by Belsebuub
July 30, 2013
Belsebuub Website
Spanish version

Enlightenment means different things to different people; most of us
have different versions of what it is and how it occurs.
In some descriptions it happens in an
instant, perhaps as a realization of something, or as a result of
doing a certain practice, or by a divine intervention.
What the term means to me is the ancient and even timeless universal
process of the return of consciousness to its source. Although there
are different versions of enlightenment, that's fine, it's just
worth recognizing that we don't all necessarily mean the same thing
when we say it.
It would be great if we could all be conscious of the present moment
and connect with the universal source consciousness and hence become
enlightened, realizing we are all one, all that is and will be, and
there's nothing more to do.
The problem with this though is that
there is no fundamental change to the nature of consciousness nor
does it return to its source - in other words, nothing actually
It helps to understand something more about the nature of
consciousness than thinking or theorizing about it can give, and
that requires personal esoteric experience.
To give some examples:
To know a little of source
consciousness, you could leave your body and temporarily enter
the illuminated void, or
Samadhi, existing in the light that
casts no shadows and merge into the oneness beyond thought;
that's a certain kind of
OBE, which is very different to
NDE or astral projection.
Or better still, you could go
through the process of the return to source yourself and merge
your consciousness with the cosmic Son, and merge it with the
emanation of the source and have the permanent bliss of Samadhi
in your consciousness always.
Consciousness is not fundamentally
changed by any realization of the mind, or by being aware of the
now, as in neither of these does it reach enlightenment. Instead it
continues to be trapped within the subconscious.
A result of this entrapment is that it's impossible to have inner
clarity for long, as consciousness inevitably gets smothered by the
subconscious with all its impulses, desires, and egocentric drives.
It also takes an intention to be in the present moment, which is
impossible to maintain as intentions keep changing throughout the
Why Being in
the Present Moment is Fleeting
The thought of being aware in the present moment cannot be
sustained, as there are so many activities and situations to deal
with, which require thought.
The feeling of being in the present
moment cannot be sustained either because other stronger feelings
come along to take its place, along with thoughts.
Therefore, it's only possible to be in
the present moment for a short time before losing it to the
psychological sleep of daydreaming, of thoughts, the fascination
with the things of life, and the various emotions and feelings which
involuntarily arise.
In practice, that can mean that when trying to be in the now, there
is a perception of being here but it is soon lost to the same old
ways of thinking and feeling.
By practicing being aware, we can increase the amount of time we can
sustain awareness, but as soon as we lose our guard the
subconscious, thoughts, and sleep, come flooding back.
To do something substantial, fundamental
change is required in the nature of what we are, so that what is in
the present moment in consciousness itself is different.
If consciousness is radically changed, then what you are in yourself
will bring you back to the present moment, and will eventually keep
its remembrance there permanently as an underlying peaceful and
blissful thread that runs through your life.
Studying the
Subconscious with Self-Observation

Sapta Chakra
Consciousness is the essence of what we
are, and is the part that is aware.
Fundamental inner change in a spiritual
sense requires change not only in consciousness, but also in the
nature of the subconscious.
Changing consciousness means increasing its capacity and merging it
with divinity, as it's never actually changed in substance because
it exists timelessly once it leaves the source and enters creation.
Changing the subconscious involves converting it into consciousness,
studying its different parts, both in daily life and in dreams,
supplemented by meditation and out-of-body experiences.
Studying the subconscious in daily life
means observing thoughts, feelings, emotions, and instincts as they
arise at the time, and "dying to them," coming out of them and back
to the present moment.
By doing this we see and understand what triggers off the
subconscious, learn about ourselves, and uncover multitudes of
different feelings, drives, longings, etc., that we never knew
existed. We see ourselves as we really are by observing ourselves in
your daily life, where all the events which we face give the
opportunities we need to study our behavior and inner world in this
school of life.
This inner observation (light) gradually uncovers more and more
layers of the subconscious (inner darkness), and this take times to
go through.
Not least because the events of life
that are required for seeing the different parts of the subconscious
take a long time to happen. Knowledge has to be extracted from
darkness; it is why darkness exists, both in the school of life and
in ourselves.
It is light and darkness together that
create form and both are substance.
Using Dreams
to See What's Inside the Subconscious
If it is combined with self-observation, the study of dreams can
reveal what kind of person we truly are.
Whatever ideas we may have about
ourselves, our dreams may show something different. You may for
example think that you are kind and peaceful, but in your dreams you
may be attacking people, or being angry and aggressive.
This is because anger exists in the
subconscious, and in dreams we are freed from the constraints of the
body, society, and the three-dimensional world, and the subconscious
is able to roam freely.
Anger is just one of numerous states that exist. Anyone could easily
delude themselves that they are very spiritual, or a nice person,
etc., but dreams can reveal monsters lurking in the subconscious and
can indicate what a person truly is.
Moreover, whatever is within the
subconscious can potentially come out in daily life at any time,
given the appropriate circumstances.
The study of dreams can reveal what's inside the subconscious, as
whatever exists in them eventually comes out in different ways,
whether subtle or obvious in everyday life. Freed from constraints
we can do things in dreams that we may never do here, yet what we
see in dreams is the kind of person we really are.
To study the subconscious through dreams takes time, and to change
the subconscious enough that you don't act through ego states here
or in dreams, takes time too.
Only when you are clear of an ego state in dreams can you say that
an ego state is no longer with you.
Even then there are layers and layers of
the subconscious with ever more subtle details of ego states, all of
which need to be uncovered and removed, all of which take away from
being in the present moment.
Changing the
Nature of Consciousness is a Process

Tabula Smaragdina
The power of that which is aware and in
the present moment is small and very limited; it's passive and needs
intention in order to be active.
This is why the subconscious easily
comes in and knocks it out, and so to have anything like sustained
peaceful awareness, the psyche and the nature of consciousness needs
Most of consciousness is trapped within the subconscious. That's why
there is always a sense of self even though inner states constantly
These inner states are in flux, and so it's normal to feel
angry or negative one moment, and happy or sad the next. But when we
are in an ego state we are that anger, pride, or whatever inner
state arises in the moment.
By "dying" to the different subconscious
ego states, the subconscious converted into consciousness, and this
takes time. As the subconscious is weakened, as we extract light
from darkness, we increasingly understand ourselves better.
Through alchemy consciousness re-merges with its previously
separated parts of consciousness which are the Father, Mother and
Son, that were split by its entry to matter when it left the source.
As higher spiritual parts merge with consciousness, then
increasingly it pushes forward into awareness. It gains strength and
becomes stronger than the subconscious.
Eventually all the parts unite to form
one consciousness, and it returns to its source. This is the
enlightenment that's referred to in many ancient writings and
This is a process. We have a physical body which is in time for a
reason - it is needed to be able to carry out this process of
change. Consciousness is not developed as it is; it is in matter in
the school of life for a reason. It has to go through the process to
Although it seems a contradiction that reality is in the here and
now and the present moment is outside of time, yet enlightenment
takes time, there is no contradiction once we understand the process
of enlightenment.
Time exists for a reason. It allows movement and events to take
place here; without it nothing would exist.
We are in this three-dimensional world
for a reason - to build and create ourselves anew and to return to
the source consciousness as a unique and self-aware part of oneness.
This takes time, and time for us is a
precious gift.