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Ollantaytambo is 7468 miles from Giza. 30% of the circumference of the great circle is 7468 miles (24,892 x .3 = 7468). Ollantaytambo is precisely 30%, or 108° along the great circle, from Giza. The azimuth from the axis point to Giza is 9° and the azimuth from the axis point to Ollantaytambo is 117°, also showing that the terrestrial angle at the axis point is 108°.

The angles at Ollantaytambo and at Giza are 90° and the distance from the axis point to Ollantaytambo and to Giza is 90° or 25% of the circumference of the earth.

The height of the second pyramid at Giza is 274 cubits and the baselength of the sides at ground level is 411 cubits. The ratio between the height and the baselength is 2/3. The slant height of the pyramid is 342.5 cubits. The triangle formed by the half-base, the height and the slant height is a perfect 3-4-5 right triangle. The ratio between the baselength and the slant height is 6/5.

These are the same dimensions as the terrestrial triangle from the axis point to Ollantaytambo and Giza with a baselength of 30% and side lengths of 25%.

φ² x 6/5 = π (2.618 x 6/5 = 3.1416). This terrestrial triangle (and the second pyramid at Giza) have a ratio between the baselength and the sidelength of 3.1416 : 2.618.

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