GoldLybrary Website
Galactricity model of the mytho-history of ancient peoples who – despite
fabrications by others – witnessed and captured for posterity the major
Creation events – including the Golden age of Saturn.
Somebody, somewhere,
was there!

"Thunderbolts are the fires of the three upper planets... heavenly fires are
spit forth by the planets as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log."
"The twins {poles} had hardly moved from their stations when the world, with
no-one to control it, teetered off balance, spun round crazily, then rolled
over twice." Book of the Hopi
"Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle, the Cow jumped over the Moon.
The Little Dog laughed to see such fun, and the Dish ran away with the
Spoon." Mytho-Historical Nursery Rhyme
Mytho-Historical Theory of Creation and Human Origins
"From the smallest particle to the largest galactric formation, a web of
electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of Nature, organizing
galaxies, energising, giving birth to planets and, on our own world,
controlling weather and animating biological organisms."
Thunderbolts of the Gods by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill
"The boundless sea rang terribly around, and the earth crashed loudly: Wide
Heaven was shaken and groaned; and high Olympus reeled from its foundation
under the charge of the undying gods; and a heavy quaking reached dim
Tartarus and the deep sound of their feet in the fearful onset and of their
hard missiles. So, then, they launched their grievous shafts upon one
another; and the cry of both armies as they shouted reached to starry
heaven; and they met together with a great battle-cry. Then Zeus no longer
held back his might; but straight his heart was filled with fury and he
showed forth all his strength. From Heaven and from Olympus he came
forthwith, hurling his lightning ..."
Hesiod's Theogony
The Newton Stone
Privately located near Pitmachie,
20 miles west of Aberdeen, Scotland, on
the A96 road.

The Newton Stone is the most important human record of interplanetary 'galactric'
conflict in existence; illustrating the birth of gas-globe Jupiter-Zeus-Isis
from Saturn-Cronus-Osiris, and the pending birth of Venus-Athene-Horus
from the former thus completing the cycle of planetary births in the Solar
System, and showing the umbilical, smoking-tailed, serpent-dragon Typhon-Seth
charged by electromagnetic lightning(s) hurled by Zeus.
(S. Hall
interpretation of engraving after a visit to the Stone in 2005)
The Moricz Stone
Located near Mendez Morona Santiago Ecuador
Moricz Hall expedition 1975

Note similar prehistoric record of planetary cataclysmic events, similar to
those shown on the Newton Stone in Scotland. These are just two examples of
hundreds of similar stones found worldwide.

Pictish Ear-rings.
Another memory of cosmic pageantry in a state of conflict
and turmoil.
"And the heat and blaze from both of them were on the dark-faced sea, from
the thunder and lightning of Zeus and from the flame of the monster, from
his blazing bolts and from the scorch and breath of his stormwinds."
Hesiod's Theogony
Sun Born Creation Process
I studied the Solar System wearing a ‘catastrophist’ hat for trips into
prehistory, maybe because I thought I had discovered something, maybe
because I dread one day being all dressed up with nowhere to go. I reasoned
that, if politics comes out of history, history out of geography and
geography out of geology, then I needed to know - How were the planets
formed? Everything Humanity is, where it has come from and where it is
going, depends on the answer.
Can there be another question more important?
It sounds presumptuous to say I used Albert Einstein’s method of intuitive
leaps backed by bricks of reason, and Dmitry Mendeleyev’s exception
principle used to predict elements in his Periodic Table, yet these thought
processes inspired my empirical distillation of mytho-history to determine
the origins of the Solar System and Humanity!
In the secluded world of astrophysics, the ‘tidal’, ‘accretion’,
‘disk-instability’ and ‘passing-crashing star’ theories all lack something.
Given so many opinions, theories, and ‘rethinks’, with distinguished
scientists holding different positions, surely there was room for my mytho-historical
The mytho-historical record reveals an astonishing saga of interplanetary
cataclysms in times when planets were closer to the Earth, appearing bigger
and far more important than the Sun and the Moon. Due to the shocks their
constantly changing orbits bestowed on the human psyche, these planets and
their cometary offspring were transformed by astrologer-priests into gods,
goddesses, and angels, subsequently immortalized in word and stone... such
as the Newton Stone!
From time immemorial, titles such as ‘Sons (and daughters) of the Sun’ and
‘Born from the Sun’ have identified kings, khans, Incas, pharaohs, and other
rulers as earthly representatives of the Sun God. What gave rise to this
global custom? Egyptian records mention that, in the beginning, only one
brilliant globe circled the heavens - Ur-Atum!
In our model, we identify it
as a Greek proto-Uranus, ‘born’ from its 'mother' Gaia, goddess of the
We introduce three assumptions to interpolate an earlier, immeasurable
period of ‘primordial chaos’.
First, that virgin births of Suns and planets
are generated by absorption, agitation, and explosive discharge of
electro-magnetically - or galactrically - charged material from similar,
larger bodies.
Second, that the Sun erupted in this manner from some Great
Star, the inner section of its spiraling tail cannibalized by massive
gravitational forces, the outer section forming the faint rings that now
circle the far reaches the Solar System, having dispersed a vast ocean of
dust and ash, variously called by ancient peoples the Apsu, Nun, etc.
that the Sun ejected a spinning gas globe and tail called (in our model)
proto-Gaia. (Note: From here on 'p' signifies 'proto'.)
Here, mytho-history confirms p-Gaia as the mother of p-Uranus and the
residual Gaia. In turn, p-Uranus, agitated by galactricity and similar
nuclear and electromagnetic disturbances, collides with mother Gaia, giving
birth to the so-called Titans, the Cyclops, and Giants – in our model, huge
gaseous moons!
The residual Uranus is loyally recognized by witnesses as
'ruler of the heavens', until it collides with, and is ‘disembowelled’ and
‘dethroned’ by, the youngest Titan-moon, identified in our model as
p-Saturn. In the resulting chaos a greatly diminished Gaia – proto-Earth -
is captured by p-Saturn.
If there was ever a Golden Age of Saturn - or, rather, proto-Saturn - it
would be during this period, ending when p-Saturn is similarly dethroned by
its own violent offspring Jupiter trailing a huge serpentine tail (Typhon/Tiamat/Ahriman/Seth
etc). P-Saturn, whilst giving birth to Jupiter, also produces Neptune -
which spins off the powerful Jupiter in opposite axial rotation - together
with a host of bright, crackling comets, among these p-Mercury, p-Mars, and
The latter p-planets become charged and pock-marked by collisions
with Typhon’s tail and a vast number of ejected comets, meteors and
asteroids milling around in the Apsu, also by ‘bolts from heaven’, 'arrows'
and ‘swords of gods’ unleashed by orbiting gas giants, their moons and
tails. The continual bombardment and acquisition of debris generates melting
temperatures, remnant magnetism, and radioactivity in the surface strata.
(Lunar craters, Tycho and Aristarchus, each show striking evidence of a
single, massive, interplanetary discharge, similar to the effects of
lightning striking flagpoles on putting greens).
The mytho-histories of the old Arcadian, Preselenian and Phrygian peoples of
the Mediterranean mention a time when the Earth had no Moon, and when the
‘messenger of the gods’, Mercury (Hermes/Thoth), complete with (smoking) rod
and entwining serpents, apparently endangered the Earth on three occasions.
Neptune - together with the now diminished Saturn and Uranus - was cast out,
just like the Egyptian Osiris (Saturn), into the 'Taieous', or
‘netherworld’, gradually cooling and forming rings of debris, irrefutable
evidence of cataclysmic contact. Today, Neptune and Uranus are
scientifically recognized as being too far from the Sun to have formed in
their present positions..
The last galactrically generated virgin birth was variously recorded as
Venus ‘springing from the head’ of Jupiter, Athena from the head of Zeus,
Horus the Younger from Horus the Elder, etc., its polar axis spinning, like
Neptune, contrary to those of the other planets. Homer mentions - as do many
ancient nursery rhymes, including Hey Diddle Diddle, Cock Robin, Jack and
Jill, Mary Had a little Lamb, Old King Cole, Rock-a-Bye- Baby, etc. -
collisions between Athena-Venus, Ares-Mars, Hermes-Mercury and
Aphrodite-Moon, in his account of the Trojan Wars – a good starting point
for historians and astrophysicists to begin reviewing and correcting the
current orthodoxy.
All mythologies recount the same story using different
names for the planets, some, like the Egyptians, using different names for
the same planet, depending on which quarter of the day with it is
identified. Today, the days of the week carry the names of the seven major
solar globes, evidence of their impacts on peoples before the current
stabilization of the Solar System enabled Time to be measured with
Assuming p-Gaia gave birth to Ur-Atum, these cataclysmic events accurately
reflect the creation sequence evidenced in the mytho-historical record.
'Sun Born' model presumes a form of ‘reverse osmosis’ to fabricate the
timeless pre-Ur-Atum period, a reasonable presumption given that the same
electromagnetic, gravitational and physical forces were involved.
Interim Observations
Evidently, planets can be classified as ‘female’ since they generate
‘virgin’ births. No ‘male’ planets exist for astronomical or mytho-historical
purposes, male characteristics having been introduced by priesthoods and
cults that recognized and opportunised the physical, mental and emotional
impacts a galactrically-charged solar system had imposed on humans. A
virgin-born planet can therefore be described as a daughter that originates
inside her mother but lives outside her.
The explosive spinning bodies of gas giants and their tails and moons,
and the new heavens and ages they 'created' (including formation of the
asteroid belt, the biblical ‘hammered bracelet’), were witnessed and
recorded for posterity by intelligent, literate peoples.
Our hypothesis identifies 'interplanetary catastrophism' as the missing
link between evolutionism and creationism.
Here disclosed is the origin of a covenanted exchange of power and
divinity presumed between priesthoods and planets, cultivated from the
cataclysmic events of the mytho-historical record.
Various gas planets, during their proto-stages were, at some period, in
close proximity to the Earth, a fact evidenced by the vastly more important
role these planets play in the mytho-historical record compared with the Sun
and Moon. [Uranus (1781). and Neptune (1846), were only re-discovered after
the invention of the telescope.]
That the four gas giants and also Venus, in the 1980s, were discovered to
be much hotter than previously expected, supports our solar Sun Born model.
All the old tales of serpents, dragons, celestial gods, avenging angels,
extraterrestrial beings, lightning weapons, swords of god, pillars of smoke
and fire, warlocks, hobgoblins and all, and ALL other miraculous and
enigmatic events, find a logical place in the Sun Born mytho-creation model.
Sky Born
The question of when – whether measured in billions, millions, or thousands
of years – each major virgin birth created a new heaven, and when and how
human consciousness, spirituality, love, and distortions such as gigantism
and mutations, might have evolved, remains a mystery. The problem arises
because, in the mytho-historical record, p-Uranus erupts from the goddess
Gaia, or proto-Earth.
Gaia was anciently identified as a goddess because,
whilst erupting from p-Uranus, she appeared also to be giving birth to a
brilliant new partner, our present Uranus.
We arrive at an astounding possibility!
Sometime before it was possible to
measure Time, human beings now lost in the mists of the ages actually
recorded these events. But who were they? How was it possible amid such
interplanetary maelstrom?
If the mytho-historical Creation model is to function, Gaia (now planet
Earth) must be part of the gaseous giant that gave birth to
p-Uranus/Ur-Atum. In our model, Gaia is subsequently captured by p-Saturn,
then rejected, then deluged with warm, saline water – also with showers of
gold and platinum that recall visions of the legendary Golden Fleece –
during the birth of Jupiter and its tail from proto-Saturn.
It is precisely
during the birth of Jupiter and, later, Venus, that the ancients mention
showers of gold and platinum. {Author: also mercury, nickel, and various
metals of the platinum family including the iridium of the current –
erroneous – dinosaur extinction theory.}
The similarities between Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, Scandinavian and
American mytho-histories are astonishing, though Asian and Amerindian myths
and legends lack early detail. There is no way they could be so similarly
described unless people around the globe witnessed similar celestial events.
Our Sun Born model requires consideration of an extraordinary hypothesis
regarding the origin of mankind in the Solar System – and beyond!
Let us assume survivors of cataclysmic events would be too
traumatized to
compile new records or save old records. Let us also assume that Jupiter –
the giant vacuum cleaner of those asteroids and comets that should have
devastated the Earth as they did other planets and moons – appeared at the
end of the Golden Age of p-Saturn.
Given these two factors, we are left with
a choice of discarding our Sun Born Creation model or considering it as a
basis for introducing a literate extra-solar civilization that existed
before the proto-Saturn Golden Age.
Such a civilization, apparently of
incalculable age – and the cataclysmic events, new ages, and new heavens it
recorded for posterity – must have continued to exist, in whatever
diminished capacity, until comparatively recent times, evidently when the mytho-historical record of the Solar System's earliest Humanity began to
Somebody, somewhere, was there!
Stan Hall
Amazing Old Stars Give Birth To Planets Again
By Jeanna Bryner
(2nd Feb 2008)
Two old stars appear to be gearing up for a second generation of planet
formation, a phenomenon astronomers say they have never seen before.
"This is a new class of stars, ones that display conditions now ripe for
formation of a second generation of planets, long, long after the stars
themselves formed," said UCLA astronomy graduate student Carl Melis, who
reported the findings at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical
Society in Austin, Texas.
The stars are BP Piscium in the constellation Pisces and
TYCHO 4144 329 2,
which resides in the constellation Ursa Major…
"We currently understand
planet formation to occur around stars when they are very young and
enshrouded in dusty and gaseous disks, the material necessary to form
planetary bodies," Melis told SPACE.com.
"This material is completely used
up after a couple to ten million years after the star is born and is not
replenished during the star's life. As such, we would never expect a star to
undergo planet formation late in its life as the necessary conditions are
not present."
BP Piscium
(center) is located in the constellation Pisces. Green and
red jets of gas can be seen shooting from the star in this
image, which was obtained using the 3-meter telescope at the
University of California's Lick Observatory. Credit: UCLA |
The second star,
TYCHO 4144 329 2, is located in the constellation
Ursa Major -- more commonly known as "The Big Dipper".
Credit: Noel Carboni / NASA |
How they can do this is still unclear, but the stars seem to have kept many
of their youthful qualities. For instance, the researchers found orbiting
disks of gas and dust extended around the stars, and, in the case of BP
Piscium, jets of gas being ejected into space.
These gas-and-dust rings
provide the fodder for the making of planetesimals, such as comets and
asteroids that can merge to form larger bodies, along with planets.