The higher vibrational Light is continuing to cleanse the Collective and helping to purge and heal any last remnants that's needs to be released from their energy field.
This may seem and feel to be an on-going process because the majority of humanity have deep core wounds that need to resurface in order to be transmuted.
What this looks like to each individual person will be different since not everyone is,
This means that each one
will need to peel the layers back for healing and not everyone has
the same thickness (i.e.: core wounds) as another.
More and more of the Collective are becoming awakened and aware of this evolution opportunity placed before them.
There is a desire in the Collective energy to reach higher and willingly choose to advance.
Not only is the old foundation of illusions crumbling but there is also recognition of the toxic patterns and habits that one has or is in the process of leaving behind.
There is a bright Light
on the harmful behaviors being directed towards humanity currently,
as well as what was allowed to occur in the past. It is imperative
that these influences are acknowledged so that these lower dense
energies are willingly and quickly dispersed into the Light.
Remember that as more
realize this and consciously break the chains of
confinement, other souls will pick up on this energy and will be
positively influenced to do the same as well.
Look around and recognize these profound changes every where you turn. Most importantly, be proud of yourselves for how far you have come in such a short amount of time.
You will continue to excel in anything you put your optimistic energy into...!