channeled through Judy Boss
Walk-Ins Website
Spanish version
Soul braiding?
It's an unusual term for an unusual time. To
understand it more fully, remember—the physical body is an
instrument for the soul to express itself in, to learn, to share, to
contribute... always creating. Understand that many extraordinary
situations are resulting from the powerful dynamics occurring as our
Earth (known comically as Terra Shamballa) makes its shift
from the third dimension frequency into the fourth dimension.
This powerful transformation provides Earth's inhabitants and the
whole solar system with the opportunity to ascend into higher
frequencies of evolution. The outer, more developed realms of the
universe are contributing their knowledge and technical support to
enable this great cosmic plan. The cosmos is offering help through
advanced star ships that release powerful energies upon the planet
to heal earth and its inhabitants by integrating, balancing and
releasing outmoded, negative energy.
With our cooperation, they also shower our planet with energies that
awaken our higher mind and open our loving heart—our Christ
center—so we may become more loving and intelligent people. Those
with a loving heart and an open mind are offered the opportunity to
receive many wondrous and long-promised gifts of the spirit.
Evolutionary Leap
Indeed, now is an extremely important and exciting time as millions
of souls on and off the planet contribute their help to assist in
this evolutionary leap. Evolved beings from advanced star systems
and star ships telepathically impress upon our minds helpful
information so we can move into realms of higher learning. Other
advanced intelligent beings have chosen to "walk in" to
bodies in which the soul has chosen to depart so they can make their
contribution. Yet other souls have offered to share an expression of
their soul's experience and wisdom to another soul for a temporary
and often specific purpose that will benefit humanity.
This is what soul braiding is all about. The process is always done
with the cooperation and willingness of the "main soul" expression
inhabiting the body. Perhaps this agreement was made before the
original soul entered the body, either at birth or as a walk-in. Or,
perhaps the soul in the body needs information or experience for a
particular purpose and asks for help. The request may be answered by
a soul who agrees to provide a part of its expression for this
purpose. In turn, it will increase its own experience through this
act. The energy from the incoming soul comes in through the top of
the head in a spiraling downward process, hence the term soul
How and Why?
For example, let's say the planet is ready to be given advanced
information of a technical nature.
This information can be brought
into earth by the braiding in of a soul expression who has this
knowledge. This information will then be blended into the original
soul inhabiting the body. When the purpose has been completed, the
soul expression will unbraid itself and return to spirit. This may
occur often, seldom or only once. Different soul expressions may
inhabit a body at different times for a particular purpose.
The soul, as a spark of the Creator, chooses to express its
creativity in many different dimensions of time and space all
occurring at the same time! Another aspect of your own soul may
participate in both or either the soul braiding and walk-in process.
Or, another entirely different soul, one you know from another
dimension of time and space, may blend with you for the present
dance of life upon the Earth. Interactions such as these are quite
In most cases, the main personality is unaware of such occurrences.
The integration stage, when different life expressions share
space, are entering or departing, can be a confusing and unsettling
time for the body vehicle which has the challenging task of being
the container of this changing, dynamic flow of energies.
Emotionally, it has the formidable task of staying balanced.
Patience is necessary to allow the blending of these energies to
move comfortably into creative expression. It is best to move slowly
and allow time to make the necessary adjustments in harmony with the
personality needs.
For the evolved, this blending of souls is for the purpose of a
higher nature and contribution to the betterment of humanity.
However, those who are troubled, depressed, influenced by chemicals
and emotionally out of control may encounter "take overs" of an
invasive nature. These souls in trouble then experience what has
been referred to as possession or multiple personality disorders.
Asking for both spiritual and psychological help in these situations
is your best choice. Your humanity is just beginning to understand
the complexity and the multidimensional nature of the soul and its
affect upon the personality.
There is no limit to the creativity you are gifted with. Sharing and
blending with others, both multidimensional aspects of ourselves and
other souls as partners of the ONE WE ALL ARE is an ongoing
expression of life.