The Candelabra at Paracus is aligned with Newgrange, Castlerigg, Scandanavian stone shipsetting sites in Denmark, Sweeden and Gotland, Zagorsk, Llasha, Phimai, Angkor Wat and Uluru.

The axis points of this great circle are 32° 40' N, 157° 18' W and 32° 40' S, 22° 42' E . The great circle crosses the equator at 67° 18' W and 112° 42' E. The upper latitudes are 57° 20' S at 157° 18' W and 57° 20' N at 22° 42' E.

Links: Latitude Longitude To Great Circle
Paracus 13° 34' S 76° 12' W 0 miles
Newgrange 53° 42' N 6° 29' W 0 miles
Castlerigg 54° 36' N 3° 06' W 4 miles
Gotland 57° 15' N 18° 10' E 0 miles
Zagorsk 56° 17' N 38° 07' E 5 miles
Llasha 29° 44' N 91° 12' E 0 miles
Phimai 15° 13' N 102° 50' E 10 miles
Angkor Wat 13° 28' N 103° 53' E 0 miles
Uluru 25° 22' S 131° 03' E 35 miles