XI - Expanding the View

A comparison of the data from these separate reports emphatically proves one point. Our current concept of the abduction experience is too small, too limited, and far too simplified. The Comparative Chart lists 114 elements from the reports, including details which were omitted in previous chapters because of space considerations. When the data is categorized and correlated, some surprising consistencies emerge that force the current view to expand, in both quantity and quality.

Before beginning the comparison, however, it should be noted again that four of the women underwent some regressive hypnosis: Beth, Jane, Angie, and Amy, with three different hypnotists. Out of the 114 listed details on the Chart, Beth reported 87, Jane reported 77, Amy 73, and Angie had 96. The other four women showed consistently fewer reported details, although not significantly so. Polly had 67 of the 114 details in her account, Pat had 71, Lisa had 94, and Anita reported 53. Almost all of the details, from each of the eight women, came from pre-hypnotic recollections.

In the “Contacts” category there are eight different situations reported, and seven of these eight have been reported by all of the women. These include 240 UFO sightings; missing time as a child; missing time as an adult; consciousness of an encounter; virtual-reality events; telepathic communications; and the extension of alien involvement into lives of other family members. Three of them experienced missing time or abductions with other people.

The data indicates, then, that the phenomenon is not imaginary or self-generated, that it is linked to the UFO sightings, that it involves a generational interest on the part of the aliens, and that contact can be made by remote means.

The “Aliens” category contains a surprising variety of physical types reported, including some that are rarely mentioned elsewhere. While all eight women encountered the Gray aliens, the Whites (insectoid) and the hooded figures are almost as common, turning up in seven accounts. Blond humanoid figures have been seen by six of the women, as have the cat-eyed or reptoid type. Half of the women reported a wrinkle-faced entity similar to a tall Gray or White, as well as a shorter, often hairy creature variously referred to as a “troll” or “dwarf.” And both a blue entity and a “Jesus” figure have been witnessed by three of the women.

In addition to noting the variety of physical types, it is important to realize that every combination of these different entities have been reported working together in abduction scenarios. It is hard to conclude, then, that the various types are really separate groups carrying out separate functions or missions.

Abductees typically report undergoing some sort of physical examination at one time or another, as researchers have long acknowledged. A comparison of the details reported in the “Exam” category show that two areas of the human body are most commonly involved: the reproductive system and the brain. Only five of the women remember gynecological procedures, however, and only three of them report possible implanted or missing fetuses, so the aliens’ interest in reproduction or genetics may not be their sole purpose.


While this group comprises all women, they are not the only sex reporting fetal implantations or extractions, as bizarre as this seems. In one man’s account, he recalled an abdominal incision into which a malleable sac of tiny fetuses was placed and later surgically retrieved. Another man said that a similar fetal container was inserted rectally.

More of the women report implant procedures and “head operations” than gynecological activity. Anita is the only one who does not recall receiving an implant, and five women report some surgical activity on their skulls or brains. This activity has no apparent connection to a crossbreeding agenda and points to a program of greater complexity than the limited “genetics” theory.

A variety of alien instruments are reported in these procedures, but the most common here are the wand-type device, found in four accounts, and the small metal box, usually black, which is reported by three women.

There are four accounts of a “lady doctor” present during examinations, and three of the women saw operations performed on other abductees during their experiences. Three also were made to eat or drink something while in alien custody.

The most common detail of the examination scenario, however, is the report of an alien’s face very close to the abductee’s face, which has been experienced by all of the women but Pat. Whether this is a type of examination or an exertion of mental control over the abductee isn’t clear, and of course it could be both. There is evidence that the large, black, glassy eyes so familiar from Gray reports may not be biological eyes but instead may be coverings that perform technologically, able to calm the abductee, do a scan of some sort, and even, as Pat felt, “film” or record data from our minds.

Other activities besides the exams occur in abduction encounters. All of the women report that the aliens communicated with them at some point, although not during every encounter. And seven of them recall teaching or testing sessions. During abductions, six report experiencing levitation, five recall passing through solid objects, and four witnessed or performed telekinesis. On the ‘hardware’ side of things, four women were shown how to operate some of the equipment aboard a craft, and on the ‘software’ side three of them were induced to relive or envision a past time or event in their lives. Again, these activities point to an agenda more complex than crossbreeding.

Six of the women do, however, report scenes generally known as “baby presentations” in which apparently hybrid infants are shown to abductees and are said to be created from some human-alien crossbreeding process. But half of the women also report being forced or induced to engage in (mostly traumatic) sexual activities with aliens, humanoids, or other abductees. And all these activities have little to do with crossbreeding or gathering of reproductive material.

Some researchers have theorized that all such sexual scenarios are the product of mind control-erotic images without substance-used merely to facilitate an actual event which involves nothing more than the taking of sperm or ova. But there are problems with this theory. For one thing, although sperm-gathering can be accomplished via erotically induced orgasm on the part of a male, it certainly isn’t necessary for ova-gathering.


In fact, it is totally unnecessary. Nor does it serve a reproductive purpose for her to be compelled to masturbate, as in some abductions, as well as in cases where the person feels “switched on” for this purpose when no abduction is underway. Another problem is that sexual intrusions involving reproductively immature children are reported. And finally, there is clearly no sperm/ova gathering going on in those situations where abductees are forced into sexual situations together.

Abductees report a wide yet consistent pattern of communications from the aliens, both in their presence and through remote contact. The most common communications focus on the origin of the human species, the “special” nature of the alien-abductee relationship and of the abductee personally who has an important function to perform, the distinction of body and spirit, and warnings of future global destruction, which were all reported by a majority of the women. These are not trivial subjects. It would be as dangerous to ignore this information as it would be to believe everything the aliens say.

In the “Settings” category there is a similar consistency of reports, including the highly controversial scenario of the underground base, present in half of the cases. Even more surprising, perhaps, is that seven of the women saw other apparently human people in their encounters, working with the aliens aboard craft as well as in the terrestrial facilities. And in six cases, the humans were perceived as military personnel.

Many researchers have, unfortunately, been unwilling to take reports of human-alien collusion seriously. One researcher told me that he believed every case of human collusion could be explained as illusions perpetrated by an exclusively alien group. But all it takes to dispel this view is one confirmed case of military or human involvement, and from information that has been shared with me in confidence, I am satisfied that at least one such case exists, that of Leah Haley, whose ordeal of military intrusions and threats is told in LOST WAS THE KEY.

Another researcher has claimed repeatedly that none of his many investigations has produced reports or evidence of human military involvement. His claim, however, has been disputed by some of the abductees with whom he has worked, who say they have indeed reported these events only to have them discounted by the investigator.

Yet the reports overwhelmingly point to actual human involvement with alien abductions. Details of reports are consistent throughout the country, and the only thing that differs, finally, is the interpretation of those details by the researchers. Reports of human military involvement must be addressed with more than an unexamined dismissal, for they are as common as the baby presentation scenarios that are accepted at face value by the traditional view. Whether “real” or contrived, these events serve a purpose that the researchers need to discover.

Six other accounts described the abductees either viewing or being in a desert setting or on a desert-type planet, although the explanation of this scene varies from one report to another.

Within the alien facilities, five women saw television-type screens, four saw instrument panels, and four were shown graphs or charts. And although it isn’t noted on the Chart, three women described unusual black, flexible tubing in the facilities, both aboard the craft and in underground locations.

Other reported details in alien settings included bodies of water or liquid, in three cases, as well as three reports of animals present. Of more concern are the three accounts of abductees seeing, or being told of, cloned human bodies. Both Lisa and Pat were shown clones of their bodies, although they were given different explanations. Similar reports come from other abductees, and in one case a man said he saw a room full of inert male and female human bodies, who were beautiful and identical. The implications of such reports are enormous, considering the possible uses the aliens could make of these carbon-copy human bodies.

The eight women reported a number of physical effects, consistent with general abduction data, but the only two effects which were universal were patterns of unexplained bruises and particular noises in the ear or head. While the noises could be rationalized, perhaps, the bruises clearly indicate some physical interaction. The repetition of triangular marks in abductee reports may well indicate a single source for all of the marks.

Other signs of physical, rather than psychic or spiritual, contact include six reports of unexplained blood on the women’s bodies or bedclothes, six reports of scoop marks, five women with scratches, and seven with puncture wounds. The case for actual physical contact is also bolstered by the six women who reported waking up with their clothing on backward, inside out, or completely missing.

The women experienced a variety of other physical reactions in addition to the internally heard beeps and electronic-type tones. All but Pat, for instance, experienced nausea during or after an encounter, and five reported sudden, total exhaustion in which all their energy drained away in an instant. Five women described awaking at times and feeling as if they’d been “beaten,” to use Anita’s term. And five said they had episodes in which a blinding light seemed to explode in their minds.

Unexplained rashes turned up in five of the cases, and instances of badly irritated eyes and waking with an unidentified bitter taste were both reported four times. Additionally, two of the women suffered unusual hair loss and unaccountable “sunburns.”

The physical nature of the abduction scenario extends to other things in the abductee’s environment. The external effects related to the phenomenon are very consistent, as the Chart demonstrates. Every one of the women have experienced bizarre electronic disturbances, for instance, and phone disturbances, both with the equipment and the callers. And seven out of eight reported lights in the yard, lights in the house, voices, clicking sounds, as well as miscellaneous thumps, pops, whistles, bangs, and hums in the environment, all without explanation. Outside the house, five of the women have witnessed the overflight of unaccountable, unmarked, or unidentifiable helicopters, all appearing after the abductees became aware of their situations.

The most consistent correlations between the women show up in the “Personal Response/Event” category. All of them suffer from chronic or frequent sleep disruption, all have undergone drastic attitude shifts, and they all feel a strong desire to live in rural locations, no matter what their previous backgrounds. Seven of the eight women report unexplained compulsions associated with their experiences, such as Polly’s compulsion at times to take children, including other people’s children, to a certain spot where UFOs are often sighted, something she would not do of her own choice. And Anita is the only one who has not reported feeling they are being prepared to carry out some unidentified task, job, or mission related to the alien agenda.

Three types of dreams show up in seven of the reports, as well. The first involves the arrival or landing or invasion of numerous UFOs on earth, a dream reported so frequently with the same details that I refer to it as ‘The Night of Lights,” from the typical description. The second dream shows scenes of coming disaster and chaos on the planet, and in some cases the abductees are led to believe that their upcoming “jobs” will be carried out at the time of destruction. The third dream type is prophetic, showing events which come to pass after the dream.

The final category, “Personal Background,” shows, in fact, that all of the women have demonstrated above-average psychic abilities. The data on ethnic background included here has only relative importance, focusing as it does on the Celtic and Native American heritages which are more prevalent in American abduction reports than any other specific ethnic groups. The abduction phenomenon is global, and in any given region the ethnicity would surely be different. What is significant, however, is the high percentage of the women who have had unusual or serious gynecological problems, an indication that abduction experiences may be hazardous to their health.

The two remaining aspects of personal background, childhood abuse and a family member in the intelligence community, deserve special notice. Some researchers and mental health professionals, unable to accept the reality of this phenomenon, have offered screened memories of child abuse as an explanation for abduction memories. But as in the case of objections to military involvement, all it takes is one abductee who suffered no abuse to explode the theory. Among these eight women, only three reported childhood abuse of any kind, and their memories of these events were not repressed.

Other theorists believe that abduction activity is perpetrated by humans rather than aliens, carrying out massive mind-control experiments for some unknown purpose. They argue that the agents of this activity would have access to “subjects” through the families of those in the military and intelligence organizations.


While it is true that most abductees have a family member in the military, that is also true of just about everyone in the country, so that cannot be a significant factor. More telling would be an inordinately high number of abductees with family connections to the intelligence community, and such cases are reported. Among the eight women, however, there are only two confirmed, and one possible, with connections to intelligence work.

These individual, very unique, abduction reports show such a commonality that they all could quite easily be from a single source, or alliance of sources, with a single, specific agenda. Some of the reported details, in fact, which appear so unique in a given single case, are too striking to dismiss. One good example not listed on the Chart involves Pat and Angie, whose conscious memories and responses are very different. During Pat’s childhood abduction, she asked for and was given a “green healer rock” as a keepsake, but when the military interrogated the family, they persuaded Pat’s sister to give them the rock.

In Angie’s case, a green rock was also confiscated. She didn’t consciously connect the beautiful green rock with alien experiences, nor could she remember precisely when and where she first got it. But Angie does remember, as a child, being approached on the playground one day by an unknown woman. The woman knew Angie’s name and a few things about her, claiming to be a friend of the girl’s teacher. After a brief initial chat, the woman told Angie that she knew about the green rock and asked if she could have it. Angie recalls giving her the rock during a second encounter, although the details are cloudy.

There are other such minute similarities in just these eight accounts, and the details on the Chart generally are true not only for the eight women but also for thousands of others.

There is one more set of parallels, however, which was not on the Chart because it pertained exclusively to the women in this project rather than to the typical abduction situation. I was in contact with all of them separately for months before deciding to compile a book-length report about the cases, and during that time, although strange things still occurred, they did not seem any different from past activities. Things changed, however, after Jane and Amy were given messages telling them to work with me specifically.

I began the book project, and in the course of taking care of necessary business through the mail, it soon became clear that many of my letters to the women were being diverted. It was an annoyance, but a minor one. But then the women began having serious problems, physical afflictions of a suspiciously similar nature.

Beth was first.


On the night she decided to participate in the project, she phoned a friend to discuss the decision, but in the midst of the conversation the line went dead. That night, she had disturbing but cloudy dreams, and the next morning both her legs from knees to ankles were in excruciating pain for no apparent reason. And then she had a sudden, frightening flashback that linked the mysterious pain with military personnel warning her not to be a part of the book.

That was in early October 1993. Three weeks later, after discussing my determination to do the project with one of the women, I went to bed in fine shape and woke up at 6 a.m. with wracking, spasmodic pains in both legs, from my knees to my ankles. It was unbelievably bad, unlike any pain I’ve had before, and after swallowing ibuprofin I hobbled back to bed and tried to sleep. I must have, for I dreamed after that, seeing myself surrounded by military personnel who were injecting something into my knees.


They taunted me, saying,

“Don’t think you can do anything you want. This is just a little demonstration that we can bring you, literally, to your knees any time we choose.”

For Beth and me, these may have been mere dreams, reflecting our fears about the project.

But Anita’s report of experiencing this same pain after an abduction, years before, makes it harder to discount a connection. And on the same weekend I had the leg pains, both Anita and Jane suffered unexpected gall bladder attacks, so severe that they both underwent emergency surgery at almost the same hour.

Angie was the next to suffer. After an abduction in early November, she woke up with several physical symptoms, the worst of which was heavy congestion. It quickly grew worse, and in the space of less than two months she had to be hospitalized. Before that time, however, her health had been remarkably pristine. It was in November, too, that Angie recalls military personnel threatening punishment if she “talked to Karla Turner.”

Was it a real event, a VRS, or just a dream? Anita had a similar dream shortly thereafter, in which I first discussed abandoning the project and then military personnel arrived and interrogated her about UFOs. Lisa, too, felt a very human threat against her involvement with the book and almost decided to remove herself from it. But in the end, all of the women felt that the information was too important to let intimidation, if that’s what it really was, prevent its release.

To conclude, then, the Comparative Chart shows how consistently the same details turn up in unrelated abduction scenarios, and indeed how many consistent details actually comprise the phenomenon. Such reports demand that serious attention be given to uncovering the nature and extent of human activity within the abduction phenomenon.

The evidence further makes a strong case for a very physical, technological basis to alien-human interactions. Unless angels perform rectal probes, however, and make crank phone calls, and arrange sexual liaisons in addition to their other heavenly duties, the case is very weak for this being a primarily spiritual agenda.


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XII - The Round Table

When these personal accounts are brought together for an overview, the women have three major concerns, in common with many others who have had forced alien encounters.

  • What are the aliens saying, and can we believe them?

  • What are they doing with us, technologically and psychologically?

  • And what is the real nature of human or military involvement in the abduction activities?

On this last issue, every one of the women have reported seeing other humans present in abduction situations. Amy, Angie, Lisa, Pat and Beth recall experiences that involved military personnel, and in most instances there were aliens working with the humans.


Although some of these scenes may have been alien VRS productions, other peripheral activities do indicate actual human involvement. Angie, for instance, was confronted and intimidated by uniformed men in the pickups that pinned her between them on the highway, just hours before she had a military abduction and was threatened about “talking.”

When Amy traveled out of state for regressive hypnosis, another suspicious event occurred. A high-ranking naval officer, a long-time acquaintance of the hypnotist’s family, showed up at their home late on the night of Amy’s arrival, in spite of being told that it would not be convenient to visit at that time. He proceeded to deliver the standard “line” that the military has no interest, much less involvement, with UFOs, aliens, or abductees. He said that in twenty-five years of service he had never even heard another military person mention UFOs, on or off the record. And he insisted that abductees had no business presenting their experiences to the public unless they could also offer “concrete, scientific evidence” that anything had happened.

I was present that night, and when I asked him if he actually could tell us of any military involvement with UFOs, assuming it did exist, he admitted that “national security” restrictions would force him to deny such involvement.

When Amy left to drive home, she was followed by a state patrol car who stayed inches from her bumper or right beside her car for many miles. The effect, of course, was extremely unnerving, and Amy felt it was meant to be an intimidation, as do those who have had military helicopter harassment, phone disturbances, and other events that seem much more human than alien in origin.

If, as was mentioned earlier, there is proof in even one case that military personnel have been involved in abductions, then the other reports should not be easily dismissed. Each person must decide what evidence is convincing on this issue, but I am satisfied that one case, Leah Haley’s, is beyond question. If human agencies are indeed covertly active, their involvement demands more vigorous investigation than has been done up to now. Mainstream researchers, however, show no enthusiasm for confronting possible human-rights violations by human forces, perhaps because they fear personal reprisal-which, as many abductees can attest, does occur.

On the issue of alien communications, there is plenty of data from all of the women. Most of them have had personal messages in addition to hearing their names called.

“The communication that has happened when I’m awake,” Lisa reported, as an example, “is usually simple. They say in my head, Turn off the lights and don’t come in here’.”

After Anita was sexually assaulted by the humanoid in the red suit, he told her,

“I’ll be there to help you,” which was frightening rather than reassuring given the immediate situation. And Amy had a curious message in late 1993, saying, “All will know of UFOs on the day of the big game,” although which big game was not identified.

Some of the personal messages, described previously, made direct references to me, once the women began working to investigate their experiences. Jane was told to give all her “information to Karla Turner” and to assist me in awakening others to the abduction phenomenon. Amy was compelled to contact me by her influencing forces, and then when she consciously asked them if they had any message for me, they told her to tell me,

“Do take care. Lock your doors-it may help more than you know.”

The message was so absurd that Amy challenged it and was told, “She will know what it means.” When Amy wrote me, she did not pass along that message, although she typed it and put it away.

Months later, when she was listening to a tape of a public presentation I had made, however, she heard me say that at one point I was so disheartened by the alien activity that I didn’t even bother to lock my doors. Shocked by the correlation, she finally told me about the message she’d gotten earlier.


And when Polly asked her “spirits,” as she called the unseen communicators, about this book project, she was given a lengthy reply. In part, they said that the book “is a journey into another level of mind” and that my books “are a part of a much larger work from which she cannot be separated... an expansive work of love, resting on a solid base.”

It is impossible not to wonder what these specific personal references mean. They certainly show that some force or group is aware of the connections between the women and my research, which may account for the helicopter flights and telephone interference so many of us have had. During a phone conversation with Angie, in fact, as we discussed one alien group’s claim to originate in Cassiopeia, a man’s voice interrupted to say, "There’s a lot of them out there, and we know where they come from”... - and then the voice was gone.

These references also demonstrate foreknowledge of certain events or the ability to direct events, for whoever gave Amy the message about my locking the door seems to have known she would later, much later, hear a tape of my remarks. These specific references connect our separate experiences within a larger organized agenda, that much is clear, although the coordinators of this activity are not, and it seems to be quite a long-term project.

Many of the women had alien communications very early in their lives. Anita reported being told as a child that “The children must be protected.” Amy had messages and ideas impressed into her mind from as young as four, and like Polly she felt the impact of these influences in her early teen years. She also felt that the aliens implanted or stored information within the subconscious, in “packets” of knowledge, reminiscent of the “pockets” of knowledge the aliens told me I possessed in 1980.

Throughout their lives, several women recalled teaching or training communications. For Amy, these included information about various aspects of physics, as with Polly, as well as lessons in telekinesis and penetrating solid objects. Angie’s training has focused on using her mental powers, and Anita’s propelled her to study useful survival skills. This training or programming of abductees is meant to serve some purpose, but we have only the aliens’ claims for what that purpose may be.

Much of what the aliens have communicated has affected the women’s attitudes on a variety of subjects. In childhood, Amy witnessed an apparent VRS designed to destroy her faith in traditional religion, and Polly reported lessons on “changes in allegiance.” Anita, Jane, and Amy also have come to feel suspicious of temporal governments, a suspicion that Jane says was “fostered” by the aliens.


Such an attitude adjustment is clearly an intrinsic part of the abduction agenda, pointing to a much more involved and disturbing program than the mere taking of genetic material to revivify a degenerative alien race. Their actions concern changing our belief system as much as working, for whatever reason, with our bodies, and we do not know the motivation for this targeting of religion and government.

On the subject of human genesis, the aliens often say they are our creators, as in Angie’s case, and statements about altering our species were also made to Lisa. The most provocative message, given to Amy, indicated a surprise on the part of the aliens that Amy hadn’t clearly seen the situation already. “Did you think this was all by accident?” she was asked, as the aliens presented the concept of the earth as a cosmic zoo.

Such indoctrination serves to reduce our concepts of human sovereignty, as well as to bind us to them in a subservient position, as a possession. While some people accept this relationship as fact and thus allow that the aliens can legitimately do with us what they please, there are others of us who feel we possess an inherent sovereignty and right to exist without interference, no matter what our genesis. Their claims to be our creators have never been more than mere claims, anyway, unless there is proof somewhere, as a few researchers report from intelligence and military insiders.

As for information on the aliens themselves, they are less forthcoming. Lisa was told that there are “many divisions” of the beings, and Jane has observed that while some of them are interdimensional, as Polly also believes, others are actually “interplanetary travelers.”


An origin in Cassiopeia was stated to Angie, although the alien said their group had long ago made a “home” for themselves on our planet. Beth was told only that the aliens are here for study and to “avert a destructive process” that humanity is bringing upon the world. The most extreme communication of origin, however, was given to Pat. She was told that the aliens are angels, although not as we’d been taught to think of them, and that they will be responsible for the changing of human bodies at the time of resurrection. Jane, conversely, has been made to see, from her experiences, that the God of the Bible “is not the supreme being we have been taught to envision.”


A common communication has been that the abductees are to come together or “find” others like themselves. In fact, Angie reported being brought to a group of “Chosen Ones” in an underground facility.

“There were others trained like me,” Amy said she was told in 1989, “and we would come together soon. Now it is time that we find each other.”

Beth was told that she and others must work as “spiritual” beings “for the good of humanity,” and the aliens told Jane that “All good people of earth must come together to resist what is coming.”


It isn’t certain, of course, that all the communications have come from a single source, and in fact there are frequently contradictions and inconsistencies from case to case.

The future planetary events are also a major topic for the aliens, and it is interesting to note the phrases and images they use here. For Jane, the aliens have used terms like “the awakening” to indicate coming changes in “world cultures and consciousness.”


This sounds positive and peaceful enough, but both Amy and Polly have been told of a coming “Armageddon,” although Amy was told that Armageddon “will not be as people think it will be.” Angie’s abductors said that the “filth and evil” in this world will be cleansed as we are subtly changed. But for Anita and Lisa, the future changes are shown as disasters for which they must prepare to survive here on earth.

And Pat has been shown scenes of the return of Jesus, accompanied by space ships and aliens, preceding the “bad time on earth” which will destroy many of those who are not rescued. Indeed, to Amy, Beth, Jane, and Polly, the communications have indicated a war of good and evil underway, in which we have a part to play.


And as for the aliens’ promised assistance, Lisa has said simply,

“Why should we believe they can fix our problems when they can’t even control the abusive aliens among them?”

How do the women feel about their alien communications? Jane is inspired by much of what she’s told, but she has not been able to initiate the communications herself. In fact, she feels that the aliens have hidden, in a way, behind their contacts.

“We’re not seeing the true intelligence behind all these scenes,” she once said. Polly says that when she considers all she has been told, she concludes that in reality, ‘They have told us nothing.”

And Amy has complained that in spite of all she’s been told and taught, the aliens “don’t give [practical] information.”

Angie has come to be suspicious of much of what she has been told.

"There’s no reason I should trust those aliens,” she wrote, “any more than I would trust my own kind.” And Anita has echoed that feeling. “I’m always amazed when I get any information from them at all,” she said. “I really don’t know if someone who would abduct a person could be trusted to give a truthful answer to any question.”

The second issue focuses on alien technology as observed by the abductees. Besides the various instruments used in examinations, most of which are completely foreign, it is curious to note how often the aliens employ quite familiar equipment, especially needles and injections. Indeed, some researchers have said that this use of mundane technology argues against an alien force and toward covert human activity.


Angie, Beth, and Polly all report getting shots, and the other women have sometimes found injection punctures without remembering how they got them. But the most common technological devices are not at all human-like: the probes. Their descriptions are often very similar-small balls of light floating or bouncing through the house-but in Amy’s case the probe was rather more “spidery” in appearance.

As mentioned earlier, there is a strong interest in human brains evinced by the aliens’ activities. Amy, Angie, Beth, Lisa, Pat and Polly all reported having some operation performed on their brains, and they often used the exact same descriptions, of feeling as if their skulls were opened and their brains temporarily removed.

But by far the most alarming evidence of alien technology concerns the “new” bodies and “clones” they manufacture. Whether these are really bodies for a future human “resurrection,” as Pat was told, remains to be seen, for other explanations have been given. In a case privately reported, for instance, a man was told that a duplicate of his body could be used to “replace” him if he didn’t “cooperate” with the aliens.


Lisa, too, was told that other people wouldn’t be able to distinguish her cloned body from the original, if they chose to replace her. And Angie was shown the cloned infants as part of a “novel breed” the aliens are producing.

Polly has a different take on what may be going on with the baby presentations.

“What’s the point?” she asked. “Not to nurture this crossbred infant, not to teach the ETs about emotional love and physical bonding, but to blow our goddamn minds. They use our bodies to get to our minds and emotions.”

She doesn’t believe they care anything about our bodies, “except that WE care very much, so that is why our bodies are important to them: to get at our caring.”

This view is echoed by Angie. When she was shown one of her “hybrid” offspring, she felt that the presentation was a test of her rather than anything to do with the baby itself.

“From that particular experience, I learned that the hybrid presentation liturgy is not a bonding exercise,” she concluded. “In reality it is an act of scrutiny against the mother’s measure of courage and understanding. It has a lot to do with mental pain and how the mother deals with it.”

Concerning the clones or hybrids themselves, she was further told that their souls are “recycled” and that they are regenerated many times. This fits in with other reports in which abductees saw the aliens destroy fetuses and were told they are not “really alive” and that their physical material will be used, not wasted. In fact, these and other reports point to the use of human genetic material to produce the Gray workers, quite possibly biological “robots” rather than living, soul-inhabited, entities.

The other major technological question concerns the implants, for which the aliens have given various explanations. When Jane received an ear implant, she was told that it affects “brain chemicals and certain subtle functions.” The aliens told Angie that the implants “act as a magnet and pull information from people’s brains” as well as enhancing the use of “special senses” and sending “instructions.”

But Amy was given very different information about the implants by the masked alien who removed hers. Besides being shown where the implants are placed and the fact that they operate on the abductee’s own electrical brain activity, she was also told how the implants are used to control abductees, punish them, and even kill them.

And although no one was told that the implants are used to create the virtual-reality scenarios, that possibility must be considered. The technology behind the VRS is a subject upon which the aliens have been silent, but the effects of the VRS are apparent. Only Amy has been given any information about the images created by aliens, when she was told that they use frightening images for control. One of the aliens told Angie that the military also uses “illusions,” but this was not explained.

Several of the women have their own ideas about what is behind the virtual-reality scenarios. Besides the control factor mentioned by Amy, Anita believes there may be a positive purpose for some of the VRS activity.

“I suspect a lot of these encounters,” she said, “are alien-induced dreams, for the purpose of making sure you feel comfortable with them.”


Lisa said, “I believe sometimes I’m made to dream odd things to see my reaction to them.”


And Jane, too, believes the aliens sometimes create frightening “set-up scenes, absurd stuff,” which has made her uneasy. “I’m afraid,” she confided, “we might find that intelligence [behind the illusions] so cold and impersonal that it would be unbearable.”

Given all their experiences, what do the women themselves think about the aliens, their encounters, and the agenda to come? Pat is the only one who had unequivocally positive feelings and trust in the aliens-before her encounter with the “oriental girl” in the underground facility, that is-for her perception of them has been shaped since her childhood to see them as angelic beings.


Jane, Angie, and Beth all recognize positive and negative forces among the aliens, and while Amy has been threatened and silenced through the years by the aliens, she still says,

“I don’t think all aliens are bad. I don’t even consider the Grays that are abusing humans and other life forms as ‘bad’-they have their reasons and think differently from us, so they probably do not understand our feelings.”

Angie goes further, saying,

“Perfectly real aliens exist out there, and it seems one kind wants to help us and another kind wants to deceive us.”

Anita has recognized differing agendas among the groups who have interacted with her.


She thinks,

  • the Grays care very little about humans personally

  • the humanoids are involved with sexual aspects of the phenomenon (from her conscious recollections, at least)

  • the Tans are concerned to bind us to them through our emotions

Polly has expressed many ideas about the alien agenda.

“I know many feel they [aliens] need reproductive material from us,” she wrote, “but the way it feels to me is, although there may be the aspect that we are a resource, it feels like a highly sophisticated mind game.”

And she recognizes, as has Anita, that the mind game can be very effective.

“Intellectually I can say, ‘They are out for control; don’t trust them’,” Polly has confided. “But, Karla, emotionally and deep in my mind I trust certain ones of them more than anything else in the universe. And I have been confronting bit by bit the evidence that they made me feel this way for their purposes, to fulfill their agenda, not for my good. The depth of my trust, I think, is more frightening than the depth of my fear.” Like Anita, she recognizes the directed nature of her response.

‘Their consistent theme is control,” she continued. “It is maddening to realize that although we strive to empower ourselves and know that we can claim and enforce our own mental sovereignty, still so often they slip by our defenses...and own parts of us which by rights we should have in our conscious possession.”

In spite of what some prominent abduction theorists tell us about avoiding thinking in terms of “good and evil” or “positive and negative” when it comes to the aliens, this simply cannot be done, nor should it be. For these women, for my husband and myself, for all abductees, knowing that we have been made a part of this agenda and that we have been implanted, trained, and programmed to participate in some future scenario, how can we not ask to what purpose our minds, bodies, and souls will be used? How can we put aside our rationality, our learned wisdom, and our ethics to trust the words and actions of beings whose nature is kept hidden from us and whose agenda involves the entire world?

More immediately, what can be done to alter the abduction situation? Is there any sign that things are changing? The answer is a cautious yes, there is evidence of a change in the ‘standard operating procedure’ of abduction events over the last forty or fifty years.

On the part of the aliens, there seems to have been a quantitative and qualitative increase in abduction activity since the mid-1980s in this country. Whereas most events in the past were deeply suppressed in the abductees’ memories, by 1986 hundreds, if not thousands, of abductees began to remember past experiences and to be more currently aware of new ones.


Either the aliens were not doing a good job of suppressing the memories, or something was triggering a wake-up call in the abductees. Further, more abductees were reporting a variety of alien physical types, not just the small Gray workers typically encountered in the past.

An argument can be made that this awareness was initiated deliberately by the aliens, as part of the preparation for the predicted coming global event in which abductees will be activated to perform their “tasks.”

But a different argument can also be made, that abductees were waking up on their own, many times “seeing through” the illusions and virtual-reality scenarios as Anita did when she told the Tan entity who was projecting love toward her, "Too bad it isn’t real.” In several recent reports, in fact, abductees have penetrated the aliens’ illusions and refused to cooperate as the aliens would have had them do. The growth and changes resulting from alien contact may yet prove to be a double-edged sword, giving abductees a heightened awareness and psychic perception that allows them to evaluate and react to their situations in ways they could not have done before.

It has been said that any species, in an environment of extreme stress and questionable survival, may develop new coping mechanisms to ensure that the species continue to exist. Could this be part of what is happening now? Certainly an intrusion of an advanced, controlling force on a widespread scale could generate enough “species stress” to trigger new response mechanisms.

Studies of human consciousness development theorize that the emergence of bicameralism-the division of the psyche into conscious and subconscious components-occurred relatively recently in human evolution, perhaps no more than five thousand years ago, in a fairly sudden way and with no known precipitating cause.

  • Could it be that we are once again experiencing a psychic change, a movement toward “tricameralism” that will give us a new form of conscious perception?

  • Are we developing new abilities to recognize energies and entities which have hitherto been beyond our ken, and thus new ways to respond?

Many people who see alien interaction as a positive event for humanity point to the growth and changes abductees often evince as proof that the aliens are working to elevate the psychic abilities of our race. Angie has said, echoing the reports of numerous other abductees,

“I have grown in many ways. My IQ and receptiveness to learning has improved a lot, and I am more in tune to nature as well as myself and other human beings.”

Defenders of alien interaction claim that these sorts of changes are a deliberate product of the contact experience, evidence of the aliens’ benevolent interest in humanity.

It is odd, however, that such growth seems to come to abductees only after they are aware of their experiences. If indeed this growth is produced by the aliens, then it should have been there long before the abductees were conscious of their encounters, since in almost every reported case there are signs of alien involvement since early childhood. The psychic increase and growth of perceptive abilities, however, occurring after the abductee is aware of the intrusions, may indicate a different genesis-an internal evolution of consciousness-stemming from our need to know what is and has been done to us and what we can do to meet the situation in a more empowered position.

Survivors of great catastrophes such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or war, may be crushed by the impact of these events, losing their usual ethical considerations and sense of self that is the basis of psychic stability. Or they may find a new resilience, rising to the occasion and reacting with abilities they didn’t know they possessed.

Given the vast intrusive activities of the abduction phenomenon, we as a species may well feel such a threat or stress that a “mutational” or evolutionary leap is occurring today, developing a tricameralism of the mind, allowing us to confront the intruders and see them more clearly than they have allowed in the past.


On the basis of many recent abduction reports, there is hope that our species is awakening.


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