09 -
A Universal Standard?
What I'm about to say may make some readers uncomfortable, but I'll say it anyway. The first and foremost distinction of the sort has to do with the difference between sexually-reproducing populations (sexuals) and those who reproduce by cloning or other non-sexual means (non-sexuals). Every single alien population with whom I’ve interacted has placed strong, unmistakable emphasis on the difference between sexuals and non-sexuals.
The difference between sexual Verdants (subdued yet collectively aggressive, territorial, and prone to black-outs of larger perspective) vs. typically non-sexual "gray" aliens is stark. Grays are more dispassionate and consistent in their analysis, more capable of admitting error. They’re humbler and less prone to the stimulus-seeking dimensions of personality disorder.
The same is true of other non-sexuals who have
interacted with humans.
reasoning is less slippery, less prone to pleasure-seeking pitfalls
and specious rationalizations, less distorted by the need to impress
others. Non-sexuals can sustain their thinking more prolongedly and
can develop finer, more detailed kinds of reasoning.
Sometimes, of course, there's a prescient kind of love for that
future little cutie.
aliens accept even “sex-positive” humans who can see through
themselves and behave responsibly.
Sometimes it frames a discussion of sexual escapism and what, to aliens, are nearly delusional notions of economic refuge. Sometimes sexual vs. nonsexual themes permeate discussions about evolution and advanced social dynamics.
Hyper-advanced aliens say that entire planets have suffered ecological death while the sexually predatory elites responsible for such disasters continued their escapades right up until the death of all surface life forms. In some cases, they competed for sexual opportunity even as they retreated to underground refuge!
Some aliens have posed the following question:
At other times, the sexual-nonsexual theme has been used to underscore the aggressive intervention, here, by Verdants, who reportedly dominate the lesser, dependent gray alien population.
Since the story of the Verdant population provides a useful example of sexual vs. non-sexual behavior, we’ll discuss it briefly before returning to our main topic.