by Lia Scallon
29, 2018
SoundsOfSirius Website
Scallon is an award winning composer, singer and sound
healer whose angelic songs and accompanying 'Language of
Light' have been transforming lives throughout the world
for 15 years.
Lia's ethereal vocals have been described as being
imbued with the frequency of pure Love.
claim that the 'Sounds of Sirius' reach deep into their
soul, giving them a profound sense of 'coming home' 'The
Luminous Pearl' Lia's 10th album under her 'Sounds of
Sirius'™ label, won the 2013 OWMMA Award for 'Best New
Age Album', was awarded 2nd place for 'Best Sound
Healing Album' in the 2014 COVR Awards, and was a
Finalist for 'Best Vocal Album'
the 2013 Zone Music Reporter Awards. |

Leanne M Williams
Twenty-five years ago I began to speak in a language I'd never been
a non-terrestrial language...
The context in which this
other-worldly tongue occurred strongly suggested that the strange
words were imbued with healing frequencies.
At the time due to ill
health, I had embarked on a path of spiritual awakening and
discovery - a period of deep soul searching.
My first experience of
the Language of Light occurred during meditation, accompanied by
delicate and poignant melodies and a feeling of such pure love that
tears fell from my eyes.
So, despite the very unusual and unexpected nature of this
experience, any fear I felt was superseded by the sweetness of the
energy, and the blanket of comfort that descended upon me as the
sounds came through.
There was a deep,
instinctive 'knowing' that the sounds had come to help me heal.
As time went by, I came
to see the language and melodies as a sacred and profound gift from
Source to help me negotiate my way through a very challenging period
of transformation.
For ten years I kept these experiences entirely private. Everything
in my life at that time was up for change, including my career. The
driving passion I'd had since childhood for my chosen career of
acting now seemed to just drain away, leaving me floundering for
something equally vital to replace it.
Likewise, the deeply
ingrained Irish catholic beliefs I'd grown up with came up for
severe scrutiny.
As those who have
travelled a similar journey will know, that particular inner battle
cuts to the quick of ones being, so intrinsically is it linked with
ones sense of family, culture and society.
I became consumed with
finding the answers to the eternal questions,
"Who am I? What am I
here for? What is the purpose of my life? Who or what is 'God'?",
...in the quest to find
my own personal truth.
The 'Language of Light' remained a constant throughout this time -
sustaining me, and giving me the strength and perseverance to stay
the course.
It offered me reassurance that I had friends in the
unseen realms - that I was not alone...

Leanne M Williams
In the last few years of this 10-year initiation period, I was given
glimpses that these sacred songs and Light Language would soon be
used to assist others too.
I watched the language evolve and expand as I myself changed and
grew, and I came to understand that I was bringing through not one
but several languages all with the one main purpose, which was to
bestow a healing balm on the wounds of my soul.
I learnt to trust the
energies and myself as the conduit of them.
Strangely, I had no
compelling desire to seek an English translation of the words,
because at some very deep level my soul seemed to know exactly what
was being communicated.
The waves of compassion
and love that accompanied the Language of Light, conveyed that these
sounds were a precious gift from Spirit, and that the 'Beings' who
spoke through them cared only for my highest good.
A quotation I recently discovered in Dr J.J. Hurtak's book
'The Keys of Enoch' now confirms that intuitive knowing.
In a
succinct explanation of the Language of Light, it proposes that it
is the frequency of the sacred words themselves that carries the
"The energy words are
to be used to code your body directly into the Light. They also
provide the sound vibrations of greeting and protection…
To place these
ancient energy words into English, modern Indo-European
languages or some other language, would deprive consciousness of
a direct experience with the power of the sacred language.
Transposing these
words would cause them to lose their energy pulse, which is
similar to the symphonic song of a musical masterpiece
transposed out of its original key into a strange cacophony."

In the year 2000 I was asked to take another grand leap of faith and
start sharing the healing Light Language frequencies with others.
Having never been exposed
to of any form of sound healing at that time, my first thought was,
"People will think
I'm a complete lunatic! How can I possibly explain what this
language is or where it comes from?"
A clear and direct answer
came in meditation.
I was 'told' that this
'the true language of
Sirius, the language from before earthly language was recorded,
the root of all language'.
Then, as a large
pear-shaped diamond descended into my third eye, they said the work
should be known as,
'Diamond Healing with
the Sounds of Sirius'.
The design for my logo
was given to me also - a graphic representing the Holy of Holies of
the temple of the Divine Feminine, with a large diamond in the

The logo itself would be a visual activator, symbolizing the
Divine Feminine energies I was bringing through.

Brian Exton
The name 'Sounds of Sirius' reflected something else I'd become
aware of during the decade of preparation, which was that my soul's
original home was not the Earth plane.
Many extraordinary
experiences combined with information via several clairvoyant
healers, revealed that I had a powerful connection to the
system Sirius.
My choice to be on the
Earth plane at this time it seemed, was to assist with the
activation and awakening of human consciousness.
Sirius was the 'Gateway'
through which I had entered this 3rd dimension from 'beyond the
I received beautiful
confirmation of this when I read 'The Sirius Connection' by the
channel Lazaris who wrote:
"It is through the
gateway represented by the brilliant blue-white star Sirius,
that all energy enters your universe - the energy that is your
very Soul and Spirit, the energy of your Higher Self'."
Far fetched as this may
sound, these insights served to give me a clear context for the
extra-terrestrial Language of Light.
Clients also began to verify that the Language of Light was indeed
the root of all language. People from many different nationalities
told me they recognized words from their own mother tongue:
Japanese, Italian, Greek, Arabic and more.
Clear evidence presented
too that I was not the only temporary visitor to Planet Earth!
two most common phrases I've heard over the past fifteen years have
"The language feels
so familiar to me" and, "I felt like I'd come home".
The power of the Light
Language Sirian songs completely astounded me.
Many people would burst
into tears instantaneously upon hearing them, describing their huge
sense of relief that someone finally understood them.
Some people
saw waves of color, including colors they've never seen before.
Increasingly now, people see numerical or geometric codes descend
before their eyes or tumble through their body.
Other people feel their
whole being vibrating, pulsing and emanating Light, and many
experience physical and emotional and spiritual healing. Each person
is affected in a unique and individual way.
What I've come to
understand is that these sounds carry powerful Codes of Light that
seem to act as keys to unlock doorways to the subconscious and the

Leanne M Williams
For many years I was kept in isolation from others of my kind.
Difficult as this was at the time I'm now very grateful for it, as I
believe this was Spirit's way of keeping my channel 'pure'.
And when I did begin to
make connections with members of my soul family it was joyous!
Fellow Starseeds whose experiences reflected aspects of my own
journey, and wonderful books of
channeled information began to
appear in my life.
These all served to
strengthen my own knowing that something remarkable was happening on
our Earth, and that we have many Galactic helpers watching over and
assisting us.
Two of these fellow Starseeds Soltec and Toltec, along
with four others, were part of the advance guard of Language of
Light decoders.
Under the guidance of the
Egyptian 'ascended master' Akhenaton they created 'The Star
Language Codex' which contained language symbols from six star
The group were made aware
they had been Egyptian scribes in a common past life, when they had
first etched the Star Language symbols on the walls of an
underground temple.
The challenge in this
lifetime was for them to recall that information and manifest it
again now, as part of the enfoldment of
planetary Ascension.

Star Languages
The Star Language symbology is described as being part of the
universal language of our Creator, which our higher consciousness
automatically recognizes as an expression of the Creator's 'word'.
Because these Star
Languages comprise a spiritual technology originating from higher
dimensions, the results are not limited by the physicality of the
3rd dimension.
The symbols are
pre-encoded with insights and information pertinent to our personal
and planetary Ascension. An English translation of the symbols is
provided in the accompanying Star Language Codex.
I immediately recognized 'The Star Languages' as another form of the
Language of Light. Through the ensuing years
I've encountered several other versions too - written and painted as
well as spoken and sung.
Here is an example of a written Light
Language script.

Many such scripts are now being readily translated by
today's star
children who are being born without the amnesia we of previous
generations have suffered.
Australian Starseed Tracey Joel, downloads complex Geometric
drawings and written scripts.
Tracey describes these
works as,
"containing much
universal knowledge and harmonically aligned information, which
has triggered an awakening of awareness and consciousness in
many thousands of people worldwide."

'Evolutionary Creation'
by Tracey Joel

'Ancient Language'
by Tracey Joel
After 25 years of being the conduit for the 'Sounds of Sirius', I
feel I can now say with some certainty that the over-riding purpose
of this particular expression of the Language of Light is to
Activate and Awaken.
The timing of the
activation for people seems to be specifically pre-ordained.
believe this is a form of advanced sound technology. Many people
upon hearing the sounds, whether it be 'live' or via one of the ten
'Sounds of Sirius' albums, often spontaneously begin to speak Light
Language themselves, the melodies and words being a powerful trigger
for soul Remembrance.
Having personally experienced other abilities emerge in tandem with
the Language of Light, I've come to believe that our human bodies
are living libraries - that we are repositories of vast stores of
information and multi-dimensional gifts waiting to be unlocked when
the time is right.
When I allow the Source energy to flow through me uninhibited for
example, my body moves in sacred dance postures I've never been
taught, with my hands assuming precise mudras and prayer-like
At times I chant complex
Sanskrit mantras I've never heard before in the deep tones of a
Tibetan monk, while at other times the sounds are like a choir of
angels singing the Music of the Spheres.
When working with
crystals my body knows exactly what to do with them, just as it
seems to instinctively know the rituals and ways of ancient

Leanne M Williams
How can this be? Where does this knowledge
come from?
I believe we all have the ability to tap into the
collective unconscious, and specifically into the ancestral
knowledge of our own genetic line.
We are indeed all 'One'
and when we're ready to open up to it, we have a direct,
uninterrupted telephone line to the great Creative Source of All
that Is.
A critical factor in unlocking these hidden gifts and abilities is
openness and Trust. Over time, I have learnt to implicitly trust my
intuitive Guidance - to answer the deepest call of my heart and take
action, often with little understanding of the 'why'.
It's when the task is
complete that the rationale and significance of what has taken place
is revealed. This is challenging way to live but it's also exciting
and freeing!
Recently, I feel that larger pieces of the jigsaw are beginning to
slot into place.
More of the grand design
is being revealed, or perhaps it's just that I'm now ready to
remember! 'They' are showing me more in more detail how the Language
of Light works to transform and awaken, and more of my own role as
it's conduit.
I've always known that the Language of Light is capable of raising
the physical and energetic frequency of the listener. Its ability to
do this is greatly assisted by our bodies being composed of over 70%
Thanks to Dr
Masuru Emoto's groundbreaking
work with water crystals, we now know that as well as being a great
conductor, water holds memory and can be imprinted with energy.
'The Starseed Dialogues'
a book
channeled from the Sirian High Council through author
Patricia Cori, offers further insight into the effect of Light
Language on the waters of our body:
"With the acquisition
of new codes coming through in the Language of Light, the waters
of your being are becoming imprinted with hyperdimensional
blueprints that will awaken and restructure the scattered light
filaments lying dormant within you.
This is a higher form
of order and design than the hexagonal water crystals that you
see…it is the sacred geometry of your evolution into light
It is important to understand how the cosmometry of light
flowing into your beings at this time in your personal and
planetary evolution carries an inscription of the higher
vibration that is translated into geometric codes and
transmitted through the cells of your being - into the DNA - via
your cellular bio-water."
And from the book 'Union'
channeled through Jennifer Starlight:
'Sirius is the
guardian and the protector of your souls. It is the
all-encompassing Mother; it is the birth canal, if you choose,
of your universe, of your soul's experience into this earthly
You shall feel the
love of Sirius through the waters of your body and through your
emotions. For understand, Spirit communicates to you through
feeling and you feel the communication firstly in your soul."

Sirius Stargate
Everything is now pointing to the fact that we are at a unique
juncture in humanity's evolution.
The Language of Light
seems to have a crucial role to play in helping us negotiate the
quantum shift we are experiencing. Many seers have spoken about the
reconnection of the twelve strands of DNA, the activation of
our Pineal Gland, and the expansion
our consciousness through the awakening of the parts of our brain
that have been lying dormant.
It's as if at some point
in our evolution our genetic coding was interfered with, and now we
are being rewired, re-structured, and re-calibrated, in readiness
for a dramatic shift in dimensional reality that will catapult us
into the 'New Earth'.
Reinforcing the notion that we are being 'upgraded', there is now
apparent evidence that
our DNA can be influenced and
reprogrammed by
words and frequencies.
Russian researchers
joined linguists and geneticists in a study which found that the
genetic code of our DNA, particularly in the apparently 'useless' 90%
junk DNA, follows the same rules as all our human languages with a
regular grammar and rules just like our languages.
If this is true, it gives
further credence to the transformative qualities of the Language of

Lise Nielsen
According to the
Mayan Calendar, we have now entered the Galactic
2012 saw the completion of many planetary cycles including a
major 26,000-year Earth cycle.
Mayan teacher Jose
Arguelles refers to our entry into the Galactic arena:
"A transformation,
triggered by the completion of the Great Cycle has already taken
place, signaled by a shift in the resonating frequency…
Our planet thus
enters into its next evolutionary phase, securing itself a place
as a new member of the galactic community."

Brian Exton
Author Mary Rodwell, Principal of
ACERN, almost daily sees
the influence of our star brothers, and how both they and the
Language of Light are part of an evolutionary transformation that
can no longer be ignored.
"As a counselor and
researcher of individuals who believe they have had encountered
star visitors, I know these Starseeds feel very connected to
their cosmic Star families.
The communication can
be astral or physical.
They experience 'downloads' of
information manifesting as unusual scripts, complex geometric
artwork, drawings of their star families, or speaking in unusual
'star languages'. Many understand this as a Universal language
or a language of light.
Listening to these
'languages' can trigger new awareness as well as being an
instrument of healing.
I have known
individuals, after hearing the languages, begin to write strange
scripts themselves. It seems to be a catalyst for an awakening
or a re-connection to another deeper part of the individual.
I have been sent
examples of these languages, both in scripts and audio from all
over the globe, including from small children.
One 9 year-old in
Northern Europe told me that one of her star languages can heal
water. Her mother told me the water tasted quite different after
her daughter had spoken to it.
I refer to these
children as Star Children and they are being born all over the

Lise Nielsen
Mary's findings echo with quite uncanny accuracy, my own experience
with the 'Sounds of Sirius'.
When I met Mary recently
a transmission of Light Language came through me. She described the
information downloaded as 'compressed files', saying that one word
could literally represent libraries of information.
She feels these files are
the software for the 'new computer' we are becoming as our DNA and
our genetic coding are being re-activated.
She believes that the
Star Children being born now are already hard-wired with this new
computer, and that the Light Language 'Sounds of Sirius' is the
software they'll need to trigger the full activation of the
extraordinary abilities that lie within them.
Carrie Ann Smith, who channels a group of beings represented
by one called 'Sarrissa', provides additional pertinent information.
On witnessing me speaking
and singing Light Language, Sarrissa addressed me directly
"We can see what you
are trying to do… you are trying to bring through new
technologies, but the time, the conditions, are not quite ready
for some of these yet.
Each of the places
that you touch your energy too are like references, so when you
touch a place or an energy or more simply an information state,
you are able to transcribe that energy through your
It seems like you are
at the winds of change. You have an instinctual ability to
connect to an energy and bring forth information. You are
connecting to an information state, and when you connect to that
information state, you bring forth sound information.
So when we observed
you attempting to bring forth a variety of techniques for the
harmonizing of this time and this plane, you were linking to the
locations where those technologies originate.
You are connecting to references of energy, references of
information - like you are touching your finger to a color and
transcribing the color through your language.
Your sensitivity is
growing, so anywhere you put your attention there's part of this
expertise you've allowed to come forth, that will start to
spring forth more and more and more information.
You have such a great
capacity that many domains and the Beings of other realities
that hold the domain here on earth, are sighing with relief
because there's somebody to hear them."

Leanne M Williams
It seems that we are at the very cutting edge now.
We stand at the juncture
of two worlds, straddling the bridge of two very different
dimensional realities, one foot in the 3rd dimension and
the other foot in the realms beyond the veil of our conscious
What an incredible time to be alive here on Planet Earth!
More and more evidence is coming forth to suggest that
we are not
alone in the Universe, and that there are many Space bothers and
sisters out there watching, guiding and assisting us.
People are rapidly
'coming out of the woodwork' - from clairvoyants and seers to Air
force and Military personal and 'ordinary' men, women and children -
all of them disclosing details of their personal encounters with
extra-terrestrial beings.
The Language of Light is one way in which our Galactic family are
communicating with us.
It is perhaps also a tool that we as
multi-dimensional beings have chosen, to help ourselves awaken to
the full knowledge of who we truly are - a Divine spark of Universal
and Cosmic Light, birthed from the great Central Source of All that

If I could but speak to you
the ancient language of light,
you would weep with remembrance…
But I have remained mute
for oh so long
that even I forgot my song.
Lonely I have been upon this plane;
deep has been my longing to go home,
and silent my voice from earthly sound,
for once sung I a song
not yet here found.
It was a simple language of being,
light impulses conveyed through feelings,
a subtle resonance of spirit
vibrating through cell and heart and soul,
merging and re-emerging into the ALL…
Essence to essence we touched
And spoke the silent language of the stars,
mirroring through our eyes and hearts
the light of who we are;
for we were one
and knew not what it was to be alone.
Ours was a realm of purest love,
innocent and infinitely sweet,
we breathed the fragrant breath of God,
hearts pulsing as one
within the one Heartbeat…
If I sing you the star name of Sirius,
does your soul begin to hear an ancient song?
Of dimensions beyond
the stars and the suns,
angelic spheres of radiance
within the body
of the Infinite One.
There are brothers in the seas of our world
who sing this song,
calling man to remembrances
of his celestial Homeland
and his origins of the light filled
Heart of God.
It is that One alone
who speaks through all that is:
"Rise up my children come Home,
return to blessedness…"
Now the light of the stars and the sea
awakens also in me
the starry patterns etched within my cells.
And the song of the Eternal One
is truth I have always sung,
for it is the very essence
of who I am.
Only now I am remembering
And singing it again…
by "Grace",
an Angelic being
living in Mount Shasta.

Lia Scallon
transmits the 'Sounds of Sirius'
Can Heal Water"
A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to
"Wake Up!" -
by Mary Rodwell
August 19, 2016
HigherJourneys Website
Rodwell is the Author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial
Contact Can Change your life (2002).
is the Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter
Resource Network), a former nurse, midwife, counselor,
hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, researcher
International speaker.
Mary’s work is in supporting individuals and their
families experiencing encounters with non-human
intelligences. Mary’s research indicates we as a species
are being assisted to evolve due to these
Extraterrestrial interactions and the new generations of
children are demonstrating major changes in awareness
and how these changes are not always understood due to
more conventional interpretation.
Mary is also the co-founder and co-director of FREE
(Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial
Encounters) |

The idea that a 9-year old girl
can heal water
is astounding enough!
Find out what else
she can do and the message
she has for humanity.
An Excerpt
from the forthcoming book
'The New Human'
by Mary Rodwell
I received the following email about a nine-year-old from Northern
Europe who speaks about her ability to 'heal' water through star
She also gives her
perspective on God and her Mission:
"Poor us. poor kids
who come to volunteer; we have such a difficult time ahead of
us, a real fight. I am here to help my family 'wake up,'
EVERYONE is sleeping."
Cathy's Mother:
"My nine-year-old
daughter speaks 'star languages' to heal water.
I live in Northern
Europe and have four children. At the time of my first
pregnancy, a 'voice' told me my children were not mine. They
would only come through me.
These children belong
to no one. It wasn't until recently that I was aware there were
such things as extra-terrestrials.
My nine-year-old daughter is a special girl who finds the
conventional world and rules difficult. She asks me why isn't
she allowed to do things her own way. Cathy has healing
abilities and dictated some healing words in an ET language to
purify water. I noticed the water actually tasted different
She says that star
languages are from a place outside of the Universe.
Cathy receives messages in ET languages and understands what
they are saying to her. She says that they are important. I
showed her your presentation, where a woman does healing and
writes several ET languages.
My daughter responded
with joy and excitement, 'She knows what I have written'."
Astounding as Cathy's
claim may be, a scientist from Northern Europe is researching ways
to energize water and explains how this could be possible.
Dr. Ohlson (Ph.D.)
is a Swedish scientist referred to previously as coining the term
letter people... She is also studying water and its properties.
Dr. Ohlson states:
"As a scientist, the
spiral formations I've been working with in my water research,
such as loading energy back in water, helps healing recharges
and strengthens the energy field, the aura.
Healing works on a
cellular level, whether you believe it or not. The healing from
my hands affected the protein binding to a gene P53, which plays
a role in turning genes on and off.
Rightly used, it
could be bliss for humanity in rebuilding our earth."
Masaru Emoto, the
former Japanese scientist, demonstrated in numerous scientific
tests, the crystalline nature of water and how it can be programmed,
purified and changed by frequencies through certain types of music,
prayer, and human intent.
Note: For studies that have demonstrated how frequency and intent
can alter the crystalline nature of water see Masaru Emoto's 'The
Hidden Messages in Water'.
God - A
Different Perspective
Cathy's mother continues:
"Cathy doesn't use
the word God as she says it's misused.
She calls It a
'BEING' who resides in the 'DAY LIGHT.' It is an 'OVER
TERRESTRIAL'. Day Light is where we all originate. God is not a
man or woman. It has no gender.
This Being sowed the
seed of Light and Love, and it's where the light and angels
Cathy has 'helpers' who guide and teach her. One of the beings
is called 'Emenoke', a female and is blue, has no hair or ears;
her eyes are like human eyes, only bigger. The green guide is
She has a helper from Day Land (dimensions), who helps her
understand what her guides tell her.
She says 'my friends
are here all the time'."
The Knowledge:
"Cathy's spirit ET
friends have given her information in seven books (not real
books, but this is the best way she can describe them).
The red book
is about creation and our origins.
The brown one
is about different planets and the life there.
The light
green one is about nature, and how we can make contact
with plants and animals and understand nature.
The dark
green one is about the body, how it really works and how
we get it to evolve.
The blue book
is about light and truth.
The red-brown
book she can't open yet, because 'a dragon took the key'
from her sometime in the 1700s.
The black
book explains about darkness and evil and is dangerous.
All the books contain
important information."
Schools, Educational
Systems - What is Wrong
Cathy spoke via an interpreter on Skype:
"What they
teach in
schools is inaccurate.
They program you like computers and shut
out your light. There is nothing good about this system. The
children are programmed, the teachers just push the keys.
children already contain the learning we need, but they don't
allow the children to expand on it and finish because we have to
stop and do something else.
The information is set and rigid at school. The school programs
are like a virus, it destroys what we have inside us and when we
are like the computer, which is old, and we grow up, we will be
finished. We lose access to information we had at the beginning.
But education is only one of the ways this happens. Our inner
core can be destroyed by too much stress, facing multiple tasks,
less sleep and more anxiety.
We are deliberately destroyed."
The Potential of
Humanity, Imagination and Making Something a Reality
"Everything is
"People need to know we can do anything we desire.
When children
play by using their imagination, it's not just imagination. When
we stop them by saying they can't do this or that, it stops them
making it a reality. What they are imagining can be a reality.
What at this time we call imagination can be reality. We say
it's not possible, but everything is possible. We need to
believe it, then we will have this capacity.
When we rediscover
what we can do, we can achieve our full potential."
Humanity Has to Believe
in Itself
"It is difficult,
because first of all, we don't believe it, then if we believe
but still have doubts, this prevents us from reaching this
We have to be at a point within ourselves to get in
touch with our REAL truth in order to achieve this. There is a
certain time we will achieve it, and if one person does, it will
spread to other people, and this is the way it will start.
at what time I can't tell you."
Cathy shares why the star
kids have come to this planet at this time:
"The star kids have
come to show us the way. They are the ones to start the process,
helping the rest of humanity to wake up."
Cathy says she is from
Evening Land, to help us evolve.
When her purpose is accomplished,
she will go to the Day Light. We have already been in Day Land, but
because we wanted to have more experiences, we came to this planet.
The beings in Contact
with her, like Emenoke, do not live on another planet.
They are located at the
'edge of the universe' in the White Light.
"The 'light orb' is
sent to protect us. My little brother has a blue orb that
protects him."
Mary: "You said he will also be a teacher ˗ in what way?"
Cathy: "He will be my teacher, as I will be, and he will be home
schooled so he will retain true knowledge."
M: "What do your guides teach you?"
C: "They are teaching me different knowledge so I can teach
adults. The danger is that it can be changed and then the true
information is lost. Then people get confused and lost by making
fun of the star children, or not believing them. Many Star Kids
are destroyed by education."
M: "How many star kids are there?"
C: "Forty or fifty percent of people of a hundred, but many get
lost and only twenty percent will remember who they are."
"We Have to Wake Up!"
"The beings want us to wake up and see reality as it is, to
understand how powerful we really are. Some individuals from Day
Land and Evening Land have come here to help humanity with the
It's very dangerous to come here to help because our
past life memories can be deleted at birth and some of this is
destroyed by society and education, drink and drugs.
Those who
come here are aware of the dangers and still want to come and
help. We are not awake yet."
M: "How can we wake up?"
C: "We have to increase our energy as we don't have the energy
required; it's stolen from us."
M: "How can we protect our energy?"
C: "At present, we only have point five percent (.05%) of our
energy. We need to have one point five percent (1.5%).
How might we begin to
increase our energy?
Cathy says…
Don't get angry
about small things.
Don't speak on
mobile phones for a long time.
Don't eat white
Don't watch TV.
Don't use
Don't have
wireless internet."
The Next Five Years:
"Something important
will happen in the next five years on this planet. The parents
have to listen to us. We need to educate the parents."
Cathy told me that her
purpose here on earth is to get her family to wake up and to protect
her little brother because he is important for humanity.
By this,
she means he will become her teacher when he grows up, as he will,
in turn, help humanity wake up.
Cathy then says…
"Mary has BIG ears. She
listens. Most adults don't."