by Adeana M. Slater
May 26, 2020
In5D Website

Those souls that have awakened and have decided to move themselves
forward in this
Ascension Process, are able to step
between and recognize
all Dimensions, both higher and
Although they may choose
to resonate mostly with the higher 5D realms and beyond, they have
the ability to experience the lower realms simultaneously without
giving it their energy or much thought.
What this may look like to those awakened is that they are living in
a fake world in which they feel mostly alienated and disconnected
This is because they
SEE, FEEL, and RECOGNIZE the Truth from their heart and soul
I often joke that those awakened are living in the "Twilight
It may be difficult
for the awakened to witness so many deciding to live in fear as
opposed to living in love.
Let us also suppose those
unawakened do not know the difference between love and fear.
Perhaps their current
lifetime and even those lived prior, was riddled with pain,
hardship, and fear.
In other words, those unawakened souls may be choosing to
live in
fear and may
also be choosing to blindly follow the dictation of others
because they do not know anything differently.
This is not wrong,
for them.
They may not be ready
or able to awaken at this time.
Each soul are given
this opportunity and option to awaken at different rates and
There are also those
souls who do not wish to participate in this Ascension Process and
will opt to leave this world altogether.
This is their
choice to do so...
AND, perhaps the lost
souls need the loving and gentle guidance of the awakened ones who
are living in their heart and know the difference, to nudge them
forward in unconditional love.
This is consenting
energy by both the awakened and unawakened.
There is
responsibility on both ends of the spectrum.
That those awakened
make themselves open and available and those unawakened are
willing to ask for help and assistance if they need it.
This is not for the
awakened to be "right" and the unawakened to be "wrong."
Remember that
there is no right or wrong...
There is only
experience and each individual soul has the right of
sovereignty to choose what they wish to bring into
their own reality based on their choices, reactions, and
perspectives of each dynamic.

This Ascension Process is not to further separate you from others,
but to bring you ALL together in the loving capacity to unite and
care for one another during these trying times.
It is in Unity and
strength that you have the capacity to conquer everything in your
path that attempts to hold you back or deter your forward
Lean on one another and
remember that you are ALL Co-Creators.
What you think, you
create as your reality...