Another great circle alignment of sacred sites diagramed by Terry Walsh includes Easter Island, Fatima, Filitosa, Rome, Mohenjo Daro and Bali. Constantinople, Hattusas, Van and Mehrgarh are also on this alignment.

The axis points of this great circle are 48° 07' S, 15° 23' E and 48° 07' N, 164° 37' W. The great circle crosses the equator at 105° 23' E and 74° 37' W. The upper latitudes are 41° 53' N at 15° 23' E and 41° 53' S at 164° 37' W.

Links: Latitude Longitude To Great Circle
Easter Island 27° 06' S 109° 20' W 0 miles
Fatima 39° 37' N 8° 39' W 15 miles
Filitosa 41° 42' N 8° 51' E 0 miles
Rome 41° 53' N 12° 30' E 0 miles
Constantinople 41° 01' N 29° 01' E 0 miles
Hattusas 40° 01' N 34° 36' E 11 miles
Van 38° 30' N 43° 22' E 5 miles
Mehrgarh 29° 30' N 67° 40' E 25 miles
Bali 8° 10' S 114° 38' E 0 miles