by John Hogue
Deoxy Website
The Millennium Book of Prophecy by John Hogue.
Visions and
Predictions from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Tamo-san,
Madame Blavatsky, the Old and New Testament Prophets and 89 others.
Only when there are many people who are pools of
peace, silence, understanding,
will war disappear. Osho
To speak the truth they will have closed mouths.
Nostradamus (1555)
Out of thousands of seeds only one tree is born. Out of millions of
sperm only one flips the ovarian switch to turn on an infant's life.
Though the potentials for life are abundant, the critical mass of
fulfillment of those potentials is atomically small.
The mystics believe the same law works in the evolution of human
consciousness. Billions of humans have been born, each carrying
within the shell of their personality the potential flower of
Christ-consciousness. They are Gaia's near-countless seeds falling
upon her earthly cradle. Billions live and die considering
themselves blessed if the wings of existence scatter them upon
barren, rocky fields of orthodox behavior.
Only a tiny proportion of
humankind ever reaches a full flowering.
The critical mass of enlightenment can be defined as the smallest
number of awakened human beings whose collective influence can
initiate a significant shift in global consciousness.

The process of
creating enough enlightened ones to achieve this critical mass can
be likened to the transformation of coal into diamonds.
The pressure
of surrounding human unconsciousness creates an urgency in the
potential enlightened one to awaken from illusion. The total weight
of so much unconscious 'carbon' exerts a tremendous pressure,
through which a few coal stones reach the appropriate mass to become
These awakened beings embody the crystal clarity of
enlightened consciousness which can transform the level of
consciousness of the entire planet.
Mystics who have used the metaphor of the mud and filth necessary to
grow a lotus, like the sixth-century patriarch of Zen, Bodhiharma,
say most of humanity has no other destiny than to live and die as
compost and manure for the Bodhisattvas' (or "spiritual teachers")
The constant revelation of the rank odors of human
consciousness, hidden behind society's manure of moralities and
illusions, nurtures the urgency for a budding Bodhisattva's
consciousness to grow. Once awakened, he or she shares his
revelation with other seeds of buddhahood, encouraging them to seek
their own flowering.
It doesn't seem fair that so few reach their ultimate potential. Yet
such a small success rate is universal throughout Nature. Many a
grain tower full of seeds must be produced by a great mother oak
before one child from her wooden womb becomes a tree. We can accept
or even overlook this simple law of Nature, but are offended upon
discovering that the same rule applies to the blossoming of human
The mystics say thus:
Humankind arrives as billions of seeds filled
with hope; in the end, almost all die as manure for others. A
sterile grounding in tradition will preserve their hard shells of
hope and dreaming from ever being shattered.
Even if a seed of Christ consciousness feels the urge to be blown
out of his or her protected crevice in society, there's a one in a
million chance that the seed will land in the proper soil for a
There's even less chance that a wise and
compassionate gardener will push one's seedy little self deep into
the dark, wet earth to begin the germination process. One seed out
of billions might be fortunate enough to receive such care and
eventually give birth to a buddha lotus flower.
Never has mankind been so full of manure, or needed so desperately
the proper soil to cultivate its
higher consciousness, than in the
coming few years.
Now I don't mind telling you that my ego hates the idea of being
shit for someone else's buddhahood. Still, if my destiny is to be an
untransformed seed-cum-manure of a man - or to put it another way -
if I can at least be the source of unconscious friction that
triggers another Christ or Buddha's urgency to awaken, then so be
it. Fertilize my ego!
Now I wish to take the narrative out of all this seedy talk and into
a nuclear detonation best suited for a positive future.
The influence of self-awareness on the world seems to be a quality
rather than a quantity equation. The effect of the awakened ones on
the mass of unconscious humanity is in proportion to the influence
of an atom in a thermonuclear explosion. A split in the atom of
awareness is predicted to be equally explosive in a spiritual sense.
The detonation of meditation's silence expected between the years
1993 through 2000 could blow us into a golden future.
The forewarned end of the world may not see civilization go up in a
thermonuclear holocaust at century's end. There may be another kind
of atomic explosion - of human consciousness - in which the smallest
mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a chain reaction is
not uranium but 'Uranian.'
(Surprise! Uranus the ruler of the Aquarian Age is back. Blow the
doors of your prison of limitations and seek your freedom from the
The number of enlightened people needed to set off the spiritual
liberation of humanity has been bandied about by some of this
century's visionaries as between 5 to 200 buddhatomic Christs.
The guru of TM,
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who once counted the Beatles
and Beach Boys as his disciples, predicts that only one-tenth of 1
percent of humanity is needed to create enough good vibrations to
usher in world peace.
The end of the
Kali Yuga is history's darkest moment.
In her dark
age, the population explosion has dumped more unconscious human
burdens on the Earth than ever before. According to the Indian
Osho, these darker times exert a higher pressure of
unconsciousness, which could produce a greater buddhatomic
detonation of joy and awareness.
Osho estimates that at least 5
percent of the human seed base has the potential intelligence to
germinate an awakening. Out of an expected manure pile of 5.5 to six
billion people fertilizing earth during the nightmarish nineties,
there are more potential buddha buds than there were people alive on
the Earth at any time for most of man's four million year history -
between 275 to 300 million spiritual rebels!
If only 200 of these found the right gardener to water them, this
could turn out to be a great vegetable patch, shit and all, for the
next twenty centuries.
Prophecy shares a collective vision of a Second Coming of a
figure. All of our soothsayers say his cloud is due to land from
heaven during our time. Your guess is as good (or as biased) as mine
about which promised messiah (if any) will float down on his divine
father's cloudy gangplank.
The prophets who foresee the triumph of their choice for Messiah
can't all be right. Their predictions about their favorite son of
God being the herald of the new age are the most tainted by bias. In
their defense, it must be said that in their groping they've grabbed
hold of something even if their bias can't quite interpret what
they've seen correctly. In a sense, they all may be right as much as
they are all wrong. There have always been messiahs walking among
us. The Aquarian Age will make us aware that each human being is a
messiah unto himself.
If the past is our criterion, many spiritual giants are still
disturbing our sleep with new teachings and disturbing moral points
of view. They are walking among us, teaching us, being stoned and
poisoned by us. We may have already condemned a few as madmen and
Hindsight says we were wrong to stab Zoroaster, poison Socrates,
burn Pythagoras and his commune, poison Mohammed, behead
Sarmad and
draw and quarter the Sufi mystic Al-Hillaj Mansoor; we were wrong to
stone the Buddha and murder him by serving him tainted food.
Was it
not wrong to crucify Y'shua the Messiah and turn him into a
Jesus Christ?
"The search for truth is neither new nor old... Nobody is a founder
in it, nobody is a leader in it. It is such a vast phenomenon that
many enlightened people have appeared, helped and disappeared."
"The Uniter is going to be born here and it is going to come in
plenty. It is not going to be only one human being but many. And
when the Uniter is born it is going to grow and more and more humans
are going to be included in the thoughts of the Uniter."
"It is also true that the world is the Avatar. It is humanity as a
whole that is the Avatar in human form, not some specific human
individual. Only the whole is the Divine Manifestation without
exclusion. Therefore, the Guru is not the Avatar in that exclusive
sense. Mankind is the Avatar."
Da Avabhasa
Name That Messiah!
The Christian Messiah: Second coming of Jesus Christ.
The Islamic Messiah: (Orthodox Sunnis) Muntazar: The successor to
Mohammed who at the 'end of time' will unite the races of the world
through understanding.
The Aztec/Mayan Messiah: The return of Quetzalcoatl - an
olive-skinned man with a white beard and followers in red.
The Sioux Messiah: A man in a red cloak coming from the East.
The Indonesian Messiah: the twelfth-century Indonesian prophet,
Djojobojo, foresaw the coming of a great Spiritual King from the
West to come after the Dutch and Japanese occupations, and what
sounds like the severe end of the rule of Indonesian dictatiors,
Sukarno and Suharto.
The Hopi Messiah: Pahana the 'true white brother' from the East will
wear a red cap and cloak and bring two helpers holding the sacred
symbols: The swastika, the cross and the power symbol of the Sun. He
will restore the Indian version of the Dharma.
The Buddhist mainstream Messiah: Maitreya: Meaning either 'The World
Unifier' or simply 'The Friend.' A very human God-Man whom Buddha
predicted will be a greater Buddha than himself.
The Mahayana Buddhist Messiah: Amida: A great Christ-like
The Japanese Messiah: Several sects of Japanese Buddhism and
Shintoism foresee a variant of the Buddhist
Maitreya appearing after
8 August 1988 (8/8/88).
The Maori Messiahs: Over a dozen Maori cheiftains in New Zealand
from the nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries have laid
claim to the title.
The Messiah of Central Asian nomads: The White Burkhan. He will come
when the people of the steppes have abandoned their ancient gods
(Communist Russia was atheist). He will come to offer them and the
entire human race a spiritual rebirth.
The Jewish Messiah: "The" (sic)
Messiah. The true messenger of
Yahweh, the god of the jews, who will restore them to their status
as the Chosen People. Know his time has come when Israel is restored
and the temple of Solomon is rebuilt (interest in rebuilding the
temple is at an all-time high during the 1990s)
The Hindu Messiah: Kalki or Javada: The ninth and last Avatar of
this yuga cycle. His final incarnation will appear from the West.
The Shiite Messiah: The twelfth Imam: The final religious leader of
the Shiite sect of Islam. He has never died but will reappear beside
Jesus prior to Judgment Day to complete the Holy Qur'an (Koran).
The Sufi Messiah: Khidr, the mysterious guide of the Islamic
spiritual underground. He is the Sufi's version of the Shiite
twelfth Imam and Muntazar of the Sunnis.
The Zoroastrian Messiah: Saoshyant: Like Zarathustra, he's scheduled
to come at the Zoroastrian twelfth millennium (AD 2000)
The Eskimo Messiah: the prophets of the Arctic foresee him to be an
olive-skinned man with long beard and white hair who comes from the
"As time goes by, human after human will contribute to the growth of
the Uniter. The Uniter is in opposition to the old thought and its
ability to limit love. But the old thought was necessary for the new
to be born [or, the necessary manure for the flowering]. Everything
is a oneness. All the new is not really new. All this has been
spoken before by different masters of different times, but it is
only now in this new time that it will be understood that it will be
lived. Together all of you who are listening to this are the body of
the Uniter, the body and the limbs. Together you are the new thought
of the the time."
"Man has lived a long time the way he has lived [violently and
unconsciously]. By the end of this century, a critical quantum leap
is possible. Either man will die in a third world war or man will
take a jump and will become a new man. Before that happens, a great
Buddhafield is needed - a field where we can create the future."
Osho (1977) DiSutra
"Tuning into a fully developed Master Field, where all these
evolutionary processes have already taken place, permits those
changes to be magnified and quickened or, in effect, lived into that
system without its having to pass through certain of the of the
processes associated with the individual struggle to evolve."
"In the old days, evil things
speed rapidly, but now good things
spread rapidly. If you understand...everything begins to appear
wonderful and beautiful, and it naturally makes people stop wasting
or stop desiring unnecessary things. This awakening is contagious
and it will be transmitted to everybody soon."