by Georgi Stankov
January 15, 2011
StankovUniversalLaw Website
Spanish version
My ongoing analysis of the esoteric and channeled literature of the
New Age since the early 90s has revealed that there is virtually not
a single competent book on Light Body Process (LBP), as I have
experienced it since I had entered the most intensive phase in 1999.
Therefore, everything I will be writing in this essay is based on
personal experience and is founded in the new General Theory of
Science of the Universal Law, which is the new Science of Ascension.
This scientific theory will truly unfold after 2012, when humanity
will ascend to the 5th dimension and will enjoy a much expanded
consciousness than currently.
There are probably two reasons for this lack of information, which I
assume, but cannot prove beyond any doubt:
It is not intended that many incarnated entities should go
through the individual LBP, which is extremely exhausting and
physically debilitating. Very few personalities will have the
stamina to survive all the tortures of the LBP for such a long
period of time, in my case, for more than 12 years in the last and
most intensive phase without a single pause. It will be inhuman.
Most evolved souls will go anyway through the three days of
Stasis on December 21, 2012 and will automatically ascend to the
lower levels of the 5th dimension, which will still retain some
If I would have known, how strenuous the individual LBP would be, I
would have never given my consent.
As you see, it is always the
stupidity and the lack of knowledge of the incarnated entity that
the soul most of the time exploits, and not only the dark
forces from the 4th
astral dimension. Only their ends differ.
that reason, I would not advise anybody to begin with the individual LBP with the same totality as I did. This statement is an
indispensable introduction into the LBP.
However, I must specify on this issue. All adult and old souls
(indigo and crystalline children) are already in the LBP in one or
another way. Most of the currently channelled messages address the
initial phases of this process from many different angles. I am sure
that most of the readers of this essay are already in this phase for
a long period of time.
The fact that they are interested in LBP is a
clear indication for their evolution.
The initial phase is, from a psychological and mental point of view,
the most difficult one, because it triggers two processes that have
not been very common in the history of mankind and have been
experienced only by few adepts.
Now this has become a mass movement
among light workers. This is the novel aspect of our times.
This process is supported by the massive high frequency waves that
flood earth in the last 10-15 years and prepare the shift of both,
earth and mankind to the 5th dimension.
The entity has to surrender his
ego to the soul.
This is the most poignant experience, any
individual can make on earth, as it contradicts the whole
human experience so far. Fortunately, the collective
attitude has evolved on this issue in the last several
years, and one can now encounter more understanding from his
surroundings. This makes the process somewhat easier.
Practically, the entity has to give up all mundane efforts
and activities and follow the inner voice of the soul, which
now becomes predominant. The reason for this is that any
effort to comply with the demands of the society affords a
process of adaptation to the low frequency, psycho-mental,
fear based collective patterns of survival
(self-preservative patterns) that reign in current society,
and this is contrary to what LBP is all about.
Besides, present-day society is doomed to disappear
completely in the next two years, so why continue
functioning according to its demands. By surrendering the
ego to the Higher Self, one must have an unrestricted faith
in his soul and allow her to arrange his personal plan,
although the entity may not always understand the
far-sighted decisions of the soul.
If the entity struggles against the decisions of the soul,
it will experience many unpleasant situations, until it
ultimately succumbs. The less one fights against the
guidance of the soul - the easier and smoother the everyday
life will be.
I am speaking now from my personal experience. In this
respect I had a good training in my youth, as I was a
dissident in the early 70s in Bulgaria (see bio in "about
the author"), which was a repressive communist dictatorship,
so that I had to cut all bonds with society. I have
preserved this distinct attitude for the rest of my life.
But this is just one part of the equation.
There are so many flawed behavior patterns, which the
entity has internalized since early childhood, which have to
be questioned now in the LBP and in most cases put aside.
The surrendering of the ego is not a single event, but a
prolonged process. It takes time to eliminate low frequency,
fear based survival patterns and to substitute them with
enlightened ones.
Physiologically, it takes at least a month to change an old
behavior pattern by establishing the proper neurological
paths in the brain to support a new pattern. But the old
pattern is still present and fades away only very slowly, so
that there is a period of time when both antagonistic
patterns co-exist. This is the psychological and emotional
strife, which not only any entity on earth, but also mankind
experiences all the time in the duality of 3d-space-time.
This is a huge astral-neurological subject that goes beyond
the objective of this essay.
All wars, battles, and other atrocities on earth are
external projections of this inner strife of ideas that
cannot be solved within the mental and emotional body of the
individual, but erupt instead as social conflicts in the
outer world.
As human incarnated entities are compelled to alter their
belief patterns all the time in order to survive in an
ever-changing world, their inability to solve this inner
energetic strife between new and old patterns within the
psycho-mental confines of the human personality, but to
experience them instead as external perennial conflicts, is
the most clear indicator for the low grade of spiritual
evolution of present-day humanity. This attitude, which
dominates currently the social and political life on this
planet, must dramatically change in the course of the next
two years.
For that reason, too much involvement in esoteric disputes,
as many light workers like to indulge in, is nothing else,
but more of the same. This is not the path of spiritual
evolution. For this reason a true spiritual teacher never
aims at having numerous disciples because he prefers to make
all of them masters, so that he can enjoy the spiritual
discussion with elevated beings and learn something new from
them. This is true Empowerment of other entities, which is
but an aspect of unconditional love that is free of any
Only a teacher, who has spiritual deficiencies, indulges in
his role as a guru, because he needs the co-dependence of
his pupils, who render him with their devotion the missing
power to cover up his deficiencies. These are the many
hidden traps, which any entity has to avoid, after he has
made up his mind to go along the lonely path of individual
Ascension and LBP.
Additionally, there are many intellectual ideas in the
society, which an individual entity cannot reject or
overcome. In particular, I am speaking of all scientific
ideas, which dominate our technological society and run
contrary to any idea of transcendence.
Modern empirical science for instance bluntly rejects the
existence of the soul. In order to accept the leading role
of the soul, the entity has therefore to reject current
science. But how will he do it, if he is not competent in
science? Here we encounter the fundamental dilemma of
current mankind and, in particular, of all light workers.
They follow correctly the inner voice of their soul, but are
not in the position to present any irrefutable proofs for
her existence. The "Proof of God" ("Gottesbeweis" in German)
has been the central effort of all theologians and
philosophers since Antiquity, and they have all failed (read
all my scientific books on New Gnosis).
So, how have the individual
fortitude to resist the seduction of empirical science and
have a faith in your soul?
Observe that the current preoccupation of most light workers
with the so called "First Contact" is nothing else, but a
symptom of their inability to fully trust the existence of
their soul and hence the need - out of fear, doubt, etc. -
for external proofs, which will inevitably eliminate current
empirical science as a camouflage and a barrier to true
knowledge, by proving the existence of highly evolved
civilizations in the infinite universe.
This event will automatically reject the evolution doctrine
and most of current science - for instance, by proving the
existence of energetic levels beyond the electromagnetic
space-time (photon space-time), which experimental science
can only measure at present (see my article on free photon
By making this statement, I am deliberately neglecting the
fact, that the secret services in many countries have
contacts with the Greys and the Reptilians and have
developed some crude technologies that use astral energies
from the 4th dimension. I am speaking here about the current
scientific dogmas that determine collective human thinking
and prohibit the popularization of true spiritual ideas
The inferiority-complex of most light workers vis a vis
science is much deeper and profound than many would like to
admit and determines often their irrational behavior at the
subconscious and conscious level. This will be a huge
psychological problem, which they will have to overcome
during the next two years prior to Ascension.
As you see, the surrender of the ego to the soul is the
chief hurdle that one has to overcome before the individual
LBP can really commence.
Most of the ideas that I have elaborated above are
translated by the left hemisphere of the brain. Essentially,
they are fear based patterns and beliefs that must be
eliminated before the higher frequency idea patterns of the
soul can descend in the mental and emotional fields/bodies
of the incarnated entity. Observe that Ascension is first
and foremost a "descend" of the Higher Self (causal body) in
the physical vessel, precisely, in the four bodies -
biological, mental, emotional, and ethereal (astral).
This process can be easily
understood by employing current wave theory (see article on
"Energetic gradients" and my last book "The Cosmic Laws of
Creation and Destruction").
The second hurdle that the
incarnated entity has to overcome are the energetic
malfunctions of the four bodies/fields, as already mentioned
The first and most important process is the opening of the
4th heart chakra (emotional centre). This chakra is blocked
in most entities, and for this reason most of them are not
in the position to experience unconditional love. Most of
the problems that light workers have nowadays or are
discussed in their channeled messages can be attributed to
this blockage and gradual opening of the 4th heart chakra.
The vast majority of human entities do not have these
problems because their heart chakra is closed and will stay
so in many of them. Purely for this reason they will not
ascend. The advantage of a closed heart chakra is that you
do not have to cope with the many psycho-emotional problems,
which most light workers are currently encountering, while
cleansing their personal dross from that past and that of
The opening of the 4th chakra is associated with the
conscious experience of various angst (fear) patterns that
shape the psycho-mental structure of the incarnated entity.
These fears are coded in the cells, in the DNA, by the soul
and affect human behavior in a profound and invisible
manner as long as the 4th chakra is closed. They are, so to
say, the "Pavlov reflexes" of the incarnated entities.
This is the basic energetic mechanism, which the dark
Ahriman forces of the Anunnaki and the Reptilians from the
4th astral dimension are using in the current End Times to
manipulate the fear driven behavior of most incarnated
human entities.
The blockage of the heart is as old a theme as religion -
you must have heard of the term "the hardening of the heart"
("Verstockung des Herzen" in German), which is a major topic
among believers since early Christianity. Please, observe
the people around you and you will easily find the
difference in behavior between entities with closed and
opened 4th chakra.
Here, I will give you some technical information on the
opening of the 4th chakra, which you may not find in any
other book on this issue.
As you may know, this chakra is associated with the thymus.
This organ is in front of the lungs and is rudimentary in
most human beings - it is not evolved at all. When the 4th
chakra begins to open, the thymus starts to grow. At a later
stage, this can be even determined by CT (computer
The growth of the thymus is associated with chest pains,
asphyxia, acute episodes of severe bronchitis and
pneumonitis, which are erroneously diagnosed as flu or
pneumonia by most doctors, who have no idea of LBP and
Ascension. The most disturbing symptom is, however, heart
arrhythmia, which is due to the adjustment of the heart
regulation to the new, powerful astral energies, which now
flow unrestricted in the physical body after the 4th chakra
has been opened. The arrhythmia can last from 6 months up to
one year.
When I first wrote about this symptom in my book "Evolution
Leap of Mankind" in 2001, this phenomenon was virtually
unknown. In the meantime, I have many friends who entered
this stadium and complain about arrhythmia, which is always
associated with fear bursts that aggravate the mental
situation of the entity.
They usually run to the doctor and get prescribed a
ß-blocker or an anti-arrhythmic drug, which increase
mortality and hinder the LBP (see volume III). Therefore, it
is very important that the entity should know exactly what
is going on during the LBP and should not succumb to his
fears, believing to be ill and visiting physicians. This is
a huge problem nowadays that hinders the LBP.
I can assure you that the transient arrhythmia episodes are
absolutely harmless and disappear without any treatment as
soon the opening of the 4th chakra is completed. However,
one can make use of ß-blockers intermittently, when such
symptoms occur. The advantage of a ß-blocker (preferably
metoprolol) is that it, at the same time, has a sedating,
calming effect and mitigates the acute fear experience that
is associated with a LBP-induced heart arrhythmia.
This is a huge topic, and I have only scratched on the
surface in this essay. But this information is extremely
important for anybody, who enters this phase of the LBP.
According to my observation, the opening of the 4th heart
chakra has reached many light workers (adult and old souls)
in the autumn of 2009 and has been progressing at a rapid
pace since then. In 2011, I expect a peak in the cardial
symptoms, associated with the opening of this chakra in most
light workers and in the broad population, as the influx of
high frequency waves from the central sun of our galaxy will
significantly increase in the process of Ascension.
Most of these energies can only enter the physical body
through the heart chakra. This is a key event in the LBP in
the End Times, which is, unfortunately, not really discussed
by most channels, at least not in such a way as to promote
the understanding of the light workers.
It is a pity, as
this problem is of great practical relevance and existential
urgency for most light workers in the End Times, who need a
good professional advice with respect to their clinical
symptoms, which they cannot adequately interpret.
As soon as these two hurdles are overcome, the LBP can truly unfold.
This is associated with the opening of the 6th and 7th body chakra,
which are closed in most entities.
Just for your information: Before the soul incarnates, she makes a
decision on the energetic characteristics of the incarnated entity.
One very important decision is, which chakras should be the dominant
As you may know, chakras are energetic rotational wave systems,
which play an intermediary role and convey the higher frequency,
life-supporting astral energies of the causal body, through the
ethereal body, into the electromagnetic waves of the organic body.
In this way, the incessant regulation of the biological organism is
taking place at any point in time (see "Cosmic Laws of Creation and
Destruction" and "Evolution Leap of Mankind").
This is an extremely complex process of energy exchange, which is
virtually unknown to present-day bio-science. I have made some major
contributions to the understanding of this process in my book "The
General Theory of Biological Regulation" (volume III). However, it
is not necessary to know this theory in order to begin with the LBP
- this book is for those scientists, who will not go through the LBP,
but must have a theoretical idea of what is happening currently on
earth, so that they may eventually qualify for Ascension after 2012.
And now comes an information, you may not have heard yet. Therefore,
be attentive!
The soul decides, which two chakras should be dominant in the entity
- this means that the astral energy flows predominantly through
these two chakras at a ratio of 70% to 30% in the human body.
In most entities, only the lower three chakras are dominant:
The 1st
chakra (bottom chakra, instinctive centre) is associated with the
suprarenal gland, where the adrenalin/noradrenalin production is
located. This chakra is responsible for the activation of the
self-preservative instincts (survival patterns) of the entity.
The 2nd chakra (sexual centre, sexual organs)
The 3rd chakra
(power chakra), which is associated with liver, pancreas, and
stomach, are responsible for the expression of the vital forces of
the entity in the three-dimensional, material reality on this
These chakras are well developed in most young souls, which
represent the majority in the current population (for further
information see "Evolution Leap of Mankind" and the article
"Ascension 2012 - The Ongoing Scenario".
The dominance of the lower chakras in the broad population can be
observed in the irrational behavior of most human entities, which
will culminate in the next two years.
It will be rather easy for any
enlightened observer to discern, which entities in his surroundings
are acting and reacting exclusively from their lower chakras,
because their upper chakras are closed, and which entities are
behaving from their opened unified chakra, as I shall explain below.
The 5th intellectual chakra (thyroid gland) is currently selected as
dominant in a growing number of people - hence the huge number of
scientists nowadays, who exceed the number of all scientists, who
have ever lived in the past.
The 6th spiritual chakra (hypophysis, pituitary gland) and the 7th
ecstatic chakra (epiphysis, pineal gland) are closed in most
entities upon birth (with the exception of the crystalline children
after 2000).
This is the actual blockade of the incarnated personality from the
Higher Self and the reason for the lack of medial abilities and
spirituality in most human beings on earth. It is the actual cause
for the so called "veil of forgetfulness".
The reason for this common energetic malfunction is the necessity
for the incarnated entity to concentrate on 3d-life on earth and
live in the illusion that he is a separated entity.
When the LBP really commences, these two chakras must be opened in
the first place, so that the two glands begin to grow. In the
esoteric literature, these two upper chakras are referred to as the
"third eye", by putting them together in one functional term. This
is not wholly wrong, as they operate in a coordinated fashion.
At a later stage, the hypertrophy of the two brain glands can be
detected by CT, and this is an irrefutable proof for the progress of
the LBP, and the existence of Higher Realms of Creation (scientific
Proof of God).
When the 4th chakra is fully opened, it encompasses the lower three
chakras and brings them in alignment with the three upper chakras,
which transmit intellectual (5th chakra), inspirative (6th chakra)
and ecstatic (7th chakra) energies. In this way a unified chakra is
built, which rotates with a much greater velocity and is able to
transmit much more and higher frequency energies in the four bodies
of the incarnated entity.
This leads automatically to the elimination of many local blockades
and fear based patterns of low vibration according to the laws of
constructive and destructive interference as explained in my last
book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction".
The building of a unified body chakra is a corner stone in the LBP.
When this stage is reached, the entity has fully qualified for
Ascension. This does not, however, mean that the LBP is finished, as
there is no upper limit in this process. The entity may continue to
ascend beyond the 5th dimension, while still dwelling in a physical
This aspect is not well understand in esoteric circles. An
incarnated entity may have already ascended to the 5th dimension,
according to current standards, but he may still stay in a physical
vessel and continue augmenting his body frequencies beyond this
level. In this case, the entity will reach, upon the final
transformation of his physical body into light body, the 6th to 8th
dimensions, and even beyond that.
If we quantify the levels of vibration in terms of octaves, then the
light body of an ascended master on earth may vibrate beyond the
144-octave of universal creation, which is also the octave of the
crystalline grid of the ascending earth. It vibrates with the
frequencies of the highest 5th-dimensional levels.
The 144-grid of earth will be completed by about 93%, when the star
portal 11.11.11 will open in the fall of this year. This vibrational
level will be sufficient for the First Wave of Ascended Masters to
take place.
At the final star portal 12.12.12, the crystalline 144-grid of the
earth will be completed, and this will enable the Mass Ascension of
the majority of the human incarnated entities on earth to the lower
levels of the 5th dimension.
There will be, however, ascended human masters, who will
automatically reach the 6th and higher dimensions and will
communicate with the ascended humanity in the lower 5th dimension
from these higher realms, where there will be no necessity to have
an individual light body, as the ascended master will be of pure
energy and can create immediately any conceivable light body at his
Now back to human chakras! The opening of the two higher chakras and
further chakras above the human body (8th to 14th) paves the path
for the entrance of higher frequency energies from the 5th and
higher dimensions, which are associated with various symptoms and
specific somatic experiences. It does not make any sense to discuss
them at present. When an entity enters this phase, they can be
extensively elaborated, otherwise such a discussion will only put
the entity unnecessarily under stress and will only stimulate his
hypochondriacal inclinations.
This is essentially an initial synoptic introduction into the
individual LBP.
Let me now make the following final observation once again at this
place: The entity cannot make a decision on the initiation of the
LBP, but only the soul - that is, the individual LBP must be in the
soul contract.
But the entity may eventually hinder the planned individual LBP, if
he has not developed the proper attitude and rejects or hinders it
through its irrational behavior and thinking. However, only the
entity can know, what is in his personal soul contract. No external
person can discern it.
Therefore, it is always of great advantage for any entity to be
fully informed - at best, in scientifically correct, though popular
terms - about the energetic mechanisms of LBP. After all, it is all
about Energy and nothing else.
The internalizing of this simple fact eliminates most of the fears
and emotional incompatibilities, which any entity inevitably
encounters in the course of the LBP.
In this case, relaxation,
meditation and, above all, a good portion of Heavenly Humor to
counterbalance the toxic madness of this planet is the best tactics
to promote the LBP.