Registered Nurse and Energy Healer's 'Visual Snow' - a newly discovered, incurable medical condition - turned out to be the onset of a Spiritual Awakening and Clairvoyant abilities.
A few years ago I hugged a terrible secret:
I thought that the stimulus to this unfolding blindness was related to the stress of my daughter's brain tumor and catastrophic fallout.
I thought because what I witnessed on a daily basis was so desperate, so full of suffering that, quite literally, my 'eyes' couldn't take it anymore, I simply did not want to see.
There are examples in our human history where individuals have become blind after witnessing atrocities.
But, in my case the story unfolds very differently:
But then the static appeared in the day time too, mostly obvious when looking at blank spaces.
Then lightning flashes started when I closed my eyes or when blinking, reminding me of a time I was thrown off a galloping horse as child, losing a couple of seconds of embodied 'time'.
Then patterns in carpets and pictures came alive, beginning to move and swirl - I could see that nothing was still, there was movement everywhere.
Simultaneously I began to see light halos around objects and a fuzzy 'field' around things.
When I would move my eyes
to focus on something else the outline of the object I'd been
looking at previously was imprinted in my eyes and I'd see them
superimposed 'over' whatever else I was looking at.
There is some information on visual snow but not much - The Guardian recently did a story on it and summed up this nice little paragraph:
Other sources refer to psychological aspects of the Snow such as temporary disturbing sensations of 'depersonalization' and 'derealization' - that is to say, often feeling 'out of their bodies' or that things 'aren't real.'
It is important to note
that these conditions are classified as being a 'mental
As far as I could see I didn't have negative psychological aspects - yes, I sometimes needed a 'body' break when my daughter was having particularly bad day and so I would just by instinct let myself 'float' a little.
And I frequently wished that my life 'wasn't real' as I'd run and hide for a few spare minutes in my walk-in wardrobe whispering 'This isn't real, this isn't happening,' although unfortunately for me, it still felt damn real.
And as for tinnitus…
I'd had that off and on my whole life, if I was being honest I could
always hear white noise, noticeable mainly when I was in a quiet
A whole new world dawned
as I discovered that I wasn't a mere mortal being of flesh and blood
but an eternal soul, embodied and incarnated, just like every one of
you reading this.
...were the most notable and I received instructions on how to develop and refine these abilities.
It was one evening, lying in bed, playing with energy between my hands that I noticed the shards of energy shooting off my fingertips - like grey static.
In the day time, I could now easily slip into a concentrated clairvoyant state and see my beautiful billowing Aura in the mirror.
Then I released that what I could perceive as a density in the air around me wasn't 'snow' due to an incurable medical condition but the unfolding of the incredible gift of clairvoyance:
Quantum physicists are exploring the notion that we do not exist as solid objects at all, but potentially exist as 'ethereal' in nature, our reality holographic, brought into manifestation by thought, intention and perception.
It is a meditative
practice to still the mind so much that one ceases to be separate or
'personalized' but felt to be a continuous aspect of Divine
Oneness, could this be related to the de-personalization aspect
of Visual Snow?
Both myself and my daughters experience crystal energy as a rushing in our ears.
Considering the giant leaps in our consciousness as a race right now on Planet Earth,
Because of the dominant
role of medicine and science in our society and self-understanding,
rather than exploring its potential spiritual significance we have
instead done what we know best and medicalized the condition,
further frightening and potentially disempowering those with it as
they carry a belief that they are 'sick.'
We are progressing so
fast with our awakenings and it is time to break away from purist
medical understandings of the human body, embracing some of what the
Quantum World is suggesting - where, I personally believe we will
find our 'Power' again.
And when things 'hum',
when lines squiggle and sliver lightning flashes in my eyes I get a
heavenly glimpse of our immortality and divine origins - a truth
that once embraced teaches you that really and truly, there is
nothing, nothing to fear...