by Brad Steiger
December 21, 2007
TheCanadian Website
Spanish version

Cataclysmic changes
in the Earth's crust.
I find myself now in the seventh decade
of life still asking two questions that in one way or another the
great majority of my 165 published books have sought to answer:
Who are we as a species?
What is our destiny?
The basic reason that I wrote
Worlds Before Our Own (2007) is
that I have always found it incredible that such sophisticated
people as we judge ourselves to be, do not really know who we are.
Archaeologists, anthropologists, and various academicians who play
the "origins of Man" game, reluctantly and only occasionally
acknowledge instances where unique skeletal and cultural evidence
from the prehistoric record suddenly appear long before they should
- and in places where they should not.
These irritating artifacts destroy the
orderly 'evolutionary line' that academia has for so long presented to
the public.
Consequently, such data have been
largely left buried in site reports, forgotten storage rooms, and
dusty archives where one suspects that there is a great deal of
suppressed, ignored, and misplaced pre-historical cultural evidence
that would alter the established interpretations of human origins
and provide us with a much clearer definition of what it means to be
There is now a basic academic consensus that the "homo" lineage goes
back at least three million years, and that an ancestor of modern
man evolved about one million years ago.
Homo Sapiens, the "thinking
man," (our own species), became the dominant planetary life form on
a worldwide basis, about 40,000 years ago.
It is difficult enough to explain the sudden appearance of Homo
Sapiens at that time, but it is an even more complex question to
ponder why Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man correspondingly
disappeared. And academic warfare rages unceasingly over whether or
not Neanderthal and our ancestors were two separate species or
whether they interbred.
And just as scientists are adding to a growing body of evidence that
humankind developed in Africa,
a Hungarian excavation surrenders a
Homo Sapiens skull fragment in a context more than 600,000 years out
of alignment with the accepted calendar of man's migrations across
the planet
hominid fossils are unearthed in Dmanisi,
Georgia, indicative of 1.77 million years old
a hominid tooth found in
Niocene deposits near the Maritsa River in Bulgaria is dated at
seven million years old
What happens to
Darwinian evolution when there are such sites as the
one in Australia, which yielded,
Homo Sapiens (modern man)
erectus (our million-year-old ancestor)
Neanderthal (our Stone
Age cousin),
...in what appears to be a contemporaneous environment?
Then there is
the Tabun site where Homo Sapiens fragments were found
in strata below (which means older than) classic Neanderthal bones.
In August 2007, scientists dating
fossils found in Kenya challenged the conventional view that Homo
Habilis (1.44 million years) and Homo erectus (1.55 million years)
evolved one after the other. Dating of new fossil evidence revealed
that the two species lived side by side in Africa for almost half a
million years.
Somewhere, in what would appear to be a biological and cultural
free-for-all, there must lie the answer to that most important
question: Who are we?
But just as we are trying our best to fit skeletal fragments
together in a manner that will be found acceptable to what we
believe we know about our origins, footprints are being found in
stone, which, if they are what they appear to be, will make a total
shambles of our accepted evolutionary calendar.
In Pershing County, Nevada, a shoe print
was found in Triassic limestone, strata indicative of 400 million
years, in which the fossilized evidence clearly revealed finely
wrought double-stitching in the seams.
Early in 1975, Dr. Stanley Rhine of the University of New Mexico
announced his discovery of human-like footprints in strata
indicative of 40 million years old. A few months before, a similar
find was made in Kenton, Oklahoma. At almost the same time, a
discovery of a footprint in stone was revealed in north-central
In Death Valley, there is ample fossil and skeletal evidence to
indicate that the desolate area was once a tropical Garden of Eden
where a race of giants lived and fed themselves with palatable foods
taken from the local lakes and forests.
To speak of a race of prehistoric giants in what is now the desert
sands of Death Valley is simultaneously to refute the doctrine which
decrees that man is a relative newcomer to the North and South
American continents. While on the one hand, new radiocarbon dates
demonstrate that the Bering Land Bridge and Cordilleran Ice Corridor
were not passable until 9000 years ago, an increasing amount of
physical evidence indicates that man was surely in this hemisphere
much earlier than that recent date.
For one thing, corn, an American contribution to the dinner tables
of the world, is said to be, at 9000 years, our oldest domesticated
seed crop. Some agriculturist had to be in the Americas more than
9000 years ago in order to domesticate the seed.
Ancient squash seeds, peanuts, and
cotton balls dated at 8,500 years old found in Peru’s Nanchoc Valley
constitute additional evidence that New World farming was well
established. Conclusive proof that such ancient farmers did exist in
the Americas was offered when a Humble Oil Company drill brought up
Mexican corn pollen that was more than 80,000 years old.
The anomalous Indian blood serration and dentition, and the
geographic distribution of the American Indian, demands an
impossible genetic time scale in which to transform Asiatic
immigrants to distinctive New World inhabitants.
Even if we attempt to keep some kind of peace with the accepted
theories of New World habitation, we must grant more evolution in
40,000 years in North America than that which took place in more
than one million years in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Skulls found in California, which are clearly those of American
Indians, have been dated at 50,000 years old. But we are left with
another mystery.
A 140,000 year old American Indian type skull (via
metric analysis) has been found at an Iranian excavation site.
What of the lost Amerindian civilization of Cahokia, complete with
pyramids and a great wall? One site, near the present city of St.
Louis, may have contained a metropolis of more than 250,000 North
American Indians.
And who constructed the
mysterious seven-mile walls of the Berkeley and Oakland,
California, hills?
And which pre-Mayan peoples
engineered an elaborate waterworks in Yucatan to irrigate
crops over 2000 years ago?
The Caracol Tower at Chichen Itza is a
remarkable Mesoamerican observatory that seems to have correlated
its findings with similar sites in North America, including Mesa
Verde, Wichita, and Chaco Canyon.
One of the most heretical theories that I suggest in Worlds Before
Our Own is that the cradle of civilization might possibly have
traveled from the so-called New World to the Old.
Now, in December
2007, years after Ruth Shady Solis found the ancient city of
Peru, scientists have accepted the carbon dating of 2,627 B.C.E.,
thereby establishing the civilization in South America to be much
older than the Harappa Valley towns and the pyramids of Egypt.
must now be recognized as “the mother of all civilizations,” the
missing link of archaeology, the Mother City.
Scientific knowledge has seemingly been prized by the inhabitants of
every culture, known and unknown. Rock engravings, which may be as
old as 60 million years, depict in step-by-step illustrations an
entire heart-transplant operation and a Cesarean section. The
ancient Egyptians used the equivalent of contraceptive jelly and had
urine pregnancy tests. The cement used in filling Mayan dental
cavities still holds after 1500 years.
No fabric is supposed to have been found until Egypt produced cloth
material 5000 years ago. How, then, can we deal with the Russian
site which provides spindle whorls and patterned fabric designs more
than 80,000 years old?
Not only did the ancient Babylonians appear to use sulphur matches,
but they had
a technology sophisticated enough to employ complex
electrochemical battery cells with wiring. There is also evidence of
electric batteries and electrolysis in ancient Egypt, India, and Swahililand.
Remains of a metal-working factory of over 200 furnaces was found at
what is now Medzamor in Russian Armenia. Although a temperature of
over 1780 degrees is required to melt platinum, some pre-Incan
peoples in Peru were making objects of the metal.
Even today the
process of extracting aluminium from bauxite is a complicated
procedure, but
Zhou Chu, famous general of the
Jin era (265-420
A.D.), was interred with aluminium belt fasteners on his burial
Carved bones, chalk, stones, together with what would appear to be
greatly ornamented ''coins," have been brought up from great depths
during well-drilling operations. A strange, imprinted slab was found
in a coal mine. The artifact was decorated with diamond-shaped
squares with the face of an old man in each ''box."
In another coal-mine discovery, miners
found smooth, polished concrete blocks which formed a solid wall.
According to one miner's testimony. he chipped one block open only
to find the standard mixture of sand and cement that makes up most
typical building blocks of today.
A gold necklace was found embedded in a lump of coal.
A metal spike was discovered in a silver
mine in Peru. An iron implement was found in a Scottish coal-bed.
Estimated to be millions of years older than man is believed to have
existed. A metal, bell-shaped vessel, inlaid with a silver floral
design was blasted out of solid rock near Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Two hypotheses may explain the presence of these perplexing
that they were manufactured by
an advanced civilization on Earth which, due either to
natural or technological catastrophe, was destroyed before
our world's own genesis
that they are vestiges of a
highly technological civilization of extraterrestrial
origin, which visited this planet millions of years ago,
leaving behind various artifacts
Even if a highly advanced
extraterrestrial race might have visited this planet in prehistoric
times, it seems unlikely such common, everyday items as nails,
necklaces, buckles and vases would have been carried aboard a
spacecraft deposited in such widely separated areas; for such
artifacts have been found in North and South America, Great Britain,
the whole of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Mid-East.
In spite of the general unpopularity of catastrophism, there does
seem to be a number of recently discovered "proofs" of ancient
cataclysmic changes in the Earth's crust which may account for the
nearly total disappearance of these prehistoric worlds. Geological
evidence indicates that these changes were both sudden and drastic
might have completely overwhelmed and destroyed the early
inhabitants and their cultures.
Perhaps the most potentially mind-boggling evidence of an advanced
prehistoric technology that might have blown its parent-culture away
is to be found in those sites which ostensibly bear mute evidence of
prehistoric nuclear warfare.
Large areas of fused green glass and vitrified cities have been
found deep in the strata of archaeological digs at,
In contemporary times, such material as
fused green glass has only been known at nuclear testing sites
(where the sand had melted to form the substance). It is quite
unsettling to some to consider it possible that these sites provide
evidence of a prehistoric nuclear war.
At the same time, scientists
have found a number of uranium deposits that appear to have been
mined or depleted in antiquity.
If it is possible that nuclear annihilation of a global civilization
did occur in prehistoric times, it seems even more urgent to learn
who we really are before we find ourselves doomed to repeat the
lessons left to us, by a world before our own.