research. Several of the local UFO group’s members invited me to one of their homes for a more informal and intimate discussion, and when I described a few of the less well-known events some abductees have reported, Lisa suddenly became very interested. We spoke privately, and she told me that some of the things I had just discussed were familiar to her, from her own experiences.


Lisa had some conscious memories of encounters with the typical Grays, as well as missing-time episodes, multiple-witnessed UFO sightings, unexplained body marks, telepathic communications from unseen sources, and many dream-memories of ambiguous reality - except in those instances where other evidence pointed to an actual event.

While the details of Lisa’s life-long involvement are certainly very typical, the alien intrusions are clearly more intense and frequent than in many such cases. Equally intense are her emotional reactions to these encounters and her need for help in coping with them.

“Meeting other abductees has helped me feel not so isolated,” she wrote me shortly after that first meeting, “but my depression is still severe. I can’t believe I have them [alien interactions] so frequently. If they’re trying to wear me down, they’ve about succeeded. The flashbacks just don’t yet make sense, or maybe they have no intentions to.


I’m starting to have military flashbacks, and my phone clicks and goes crazy. The ‘Morse code’ and humming in my ear has literally driven me up the wall.... I don’t want to be used for experiments or reproductions, but how do I stop them? I pray until sometimes I’m prayed out. Why won’t God help? By the way, I don’t feel special or chosen like they said.”

I began my investigation with Lisa by asking about any unusual childhood events. Her responses showed a pattern of activity going back as far as she can remember.

“The sounds of things walking through the house,” she said, “have been going on since I was small. The shadows [dimly discernible figures] happened more in my later life, from twenty years old on. Like I said, they do it [appear] right in front of me.” She also recalled episodes of missing time in childhood. “I would go to the woods-we owned twenty-five acres when I was a child-and come back, and it would be dark.”

And the missing-time experiences still occur.

“Now, I’ll look at the clock and roll over and look at it again, and sometimes it will be an hour later and other times four hours,” she explained, “and I could swear it hadn’t been but a few minutes. It makes me disoriented after I realize there’s been some missing time. It’s hard to go on when something robs you of your life, and you have no memory of it.


“The Grays appeared about three or four years ago,” she continued. “Before that, I didn’t know what was causing these things, but the shadows I’ve seen forever, seems like.”

In 1980, however, Lisa did see something very different from the shadows, in a terrifying event.

“A being appeared to me,” she recalled, “when I was a couple of weeks pregnant. We had just got into bed and Neal already seemed ‘out of it,’ and the being appeared on the end of the bed, squatting, telling me mentally the child I was carrying was special and it would be a boy. I almost had a fainting spell.


I threw the covers over my head as the being was leaping toward me, I believe, and said, ‘In Jesus’ name, take it away!’ It disappeared, and I fell quickly asleep. It was about three feet tall, dark-skinned, leathery looking. I don’t remember anything else.”

The child, incidentally, did turn out to be a boy. Now in his teens, he has proven to be extraordinarily intelligent, with an IQ that tested above 140 when he was seven.


After going through Lisa’s early memories, I asked her to fill out a preliminary questionnaire which focused on a number of events most often reported by abductees. A comprehensive comparative chart of the responses to this questionnaire by all eight women is presented on p. 231. Because Lisa’s experiences are so very typical, however, many of her responses will be discussed here in some detail, as representative of reports from numerous abductees.

She had already mentioned a couple of these things-the odd phone disturbances, the beeping and humming sounds in her ear - and there were other details, internal and external, which are often part of the alien abduction phenomenon.

For instance, there were sightings of unexplained lights, within the house as well as in the sky. Lisa described “large whitish-yellow lights in the sky that blink out like a light switch and fast-moving streaks of light.” She has also witnessed “large and small balls of red or white light bouncing in the house” and blue, orange, and white lights flooding in through the windows from craft outside.


A couple of passages from her journal show some of these typical events:

“August 10,1993. When I got ready to go to sleep at 11:30 or so, my cat noticed it, then I did - a small ball of light bouncing through the room. It was just zipping around. I probably saw it for fifteen seconds, then it went out of the room. In the morning my eyes were burning and irritated.”

“August 24, 1993. Woke at 1 a.m., felt something was happening, looked around the room, fell back asleep. Woke up at 4:25 a.m. with white lights turning, like strobe lights, outside of my bedroom window. Before I could race to the window, it was gone. My eyelids were very swollen in the morning, and also my back hurts.”

“March 27, 1993. Felt uneasy, like having a nightmare, struggling and thrashing about, and then feeling sort of paralyzed. I felt the need to scream and resist, and I yelled, ‘No!’ two or three times. Trying to wake Neal up, I grabbed onto him. I was being lifted off the bed by a force, but I struggled and somehow broke out of it. When I looked around the room, a reddish-orange light flashed in the house and then went to the side and it seemed white. This was about 1:00 to 1:20 a.m.”

Another common report involves bizarre, unexplained behavior of electrical equipment in the abductee’s environment, and, as an excerpt from Lisa’s journal shows, this has also frequently occurred with her and Neal.

“At about 3 a.m. my husband and I were waked up by the radio going crazy, the front porch light blinking, and the touch-light lamp in the living room on bright.” Even the phone began to act oddly, ringing and crackling incessantly with no one on the other end of the line. “Finally we just had to unplug the phone,” her journal noted. “I was scared.”

This was not an isolated event, as other entries in her journal show:

“May 10, 1993. About midnight or so, the kids’ radio came on and the lamp in the living room came on twice. Neal and I had disturbed sleep.”

Unexplained activity of helicopters over the home, following, as it does so often after UFO activity, shows up in Lisa’s case. For her, it began in early 1993, as her journal notes.

“March 15, 1993. About 12:20 or 12:30 a.m. I saw some beautiful blue lights coming down the hallway [through a window from a craft near the house], then somewhere around that time I heard a helicopter over our house by my bedroom window. It stayed for a while, then left. It appeared on the scene moments after the craft was leaving. Couldn’t sleep rest of the night.”

“May 29, 1993. At 3:30 p.m. my son and I saw a dark helicopter pass over our house.”

“September 22, 1993. Helicopters were still flying at 11 p.m. The humming and ‘Morse code’ were almost deafening again.”

“September 23, 1993. Went to bed about 11:30. I ‘dreamed’ about the Grays telling me how easy it was to get me. Then it changed to a room where there were autopsies going on. Somebody human-sounding was talking, and a woman was lying on a table who had been ‘done.’ They said some people had a Y-incision and some a straight incision. She was a white woman, probably in her forties. Also, sometime during the night a helicopter was flying close to our house, but I couldn’t get up and fell back asleep. So tired in the morning.”

Lisa has many of the symptoms typically reported by other abductees, including stress, sleep disruption, depression, a sense of having a job or task to perform, disturbing dreams of massive UFO landings and of widespread disasters.

“I feel they have said they love me and that I was special (yeah, sure), and they say that I will be used for some purpose,” Lisa commented. “Probably to tell others about them. I’ve had dreams telling me to go to isolated places and store food. Can’t remember more. I have had small glimpses of catastrophes, just a flash of severe starvation, not enough to remember.”

A journal entry from December 1992 records one of the dreams of massive UFO presence which is very commonly reported.

“In this dream ,” Lisa notes, “I was in the dark with someone, looking at the night sky, and the spaceships were coming in landing. I told someone, ‘They’re finally coming’.”

Among the events of actual abduction scenarios-whether recalled consciously, in flashbacks, or in memories surfacing in dreams - Lisa’s experiences include almost every type of reported event. Most women, for instance, have undergone physical, specifically gynecological, examinations while in the hands of the aliens. Lisa’s account echoes the usual scenario, beginning with the memory of being “on their spaceship on a small examination table all scrunched up.”

“My legs were put as close to my bottom as possible. They had something holding me open while they inserted [something] or did their exam. The table seemed to be at their height. Seems like there were two of them. I remember looking up between my legs and the alien looking back at me. It seemed to be very uncomfortable. I can’t remember more after looking at the Gray.”

On another occasion, Lisa remembers being less cooperative during an exam,

“giving them a hard time about being examined. I remember asking them, ‘How would you like me to do this to you?’ I don’t know what they said...I’m sure they sedated me.”

The following morning, she suffered from a sore chin and a bruise on the top of her right wrist.

A journal entry from July 1993 shows how disturbed she has felt during some of these examinations.

“Had a ‘dream’ of being on their spaceship in a huge room on a table with the Old One examining me,” she noted. “I was fine until he showed me an instrument (I can’t remember it now) he was going to use on me. Then I got upset. He placed his hands on my head, and I don’t remember anything else.”

Lisa also recalls, more than once, being shown alien or “hybrid” babies. An entry from October 1993 states,

“I gave birth to a fair-looking baby and called it a star baby. It had real light blue eyes with unusual pupils.”

One of the most commonly reported events is that of an alien’s face up very close to the abductee’s face. Some researchers, taking their cue from abductees’ descriptions of this event, call it a “mind-scan,” and whatever else this activity does, it certainly seems to control the abductee mentally.


Lisa remembers this occurring on several occasions.

"The ETs like to put their noses almost on my nose,” she explained, “and when they do this I just stare into their eyes. Sometimes that’s all I ever see, their eyes, and nothing else that’s happening.”

Besides being told by the aliens that she is “special” and “chosen,” as often happens with others, Lisa has also recalled scenarios of training or instruction. In a November 1993 dream, for example, she was in a brightly lit room talking with some people whose identity she can’t recall. They were telling Lisa how she should go about discussing the aliens with other people. “I was being told I needed to learn better how to speak about them,” she said.

And she has been given information about the aliens’ interest in human genetics, another common communication. Two entries from her journal typify this event.

“August 16, 1993. In one ‘dream’ Neal and I were raising weird creatures, and another [part] was where they [aliens] were telling me how they have been genetically altering us gradually. I felt like we were their pet project or something.”

“August 20, 1993. Woke at 2 a.m. and at 4:53 a.m., got up and went to kitchen for something to eat. Had a ‘dream’ of an ape or gorilla, whatever you want to call them, sitting on my bed holding my hands, and someone was saying, They are you and you are them. Very nauseated in the morning and had sweated very badly last night.”

Other, more specific, physical effects have also been reported in Lisa’s experiences. In addition to the nausea and eye irritations that she suffered after certain abductions or abduction ‘dreams,’ Lisa has also found patterns of bruises, and puncture marks that couldn’t be accounted for in any mundane way.

She has the well-known scoop marks, for example, one on her lower right leg and another on the upper part of her right arm, which are permanent. Temporary marks, however, are much more commonly reported. In Lisa’s case, these have included a triangle of circular bruises on her hip-the triangle pattern shows up more frequently than any other design-scattered bruises on other body parts, such as the bridge of the nose; the bottom, top, and heel of the foot; the wrist; inside the arm very close to the armpit; all around the knee; and on top of the hand.

But bruises aren’t the only marks that show up. Like Polly and others, Lisa has found damaged areas in the bend of her elbow and scratches, which she is certain were not accidentally inflicted, in unusual places. After one particular abduction in October 1993, in which she recalled being in a pool of water with the aliens around her before they took her to an examination room, Lisa found a scratch across her lower left jaw, as well as two bruises on the outside of her left knee.


And she has had patterns of bruises which are so commonly reported that we have come to refer to them as “clamp marks” because they appear to have been left by either three - or four-fingered hands grasping the upper arms or the thighs very forcefully.

All of these physical effects are very familiar in abduction reports, as are instances of blood found on the abductee’s body or bedclothes after an encounter. Lisa, too, has had this occur, in situations where the blood could not be explained as coming from a bloody nose or some other injury.

It is clear, then, that Lisa’s abduction situation has involved most of the “typical” scenarios and events, even including episodes where she has been shown how to operate a craft and has been warned about the physical dangers of touching a craft during certain phases of operation.

But she has also experienced several of the less familiar events - less familiar, that is, in terms of abduction research findings which have been made public. Regrettably, much of what abductees have reported has not been publicized, for a number of reasons. In some cases, as with alien-human sexual activity, this may be because so many abductees are unwilling to talk about such intimate things.

In other cases it is the researchers themselves who are reluctant to expose some aspects of the events, fearing they will push the credibility of their audience, especially their desired audience of professionals and academics, too far. Some parts of this phenomenon, they fear, are simply not “politically” acceptable, no matter what the abductees themselves insist they have experienced. Lisa and several other of the women whose experiences are reported in this book, therefore, are to be commended for their courage in discussing these aspects.

The first highly controversial area is that of sexual activity. It is important to remember, when reading the following journal entries, that the aliens have superb “virtual reality” capabilities and that without external verification it is impossible to know if the memory or dream of an encounter reflects an actual event. This is especially important when assessing reports of sexual activity with the aliens, for in some situations people tell of seeing celebrities, religious figures, and even dead acquaintances.

One of the first sexual situations Lisa remembers happened in late 1989, beginning with her conscious awareness of the aliens’ presence. Lying in bed, she woke up and saw a group of aliens, one of which held a wand-like instrument, around the bed. The tallest of the beings was touching Neal’s chest.

“I looked at them,” Lisa explained, “and told them not to touch him and to leave him alone. That’s the night I got to see them for a few seconds in an unaltered state. Then they pointed the wand at my forehead, made me feel dizzy, and I was out. I believe that’s the night they made me have sex while they watched.”

The sexual interaction involved another abductee. Lisa said the man gave her his name, T. M. Reiss, which he spelled for her.

“He told me they had been abducting him since he was a child,” she said. “He was very sorry.”

In a couple of the sexual scenarios, Lisa recalled interacting with creatures of some sort. These types of bizarre reports turn up less frequently in the research, but they are not unheard of. She recalled the first episode as a dream-event, in which she and a gorilla-type creature were sexually engaged. Lisa woke up after having this ‘dream’ when the sound of a “breathing device” brought her to consciousness.


She saw a dim figure in the doorway step out of sight and then, as unlikely as such a response always seems in these situations, she went back to sleep. The action, however, was not yet over. At 3:25 she woke up again, flinging her arms about and trying to rouse Neal, who was completely unresponsive. She saw a lighted object outside the bedroom window, and she could feel an energy controlling her body.

"They had some force on me,” she said, “stopping me from getting up. When the craft [outside] started to lift up, it broke the force. I ran outside, but I really can’t say for sure if I saw something.”

On another occasion, while lying down during the day, Lisa dreamed about a number of sexual situations. Something like a small horse was involved, as well as a “dolphin,” some Grays, and “a dark, leathery, scaly creature” whose features she couldn’t clearly recall. After waking from this dream, Lisa experienced the “humming and Morse code” noise that occasionally plagued her internal hearing.

After a similar ‘dream’ in which Lisa was placed with several animals in sexual situations while being observed, she awoke the next morning with a bruise on her lower ankle and a tender area on the back of her head, in spite of no consciously recalled injuries to these areas. And immediately following another dream-like sexual episode with what appeared to be a well-known public figure, Lisa awoke in her bed and saw a nebulous form move quickly across the room and disappear. Startled and frightened, it took her a long time to fall back asleep, and in the morning she felt nauseated.

Such things made it hard for her to dismiss all these dream memories as mere figments, yet they were such scant evidence as to give no certainty of the events’ reality. Whether they were real or dreams, there is the question of motivation.

“I believe sometimes I’m made to dream odd things,” Lisa said, “to see my reaction to them.” A poignant journal entry reveals how confusing this activity can be, how vulnerable it leaves the abductee. “Dreamed Neal and I made love,” she noted. “I hope it was him.”

The second controversial area reported by Lisa involves, as with the case of Pat in the previous chapter, the viewing of “new bodies.” She told me that her memory of seeing a new body occurred sometime in late 1992. Although she was keeping a journal by that time, which recorded UFO sightings, conscious events, and dreams, both alien-instigated and the normal, self-generated variety, she refused for some reason to include this event in the record.

Lisa recalled lying on a table aboard a craft, with her “new body” beside her.

“I got out of my old body,” she said, “and stood next to it. I was looking it over, and I even looked at my teeth. The body was perfect, but it had my long hair that I used to have. Somebody said they could make people believe that was me,” she continued, “even though it was perfect and with long hair. I wanted so badly to get in it, but I did not. I don’t remember who the beings were in the room with me, just being overwhelmed seeing the body. I don’t remember how I got back in my old body.”

Later, in 1993, Lisa had experienced another dream-event about this situation.

“Dreamed of showing my new body to some friends,” her journal records, “and reading to them from a special book about humankind. I was reading with some clear instrument like a triangle. Don’t remember what I was reading.”

This scenario of reading a book during an encounter, by the way, is a little-known detail reported in a number of separate cases. Similar dreams recurred in which she found herself displaying the new body. In one briefly recalled episode she was showing it to her doctor, and in a much more involved dream, Lisa felt as if she had actually died in order to get into the new body, which she then showed to her husband and some other people.


 There were other details of this dream that suggest it may at the very least have been a screen memory of an actual event. She insisted on keeping her son with her, for example, explaining to her husband that the son “is one of us, like me.” Lisa had been told in a past encounter that the aliens were interested only in her and her son, not the entire family.

The encounter in the new body was followed by a more familiar situation, in the exam room.

“A doctor and a nurse were giving me an examination,” she recalled, “and telling me I had hepatitis. But they were giving me some sort of vaginal exam. I told them to leave me alone, that they weren’t my doctors, [but I] don’t remember more.”

In addition to the sexual encounters and the alleged cloning capabilities of the aliens, a third controversial topic avoided by many researchers focuses on military involvement with aliens and abductees. For Lisa, as is so often the case with abductees, the first memory of a possible encounter with the military surfaced in a dream.

“I was being interrogated by the military,” she said, “pushed and made to lie crouched on the ground. In the back were some trucks, and beside them were guys in black uniforms standing watching me. The men asking questions were in regular military clothes. They held me down with the butts of their guns. They told me to give them the knowledge, and they said ‘at any cost.’ I told them I didn’t know what they were talking about, and they just repeated themselves.”

Since that dream in August 1993, however, Lisa has had other memories of this particular ‘event’ come to the surface. The most detailed recollection came as part of a situation which closely fits the definition of the VRS dream discussed earlier. On the night of December 19, 1993, Lisa had several dreams of a very ordinary sort. But in the midst of these regular dreams, she suddenly found herself in a situation and environment that had quite a different ‘feel’ to it.

“All of a sudden I’m surrounded by military men, some in black clothes and some in green,” she noted. “I was being made to walk hurriedly on the grounds of some installation. I don’t know how I got there or left. The soldiers were rude to me. I told them to stop pushing on me.

“Then we went into an office of some type that seemed plainly decorated. It looked like white walls and no pictures, and the desk and chair were plain. A man was sitting behind the desk. He was a little heavy and looked slightly balding, but his hair was short. He had on green clothes and no medals or name as I could tell. He started asking me questions, about what I felt on the aliens. It seemed like he was wondering about how to get the public prepared.

“I told him that a lot of the public was already aware, and some would never accept it. I asked him how he could expect that, since we don’t all agree on other things. We talked, I believe, a little about religion and politics. I believe there were other people in the room.

I probably wasn’t allowed to look.

‘Then I think they brought me something to drink. I don’t remember more. I just know this man looked bewildered and concerned. I believe the alien issue has gotten out of control in his opinion. I expressed to him that I was tired of the game-playing.”

For Lisa, then, the abduction phenomenon’s parameters include witnessed UFO sightings; conscious perceptions of lights, probes, and aliens in the house; conscious telepathic communications; bizarre external physical reactions from inanimate objects in her environment; conscious perception of missing-time episodes; unexplained physical marks on her body; and a number of virtual-reality/dream scenarios involving both human and alien beings.

In a nutshell, this is an accurate general definition of the phenomenon as reported by numerous abductees. But as the eight representative accounts here demonstrate, the details of that scenario are highly bizarre, variable to an absurd degree from case to case, invariably intrusive, sometimes physically painful, spiritually ambiguous, ingeniously deceptive, and, at every level, deeply disturbing.

Three experiences Lisa has recently reported will make this point very clearly.

The first, which she recalled in a dream state, began inside an unknown facility.

“I was on a table,” Lisa said, “and it looked like I was being pushed down a hall with bright lights. They [her attendants] were quickly strapping my feet down with straps that looked like velcro. I don’t know what these beings that abducted me looked like. Then something was inserted in my left ear, I think. I told them they were killing or hurting my brain, then I blacked out.”

In the next remembered scene, something very different was going on, this time involving other humans.

“I believe the FBI came to arrest me,” Lisa said, “and they called me by my maiden name. One man was really mean to me.”

Lisa remembered nothing more, but she wondered the next morning if the soreness in her left ear and her throat had anything to do with the memory of the ear probe.

The second experience, which she recorded as a dream, also involved some physical procedure aboard a craft, but it began on a rather exalted level.

“I dreamed I was given a heavenly audience,” Lisa reported. “I believe it meant that they [aliens] invited me to speak with them, but I don’t remember about what.”

A physical exam followed.

“I saw myself on a table in a spaceship and alien beings standing at the end of my feet, telling me or each other that I was an excellent breeder,” she recalled.


 “A reptile-looking creature was getting on top of me, I guess to rape me.”

After this, she remembered nothing more.

The final experience had a much more conscious element to it than the ‘dreams/ in spite of its more ‘fantastic’ nature. Lisa had gone to bed early on this night and awoke at 1:10 a.m. Preparing to fall asleep again, but still awake, she began to feel a growing sense of some “pressure” which became very intense.

“I looked up at the ceiling over me,” Lisa said, “and saw images that looked like vultures or the phoenix bird. There seemed to be two of them... trying to chase each other off. Their eyes glowed green, I believe. Then there appeared a spirit form. It seemed to have white hair and a beard. I started yelling frantically, ‘Oh, God, oh, Heavenly Father!’ over and over and trying to get myself free from the force. I felt my eyes roll back in my head.

“Then I felt a great pulling, and I’m not sure if I was in spirit form or my body, but very quickly I was in the clouds and sky. I looked down and saw the lights of a town and vapors of the clouds. The spirit took me to a wall or some sort of tunnel, and I was going to be taken in. I don’t remember more of what I saw. The next thing I know, I was back in bed and looking at the same birds disappearing. I came out of the odd state I was in and went to the kitchen, I was trembling so bad. The clock said 3:40.”

“God help me,” Lisa concluded, “whatever I was seeing.”

The vulture and the phoenix, after all, are very different creatures who embody quite different concepts.

A time loss of two and a half hours occurred that night. And so did a serious injury to Lisa’s back. The “great pulling” that took her upwards jerked her with such force that the next day she could hardly walk. The pain continued getting worse, and when she consulted her doctor, she was told that the spinal damage could prove permanent.


In this one instance, at least, the event was more than virtual reality.


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