by J. O'Brien
May 31, 1998
O'Brien'sExtraterrestrials Website
Yesterday I received a book titled "The
Contact Has Begun", concerning a journalist named
Philip Krapf who in June, 1997 was beamed up to a Starship on
the back side of the moon, and in a three day period introduced to
the plan of the Verdant race of aliens to peacefully
introduce the entire world to the presence of ETs, and to help us
become peaceful interstellar travelers.
It was his job to write this book about
their plans. The book starts with his witnessing about a hundred
humans being examined to discover every facet of their bodies, how
they were constructed and how the functioned.
(Based upon subsequent dealings with
this race, I feel that this was just for show, since they must have
had years of prior data gathering time before this event.)
I had never heard of this race, but according to the book, they are
the most numerous beings in the universe (subsequently shown to be
another falsehood.) They live to be 20,000 equivalent earth years
old, and their main interest is in discovering new things, races,
planets, etc. They said that they had located God and
"heaven" in their exploring of the universe, and that it was the
largest structure in the universe.
Their head holy man had visited
"heaven", who could be accessed through 12 "gates of pearl",
reminding me of the Pearly Gates description of the
christian version of heaven.
When I read this, I thought to
"God is not localized. Being
that Is, He/She, apart from space is in all space. Apart from
time is in all time."
After finishing reading the book and
thinking about what it said, I became aware of a representative from
this race who said that they wanted me to visit their star ship and
get indoctrinated into their plan of revealing themselves to the
By the way, this plan includes a
creation within a few days of a large city surrounded by green grass
in the desert southwest, where the world government will be located,
in which each sovereign nation would become a sovereign state,
sending representatives to this central governing body.
They normally exist in the
4th density
reality, a higher vibration, which makes them invisible to those in
the 3rd density reality which is the one we live in, like the blades
of a fan disappearing when it is turned on. However highly intuitive
individuals can sense both their presence and pick up their
thoughts. All aliens can move down into the 3rd density at their
discretion, and their space ships can also become visible in the
same manner.
So, to make a long story short, I finally agreed. So 10:00 AM this
morning was supposed to be the "Beam me up, Scotty" time.
But after this agreement, the benevolent
Pleiadians came by and said
they wanted to talk to me after I went to bed. About three weeks ago
their representative came to me and asked what they could do to even
partially repay what I had done for them in turning their
the Reptilians, into allies by having them accept the
power of Unconditional Love from All that Is (God ),
as told in another story.
I told them that a ride in one of their
UFOs would be just fine, and a tentative date had been set for this
trip. When I retired I was met with a representative of the
Pleiadian race who said that they wanted me to go with them before
the Verdant adventure and they would be picking me up some time
during the night. This seemed like a sudden change of plans since
the planned date of their trip was still over a week away.
I began to have second thoughts about
the whole affair. But finally I told them that I was bringing in All
that Is into the agreement and anything He and they would come up
with would be OK with me. This gave me peace of mind, and I went off
to sleep.
However my house guest Roger, the experienced opener of many earth
energy portals, and who had worked over the last several months with
several negative alien races in changing their self-serving agendas
toward humans, was informed by
the Andromedans, whose ship Roger
had sensed hidden in a small cloud earlier, that if the Verdant
tried to beam him aboard their ship, they would blast it out of the
sky and they knew it.
In other words the Andromedans
knew that the Verdant were up to no good in so far as Roger
was concerned.
I slept through the night without any
Pleiadians inviting me to go with them. They apparently
knew that All that Is would not allow the aliens to kill me,
in view of His protection afforded me in the previous failed killing
attempts by another alien race. So the Pleiadians abandoned their
emergency plan to get hold of me first, which would have allowed me
to miss my beam-up appointment with the Verdant...
When the time came for my being "beamed aboard" the Verdant ship as
was described in the book, there was a delay of about a half hour.
Then the word came from the Pleiadians that the trip had been called
off at the last minute by the intervention of God (All that
Is) who I understand appeared to Verdant in great power and majesty
and scared the Hell out of them.
Then I was told that, contrary to
all the Verdant had said in the book about not harming anyone, they
had decided get me aboard their star ship and dissect my brain in
order to find out where my awareness of "All that Is" was located.
In other words they were going to kill my physical body.
A short
while later the Verdant star ship captain appeared before me,
introduced as always by my psychic dog Freckles barking and looking
at the unseen visitor, and apologized for what they had planned to
do. I accepted her apology.
I explained to her that this awareness was a gift which I could
bestow on her if she was willing to receive it. Then a long
conversation ensued in which she said that despite their
million-year history of their being what they considered to be the
most intelligent race in the universe, they had no concept of a
personal relationship with God, or of his essence being
Unconditional Love, or of reincarnation.
So after some persuasion, I
invited her to repeat after me the familiar phrase "To All that Is,
I thank you for your gift of the power of Unconditional Love."
oval ball of energy appeared, covered with small yellow flames, a
duplicate of the ball that appeared to the Reptilian leader in early
May when he had received this gift. It remained in front of her
while she contemplated whether or not to accept it. Finally she did,
and she lit up just as the Reptilian leader had.
It took about a half minute to seep into every part of her being,
but finally she said that she had received it and it was a great
gift which she would share with all those on her Star Ship. A short
while later I was informed that this gift had been transmitted back
to their home planet, and it was being sent to all the other planets
with which they had any connection.
(Our physical bodies muffle the
awareness of the presence of All that Is due to its density. But 4th
density creatures have a much increased awareness allowing to
communicate telepathically. So this gift makes a life-changing
awareness for them.)
This is a real breakthrough, since they say that they are the most
populous race in the Universe, and they maintain close relationships
with countless other races and planets. So the spread of
Unconditional Love is continuing.
It is interesting about the "coincidences" which happened to bring
this about. First of all Roger mentioned to his friend Elora about
the "Contact Has Begun" book concerning the Verdant race which he
said I would probably be interested in. So she sent the book to me.
My thinking about the Verdant race while reading the book attracted
their attention since they are apparently capable of monitoring
people's thought energy all over the earth as a means of picking out
beforehand the "representatives" they were going to indoctrinate.
But I was a different type person than they had been dealing with,
possessing an awareness which they did not have, and so being
interested in new discoveries, they wanted to find where this
awareness was located in my brain. They had no concept of there
being any other location in which it could reside.
After the aborted adventure, Roger said that he had some misgivings
about my going on this trip, since he knew the Verdant race was
Reptilian, and they had a reputation of taking what they wanted
regardless of how it was done. Upon looking back, I could see that
their plan to bring peace on earth and introduce interplanetary
travel was actually a benevolent form of peaceful conquering.
would be given no alternative but to follow their plan which had
been used thousands of times before and at least according to them,
had never failed. But a new wrinkle was that it would include
isolating the approximately 20% of the population who could not live
in peace with their neighbor without stringent laws to govern them,
allowing the remaining 80% to participate in the world government
they had in mind, with minimum regulation. (A separate page in the
front of the "Contact" book is printed with the words "To the 80%,
you know who you are.").
In the meantime the 20% would not be able
to reproduce and would gradually die out.
The problem here is that all other races they had ever encountered,
they found could be completely analyzed by investigating only one
member. All other members would be found to be the same. But they
had found that humans had a wide variation in self-regulating
The Verdant believed that isolating the bad guys would
eliminate any more cropping up in the remaining 80% of the
population. WRONG!
Baddies will show up in this 80%, and goodies
would show up in the other 20% if allowed to reproduce. So their
plan will falter and ultimately fail on earth as they try to weed
out the baddies who start showing up in the 80% goody portion of the
population. Free will is the basic rule here in earth. This prevents
predicting who will be law abiding and who will always be
incorrigible It also points out the fact that behavior is primarily
a function of the Spirit inhabiting the body, and much less on
genetics of the body.
Genetics only produce propensities or
tendencies as a starting point, not an end result.
I believe that the Verdant are in the process of rethinking a good
bit of their benevolent conquering plan for the Earth Perhaps
Phillip Krapf, the author of the Contact book will have to revise
his book to include these revisions. And even then, since these
revisions have never been tried before, there is no assurance that
they will work.
There is one asset we now have with the Verdant
representatives we would be dealing with. They are now being filled
with Unconditional Love directly from All that Is. With this as
their new basis for planning, I feel confident that things will work
out for the highest good for all concerned. There will be no more
taking with out regard for the "takee". They are working under a
whole new set of rules and the human race can only benefit from this.
They are learning that unpredictability is the very nature of the law of
Free Will under which we humans operate. This tends to
make life more interesting, doesn't it?
Speaking of our interesting life, after the first visit described
above, I have been contacted by the Verdant representatives about a
half dozen times with their asking my advice about how to proceed in
view of the new circumstances they are trying to deal with here in
earth. I was not able to give them much help. Finally a few minutes
ago I was told that they had abandoned their planned introduction of
themselves to the earth.
They said that in another couple of years
they may revisit the earth and reevaluate the new paradigm. But for
now, they plan to call in all their "ambassadors" and other contactees and advise them that they are free of their commitments
to help introduce the world to Aliens, and they can do whatever they
wish with the information that they have been given.
It was
interesting that they started using the word "take over" when
referring to their benevolent contact plans.
I'm not sure that their
helping the earth to become intergalactic travelers along with the
tremendous advance in technology that this entails, would be a bad
thing. But the method they planned to use was flawed.
I also picked
up the fact that they had actually killed many thousands on planets
which they had enforced their "benevolent takeover".
So as Roger
Reptilians at heart are not basically benevolent. But I
believe they can change with the infilling of the gift of
Unconditional Love. We shall see.
During a final visit, the Verdant thought that I had tricked them
when I revealed that their going back to their dirty tricks could
cause their death because of this conflicting so completely with
Unconditional Love which dwelt in them. I then explained that they
could ask for the removal of this gift as easily as they had asked
to receive it, and it would be taken away.
I believe that if they
try this they will find an intolerable God-shaped void in their
lives due to their increased 4th density sensitivity, and they will
ask for the return of Unconditional Love.
As I was writing this last paragraph, the Pleiadians have arrived
and expressed great joy and relief in the Verdant aliens packing up
and leaving. Then Freckles announced loudly a new strange group of
Reptilians who Roger says expressed fear and confusion at the
departure of the Verdants. Roger sensed that these Beings from
Sirius B.
So I contacted their leader who said that they numbered
about 25 but they represented a much larger group.
With little
resistance they received the gift of Unconditional Love. Then I
suggested that they send one of their number through the
Portal and back again. Up until now it was not allowing them through
because it had been designed by Roger and his crew to pass only
those filled with Unconditional Love and an equal balance of light
and dark energies, and they had been trapped this side of the
So they sent one of their group to test the portal, and
within about a half minute, I could detect wild elation at his
return. It worked. He was not denied entrance into the portal.
Freckles behaved quite strangely during this episode. She started
barking loudly to introduce them, indicating that they were
negatively oriented. As they received the Unconditional Love, she
calmed down. When their representative returned with the good news
about the portal, Freckles apparently picked up on their elation
since she jumped into my lap and started licking my face. A short
time later some of
the Grays showed up saying that they too wanted
help, and Roger is dealing with them.
I just received a copy of Center of Attention newsletter #91
dated May 25, which includes the following:
"According to the Andromedans, via
Alex Collier, the Orion group approached the
Andromedan Council and claimed the Nibiru Group had the right to
remove certain humans from Earth and take them to another planet
where they will serve as a labor force."
This fits right into the
plans of the Verdant stated above.
The "certain humans" would be the
20% misfits which they were planning to remove from the general
population of earth in advance of their "benevolent takeover". No
doubt the Verdant had had made a profitable slave trade agreement
with the Nibiru Group to take care of this 20% for them, an ideal
method of turning a liability into a profitable gain.
Hopefully we will hear from Alex when the Andromedans inform him
that the Orion Group has canceled their claim, but the Andromedans
may decide to wait a while to see what the Verdant are really going
to do During their last visit, the Verdant told me that they were
releasing their control and "protection" over all the races they had
been dealing with, allowing them to now plot their own destinies.
shall see.
Freckles just announced a visitor, a representative of the
Verdant group. She said that they had sent messages to their
ambassadors and other people indoctrinated in their plans to take
over the world. But they did not believe that this was true. So the
Verdant are resorting to beaming up all this group together and
having a conference with everyone present to announce their shutting
down this planned takeover.
They said that they would recommend that
they come out of the closet with this information after others
introduced to the world the alien presence. (I'm thinking of the
work of Dr.
Steven Greer's CSETI organization.)
This would add
confirmation to the reality of this presence. The representative
said that they did not plan to introduce any of their technology to
the world, since the Pleiadians and Andromedans would become
available to do this if asked.
In the meantime, I had sent a copy of this Verdant report to the
author of the book "The Contact Has Begun".
With the following
letter attached:
Dear Mr. Kr**f:
June 1, 1998
If any of the enclosed story is true, and I believe it is all true,
by now you have been notified that the Verdant group has aborted
their benevolent takeover of the planet earth, and have packed their
bags and departed. If not, it makes interesting reading.
But assuming it is true, you may not have been given the complete
story of how this came about. So this will fill you in on the
details. I have been drawn in to dealing with a group of negative
Reptilian entities when at the request of his girl friend, I placed
a mental protective shield around one of their human programmed
robots who was an astronomer working in the secret
government/military/alien coalition.
This shield caused them to lose
control over him, which if not eliminated, would cause a breach in
their secrecy. And thus the manure hit the fan. I have a 17-page
report of what ensued, a copy of which I will send you if you are
Jack O'Brien
Note: I received a letter from his wife stating that they get an
enormous amount of mail which her husband reads.
His wife commented,
"You relate a very interesting experience, and I'm sure my husband
will enjoy reading about it."
I have not received an answer from
Philip I would think that with all the intimate details of this
report, the only reason he would not write at least a short note
saying it was not true, would be that it was true.
This was written about four months ago. Recently a friend of mine,
Ms A, read this book and wrote to its author. Most of her letter is
copied below. This is a good source of general information about ETs
and their spiritual evolution and technological advancements, as
viewed by a dedicated student of the subject.
She is the one who had
my letter about my experience with Devas published in
letter starts the story:
Emptying Outer Darkness
Dear Mr. Kr**f:
I've just finished reading your book
The Contact has Begun with
great interest. But, it seems to me the story told you by the Verdants has some holes in it. I've been studying accounts of E.T.
contact, and talking with people who have had them, for the past six
years. Probably you've begun reading some of those books, too.
My general impression from the material you've presented is that the
Verdants are not a highly evolved species in comparison to some
others who have also been providing information to humanity. The
advanced technology you describe is all very well but there are
gaps. They don't seem to have mastered
time travel.
Otherwise they
could have returned you without keeping you so long.
(Note: the book
says he stayed three days in their ship being indoctrinated and
returned to his apartment at the end of this period. I have read of
other ET societies in which the time/space traveler says to his mate
that he plans to spend several months at his destination, and that
if he does not return within the next two or three minutes from his
starting point/time, she will know something went wrong.)
They seem highly focused on left brain intelligence without the
balance of right brain, emotions or spiritual development. We
already know that that kind of emphasis limits total intelligence
and they don't seem to know that yet. Also they make no mention of
cooperative work with other ET groups whereas virtually all other
accounts do mention this.
They admit to the use of "sabotage, subterfuge, misdirection and
manipulation." I think some of their statements to you are highly
For example:
The claim of no repeated abductions. Somebody has done repeated
abductions of one of my friends. She has written a book about her
experiences. And hers isn't the only such account. Yet the Verdants
talk as though they were the only ETs of any importance around.
They claim to be the only race which has colonized other planets.
This is unlikely and contrary to numerous other accounts, especially
those from the Syrians, Orions and Pleiades.
They claim that only one was abducted at a time and that one was
alone. Not so according to other accounts where the spouse was
They claim that no current government leaders have knowledge of
the Verdant presence. This might be true but those leaders do know
about other ET groups presence. See
They recognize the sentient capacities of dolphins and whales as
other ETs do, but speak of them as trapped in their bodies as though
they weren't aware of their ability to move into other dimensions
out of body. In fact they seem to be ignorant of other dimensions.
Other ET groups speak of being mentored by beings in dimensions
higher than their own and of the dimensional shift that Earth is in
the process of right now.
They claim to be the dominant species in the known universe,
which seems very unlikely although they may think so.
If learning is their greatest pleasure, why aren't they learning
from other planetary civilizations? They seem to think they know it
all already.
They speak of God as though "he" were a separate being and of
Heaven as a place rather than an energy frequency in the higher
dimensions as others do who refer to God as All That Is.
Some of their story sounded
like a naïve tale made up according to their view of human
psychology to impress us.
If you haven't already read other sources, I suggest
Lyssa Royal's,
Preparing for Contact, Visitors From Within, and
Prism of Lyra (the
best galactic history I've found.)
You might also look at Gina
Lake's The Extraterrestrial vision, Marciniak's
Bringers of the
Dawn, …..And there's
The Only Planet of Choice by Schlemmer and
Jenkins which tells of contacts over many years from a council which
describes the 24 civilizations which have helped to establish Earth.
There is general agreement on several points. There is a
federation. We will be offered membership in the relatively near
future. Earth was seeded by a number of ET groups over a long period
of time. It is time we woke up and became conscious of our ET
neighbors. No one can control us unless we psychologically give our
power away –thinking others are superior or dangerous. We need to
take care of our planet. Others have lost their planets through
nuclear blasts and pollution.
They don't want to see us do that.
What happens to one, affects others for exceedingly long periods of
time. Evolution is not so much about physical superiority or left
brain intelligence as it is about finding a balance between head and
heart, technological and spiritual development.
Well, I've rattled on long enough. Let me know if you are looking
for any specific kind of information. I work on the staff in a
library and have some responsibility for what we add to our
collection so it keeps me aware of what is being published both by
the small presses and the major ones.
This letter was sent by Jack to Ms A:
I understand that the Verdants in only recent days have been pushing
Philip to write a sequel to his first book, since they have shown
him the great changes brought about in their society as a result of
the gift of Unconditional Love. He and his fellow
contactees feel
they have been taken in by this former obvious misinformation from
the Verdant that they would just as soon forget about the whole
The above letter didn't help in his embarrassment because it
pointed out obvious flaws in their story which he didn't catch.
I contacted a representative of the Verdant race who was impatient
with me for calling him back to earth. They don't want any thing to
do with us any more. So I reminded him that Philip had agreed to
write a sequel to his first book. While I was talking to the Verdant
representative, I prayed on his behalf that All that Is "open the
hearts of the Verdant and fill them with your Unconditional Love."
could feel some definite reaction. I have had trouble before with
the reptilian race receiving this gift if I did not first ask that
their hearts be opened. They are apparently a very unemotional
bunch. I asked the Verdant to visit Philip again and give him the
gift of Unconditional Love. I believe he will. His whole demeanor
changed after this prayer. Apparently his race didn't actually
receive fully this gift the first time. So this means that Philip
may change his mind and go ahead and write the sequel.
At present I
believe that he is so mortified about him and the other people being
taken in by the Verdant that he wants to wash his hands of the whole
Jack O'B
Ms A writes:
Dear Jack, I received a reply from Philip today but he doesn't admit a thing about the Verdants. I'm going to write again and ask him if he can
confirm that they have changed.
Jack Writes to Ms A:
I had a letter all composed to send to Mr. Philip, the author of the
book on the subject, about an update on the Verdant ET
civilization's abandoning their planned takeover of earth, when
Freckles announced a visitor. It was a representative of the Verdant
ET race. He said that
it would do no good to write to Philip, since he feels that he was
taken in, as were the other 200 key personnel of their worldwide
indoctrination program, and he doesn't want to be reminded of it
But the Verdant representative said that their whole society had
been transformed into a peaceful cooperative one by the UL gift, and
they had freed the control they had on all 57 planetary societies
they had taken over, allowing them to take advantage of the
scientific breakthroughs
the Verdant had made, and giving them the UL gift. But when I asked,
they said that they had not solved the almost instantaneous
translation drive the Andromedans have on their ships.
In fact, the Andromedans are "around" helping supervise the ET
crowds viewing the
in the field behind my house, and when they picked up my writing a
letter about the Verdant, they went to the Verdant's home planet and
zipped a representative back here so he could explain the present
situation. It's handy to have them around.
I was told I could have a
ride in one of these ships in my Astral body some time. I said any
time they are ready, I am ready. Roger has already had such a ride
in his astral body, clear to the other side of the Galaxy, almost
The Verdant representative did explain that all the 200 key people
around the world who were a part of their indoctrination program had
been beamed up to their ship stationed on the back side of the moon,
in small groups and "debriefed". So they all know the plan has been
(However Mr. Philip apparently was not in on this
debriefing, based upon the subsequent story written below.)
A sequel to the book "The Contact Has Begun" was published in late
1999 titled "The Verdant Agenda: An update". It described the
continued attempt by Mr. Philip Kr***t to establish contact with the
Verdant over the ensuing period, resulting in a conference by a
human representative who conveyed considerable information on the Verdants, and their continued interest in establishing contact with
I downloaded a copy of this book, and with great difficulty finally
gained access to it and read about half way through the 105 pages.
However when I tried to access it again, I couldn't. I downloaded
two additional copies of the book with equally disappointing
results. Then I downloaded another book and it worked fine. So after
several phone calls, I was instructed to delete the original access
file and re-install it.
This allowed access, but I had to repeat
this procedure the next two times I tried to access the book before
the correction "took". I asked my guides and was told that the Verdants had picked up my thoughts about them and had scrambled the
access code, not wanting me to know what their plans were.
While I was reading the remainder of the book, I felt a "funnel"
forming around me and my skin starting to crawl. I sensed Verdant
energy. I knew I was in the process of being beamed up to their
ship. Their first attempt was thwarted by Gaia, the group spirit of
the earth, with whom I was working along with others in preparing
for the earth changes.
The reason for this was clear when a
representative of the Verdants later visited me and apologized for
attempting to beam me aboard and dissect my brain in order to find
where my awareness of God was located.
This time I lost my cool. I sensed the presence of a group of seven
of their 4th dimension star ships and on an impulse I directed all
to be disabled and the crew terminated. My Guidance stopped the
termination order thankfully, but six of the ships were disabled. I
told them I wanted them to leave the earth alone and return to their
home planet. They said they had no way to return their six crippled
ships to their home dock with their space bridging drives disabled.
I had experience in moving star ships over considerable distance
simply by means of a strong creative thought (with the help of some
higher level beings). (for more information go to ROGER AND JACK'S
LAST STAND. So they were apparently on hand to help in this
instance, while one at a time, I "thought" each starship back to
their home planet.
I told them that there were six billion humans
most of whom were in the process of becoming fully awake as I was,
and ONE of us could destroy all their ships in the event of a
conflict, just by thinking it so. This may have had an influence in
their subsequent decision to back off from their second attempt to
take control of the earth.
I apologized to the Verdant leadership for my rash behavior. Then I
remembered the story they told to Philip, of a malignant virus on a
planet they were considering taking over, that didn't kill but which
created mental cripples. They had found a cure, but no preventive
vaccine. I told them I would make an attempt at removing this virus,
as I had apparently successfully done with the Anthrax spores being
readied for use as a terrorist tool (see
last contact with them indicated the preliminary investigation of
the planet affected indicated no new infections so the eradication
of the virus seemed to be working.
My last effort in making up for my attempt at termination of their
ship's crews, was to offer those who were willing the gift of
Unconditional Love from All that Is. I had given this gift to the
first group of Verdants, but this was apparently another group who
did not receive it.
What follows is a channeling from
Jaya (Alarah)
Andrews on this subject in response to my asking for confirmation on
my latest contact with the Verdants.
OK, let's see what we can say about your experience with the Verdant
Yes, the Verdants did wish to contact you again. They did not
realize their attempt to bring you to their ship would create such a
fear response in you. Since their intent, at this time, was not
harmful, your Guides did prevent you from destroying them.
Fortunately without doing too much damage to their ships. You did
make amends by helping them to return to a safe area to make
In the case of the Verdants, they are a more what you would call
neutral race of beings, in that they have no concept of
"dark-light", "evil", "right-wrong" as humans do. They act out of
neutrality.... which is not necessarily in balance or harmony with
the good of those they wish to convert to their way of being.
They do have their own "laws" or
"rules" which they live by, and do have a concept of a Higher
consciousness, although not as a personal god. Many of their race
did accept the Unconditional Love which had been accepted by one of
the ship captains/commanders and this has helped in their evolution.
Moving along, now. The Verdants have decided against converting
humans to their way at this time. They have come to realize that,
even with the free will concept which they were unfamiliar with, the
human race is on its own path to a higher evolution and need not be
interfered with, especially at this time. In the past they have
dealt mostly with younger civilizations which were in such chaos
they could not evolve. So while the "take-over" may have seemed to
be improper in the viewpoint of others, it was beneficial to those
who did accept the take-over.
They see that with humans, this not
only would not work, it is not needed. Humans are preparing to
evolve into a higher level of being. Those who chose not to will
continue their lessons on the duplicate earth as we have said
The Verdants visited earth many times during the days of ancient
Egypt. That time period was more similar to their own planet. When
they left (this time) they returned to their own planet which is
similar in appearance to the part of the world that Egypt is in.
They also have pyramids. They are used as portals to other worlds/dimensions.
Suffice it to say, all of your experience with the Verdants
happened, they did leave to return to their planet. They will not
proceed with their plan to "take over" earth, and they will most
likely not communicate with Mr. Krapf anytime in the future. It
won't be necessary for you to notify Mr. Krapf but you may if you
like. This is all for now.
Love and Light, Alarah
In keeping with the statement above about the Verdants not having a
sense of "Right-Wrong", I asked them if they were planning on
killing the 20% of the earth's population that were not law abiding
and were due to be segregated from the 80% law-abiding citizens.
They said they were not, but instead were going to use them as
bargaining chips for purchasing valuable minerals and other supplies
they do not normally produce. They would be then used by the traders
for manual labor gangs. Killing them would be less useful to their
I wrote to Philip informing him of this latest contact, which
included the following:
Mr. Kr**f:
Your floppy disk containing the names of the 200 Ambassadors for
revealing the Verdant agenda is in a safe deposit box in a branch of
the xxxxxx Bank located across town from where you live.. The
address is xxx. The box number is yyy. The box face is very ornate.
The building is on the corner with entrance in the corner. There is
an ATM on the right as you face the entrance.
This information is supplied to grab your attention and to let you
know that I am able to supply very accurate information received
intuitively, to substantiate the following information on the
You may remember my sending you a long letter on June 1st of 1998
about my contact with the Verdants and their surprise when I
explained that their separating the incorrigible 20% from our
population would not work since our free will would allow additional
incorrigibles to be born to the 80% law-abiding population.
The Verdants had several conversations with me about this, and finally
decided to re-think this plan for the only free-will race they had
ever encountered, and would be back in a couple of years.
They apparently have contacted you indirectly since that date and
were once again planning to try again if we start behaving ourselves
soon enough to prevent our nuclear annihilation. But in the
intervening time period they did not know of an increasing
percentage of humanity that is becoming more spiritually aware and
possibly before the year is out, this increasing percentage will
have ascended into the
5th vibrational octave of Reality (dimension
if you prefer), on their way back to reuniting with God, at which
time they will simply disappear from the 3rd dimensional world in
which we live.
I have been in communication with a representative of the Verdant
race and have a message to you from him. He said to tell you that
they are once again pulling out and going home, this time for good,
and to so advise the Ambassadors.
You may log onto my website and click onto the file on "The Problem
With The Verdants" to get a history of my first contact with them,
with a late addition describing my most recent contact.
Before I close, I must comment on one large discrepancy in their
story. They told you that when we die we go to Heaven, and that they
had discovered heaven somewhere in this Universe. This came as such
a shock to you that you needed counseling. Overlooking their lying
about this discovery, think of the even greater shock you would have
if when you "died" you were confronted by a Being of Light so filled
with the light of Unconditional Love that He/She would welcome you
with "open arms" no matter how "bad" or unbelieving you were.
your present disbelief in such a reality, you would flee in shocked
terror into any place that shielded you from such radiance, since to
you this would be Hell, not Heaven. Yet to those who held at least a
small belief in such a possibility, and expressed this kind of love
during their life, they would happily accept such a welcome and
engulfed by this love, it would indeed be pure Heaven.
To say that when we die we go to heaven is an
extreme simplification
of the truth at best. The Verdants have absolutely no concept of the
Hereafter. I would refer you to the file titled "Belief, Intent, and
Freewill" on my website which is a summation from many reliable and
authoritative intuitive sources on this subject.
You can also peruse
other titles on this website which may attract your attention
concerning the many ET races who have had contact with us over many
years, mostly having their own personal agendas for taking over and
"owning" the earth, just as the Verdants had in mind behind their
benevolent front.
I refer you to the website
for a complete synopsis of the different levels of reality in
addition to the physical in which we can exist when spiritually
awakened.* Sincerely,
Jack O'Brien
* A shortened version of this is on
Two days after this letter was sent, the following reply was
"Very good, Jack. I'm impressed.
You didn't hit it quite right on
the nose, but you came closer than just mere guessing would take
you regarding the safe deposit box. As for your other observations
on the Verdants, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what
develops before we know how accurate your predictions are.
Phil KrxxT"
So this may be the last we shall hear from the Verdants.
They have
apparently done some good to many ET civilizations they have
encountered who were immersed in stagnation and injected their
version of benevolent aid. But the uniqueness of our gift of
will, combined with our apparently being on the way to ascending
into higher spiritual dimensions, was beyond their ability to
successfully handle.
So they gracefully bowed out.
The Verdants are back again for the third time. A warning
was received two evenings ago from my guides that a mortal enemy was
planning my demise during a conversation (I thought) with some
benevolent ETs making arrangements for my being beamed up to their
Star Ship for a short ride. I had been promised this treat for some
time by the Andromedans, with different bottlenecks being uncovered,
like Gaia requesting some more work be done on her behalf in helping
removing darkness and evil from earth, and my two grown children not
wanting me to leave earth.
But now everything seemed in readiness.
So I asked Mother Earth (Gaia) for permission to leave earth. No
response. Same thing with Father Sun; Sananda, and Arch Angel
Michael. I sensed the Verdant energy. A vindictive female, whose
husband I had terminated during their second unrequested attempt to
beam me up and terminate me, was in charge of another ship.
She had
enlisted help in placing veils over my contacts with these high
level beings. It was she that was going to beam me not just "up" but
"out" into outer space and allow my body's molecules to scatter into
the void. So I used the "invalidate" edict which removes the entity
from the "game board" of this reality, eliminating their having any
further effect on earth's affairs.
But all such edicts have the built in proviso that the Holy Spirit
can reverse the edict and use a more appropriate method of
eliminating their interfering with our affairs. In this case I found
out later, she had turned the vindictive widow over to the Verdant
authorities, who promptly terminated her. This is typical of what I
have learned of their behavior in previous dealings with them.
display little emotion. They do what is most expedient and efficient
for the survival of their specie. Vindictiveness is not an
acceptable trait, so those who display it are "weeded out" of their
gene pool just as their planned "weeding out" of the 20% of the
earth's population who required outside controls to behave, by
selling them off as slave labor.
I have been having a conversation with the Commander of the Verdant
Space Fleet, composed of 200 Star Ships. I invited him to see the
holographic display of some of the adventures Roger Kerr and I have
had in dealing with several "service to self" ETs bent on conquering
the earth who have all finally received the gift of Unconditional
Love (the basic nature of "All That Is" or God/dess.
As the result
they have all come to the conclusion that cooperation and compromise
is the better way to solve problems that war and mass destruction
After viewing this panorama, he understands the great Divine
creative power each human being has a potential for, having been
made in the image and likeness of God/dess. He has also been made
aware of the ascension in progress for the earth and its inhabitants
into the 4th density/dimension in which the Verdant ETs reside, and
then on to
the 5th dimension.
If the
Verdant race took control of the earth, they would find an
increasing number of its population coming and going as those who
had been transferred to the pseudo 3rd density world appearing as
they qualified for 4th density awareness, with others disappearing
as they increase in divine awareness, thus qualifying for ascension
into the 5th dimension. The only way they could stop this would be
to stop our ascension into the 5th dimension, which is contrary to
the Divine Ascension Plan, and thus could not be done.
So at the end of our conversation, I requested the Commander to have
the author of "The Contact Has Begun" and "The Verdant Agenda: An
update" be contacted and request that he write me confirming that
the takeover attempt by the Verdant race has been permanently
If this is not forthcoming, the Commander and I will have
another talk, after which each subsequent day of delay in this
letter being received after our talk will result in another one of
their Star Ships being destroyed. This letter will be posted here as
soon as it is received.
Shortly after writing this, I received an intuitive message that the
Verdants had been confined to the vicinity of their planet until the
ascension of earth and its inhabitants into the full 4th
density/dimension is complete.
I just received an answer to several questions
about the Verdants I had sent to Jaya Andrews who is a gifted
Her brief answer dictated by her Guides
"The Verdants are confined. They
will not interfere further with the ascension."
I believe that it was Archangel Michael
who did the confining, and the confinement area is inside their
solar system.
So I contacted the Verdant Commander and
he told me he was unable to contact the author of the Verdant books
to advise him about their backing out, and he confirmed that they
are confined.
Here is some recent correspondence relating to Dr.
Boylan and Phillip Krapf:
(I forwarded the letter I wanted to send to Philip, to Boylan about
the latest Verdant contact with Phillip since he apparently does not
have a published E-mail address. Note also the update at the end of
this Email)
Dr. Boylan wrote:
"Mr. O'Brien,
I wouldn't think of forwarding your
fear and hate-based message to Mr. Krapf."
I'm sorry you are trying to shield
Phillip from useful information. I have corresponded with him in the
past regarding the Verdants's decision not to interrelate with
humans, and their reasons. What I wrote to you to forward contained
similar information on their fourth attempt and the reasons they
backed out again. I believe he is perfectly capable of evaluating
this information without your biased help.
In one of his replies Phillip wrote concerning my successful
intuiting where he kept the list of Ambassadors:
"Very good, Jack. I'm impressed.
didn't hit it quite right on the nose, but you came closer than
just mere guessing would take you regarding the safe deposit
box. As for your other observations on the Verdants, I guess
we'll just have to wait and see what develops before we know how
accurate your predictions are."
Here is a confirmation that the Verdants
were stopped at least temporarily from further contact with earth
after their third thwarted attempt:
"August 24, 2000
I just received an answer to several
questions about the Verdants which I had sent to Jaya Andrews
who is a gifted intuitive. Her brief answer dictated by her
Guides was "The Verdants are confined. They will not interfere
further with the ascension."
I believe that it was Archangel
Michael who did the confining, and the confinement area is
inside their solar system. So I contacted the Verdant Commander
and he told me he was unable to contact the author of the
Verdant books to advise him about their backing out, and he
confirmed that they are confined."
Back to August/7/2001
This was almost a
year ago. It is my understanding that the Verdants were released
from their confinement in order to see how they would use this
freedom. They chose to once again try to establish contact with us.
The holy spirit has jurisdiction over what I do in releasing
blockages to our ascension into the 4th dimension, which is about to
start. The fact that my actions were not blocked in stopping their
fourth attempt at taking over the control of earth means that they
must have met with her approval.
On another subject, after getting approval from your (Dr.
Boylan's) Higher Self, my remote healing partner and I gave you
some healing this morning. She detected and removed bottled up anger
and rage which was causing some lower back pain. There should be a
considerable improvement in this area within the next day or two. We
removed some dark energies and evil entities who had been blocking
your clear vision for more than one lifetime.
When this blockage was removed, she
picked up your being furious with yourself for allowing your
subconscious to be programmed in this manner, and at them for doing
this to you. This is the first time you had any inkling of what was
going on.
She also picked up your having a chronic heart problem which mild
exercise would help correct, and you have some liver damage from
parasites which were removed.
In case you trashed the first letter, here is a copy which I hope
you will now allow to go through to Philip.
Dear Phillip:
Well, the Verdants have been trying to gain a foothold on earth
for the fourth time. The thirty two space ships they had
positioned around the moon have now been returned back to their
home planets. Thirty one were returned intact. The twentieth one
had been cloaked and was once again trying to beam me aboard and
with intentions of termination.
That ship was moved close to the sun
and rotated like a wiener on a spit before being returned to
them, a burnt out cinder.
(Note: This was actually sent into
an alternate reality by Arch Angel Michael, rather than being
cooked. My retaliatory action was considered extreme by the
Holy Spirit and was thus thwarted. I located it and returned it
to its home planet)
They are aware that we are ascending
into the 4th density/dimension as I write. But they are not
aware that the earth will be made uninhabitable from major earth
changes and essentially abandoned within the next three years,
for a period of several years. Those with service-to-others
instincts (the supposed 80% but not that high a percentage) and
who are living a life based upon Divine Unconditional Love, will
be ascending into the 5th density/dimension.
While those service-to self beings
(the 20% but far more than 20%) not willing to change, will find
themselves moved individually overnight to a pseudo-3rd density
earth. There they will be given more time to change their
nature, or else their bodies will be terminated and their
spirits prepared for additional incarnations.
Ultimately they will learn they are
"made in the image and likeness of God" and have reunification
with Him/Her as their ultimate purpose.
So the Verdants would soon find
themselves with a virtually empty planet on their hands. I have
had a conference with their leaders in regard to the
demonstration of what would happen to their ships if they
attempted another approach to earth.
Despite their friendly
gestures to you and your ambassadors, they are essentially
emotionless beings who do not feel love, hate, or even pain.
But they are changelings and can
imitate any life form they so choose. How would the Verdants,
using their cold logic, ever successfully govern humans who are
emotional independent-thinking creatures, and not the uniform
thinking, hive-minded creatures to which they are accustomed?
Think about it!
Before you make your lecture tour, please check
out the revised plans of the Verdants if they do not contact you
They should tell you that upon
further consideration, they have discovered irreconcilable
differences between the two races.
Jack O'Brien
The latest on the Verdants
I just
phoned the local psychic with whom I have been communicating over
the last couple of months, in regard to the status of the Verdants.
Here is what he has to say:
The Verdant command is in a state of
flux, or limbo. There is no activity toward another attempt at
contact Earth. He says that there are planetary energy
realignments going on for the next several weeks relating to
ascension of earth into the 4th dimension, and then everything
will return to normal, but realigned.
New communication channels will have
to be established before interdimensional travel can occur
again. He said the "lost" space ship has been returned to their
planet, and their reaction was of "surprise".
There were no fatalities in
this event.
Note: The latest information from Philip Krapf indicates that the Verdants will attempt another contact with
Earth in 2002. What this latest encounter will have on this agenda
remains to be seen.
Perhaps Philip will have divulged this in his
forthcoming lecture series.