Kozyrev’s work and others have shown us that all
matter harnesses torsion waves to sustain its existence. In the last
two chapters we saw that an atom is actually a vortex of
aetheric energy, where the negatively-charged electron
clouds are pressing in towards the positively-charged nucleus via
the Biefield-Brown effect.
We also have seen that geometry is
a major factor in the quantum realm, since it represents the natural
form that vibration creates in a fluidlike medium. These naturally
occurring aetheric vibrations will cause atoms that
are released from a tiny nozzle to gather into perfectly geometric
microclusters, which act as one large atom in their
own right. These vibrations are also responsible for the formation
of quasi-crystals, where a rapidly-cooled metallic alloy forms into
a geometric structure that cannot be created by individual
“particle” atoms, but only by those atoms blending together into a
larger whole.
Again, the key is that these geometric forms are being created by
vibration. In order for this vibration to occur, an atom must be
constantly absorbing and radiating aetheric energy at
the same time. As this vibration continues, the atom will throw off
torsion waves into the surrounding aether.
This means that every atom is a torsion generator, and depending on
its overall “spin polarization,” i.e. whether there is a greater
amount of right-handed or left-handed spin in its electron clouds,
the object will either generate left-handed or right-handed torsion
waves. Larger “bulk” groupings of atoms into common physical objects
would obviously follow the same rules.
So, let’s say that you have an object whose atoms are more heavily
polarized for right-handed spin as opposed to left-handed spin. Now,
let’s move back to our analogy of a sponge that is submerged in
The vibrations at work will cause the sponge to be
continually expanding and contracting in size at a very fast speed.
If the sponge is a perfect sphere, then the sponge will be throwing
off an equal amount of water in all directions at a steady flow
rate. However, if the sponge were shaped into a cone, then each time
that the sponge contracts, a greater amount of water will shoot out
of the top of the cone as opposed to the other areas. This is easily
visualized with the analogy of seeing water passing through a
funnel. In the case of this analogy, the top of the cone would be
releasing right-handed torsion waves.
Thus, since every atom is throwing off torsion waves as it vibrates,
certain shapes can help harness and direct this torsional
energy flow more than others. Obviously, any of the
Platonic Solids would be in this category, but other shapes
can harness torsion waves without necessarily being Platonic Solids.
Dr. Victor Grebennikov discovered such phenomena in the “cavity
structural effect” or CSE, through his study of
insects. In this chapter, we shall also discuss Dr. Golod, Dr.
Krasnoholovets, Joe Parr and others’ surprising research on the
power of the pyramid shape to harness torsional
As described in Nasonov’s groundbreaking torsion
studies, there are four major categories of devices that will
produce a measurable torsion-field effect:
1. Objects with specially
organized spin polarization. A magnet is the most common
material that fits into this first category. Every atom has a
combination of “right” spin and “left” spin in the electron
clouds, and this is known as the “spin polarization” of the
atom. Any bulk object will have an overall spin polarization,
which is the sum of all the different spins in the atoms
comprising it. In a magnet, all molecules are aligned in
north-south magnetic polarization, and this creates strong
torsion waves as well as a magnetic field. Czech researcher
Pavilta was able to produce similar effects in non-magnetic
materials, as documented in Psychic Discoveries.
2. Electromagnetic or electrostatic torsion generators.
By simply generating an electrostatic or electromagnetic field,
such as by passing electric current through a coil of wire, you
will also produce measurable torsion waves. Generators using
this principle have been created and tested by S.V. Avramenko,
G.F. Ignatjev, G.A. Sergejev, S.N. Tarakhtiy and many
3. Objects with specially organized rotation. By rotating
either magnetic or non-magnetic materials in certain specific
patterns and speeds, torsion fields can be generated. In Russia,
this method has been used by A.I. Veinik, K.N. Perebeinos,
V.M. Yuritovsky, V.V. Bobyr and many others. Such generators
have been well described in our previous volume, as many
researchers have created “overunity” or free-energy devices
using these principles to extract energy directly from the
aether itself. Gravity-defying craft, such as the SEG device
by Professor Searl, have also been created using this
4. Objects that distort the geometry of the physical
vacuum. As Nasonov indicates,
“Every object having a certain
surface geometry will simultaneously generate left and right
torsion fields of a certain configuration depending on the
geometry of the object. This fact can be detected by various
types of physical, chemical and biological indicators.
Unusual effects demonstrated by pyramids, cones, cylinders,
flat triangles, etc. were repeatedly observed by many
researchers in different countries.”
This fourth category shall be the
main topic of discussion in this chapter, and we shall refer to
such specially-shaped objects as “passive torsion generators.”
These effects have been studied by A.I. Veinik, V.S.
Grebennikov, Yu.V. Tszyan Kanchzhen, I.M. Shakhparonov, A.A.
Beridze-Stakhovsky, A. Golod, V. Krasnoholovetz, Joe Parr
and others.
5. Generators that combine characteristics of the
previous four categories. Certain devices have been built that
combine the geometric shape of an object or enclosure (#4) with
other torsion-wave generating properties such as seen in numbers
1-3, producing remarkable results. These studies will also be
discussed in this and later chapters, and have been performed by
Yu.V. Tszyan Kanchzhen, V.P. Kaznacheev, Joe Parr and the
authors of the 1979 French patent #2421531, among others.
Before we go on, we should note here that the spin
polarization of an atom is not necessarily fixed in either a
right-handed or left-handed direction. The Institute of
Material Research in Kiev, Ukraine performed a
series of experiments where an object was exposed to torsion
radiation created by the third process in the above list.
They found
that if the torsion radiation was strong enough, then the spin state
of the atoms themselves could be changed. Later in this chapter we
will see that these changes can eventually be substantial enough to
alter the structure and appearance of a material, such as the color
of granite and the sharpness of a razor blade.
Even more interestingly, the Institute of Material Research
also determined that people with strong psychic abilities were also
capable of creating identical changes in the spin polarization of
various substances by the sheer focus of their consciousness. No
other known technologies could create such changes in a physical
This again suggests that consciousness and torsion-waves are
actually one and the same – and in the Russian and
Ukranian pyramid research of this chapter we will see
more of the mounting evidence that points towards this conclusion.
In this chapter, we will also begin feeling the weight of
evidence that suggests that aetheric energy intake is
actually the most important ingredient in the health of an
organism, and that conventional processes of respiration,
ingestion and sunlight exposure are only part of the puzzle –
perhaps important only to the degree that each process is capable of
continually renewing our supply of aetheric energy.
Certain “non-eating saints” profiled in Autobiography of a Yogi
by Paramahansa Yogananda and other sources have arrived at
the point where they sustain the health of their physical bodies
directly from this energy source, without eating or drinking. (We
absolutely do not advise our readers to attempt this, as it could be
Another point that should be mentioned early along in this
chapter comes from the research into passive torsion generators and
the cavity structural effect that was conducted by the A.E. Akimov
group at the Physics Institute of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences
and at Chernovitsky University. They were particularly interested in
studying the effects that cones of different sizes would have upon
various processes.
From this research, it was determined that:
The best passive torsion generators
were formed by cones that were shaped into the “phi” ratio of
to 0.618.
What this tells us is that torsion waves
are indeed “phi” spirals, since a cone that duplicates this pattern
will harness the waves most strongly.
Russian scientist Dr. Victor Grebennikov is an entomologist,
meaning that he works especially with insects.
He first discovered
the “cavity structural effect” when he ended up working too late in
the steppes of the Kamyshlovo valley and tried to fall asleep
relatively near the edge of a cliff. Deep in the side of the cliff
just beneath him were massive “bee cities” with multitudes of
tunnels and chambers created by an incredible number of different
hives that had all formed within the same area. So many bees had
made their homes there that the entire cliff face looked like a
piece of Swiss cheese, and in places it was so porous that it almost
looked like a sponge.
As Grebennikov tried to fall asleep above these gently humming,
living bee cities, he started to experience very bizarre effects
that were too powerful to ignore. First his body felt as if it were
continually expanding and contracting in size, while also feeling as
if it were in a state of free-fall. Then, as the effect intensified,
he began to see flashes in front of his eyes that would continue to
appear whether his eyes were open or closed.
His mouth suddenly had
a strong metallic taste as if he had pressed his tongue onto the
contact plates of a nine-volt battery, and he also experienced a
loud ringing in his ears and an enhanced awareness of his heartbeat.
When he moved as little as five feet away from this particular spot,
all the effects would cease, but when he returned to the spot the
effects would come back.
For many years he wondered why he had experienced these effects
without producing any solid explanation. Then, one day he had a wide
container filled with spongy clay lumps from the original nest site
sitting out on his desk. These lumps had honeycomb-style cavities
inside them where the larvae had grown into adult bees. As he passed
his hand above these porous fragments, he felt a sudden sensation of
warmth emanating from them. When he touched the clay itself with his
hand, it was cold, but this warm sensation was clearly noticeable
above the clumps. Grebennikov also noticed a slight jerking or
“ticking” sensation in his fingers from the clumps as well as the
When he leaned over and put his head above the clay lumps,
he again experienced all of the same bizarre symptoms as he had at
the original site in the Kamyshlovo valley, including a sense of

Figure 9.1 –
Clay Lumps from Kamyshlovo Valley bee nests
Grebennikov soon discovered that even if
the container was covered with a thick metallic lid, the effects
would still continue. He then took the container of clay honeycomb
lumps to various institutes within the Agricultural Academy in
Novosibirsk, where they were tested with thermometers, ultrasound
detectors, magnetometers, electrometers and the like. None of these
instruments responded to the nests in any unusual fashion. Precise
chemical analyses of the clay showed no anomalies, and a radiometer
showed no effect either.
However, as Grebennikov indicated,
…ordinary human hands, and not only
mine, would distinctly feel either warmth or cold, or a tingle,
or sometimes a thicker, stickier environment. Some people’s
hands felt heavier, others felt lighter as if pushed up. Some
people’s fingers and arm muscles got numb, some felt giddy and
developed profuse salivation.
Later, Grebennikov discovered that
artificial honeycombs created from plastic, paper, metal and
could create the same effects, if the basic structure of the bee
nests were adhered to. As he wrote in his book,
It turned out that the cause of all
those unusual sensations was not a biological field, but the
size, shape, quantity and arrangement of cavities formed by and
in any solid object. And as before, the organism felt it, while
the instruments remained silent. I called the discovery the
Cavity Structures Effect (CSE)… [emphasis added]
Then, Grebennikov goes on to explain
some of the biological effects that were noticed from the Cavity
Structure Effect:
Nature has continued to reveal to me
its innermost secrets one after another. It has turned out that
the CSE zone inhibits the growth of saprophytic soil bacteria,
inhibits the growth of yeast and other similar cultures as well
as it inhibits wheat grain germination. The behavior of
microscopic agile chlamydospores also changes in this effective
zone. Leaf cutting bee larvae begin to phosphoresce [glow with
light], while adult bees are much more active in this field and
finish pollination two weeks earlier than they would otherwise.
It has turned out that this CSE, same as gravitation,
can’t be
We shall see that although the
insect-based Cavity Structural Effect inhibits the growth of
bacteria, yeast, wheat grains and the like, the pyramid-related
experiments show an opposite effect. This shows how the cavity
structural effect seems to absorb torsion-wave energy away from most
biological systems, whereas the concentrated energy inside of a
pyramid will enhance them.
In this next excerpt on the CSE, think back to Kozyrev’s discoveries
that were discussed in the first chapter. Torsion fields are
certainly capable of moving through solid matter without losing any
of their strength.
Furthermore, here again we see the “phantom”
effect or “polarization of the vacuum” that Kozyrev and others
[The CSE field] affects living
organisms through walls, thick metal and any other screens. It
has turned out that if a porous object were moved, a person
would not feel the change in CSE location immediately, but a few
seconds or minutes later. While the old location would retain a
“trace,” or as I called it a “phantom” of the
CSE field
perceivable by the hand for hours and sometimes for months
thereafter. [emphasis added]
In this next passage we find additional
support for the concept of “nested spheres” of energy, which in this
case are formed by the cavity structural effect:
It has turned out that the CSE field
did not decrease evenly with distance, but surrounded the
honeycomb with a system of invisible, yet sometimes clearly
perceivable “shells.”
Grebennikov goes on to remind us that we
are constantly surrounded by these effects, and that we therefore
have an innate ability to adapt to such changes in our environment
so that we are not bothered by them:
It has turned out that animals (white mice) and humans
entering the
zone of the CSE field (even a very strong one) would soon adapt to
it. It couldn’t be otherwise. We are surrounded everywhere by
cavities, large and small, surrounded by grids and cells of living
and dead plants (as well as our own cells.) We are surrounded by
bubbles of foam rubber, foam plastic, foam concrete, rooms,
corridors, halls, roofing, spaces between machine parts, trees,
furniture and buildings.
The next point should again remind us of
Kozyrev’s findings, showing
how the energy streaming into the Earth and the energy streaming
away from the Sun have direct effects on this process:
It has turned out that the CSE “ray”
had a stronger impact on living organisms when it was directed
away from the sun and also downwards, facing the Earth center.
Next, we see where Grebennikov
unknowingly replicated Kozyrev’s findings that show that time itself
can be sped up or slowed down in the presence of torsion-wave
It has turned out that clocks, both mechanical and electronic,
inaccurately when placed in a strong CSE field. The
CSE seems to
have an effect on time too. All this is a manifestation of the
of matter, constantly moving and transforming and existing
Grebennikov built detectors for
torsion-wave energy that were
relatively similar to Kozyrev’s, albeit far less complex.
The key to
remember here again is that these spiraling waves do exert a subtle
pressure on physical matter that is detectable with sensitive
I have managed to devise instruments
for an objective registration of the CSE, which react accurately
to the proximity of insect nests during all this time. Here they
are in the drawings. They are sealed [glass] vessels with
straws, burnt twigs or drawing coals suspended on spider web
threads in them, with some water on the bottom countering the
effects of static electricity, which hinders such experiments in
dry air.
If you point an old wasp nest, a bee honeycomb or a
bunch of cereal ears at the upper end of the indicator, it turns
slowly a few dozen degrees around. This is no miracle… Those who
have doubts are welcome to visit the Agroecology Museum near Novosibirsk and see it all for themselves…

Figure 9.2 –
Grebennikov’s CSE detectors in action.
This next citation gives remarkable
evidence for the ability of a bumble bee to feel the CSE from its
hive even through a half-meter thick brick wall:
I’ve had reports of highly
unpleasant effects of a few wasp nests in an attic. Besides
that, most multiple cell devices and objects with a manifested
CSE field have a far from beneficial effect on humans in the
first few minutes. Honey bee combs are a rare exception. I have
often observed the bumblebees living in our Isilkul flat in the
1960s. A young bumble bee did not take the trouble to remember
the entrance to the hive and it would spend hours wandering
around the windows of our house and of a similar looking house
nearby on its first trip out of the hive. It would give up on
its poor visual memory in the evening and it would land on the
brick wall precisely outside the hive and would try to break
right through the wall.
Now how did the insect know that its
home nest was right there, four meters away from the entrance to
the attic and a meter and a half below, behind the thick, half
meter wall? I was lost at the time in conjectures but now I know
exactly why the bumble bee behaved in that manner. Now let us
remember the experiment in which hunter wasps returned not only
to a given location but even to an entirely different location
where the lump of soil with their nest had been moved. I do not
doubt that they were able to find it because of the wave emitter
created by their nest cavities. [emphasis added]
In this next passage, Grebennikov
demonstrates how certain flowers have a shape that creates a
resonant structure for torsion waves to be generated, thus
attracting the bees for pollination.
Again, we see mention of the
“phantom effect” or “polarization of the vacuum” when
discusses how he was able to find these flowers in a completely dark
room using a stem, charcoal rod or short pencil:
There was yet another mystery to be
revealed to me by my insect friends. It has turned out that
flowers also use similarly powerful and unstoppable wave
emitters besides their color, odor and nectar in order to
attract their pollinators. I have discovered it with a drawing
charcoal, a burnt twig by passing it over large, bell shaped
flowers (tulips, lilies, amaryllises, mallows or pumpkins). I
could feel "braking" of this detector already at quite a
distance from the flower.

Figure 9.3 –
Detection of CSE fields from bell-shaped flowers.
I have learned to find a flower in a
dark room standing one or two meters away from it with this
detector, but only if it had not been moved. If it were moved, I
would detect a "false target", the "ghost"
field left in its old
location, the residual "phantom" I have already mentioned. I do
not possess any super sensory abilities, and any person would be
able to do the same after some training.
One could use a 10 cm
long piece of a yellow sorghum stem instead of a charcoal rod,
or a short pencil whose rear end should be facing the flower.
Some people would be able to feel the flower (a "warm", "cold",
or "shivering" sensation emanating from it) with their bare
hands, tongues, or even faces. As many experiments demonstrated,
children and adolescents are particularly sensitive to these waves of matter.
In this next passage, Grebennikov
describes how this system appears to be designed to keep bee nests
from blending into each other, as well as to keep roots from growing
into the nests:
When it comes to the bees, which
nest underground, their "knowledge" of the CSE is vital to them.
First of all, it enables the builder of a new gallery to stay
away from the neighboring nests. Otherwise, the entire bee city
all cut through with intersecting holes would simply collapse.
Secondly, plant roots cannot be allowed to grow down into the
galleries and honeycombs and indeed the roots stop growing any
further a few centimeters away from the honeycomb of tunnels and
chambers and start growing aside, feeling that nests are near.
I have confirmed the latter conclusion by my many experiments on
couching wheat seeds in a strong CSE field, as compared to the
seeds germinating in the same climatic conditions but in the
absence of the CSE field. Photographs and drawings show both the
dying of roots in the experimental batch as well as their sharp
deviation in a direction away from my artificial honeycomb.
Therefore, the bees and the weeds back at the lake had made a
pact long ago and they are another example of the highest
ecological expediency of all being…
Finally, our last passage in this
chapter from Grebennikov shows how the torsion radiation caused
anomalous electromagnetic effects, again reminding us of Kozyrev’s
earlier findings:
I will only mention one more thing.
My battery powered pocket calculator often malfunctioned in the
CSE field. It either erred, or sometimes its display window
failed to light up for hours. I used the field of a wasp nest
combined with that of my two palms. None of these structures had
any effect on their own.
Grebennikov’s discoveries with the “cavity structural
effect” show that long, tubelike structures, especially if gathered
in bundles, will harness torsion waves in a way that can be
confusing and damaging to most forms of life.
However, he also found
that if such structures are placed above a person, such as in a
specially-built chair that he designed, the added torsion energy
that they draw up from the earth has beneficial health properties.
Such devices can be built rather simply by gluing several large egg
crates above each other at their mutually shared points and mounting
them above a chair where a person will sit.
The beneficial health effects of a person being placed under a
generator can be duplicated and enhanced with the pyramid shape. Grebennikov did a certain degree of interesting research in this
area, but until Dr. John DeSalvo of the
Giza Pyramid Research
Association published the Russian and
Ukranian pyramid research of A. Golod, V. Krasnoholovets and associates, the complete picture of
how much progress had been made in these areas was not available
online. This research comes from the Institute of Physics in Kiev,
Ukraine, a basic institution of the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, which was one of the leading scientific centers in the
former USSR and the premier military research association.
Two steep pyramids with 70-degree slope angles were constructed in
Russia near Moscow, one at a height of 22 meters and another at a
height of 44 meters [144 feet,] costing over a million dollars to
build. Over the last 10 years, a total of 17 different pyramids have
been built altogether. In order for the pyramid effects to emerge,
it was found that no metal could be used in the construction of
these structures, thus modular fiberglass plastics were used
The pyramids were aligned to the North Star and built away
from populated areas in the natural countryside. At the base of the
22-meter pyramid, the fiberglass wall was 36 centimeters thick, and
at the base of the 44-meter pyramid the fiberglass wall was 70
centimeters thick. The 22-meter pyramid weighed a total of 25 tons
and the 44-meter pyramid weighed a total of 55 tons.
different teams from the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out all
sorts of experiments in these pyramids, with surprising results.
[These results are discussed in greater scientific detail in the
article, referenced at the end of this chapter.]
The first study cited in Dr. Krasnoholovets’ summary
paper is by Prof. S.M. Klimenko and D.N. Nosik, MD from the
Ivanovskii R&D Institute of Virology within the Russian Academy
of Medical Science. This study involved the drug venoglobulin,
which is a naturally-occurring antiviral compound in human
beings. When the drug was diluted into a concentration of 50
micrograms per milliliter and stored in the pyramid for a time,
it then became approximately three times more effective at
fighting viruses than it normally would.
The team of Prof. A.G. Antonov from the Russian R&D
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology tested the
effects of a solution of 40% glucose in distilled water after it
had been stored in the pyramid. By administering only 1
milliliter of the glucose to 20 different prematurely born
infant patients with compromised immune systems, their levels of
health were seen to rapidly increase up to practically normal
The researchers furthermore discovered that the glucose
was not necessary, as the same effect could be produced by
simply using 1 milliliter of ordinary water that had been stored
in the pyramid.
Another study was performed by Dr. N.B. Egorova at the
Mechnikov R&D Institute within the Russian Academy of Medical
Science. In this study, the torsion-wave harnessing capability
of the pyramid was tested directly on living organisms placed
inside. An experimental and a control group of white underbred
mice weighing 12 to 14 grams were both tainted with strain 415
of the virus S.typhimurium in equal amounts over the course of
one day. In smaller doses of contamination, the mice stored in
the pyramid survived at a rate of 60% whereas only 7% survived
in the control group. In larger doses of contamination, 30% of
the mice in the pyramid survived as opposed to only 3% in the
control group.
In other experiments, mice were exposed to
various carcinogens, and an experimental group drank water from
the pyramid whereas the control group drank ordinary water. The
mice drinking the pyramid water had significantly fewer tumors
develop than the mice drinking the ordinary water.
Prof. V.I. Kostikov and Dr. A.C. Katasonov from the
Institute “Graphite” within the Russian Academy of Sciences
performed various studies on the changes in electrical
resistance that can be induced by a pyramid structure. In one
example, a pyrocarbon material was tested that normally had a
resistance of 5 to 7 micro-ohms.
After a one-day stay in the
pyramid, the material became 200% more resistant to electric
current, which is an abnormal effect for pyrocarbon. Irradiating
the same material with ~10^19 neutrons per square meter would
only change the resistance of the pyrocarbon by about 5% in
comparison. Similarly, silicon semiconductors would have an
exponential lowering of their electrical resistance, moving from
10^5 to 10^4 ohms per centimeter, and high-temperature
superconducting materials would lose their superconductive
properties after a one-day stay in the pyramid.
A group of researchers from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow conducted an experiment to
demonstrate how pyramid-charged rocks could dissipate strong
electric charges, rendering them less harmful. The setup
involved a flat metallic plate that was zapped by
positively-charged electric blasts at up to 1400 kilovolts in
intervals between 250 and 2500 microseconds. The electric blasts
were generated by a rod that was suspended 5 meters above the
metallic plate. Each of these blasts will typically “discharge”
and burn up a portion of the metallic plate, which is known as a
“defeat,” and these defeats are logged and plotted.
Two identical systems of this type, and experimental and a
control, were created. In the experimental system, seven
100-gram chunks of granite that had been stored inside the
pyramid were then placed on the flat plate in a one-meter wide
ring. The researchers discovered that there were five times more
burn marks on the control plate as opposed to the experimental
plate. Obviously, normal granite rocks would not produce such an
effect – only those that have stayed in the pyramid. It seems
that the rocks exposed to the torsion fields in the pyramid were
much more capable of distributing the electrical charges.
appears to be due to the fact that the electron clouds of the
atoms in the rocks became more uniformly spin-polarized in the
pyramid, thus helping to absorb and spread out electrical
charges more evenly.
Five major categories of experiments, as follows, were
performed by a team of researchers from the Scientific
Manufacturing Union Gidrometpribor in Russia, directed by
In the first experiment, plastic bottles of distilled
water were kept in the pyramid over the course of three
winter months. During this time, the air temperature in the
pyramid sank as low as -38° C, or -6° F. Thermometers inside
the bottles revealed that the temperature of the water was
the same as the below-freezing air temperatures surrounding
them, yet the water remained in a liquid form and would not
turn into ice! However, if the water in any of the bottles
was shaken or bumped in any way, it would immediately start
crystallizing and quickly turn into a block of ice. Golod
and his associates have videotaped these results.
This first experiment obviously suggests that the presence
of the torsion-wave energy was able to keep the water
molecules from crystallizing into ice, yet a simple
disruption in the harmonic stillness of the water would
cause this equilibrium to disappear and ice would quickly
form. One slight bump on the edge of the bottle would
disrupt the even flow of the torsion radiation and allow the
molecules to begin crystallizing.
This same experiment also showed that water would retain its
purity indefinitely while within the pyramid. VISIBLE RINGS FORM IN ROCKS SCATTERED INSIDE THE
In the second of Golod’s experiments, chunks of granite
and crystal were scattered along the floor of the pyramid
for longer periods of time. A visible ring would appear
evenly throughout the chunks, showing a clear change in the
appearance of the stones when under the torsion-wave
influence. Between the end of 1997 and the beginning of
1999, this result was able to be duplicated 40 different
times in the same pyramid, with different rocks each time.
Each ring would cover between 50 and 300 rocks, with a total
weight from 20 to 200 kilograms. Golod et al. have gathered
evidence to suggest that when the rings form most visibly,
the amount of epidemics in the surrounding area will
In the third of Golod’s experiments, the Joint-stock
company “R&D Institute TTR” conducted studies of the air
above the pyramid with a Russian instrument similar to radar
known as a “military locator.” A column of “unknown energy”
was detected at a width of 500 meters and a height of 2000
meters. Further studies confirmed that a larger circle of
this energy surrounded the area above the pyramid in a
300-kilometer-wide range, with the highest concentration
being directly above the vertical fulcrum of the pyramid. Golod’s team calculated that if such an energy column were
to be produced electromagnetically, it would require all the
energy of the various power plants in Russia combined.
Furthermore, less rigorous was the observation that after
the pyramid’s presence was established, an ozone hole that
had existed over that area of Russia was seen to repair
itself in only two months’ time.
This column of unseen energy did have other immediate uses
and effects as well. Electrical energy from the pyramid
could be harnessed by a capacitor that was placed at the
apex of the pyramid; the capacitor would spontaneously take
on a charge. Furthermore, pieces of the capacitor assembly
were seen to break away and rise into the air on the
energetic column that the pyramid was producing. It was also
discovered that people working near the top of the pyramid
might start to experience dizziness and nausea, and need to
be taken some distance away from the pyramid for these
In Golod’s fourth experiment, a series of pyramids were
built over one of a number of oil wells. It was discovered
that the viscosity of the oil under the pyramids decreased
by 30%, while the production rate accordingly increased by
30% compared to the surrounding wells. There was a decrease
in the amount of unwanted materials in the oil, such as
gums, pyrobitumen and paraffin. These results were confirmed
by the Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS INCREASE THEIR YIELD
In Golod’s fifth experiment, agricultural seeds were
kept in a pyramid for 1 to 5 days before being planted. More
than 20 different seed varieties were planted across tens of
thousands of hectares. In all cases, the seeds from the
pyramid had a 20 to 100-percent increase in their yield; the
plants did not get sick and they were not affected by
Under less strenuous laboratory conditions, Golov’s team
determined the following:
a. Poisons and other
toxins become less destructive to living systems after even
a short term of exposure in the pyramid.
b. Radioactive materials held inside a pyramid would
decay more rapidly than expected.
c. Pathogenic viruses and bacteria become
significantly less damaging to life after being held in the
d. Psychotropic drugs have less of an effect on
people either staying inside a pyramid or within close range
of a pyramid.
e. Standard solutions such as glucose and iso-osmotic
solution become effective for treating alcoholism and drug
addiction after being placed in the pyramid. They can be
administered either intravenously or outwardly.
Dr. Yuri Bogdanov conducted pyramid studies on behalf of
the Joint-stock Company, “Scientific and Technological Institute
of Transcription, Translation and Replication” (TTR), in Kharkiv,
Ukraine. In one experiment, a 12-meter pyramid was used to
increase the productivity of wheat by 400% in the Ramenskoe
settlement of Moscow.
The following effects were also
The half-life of radioactive carbon was altered
b. The crystallization patterns
of salts would change
c. Concrete would change in its
d. Crystals would exhibit
different optical behaviors
In the biological arena, rabbits and
white rats exposed to the pyramid gained 200% more endurance and
their blood gained a higher concentration of leukocytes, or
white blood cells. WATER PURIFICATION BY
Dr. Bogdanov also built a complex of pyramids in a town
near the Arkhangelsk region of Russia by order of the
domestic administration there. In this case, strontium and
heavy metals that had contaminated a well were able to be
cleared by the effects of the pyramids, similar to how
unwanted materials were filtered out of oil in the above
example. In the town of Krasnogorskoe near Moscow, a pyramid
was constructed that would reduce the amount of salt in
water, again making it more drinkable.
In addition, Dr. Bogdanov performed many laboratory studies
on medicinal preparations, fungi and so forth. In the city
of Kiev, Dr. Bogdanov studied how matter interacts with
different torsion-field patterns created by various pyramid
shapes, and these investigations also studied how the
consciousness of the person would affect these energy
fields. These studies were performed by a torsion-wave
detecting device that he named the “Tesey,” which allows its
user to detect peculiar properties in a particular
geological feature, energetic “breathing” activity in the
Earth as well as the torsion effects of various buildings
including pyramids.
These results were discussed on the
Conference on Problems of Harmonization of Mankind, held in
Kiev, and were subsequently published.
The torsion-wave-focusing properties of the
structure were seen to have a direct effect on how
crystallization takes place. Diamonds that were synthesized
within the pyramid turned out harder and purer than they would
otherwise. Again, this suggests that the torsion-wave component
is of central importance in the forming of chemical bonds to
create a crystal.
Teams from the Russian National Academy of Sciences also
studied the earthquake data from the areas surrounding the
pyramids and compared it to earlier data before the pyramids
were built. They discovered that the pyramids have the ability
to dissipate the energetic buildup that would normally create
sudden, violent earthquakes. Instead of seeing one large and
powerful quake, several hundred tiny earthquakes are registered
instead. Furthermore, the atmosphere surrounding the pyramid
seems to be shielded from severe weather as well, causing an
overall decrease in the amount of violent weather patterns. This
gives a clear illustration of the usefulness of pyramids for
balancing the aetheric energies streaming into a planet.
Another experiment was conducted where a quantity of
salt and pepper was stored inside the pyramid. This salt and
pepper was later removed and fed continually to about 5000
people in different jails in Russia. Amazingly, within a few
months there was a dramatic improvement in their behavior, and
most criminal behavior almost completely disappeared. This is
one of the more important points, as it validates the idea that
aetheric energy is “spiritual energy” and that as a person is
exposed to higher intensities of it, there is a propensity for
greater feelings of love and compassion for others.
Dr. Krasnoholovets built a small and simple resonator to
study these pyramid effects, which appears to have been a piece
of cardboard or glass folded in half to form a small “roof”
structure. Within this small resonator, a KIO3*HIO3 crystal
experienced a greater clustering of hydrogen atoms in the
crystal. Rare gases and the surface of metals were also seen to
have a photoelectric effect while in the resonator, meaning that
they were producing light. [This seems to explain why the large
outdoor pyramids could not involve metal in their construction.]
Furthermore, Dr. Krasnoholovets replicated Patrick Flanagan’s
historic “pyramid power” experiments by studying the effects on
a razor blade within this resonator. The blade was aligned east
to west, perpendicular to the Earth’s magnetic field, while a
piece of the edge was removed and stored away from the
resonator. Under scanning electron microscope, the edge of the
razor blade from the resonator was seen to take on a smoother,
less angular form over time.
Figure 9.4 – Normal
razor surface (a) and razor surface after resonator exposure (b)
under 3000x magnification.
Dr. John DeSalvo of the
Giza Pyramid Research
Association has also brought the pyramid research of
Joe Parr to the world’s
attention through his various media appearances such as on the Laura
Lee Show and Jeff Rense. Joe Parr holds a law degree and also has
over 40 years experience as an electronics engineer. Parr’s interest
in pyramid research first came about from his meeting George Van
Tassel, an early contactee, in the 1950s, who informed him about the
“pyramid power” experiments of Pat Flanagan that had demonstrated
the sharpening of razor blades in the pyramid structure. Other
experiments showed that organic materials would naturally dehydrate
without putrefying while inside a pyramidal structure. Even raw, unrefrigerated milk would keep from spoiling if properly positioned.
Parr went on to begin studying pyramid-related phenomena,
first by simply using stationary pyramids and taking
measurements from them. These pyramids could be made of nothing
more than four horizontal rods forming a base and four vertical
rods forming the edges. He would then place sources of radio
waves, magnetic fields, ion sources and radioactive sources
inside the pyramids, and measure their strength outside the
pyramids. From this study, he found that a spherical energy
field surrounds any pyramid structure. The exact center of this
orb corresponds to the Queen’s Chamber position in the
Pyramid of Giza.
Inside this “orb,” the strength of the
electromagnetic or radioactive source that he placed inside will
still be measured at its full potential, but areas outside the
orb will have a 1 to 3 percent reduction in the amount of
measurable energy.
After 13 years of studying this phenomenon, Parr found that
a negative ion generator (air ionizer) would strengthen the orb,
causing it to shield and hold in even more energy than before.
Specific sound frequencies such as 51.5 hertz could also be used
to strengthen the orb. Over the course of 20 years of
measurements, Parr determined that the strength of this energy
orb varies with the common 11-year sunspot cycle, and the width
of the orb expands and contracts with the phases of the moon.
All of these observations again suggest that the spherical orb
is a static torsion field that gathers around the pyramid, and
is strengthened by absorbing dynamic torsion fields. These
fields can be strengthened by the electrostatic energy in the
ions or in the acoustic vibration of air, which also is a
vibration of the aether. Solar and
lunar activity also has a
direct impact on the strength of dynamic torsion energy
streaming into the earth.
Further analysis determined that the classic “phi”
ratio was
very important to these energy fields as well, again showing a
clear connection to torsion fields. Parr found that a form of
“virtual” clock would begin counting at the time that the
pyramid was first set in a certain position. This means that
once the pyramid was placed in a fixed spot, the orb surrounding
the pyramid would gradually become stronger and stronger in its
ability to contain the energy fields inside, and the rate of
growth for the energy bubble was directly proportional to “phi”.
At certain mathematically-defined points in this “phi”
the bubble will expand and contract in size, outside of the
effect caused by the moon. This suggests a slow, long-term
harmonic “wobble” in the energy field, reverberating like a gong
in synchrony with the phi-proportions of the instreaming torsion
Parr’s experiments were abruptly disturbed on December
4, 1979, when the spherical energy orbs around the pyramids
started rapidly disappearing on all but one experiment for an unknown reason. This caused the electromagnetic and
sources inside the pyramids to suddenly flow without
interruption into the surrounding space. Years later, Parr was
very surprised to find out that the stream of X-rays from the
center of our galaxy had abruptly shut off that day, and the
anomaly was widely noted by astronomers. Other pyramid-energy
shutdown events documented by Parr also corresponded precisely
with drop-offs in our galaxy’s X-ray emissions, though he was
unaware of this connection at the time the measurements were
This is another valuable piece of data, as it shows us that the
center of the galaxy is actually our primary source of instreaming torsion wave energy. In this case, the torsion waves
appear to be propagating in tandem with the X-ray wavelengths of
the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Even though the activity of
the Sun can increase or decrease the strength of torsion waves
coming into the Earth, without the input from the Galactic
Center we will have much less energy available to us. This will
prove to be a very important point that we will use to explain
the importance of the
Mayan Calendar end-date on
Dec. 21, 2012.
About nine days after Dec. 4, 1979, the spherical energy fields
started to return, yet all but one pyramid had lost the original
energy strength of the orb, which had slowly accumulated over
time according to the “virtual clock” of the phi radio. The only
pyramid that did not lose its energy field throughout this
entire time period was a pyramid that was rotating by a mere 5
degrees every 10 days. As Parr allowed this particular
experiment to continue running, he found that the strength of
its energetic orb continued increasing, eventually surpassing
all of his other stationary pyramids.
As we now know, the slight
rotation caused the pyramid to absorb a small but measurable
amount of torsion waves that would otherwise be traveling
straight down and / or straight up with the gravitational field.
So, only the rotating pyramid survived the galaxy-induced
“blackout” of December 4, 1979, and somehow the rotation caused
it to eventually harness more energy than all the others.
was Parr’s first realization that rotating the pyramids could
dramatically enhance the strength of energy that they were
absorbing and radiating, as Russian scientists such as Kozyrev
had already discovered. For several years he tinkered with
various designs to rotate pyramids, and he also found out that
he could strengthen their energy fields even further by passing
them through alternating magnetic fields as they rotated.
allowed him to reach levels much higher than the 1 to 3 percent
shielding for a stationary pyramid. As he reached these higher
levels, he also noticed that there would be a reduction in the
weight of objects inside the pyramid as well; gravity was also
being shielded.
Over this time, he calculated that when he could get the
pyramids to reach a certain speed while also bathing the
surrounding air with atomic particles such as ions, there would
be a “pinch-off” where the shielding would reach 100 percent. At
this point the pyramid’s energy field would completely shield
off all electromagnetic, radioactive and gravitational energy.
Rotation alone could create a 50% shielding effect when the
proper speed was attained, and the atomic particles were
required to reach the 100% pinch-off point. Sunlight could also
be used as the source of atomic particles to achieve complete
shielding in the energy orb.
Obviously, this fits in with our previously stated ideas about
objects displacing into higher levels of aetheric density,
drawing from the concepts of Dr. Vladimir Ginzburg, Dr. A.M.
Mishin and Dr. Harold Aspden. Indeed, it appears that an
will gradually displace into a higher aetheric density as it
vibrates closer to the speed of light. Eventually, a complete
shift can be made into the higher density at that point, and
when the pressure is later released, the object will naturally
shift back down into our own density. This also correlates with
the patent of David Hudson, where microcluster iridium was seen
to disappear when it was heated up to 850° Celsius, but would
reappear when the temperature was reduced.
Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise us that once the 100% shielding
level was attained in Parr’s experiments, the pyramid would
temporarily disappear from our known “three-space” reality. At
these times, the pyramids would disconnect from their epoxy
mountings on the rotating arm, which was calculated to require
2000 pounds of force, or a sudden increase in kinetic (movement)
energy that was 113,000 times greater than before. In 55
different experiments of this type, the pyramid would pass
through solid objects such as the wall of the machine, which
formed an enclosed shell that surrounded the path of the
pyramid’s rotation.
When the pyramid would re-emerge into our
own space after passing through the solid casing of the machine,
it would be traveling at a tremendous speed like a bullet and
often end up embedding itself into the wall of his laboratory or
Now that we have established that this very anomalous effect
would occur, it is good for us to have a better understanding of
how this machine was actually constructed. In Parr’s setup, a
5-inch thick, 3-foot diameter circular chamber houses a blade
that rotates in a propeller-like fashion. The wood blade is 3
inches wide by 1/8-inch thick and swings in a 25-inch diameter
circle. At both ends of the arm, two small one-inch base
pyramids weighing eight grams each and made of ABS plastic are
The points of the pyramid are horizontally aligned
with the base, pointing away from the center of the arm. The
centrifuge is driven by a 12-volt DC ¼ horsepower motor in the
700-2400 rpm range. As the pyramids rotate, they pass through 36
pairs of magnets arranged in a giant circle, each pair attached
just over one inch above and below the path of the pyramids on
the ends of the rotating arm. The magnetic pairs alternate
between north and south polarity, causing a continuing
fluctuation in the fields that the pyramids were exposed to.
As we said, Parr determined that under sufficiently energetic
conditions, the interior of the 1-inch wide plastic pyramids
would start to shield all known energy fields, whether
gravitational, electromagnetic or
radioactive. The area inside
the bubble surrounding the pyramids would lose weight.
Radioactive materials, radio frequency sources and magnetic
sources placed inside the small pyramids would be shielded from
the outside. When pinch-off is achieved, the pyramids would
either self-destruct or travel through solid objects, as
This would also have the effect of causing extensive
damage to the rotating arm and the entire inside of the machine.
Parr found that this sudden increase of energy leading to
pinch-off would occur most reliably every year on
Dec. 13-16,
and his measurements were taken over a 13-year period.
Eventually, Parr discovered that at this time, the Earth’s
orbital path was intersecting an imaginary line that could be
drawn between the Sun and the belt stars of Orion.
This led
to conclude that an active energy conduit of some sort exists
between the Sun and the stars of Orion’s belt. This also falls
in line with our expectations related to torsion fields, as
there will be streams of aetheric energy connecting all the
stars together and flowing between them. The closer we are to a
star, the stronger the stream will be, and in the case of
Orion’s belt we have three central stars in close proximity with
four other close stars surrounding them in a giant “X” shape.
Thus, the shape of the stars in the Orion constellation forms a
passive torsion generator in its own right.
One of the most interesting findings of Joe Parr comes from
his observations of which direction the pyramids would travel in
once they achieved pinch-off. Under the following experimental
conditions, we should assume that the moon is new, meaning that
it is not giving off light. Parr found that if the rotating
chamber for the pyramid was bathed with negative ions, it would
accelerate away from the moon. However, if the chamber was
filled with positive ions, the pyramid would
accelerate towards
the moon.
This fits in line with our quantum physics models,
where in this case we would see the Earth as if it were a giant
atom. A pyramid that is displaced into a higher aetheric density
with negative ions will move towards the center of the earth,
just as the negatively-charged electron clouds will press
towards the center of the atom.
Similarly, a pyramid charged
with positive ions will accelerate away from the center of the
earth, repelling against the negative charge.
In a 2000 appearance on the Laura Lee Show, researcher
Stan Tenen noted that the Great Pyramid of Giza is built in harmony with
the molecular structure of its materials. The vast majority of
blocks that make up the pyramid are limestone, which is primarily a
calcium carbonate [CaCO3] crystal.
The Great Pyramid was built with
a 51 degree, 51 minute slope angle, and Tenen pointed out that the
calcium carbonate molecule has an approximately 52-degree angle in
its shape. This is known as a “cleavage angle” and means that when
pure calcium carbonate crystals are split, they will tend to split
along this 52-degree angle. Therefore, Tenen claims, the slope angle
of the pyramid brings its entire shape into harmony with the
molecules of the matter that makes it up. Tenen knows of no other
structure on Earth that fits this pattern.
Clearly, such a harmonic
connection between “micro” and “macro” would only further enhance
the pyramid’s effects.
Krasnoholovetz, et al. (Russian Pyramid Studies) URL:
Victor. Chapter V: Flight. (Notes on Cavity Structrual
Effect, etc.) Translated by Dr. Juri Cherednichenko. URL:
Victor. The Mysteries of the World of Insects. Novosibirsk,
Victor. Sibirskii Vestnik Selskokhoziastvennoi Nauki, no. 3,
Victor. Pchlovodstvo, no. 12, 1984.
Nasonov, Yu. V.
Torsion: Experimental investigation of new long-range
actions. URL:
Parr, Joseph.
The Mystery and Secret of the Great Pyramid.
to Contents