Chapter 6


"....My initial shock from that first encounter had now passed and slowly my mind was beginning to function.

"....All about me there were things well worth my trying to remember, but, if I were only going to take note of the overall picture or concept, these important details might be lost to me later.

"Just how big is this thing?" was a question that had been in my mind since arrival, so I decided to try to work out some form of scale for the whole apparatus.

"I paced out the main recreation room as it was the largest single area I had been able to get into after my initial induction. If only I could remember these measurements and those of other rooms I was allowed to use, I thought that later I might be able to construct a map or plan of the layout - and who knows what I could learn from that!

"The areas were constructed in such a way that the curved walls and unusual, defused lighting made size rather difficult to estimate using sight alone. Back then I had no idea just what material was used to construct these rather strange-looking walls, but I noticed there was a honeycomb-type pattern deep within them. I was also puzzled by the fluorescent blue-white light that was emitted by these same walls and the domed ceiling, for it seemed to have no direct source.

"I paced 62 strides of approximately one meter’s length in a set direction. The room appeared to be circular, but just in case I also paced out the direction perpendicular to it. To my surprise this was as near as possible to 90 to paces. So, in reality, the room was an oval shape. But this did not help me to estimate any overall size as there was far more to this ’machine’ than the room where I was currently standing. Still, it was a start.

"The entry portal - the area where I had first ’materialized’ - would be bigger yet, I thought, and I made a mental note of its approximate direction in relation to the recreation room. There was also the spiral aspect, which suggested more than one layer or deck. However, it is possible that this latter aspect was an illusion, for curiously enough I do not recall a lift or any other mechanical means of getting up or down or from one area to another. Yet I still feel that more than one level was involved here.

"There was gravity, but it was not great. It also appeared to fluctuate. There were times when solid objects, such as the walls and even my body, appeared to be very translucent. They would take on a glow and become transparent. When this happened, they flashed all the colours of the rainbow and were almost entirely lost to view before coming back into what I would call focus! These periods seemed to come in waves or pulses, and usually at the same time as the gravity fluctuations....

"....At one end of the recreation room was a large version of the three-dimensional device I had seen earlier when I met Millie. On asking, I was told it would show pictures from outside the ship upon leaving and approaching various planets; at other times, images of the home planet or various things of interest....

"....There were devices that I was able to use more easily, however. These were more like a one-on-one type of personal device with no screen, and seemed to be capable of projecting a picture or imagery right into my head in 3D. I was able to hear or interpret this system very well. While I’ve not had the opportunity to use terrestrial virtual reality projectors, I should think that they would be lucky to come anywhere near these devices I was using.

"....I made my way back to the ’bowling alley’ area. It fascinated me probably all the more because Zeena would not discuss its function in any detail. I took courage in both hands and decided to have a little wander into forbidden territory....

"....The first alleyway I chose to try was furthermost from my own, simply because that’s the way I operate or think.... The slight repulsion or force that I’d felt when walked past this point on other occasions soon became so strong that I was unable to proceed further than half the distance along the passageway. I then realized why I had not seen any locking devices on entranceway doors. Perhaps they were not quite as trusting as I’d first thought!

"Using little logical deduction, I concluded that if the resistance was highest at this end of the alleyways - and it did appear that there was a variation in the resistance levels - then perhaps I should try to effect entry into one of the doorways closer to my designated one. It was a long shot but worth a try. I made it right up to the door this time, although it was akin to walking up an icy slope. Getting to the door was only half of it, though, for I could not pass through it as I’d hoped. It was as solid as you would normally expect a door to be.

"Thwarted, I decided to return to my own reserved area, for I still had many questions to ask, if I could find anyone to put them to....

"....Have you ever tried to look at yourself all over without a mirror? There was nothing that even remotely resembled such a thing around the transporter. In fact, I could not find one reflecting surface, so for the facial examination I had to make do with looking at others and asking Zeena.

"As far as the body suit was concerned, from personal examination I found it to have a neat, even fit, just like a second skin. There was no way I could separate from my own skin. The strangest thing about it was that I could not actually feel it at all.

"One thing that I discovered about it, by accident at first, was that if I gave my leg a sharp slap with my hand, this would generate little sparks. I could achieve the same by clapping my hands. Mind you it had to be done very hard. I rubbed my hands on other surfaces to see if this would have any effect on the suit, but I was not able to damage it in any way.

"As close as I can describe the texture, apart from it being like a second skin, it was perhaps similar to Teflon, a very smooth, even substance. The fingertips, however, did seemed to be ribbed ever so slightly. Whether this was some form of reinforcement or just to aid one’s grip. I could not say.

"The facial covering was of great wonder to me as it did not cover the eyes, or, if it did, it was transparent. It did not cover the mouth, nose or ears. As far as the eyes went, it covered the eyelids in detail all around the eyes but left the eyeballs untouched. I don’t know how this was done, for the covering showed no sign of peeling or delaminating that I could see. The same was true of the mouth, but the covering over the lips stopped just inside it. I still have a mark or dividing line on my lips which shows up from time to time, even after many years - such was the ferocious radiation from their sun. Another notable factor was that the suit completely covered the lower orifices, as the body did not need to excrete waste products in the usual way. However, the suits could be removed if necessary, but only for limited periods of time and under controlled conditions....

"....The suits not only supplied nourishment for the body through an energy-transfer link with their collection devices, but, in reverse transference, conducted body wastes away as well. A by-product of this transference was the instant dissolving of body hair, hence the loss of all hair upon being fitted with a suit.

"Zeena nonchalantly informed me that my fingernails and toenails would eventually dissolve, too, if I should stay with them for any length of time. Indeed, she herself did not have any fingernails.


(As an aside, it seems that my own nails are now much thinner than they used to be, and will probably ever grow back to their thickness of yesteryear!)

"Upon her return from duty, Zeena was kin to continue her explanation of what they were doing and were about to do on the new breeding program, and why it had become such a priority for the people. In order for me to understand, or at least try to understand fully, another lesson was apparently necessary....

"....For you to understand the problems that we have, it is best that I tell you a little more about the world you live in. Some of this will be hard to understand, but some other aspects will ring a bell when you start to look at them in a different light," said Zeena, who was sitting opposite my sleeping cubicle.

I had just finished another small nap to make up for my forty-hour marathon without sleep.

"You will remember some time ago I promised to tell you about the other side of yourself," Zeena continued. "This concerns the cycle of the atom, the part that is still little understood by your people, or, should I say, not yet fully understood by them. When this is understood, a whole new dimension, or dimensions, will open up for you; for in this instant of time between the pulses of atoms lies a world within worlds. They are in fact parallel dimensions to your own - at least to the one where most of you live your ’now’. These dimensions are so close to your real ’now’ that you can slip in and out of them without even knowing you have done so! There are sometimes little clues that tell you what has just happened. This dimension-slipping has been going on since you first walked on Earth, only now it is becoming more common to your people. It can happen almost every day to some, but they are basically unaware of it. This is happening because you are awakening in your true selves.

"You are close to a major dimension-leap, the like of which you have never before experienced; a leap that will bring you closer to my people. This is what we have all been waiting for! How many times have you searched for something in a room and could not find it? You go back some time later and there it is, right in front of your nose, there is no way you could have missed it when you searched. You see, you are not always where you think you are. The trick is to be fully conscious when you make these mini-leaps and be aware of where you have gone. You will be very surprised, I think. It is a place not far from there that you will find us.

"We basically come from your future. It does not matter if it is six minutes into your future or six years, if you can get to one, you can get to the other. But, for us, it is not as simple as that, for we also come from another dimension; not quite the one you will shift into, but close. So we are what you would call dimensional time-travellers....

"....We, myself and others like me - are in fact a whole new race, or, to be more accurate, a newly reconstituted race. Further modifications are still required before we can achieve our goals as a people. This is one of the reasons for our travel to your time zone, and, indeed, the reason for others being here who are also experimenting with their biological make-up, although they have far different goals behind their experimentation than we do.

"The reason behind so many abductions occurring on your planet over the last few years of your time is that is the last chance for our race - and races of ETs with problems similar to ours - to interact with you as a race before you change to a form that will no longer be of use to us. Yes, it is that close! My own surrogate mother was of your time and race; in fact, you have met her."
"Millie?" I enquired.
"Yes," she said.
"I wondered about that because of something she’d said earlier," I replied.
"We could go further back in time, but it is this now that we need. I will not complicate matters by trying to explain that; we could be here for many more days. My race still has a problem to overcome. We must breed a race with stronger limbs and oxygen-processing units."
"Lungs?" I enquired again.

"Yes. We have been using a mixture of your species’ DNA and chromosomes, along with our own. Our blood used to be very similar to yours, and still is, with a little modification, although we really only have one type as you would know it; well, but they are both very much like your A-negative. We can modify most things, but what it adds up to is that we are not going to go looking for problems: we already have enough of them....
"....I cannot begin to explain the complications we have had. It has stretched our technology to its limits and beyond. The end result is what you see before you now. I may look good to you, but I still could not live on your planet without our technology to help me constantly. The bottom line is that the process has been too slow, and up to now has not done the job. At the present rate, it may take more time than we have to spare on our crippled planet! We now need to start taking some risks to speed up the process.

"What kind of risk?" I asked.
"Well, up until now we have been more concerned with preserving our mind-generated energy distribution abilities - which I don’t expect you to comprehend just yet - but now we need to concentrate on the physical aspects, the strength and endurance, even if we lose a little of the other abilities."
"Become more like us?" I chimed in again.
"Yes, we must," Zeena replied. "We already have, as you noticed earlier," she said, with what almost appeared to be a smile on her face....
"....Now there needs to be a step - a big one - even further down the road. There is a chance for me to become part of that step.... That is why I wish to ask you more questions about your breeding processes; procreation - would that be a better word for it?"

"You would be surprised at some of the words we use for it," I replied. "Even I don’t know where some of them come from."
"I understand it is most primitive and basic in its natural form. It is possible that I may be able to be fertilized and to carry the foetus almost full term within me. That may not sound much to you, but no female of our race has carried a child within her for many hundreds of thousands of years. The artificial methods we have been using are too slow and hard to change. They may even be impossible to use if we settle on a planet like your Earth.
"I have been designed to take the place of what you would call a synthetic birth process. There has been quite some progress just lately. Even a hundred years ago, your time, one of our type could not have interacted with your species on this level. That is how much we have evolved in different directions since the early colonists left your planet. Now we find it necessary to take a step in another direction.

"I noted how she diplomatically skirted the suggestion that they might be going backwards on the evolutionary tree....
"....My mind went back to Millie for a few moments. There were some most unusual coincidences about her and me, and I now knew her direct connection with Zeena. I wondered if my being here had anything to do with that. Millie was exactly forty years old when she arrived on board the transporter - the same age I was at the time of my induction. She told me she had feared for her life moments before being brought aboard.

"Millie’s life has been more adventurous than mine, but we both liked to be different, unconventional. We were both born out in the country, far away from the city with all its pollutants, and we both had one younger sibling of the same sex. Perhaps the most unusual thing was our strong German ancestry, which might suggest common bloodlines or relations. Even our parents were similar in that they were not blessed with large amounts of money. Neither of us has smoked, nor consumed alcohol but for small quantities.

"This was all part of history now; not that it really mattered. Were there too many coincidences? I later wondered if Millie’s blood type was A-negative...

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Chapter 7


"Zeena suggested I concentrate on the issue at hand.

"My knowledge of terrestrial artificial insemination is almost zero," I admitted.... "but I do know a little about the other kind. Just ask me what you want to know."
"....We have tried artificially inseminating several of your females. The results, as I have said, are before you now. I and others like me, whom you may have seen around the transporter, are only a means to an end, we hope. Now it is the deemed time to try the alternative method. I volunteered, for it is a tremendous chance for me to help my kind," Zeena concluded.
"You are very brave," I replied.
"I fear more for my race if this does not work! I have asked enough of you for now, and I thank you for that information which shall be of assistance at some later date," she said, after it was obvious there was nothing left for me to add on the subject.

"I am on duty again soon, but I shall introduce you to some of the crew members who are not. You may be able to get some more answers to your questions," she said.

"Very little information was forthcoming from these sources. However, what I did managed to find out was big news for me and caused me much unrest and consternation.

"I now put this information to our great world leaders and keepers of the faith, but if they already know about this (that I now realize they have known about it all along), they should hang their heads low in shame!

"Electromagnetic energy naturally surrounds and permeates most planets, including our Earth and the planet I was about to visit. This energy can be used as an endless, inexhaustible power source which is very cheap to access. In the case of my newfound friends, it has been their power source for many thousands or perhaps even millions of years. This energy can be tapped in the simplest of ways with technology we have right here on planet Earth now. Indeed UFOs use this energy source to power their craft when they visit Earth! It is so prevalent that our bodies pick it up unintentionally....

"....This power source does not require generators as we know them; hence nuclear, hydro, coal and oil power generators or stations could be dispensed almost overnight. It appears there is no need for wires to transmit this power, for each user could have its own inexpensive receiver, similar perhaps to a radio or a TV. In total the costs would be minimal.

"The question is, why aren’t we tapping into this power source right now? The right sort of people knew about this back in 1940 - well, in 1900, if you really want to get accurate in reference to scientist Nikola Tesla. There should never be, and should never have been, a power shortage on this planet.

"The disgust I have with some of my fellow human in powerful positions is the main reason why I did not and I will not cooperate with the planetary establishment when questioned about my experience. I simply do not trust them in any way with any information on any subject, let alone with what I may have picked up in my travels!

"Now on to more agreeable subjects. There was an aspect of this interaction that really confused me. If these ETs were of a different dimension or vibrational plane, how was it possible for me to be interacting with them right now? This was one of the first questions I put to Zeena on her return.

"She suggested I should ingest more fluid.... the fluid intake was obviously a most important factor. In any case, I was ingesting a thinner mix by this time. While taking it in, Zeena explained how this multidimensional interaction could take place.

"Our vibrational plane is a little higher than yours. There is really not that much difference. Soon there should be none, as we attempt to change our base vibration. Perhaps you could compare it to air and water on your planet. If, for example, you were the water and we were the air, by heating the water you can produce steam or water vapor. This gaseous substance can then mix with the air about it on more or less an even basis, as you are now doing with us. Some people on your planet may even be able to perceive us in our ’original’ form, but we are now of much denser substance than we used to be, although we would still most likely appear as wisps of smoke or as ghosts [as I had seen upon my induction to the transporter]. When we first brought you here, we had to modify you to make you a little more like us. What you are now is a possible future you. Do you understand so far?" Asked Zeena.
"Yes, very well; our race could change, become less dense," I replied.

"You will not have remembered the process of transformation. You could not. You would just have perceived that at one moment you did not have a body, and the next moment you did. The whole process just takes over twenty-four hours....
"....Why me?" I asked.
"That is not for me to say. Perhaps you will be able to answer your question by the time you leave us, for you still have much to learn. Leaving may not be what you ultimately desire after you are fully versed in your selected role here with us....

"....These colonists, the ones way back in our past - how much do you know about them?....
"....A little," she replied. "I studied their history as part of the breeding program I have volunteered for. We are not quite like some of the other ETs whom your people have been interacting with. We do not have a central knowledge pool or collective intelligence to call on. I told you earlier we are just a little primitive compared to some.

"....The point of first landing and colonization was very carefully selected, for there were other alien influences on Earth at that time. There always have been. They picked a somewhat remote area, not al all fashionable at the time. It still is not. No, it would not be prudent for me to say where this might have been, in light of recent developments. They did interact with native tribes in due course, but that was much later, as was travel to other parts of the Earth.
"Egypt?" I suggested, remembering her earlier reference to the pyramids.

"The Mediterranean and North Africa were places quite popular with early visitors, yes," she replied. "It is interesting to see how the people of that area worshipped our ancestors long after they had moved on."
"In what way?" I asked.
"It is understandable, I suppose," Zeena replied. "Our early explorers had a life-span seven or eight times as long as your average native people of that time who simply thought them immortal. They were gods, or so they must have appeared to your primitive tribes. If I know our early explorers, they would have played up to that title just a bit, as well," she said with a half grin.

"We, or they, left you a blueprint or model upon which to base your later ascension - and by that I mean all aspects of ascension - physical and spiritual, as you would understand it - plus technology for space time dimensional travel, but your people seem to have overlooked it. Perhaps they think they could do better. It is taking a while for this ’better’ idea to come to pass, though."

"What model?" I excitedly asked.
"The pyramids! They could hardly be more obvious, could they? Some of our opposition sure did a good job closing you Earth people down, I think," she added.
"How do you mean, time or space travel? What’s this got to do with pyramids? I asked.
"Well, you are in one now," she replied nonchalantly.

"My jaw almost hit the ground.

"Why do you think the ancient Egyptians were so keen to try to build copies, and Pharaohs so keen to call them their own. They knew the connection with time and what they believed to be immortality. They also knew our people could travel off to far-distant lands in them and they thought the Pharaohs might be able to do the same. Some of the early Pharaohs were very closely related to our people and knew the secrets the pyramids could teach them about life."

"I’m in a pyramid?" I had to make sure I had this right.
"Yes, well, not exactly, but it will become one when we stop moving," Zeena hinted....
"Our transporters can change shape when we need to gather energy from a planet, whether it be Earth or any other," she continued. "The pyramid is by far the most efficient shape to do this with, and a cone is another shape we can use if we wish. What happens if you spin a pyramid very fast? Does it not look like a cone? If you spin it even faster it will flatten out in appearance like a disc. Spin it faster still, and a thin line will appear, then it is gone from your perception. Does that not sound familiar?
"Do you remember a dunce’s hat? A witch’s or wizard’s hat? How long your people’s memories are, but never for the right principle! Yes, you people have had the knowledge. You just choose not to remember. That is one of the reasons you are here, Alec, so we may remind you. Wait until we get to Haven. I will show you many pyramids, all of which are houses of great light and learning. You will never look at life in the same way again, I can promise you.

"This turned out to be an accurate prediction!

"Haven?" I enquired. "What’s that?"
"Oh, I am sorry. I have not yet introduced you to a dear old friend, Haven, light of my life - our home planet! You would have seen it on the knowledge viewer. Perhaps it was referred to as ’Nirvana’. Sometimes the language mix is confusing even for us."

"....Zeena was indeed becoming more than a tutor as we discussed more and more personal things between us. Her desire to know the Earthly way of life was just as keen as my desire to know of hers. The family unit was of most interest to her because they have no real parents on Haven. Their early life is as adopted children. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this as such, but even those on Earth have a desire to seek out their real parents at some stage in their lives. With Zeena, this was not possible because a machine was responsible for her birth!

"I explained to her that even with a close association with one’s children they were still capable of surprising you with their abilities....

"....Zeena, however, had cause for concern. She might well become the first real mother their race has seen for many thousands of years.

"Her interest was also in the relationship of marriage. I tried to explain it but found to my surprise that it was difficult to put into words.... Yet I felt that Zeena loved all with a gentleness that we could not understand or even live up to....

"....I moved the topic back to that of Haven and her childhood. It was amazing to find that she could remember back to almost her first days. As is usual practice, Haven children are given out to their foster homes when they are approximately one year old, by which time they can communicate reasonable well and are just starting to levitate!

"I think that is why our growing stations want to get rid of us," she said with a smile on her face, "and is perhaps the most trying time for our new families as well."

"Zeena’s foster parents lived right on the water’s edge, next to one of the three large seas. Her love for the water was evident by the stories she told of her early years there. They hadn’t developed sailing boats on Haven because with their mind power, they didn’t need to make use of the wind, but Zeena had played around in boats of their own design right through her growing years. Even now she loved to sit out on the water during days of stillness, just to clear her mind.

"I knew exactly what she meant, having done the same thing numerous times myself. A spark was lit within me, perhaps we were not so different after all! I then told her of my early years and how I’d developed a passion for sailing.

"Zeena spoke about their schooling, which was more an individual type of tutoring, or at least it was in small groups of about four. The same tutor or tutors stay with them for many years. Their school years number about thirty, but learning as on Earth goes on all throughout their lives. Their knowledge span is immense.

"Her family unit included a brother of approximately the same age, and a slightly older sister whom I never met because she was stationed on another transporter which was not due back until long after my own return to Earth....

"....Before I could ask any more questions, Zeena had a request of her own.

"We would very much like to conduct several tests, but these must be done with your full cooperation. If you have any doubts or queries, we will be pleased to explain. There is no pressure here - you must know this.
"There are wave patterns within you which we would like to monitor. These are similar to what you may understand as brainwaves. Also, mitosis cell division counts are important to us at this time in our studies. Yours are of particular interest, and we would wish to see if there has been any variation in these counts since you have been with us in your altered state. There would be no danger involved with any of these tests and they would be of tremendous help to us in our research."
"Well...okay," I said rather hesitantly, my mind going back to all the worst sci-fi movies I had ever seen.

"As it turned out, my fears were ill-founded. All I had to do was sit in a special chair which was fitted with a wraparound headrest.

"Their technicians commenced the procedure and positioned the headrest. It was tight-fitting around the head and came well forward just above my ears. They then proceeded to show me a range of flashing pictures. I have no memory of what they were about, or whether they were projected onto a screen or placed directly in my head. How long this went on, I do not know. I’m not sure if they took a blood sample, but they did put one of my fingers into a tube-like affair for a time while the pictures were being shown.


(I’ve included another note about these tests in Appendix 1.)

"Zeena did not discuss the outcome of these tests, other than to say that the Elders would judge the results. She said she would pass on anything of interest that came out of them at some later date.

"In any case, our subsequent discussions were to have a dramatic effect on both our lives in the not-too distant future!

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Chapter 8


"....I regarded receiving each new update as a compliment, for it must have meant either they trusted me or consider I was intelligent enough to assimilate this material.

"This next update seemed to suggest the reasons for their interest in the Earth were far more complex than I was led to believe in the beginning.

"Zeena seemed to have a confession to make - not that she worked it as such. She suggested that if I made myself comfortable once again she would tell me a story of foolish endeavor.

"First she asked me to recall the recent explanation of the differences between my original vibrational plane and theirs, and how that level had been raised so that I could interact with them on an equal level.

"That is only half of what we can do," she explained. "There was a time, you see, a long time ago, when a group of very restless people wanted more than they had. They were very intelligent for their age and evolutionary development. They soon mastered the art of space travel in its basic concept. That was easy for them, but they wanted more.

"They were also keen to master the art of time travel, but to master that art in the form they wanted required that they alter something about themselves. Indeed, this ’something’ was their actual physical make-up, their vibrational energy. This change would have come naturally with time had they waited for it, but these people were impatient in the extreme. They decided they would force the change artificially. What I am saying here is they were about to force the pace of evolution synthetically - something that had possibly never been done before in the history of their universe. As it turned out, there were very good reasons why others had not attempted this feat. However, at this point in their development they were confident in their wisdom that they could achieve this goal."

"....Events were set in motion to achieve this goal," Zeena continued. "Once started, they could not be stopped. The situation could be compared in a very simplistic way to set a large boulder in motion atop a very steep mountain slope. Forces were involved here that might describe as awesome and yet at the same time microscopically subtle.

"What they were trying to do was change their very reality, their plane of existence. They wanted to change from what you currently know as a three-dimensional hard-interface reality into the fourth or next higher dimension! This next reality is in fact only very slightly different from your own, but it is a softer, airier plane where objects can intermix more easily. There is not so much of your world’s hard-line boundaries, especially as far as body form is concerned. Also, time can be stretched more easily in this domain. By this I mean that time travel is less harsh on biological entities and is achieved with fewer of the nasty side-effects your people are about to have to contend with.

"This people knew all this before they attempted conversion. Alas, premature conversion of non - biological entities had side-effects they had not foreseen and are paying for to this very day!

"As I mentioned before, these people were very advanced technically, and they did indeed succeed in transmuting themselves out of their three-dimensional reality. There was more to it than that, however, for they also needed a place to live - a planet that vibrated in a like resonance to themselves. It was not beyond them technically to alter their existing planet, and this is what they set about doing.

"To keep harmony and balance in their solar system they decided that the sun would need to be subtly changed, but their wisdom was not so great as to realize the sum total of the effects upon their old system when they projected themselves out of it and into other realms of existence. They envisaged that just the shadow or non-physical portion of their planet would be projected into this new domain, but this was not what ultimately happened....

"....Their main problem was that they did not quite get over to the fourth or next balanced dimensional plane - at least not the one where natural evolution would have sent them. They became trapped in a halfway house - call it dimension 3.5. They had now solved their time-travel problems, but at what costs? They could not interact with other life-forms as they used to, and they were now living in a world or density occupied by no one. For some reason this meant that natural evolution passed them by. They stopped evolving, and could only watch as other groups and races changed densities and evolved about them....

"....The artificial change in the density level of their planet had somehow caused an imbalance in the rate of energy their sun was receiving from other sources. This in turn accelerated the sun’s rate to decline, making it age much faster than it should have. They were now trapped in their custom-designed planet with a sun that was going out on them, and it appeared that there was nowhere for them to go!

"Then someone remembered a beautiful planet far off in a distant part of the cosmos which they could access using their time-travel technology. This planet was not yet in fourth-dimensional resonance, but from their studies they believed it was soon to become so. It was a planet whose people were not that far removed from themselves, thanks to their early explorers’ tinkering with genetics. Yes, they had travelled to that planet in the distant past.

"So they came up with a great plan. What if they could backtrack their evolutionary cycle just a little and retrace their steps? What if they could reintroduce into their population some of this original DNA? These genes were seeded upon this planet by ancient explorers who at that time had not gone through the dimensional changes that now dogged their race. These genetic blueprints were still carried by some of the natives on that special planet called Terra. If they could mix the old with the new and deprogram themselves in some way, then there was a chance they could survive on the planet long enough to be there when the expected evolutionary leap occurred - a leap that would take them where they’d wanted to go many long years before.

"You will know by now that this is my very own people I am discussing here," Zeena suggested. "It is our dream, our goal; but we would need the help, understanding and cooperation of your people before we could even achieve it, Alec!

"I did not know if the last part of Zeena’s story was asking a question or presenting a plea. If it were either, there was very little that I, one solitary citizen from planet Earth out of a population of some 5.5 billion or so, could do to help the cause, except perhaps present their case to you in an am-biased manner. If, at some later date, you were to encounter this very same topic and had a chance to lend your weight in some way in any related decision-making, you would at least have some honest facts before you to help with that ultimate decision.

"Zeena continued with a rather depressing description of present-day Haven.... They were rapidly reverting to being the underground race (or at least one that only came out at night) from which their ancient ancestors supposedly developed....

"....The population was determined not to become prisoners on their own planet - a planet which, not so long ago, must have been very much like our own Earth. According to Zeena it once had vegetation similar to our own, and very little desert area. The sun they had inherited or manipulated ( I’m not quite sure which is the correct interpretation) was now nearing the end of its useful life. Its radical and soon-to-become violent pulsations would eventually put an end to their planet’s ability to support biological life-forms.

"A problem which Zeena’s people would now have to address if they were to establish themselves on any planet larger than Haven was the gravity factor. Haven is a tiny globe even by Earth’s standards. Its gravity is approximately half to one-third of Earth’s and its atmospheric pressure is also lower, although I do not know the exact factor.

"Zeena’s ancestors were an ancient race, and in those distant days they were stronger and more resilient than now. Haven was not their ancestral home planet, but one they moved to when some catastrophe befell this other planet. According to Zeena, this was so many years ago that records of such a move are long since lost to them. This factor, however, has been the catalyst for many a story or myth growing among her people. (One of the more accepted of these stories is featured Chapter 14.)

"....In our own Earth’s solar system, planets like Mars or even the Earth’s present Moon appealed because of their size, despite the Earth being far more luxuriant.

"The main reason Zeena’s ancestors eventually had to tolerate Earth’s gravity was to help establish intelligent life on our planet....

"....Some of our scientific investigators have doubted that any extraterrestrial race would wish to colonize a planet like Mars while a sparkling jewel such as the Earth was so closed.

"In part this is true," she said, "but surely they must realize that Mars was not always as it is today [that is with low-density atmosphere and very little water]. To some degree they miss the point, for what do they know of our reasons for seeking Mars in the first place? For one, you should know that we seek our own past, just as you would do, no doubt if you could travel there in body as we can, for you know that our histories are connected.

"Most of your scientists approach the riddle from the wrong perspective - their perspective. It is hardly of any consequence for them to think of going to a planet with half or less than half the gravity of their own planet, but what would they think of moving about on a planet with twice or even three times the gravity of their own? I believe they would think very much about it!

"As for the density of your atmosphere, my people has always needed breathing aids to assist them in this respect on your planet. Also, of late, we have been living in a form of self-contained body suit which has made my people a very much altered and further weakened race. However due to our present living conditions, there is very little we can do about that."

"Turning to another sensitive subject, Zeena suggested that the feminine side of the human race owes a lot of its early development to those first colonists and their interbreeding.

"The finer features of those early explorers have come out predominantly in the female offspring of their unions. Even to this day, Earth females show a higher rate of ambidexterity than do the males, as well as higher ability to work from instinct and intuition or sixth sense. Your young females also have an ability to concentrate and absorb knowledge at a faster rate. The tendencies towards self-preservation and non-aggression in Earth females are all traits of the Haven civilization, and even the feminine appearance is more of our kind than yours."

"....Most of what Zeena said sounded logical and made good sense, and started me thinking that there are indeed almost two distinct human races on Earth - the female and the male! The ironic twist to this whole theory seemed to be that Haven’s people now needed more Earth male-type attributes to help rebuild their race.

"At last there was a chance for more questions from my side of the ledger and during this time Zeena and I discussed our mutual love of the sea.

"Do you use your planet’s oceans for travel, as we do on Earth?" I asked.
"No, not as you do. Maybe long ago in our past, but not now. We do, however, play about on it as you do, but that does not include swimming; just in craft," was her reply.
"Why don’t you swim?" I asked.
"In this suits! I do not think so. They are not compatible with complete submersion in water," Zeena replied.
"What if you get caught in the rain?" I quizzed.
"Rain we can deflect from our bodies, but solid water all about us removes us from contact with the energy source. This would not be a good thing," she replied.
"Can you elaborate on this energy source, please? I requested.
"Sorry, not at this time. This subject is a little sensitive to our people now, especially where Earth relationships are concerned, but not you, Alec; only your Earth military establishments," came her reply.
"I remember reading a report back on Earth that UFOs have been seen entering and exiting the sea. Could those craft sometimes be yours? " was my follow-up question.
"It is possible for our transporters to take many shapes to suit us. One of those shapes is indeed an underwater configuration. You may also need to know. You may also wish to know that we can split our Earth atmosphere craft into more than one vehicle. You must understand, however, that what you are in now is not such a craft.
"For your own interest, if at some point in the future of your time on Earth you should see what is called a UFO, then it may be one of our craft if you see it divide by three or by five. With formations in the shape of a triangle, or if five craft are involved, you will see for sure a rectangle with always one craft in the center. This is the formation that so intrigued some of your ancient tribes and is called a ’quincunx’, I believe."

"Zeena then went on to mention something about an undersea grid network which allowed them to travel underwater with ease.

"Later, upon my return to Earth and after much diligent study on the UFO subject, I was surprised and delighted to find in one of Bruce Cathie’s books on Earth harmonics and UFOs that there is almost irrefutable proof that some, if not all, alien spacecraft are plying our oceans and skies using an electromagnetic power grid system.

"This grid appears to surround our planet in a manner quite similar to the way one might wind up a ball of string. A very crude example of how this system might be tapped of its power is seen in the way old-style electric tramcars used overhead power-lines to pick up electricity to run their electric motors. They did not need to carry the power source with them; they had only to reach up above and it was there.

"For a more detailed account of the Earth grid system, I suggest you read one of Bruce Cathie’s many books on the subject.

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Chapter 9


"....I had already been told much about Haven and seen many pictures of it, but this was the real thing. First we had to pass around their sun, so it would still be sometime before I could sight the planet.

"I’d also been told well in advance to stock up on my liquid intake before this event took place, although, as with many other instructions throughout this entire experience, the reasons for doing so were a little harder to come by. I decided that now was the time to head for the drinks so I could be back in time to watch the big event.

"We completed our arc of the sun, and as we approached Zeena’s home planet it became visible in the three-dimensional viewer. There was confusion on my part at first as to what was Haven and what was not! For of all of the pictures of three-dimensional representations I had seen up until then, none showed Haven to be the junior partner in a twin planetary system. What’s more, I’d not even been told that this was so. This was rather puzzling, but at the time I was more or less transfixed by the sight on the viewer before me and did not give it too much thought. I was seeing it all now, and that was not the only thing that counted for the moment.

"By a twin planetary system I mean that Haven looked to be a small planet in orbit around a much larger planet - perhaps similar to our Earth and its Moon, but with the roles reversed. Haven seemed to have the water and some clouds, while the larger globe looked very much like our own Moon - dry and barren. The only real difference seemed to be that on Haven there was a predominance of blue-black seas and reddish-brown land, rather than the blues and green-browns mixed with abundant cloud cover as on Earth.

"....Apparently the two planets orbit a single sun, somewhat similar in size to our Earth’s Sun but much older. This orbit or year takes approximately two-thirds of one Earth year, and the distance from Haven to its sun is a little less than from Earth to our Sun.... Even though Haven’s orbital trajectory around its sun is of a faster pace than that of Earth’s, its rotational speed is slower, or, in other words, its day is longer. Their days are divided into twelve segments, each of it being equal to approximately four of our Earth hours. This means they have a forty-eight-hour day.

"As we got closer I could see that, although impressive in size, most of the land mass seemed to be desert, similar to the outback of Australia but much more severe. Zeena had told me that most of it is uninhabitable, but it has not always been that way.

"As I understand it, most if not all of their development has occurred on the shores of their three main polar seas. At first this had the effect of splitting their population three ways, each group developing its own culture. They later found that by combining their knowledge they could make more rapid progress in all fields of endeavor. This is possibly why they have advanced to such a high level of accomplishment.

"Just before our descent to the planet’s surface, it was suggested that I might like to return to the lower level viewing room, as the area we were in was to be cleared before we began landing approach procedures. The reason of this was never explained to me.

"It was not long before we descended through their atmosphere and I got my first sighting of Zeena’s home town, Nepalesa....

"....Zeena had given me a fairly extensive rundown of how the planet as a whole was run and governed. It sounded very simple - far simpler than anything on Earth, especially when you consider that this was the entire planet they were running, not just a country. Each major district - and there are three of these as I have explained before - elects three citizens to represent them on the high council, making a total of nine high councilors, who are empowered to make all major decisions concerning the planet’s well-being. By-yearly, a new councilor is elected in turn from one of the three districts and takes his/her place with the other nine. The councilor who has been standing the longest, steps down and becomes a general overseer. This way there is a new council member every second year and a constant flow of new ideas. No member can sit again once he has stepped down. So there is stability, and fresh ideas keep coming through. It works, and works well: their progress as a people is proof of that. The cities are run on a similar basis, just a step or two below the general council....

"....The first most striking thing about the city was its neatness and order; the second, its immensity. Even from well up I could not make out the boundaries. There may well be bigger cities on Earth, but where I come from this place would be rated big - very big. It stretched out in both directions, following the coastline out of my line of sight. There seemed to be only a thin strip of land that was not coastland or desert, and the city was sandwiched within it....

"....The last thing really to make an impact upon me was the lack of tall buildings, save for the odd tower or two, and the dominance of a small, circular shape among a few larger pyramid-shaped constructions.

"Hardly more than a minute had passed since we had entered the atmosphere, but now the craft was already settled. There was a mixture of apprehension and excitement within me. Now that I was here - wherever here was - just what had happened to me really started to sink in. Would I ever see home again? Was anyone looking for me there? What if I never made it back, ever? I had no idea what horrors might await me in this new land.

"My panic soon eased, however, and curiosity won the day. I eagerly scanned the viewer for my first close look at the alien landscape. I could see little of interest, and only at short distance as the viewer must have been at ground level.

"What I could see was an area of level ground, similar to a courtyard, leading to two pyramid-shaped buildings. They appeared to be made from a material that just looked like tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic. I couldn’t quite see the apex of these buildings from my vantage point, but later I was to find that they were capped with a spiral tower or antenna arrangement. The height of the tower added approximately twenty-five percent to the building’s overall height. Each building in turn was topped with what I can only describe as a large light-bulb. As peculiar as it may sound, I was sure I had seen something like this before, in the distant past. These bulbs glowed day and night, and upon closer inspection appeared to be of a net or mesh construction rather than being glass spheres.

"There appeared to be some form of electromagnetic grid or shielding device

above the actual landing site, possibly a force field or energy gathering device."


"Variant of Dwelling or House, also Three Storey high - Hexagonal Crystalline Pattern Within Walls"


"Zeena had earlier asked permission for me to stay with her family as a guest, and I was to wait on board until her duties were completed and then accompany her to her home....

"....I still had no real idea of the external shape the craft, apart from a suggestion much earlier on that was pyramidal. I was very eager to see for myself. Time passed - how much, I could not say - but at last I would have my chance.

"Zeena was the only one who exited the craft with me, but I barely gave that a second thought for it was like stepping into a dream-world. I forgot about the craft, for what caught my eye as I stepped outside was the sky. Even though it was broad daylight outside, the sky was almost black, or at least indigo! only on the horizon could I see a streak of blue and orange.

"It was at this point that I remembered having been given what could only be described as sunglasses. They were more like wraparound goggles, but the instructions that went with them were: "If the sun is out, wear these. No exception!" I put them on.

"I had obviously been conditioned to Haven’s gravity on board the transporter, for I felt no appreciable difference outside compared to what I had experienced inside the craft.... the air was still and amazingly quiet.... The surface upon which I was walking was not unlike cork; it appeared to be porous and slightly yielding underfoot.

"....we made our way towards the buildings closer to us. Here we were fitted with new and totally different suits. According to Zeena, this was always a necessary practice after dimensional flights in space.

"....The most noticeable difference was that the colour was neither yellow nor gold but something of a hue between both colours. Later, in the sunlight, they reflected more of a golden hue which was quite spectacular. We were also given extra protection for our feet. I suppose you could call them shoes, although they were really reinforcements of the suit itself.

"The blue suits (actually, more like a blue-grey).... When I enquired as to what exactly happens to them, the reply was so vague as to suggest that the whole thing was either too complex for me to comprehend, so why should they waste their time trying to explain it, or that they would simply prefer I did not know too much detail of these things.

"....At that stage it was not Zeena I was speaking with, as she was nearby having her new suit fitted.... Zeena might well be the only one interested in my welfare in this strange land.... This was perhaps just the second time in my interaction that I realized how vulnerable I was. I’ll tell you now that I’m not too brave a soul; to say I felt a little uncomfortable would be an understatement!

"As we left the building, Zeena put her hand over my shoulder, it was the first time she deliberately touched me, and I’m sure it was because she sensed my apprehension.... her hand did tell me I was not quite alone.

"Outside again, I could now look at the transporter. The colour.... it was gun-metal grey now, but I’m sure that earlier it looked more the colour of silver or polished aluminium. However, this vehicle was not constructed from any metallic-type product, so I had been told. It was in fact a bionic device, although I’m not quite sure if this is the correct terminology.... I’m sure there’s nothing like it on Earth - yet!


.... I remember Zeena saying it could change shape, but she did not mentioned anything about size. That question I stored away for a later date, but if my memory serves me correctly I never asked it.

"Even though the transporter was of a general pyramid-type shape as I had half expected it would be, the corners were rounded as if molded. It took on a smooth, even-flowing shape, almost like liquid. I began to question if it was in fact solid. That question was never satisfactorily answered, either.

"....This type of shape-shifting phenomenon I was to see more than once in the next two days on Haven. My eyes may have been playing tricks on me but the craft appeared to shimmer in the Haven sunlight, like a mirage in the desert. It seemed to dance around on the spot as if it were only a projected image, not the real thing standing there. This was another common phenomenon I noticed during my short stay upon Haven.

"The sky, too, gave off an impression of being only a projected image.... I would have to say it was like being inside a 3D movie some of the time!

".... Some buildings resembled those on Earth, but the outer walls were sloped back, at approximately thirty-degree angles and set back some distance at each floor level, making them look more like steps up a hill. Most of the buildings were circular or tube-like in shape. They were laid out in a spiral pattern with the tallest building in the center, but the heights became progressively lower as the buildings spiraled out. All the buildings appeared to be made of glass or plastic.

"Spiral Tower Building - Possible Energy Transmitter or Receiver"


As I gazed about me I was reminded not to look directly at the sun, even though I was wearing protective glasses.

"Zeena led me the short distance from the transporter base to where we would be taken by a mass transit system to a point closer to her home.... The only thing missing was the transport, for there were no buses or trains - only cubicle-like arrangements, which like most other things were made from the semi-transparent plastic. Coordinates were fed into these cubicles for set destinations, and a few moments later you were there....!

"Upon disembarking, I quizzed Zeena about the lack of sound outside.... There were no birds, animals or insects that I could see or hear.

"We have no other life-forms on the planet. That is the way it has always been," she said "except for some very simple types which live in the sea."

"....Nothing else could live in this dimension - this artificial dimension. The sea life that was here now had developed since this planet changed dimensions!

"....We were still a distance from Zeena’s home and it turned out that I was to get a tour of the surrounding area in something Zeena suggested would be a little more familiar to me than the transport systems that had played host to my movements up until then.

"One of Zeena’s foster parents was waiting for us to arrive and was to be our chauffer for the remainder of the journey.... I had seen futuristic projections of the transport devices we might use on Earth at the far end of the twenty-first century and perhaps even beyond that. This "Dan Dare Special" we were to get around in had no wheels, it didn’t even touch the ground! I shall describe one in depth a little later!

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