Aletheia Luna
January 24,
LonerWolf Website

enlightenment... the mecca, the pinnacle... the holy crown, the
orgasmic moment of completion... the secret wish of every
serious spiritual seeker, and the lifelong quest of thousands
before us...
Yet there's a reason why
I don't write much about spiritual enlightenment and instead focus
on spiritual awakening:
Spiritual enlightenment is, quite simply, mind f*ckery, my
In other words,
the more you write,
the more you think, the more you search and try to understand
it, the more it paradoxically evades you - and for a good
enlightenment is not meant to be figured out, put into a neat
bullet point list, divided into 7-actionable-steps, checked off
your to-do list, hung up as a badge of honor on your wall, and
hey presto, you're done...!
If you're seeking to know
what spiritual enlightenment is, how to achieve it, or what
it feels like, you've come to the wrong article.
But if you're wanting an incisive, cut-to-the-bone, potentially
paradigm-shifting examination of this topic, you've come
to the right place.
We'll be exploring everything from the dark side of the
enlightenment quest, to what mystics and sages say about it, to the
path of,
"dying before you
First, let's keep things
simple and get back to basics...
What is
Spiritual Enlightenment?

The kingdom of God
is not coming with things that can be observed; not will they
say 'Here it is' or 'There it is', because the kingdom of God
is within you.
Jesus Christ
Also known by names such
Nirvana, Oneness,
Heaven, Self-Realization, Moksha, and Satori,
enlightenment is essentially a shift from identification with
the illusory ego-self, to expansion into the wider,
primordial, eternal Self.
This sacred embodiment of the Ultimate Self is known by
various names such as the,
True Nature
Nondual Awareness
...and so on.
The experience of spiritual enlightenment itself is described
by mystics, sages, and holy people throughout the ages as,
boundless love,
profound inner peace, total freedom, and liberation from the
fear of death...
Enlightenment vs. Spiritual Awakening

The reason why I prefer to write and talk about spiritual
awakening is that it's a
process, a journey, an archetypal movement of growth and
There's a lot to be said about the awakening journey, and
much of it can be drawn from my own experience.
enlightenment, on the other hand, is like the lightning bolt
that suddenly cracks across the sky.
In other words, we have no idea when it will come or even
honestly if it will come - it's a wild and unpredictable force.
And it's a permanent shift in consciousness.
So as you can see...
there's not much to work with there!
I can neither predict nor
promise spiritual enlightenment. And I sure as hell can't
summarize it through relative and fictional words which are the
product of the mind anyway.
Indeed, spiritual enlightenment signifies both,
the beginning and the
end of the spiritual journey (if that confuses you, it's because
of a tricky little glitch in the Matrix called
...it is ultimately
indefinable and can only ever be pointed to with the most fallible
of fingers....
So You Think You Want Spiritual Enlightenment - Aka. The Dark Side
of Illumination

The mind has a tendency to get hooked into spiritual concepts
presence, awareness, no self, and non-duality...
It's a lot like a
heroin junkie with a needle in his arm.
It feels good for a
while, but in order to be free, he must wean himself off the
Scott Kiloby
Reflections of the One Life
Many people who begin the
spiritual journey quickly become enamored with the idea of spiritual
Perhaps they've had a glimpse of Ultimate Reality during
meditation, had a mystical experience while on psychedelics, or keep
listening to Eckhart Tolle talks on the 'power of now' that
produce shifts in consciousness.
While all of these experiences may be beautiful, meaningful, and
sacred, they tend to inevitably lead us to something I call the
Spiritual Hamster Wheel or Metaphysical Rabbit Hole...
Like naive and innocent Alice, we run after the
White Rabbit ('enlightenment') and tumble down into a dark hole
that leads us through a magical and mysterious world.
The reality is that
this fantastical dreamland is just that, a dream - but we don't
realize it until much later...
Don't get me wrong, there
is most certainly a state of boundless freedom out there - just look
at figures like Buddha, Jesus, Anandamayi Ma, and so on.
Many ordinary individuals
like you and I have also glimpsed this state during brief mystical
experiences. But the image we have of enlightenment in our minds is
something we need to stop, step back from, and examine carefully.
Going back to the lightning analogy, wanting spiritual enlightenment
is like wanting a lightning bolt to hit you:
We'll explore what
various writers, philosophers, mystics, and sages have said about
the experience of enlightenment a little later.
But first, let's explore
the next 'hard truth' to do with spiritual enlightenment...
Are You Using
The Idea of Enlightenment to Try and Escape From Something?

It's a hard truth to swallow, but many people who seek to become
enlightened do so because they're trying to avoid or escape
something, for instance:
Running away from
a sense of unworthiness
Escaping the hard
realities of life
Avoiding the pain
of being vulnerable and intimate with others
for some other perceived deficiency inside
By achieving spiritual
enlightenment, such people believe that they will be finally
free from their insecurities, their vulnerabilities, and the
pain of existence.
As M. Caplan writes:
If we know we are
seeking enlightenment because reality is so hard to bear, we at
least have an intuitive sense of what we are fleeing from:
a reality that
has already begun to surface in our consciousness - a
reality that our very seeking will eventually cause us to
13th Century
Japanese Buddhist poet and philosopher Dōgen writes,
To be enlightened is
to be intimate with all things.
Enlightenment is the
opposite of what reality-runners want - it is turning towards, not
turning away from the pain of life.
And so the question remains,
do you really want
(There's no right or
wrong answer, but there's an honest and dishonest
The Spiritual

Another issue to consider is the fact that spiritual enlightenment
is often seen by the spiritual seeker as the 'ultimate achievement'
in life.
In other words, enlightenment is such a majestical, magnificent, and
mammoth idea that it's the perfect bait to lure the inner spiritual
ego or spiritual narcissist out.
The thought of being
perfect, fully liberated, beyond pain, infinitely wise - and
let's face it, basically God - (all ideas we're sold
about enlightenment) are so tasty and succulent that they're
quite literally the very fodder that fuels the antics of the
spiritual ego.
If you're not familiar
with what the 'spiritual ego' is, let me summarize:
it's the most
type of ego of all.
Or, as written in article
Spiritual Ego - 15 Signs of a Spiritual
The spiritual ego
builds on top of this fundamental ego that we carry around. It
is the ego on crack, the ego on steroids, the ego inflated
beyond its usual garden-variety size.
It is the spiritual ego
that fuels,
predatory gurus
like Bikram Choudhury
the minds behind
mass cult suicides like Jim Jones (Peoples Temple)
and Marshall Applewhite (Heaven's Gate)
extremist suicide bombers...
On a more garden-variety
level, spiritual egotism appears as self-righteousness, the
inability to relate to others or form healthy relationships,
spiritual bypassing, arrogance, resistance to being 'called out,'
pretension, and so on.
Spiritual enlightenment seems all crystal-white-light on the
surface, but if we aren't careful, it can lead to great darkness,
suffering, and ensnarement.
So again, the question remains,
do you really want
Do You Realize
that Spiritual Enlightenment is About Death and Disillusionment?

In mainstream 'pop culture spirituality' and the new age world, in
particular, we're sold the idea that spiritual enlightenment is
love, light, bliss,
cosmic ascension, and even (according to Instagram)
manifesting your ideal reality...
Regardless of what circle
of spiritual folks you gravitate toward, enlightenment is seen as
something you can eventually 'achieve' and 'get' with hard-earned
practice and resolve.
And yet, such modern notions go against the direct experiences of
philosophers, mystics, and wise wo/men out there.
Spiritual enlightenment is not something you get, but,
an experience of
loss, disillusionment, and the death of identification with the
false ego self...
It's about
rediscovering what's always and forever been here below the
surface - and it happens without your bidding.
Perhaps one of my
favorite quotes that mirrors this intriguing yet disturbing reality
is from awakened teacher Adyashanti who writes,
Enlightenment is a
destructive process...
Enlightenment is the
crumbling away of untruth.
It's seeing through
the facade of pretense.
It's the complete
eradication of everything we imagined to be true.
Tim Farrington in
his book
A Hell of Mercy quotes zen
teacher Charlotte Joko Beck who comments:
"The problem with
talking about enlightenment is that our talk tends to create a
picture of what it is... Yet enlightenment is not a picture but
the shattering of all our pictures.
And a shattered life
isn't what we were hoping for."
Well-known spiritual
teacher and author of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
The secret to life is
to die before you die - and realize there is no death...
So as you can see, there
is a theme running here, that of,
destruction, dying,
and losing something,
...that is, the many
illusions that obscure our access to reality and consciousness.
Even the word 'Nirvana' which is a synonym of spiritual
enlightenment, is a Sanskrit word that means 'extinction,
In this case, we are
the fire.
Spiritual enlightenment is the wind that snuffs that out.
The end result is freedom, or 'dying before you die.'
"Yes, I Would
Like to Die" - Aka. The Philosophy of Non-Duality

If, after reading
everything I've previously written, you're still drawn to
seeking out spiritual enlightenment, kudos to you.
If you've decided that "yes, I would like to die" in the sense
of your identification and attachment to the false ego dying, my
hat goes off to you.
Spiritual enlightenment
is a pathless path, one that can never be taught but can only be
pointed to.
My job here is to point you toward those who point to enlightenment.
And the most potent philosophy I've found in my journeys is
something called non-duality...
Non-duality is a term that comes from the Sanskrit word 'Advaita'
which means 'not-two.'
While non-duality deserves a whole article to itself, it is a
philosophy of spiritual integration:
of recognizing the
underlying oneness and unity of the dance of opposites within
life (male/female, light/dark, nice/nasty, sex/spirit, etc.).
Non-duality teacher
Rupert Spira
defines non-duality in the
following way:
Non-duality is the
recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of
experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality,
whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and
selves derive their apparently independent existence.
The recognition of
this reality is not only the source of lasting happiness within
all people; it is the foundation of peace between individuals,
communities and nations.
Spiritual author and
teacher Jeff Foster goes on to
define non-duality in the following
points to the essential oneness (wholeness, completeness, unity)
of life, a wholeness which exists here and now, prior to any
apparent separation.
It's a word that
points to an intimacy, a love beyond words, right at the heart
of present moment experience. It's a word that points us back
But although non-duality
is a beautiful philosophy, I must caution you to approach it
carefully and mindfully.
Many people have got lost
in spiritual bypassing, spiritual egotism, and other spiritual traps
due to following the non-dual path. Please never abandon your sacred
wild humanity.
Ultimately, Love is what underlies the quest for
spiritual enlightenment and underpins philosophies such as
As sage Nisargadatta
Maharaj writes:
The consciousness in
you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one,
seek unity and that is love.
Final Words

You can't earn
spiritual enlightenment.
You can't find
spiritual enlightenment.
You can't avoid spiritual enlightenment.
enlightenment will blossom when it blossoms, find you when it
finds you, and dismantle you when the time is right and not a moment
before or after...