Having covered extraterrestrial interactions with Earth and related spiritual phenomena we can elaborate on the introductory theme in the foreword.


One might say that the ET connection represents man's salvation on this planet. Certainly this would be true in its broadest sense as we include the higher, spiritual realms.


To connect with extraterrestrials is an intrinsic part of man's evolution or ascension - ETs and evolution are not separable. True evolution is accompanied by releasing right-brain activity and the opening of the heart centre that automatically brings in perception and awareness of ETs. This means consciousness is now being formatted (though a less limited format) to embrace perception of vibrations beyond the surface, the third dimension.


In fact this right-brain/heart perception is capable of knowing by resonance with the universe, creating instantaneous understanding of even holistic patterns of information without the left-brain breakdown analysis. One will be able to feel a pattern of vibrations and be able to read it; it will translate from emotion to intellect, far surpassing anything the left-brain intellect of today could do (one could read the vibrations of an atom by resonating with it (being it) and then understand it intellectually).


The universe will never be understood until this faculty is functioning adequately.

We mentioned in the foreword that our species is involved in a motion from the 3D spectrum to the 4D spectrum. Current science vaguely acknowledges the 3D spectrum, though not recognizing that it implies the presence of the 4D spectrum, nor recognizing the nature of such energies.

The energies of these spectra, 3D to 4D, are scalar/quantum/ higher-dimensional waves and are basic to the familiar electromagnetic spectrum.


The purpose of human experiences in this 3D reality is to increase understanding of the nature and behavior of energy (such as being negative or positive) and ultimately recognize that some energy promotes well being, peace, high intelligence and freedom from suffering, and other types of energy set the foundations for the opposite condition, in particular, negativity and suffering.


It is common for ET races to exist in a state of bliss; each individual making ideal selections without having learned this (by evolution), as described in the chapter on synchronistic civilizations. Thus there is no experience of the consequences of mistakes and ignorance, or an understanding of negativity.

What we are stating then is that the human race at the mass conscious level has volunteered to explore a third-dimensional spectrum with its lower frequencies and fragmentation. But this had to be created, and it had to be done in combination with the 'veil of forgetfulness' or ignorance; that is, it had to be presented as an effect (as though not agreed upon) through the Luciferic energy.


This energy encouraged independence and individuality but severed individuals from their natural source. This separation was further strengthened by acts of negativity by man through unawareness (loss of right brain and heart) of another's suffering.

This formed an ideal arena for the negative aliens and Dark forces in general; a habitat for them to thrive parasitically on humans and to be able to play out their obsession for control and greed with an opportunity for them to reverse their condition.


Thus the Dark against the Light is all about the Dark forces stopping man from ascending into the 4D spectrum with its different properties of harmony and freedom from discomfort.

Many different tools are used by these negative sources to hold back the human species from this movement into higher frequencies; a transition which would put the human race out of reach of the Dark influences with their low and fragmented vibrations. Let us now briefly consider activities which create a barrier between the 3D spectrum and the 4D spectrum achieved by mind control and, in particular, manipulating the belief system of the populace.

We may note that art and music is being degraded.


The reason is that when humans experience good art or music, their consciousness (which is a potential spectrum in itself) will duplicate and resonate with these high vibrations (and greater unity/ wholeness) of good music and art. This is why such an experience feels good; one's consciousness is resonating in the 4D spectrum or above.


Degradation of art and music by adulteration from other forms of communication (not aesthetics), brings the frequencies down into 3D.

What about education?


The same result is achieved by organizing educational materials and methods to develop the left brain only (mechanistic and not humanistic) and to disable the right brain (also keeping the heart centre shut down). The left- brain consciousness works in smaller units (fragmentation), forms the basis of language and, in particular, our (linear, 3D) logic.


This gives rise to a method of acquiring knowledge by making copies of experience and storing them away in the mind's filing system, forming models, etc. (objectivity). It is all representational knowledge, not direct as can be achieved by means of the right brain (and heart).


The holistic aspects of the right brain's function have a higher frequency, resonating in the 4D spectrum and are thus capable of seeing and understanding beyond the surface. The left-brain intellectual thinking, which breaks down wholes into parts (but does not build them back up again to equal the same whole), loses the greater truth.

Now our science not only brings the population many obvious benefits but it is set up to deny the 4D spectrum and put a firm lid our 3D reality. Anyone who introduces concepts, which penetrate this barrier, or inventions that utilize the 4D spectrum for over-unity capabilities (free-energy devices) are suppressed -  whatever it takes to stop them.

In spite of the use of the concept 4D, in Einstein's relativity, the theory only references unwittingly the 3D spectrum.


The fact that it is a brilliant work, made it ideal to be deified and 'Einstein' made into a household name, defying anyone to contradict the theory - but unknown to the public or academia, enforcing a closure of 3D and sealing off the 4D spectrum into oblivion.

Thus relativity is a good representation of the illusions of our 3D reality. It will prove itself by experiment since only the context of 3D is taken. Anything will self-prove relative to its own context. And no, within this 3D-created reality, bodies cannot exceed the velocity of light, and also this velocity is constant.


Nevertheless, if we reference the context of the 4D spectrum (which carries the 3D spectrum, just as a volume 'carries' a surface), light speed can be exceeded up to instantaneity and will be found not to be constant. All knowledge is contextual. Science has played a major role in arresting the expansion of consciousness (since there is a symbiosis between science (knowledge) and consciousness), over-emphasizing the Newtonian reality and supporting Darwinian-based theories.

We hardly need mention the role the media plays, with its programs and news releases (merchants of chaos), promoting negative, low, fragmented vibrations.

As a final addition to our short list of methods of blocking man's ascension we see that synonymous with repressing intuition and right-brain activity we have had suppression of women, in general, who are 'notorious' for knowing without logic and possessing greater intuition, thus invalidating the control mechanism of objectivity and left-brain thinking.

Expanding on this, we have a major factor here, restricting man to the 3D spectrum which is through the manipulation of the masculine and feminine energy. The physics of each of these energies, which contain spectra, flows and polarization, is quite different from one another. Note that a true male is not masculine, but 50% masculine energy and 50 % feminine energy (the ideal).


For the female it could be up to 100% feminine.


Excess masculine energy will cause distortions, producing aberration and a deviation from the norm, which is what we have today. The feminine energy has been suppressed in both males and females.


A civilization operating on extreme masculine energy such as the Orion warriors unless powerfully ordered and controlled (as they are) will self-destruct.

The masculine energy brings intellect, logic (3D), material attributes and ability to put ideas into action. It encourages separation, and the warrior instinct, but creates growth through rapid change. This energy tends to be restless and is subconsciously seeking the Source.

Civilizations which are based on extreme feminine energy of 100% are apparently common and result in a harmonious, blissful and benevolent condition but no change - they may be stagnant for millions of years. The feminine energy has the intuition and inspiration, the sustaining and nurturing energies and is with Source, and is capable of initiating, but the masculine energy is required for action, technology and growth.

What are the differences in properties between the 4D and 3D spectrums?


In terms of physics the frequency increases from 3D to 4D and the correlation of energy (harmony/wholeness) increases. In addition, there are greater degrees of freedom and variety in a similar manner that man's 3D reality has more degrees of behavior and choices than has a plant. In terms of individuals and civilizations, positive synchronicity will dominate almost totally in 4D (as described in the chapter on synchronistic civilizations).


In ascending from the 3D to the 4D spectrum the subconscious storage of negative patterns/experiences will surface. There will be no subconscious mind of this kind; there will be perception of another's viewpoint or suffering, except that there would then be no suffering (mild discomfort will be retained for growth purposes according to Zoosh).


Telepathy will develop and the civilization will exist in peace and harmony without fear and control. Linear time will 'fold' into vertical time, and multidimensional experience will manifest, resulting in consciousness focusing in the moment and not on the past or future.

These transformations are expected to speed up after the major planetary and cosmic convergences in the year 2012 accompanied by affects of the entrance into the photon belt which will aid the process of awakening by converting the subconscious to the conscious and bringing in the higher frequencies. Individuals unprepared through ignorance, selfishness, disbelief will fall into a 'descending' group and not make the ascension into the 4D spectrum.


This group of people will continue with material 3D lives until the opportunity arises again after the next major cycle of 26,556 years.

The aliens, along with their puppets, the covert government, are not likely to succeed in preventing the creation of, or access to, the parallel 'heaven on Earth' of the 4D spectrum - there is too much at stake now.


But just as they will influence the number of people in the descending group, the enlightened ETs, through allowed interventions and making available key knowledge, will greatly aid the number qualifying for ascension.

What can one do about it?


All one has to do initially is to become sufficiently informed (not of course from the media and controlled sources), even if only in a detached manner at first, until convinced of the truth of these things. Once this is achieved, one will automatically attract appropriate steps to take - via books, contacts, therapies - and develop a subjective reality, giving actual spiritual benefits and enlightenment.

As a final point and brief summary, the main source of barriers to our ascension, apart from the population complacency and unawareness, would be the resistance groups of the Anunnaki, the Draconians (Dracos, Drakons) and probably now least, the Zeta/Greys.


Although Earth is a desirable possession regarding its rich store of ores, minerals and quartz, etc., the ETs greater interest is in its time portals. Earth is riddled with dimensional gateways or stargates, like a central junction box to the inner- pathways of the universe (the Universal Templar Complex).


Note that the Anna Hayes' material in this book is minuscule compared with the information in her books, audio and video tapes, seminars, etc. and the reader is urgently recommended to study this unsurpassed source of ET material and multidimensional physics.


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