As we look over the theories of aether, we find ourselves confronted with a direct spiritual fact: as was said in the Christian Bible, we live in and move through the body of God at all times.


In Chapter Two we saw the clear evidence that the aether is directly connected to consciousness, through findings such as the Backster Effect, the Maharishi effect and the telekinetic experiments with Nina Kulagina and others. In Chapter Three we learned of Prof. Shnoll’s studies proving a clear causative relationship between planetary movements and atomic processes – and this was extended to consciousness as well by Cowan’s studies of the effect of planetary movements on financial market movements.

With the new information that we have about the nature of atomic structure, our conventional scientific views seem to be completely inadequate. The only choice that remains for us at this time is to either resist the new information and refuse to acknowledge it, or make some difficult amendments to our most prized paradigms.


And now our scientific ignorance is further exposed by the simple and yet completely new concepts of aether, gravity, inertia and centrifugal force. Without a doubt, Dr. Bruce DePalma’s “Spinning Ball Drop” experiment simply could not be possible unless an object was capable of storing and releasing aetheric / electromagnetic energy within its atomic structure, and interacting with the force of inertia and gravity as it moves through space. Space and matter are fundamentally identical; they simply represent different, interchangeable phases of one unified, vibrating energy source.

With our new realizations about the connection between this same aether and the forces of gravity and inertia, we are truly beginning to see that there is no way for science to slice and dice up the universe into a set of impersonal laws. Ultimately, the force of gravity is the tendency for this Ultimate Being to seek Oneness within itself, and the force of inertia is the natural energetic resistance that we experience as we move through the body of this Ultimate Being. When all is ultimately a Unified Field of energy, and that energy is ultimately conscious, then we are all part of this vast, interconnected Oneness. Love, instead of being a vague esoteric concept, becomes simply the tendency for the aether to vibrate in greater harmony with Unity.

Part Two of this book will begin with a full-scale expose’ of the problems in the quantum model, and effectively wipe out the idea that our universe is composed of impersonal “particles.” But before we get to the larger discussions in this book, we wish to make a complete case for the existence of the aether, so that the reader is fully educated about its behavior as it relates to science and technology.


So, even though our full treatment of quantum mechanics is still forthcoming, we will introduce certain concepts now since they will assist us in our discussion.



Any quantum physicist will now tell you that "virtual particles" have been discovered for all of the fundamental components of the atom- protons, neutrons and electrons. What "virtual" means is that they have concluded that even though these “particles” appear to be precisely the same as normal atomic components, they are not connected to any atom and they wink into and out of existence in very short periods of time! Even though this is a highly unusual discovery, they continue to see this simply as a function of particles.


We have a “Big Bang” where Nothing exploded to become Something, and we now have all these particles scattered about to form the Universe, slowly running themselves down into “heat-death” extinction through the law of entropy, which states that everything must die: all order must dissolve into disorder. But now, when you introduce virtual particles in the mix, we also have to see particles that are appearing and disappearing moment by moment!  Where do such particles exist when they are not a part of our “three-dimensional” universe? Would this not be the reverse of entropy? This is certainly not a popular question to ask in the mainstream scientific world, which continues to humanize the Universe with our own issues.


Since the destruction of the earth has become poignantly visible over the last century, it was natural for scientists to assert that the whole Universe was also slipping into inexorable decay. Fundamentally, it is a model without a Supreme Being of any kind – we are all stardust from a giant explosion that is now fizzling out like a spent bottle-rocket.

So how did the idea of virtual particles get established? As a preview of our discussions in Part Two, we know that one of the two ways that we measure the quantum realm is with “magnetic particle tracking.” An excited burst of energy is entered into a chamber filled with a medium such as fluid or smoke that is illuminated, and the medium in the chamber allows an observer to see the track that the energy makes as it travels. By introducing a magnetic field into the area that is being measured, the energy will naturally travel in a curve, since we have long known that magnetic fields are always rotating and interacting with quantum energies.


Based on the observation of the different kinds of tracks and how they behave, a set series of rules have been applied that allow these spiraling tracks to be interpreted as representing “protons,” “neutrons”, “electrons,” “quarks” or otherwise. So far, so good, it would appear.

As the quantum physicists studied these tracks in closer detail, they realized that these tracks were not simply moving in smooth curving lines; very minor movements were occurring that caused the tracks to slightly bump back and forth as they moved. When they analyzed the areas where the “bumps” occurred, they found that these “bumps” followed the same rules that they applied for “particles:” protons, neutrons, electrons, et cetera. And now we have a problem: these “bumps” only occurred for very brief moments of time, even though they were happening constantly. So, since their model interpreted these movements as the behavior of “particles,” but their effects were only visible for extremely short periods of time, they concluded that these were “virtual particles.” In other words, they still insist that we must have particles, only now these particles are appearing and disappearing in our existence on a constant basis!

So in the mind of the modern quantum physicist, you could be studying "empty space," have a proton suddenly show up and a few nanoseconds later it will disappear again. And these are not mere random oddities, either – we are talking about something that is happening constantly, everywhere we look, with an almost feverish intensity.


This is definitely strange, and has certainly created even more problems for the contemporary quantum physicists to work with, based on the models that are now in place. If you still believe that there are “particles” in the Universe, then how do you explain a sea of particles that can simply be there one minute and gone the next? If the universe is simply composed of dead, ’empty’ space, then where did these particles come from? Dr. Hal Puthoff explains that this bizarre behavior is due to the nature of the aether or "virtual particle flux" itself – the so-called “particles” are indeed emerging from the "energy of the vacuum."

In a very simplified model of the aether as a fluid, virtual particles could also be seen as being created from a fluid-type medium like water. Whereas an electron, proton or neutron may be seen as a stable, spherical, donut-shaped "whirlpool" in this flowing medium, such as our previous example in Chapter One involving a river, a virtual particle would simply represent a whirlpool that came and went very quickly - similar to how the ocean is constantly rolling and frothing at the surface. And thus it is the existence of virtual particles that gave birth to the concept of a "seething cauldron" or "raging sea" of energy.


When we get into Part Two we will have a more complete explanation of quantum energy processes, but for now this is close enough to the aether model to allow us to continue the discussion.



The discovery of a "virtual particle flux" helps to explain the peculiarities of the "Casimir effect." This effect is demonstrated by the following experiment. First, you simply start the Faraday cage, which we remember as being an area that is shielded from all conventional energy fields, and you introduce a complete vacuum inside.


Then, inside that area you take two perfectly flat metallic plates and move them very, very close to each other. What do you think would happen? Nothing? We are quick to conclude that this simple experiment shouldn’t “do” anything, since we have examples of flat surfaces touching each other all around us. Why should it be any different if the surfaces are almost microscopically flat and contained in an airless space with no conventional force fields in it? Our intuition will not serve us well when we begin considering this problem, as there is indeed a very real and very powerful effect that takes place.

Under these circumstances, when the two plates are moved together, they will experience a terrific attraction that seems to pull them together with a tremendous amount of force! This is what is known as the "Casimir Force," named after the man who discovered it. This experimental effect also revealed that if you actually allow the two plates to completely merge, the force that binds them together is so powerful that you literally have to destroy them to get them back apart. Now think about that for a minute; how would one explain a force that could "suck" two plates together? What would happen if every time you used your car, your shoes would get stuck to the pedals and you couldn’t get them off?


Driving would be a very dangerous proposition, especially if you were using a standard shift. That is a rough analogy of what is happening in this experiment, except that in the car there is no vacuum of air and energy and the surfaces of your shoe and the pedal are not flat enough to create the effect.

Now something this simple should have already gotten more attention, and not be such an obscure tidbit of modern science. Most likely, it is not popular because it is a total anomaly that is very difficult to understand or explain with our current scientific models. In order for us to truly understand what is occurring, we will take a similar analogy cited by Ross Tessien, who asks us to visualize a suction cup. Ask yourself this question: What makes the suction cup attach to the surface? Most people would answer by saying that the cup will stick to a flat surface because it is "sucking" the material and thus attaching itself like glue. Sounds good, right?

However, it is totally the opposite! It is outside pressure and not suction that is responsible for this. Once you push a suction cup onto a flat surface, the edges will make a perfect seal over the surface that does not allow any air to get underneath. Once this seal is firmly established, you still have ten pounds per square inch of air pressure that is pushing down from the outside. So, it is actually the air pressure that is pushing the cup down, since there is now no air left on the inside to push against the cup in the opposite direction.

In zero-point energy theory, it is now believed that the Casimir force works in exactly the same way. This force is created when the distance between the plates becomes so narrow that no "virtual particles" or aetheric energies are able to fit between them. So, there is no "sucking" going on at all; in fact it is a complete absence of energy that exists between the plates, aetheric or otherwise. And so, a form of "aether vacuum" is formed between the two plates, where no aether can flow inside the crack. Then, the surrounding "virtual particle flux" or aether pressure pushes the plates together from the outside! In Dr. Puthoff’s model, this pressure is believed to be caused by the “virtual particles” themselves, as they will continually emerge from the zero-point energy long enough to exert a constant force upon the plates, thus pushing them together. Either way, it all comes back to a fundamentally aetheric design, and no other model seems to adequately explain why this incredibly powerful Casimir effect would occur.

Bearing this in mind, we are continuing to see how the background aetheric energy plays a role in the world that we can observe. The Casimir effect reveals to us exactly how much pressure the aether is truly exerting on us. And yet, since Dr. Puthoff and most other theorists believe that it always "cancels out" to zero, we can never detect any major changes in the world around us. Just like the fishes in the sea, we end up saying, "Water? What water?"


Indeed, think about this: do you ever stop and consider the fact that the atmosphere is putting ten pounds of pressure on every square inch of your body all the time? The pressures of the aether would be far greater, but normally speaking, they are undetectable. The force of inertia is only a vague reminder of how much pressure truly exists, when we consider the amount of energetic activity that is occurring at the quantum level.

So where do we find all this tremendous aetheric pressure, if it truly exists? Do we need to play around with metal plates and subatomic particles to see it, or do we have more familiar examples? As we continue to look at all aspects of aetheric science, magnetism ends up becoming one of the most interesting properties of all. In contemporary theory it is always fused together with the electrostatic force that creates electricity, but we can demonstrate that it is clearly a very different animal – and in Chapter 18 we will see that it has a very straightforward and yet undiscovered geometric identity.


So here, we will cover the properties of magnetism, as ultimately they are very important in understanding the reality of the conscious aether and how it functions in our universe. If we want to understand this Ultimate Being, we must look at what our scientific findings have taught us, and assimilate that new information into our design.


It is very simple for us to hear certain terms that have been defined scientifically and automatically separate them from any conceptualization of God – but if God truly exists, then all aspects of our Universe must be a part of this Being.




[Note: This diagram and others culled from Rockwell International’s Reliance Electric website.]

All of our conventional theories about magnetism and electricity did have their origin in aetheric models, since much of the research was done in the 1800’s when these models were still in vogue.


The "flux lines" formed by the force from a magnet, which we shall discuss below, were once believed to actually represent a physical substance that could be "cut" and harnessed. Even though the aetheric models could suggest that the magnets were drawing energy from the aether itself, the original physicists still believed that the force created by a magnet existed within the magnet itself, not as a force that was being pulled from the surrounding energy of "empty space." This viewpoint has not changed in all the time since it was formulated; however, we will suggest that it must be in error, and the aetheric model provides us with a perfect alternative.

In the experiments with psychokinesis cited in Chapter Two, both electricity and magnetism could be created and controlled by nothing more than the focus of consciousness – and if the consciousness of the others in the room was predominantly negative, the effect was much more draining on the subject. Furthermore, the energy surrounding Nina Kulagina’s body would lose half of its strength when she performed these feats, certainly suggesting that she was somehow able to draw in the aetheric energy from around her and use her body to send and transmute it to the object. So if the energy of magnetism can be created from sheer conscious thought alone, it would be difficult to ascribe it to a force that simply exists within the magnet itself.


Magnetism can be created just like gravity and electricity, straight from the consciousness of this Ultimate Being itself – and in the case of Kulagina, it occurs spontaneously around the object in question, with no measurable line of force connecting it to the person inducing the activity. It literally arises "from the aethers" at the point where it is needed.


Magnetism and electricity are considered to be two components of the same force, namely electromagnetism. Magnetism is referred to as the "B-field" and electricity as the "E-field," and they are graphed out as a unified wave where the E-field is on the horizontal plane and the B-field is on the vertical plane, 90 degrees of rotation away from its counterpart. This is based upon careful measurements of the properties of these fields themselves, and is considered to be a contemporary fact.


The picture below shows us a "conventionalized diagram of an (electromagnetic) wave form…" that was reprinted by Enterprise Mission with permission from Ultra High Frequency Radio Engineering by WL Emory, The Macmillan Company.

This diagram allows us to clearly see the observed interplay between the two forces. As we look at the picture, we can see that the two fields are in a constant 90-degree relationship to each other.


This is called an “orthogonal” relationship, and it will become very important when we start looking at the theories surrounding the idea of higher “dimensions” of space. Since the electromagnetic wave forms the basis of our Universe, all theorists who study the concepts of higher dimensions believe that each higher dimension must somehow be located at another 90-degree turn away from the three main axes of length, width and height that we now see! If this sounds confusing or impossible to you, then you’re on the right track! No matter where you turn a corner and rotate 90 degrees, you’re still going to end up in what we would call “three-space.”


This puzzling conclusion of the existence of “higher dimensions” has come from the “crystal ball” of mathematics. Certain equations demonstrate that there must somehow be a way for energy to have “more room” to travel through than what we see in our own “three-space.” However, this doesn’t make it any easier to visualize. Mathematics can often be used to propose solutions to problems without giving us a solid visual model to work with.

When we start looking at Rod Johnson’s model in Chapter 18, we will see that there is a very good reason for the shape of this waveform; it ultimately reveals a hidden geometry inside of itself, and this geometry was independently discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and again by Buckminster Fuller, who announced it to the world at his Planet Planning address in 1969. Johnson was unfamiliar with these earlier discoveries when he independently determined that the same geometric form was being described by the electromagnetic wave.


This unseen geometric structure will prove to be a crucial part of truly understanding how the consciousness of this Ultimate Being forms all of reality that we know, from its own “body.”

Let us not forget how important this wave really is; it is the primary means through which the energy of the universe is expressed. Another important and puzzling aspect of the behavior of this waveform is that the two components do not at all move in the same fashion. Michael Faraday was the first to determine that magnetic fields were continually rotating – and in scientific terms this means that magnetism is a dynamic field.


However, he also discovered that:

The electric fields do not move at all; they require the dynamic movement of the magnetic wave to propel themselves forward.

The scientific term that was chosen to describe something that does not move is static, so the electric field was called an electrostatic field.

This can be visualized in a very simple way. If you think about an object that floats on the surface of the ocean, it is only the movement of the wind and water that would cause it to move forward – and the behavior of the electric field is very similar. If you only looked at the electric part of this waveform by itself, there would be no directional movement within it. If you ask an engineer why the magnetic field is dynamic and the electric field is static, you will probably get “That’s just the way it is” as your answer. And yet, this is of very obvious importance, as the electromagnetic waveform is the primary means by which energy travels in our universe.


And since Nina Kulagina and others can create these forces by a simple focus of consciousness, and in PK tests with Alla Vinogradova these fields would oscillate in tune with her own body, we know that we are dealing with something much more interesting than what we have been led to believe. This is an active, living energy force in its own right; the primary means by which this Universal Being is continually forming itself. That point cannot be underestimated. Einstein and many others firmly believed that when the Unified Field was discovered, it would prove that all the Universe was composed of electromagnetic fields, not “particles.”

The next important terms that we need to cover are “force” and “energy.” We have already stated that magnetism was given the term “dynamic” because it is consistently moving, and electricity was given the term “static” because it is motionless. Since magnetism was observed to rotate and move in set directions, there needed to be a name for that behavior – and it was called a force. The word “dynamic” is a descriptive word, whereas “force” is an active word, like when discussing the force that you would need to push a heavy object. Therefore, magnetism is a dynamic force, meaning that it is a field that is in motion.

Now in the case of the electric field, Faraday discovered that it was essentially motionless, as we pointed out in our example of a piece of flotsam floating on the surface of the ocean. However, that doesn’t mean that the field has no energy. What we do have is a field that radiates energy away from itself. So if we use our analogy of an object floating on the surface of the ocean again, we could see that as it traveled, it would radiate heat energy from the Sun.


If you put your hand near the object you could feel the radiant, static energy from it, but it would still need the dynamic force of the wind and water to move it along. This is how electricity is able to power our machines. So, whereas force was an active word that meant that the field moved in a given direction, the word “energy” was chosen as the word to represent something that radiates while remaining motionless. Therefore, Faraday named the electric field “electrostatic energy.”

Some readers may be angry right now for our going into such detail about this and would never want to study and remember this information, as it seems to have no relevance to their everyday life. It certainly seems confusing that these two fields travel together and yet have such different properties. If you are baffled as to why energy would behave like this, you are in good company; up until now, scientists did not have a true means of explaining it.


However, in Chapter 18 we will see that Rod Johnson’s model explains it clearly, with a simple geometric design. Although it will sound completely foolish right now, this movement between magnetic and electrostatic fields is actually demonstrating an exchange of energy between two parallel universes, both of which are defined and interconnected with simple geometry! That is why a description of our world as “three-dimensional” is incorrect – there is an exchange of force and energy between at least two “dimensions,” or areas of “virtual” space, that forms our known reality. So now, we can see that this behavior of the electromagnetic waveform is very important; it contains the secret key to unlock the mysteries of the Cosmic Chess Game, so that we can truly see the “board” and all the “pieces” that are in play.


For now, we will continue to investigate the behavior of the electromagnetic wave for how it relates to the aether theories and technology.




For those readers who are unfamiliar with physics, it may be surprising to realize that magnetism and electricity, which certainly seem to be used as two separate forces in our technology, are always traveling together in this fixed 90-degree relationship where magnetism is dynamic and electricity is static. We know that you cannot have electricity without magnetism and vice versa, and that the two fields will always exist in this very precise geometric arrangement.


Our next important realization is this:

By simply passing a wire over the north or south pole of any magnet, an electric current is generated within that wire.

Anyone who has studied basic electronics knows that moving a wire over a magnet will do this, but they usually never ask why. This simple property, known as Lenz’ Law, ultimately allowed for the creation of both the electric motor and the generator – and we will explain both of these inventions in order to help us understand what is going on.

The electric motor uses this basic connection between magnetism and electricity to power itself. The first and most simple point that we should realize is that when you run electricity through a wire, that wire will become magnetic. If we remember the shape of the electromagnetic wave, the dynamic, rotating magnetic force will always travel at a 90-degree angle to the electrostatic energy.


When you take a large amount of wire and wrap it around something like a nail over and over again, you will form a coil. Then, when you send electricity through the coil, there will be a significantly higher amount of magnetic force generated in a coil of wire than you would ever see from a single wire; the magnetic force will multiply as the coil grows larger.


When industrial electro-magnets are built to a custom design, they can be very expensive because of the amount of time and effort that it takes to wind up huge coils of wire to precise specifications. However, once a design has become more common, the electromagnetic coil can be machine-wound, and this makes it much more cost-effective to produce. This difficulty in custom-designing electromagnets is one of the reasons why so many free energy and anti-gravity researchers have financial problems in trying to build working models of their ideas.

So, if we want to build an electric motor we have to start by realizing that two pieces are involved; a stator and a rotor. The rotor is generally a cylinder-shaped arrangement of electro-magnets, often formed from coils of thin copper wire.


This cylinder has an axle that runs through the center, and it is called a "rotor" due to the fact that the axle allows it to rotate once the motor has been properly built. When electric current is passed through the coiled wires in the rotor, the entire rotor becomes magnetic – and this is how you would create an electro-magnet. If you simply stopped at this point, you would discover that when you ran current through the rotor, you could pick up metallic objects with it, but as soon as you turned the current off, the objects would fall.


This is the standard behavior of an electro-magnet.

Reliance Electric’s diagram of an AC motor, showing the “stator” and “rotor” components.

In order to build a motor, the rotor must be surrounded very closely by a set of permanent magnets. This set of magnets is collectively referred to as the "stator", since remain static or motionless. [Note: the above diagram is from an AC motor, which is a more complex design that we need not discuss, where electromagnets are also used around the permanent magnets in the stator.]


Typically the rotor is in a cylindrical shape and the stator magnets will be cut to outline the rotor very closely; but they must not ever touch it directly or it wouldn’t be able to rotate freely.

Now we get to the fun part, the process by which the rotor is made to spin. When electric current is passed through the copper wire in the rotor, it becomes magnetized, and the rotating magnetic force from the stator magnets will push against the rotor in the opposite direction, thus causing the rotor to move. [See next image.] This ongoing, rotating magnetic repulsion causes the motor to spin, and the more electric current you run through the central coils of wire, the faster the rotor will rotate on its axle, thus powering your device, such as an electric fan.

In order to truly understand how this rotation takes place, we need to explain the situation a little more carefully. If we look back to the diagram of the E and B-field, we can clearly see that magnetism naturally travels in a 90-degree offset wave motion. This flow is well-known to move between the north to south pole of a magnet.


As we said before, Michael Faraday discovered that all magnetic fields are rotating as they move through space. Thus, due to this spiraling motion from north to south, you can set up a continually rotating magnetic field between the two stator magnets, since one stator magnet will be a north pole and another will be a south pole. With this continual rotation occurring between them, the rotor can be balanced in such a way as to be continually “kicked” on both sides by the rotational movement between the two stator magnets.


In the below diagram, this is explained by seeing how an "induced current flow," which is simply a term for the electricity sent through the electromagnets in the rotor, is working against the spiraling, rotational flow that occurs between the stator magnets.

Reliance Electric’s diagram of movement within an electromagnetic motor.




A generator works on exactly the same principle, only in reverse. In this case, you would have a source of mechanical energy, such as a wheel that is being turned by the flowing energy of water from a river, that would spin the rotor from the outside without an electric current. Now, thanks to Lenz’ Law, the conducting copper wires inside the rotor will pick up the magnetism from the stator magnets, and turn it into electricity.


It is this "gathered electromagnetic energy" that creates a current through the wire and generates electricity. This simple principle is responsible for the operation of a hydroelectric power plant, where a large river or waterfall provides the mechanical power to turn a waterwheel that then directly turns the rotor inside.

Conventional scientists never bother to ask why electricity can be created by moving a conducting wire through a magnetic field – it is just considered a simple principle of electromagnetism, assigned a mathematical equation and left alone. However, the simplest law of energy conservation would state that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. If this is true, then the magnet cannot be creating energy by itself – the energy has to come from somewhere. And yet, a permanent magnet is incredibly durable and will continue emitting magnetism for well over 1000 years with no significant sign of loss. You can still generate as much electricity from it as you want, but many generations would be long dead before it would show the slightest sign of weakening. No one ever worries about having to replace the stators in an electromagnetic motor.

Another interesting property of magnets is that you can rub them over a non-magnetic piece of metal, always in the same straight-lined direction and never backwards, and thus magnetize the object.


This is typically done with screwdrivers to enable them to attract screws so that you won’t lose them as they are being inserted or removed. The current theory behind how one magnetizes metal is that the magnetic energy, which is theoretically stored within the magnet since its creation, is simply transferred into the metal. However, the magnet itself is no weaker after such a process than it was before! You can magnetize as many objects as you want and the magnet does not seem to be affected in any way.


And so, in a very real sense, our current physics treats magnets as an impossibility; a source of perpetual energy that almost never expires. If the energy is "stored within" the magnet itself, then where exactly is it coming from, and why doesn’t it ever dissipate?



When a magnet is held under a piece of paper and iron filings are dropped on top of it, you will see a series of concentric circular lines form from the north pole to the south pole.


These are referred to as "magnetic flux lines," and they provide a graphic representation of the spiraling fields surrounding the magnet. The current theory is that when you pass a wire or conductor over the magnet, a process known as “flux line cutting” generates the electricity. In other words, the flux lines themselves are seen as being "cut" by the wire as it passes through them, and the energy that would normally be flowing through the flux lines thus empties into the wire.


This is considered so axiomatic that no one would even bother to think that it could be a faulty model. And even though quantum physicists assume that atoms are composed of particles, no one has ever changed the equations for electromagnetism, which treat it as a flowing (yes, aetheric) field of energy waves that can be “cut” in this fashion. The flowing aether portion of the theory is correct, but the “cutting” is not, as we shall see.

Now remember that in order for flux line cutting to take place in conventional theory, there must be two different speeds of motion; one for the wire (or conductor) and one for the magnet. You can either have the magnet stationary and the conductor in motion, or the conductor stationary and the magnet in motion. In either case, the relative motion between the conductor and the magnet is supposed to "cut" the flux lines and thus create electric current. If you moved the conductor and the magnet at the same time, then you couldn’t "cut" the flux lines and there should be no way to draw electricity through the conductor.


It would be like the proverbial carrot that hangs in front of the donkey – no matter how fast the donkey tries to run to get the carrot, his teeth will never be able to cut into it, because both the donkey and the carrot are moving at the same speed!


Now, whether we like it or not, there is new information that forces us to throw this entire model of "flux cutting" and relative motion between conductor and magnet out the window, or at least subject it to dramatic changes. For MIT’s own Dr. Bruce DePalma has reminded us that electric current can be generated with the conductor and the magnet moving at exactly the same speed - thus eliminating any possibility that the flux lines could be "cut." For if the magnet is moving, the flux lines should automatically be moving along with it in conventional theory.


This bizarre and interesting means of generating electric current was actually discovered by famous pioneer physicist Michael Faraday on Dec. 26, 1831, but until DePalma came along, no one ever paid any attention to it.

DePalma’s prospect is actually quite easy to prove, and he did so many times.


To generate electricity without any "flux line cutting," you don’t even need anything but one piece that rotates by itself – no "stator magnet" is necessary whatsoever. And that right there would stop most engineers in their tracks. It is believed that you must always have at least two pieces in a generator – the stationary magnet or magnets and the spinning rotor wrapped with wire.


In Faraday’s design, seen in the image above, he took a cylindrical magnet, shaped like a candle with both edges cut perfectly flat, and attached a thin piece of paper over its top edge. Over the paper he cemented on a flat, coin-shaped disc of copper that was several times wider than the cylinder. By its very nature, the copper could conduct electricity, if there was any electricity to conduct. Once cemented together, the two pieces thus had no choice but to spin at exactly the same rate, so no “flux cutting” could occur.

To Faraday’s amazement and bewilderment, when he rotated this object he could extract an electric current from it, even though it was only a rotor – there were no other moving parts! There was a cylinder-shaped magnet and a coin-shaped conductor, and they were both moving at exactly the same speed. All he had to do was to attach a copper "brush" to the outside edge of the conducting disc and another "brush" to the metal axle that touched the center of the disc.


These ‘brushes’ are just what they sound like; pieces of fine copper wire that can touch an object with enough force to conduct electricity, but also lightly enough to permit it to move. The two "brushes" were then wired into the opposite ends of a galvanometer to measure electric current; and indeed, a current could be detected! (A galvanometer uses a needle that moves when electricity is passed through it, as seen in the diagram.) No one in the scientific mainstream will believe that this could work if you try to explain it to them, because it violates the “laws” of electromagnetic energy.

This obviously was a cause of great fascination to Faraday, but he had no means to explain it and thus nothing else was done with it. Here, we will suggest that the magnetic energy itself is like a fluid, and by "throwing" or “spraying” the fluid out to the far edge of the conducting disc through rotation, a current is generated. Essentially, the aetheric energy is being drawn in through the center of the disc and is radiated out the sides. If you could see the basic magnetic energy field as this was happening, it would look like a donut-shaped sphere whose central axis was shared with the axis running through the disc.


The radiated aetheric energy could be visualized in a similar manner as the water that flies off of a wet dog’s body when it shakes itself dry, or the water that is pumped through a hose and released by a rotating sprinkler nozzle to water a person’s yard.

In DePalma’s case, he discovered that even having a separate conductor and magnet was not necessary to produce this effect. All he needed was a single strip of flat, magnetized material that could also conduct electricity.


This strip was then fashioned into a flat, disc shaped spiral like a giant lollipop, such that one end terminated at the spinning axle and the other end terminated at the outside rim of the disc. [See above image.] One pole of the magnet would be wound up into the center, and the other pole of the magnet would be at the outside edge of the spiral. By simply rotating this one-piece magnetic conductor, electric current could be drawn from the disc.

So again, we are doing the impossible - rotating a one-piece magnetized conducting disc and drawing energy out of it. Now this is where the real problem for scientists comes up: time after time, DePalma was able to show that these "homopolar" or one-piece rotating generators were actually superior in performance to the typical two-piece stator and rotor design that we discussed above. In fact, these generators were more than superior; they appeared to be impossible, as they created more electrical energy output than it took to spin them.


It is from this simple and yet incredible principle that DePalma created his own "free energy" device, known as the N-Machine.

Now the only way that DePalma’s one piece generator can be possible is if a field such as the aether really did exist for us to draw energy out of. Without aetheric energy, we would have a closed "perpetual motion" system that would be thought of as impossible, for it cannot sustain itself without drawing in new energy from somewhere; conventional theory indicates that it will continually lose energy from the friction in the air and the movement of the parts inside. In DePalma’s case he referred to the aetheric energy as the "Primordial Energy Field." And from these principles, DePalma built the large "Sunburst" single-pole generator "N-Machine" in Santa Barbara, California in 1978, which was a further enhancement on the basic idea of using a rotating magnetized conducting disc. DePalma had the "Sunburst" tested in 1985 by Dr. Robert Kincheloe, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. In the abstract of his final report, Kincheloe says the following:

Known for over 150 years, the Faraday homopolar generator has been claimed to provide a basis for so-called "free energy" generation… During 1985 I was invited to test such a machine. While it did not perform as claimed, repeatable data showed anomalous results that did not seem to conform to traditional theory…

After the entire report rigorously critiques and examines all of the data, Kincheloe concludes:

DePalma may have been right in that there is indeed a situation here whereby energy is being obtained from a previously unknown and unexplained source.

This is a conclusion that most scientists and engineers would reject out of hand as being a violation of accepted laws of physics, and if true has incredible implications.

And so, with all of this in mind it is clear that DePalma was harnessing electricity from the zero-point energy source that we are calling the "aether." So what exactly is magnetism in the new aetheric theories, and why does it work like this? We cannot be content with the old definitions when we can now be sure that something quite strange is going on. Two additional discoveries will help to prove the point even more – namely that the energy in the magnet is not being generated by the magnet itself, but from an outside force that is flowing through the magnet.




The first discovery that we will mention to prove that outside aetheric force is flowing through a magnet is that known as the "Aspden effect," from Cambridge University’s Dr. Harold Aspden. It was presented in the Institute for New Energy’s New Energy News, vol. 2, no. 10, Feb. 1995.


Dr. Aspden’s experiment sounded simple enough, and no one would expect anything unusual to happen from doing it. All he did was to take a magnetized rotor and bring it up to a certain speed of rotation, and then suddenly bring it to a complete, motionless stop, and measure how much energy it took to bring it up to that speed with his instruments. Then, within less than about one minute, he would bring it up to the same speed of rotation again, and measure how much energy it took the second time.

Now any rational-thinking person would expect nothing significant to come out of this. All we are doing is taking the same magnetized rotor, spinning it up to a certain speed and measuring how much energy it took to do that under two different circumstances; the first one from a dead stop and the second one from a recent rotation. Almost everyone would expect that the amount of energy that it took each time would be the same. There should be no reason for why any residual energy would be left in the magnet after it had just been spinning – it should take the same amount of energy to spin it the second time that it did the first time.


Yet, as you already guessed, this is not what happened:

After a magnet has been rotated and then brought to a complete stop, it will then take roughly ten times less energy to return it to the same speed, providing that it is spun again within less than about 60 seconds.

Yes, it’s really true! You may want to read that sentence again, as its importance can be missed if you are just skimming through – almost anyone can see that this totally violates all known laws of physics. To be more exact, the amount of heat energy that it takes to get the magnetic rotor spinning is measured in joules, and normally in this experiment it would take 1000 joules to get the rotor to spin. However, if you stop its motion and then start it again within less than 60 seconds, it will only take 100 joules to achieve the same effect! In other words, it is ten times easier to spin the magnet once it has already been spinning.

So how could this be happening?


If we remember that the aetheric energy that makes up all of physical matter is creating it moment by moment from a spinning motion, then we can see the following:

The energy within the magnet itself will continue "spinning" inside even when the magnet is not moving.

If we compared a magnet to a glass, then it becomes easier to see. A glass, of course, is a container that can hold a given amount of liquid inside of it. If we see the magnet as a container for a non-physical aetheric “fluid,” it becomes very simple. If you were to stir up a glass of water and then remove the stirring rod, it will naturally take less energy to stir up the water in the glass again if you wait less than a minute before trying.


Even though the glass itself wouldn’t have moved, the water would still be spinning inside as it remained still. So from this experiment, we can see that it certainly appears that the energy in a magnet itself is in a form of direct fluid motion, which is quite different from how we are normally accustomed to visualizing it. This should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that we have not yet uncovered the true mysteries of the electromagnetic field. Just as the blood flows through the body, so too does the very conscious energy of Life itself exhibit flowing motion, supporting and upholding the body of this Ultimate Being on a moment to moment basis.


When we think back to the light, sound and geometry components of vibration that were mentioned in Chapter Four, it should come as no surprise later in the book when we start seeing the signatures of these vibrations in many different areas of study, including quantum physics, gravity and astrophysics.



The second discovery to prove that magnetism is a movement of energy outside the magnet itself was made by Donald Roth, and presented to the Institute for New Energy at their First Aetheric Conference on July 19-20, 1997. The presentation was later written up in New Energy News, vol. 5, no. 4, Aug. 1997 as follows. As you read the article, remember that the "magnetic torsion beam" being described is simply akin to a bar magnet that is hanging on a string.


We have italicized part of the last sentence for emphasis.

In another experiment, a magnetic torsion beam was suspended and balanced at its center. A strong magnet is then placed on a table with one pole extended toward the suspended torsion beam. After many oscillations, the beam would be attracted to the opposite pole of the magnet on the table. Donald Roth reports that after five days the magnet can be removed at considerable distance from the balanced torsion beam but that the beam will still be attracted as though the magnet was still there.

And so, it would appear that if a magnet stays in one place for a long enough period of time, it can actually cause the aether flowing through the objects around it to move in a certain anisotropic (non-uniform) direction instead of an isotropic (uniform or "same in all directions") one. The simple presence of the magnet at a distance provides the extra energy necessary to keep this flow going.


This is similar to the idea of a “siphon.” If you suck water through a hose and place the bottom of the hose at a lower level than where the water is that you are siphoning from, then the water will continue to empty out of the hose until the entire supply runs out. This is explained by the fact that there is much greater atmospheric pressure, in pounds per square inch, pressing on the surface of the water, as opposed to the much smaller amount of pressure that is on the water that emerges from the end of the hose.

In the case of Donald Roth’s experiment, if magnetism is a "flow" in the aether, it appears that once you "get it going" through a local area of space, it can continue at the same force with the magnet itself being much farther away from the point of action. It is as if a temporary aetheric current is set up in the space-time fabric itself – certainly not a "typical" property of magnetism by anyone’s definition. And right away, when we start looking at these new concepts of magnetism, we should be thinking in our minds of various ways in which these yet-unknown properties could be harnessed for technological purposes.


We are already well aware that the psychics in the Soviet studies of psychokinesis were able to harness it by thought alone!



Now by this point, we must be getting more and more curious as to how the magnet actually functions in this new aetheric model. How does the magnet attract certain types of metal to itself? We know that some form of energy appears to be flowing in through the north pole and out through the south pole, thus forming a magnetic current that creates a dynamic, rotating force.


We also have postulated that nothing exists in the Universe but the conscious aether itself, the lifeblood of the Ultimate Being; so we are not simply studying meaningless information, but learning the specifics of how this Oneness has chosen to exist.


Now here is the key that explains magnetism to the conventional thinker:

In a piece of magnetized material, the majority of the molecules are oriented in the same north-south direction.

Providing that you have the right type of metal, you will achieve a magnetic force when this north-south molecular alignment is in place. In conventional atomic theory, which will be covered in Part Two, there is the assumption that atoms have various “shells” in which “electrons” are orbiting.


These assumptions have allowed us to study the atomic level and interpret our data, but they are by no means proven facts, as we shall see. In this conventional thought process, each metal has a certain number of electrons in its outer shells, and some of these electrons will only “want” to spin in one direction. In other metals such as iron, the outside electrons can spin in many different directions, and the flowing presence of a magnetic field can organize them so that they all spin together. At this point, each atom becomes a miniature magnet in its own right.

Now think about this in terms of aether flow. If each atom of each molecule is formed by a whirlpool in the aether, then there has to be a direction for the whirlpool to be spinning. Most of the compounds on Earth are non-magnetic, non-conducting "dielectric" materials, meaning that they do not conduct electricity easily and their molecules are not all aligned in the same direction. In this case, as they are continually created by the aether, the fluidlike energy will stream into them from all different directions equally; or to put it in more technical terms, the streaming aether flow is isotropic, meaning “the same in all directions.”

In the case of a magnetic material, it appears that the aether flow is anisotropic, meaning that it is not the same in all directions; instead, the flow has a specific orientation.


And thus:

The rotating magnetic force of a magnet is nothing more than the aether flow itself as it creates the magnet moment by moment.

Since the molecules of the magnet are all aligned in a certain direction and are good “conductors,” aether will only flow through it in a certain direction, like water flowing through a pipe.

The north-south orientation of the “electron orbits” in the molecules of the magnet cause it to draw almost all of the aether that forms it in from the north pole and back out through the south pole, creating a loop. The magnet is not created like any other object in our physical reality - instead, there is a definite direction to the energy that streams through it. And it is this directional flow of aetheric energy that creates what we term as magnetism.

At this point it is natural to get more specific about how a magnet can attract other metals to itself that are not already magnetized. Contemporary physicists consider it a fact that certain metals have their outer electrons orbiting in such a way that they can spin in a number of directions – but not all metals have the proper electron configurations to allow this to occur.


And as we said, in many metals such as iron, it is currently believed that the outer electrons can realign with the direction of magnetic flow, and thus each atom within the metal also becomes polarized in a north-south direction and thus turns into a miniature magnet while within the larger magnetic field. In this way, then, the metal is capable of being "reoriented" by the magnetic field so that aetheric energy flows through it in an anisotropic or "directional" fashion.

Then we must ask how this relates directly to aether theory. In fact, it is not much different than when a floating object falls into the current of the river and is swept away by it. The current of aether that streams through the magnet is in a constant state of movement, and when the electromagnetic fields of certain metals align themselves with that force, the metal is then caught up by that flow and pushed towards the magnet, which becomes like an aether sink, sucking in the aether around it with strong force.


The current will always flow from negative to positive, causing the opposite poles to attract each other, and the atoms in the metal will simply adopt this same polarity when they are subjected to the magnetic field.



If we determine that the Aspden effect and other findings of magnetism are truly showing us that the aether behaves like a fluid, then we also know that the fluid can and must be able to vibrate, by definition. Therefore, we can expect that we should see all of the trademarks of vibration – light, sound and geometry – throughout our Universe, from the quantum to Galactic level.

When we consider all of these points together, magnetism becomes a "whole new ball game," as one might like to say. The implications are quite profound, as it proves that it is indeed very possible for us to harness a limitless supply of this fundamentally conscious "free energy" and never have to worry about scarcity or pollution again. The only thing that stands in the way at this point are the "powers that be" who are all too ready to squash anyone who tries to build, patent and mass-produce devices of this type.


But eventually, if more people become able to perform feats such as Nina Kulagina and refine their operation, then we should be able to power all of our devices simply by psychokinesis! (Wilcock has two engineer friends with advanced degrees who have used their own psi energy to power their watch batteries, which have remained fully charged for ten years running.)

In the next chapter, we will detail what happens when you put together the magic combination – magnetism and rotation – to produce workable anti-gravity machines.


No longer will the idea of antigravity propulsion seem so impossible, once the facts are presented.


5.12 RECAP

And so, as we look over the information that we have covered, the ever-elusive property of magnetism starts to look very different:

5.1 First of all, a magnetic field can be created through nothing more than the focus of a gifted individual’s consciousness, and that force arises from the aetheric flux spontaneously, with no measurable connection to the person.

5.2 “Virtual Particles” have allegedly been discovered for each of the main components of the atom. Although we will question their true nature in this book, the fact remains that this shows that we are living in a universe of unseen forces.

5.3 The “Casimir Effect” says that when two perfectly flat plates are brought together in an airless vacuum that is shielded from all conventional electromagnetic waves, a powerful force will cause them to push towards each other. This is another means of proving that the zero-point energy field or ‘aether’ truly exists.

5.4 In the new model, magnetism is caused by the movement of aether through an object, and can be created by consciousness alone, as in the cases of Kulagina, Vinogradova and others.

5.4.1 When we study the electromagnetic wave, magnetism is referred to as the “B-field” and electrostatics as the “E-field.” For some yet-unexplained reason, the two are observed to travel at 90-degree angles to each other. Both Buckminster Fuller and Rod Johnson independently discovered a hidden geometry in this movement, which will be discussed later.

5.4.2 We see that the static energy of the electric field is essentially motionless, and it requires the dynamic force of the magnetic field to propel it forward. We have suggested that the actual electromagnetic wave is occurring as a result of a flow of energy and force between two parallel universes, for want of a better term, and will go into more detail about this in Chapter 18.

5.5 Lenz’ Law states that by simply passing a wire over the north or south pole of any magnet, an electric current is generated within that wire. This principle can be used to build electromagnetic motors since the magnetic field naturally rotates.

5.6 The same principle in reverse can be used to build generators as well. Lenz’ Law states that conducting wires can gather up the magnetism from a magnet and turn it into electricity.

5.7 Even though quantum physicists assume that atoms are composed of particles, no one in the mainstream has ever changed the equations for electromagnetism, which treat it as a flowing (yes, aetheric) field of energy waves that can be “cut”.


This is called “flux line cutting,” and in order for it to take place in conventional theory, there must be two different speeds of motion; one for the source of magnetic energy and one for the conductor of the energy.

5.7.1 The work of Michael Faraday in 1869 proved that electric current can be generated with the conductor and the magnet moving at exactly the same speed - thus eliminating any possibility that the flux lines could be "cut." Faraday and DePalma’s “homopolar generator” experiments show us that when a magnet is rotated as a disc, magnetic energy can be caused to eject outward like the water in a sprinkler system, and this energy can be harnessed to create electricity. And the sheer volume of energy that this rotation creates is greater than the energy needed to rotate it in the first place!

5.7.2 DePalma built the "Sunburst N-Machine" upon these “homopolar generator” principles, as a legitimate free-energy machine. It was tested in 1985 by Dr. Robert Kincheloe, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, who concluded that “DePalma may have been right in that there is indeed a situation here whereby energy is being obtained from a previously unknown and unexplained source.”

5.8 The energy coming through the magnet itself appears to behave more like a fluid than a force. When a magnet is spun and then stopped quickly, the Aspden effect reveals that energy is still spinning inside of it. A rotating magnetic disc that took 1000 joules of energy to reach a certain rotational speed can be abruptly stopped in its rotation, and if it is started again within 60 seconds, it will only take 100 joules to reach the same speed. This suggests that the magnetic energy is swirling around inside like water in a glass, even when the magnet is not moving.

5.9 The experiments of Donald Roth demonstrated a form of “magnetic memory.” The aether flow known as “magnetism” can be established in one localized area if the magnet is kept there for a long time, and then if the magnet is moved farther away, the force field that it established can continue flowing. This gives definite proof that the energy in the magnet is outside of the magnet itself.

5.10 The conventional explanation for a magnetic field is that it is caused by a given metal having a special north-south alignment of its molecules. In aetheric theory, this alignment forces the aetheric energy that creates the object to flow through it like a tube in a certain direction, instead of flowing in and out of it from all directions equally. This is the true definition of magnetism.

5.11 The fluidlike qualities of magnetic energy make a strong suggestion that vibration will play an important part in the behavior of “aetheric” energy.

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